Hey NG02! Saw your profile and got interested when I read that you're a "big time movie buff"...so am I...mostly movies from the early 80's til now. Hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend and cordially invite you to play along in my "Let's Go To The Movies" game thread.
She did sign up for the forum but actually doesn't have a computer at the moment. Her name on here is Tahariel. But she is really more of a non judgmental friend. She and I have known each other for about 10 years so there really aren't any secrets left with us. Ria just wanted the chance to see what I am into and meet all the people I keep talking about. There may have been a little bit of converting. She had a good time learning about some restraints in Libertine and Kittentoes' class. I will be sure to tell her you say hello.
It was good to see you again too and get to chat a bit. Yes you sure did make an impression. That was the girl that came up with me to drop off Sunshine's present. She thought you were very good looking. HAHAHA! I can't believe you remember me saying that though. but yes she was rather impressed.
bwahahaha sorry 😛. I know the feeling. I have an audition on TUESDAY NIGHT at 8:45 that's kind of a big deal, so I can't get to focused on NEST until that's done with. 😛. Good luck at your fight!
Ahhaha, nice of you to ask! Well, lets just say I had visit from a dear friend who made me giggle quite a bit. Turned out to be a pretty good tickle session. Guess you can imagine how much fun it was 😉