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Asexual with a tickle fetish?


TMF Regular
Oct 10, 2017
Stay with me here, because I'm not really sure what I am. I can tell you that I love tickling between myself and a female partner. I've only engaged in it with one woman and that was my ex. We played tickle games like laying down and seeing how much tickling we could get each other to flinch/laugh. We'd wrestle each other with a lot of tickling involved. Tickling was a way we got physically closer with one another and more "familiar" with each other's bodies(that may have been a weird way to put that). You may read all this and say that I'm definitely not asexual. Maybe not, because I am definitely attracted to women and have made out and gotten physical with women and enjoyed it very much. My issue is with sex specifically. I've never had sex. The concept of it has never excited me. When I read tickling stories and it gets to a point where they start talking about "cumming" or getting "wet" or anything along those lines, I get weirded out and I stop reading immediately. I can't explain why I react that way or feel like that, I just do. I don't know if that classifies me as asexual. I definitely LOVE tickling though, doing it with my ex was some of the best experiences of my life. I read non-sexual tickle stories almost every night. I come up with scenarios in my head as I'm falling asleep. So.that is definitely part of me. Another thing is, I do get "hard" when thinking up a tickle scenario, but I don't take it any further than that. Anything further makes me feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

I just don't know what to make of all this. I'm being totally honest with you guys. I know a lot of you won't be able to relate to this, and I understand that. I don't expect you to relate. All I ask is that you respect where I'm coming from and not to attack me for feeling this way.
Hi there Whoviantrekkie here,

I admit I don't come on here as much as I used to but I check back in now and again. I will say this to you and hope you get some peace of mind.

YOU. ARE. NOT. Alone!

I too am also Ace and a straight tickle-phile. And so is my girlfriend. And also I have several other friends who are also Aesexual tickle-philes as well. It is not unusual. Pretty much every single thing you said here I identify with. And so do others. You don't have to feel ashamed. You don't have to feel different. We are out there and there are more of us then you think.
Your experience may ultimately be different than mine, but early on, I was also unsure about sex. In my mind, I had never really linked it with arousal, because tickling was the only thing I fantasized about. Ultimately though, once I did finally have sex, it all clicked into place. After a while, I went from not really thinking I had a sex drive, to realizing that my tickling fetish was merely an expression of my sex drive. Tickling was my ideal way to excite the other person into a sexual encounter. It also helps that a lot of the physical and auditory feedback the other person is giving you during sex is a similar (if a much more intense) reaction to tickling.

That said, in the materials I consume, I'm also not into reading stories or viewing art that has a lot of depictions of wet orgasms. It's all down to personal taste.

I'm not sure if my feedback helped, but hopefully it at least gives you another point of view on discovering yourself.
Indeed, you are not alone. I've had sex, but I never felt "aroused," like I wanted to do it. It was just "doing the motions." Tickling was the only thing that ever aroused me, period, and over time, sex became more foreign, and the tickling urges grew. Like you, the idea of sex never interested me, this penetration situation and the like. It's efficient for procreation, but that's the only reason I can see for its existence. All I've ever wanted for intimacy was to stimulate women's ticklish areas with hands and mouth.
Do what makes You happy . Do what feels good . Try having your girlfriend tie you up and tickle you everywhere into ticklegasm
Disclaimer: I'm not actually Ace, just have several friends who are. Thought it might be helpful to pass along that my various friends who are Ace are all very different in what they do and don't like. One of them is homoromantic and very nearly sex-repulsed, one is aromantic asexual entirely, and two of them are Ace in that they never want to have sexual intercourse with another human being, but have different times they fantasize about different things, though they are neither of them in any romantic relationships.

Ace runs the spectrum from sex-repulsed to demisexual with many variations in between and outside the linear. Also, keep in mind that -romantic- inclination is different than -sexual- desire. You can be heteroromantic, enjoy specific types of physical contact, and still consider yourself asexual because you don't want anything to do with more traditional forms of sex.

Ultimately, it might help to reach out to other Aces online or elsewhere, and discuss your feelings. You may discover you're not nearly as alone as you think. If the few who have already chimed in are any indication, you'll be in good company. As for the naysayers... nobody else can know and define you better than you.
Ah, a thread I can definitely relate to! I'm very much ace, and very much have a tickle fetish. Tickling gets me aroused in the way that sex does not, at all. Anything to do with sex itself bores me, if not outright irritates me. But I'll happily tickle someone for hours on end, given the chance. Like Pragmatic said, it's a way to be intimate that isn't the "traditional" way. I care much more about the feeling of simple physical touch than any sexual touch.

