K K KrazieDog Jul 25, 2009 Just saying hello to you and D this morning. I hope all is well out on the coast. 🙂
K K Kretelis May 5, 2009 Hey darlin. Was wonderful to see you again. Hopefully I'll get tossed back out to Cali before this project is over and you and Dvnc aren't busy. Hugs and pokes and all that uninvited touch stuff.
Hey darlin. Was wonderful to see you again. Hopefully I'll get tossed back out to Cali before this project is over and you and Dvnc aren't busy. Hugs and pokes and all that uninvited touch stuff.
A A Ayla ny Sep 25, 2008 "penny lane"... isn't that a song or something? 😉 I think I'm supposed to say "POP!!!!" or something... *innocent smile*
"penny lane"... isn't that a song or something? 😉 I think I'm supposed to say "POP!!!!" or something... *innocent smile*