3rd Level Orange Feather
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Amusement Park Hysteria
By ShadowTklr
Peggy was very excited about the coming of the new amusement park. Ever since she was a little girl, she has always loved the amusement park. All the games and rides. The fun house, and, especially, the house of horrors. There was something about being frightened that Peggy enjoyed. She wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was a feeling of helplessness. An escape from the everyday, run-of-the-mill lifestyle. Perhaps it was because she could allow herself to become entranced by the ghosts, and goblins, knowing that no harm would come to her. Whatever the reason was, it was surely an obsession with Peggy. She had a macabre sense of adventure, and amusement. She was always the first one to go to the latest horror films, no matter how gruesome, and she seemed unusually excited by tales of Medieval torture chambers, and descriptions of unusual torments.
One of Peggy's favorite accounts, was that of Tickle torture. She was very excited by the thought of this type of punishment. Of course, being as ticklish as she was, Peggy could only imagine the madness it must have brought it's unfortunate victims, but it fascinated her just the same.
It was a comfortably warm Saturday evening, when Peggy went to the debut of the new amusement park. The stars were shining brightly, and a warm whisper of a breeze, whisked it's way through the crowded park. Because this was the debut weekend for the park, it would be open all night. The weather couldn't be better, and the turnout was fantastic.
To Peggy's utter delight, she was to find out that the park offered the largest horror house for 15 states! It was a feature attraction that sported a special sideline attraction called "Dungeon Masters." The theme of this attraction was "Real Drama" as it would have happened in 15th and 16th century Europe. Supposedly, there were to be recreations of actual tortures, performed on torture equipment, painstakingly detailed to that of the actual instruments used in their time.
As it turned out, it seemed that the "Dungeon Masters" attraction was the biggest success of the evening, handling lines some 500 people long. Outside the horror house, which looked more like a Transylvanian castle, there were robed figures, both male and female, with ghoulish masks and make-up, coaxing patrons to the line. From inside the castle, were heard hideous screams, and ghoulish moans. Maniacal laughter permeated the soft evening air. Excited and anticipatory guests waited patiently for their turn to enter the evil dwelling.
After waiting on the long line for a while, it seemed obvious that Peggy was not going to get into the attraction any time soon, but she had an idea! Being the spoiled daddy's girl that she was, and not wanting to wait for anything, she decided that there must be a better way to get into that castle. Not only soon, but also, free! Looking at the tall 23 year old brunette, one would never figure her to be the type so bold and spoiled, as to risk breaking a line that size just to get into a fun house. But that's exactly what this beauty intended to do.
She walked around to the back of the castle-like building, and unsuspectingly, sneaked under the security fence. Everyone was so busy having fun, that they thought nothing of this. Peggy worked her way closer to the building a little at a time, hiding behind bushes on her way.
There in the back, was a large, wooden door, bearing a large sign that read: DO NOT ENTER! TRESPASSERS WILL BE SEVERELY DEALT WITH! THIS MEANS YOU!
Peggy thought how easy it would be to say that she got lost.What's the worst they could do to her. She could charm her way out of anything. Ignoring the sign, Peggy pressed the lever on the large door to find that, to her surprise, it was opened. Perhaps the owners thought no one would try to get in through there, being there was a sign and all.
Peggy opened the door slowly, peeking in both directions as she entered. As she crept slowly inside, she could hear the ghastly sounds clearer.
Peggy could hear the distant chatter and occasional excited screams of the visitors, but each turn she made, seemed to lead her farther away. Now she was really in trouble. She couldn't find the crowd, or the exit! In the realization of being in a purgatory between escape and discovery, Peggy could feel her heart beating faster, and harder. Suddenly, the desire to gain her objective seemed weaker. It wasn't quite so important as it was before.
She turned another corner. Something leapt out at her! It was only a plastic monster. As the sounds of the crowd seemed closer, Peggy figured she was not far from salvation.
One of the two robed figures swung open a door. The door marked the entrance to a large room. Peggy asked in a concerned voice.
