This is an account of my gf being tickled before we started dating.
Now this next one I have invited a young pup(some newly turned 18 year old kid apparently desperate to loose his virginity) over just to watch a movie and unbeknownst to me turns out he showed up thinking that he was going to get laid. Now we had talked as just friends for awhile on Whisper and had even hung out before once or twice with NO sexual tension (at least on my part).
We were sitting on the futon a decent distance between us. We were just sitting and watching the movie talking occasionally. And I'm not 100% sure what started it but I'm pretty sure it was him randomly asking if I was ticklish to try and have an "innocent" excuse to touch me.
"Yeah. . .?" I said confused.
He then proceeded to lightly tickle me in little spurts gauging how I would react to him tickling me. He first went for my right armpit which was nearest him. And he would tickle up and down my side using the spider technique and I was giggling and squirming a bit trying to block his attempts with my arm and he would just move and target were my arm was not.
Of course I was beckoning him to stop and at first he listened but then would start back up again. And the more he did it the farther I scooted away. And he was tickling me on and off for a good 20 minutes to a half an hour of the movie or so. At this point I was all the way over pressed up against the left arm of the futon and he had scooted right up next to me. He said he would stop again for me to put my guard down. And then he put his arm outstretched behind me on the back of the futon. And I could already see where his mind was at. I mean that is like the oldest trick in the book.
He only waited a minute or so and then got me from both sides. I don't know how but I was still surprised and he made me jump out of my skin alone from his sudden movement let alone the tickling onslaught that he unleashed on me in less than a few seconds. I was sparing all over the place but still I couldn't get away. He was savagely tickling me now. Really digging in to my sides and ribs and armpits. And I fighting just as hard to block him. He tickled me for a good 4 minutes at least I'd say. It seemed like awhile at the time. I think I recall trying to stand up once or twice but him grabbing me and pulling me back down. All the while he was doing this I was telling him to stop. In a more serious voice than before but not too aggressive. But I was also laughing erratically so it was hard to sound stern and serious. He was also uncomfortably close. He was definitely trying to come on to me. I remember him keeping his face super close to mine so I faced away almost the entire time. Until finally I was able to escape his tickling grasp. I stood up farther than an arms length away.
And then I told him still breathless that if he tickled me anymore that I was going to kick him out. He said he'd promise he'd stop. He even scooted over. So I sat back down. I folded my knee and tucked my left leg underneath me. So I was sitting on my left foot with my sole facing him with my right leg hanging off the front of the futon normally. And he was still fairly close. Closer then I was sitting next to him at the very beginning anyway.
And he didn't tickle me for the longest time. Until almost the end of the movie. Then he asked me if my feet were ticklish. And I'm all like "uh. . .nooooo." playfully lying. Lol
So he go my perfectly exposed sole I'd say at about medium force. Not as hard as he got my sides earlier but harder than the first time he tickled me. And my reaction to try and escape resulted directly in me handing my other foot to him. I pulled my left foot away and turned toward him but scooted away from him which then stuck my right foot right by his legs. Which he quickly reached down and got my other foot. Then I instantly pulled away and he came after my sides again. Tickling them just as cruelly as before. But this time I was farther away from him and was able to dodge his grabby fingers easier. And he stopped after trying to tickle me a time or two more. Because I have grabbed his wrists and forced them away from me. And he was good until he got up to leave.
I got up to show him to the door I walked around the futon on his side and he followed me to show him out. That's when he sprung one final tickling attack from behind me. His hands raced and clung to my sides best they could while I ran/spun to get away and he chased after me. I got about to my kitchen counter before I felt that his hands weren't on me(a good 10 feet away from where he started tickling me from). Then he retreated to the door to leave. And I dis-trustingly showed him out but he did not tickle me again. And then he left after tickle raping me to death
Only reason I knew that he had sex in mind was because as he was leaving he pulled a condom out of his wallet and showed it to me and made some comment about not knowing how our time together would go and he wanted to be prepared. Phew was that awkward. :3
Now this next one I have invited a young pup(some newly turned 18 year old kid apparently desperate to loose his virginity) over just to watch a movie and unbeknownst to me turns out he showed up thinking that he was going to get laid. Now we had talked as just friends for awhile on Whisper and had even hung out before once or twice with NO sexual tension (at least on my part).
