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Tina 10: Ticklish Legacy. F/f (part one) NEW! Excellent jump on point.


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Once again its been a while since I've posted any tales of ticklish adventures but after two failed starts at two separate stories I finally started on a 'new' tale.

This is the tenth story in the life of Tina, our sexy blonde orgasmic ticklee but for this one you don't have to have read the first 9 stories. Part one (below) recaps all of Tina's tickling adventures and begins a brand new one involving a sexy red head (I see TQLR's ears suddenly twitching :p )

I'm working on part two now. All of Tina's previous adventures can be found in the TMF's story archive section.

Hope you enjoy the story!:D

Note: Due to the summary jumping on at this point also saves you reading the insanley boring 9th Tina adventure which had barley any tickling in it but was quite important for continuity sake. :D :p


After over twenty years of bizzare ticklish torture fulled situations Tina Mason had at last come to peace with her bodies constant battle between loving being tickled and out right hating it. It began when the tall busty blonde was in her final year of high school, at 18 years old with a figure that could knock down a entire football team, the ditsy naive young girl was quickly and unwillingly thrown into the world of erotic tickle torture.

The first person to tickle her in a non-consensual and very torturous way was her math teacher at the time, Mr Lucas. Mr Lucas had developed a tutoring system in which he would tickle his female students as punishment, giving them more inscentive to work harder. Unfortunatley for Tina the tutoring was taken home where her parents continued the tickling and eventually even her sister and neighbours joined in. By the end of the first night her family had left the neighbours to it and Tina had been bound naked and tickled to hell and back.

As it happened Tina's life long next door neighbours, there in the southern suburbs of Elk City, had gained a great amount of enjoyment from tickling Tina that night and later proceeded to trick her into their attic where Mr and Mrs Laster tickled Tina until she reached several mind blowing orgasms. After her release Tina instantly began plotting revenge and on a break from college caught Mrs Laster off guard and the two woman locked in a tickle fight.

Mrs Laster turned out to be very ticklish indeed until a few concerned and nosey passers by heard pleading screams of laughter from the Laster house hold and called the police. When two police officers busted in it was revealed to Tina that Mrs Laster was in fact the honourable Judge Gina Laster of the Elk City courts.

From order of Mrs Laster the two policemen escorted the naked Tina out to a field and for several hours in the cool night air chased the hand cuffed bound Tina around the wet grassy paddocks, tickling her as they went. Left to exhaustion in the middle of nowhere on the out skirts of Elk City Tina lucklily woke up in a quaint little farm house where the couple who ran the farm had kindly carried her to rest in their daughters bed.

While at the house of the good samaritans Tina made the mistake of telling them exactley why they had found her naked in their fields. Intrigued by the idea the young city slicker had given them the older couple trapp Tina in their big red barn and gave her a right royal tickling, but it didn't stop there. When the couple's daughter, only a year or so younger than Tina, arrived home in her pick up truck ma and pa kettle handed the tickling fun over to the young girl who forced Tina into more exhausting orgasms.

After being returned to the city safe yet half tickled to death Tina moved into the central sky scraper dotted city and out of the suburbs. Gaining a job at the huge Elk City construction company the young business woman was doing quite well for herself until she was due for a promotion. The king pin of Elk City contruction, billionare eccentric Harry Deveno decided to throw Tina a huge staff promotion party in his office, with a twist. Tina's collegues took great delight in tapping Tina to Mr Deveno's large wooden desk and tickling the poor girl insane. Mr Deveno had done a bit of research and found out about Tina's unwanted sexual pleasure from the ticklish touch.

An added and unwelcome bonus followed the promotional party when Tina discovered Mr Deveno had hired two dominatrix' to tickle torture Tina even futher beyond her bodies limits. Tina tickle battled with the two woman in their unescapable apartment for several hours before finally escaping, her mind confused as to whether she really did like tickling despite hating it so much. Tina was even tickled to orgasm when she returned to Elk City contruction to collect her things after resigning, the copy boy had trapped her in the copy room and wouldn't let her go until she came her sweet little panties.