Her back was pressed up against a thick wooden post, and her wrists were bound behind her back, around it, with several loops of braided rope. As one figure tied her hands, the other sat on her legs to keep them from kicking. Peggy was fighting as hard as she could, but to no avail. After her wrists were secured, each figure held a leg, and began removing the corresponding slipper.
The struggling girl's ankles were firmly placed on what felt like a padded ledge. It wasn't until she heard the "Bang" of wood on wood, that she realized she could not move her ankles. Whatever they had placed her in, was holding her fast, with no slack for mobility! After a few seconds, it occurred to Peggy what she had been placed in.
Suddenly, and with no warning, a gag, with a long strap was fitted into the terrified girl's mouth, and buckled tightly around the pole, pinning her head to it. Her head was now completely immobile, and her eyes were wide with fear and anxiety as they scanned the room for some kind of clue where she was. The two captors exited the room, leaving poor Peggy bound helplessly and unable to speak!
After about 15 minutes, she could hear what sounded like pipe organ music in the distance. The sound grew closer and closer, and Peggy strained to scream for help. As the eerie music played on, a dim, red light went on, slightly illuminating the room with an iridescent glow. What Peggy saw was shocking. She gasped at the sight. The room she was in, was decorated exactly like a medieval dungeon, complete with manacles on the mortar, and stone walls. Her situation became even more desperate as she saw part of the wall in front of her slide open to reveal a giant, Plexi-Glass, viewing window! Standing on the other side of it, wee all the people who paid for their tickets to see this!
Peggy became absolutely frantic at this point, trying to reach someone out there with her pleading eyes. She struggled, but it was just no use. Her bondage was genuine, and final. There was no room for movement. The only part of her body that could move effectively, were her bare feet and toes.
Of course, the crowd figured she was wiggling to demonstrate her helplessness. Peggy screamed as best she could, but the sound was effectively muffled by the gag. Her eyes scanned the crowd, desperately, praying that someone would figure out her awful plight.
Just then, the two figures reentered the room. She can see them now. They are two men, wearing hooded robes, with crosses embroidered on the front. One of them picked up a nearby microphone, and addressed the crowd:
Suddenly, she could see them reentering her view. One was holding a stiff turkey feather, and the other was wielding a soft-bristled brush. Peggy's stomach dropped hard as she realized what was about to happen to her. Her greatest fascination, and, greatest fear, was about to come true in the most horrible way! Her incredibly desperate attempts to escape just seemed to rivet the crowd more intensely to her spectacle.
As the first man lowered the feather toward her helpless bare right foot, Peggy squinted her eyes tightly in an attempt to block out the feeling. The stiff feather was applied in long steady drags, from heel to toe tips, across the quivering wrinkled bare sole. Peggy wiggled her toes quickly in hopes of changing her mind's attention from the tickling to the physical movement, but her tormentor was skilled, and persisted with the tickling administrations in steady, unwavering motion.
Soon, the poor girl's senses could no longer hold out, and she began to laugh. The torturer immediately withdrew, as if to taunt poor Peggy with the realization of her helplessness, and what was going to be done to her. It is now time for the second man to administer his torture too. On Peggy's bound left foot, tickling, just under the toes, in short staccato strokes with his horse hair brush. The sensations of this tickling, sent Peggy crazy from the start. She began laughing very hard. The laughing quickly turned to screams and pleading. After about 30 seconds, he too, withdrew. By now, Peggy was frantic. There was no way she wanted that done to her again. She knew she could not stand to be tickled. Tickling was one of her worst fears in life!
And to be tickled while bound helplessly, was just unthinkable. She would do anything to free herself. The crowd peered in amazement as the tormentors renewed their tickling attack on Peggy's bound, bare feet. Only this time, there would be no stopping. The feather was sliding around the spasmodically wiggling toes of one foot, while the brush was gently scrubbing the heel and instep of the other.
