.....man, I wish I knew where I stood as far as this all goes......I mean, on the one hand, realtickling clips are nice, and worth shelling out some bucks for....but on the other hand, oh, never mind, the other hand is busy with those free footparadise clips I just snagged off of a yahoo group......wait, maybe I should start over...
....when it comes to video clips, I will never again pay for them, and that's only because they're clips that stay on your computer, and they could be deleted forever, if say, your hard drive gets wiped by a virus, which is exactly what happened to me a few months back, completely eradicating all the clips I had gotten for free, and had purchased through sites like tickle party.....so, I can understand when people say that they don't want to pay for clips.....it's more of a gamble than actually buying a video, and knowing that it will still be there next to your copy of reservoir dogs the next day......that's just basically all there is to it......and, now that I've said my piece, I'm gonna go over to the rocking's page...later.......