I'm sure that by now sports fans, and others who follow the news, must have heard about the situation regarding Atlanta Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell. During Wednesday's Braves-Giants Game in San Fran.... Mr McDowell, is alleged to have hurled anti gay slurs, and cursed, at heckling fans.. and to have threatened at least one fan with a bat.
McDowell's actions are appalling. Additionally, his comments took place in front of children, which makes it all the more worse.
As I've mentioned before, the Atlanta Journal Constitution has fan blogs to discuss sports teams performances, and other issues. Longtime AJC writer Mark Bradley called the incident: "Big Trouble" for McDowell, and the Braves.
I frequently comment on the sports blogs, and Mr Bradley and I know each other quite well. I told Mr Bradley that my feeling is, considering the situation, and the severity of it.. McDowell should be fired. I dont know what other alternative there is. What good would an "apology" or "Sensitivity training" do? The Braves cant suspend McDowell for any length of time, because of the nature of his job as pitching coach. It isnt like one player on a twenty five man team made the comment. Had it been that, you could have given him a 30, 60, 90, or rest of the season suspension, and called up a player from the minors to replace him. With a pitching coach of a major league team, that isnt likely to happen.
It is very unfortunate for the Braves, timing wise, , because, as baseball fans know, the Braves have a new manager this year, after the retirement last fall of longtime Braves manager Bobby Cox.
So, that's my call, that McDowell should be fired.
If anyone has a link to this story, and could post, it would be appreciated.
Thoughts on this incident?
McDowell's actions are appalling. Additionally, his comments took place in front of children, which makes it all the more worse.
As I've mentioned before, the Atlanta Journal Constitution has fan blogs to discuss sports teams performances, and other issues. Longtime AJC writer Mark Bradley called the incident: "Big Trouble" for McDowell, and the Braves.
I frequently comment on the sports blogs, and Mr Bradley and I know each other quite well. I told Mr Bradley that my feeling is, considering the situation, and the severity of it.. McDowell should be fired. I dont know what other alternative there is. What good would an "apology" or "Sensitivity training" do? The Braves cant suspend McDowell for any length of time, because of the nature of his job as pitching coach. It isnt like one player on a twenty five man team made the comment. Had it been that, you could have given him a 30, 60, 90, or rest of the season suspension, and called up a player from the minors to replace him. With a pitching coach of a major league team, that isnt likely to happen.
It is very unfortunate for the Braves, timing wise, , because, as baseball fans know, the Braves have a new manager this year, after the retirement last fall of longtime Braves manager Bobby Cox.
So, that's my call, that McDowell should be fired.
If anyone has a link to this story, and could post, it would be appreciated.
Thoughts on this incident?