Peggy's laughter increased in volume and pitch as the tickling persisted. She was desperately trying to move her feet out of the way of the tickling, screaming hysterical, laughing, crying and begging, all at the same time. Her mind was racing in furious panic as she prayed for the tickling of her feet to stop. She could not bear it. Tears were stroking her hysterical, red face, and her limbs were growing tired from the involuntary muscle spasms caused by the tickling torture! Despite Peggy's obvious Hellish agony, her tormentors were not letting up! Instead, they were expanding their torture of this poor girl, to her legs. They dropped their tickling tools, and began sliding their fingers up her bare, soft legs, making sure to tickle the backs of her calves and thighs. As one tickled her legs, the other started tickling her helpless knees, kneading with abandon, just above the knee caps, which caused such violent spasms of laughter, that Peggy figured someone would have to see that she was being tortured for real!
The pretend Inquisitors were making mental notes of poor Peggy's most ticklish parts, returning to each, time after time after time. The helpless creature was a pathetic sight of tortured female nerve endings. The persistent tickling was rapidly turning this beautiful young woman into a mindless hysterical muscle spasm!
The crowd was silent, and completely glued to the activity. They all seemed amazed at the acting ability of this woman. How could anyone stand that much tickling? Peggy's eyes seemed to scream out at the audience.
Her red, tear blurred eyes blinked, and squinted rapidly under her tormented duress. Her neck muscles peaked, and strained as her tender throat unleashed burst, after burst of torture laughter. Her stomach muscles tightened harder with each unrelenting tickling attack on her incredibly ticklish rib cage. As her sadistic tormentors spent minute, after eternal minute, tickling her helpless upper thighs, and ribs, Peggy's toes wiggled aimlessly at the gawking crowd. Her endless toe wiggling cased gentle wrinkles on her pretty pink soles.
The fire Peggy felt throughout her trapped body, had now spread to her nipples and loins. As the tickling continued without stop, moving back down to behind her soft knees, she could feet her womanhood becoming swollen and hot with excitement. It was beginning to throb and pulsate like nothing she had ever felt before. It yearned to be touched, to be satisfied, but all she would get, would be more. . .More tickling. Her naked heels became the focal point of both tormentors, using their nails to lightly scratch the delicate skin there. Her situation had become dire at this point, and she was sure she would be tickled to death. The crowd was eagerly savoring every second of this Hellish torture. Her spectacle probed to be a fascinating, and entertaining sight for the visitors.
As the heel tickling progressed in intensity, Peggy's mind began to go numb. Her eyes were ill focused, and her pussy was unbearably swollen with excitement. If only one of these tormentors would just accidentally touch her there. She is sure she would come from just the slightest brush of his hand. But. . .nothing. Nothing but tickling! The tormentors have returned full strength to Peggy's bound bare feet, paying almost exclusive attention to her wriggling toes. Twenty fingers tickled the wildly spasming toes, as Peggy found the strength for a new onslaught of screaming laughter from the unbearable titillating tickling of her toes.
By this time, Peggy was just about ready to explode, whether she was touched there, or not. Her body was operating at full overload capacity. Her brain was burning with sensory overload, and her limbs and diaphragm ached from excessive spasming. Her humiliation was peaking as her head was pinned toward the peering crowd, and her bare, ticklish feet and toes were being abused by the endless manipulation of them by these sadist's skilled fingertips.
She could not stand another second. Her nipples were clearly visible through her burlap garment. They felt like they are going to pop from the swelling, sexual tension. Peggy let out one final piercing scream that was laced with a torrential orgasm, the likes she has never experienced. Then, she passed out cold!
When she awoke, she was strapped to a rack, and could not move a single muscle. Her arms were stretched high over her head, and her ankles were locked in another set of stocks at the foot of the rack, again, revealing her tender, bare feet for whatever abuse her tormentors might see fit. Her body was twitching from the torturous tickling ordeal, and her erogenous zones were tingling with sexual sensitivity. The gag had been replaced with a cylindrical piece of cork, held in place with rope. From the corner of her eye, Peggy could see the viewing window, only this time, with a different crowd outside. The robed man picked up the microphone, and began to speak:
Ladies and gentlemen; of all the things you have seen tonight, few can compare to what you are about to witness." Peggy's eyes sprang open with insane fear!
