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  • Just dropping by, stalking your posts a little bit, ya know, same thing a lot of other folks do so just thought I'd be honest 😛
    Thanks so much!! Its always great hearing from you, my friend!! Keep safe and of course, I will update you with anything major that comes down my path. You do the same 🙂
    Well thank ya. 🙂 I guess it is just life in general...work, family stuff, etc...but I will get through it. 🙂 I'm actually enjoying the cooler weather. This summer was way too hot for me. lol The weather has been perfect lately!
    Hello! I`m afraid I`ve been computerless for the past 10 months...THAT REALLY SUCKS!!! I hate not keeping up with everybody!I hope all is well with you.Are you back in school yet?

    Be well!
    Hey my friend!!! It has been a very long time and I apologize for not keeping in better contact. Things here have been really good but really hectic. I'll try to sum it up with a quick version: In March, my gf moved in, so I now have her with me all the time, plus her 3 kids (2 girls and a boy, ages 8, 14 and 17 respectively) So that's definitely been a challenge for sure. We all get along pretty well for the most part, so that's good. My girl is going to school full time and doing the Medical Assistant program at Pima Medical and she's doing really, really well. She likes it, to, which helps out a lot. I am gonna go see a counselor, soon, and see about getting back to school in the Fall. Most recently, I asked my gf to marry me and she said yes, so we're very excited. Right now we're occupied with a lot of house projects and such, so there's tons of stuff keeping us busy all the time, it seems. Stay safe and happy my friend!! Write any time!!
    Yeah it has been a long time. I saw you posted on something and thought. I need to message her... lol.. No, I didn't go to NEST. And I've been okay. 🙂 Did you go to NEST?
    Hey there! Saw it was your birthday today! Hope it was a good one for ya and you had fun celebrating it! Happy birthday! :hbday:
    Hey stranger. How ya been? Just saying hey since doesn't seem like you're on the forum much these days. Don't make me come find you wherever you're hiding 😛
    All is well. As you can tell, I have a similar problem with guaranteeing timely responses.
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