Also, getting hard from tickling does not invalidate your asexuality at all. Many aces experience arousal, and many aces masturbate. What defines asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to another person. At the risk of tooting my own horn too much, I recently had a piece published by The Asexual about my own struggles with this very subject:


There are plenty of places you can find other aces into tickling; here, tumblr, and reddit just to name a few. You're not as far Out There as you may think in this scenario. Welcome to the community, friend.
Not ace myself but I do have a friend on another site who I sometimes speak to and they're ace so it's a definitely a thing. Plus I remember a tumblr blog called Ace of Laughs which was an Asexual into tickles.
I don't think I'm Asexual, but when I see an attractive/sexy girl I usually think I'd like to tickle her, or if I'm turned on by something/someone I might think I want to tickle someone, so sex doesn't really come into my mind, I'm not saying I wouldn't like sex... and I definitely like doing other sexual things besides tickling... but tickling is what pops into my head when I want to do something sexual with a woman instead of sex...

And you could read my tickle stories... they can be sexual, but I don't think I've ever mentioned cumming in them... I don't like going that dirty and sexual... not my style...
Different tickling fetishists identifying as "ace" may use the word inconsistently. Examples I've met:

  1. someone who enjoyed tickling, but had an aversion to sexual response in herself (but who could handle it in a partner)
  2. someone who enjoyed tickling in pursuit of sexual gratification (with disinterest in most vanilla activities)
  3. someone experiencing a phobia for certain anatomy, who was open to being vibrated to orgasm while being tickled
#1 said she didn't really experience attraction, but she'd occasionally get wet and excited in response to tickling. Never wanted to do anything with that building tension, though, and I think if she got too aroused, she'd panic and be put off.

#2 and #3 did experience attraction and (IMO) conflicted with AVEN's definition for ace (someone who does not experience sexual attraction). #2 in particular would fantasize about actors, casting them as lers in her fantasies.

Some people prefer a fetish activity over intercourse or other vanilla activities. If it's still sexual for them, and if they still experience attraction, the misleading label can mislead. (That's without getting into gray-a, which IMO isn't inherently informative.)

I suspect "asexual" is a more tempting label than "fetishist," due to the prior being more acceptable* than the latter, under the umbrella of identity.

*Depending on which community one's participating in.
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Ita24, your post was so specific to me I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't me who had written it.

As such I do have a periodic sex life with my current partner, but that is mainly to please her, and only possible through Viagra (as Pragmatic said sex is also a minor part of our relationship). Beyond that I have never had any interest in sex, but have rarely had a day go by when I haven't thought of tickling (I am in my mid fifties by the way).

If Tickling fetish caused my problems relating to women when I was younger, they were nowhere near as many as the social pressure to be interested and driven by sex.
BAM! Asexual Ticklephile here. I came out Publicly to friends and family a month back! Been felt with a great warm response. Embrace it, research if you must. Just be rid of all shame. Good to see a lot of other Ace tickle folks here. As I read in one of comments above me, there are a lot of ace tickle tribes around. Perhaps, make a source list for people like us?

I have a theory, being an ace ticklephile may, just MAY, prove a bit easier for us. Given the absence of any desire or want for sexual activity (basic definition, relax).
Ah, a thread I can definitely relate to! I'm very much ace, and very much have a tickle fetish. Tickling gets me aroused in the way that sex does not, at all. Anything to do with sex itself bores me, if not outright irritates me. But I'll happily tickle someone for hours on end, given the chance. Like Pragmatic said, it's a way to be intimate that isn't the "traditional" way. I care much more about the feeling of simple physical touch than any sexual touch.

Also, getting hard from tickling does not invalidate your asexuality at all. Many aces experience arousal, and many aces masturbate. What defines asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to another person. At the risk of tooting my own horn too much, I recently had a piece published by The Asexual about my own struggles with this very subject:


There are plenty of places you can find other aces into tickling; here, tumblr, and reddit just to name a few. You're not as far Out There as you may think in this scenario. Welcome to the community, friend.

Dope Article!
This post makes me want to cry. I literally came here just now to make a similar post. Guys, thank you, thank you all so much for existing. Ita24, your experience is shared by many. I think asexuality is just like all other manifestations of sexual experience in being complex, fluid, and intensely personal. The sex-repulsion you describe is very, very familiar to me.

For so many years, for most of my life, I never even thought of not just forcing myself to do the Standard(Hetero) Sex and the Standard(Hetero) Life it implies because I thought I had to, because I didn't know there was anything else. I may be bisexual, but I'm instinctually disgusted by sex, I don't want it and I didn't know that not wanting it was an okay option. And for YEARS!!! For years, all my fantasies consisted of this strange, weird thing I didn't want to talk about.... Definitely far too embarrassing to tell anyone touching my body what I wanted..

But because of you ticklephiles!!! And because of this forum, I feel like there are people like me, there are people who make me feel like normal, or the normal I want to be. When I'm here, I feel like I finally get what sex is for the very first time. To me, sex is tickling, tickling is sex. Tickling is so much sweeter and hotter and sexier than sex. To me, anyway. Y'all are blowing my life up here; I love y'all and I love tickling so much, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that y'all love it.
This post makes me want to cry. I literally came here just now to make a similar post. Guys, thank you, thank you all so much for existing. Ita24, your experience is shared by many. I think asexuality is just like all other manifestations of sexual experience in being complex, fluid, and intensely personal. The sex-repulsion you describe is very, very familiar to me.