Her mind could muster one thought
The End
By ShadowTklr
Peggy was very excited about the coming of the new amusement park. Ever since she was a little girl, she has always loved the amusement park. All the games and rides. The fun house, and, especially, the house of horrors. There was something about being frightened that Peggy enjoyed. She wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was a feeling of helplessness. An escape from the everyday, run-of-the-mill lifestyle. Perhaps it was because she could allow herself to become entranced by the ghosts, and goblins, knowing that no harm would come to her. Whatever the reason was, it was surely an obsession with Peggy. She had a macabre sense of adventure, and amusement. She was always the first one to go to the latest horror films, no matter how gruesome, and she seemed unusually excited by tales of Medieval torture chambers, and descriptions of unusual torments.
One of Peggy's favorite accounts, was that of Tickle torture. She was very excited by the thought of this type of punishment. Of course, being as ticklish as she was, Peggy could only imagine the madness it must have brought it's unfortunate victims, but it fascinated her just the same.
It was a comfortably warm Saturday evening, when Peggy went to the debut of the new amusement park. The stars were shining brightly, and a warm whisper of a breeze, whisked it's way through the crowded park. Because this was the debut weekend for the park, it would be open all night. The weather couldn't be better, and the turnout was fantastic.
To Peggy's utter delight, she was to find out that the park offered the largest horror house for 15 states! It was a feature attraction that sported a special sideline attraction called "Dungeon Masters." The theme of this attraction was "Real Drama" as it would have happened in 15th and 16th century Europe. Supposedly, there were to be recreations of actual tortures, performed on torture equipment, painstakingly detailed to that of the actual instruments used in their time.
As it turned out, it seemed that the "Dungeon Masters" attraction was the biggest success of the evening, handling lines some 500 people long. Outside the horror house, which looked more like a Transylvanian castle, there were robed figures, both male and female, with ghoulish masks and make-up, coaxing patrons to the line. From inside the castle, were heard hideous screams, and ghoulish moans. Maniacal laughter permeated the soft evening air. Excited and anticipatory guests waited patiently for their turn to enter the evil dwelling.
After waiting on the long line for a while, it seemed obvious that Peggy was not going to get into the attraction any time soon, but she had an idea! Being the spoiled daddy's girl that she was, and not wanting to wait for anything, she decided that there must be a better way to get into that castle. Not only soon, but also, free! Looking at the tall 23 year old brunette, one would never figure her to be the type so bold and spoiled, as to risk breaking a line that size just to get into a fun house. But that's exactly what this beauty intended to do.
She walked around to the back of the castle-like building, and unsuspectingly, sneaked under the security fence. Everyone was so busy having fun, that they thought nothing of this. Peggy worked her way closer to the building a little at a time, hiding behind bushes on her way.
There in the back, was a large, wooden door, bearing a large sign that read: DO NOT ENTER! TRESPASSERS WILL BE SEVERELY DEALT WITH! THIS MEANS YOU!
Peggy thought how easy it would be to say that she got lost.What's the worst they could do to her. She could charm her way out of anything. Ignoring the sign, Peggy pressed the lever on the large door to find that, to her surprise, it was opened. Perhaps the owners thought no one would try to get in through there, being there was a sign and all.
Peggy opened the door slowly, peeking in both directions as she entered. As she crept slowly inside, she could hear the ghastly sounds clearer.
"Pre-recorded sound effects." She rationalized.
She came upon long corridors that were very dark, and the deeper she dwelled, the darker it got. After turning endless corners, and bumping into many walls, it occurred to her. "I'm lost, for real!"
Peggy could hear the distant chatter and occasional excited screams of the visitors, but each turn she made, seemed to lead her farther away. Now she was really in trouble. She couldn't find the crowd, or the exit! In the realization of being in a purgatory between escape and discovery, Peggy could feel her heart beating faster, and harder. Suddenly, the desire to gain her objective seemed weaker. It wasn't quite so important as it was before.
