Usually I'm open in all my private stuff. I have no secrets with anybody, except about the tickle fetish. I just can't even talk about. I think that's why I fear to lose friends and people I love, because it would be sound too strange for them.
Not at all. :blush
Not too long ago, a guy asked me if I was ticklish. I immediately felt my cheeks grow hot as I lied and said no.
... When you find yourself amongst people that enjoy various aspects of BDSM...
I don't think many of us are privy to a group of friends who are (openly, I'm guessing?) into various forms of BDSM, though. ... :unsure
But a tickling fetish is like most things, though, that deviate from "the norm" in some way or other, no matter how drastically, AND it's also like the late, great Mitch Hedberg reminded us: "If you're going to spread bad news to the public, it would help if you weren't ugly." :lol Not that having a tickling fetish is "bad news" necessarily, but the point of the analogy is that pretty much ANYTHING'S easier to take about an individual if said individual is, well, hot, and to believe otherwise would be to be generally naive, truthfully. If you're not physically attractive, pretty much all the other planets have to line up jussssssssssst so in order for you to come off as even CLOSE to easy to take for other people, not only potential significant others but even family, friends, colleagues, essentially anyone really, so it wouldn't logically behoove an unattractive fellow (I don't include women because, and it's a blessing and a curse, believe me, I'm able to find some beauty in essentially all women I've ever personally met) to just come busting out saying, "Oh, and know what? I have a largely-socially-unaccpetable fetish TOO!" So you have to be smart, is the point I'm making. Think of how a society in general would likely ALREADY look upon you, consider how much impact a revelation like that would further have on them, and essentially either keep the knowledge in the confidence of a very, very, very, very, VERY select few, or don't divulge at all. Because telling just one person, even someone you feel you can count on for secrecy, doesn't automatically mean it STAYS with just that one person, not to mention there are certainly ways a person himself can make it pretty obvious to the world at large without even being aware of the fact. Trust me, I've carried this fetish around for over thirty years, and virtually NO ONE'S ever been told that's in my close life circle, as it were, and I pray not too many outside that circle figured it out on their own. You've gotta go with what works for you, but remember also what you're working WITH, too. Everyone be excellent to each other. 🙂
No, I am not, and will never be open about it. I am a very private person and disclose very little about myself to others except what they see on the outside. Besides people on the Theater, I have told a total of 2 people in my entire lifetime...and not entirely willingly. I probably shouldn't be so secretive about it, but the last thing I want or need is to ridculed by all the ignorant fools out there. I am not an extremely secure or confident person and simply feel there there are some things about me that others simply should not know. Also, being a dark/evil-ish heavy metal musician, this type of fetish might not be the best thing for my image (I know this is shallow, but it's true).
I too am private. And i only talk about it because well this is an outlet. And because i may never see any of you. For all i know i might be passing one or all of you on the street everyday. People have been rediculed for less so why put yourself up for more. If you're telling someone it shoud be someone you trust. And even then be careful because you might lose a friend. Coming to think of it i do have a find that i poke alot. She just laughs i think she likes to be tickled but i'm not sure but i'll never take it past a poke. Beside her boyfriend is huge-ish ------------- like alchemys evil-ish. hahahaha. Just think before you do it
been away for a while. Comp issues, LDR issues, work issues.
I'm a member of a non tickling board, and one of the nicknames I was given there is "Mr. Tickler" because of my habit of "running" up to people online and "tickling" them, so I'm sure they know about my fetish.
Have a boyfriend now.....and he knows all about my tickle fetish. Unfortunately, is maybe a "two" on a scale of 1-10 on the tickle scale, but he's willing to let me try and tickle him anytime to see if I can get him good.
Quoting myself. LOL
Sometimes, being open about the fetish can be a good thing.
The boyfriend above is no longer in my life. I went on to meet another guy. He didn't last either, but we are still on good terms, speak frequently, and visit when time allows. (We live a distance apart)
On a scale of 1 -10 on the tickle scale, he is a 10, all over his body. He's told me that I can have "tickle rights" on him, and we are planning to meet at one point before the end of the year.
His feet are so ticklish, that even a foot rub sends him into laughter. He recently told me that he misses me so much, that when we meet, I can have "unlimited access" to his feet.