For so many years, for most of my life, I never even thought of not just forcing myself to do the Standard(Hetero) Sex and the Standard(Hetero) Life it implies because I thought I had to, because I didn't know there was anything else. I may be bisexual, but I'm instinctually disgusted by sex, I don't want it and I didn't know that not wanting it was an okay option. And for YEARS!!! For years, all my fantasies consisted of this strange, weird thing I didn't want to talk about.... Definitely far too embarrassing to tell anyone touching my body what I wanted..

But because of you ticklephiles!!! And because of this forum, I feel like there are people like me, there are people who make me feel like normal, or the normal I want to be. When I'm here, I feel like I finally get what sex is for the very first time. To me, sex is tickling, tickling is sex. Tickling is so much sweeter and hotter and sexier than sex. To me, anyway. Y'all are blowing my life up here; I love y'all and I love tickling so much, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that y'all love it.

I think many of us in this little sub-group of the tickling fetish went through a period in which we questioned whether we were alone in the universe. "Could I be the only person for whom my fetish has overtaken 'normal' sexual urges?" Thanks to this forum and the web in general, we now know the answer. For others like me, this thread made me realize I never truly had the urge for intercourse in the first place. It's been tickling since Day One, and at the risk of sounding condescending, I think on some level, I can identify with gays and those with gender issues who always KNEW it, but were forced to deny their true selves, shamed into it, etc. Before the commercial web, I felt like a freak, sneaking around looking for tickling media in magazines or other mainstream fare. Some feel the web exists to buy DVDs and books at Amazon, but for others, it can provide a path to self-realization and discovery, that you truly are not alone.
You're certainly not alone and there's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling the way you do, or indeed with not being 100% sure how you DO actually feel.

I've spoken to plenty of forum members and people in other walks of life who consider themselves asexual, or similar. I would certainly class myself as in the 'similar' category.

It's easy to get bogged down in the terminology of it all, so don't feel there's a need to define what you are - there's grey areas all over the place - you could work on the basis that asexual means you don't have a sexual attraction to other people.... but then you have to define 'sexual attraction' - does it mean you'd like to have sex with that person? Or does it just mean that the idea of being intimate with them turns you on? Intimacy could mean tickling, kissing, stroking, biting, other physical contact - basically anything that you wouldn't do automatically with every single person in your social group. I would class that as a sexual attraction, regardless of whether or not it leads to, or is combined with, a desire to have penetrative/oral sex/ejaculation/masturbation.

I honestly don't know, so I don't really try to define myself as anything - everyone is markedly different and has their own combination of uncontrollable preferences surrounding matters of a romantic, physical and sexual nature and these can change/evolve as we learn and explore.
It's exactly the same with other things in life that we consider more normal or banal - such as our food tastes - I suppose the difference is that there's a basic expectation that everyone should be interested in having sex because it's our species' main method of procreation.
(There's a basic expectation that everyone should like pizza... but not everyone does... it's just that the ramifications of eliminating pizza from one's life are not thought of as being as significant as eliminating sex from ones life, so it's less of an issue).

I've not encountered anyone that is completely disinterested in/repulsed by/frightened of sex, but who also has a strong desire to have children - there are presumably people who fit this description and options available to them.

I do think it's important to be aware of your own combination of preferences (and you already seem to be) and not to shy away from them - this can help in expressing yourself to potential partners as well as helping you embrace these preferences yourself .... for me, I create a bullet point list summarising what I know so far about my sexual preferences and where exactly tickling fits into them - it can be a better way of dealing with it than simply trying to classify yourself as asexual or something else - because you could easily classify yourself as something, only to dig yourself into another mental hole of turmoil when you realise there's something you feel/enjoy that doesn't seem to fit in to the widely-accepted definition of whatever that something is.

All in all, just go along with what feels right.

I hope my long-winded waffling is of some help to you :)

Dope Article!

Dope INDEED. His trajectory's almost identical to mine--the self-doubt, the shame, the guilt. It sounds unfair, but I really can't blame society for not wholly embracing us. It's simply just too foreign to most people, and as recently as early in this century, would have been termed "sexual dysfunction," and before that, a mental disorder. I'm not holding my breath for acceptance, just as I never had with the tickling fetish itself. But at least we know there's a community out there.
It seems that tickling is your defensive reaction, I don't think it isn't good. Would you like to try to have sex? If you are not yet ready to do this with women, I can recommend that you buy yourself a rubber doll. It sounds very strange, but I'm sure it will help you get rid of tension and nerves. For example, my close friend recently showed one site https://www.ovdoll.com/p/silicone-sex-dolls/ where you can design a doll yourself, it's very cool and exciting. So I recommend you seriously think about my words, it should help you. By the way, you can tickle the doll, too lol
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