don't look at me, Ray...i work hard every day to keep myself fit...but man do i see the overweight here...and many so young...weight has been an obsession with me ever since well ever since i can highschool i was too skinny...barely reaching 89 those were the days...and even that skinny i still made majorette...but when i first married, i went overboard..and made all sorts of fattening meals..i was like a kid set free with her own easy bake oven...and i gained a good bit...then i went on a vendetta and made myself lose...and stayed 105 until i reached forty...then middle age and myself had a the moment hmm i'm probably 125 which is too much for my size...i'm small boned..but i'm fighting menopause, which is a weight gainer in and of itself, plus i quit smoking a year and a half ago...
but i will never get over weight...however as i get older now..i find that as long as i keep a healthy outlook on life and keep my weight in check...i don't obsess as i once long as i look and stay a normal weight, that's fine with me..