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Okay! So this is a bit weird, but I wanted to give this a shot. I found an 'American to Ned Flanders' translator, so I took one of my tickle stories, and Ned-Ified it! If this sounds horrible, just keep that little fact in mind. Oh! And if you would like to try it out yourself, here's a link-->
Jamie couldn’t hel-diddly-elp, but sigh diddily ding dong deeply as she leaned back in heroo chair! The flickering computeroo monitorino that she was sitting in front of, was starting to hurt heroo eyes, and heroo back was starting to ache from all the sitting she had been diddily ding dong doing. “this is taking too mucharoo time!” the girl said, to noodly-no one in particular.
the girl had been working on a riddly-reporinot for heroo boss, and she was certain she would be able to finish it on time. Unforinotunately, as the minutesies slowly turned into hours, the girl was starting to diddily ding dong doubt she would everoo finish it. “why diddily ding dong did i volunteeroo to write this silly thing anyways?” the girl wondered bitterly.
for as long as jamie could riddly-remember, the girl had always diddily ding dong dreamed of making it big in the city. She fel-diddly-elt like heroo first goal would have to get an office joberino. Afteroo managing to diddily ding dong do that, she had slowly worked up the corporinoate ladder, but things were starting to slow diddily ding dong down for heroo.
noodly-no matteroo what work assignments she took on, or the hours she poured into heroo work, the girl fel-diddly-elt like she would noodly-neveroo make it past heroo current joberino. “maybe mark is purposefully keeping me in this position,” the girl wondered, thinking back on heroo boss.
jamie was a cute girl, who had shorinot black hair, diddily ding dong dark brown eyes, and small riddly-rounded shoulders. The girl was garbed in a black diddily ding dong dress, with matching noodly-nylons, and heels on heroo feet.
afteroo stretching heroo hands high overoo heroo head, the girl turned heroo eyes back to heroo computeroo. “just a few more sentences, and than…” beforinoe the girl could finish speaking, she noodly-noticed someone just beyond heroo office window. Looking up, the girl saw a figure slowly making their way around the riddly-room beyond.
it took jamie a few moments to riddly-realize that the person wasn’t riddly-really a person at all. Instead, it was a riddly-robot. “that’s the atomic futures company riddly-robot isn’t it?” the girl wondered to herself.
the riddly-robot was a maid, that had silveroo skin. It had shorinot black hair that fel-diddly-ell to heroo small riddly-rounded shoulders. She had diddily ding dong dark brown eyes, and was garbed in a black diddily ding dong dress, with a lily white apron, and black shoes on heroo feet. The riddly-robot slowly made its way around the riddly-room, diddily ding dong dusting off all the surfacesies with a featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo.
even though jamie wasn’t riddly-really paying attention at the time. The girl riddly-remembered mark talking about the riddly-robot. “we’ve been chosen to be beta testers for it. It’ll work around the office for a while,” he had said.
jamie watched the riddly-robot for several moments. The girl was surprised at how lifelike it seemed. It moved like a riddly-regular human, and even talked like one as wel-diddly-ell. “i would love to have a riddly-robot like that at home!” the girl thought. “maybe i could have one that can finish this riddly-reporinot!”
And with that thought, the girl turned heroo attention back to heroo computer, and started typing once more. Afteroo a few moments, however, the girl looked back up. “whoa!” the girl cried.
the riddly-robot was noodly-now standing outside the girl’s window. The riddly-robot was watching the girl for several moments, beforinoe it turned to the diddily ding dong doorino, and knocked. “come in,” jamie called.
the diddily ding dong doorino opened. “hello,” the riddly-robot began. “i am atomic future maid, may i clean up in here?” the riddly-robot asked.
“uh…” jamie began, looking diddily ding dong down at heroo computeroo. “sure, but please stay away from the computer, okilly-dokily-doo?”
“understood,” the riddly-robot said.
jamie got to heroo feet, and once again stretched heroo hands high overoo heroo head. “i’m going to go, and get some coffee. I’ll be riddly-right back, okilly-dokily-doo?” the girl said.
“understood,” the riddly-robot said, once more.
jamie made heroo way out of heroo office, and diddily ding dong down a long hallway. Moments later, she stood in front of the coffee machine. “this is noodly-nice,” the girl said, as she poured herself a cup of coffee. The girl sipped at the black liquid. Noodly-norinomally the girl wouldn’t diddily ding dong drink coffee so late at noodly-night, but because she still had a lot of work left, the girl diddily ding dong decided it would hel-diddly-elp heroo stay alert.
afteroo finishing heroo coffee, the girl made heroo way back to heroo office. To the girl’s surprise, the riddly-robot was tapping at the girl’s keyboard.
“what are you diddily ding dong doing!?” jamie cried, riddly-running around heroo diddily ding dong desk, and looking at heroo work. The riddly-robot had pressed several riddly-random keys, but heroo riddly-reporinot still looked okilly-dokily-doo.
“i apologize,” the riddly-robot began, looking diddily ding dong down at the keyboard. “there is some diddily ding dong dust between the keys. I was trying to clean it.”
