junior year of high school in my homeroom class that lasted no longer than 20min. a nice looking girl with pretty size 7 or 8 feet sat in the next row seated directly to my right. I noticed she was wearing flops and joked about how her feet needed sum lotion. She laughed and asked was I going to put it on and I smiled and extended my hand towards her foot. Surprisingly she strecthed out her leg and put her barefoot up on my desk. I was so shocked and nervously embarressed that i at first reacted as if i didnt want to be near her foot. she left her foot there and I put my arm over her ankle but still didnt touch her foot. She then made the 1st move and wiggled her toes against my body and said "go ahead and rub my foot". That gave me enough of an excuse to give her a quick tickle right under the ball of her foot to which she laughed and wriggled her foot but did not try to pull away. I then tickled her arch and she again laughed and shook her foot. I was in heaven for the next couple of minutes as i continued give her soft sole quick tickles until the bell rang and she just kept laughing. Before we left she said something about me tickling her feet and smiled. Damn i would love to go back in time and relive this moment over and over.