The next incident was a few months later. Tina had found a job working for a travel company based in Elk City and was doing research in Miami when an old collegue, an unrecognisable man called Jerry showed up at her hotel room door. Jerry had missed out on tickling Tina at the promotional party and had since developed a mild obsession with Tina. Much to Tina's unwillingness Jerry took great pleasuer in tickling Tina all around her hotel room.

When it was seeming rather hopeless that Tina would ever find peace from the tickling torture people were bound to give her Tina found hope in a day care job in the rich district of her home town, Elk City. Tina's job was to make sure a young teenage girl got to school and behaved while her succesful lawyer mother was away on business. Tina took cruel sadistic pleasue in letting out all her tickle rage revenge on the unfortunate victim. Tina was later arrested when the girls mother came home and caught Tina torturing her girl.

Tina became infamous in Elk City as 'Miss Tickler' as a result of the incident and on the night before her trial was tickled by a handsom guard called Reese Mason. The two had passionate tickle sex and Tina was returned to her cell where the next guard was waiting to tickle her more.

To Tina's surprise Mrs Laster was the judge of the Miss Tickler case and as Mrs Laster's final 'gift' secretly bound Tina in the judges quaters and tickle tortured her. Tina served two years Elk City Woman's correctional institute where inmates and guards alike wasted no time turning the pretty blonde into their vunerable tickle slave.

Not long after her release Tina was back living in the city when her fathers old friend Ray payed her a visit. Tina had matured a lot since going into prison and was shocked when Ray began tickling her without consent. Ray had tickled Tina to tears many times when she was a child but this time she was a grown woman. Worst of all Ray was the only one person who Tina's most ticklish spot of all. It was common knowlagde Tina would scream bloody murder when tickled on her feet but if someone were to slip a finger inbetween her middle toes and wiggle it just right Tina would almost die.

After Ray got his fill it was a long time before the next and thankfully very short tickling incident. Jerry, the man who had tickled Tina in Miami, had set up a very succesful tickling based website. Promising the internet tickling community the best tickling they'd ever seen Jerry was true to his word. Kidnapping Tina and the first student Mr Lucas had tickle tutored Jerry bound the two woman, naked, in his basement where he and some fellow tickle enthusiasts, including Mr Lucas, tickled the girls live over the internet.

Thankfully for the two tortured women Jerry's pay-per-view tickle expo was short lived when a S.W.A.T team busted in and arrested Jerry. The other ticklers got away freely out a window but to Tina's delightful surprise one of the S.W.A.T officers was Reese Mason, the guard who had made passionate love to her before her trial almost three years before.

Reese and Tina quickly fell for eachother and by the time Tina was in her early forties (still stunningly attractive and often mistaken for her early 30's) Tina and Reese had a lovley suburban home and two wonderful children. Reese wasn't home all that often being police cheif and when he was understood Tina's hatred for being tickled. Although on occasion Tina would find herself in the torturous embrace of her husband, usually followed by loving and fantastic sex.

Tina's son, Greg at eighteen was a film student. One day Greg and his two fellow film student friends, Randy and Jake were filming a short film around the house. Tina had gotten the part of damseel in destress and was tied to a chair. The camera had some problems and Greg was forced to drive back into town to pick up some parts, while he was away Randy and Jake delighted in showing their friends mother a very ticklish time.

For Tina, the two young men tickling her was a revalation. It wasn't until they had nearly finished with her Tina came to peace with the tickling battle inside of her and began to love it. That pretty much brings up to speed on the life of our ticklish heroine Tina.

It wasn't long before Greg, Randy and Jake all traveled off to another state for film school. Within the couple of short weeks before they left Randy and Jake probably spent more time at the Mason house hold then Greg, Reese or Phillipa, Tina's daughter. Tina had the most fun of her life letting the two young men chase her naked ticklish body all around the house. Tina felt free and boys had nothing to complain about either.

