skulnbone7 Feb 13, 2015 What's up??? We haven't talked in awhile. How are you? How are things in Canada??? What part are you from??? Adrian
What's up??? We haven't talked in awhile. How are you? How are things in Canada??? What part are you from??? Adrian
P P PhilipRJ_UK Feb 11, 2012 Thanks for the feedback on the Katherine Jenkins story I wrote; always nice to hear that someone enjoyed reading it 🙂
Thanks for the feedback on the Katherine Jenkins story I wrote; always nice to hear that someone enjoyed reading it 🙂
abcd12345 Feb 10, 2012 thank! They are beautiful feet indeed. Its a wartenburg wheel
thank! They are beautiful feet indeed. Its a wartenburg wheel
E E Emishticklish Oct 22, 2011 Nope, they're both me. 🙂 My Girlfriend is in my Photos though. Thank you!
E E Emishticklish Oct 19, 2011 Oh, lots. Mideterms, my three month anniversary. Fighting with Ma. Lol You?
N N noahbailey Jul 24, 2011 Hey bro, did you read my story Ashley and Rachel? Did you like it, or did you think it sucked?