She turned another corner. Something leapt out at her! It was only a plastic monster. As the sounds of the crowd seemed closer, Peggy figured she was not far from salvation.
"Just a little closer kid. You're almost there." She whispered to herself in an effort to console her anxiety.
As she groped the walls, she walked straight into someone! She gasped in a startled fashion, and then sighed in relief. "I'm sorry. Can you tell me which way the crowd is moving?"
There was no reply. In the darkness, Peggy could make out two robed and hooded figures. Suddenly, the figures grabbed her and began dragging her down the dark hallway! Peggy tried to fight the two of them off, screaming, and demanding for them to let her go, but they were too strong for her to escape their grasp. They continued dragging her down the corridor, never speaking a word. Peggy figured since she was obviously caught, she might as well confess, and get it done. "Okay! You caught me. You can let me go now. I won't give you any more trouble."
Again, no response. No indication at all that they even heard her! One of the two robed figures swung open a door. The door marked the entrance to a large room. Peggy asked in a concerned voice.
"Is this the exit? Where are we?"
The shadowy figures brought her to what felt like the middle of the room. She could hardly see anything. Just outlines of what appeared to be a stone floor. The room was empty except a large, heavy looking piece of furniture. Peggy could not quire make out what it was. She wasn't sure what is was, but the figures were leading her there, leading her toward it. Suddenly, the two figures began grabbing at Peggy's clothes. Peggy fought like crazy to keep them away, but they grabbed her harder, and started stripping her of her shorts, and T-shirt! "What the Hell is going on here? What are you doing to me?"
The silent captors finished their stripping job, and replaced the garments with a burlap material, which fit like a short skirt set. Her sneakers and socks were also removed, and replaced with leather slippers. A rope was tied around the waist of the garment to serve as a belt, after which time, Peggy was forced to the floor. Her back was pressed up against a thick wooden post, and her wrists were bound behind her back, around it, with several loops of braided rope. As one figure tied her hands, the other sat on her legs to keep them from kicking. Peggy was fighting as hard as she could, but to no avail. After her wrists were secured, each figure held a leg, and began removing the corresponding slipper.
The struggling girl's ankles were firmly placed on what felt like a padded ledge. It wasn't until she heard the "Bang" of wood on wood, that she realized she could not move her ankles. Whatever they had placed her in, was holding her fast, with no slack for mobility! After a few seconds, it occurred to Peggy what she had been placed in.
"Stocks! Oh my God! This is impossible! What's going on? Someone talk to me! Please!"
She still got no response from her shadowy captors. Instead, one of them walked over to her, and placed a pillow under her buttocks, and behind her head. She could not figure out what the reason for this was, and she really did not care. All Peggy could think about was getting the Hell out of there. Suddenly, and with no warning, a gag, with a long strap was fitted into the terrified girl's mouth, and buckled tightly around the pole, pinning her head to it. Her head was now completely immobile, and her eyes were wide with fear and anxiety as they scanned the room for some kind of clue where she was. The two captors exited the room, leaving poor Peggy bound helplessly and unable to speak!
After about 15 minutes, she could hear what sounded like pipe organ music in the distance. The sound grew closer and closer, and Peggy strained to scream for help. As the eerie music played on, a dim, red light went on, slightly illuminating the room with an iridescent glow. What Peggy saw was shocking. She gasped at the sight. The room she was in, was decorated exactly like a medieval dungeon, complete with manacles on the mortar, and stone walls. Her situation became even more desperate as she saw part of the wall in front of her slide open to reveal a giant, Plexi-Glass, viewing window! Standing on the other side of it, wee all the people who paid for their tickets to see this!
Peggy became absolutely frantic at this point, trying to reach someone out there with her pleading eyes. She struggled, but it was just no use. Her bondage was genuine, and final. There was no room for movement. The only part of her body that could move effectively, were her bare feet and toes.