We were sitting on the futon a decent distance between us. We were just sitting and watching the movie talking occasionally. And I'm not 100% sure what started it but I'm pretty sure it was him randomly asking if I was ticklish to try and have an "innocent" excuse to touch me.
"Yeah. . .?" I said confused.
He then proceeded to lightly tickle me in little spurts gauging how I would react to him tickling me. He first went for my right armpit which was nearest him. And he would tickle up and down my side using the spider technique and I was giggling and squirming a bit trying to block his attempts with my arm and he would just move and target were my arm was not.
Of course I was beckoning him to stop and at first he listened but then would start back up again. And the more he did it the farther I scooted away. And he was tickling me on and off for a good 20 minutes to a half an hour of the movie or so. At this point I was all the way over pressed up against the left arm of the futon and he had scooted right up next to me. He said he would stop again for me to put my guard down. And then he put his arm outstretched behind me on the back of the futon. And I could already see where his mind was at. I mean that is like the oldest trick in the book.
He only waited a minute or so and then got me from both sides. I don't know how but I was still surprised and he made me jump out of my skin alone from his sudden movement let alone the tickling onslaught that he unleashed on me in less than a few seconds. I was sparing all over the place but still I couldn't get away. He was savagely tickling me now. Really digging in to my sides and ribs and armpits. And I fighting just as hard to block him. He tickled me for a good 4 minutes at least I'd say. It seemed like awhile at the time. I think I recall trying to stand up once or twice but him grabbing me and pulling me back down. All the while he was doing this I was telling him to stop. In a more serious voice than before but not too aggressive. But I was also laughing erratically so it was hard to sound stern and serious. He was also uncomfortably close. He was definitely trying to come on to me. I remember him keeping his face super close to mine so I faced away almost the entire time. Until finally I was able to escape his tickling grasp. I stood up farther than an arms length away.
And then I told him still breathless that if he tickled me anymore that I was going to kick him out. He said he'd promise he'd stop. He even scooted over. So I sat back down. I folded my knee and tucked my left leg underneath me. So I was sitting on my left foot with my sole facing him with my right leg hanging off the front of the futon normally. And he was still fairly close. Closer then I was sitting next to him at the very beginning anyway.
And he didn't tickle me for the longest time. Until almost the end of the movie. Then he asked me if my feet were ticklish. And I'm all like "uh. . .nooooo." playfully lying. Lol
So he go my perfectly exposed sole I'd say at about medium force. Not as hard as he got my sides earlier but harder than the first time he tickled me. And my reaction to try and escape resulted directly in me handing my other foot to him. I pulled my left foot away and turned toward him but scooted away from him which then stuck my right foot right by his legs. Which he quickly reached down and got my other foot. Then I instantly pulled away and he came after my sides again. Tickling them just as cruelly as before. But this time I was farther away from him and was able to dodge his grabby fingers easier. And he stopped after trying to tickle me a time or two more. Because I have grabbed his wrists and forced them away from me. And he was good until he got up to leave.
I got up to show him to the door I walked around the futon on his side and he followed me to show him out. That's when he sprung one final tickling attack from behind me. His hands raced and clung to my sides best they could while I ran/spun to get away and he chased after me. I got about to my kitchen counter before I felt that his hands weren't on me(a good 10 feet away from where he started tickling me from). Then he retreated to the door to leave. And I dis-trustingly showed him out but he did not tickle me again. And then he left after tickle raping me to death
Only reason I knew that he had sex in mind was because as he was leaving he pulled a condom out of his wallet and showed it to me and made some comment about not knowing how our time together would go and he wanted to be prepared. Phew was that awkward. :3