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  • Geezus! All these visitor messages and this is the first time I'm seeing them! I'm so sorry everyone! Please PM me so I see you!
    Hi, Tkl M28 ~.
    I'm korean man who's 37 yrs old now.
    I'm really really glad to meet you here.
    Because I hoped to meet foreigners living in South Korea and Loving tickling ... my email address is : [email protected]
    e-mail to me sooner or later. do you happen to speak and write Korean language, by any chance?? It doesn't matter if you use English
    when you communicate with me. I hope you reply to me or email to me soon.
    여기는 서울입니다.
    저는 31살입니다.나는 영어를 잘 못합니다.
    나는 여자들의 발을 간질이는것을 좋아 합니다.
    혹시 서울에 올 수 있습니까?
    서울에는 여자를 간지럽힐 수 있는 업소들이 많이 있어요.
    내가 영어를 좀 잘 할 수 있었으면 좋겟지만...당신과 친구가 되고 싶어요.
    혹시 한국어를 전혀 못하나요?
    한국에 온지는 얼마나 됐어요?
    핸드폰 있어요?
    Here is SEOUL.
    I'm 31years old. I can't speak English very well.
    I love to tickle girl's feet.
    Are you able to come to SEOUL?
    There are many stores in SEOUL that can tickle girls.
    I hope to become more fluently in speaking English.
    but I can't speak English very well.
    I want to be friends with you.
    Can't you speak Korea at all?
    How long have you been in Korea?
    Do you have a cell phone?
    I'll add them to the gathering section when someone tells me there's a gathering happening there, it's not like it takes no time to do this. But I do know we have some australian members, so I'll certainly add an australian and african sections to personals so you can hopefully set up gatherings in those areas 🙂
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