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  • Josey-
    Don't know if the last message/reply took seed so I'll try THIS avenue.
    What's up w/ me:
    *Got married to a nice lady who moved to IN to get away from the Earthquakes & for more available Parking.
    * Getting the Art Bidness back off the ground after a Hiatus of 4 yrs. & getting rid of 2 Dishonest partners
    * Got a New House south (I LOVE THAT WORD) of Indy...Got two Dogs-(THAT was Hard after Truman shuffled off this mortal coil) named Molly the Lad & Chelsea the Beagle; BOTH are 24Karot CARTOONS
    * Saved my scheckles & Put a BAR in the Basement : "If I had my life to live over again, I beleive I'd Live over a Saloon." W.C.Fields
    That's ALL from this end . Hope You & yours are Safe from the Water & Happy as Clams...Does Eoin STILL have his Kepi?
    -Love & Kisses to 'The ROSE of MS.'
    As a matter of fact, I was shot down about 4 weeks ago...can't get as active as I once was til I trim down & get my 'sea-legs' back. How the heck are ya, Darlin' ? I ALWAYS scan the for the 'JoBelle' name when I'm here. Trust & Pray that ALL is well or, at the very least, Tolorable. You've a Special place in our hearts. Never Forget That. OK?
    -Yr. Buddy
    we are doin ok....lots of stuff has happened since last we chatted...lol

    life tends to hurl things at us like that...but I neednt explain that to YOU lol
    I'm glad you found your way back! I'm also recently back into the fold. Sometimes, life does get in the way. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well 🙂 Missed you!
    Sweet Lord! I am so happy to "see" you!

    Love you so much ....hope all is well with the family...
    You're a sight for sore eyes...if you even remember me or are still speaking to me. How the heck are you??
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