Phillipa was turned eighteen not long after her older brother had left for film school and was very much like her mother in figure. Phillipa's hair was darker due to her father's jet black hair she was a light headed brunette. Phillipa's hair reached just below her shoulders but people never took much notice of her hair. Phillipa was insanley attractive, at a young eighteen she had a slim figure with the longest legs you ever did see and breasts to rival any unaturally buffed hollywood actress.

Phillipa knew nothing of her mother's kinky past and had yet even conceive anything remotley like tickle torture. Phillipa was ticklish of course, probably even more so than her mother but it was only her friends and the occasional boyfriend that would give her the quick random tickle, nothing excessive.

Hannah Carmicheal was Phillipa's best friend. The two girls had a lot in common and had become fast friends when Hannah had moved to Elk City from New York in their first year of high school. Hannah stood about an inch taller than Phillpa's 5'8 frame and her bright red hair went in a straight line to the sexy curved small of her back. Hannah was gorgeus. When Hannah walked anywhere she and her cat like jade green eyes got noticed. When Hannah and Phillipa walked anywhere together...they got no-oh-ohticed.

Without the boys to chase her around all day Tina had spent the last couple of weeks quite tickle starved. After cleaning the entire house five times within the first three days Tina quickly grew bored. T.V didn't quench her thirst and the sexy blonde house wife spent pretty much every minute alone sitting on the internet or watching tickling videos she had ordered while sitting on the internet. Tina didn't mind which way the tickling went, she would be happy to be the tickler or the ticklee so on the afternoons when Phillipa would bring Hannah home after school Tina had to force herself to go shopping or leave the house for some reason. The idea of getting her hands on that sexy young red head drove her mad with lust.

It was a gusty old Spring afternoon when Tina finally for her wish and was able to feed on tickling. Hannah had arranged to meet Phillipa at her house after school but by the time Phillipa phoned Hannah's cell to tell her Phillipa and her field tripping class had got stuck in traffic, Hannah had just hopped off the bus out the front of the Mason household. Hannah didn't live within walking distance so the two girls decided it would probably be best for Hannah to wait until Phillipa got home.

"Hannah?" Tina said pleasently as she opened the front door having just closed all internet windows on the PC. "Where's Phillipa...did she not come with you?"

"She was on that history field trip." Hannah explained as she stepped in the front door and slipped her white lace up shoes off revealing sweet little white socks covering no doubt perfect and hopefully very ticklish feet. "She just called and said their stuck in traffic or something...coming back from the city this time of day...something about rush hour and an accident or whatever."

"Maybe theres something on the t.v about it?" Tina said as she nearly had to slap herself from starring at Hannah's feet. "Turn the t.v on there...would you like a drink or anything?"

"Oh, I'm fine...no thankyou." Hannah declined politley as the two godesses walked out of the entrance way and into the cozy warm living room.

"I'll be in in a second, call me if theres anything on." Tina said walking into the kitchen while Hannah sat on the soft cushy couch and clicked on the wide screen t.v searching for news of an accident in the city.

Only one wall away Tina was nearly having a fit. Fit to burst mostly. What would she do? Last time she tickled someone outside of prison she ended up in prison. Surley it could start inoccently enough? No, no thats how it happened last time. It always starts innoccently and then WHAM! Your in jail. Tina couldn't go to jail, not just because he husband was a police cheif but it would destory her kids lives.

"Alright...alright." Tina whispered to herself trying to be rational about this as she guzzled down a glass of cool water and splashed some of it onto her flush red cheeks.

No problem, Tina thought. Tina decided that as long as she didn't get carried away she could still have a little tickle fun. But what to do? Tina couldn't just walk out there and jump the unsuspecting girl. Bing! It suddenly hit her. Even Tina was surprised at the deviosness of her plan. Tina had tried many things to keep her mind of tickling the last few weeks resulting in many failed pass times. One of those happened to be sewing.