Of course, the crowd figured she was wiggling to demonstrate her helplessness. Peggy screamed as best she could, but the sound was effectively muffled by the gag. Her eyes scanned the crowd, desperately, praying that someone would figure out her awful plight.
"Why are they all just standing there, watching me? Somebody do something!"
The helpless girl's mind raced furiously as she watched the crowd's anticipation for what she did not know, was yet to come. Just then, the two figures reentered the room. She can see them now. They are two men, wearing hooded robes, with crosses embroidered on the front. One of them picked up a nearby microphone, and addressed the crowd:
"Ladies and gentlemen. Of all the things you have seen tonight, few can compare with what you are about to witness. During Medieval times, the dreaded Inquisition imposed many types of tortures on their hopeless victims. The effectiveness of this particular torture was so high, that it was incorporated as a regular practice, used frequently in many other dungeons all over the world. We recommend anyone who is squeamish, to leave now."
As the speaker put the microphone down, the crowd huddled closer to the window, gaping in excited, and curious anticipation. Peggy was still squirming, even more so now that she had heard that little speech. Her continuous struggling onlyproved repeatedly, the inescapability of her bondage. Peggy's two robed captors walked to a small table, situated directly behind her. She could not turn her head to see what they were doing, which only exaggerated her already frantic mental state. She could only hear movements behind her, but the sudden facial expressions of the crowd in front of her, made her panic even more. Suddenly, she could see them reentering her view. One was holding a stiff turkey feather, and the other was wielding a soft-bristled brush. Peggy's stomach dropped hard as she realized what was about to happen to her. Her greatest fascination, and, greatest fear, was about to come true in the most horrible way! Her incredibly desperate attempts to escape just seemed to rivet the crowd more intensely to her spectacle.
As the first man lowered the feather toward her helpless bare right foot, Peggy squinted her eyes tightly in an attempt to block out the feeling. The stiff feather was applied in long steady drags, from heel to toe tips, across the quivering wrinkled bare sole. Peggy wiggled her toes quickly in hopes of changing her mind's attention from the tickling to the physical movement, but her tormentor was skilled, and persisted with the tickling administrations in steady, unwavering motion.
Soon, the poor girl's senses could no longer hold out, and she began to laugh. The torturer immediately withdrew, as if to taunt poor Peggy with the realization of her helplessness, and what was going to be done to her. It is now time for the second man to administer his torture too. On Peggy's bound left foot, tickling, just under the toes, in short staccato strokes with his horse hair brush. The sensations of this tickling, sent Peggy crazy from the start. She began laughing very hard. The laughing quickly turned to screams and pleading. After about 30 seconds, he too, withdrew. By now, Peggy was frantic. There was no way she wanted that done to her again. She knew she could not stand to be tickled. Tickling was one of her worst fears in life!
And to be tickled while bound helplessly, was just unthinkable. She would do anything to free herself. The crowd peered in amazement as the tormentors renewed their tickling attack on Peggy's bound, bare feet. Only this time, there would be no stopping. The feather was sliding around the spasmodically wiggling toes of one foot, while the brush was gently scrubbing the heel and instep of the other.
Peggy's laughter increased in volume and pitch as the tickling persisted. She was desperately trying to move her feet out of the way of the tickling, screaming hysterical, laughing, crying and begging, all at the same time. Her mind was racing in furious panic as she prayed for the tickling of her feet to stop. She could not bear it. Tears were stroking her hysterical, red face, and her limbs were growing tired from the involuntary muscle spasms caused by the tickling torture! Despite Peggy's obvious Hellish agony, her tormentors were not letting up! Instead, they were expanding their torture of this poor girl, to her legs. They dropped their tickling tools, and began sliding their fingers up her bare, soft legs, making sure to tickle the backs of her calves and thighs. As one tickled her legs, the other started tickling her helpless knees, kneading with abandon, just above the knee caps, which caused such violent spasms of laughter, that Peggy figured someone would have to see that she was being tortured for real!
The pretend Inquisitors were making mental notes of poor Peggy's most ticklish parts, returning to each, time after time after time. The helpless creature was a pathetic sight of tortured female nerve endings. The persistent tickling was rapidly turning this beautiful young woman into a mindless hysterical muscle spasm!