"Anything on the news?" Tina asked walking back into the living room now slightly more composed.

"Something about a boat and some ducks or something but I was watching the music channel." Hannah commented while admiring the surround sound and state of the art entertainment system. "How many channels do you have here? I found one they were speaking all french."

"You've been coming around this house for almost five years and never flicked through the channels?" Tina joked as she walked in front of the t.v and towards the door they entered in. "Don't you and Phillipa ever watch t.v?"

"Oh yeah, but she never lets me have the remote." Hannah laughed as she muted the t.v seeing that Tina was about to continue their conversation.

"Well if theres nothing on do you think you could help me with something up stairs? I'd get Phillipa to do it other wise but seeing as your here." Tina began stage one of her plan while standing on the edge of the carpeted stairs.

"What did you have in mind?" The beuatiful red head asked as she kindly stood up and began to follow Tina's cute seductive butt up the stairs of the rather large suburban home.

"Oh I've been working on this skirt for Phillipa but I haven't had time for it latley and she's hardly ever here." Tina lied convincingly, she had a skirt but not for anyone imparticular. "Your about her waist size so it should work."

Hannah was already wearing a sleek light blue skirt which came about half way down her smooth thys. Along with that were only her white socks and white designer t-shirt. Hannah had removed her sweater when she stepped into the warm air conditioned house from the windy day outside.

"Here!" Tina said pleased with herself as she pulled a patchy looking piece of material from the closet. "I know it doesn't look like much but I'm new to this."

Hannah took the skirt and Tina stepped outside closing Hannah inside her bedroom. Tina leant against the wall with a slight thump trying her best to contain her excitement. That sexy young and hope to all hopefully ticklish girl was probably half naked in there right now but it wasn't time just yet. Soon Tina thought with barley controllable glee, very soon.

"O.k its fits." Hannah's voice came as she opened the door standing in the raggady red concuction that reached just above her knees. "Could do with shortening."

"I think your right." Tina said thinking Hannah had just read her mind. "Stand up on the bed and I'll see where I screwed up."

Tina hadn't screwed up at all, not with this master plan. Everything was going perfectly while Tina watched as Hannah raised above her, the young girls enormous breasts looming almost in Tina's face. Looking as if she knew what she was doing and trying not to pounce on Hannah right then and there Tina began fiddling with the bottom of the skirt and raising it up Hannah's long suculent legs.

"I think I need to take it to about here." Tina said giving a quick dance of her fingers on the inside of Hannah's sensitive thy.

"Hee, sorry, ticklish." Hannah said with her angelic voice as she flinched giving the desired reaction to Tina's sneaky test.

"Tickle tickle" Tina teased raising her hands up with wiggling fingers towards Hannah's tummy.

"Eep! No!" Hannah playfully prostested as she stood back and clumbsly fell backwards onto the soft matress. "EEE Heehhe!"

Hannah squealed with a fit of ticklish giggles as Tina jumped on top of her pinning her sexy wriggling hips to the bed as Tina kneeled over the young woman's mid section. Hannah's giggles increased to laughter as Tina poked randomly as her ticklish t-shirt covered sides and tummy. Hannah's legs flaieled about maddingly while her arms weakly and uselessly tried to bat Tina away.

"EEEhee hee hee! Stop! Tina!" Hannah begged playfully for mercy from the extreme tickling sensations running around her torso as her bouncy breasts danced to the vibrations. "Hahah ahahah Stahahap!"

"Ohh you really are ticklish!" Tina teased as she delighted in the squeals and tickled laughter of her new pet.

Hannah's laughter turned up a notch when Tina's curious fingers suddenly slipped up under her shirt and onto Hannah's bare ticklish skin. While Tina was quickly moistening her pretty pink panties and her nipples were hardening from tickle lust Hannah was simply regarding it as nothing more than playful fun, no different to the pillow fights she would have with friends.

To be continued....
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