The crowd was silent, and completely glued to the activity. They all seemed amazed at the acting ability of this woman. How could anyone stand that much tickling? Peggy's eyes seemed to scream out at the audience.
Peggy's body and mind were on fire. Every nerve ending in her 5'8" frame had been lit on fire, like tiny fuses. Hundreds of thousands of tiny fuses, all burning at the same time, and her entire nervous system felt like it was going to explode! Never before had Peggy ever felt torment like this. She had been tickled in the past, but only briefly, and never with the animal intent that she was receiving now! Her sensitive ribs were next on the list. Consistently prodded and poked by unseen fingers, Peggy's mid section and abdomen spasmed uncontrollably. Her face was a mask of madness. The gag refrained all attempts to release her pent up screams of laughter, pinning her head helplessly to the post, where she could only sit immobile, wiggling the few precious inches her bondage allowed. Her red, tear blurred eyes blinked, and squinted rapidly under her tormented duress. Her neck muscles peaked, and strained as her tender throat unleashed burst, after burst of torture laughter. Her stomach muscles tightened harder with each unrelenting tickling attack on her incredibly ticklish rib cage. As her sadistic tormentors spent minute, after eternal minute, tickling her helpless upper thighs, and ribs, Peggy's toes wiggled aimlessly at the gawking crowd. Her endless toe wiggling cased gentle wrinkles on her pretty pink soles.
The fire Peggy felt throughout her trapped body, had now spread to her nipples and loins. As the tickling continued without stop, moving back down to behind her soft knees, she could feet her womanhood becoming swollen and hot with excitement. It was beginning to throb and pulsate like nothing she had ever felt before. It yearned to be touched, to be satisfied, but all she would get, would be more. . .More tickling. Her naked heels became the focal point of both tormentors, using their nails to lightly scratch the delicate skin there. Her situation had become dire at this point, and she was sure she would be tickled to death. The crowd was eagerly savoring every second of this Hellish torture. Her spectacle probed to be a fascinating, and entertaining sight for the visitors.
As the heel tickling progressed in intensity, Peggy's mind began to go numb. Her eyes were ill focused, and her pussy was unbearably swollen with excitement. If only one of these tormentors would just accidentally touch her there. She is sure she would come from just the slightest brush of his hand. But. . .nothing. Nothing but tickling! The tormentors have returned full strength to Peggy's bound bare feet, paying almost exclusive attention to her wriggling toes. Twenty fingers tickled the wildly spasming toes, as Peggy found the strength for a new onslaught of screaming laughter from the unbearable titillating tickling of her toes.
By this time, Peggy was just about ready to explode, whether she was touched there, or not. Her body was operating at full overload capacity. Her brain was burning with sensory overload, and her limbs and diaphragm ached from excessive spasming. Her humiliation was peaking as her head was pinned toward the peering crowd, and her bare, ticklish feet and toes were being abused by the endless manipulation of them by these sadist's skilled fingertips.
She could not stand another second. Her nipples were clearly visible through her burlap garment. They felt like they are going to pop from the swelling, sexual tension. Peggy let out one final piercing scream that was laced with a torrential orgasm, the likes she has never experienced. Then, she passed out cold!
When she awoke, she was strapped to a rack, and could not move a single muscle. Her arms were stretched high over her head, and her ankles were locked in another set of stocks at the foot of the rack, again, revealing her tender, bare feet for whatever abuse her tormentors might see fit. Her body was twitching from the torturous tickling ordeal, and her erogenous zones were tingling with sexual sensitivity. The gag had been replaced with a cylindrical piece of cork, held in place with rope. From the corner of her eye, Peggy could see the viewing window, only this time, with a different crowd outside. The robed man picked up the microphone, and began to speak:
Ladies and gentlemen; of all the things you have seen tonight, few can compare to what you are about to witness." Peggy's eyes sprang open with insane fear!
Her mind could muster one thought
The End