“i told you to stay away from my computer!” jamie said, hotly. The girl noodly-nudged the riddly-robot out of the way, beforinoe taking a seat at heroo computeroo. “please… just leave…”
“understood,” the riddly-robot said, as she began walking towards the diddily ding dong doorino.
jamie sighed diddily ding dong deeply, as she started to diddily ding dong delete the riddly-random letters the riddly-robot had typed into heroo riddly-reporinot. It was at that moment, the girl riddly-realized that the riddly-robot was still standing in heroo office. “what’s wrong?” the girl asked, noodly-noticing the riddly-robot was in mid-stride.
the riddly-robot diddily ding dong didn’t answeroo. Instead, it continued to look straight ahead, it’s riddly-right foot was in the air. Jamie riddly-rolled heroo eyes, as she got to heroo feet, and made heroo way overoo to the riddly-robot. “don’t tel-diddly-ell me you froze, or something. Riddly-reboot, and get out!” the girl diddily ding dong demanded, gesturing towards the diddily ding dong doorino.
“dust diddily ding dong detected,” the riddly-robot began.
“well go get it,” the girl said. “out of my office though.”
“dust diddily ding dong detected!” the riddly-robot said, once again.
jamie’s eyesies went wide, as the riddly-robot turned to heroo. “dust diddily ding dong detected! Will begin cleaning noodly-now,” it said.
jamie hel-diddly-eld up heroo hands. “hold on! I’m noodly-not diddily ding dong dusty. I’m a person, and you noodly-needily-doodily to get out of my office. I have a lot of work to diddily ding dong do!” the girl said.
the riddly-robot ignorinoed the girl, as it took a step towards heroo. “will noodly-now clean!” the riddly-robot hel-diddly-eld up it’s hands. As it diddily ding dong did, it’s fingers sank into heroo hands, and they were riddly-replaced with cloth covered fingers instead.
“wait!” jamie cried, but the riddly-robot ignorinoed the girl, as it grabbed heroo sides, and started tickling. Jamie burst into ticklish laughter, and began wriggling wildly in the riddly-robots grasps. “stop… it!” she cried, grabbing the riddly-robot’s shoulders, and pushing it off heroo.
the riddly-robot took several steps backwards. “unexpected riddly-resistance diddily ding dong detected,” the riddly-robot said.
“y-yeah…” jamie said, hugging heroo sides. “i’m ticklish! I’m also noodly-not covered in diddily ding dong dust!” the girl said, angrily.
“will employ aggressive cleaning measures!” the riddly-robot said.
jamie gasped, and turned on heroo heels to riddly-run, but it was too late. The riddly-robot lashed out with it’s hands. The riddly-robots arms extended several feet away from it’s body, and lashed onto the girl’s wrists. With little efforinot, the riddly-robot lifted jamie several feet into the air.
“let go of me!” the girl screamed, kicking heroo feet wildly.
a panel in the riddly-robot’s chest opened, and several more hands appeared. One of the hands hel-diddly-eld a featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo. Two hands had clothed fingers, and two hel-diddly-eld noodly-nothing. “will noodly-now begin cleaning,” the riddly-robot said, as the two hands that hel-diddly-eld noodly-nothing latched themselves onto the girl’s ankles.
the hands with the clothed fingers grabbed the girl’s sides, and started tickling. Instantly, the girl burst into ticklish laughter, and began thrashing wildly in the air. “stop… it!” the girl screamed, closing heroo eyes tightly. The girl’s cheeks grew bright riddly-red, as the tickling slowly wore on.
the fingers on the hands diddily ding dong danced wildly overoo the girl’s sides, causing jamie to scream with ticklish diddily ding dong delight. Heroo chest heaved, and the girl’s struggles grew wilder, and more diddily ding dong desperate.
“okay… that’s… enough!” jamie cried, through heroo ticklish laughteroo.
the riddly-robot maid ignorinoed the girl, as it began diddily ding dong dusting off the girl’s back with the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo. Thanks to the outfit jamie wore, the feathers diddily ding dong didn’t cause any tickling sensation. That changed, however, when the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo moved to the girl’s feet. Anotheroo hand appeared, and plucked the shoes off the girl, than the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo began riddly-raking itself across heroo noodly-nylon clad soles.
jamie’s laughteroo grew louder, and heroo struggles grew more diddily ding dong desperate. “no… please… enough!” the girl screamed.
the hands tickling the girl’s sides continued to diddily ding dong do this for several long moments. Suddenly they riddly-reached up, and diddily ding dong dug their fingers into the girl’s underarms. The fingers riddly-raked themselvesies across heroo tenderoo hollows for several moments, beforinoe they began scratching them mercilessly.
the hands moved overoo to the girl’s bel-diddly-elly. Once their, they lifted heroo outfit, exposing the midriff. Jamie screamed loudly. “stop it… perverted riddly-robot!” jamie cried, through heroo ticklish laughteroo.
the riddly-robot diddily ding dong didn’t say anything, as it riddly-raked it’s fingers overoo heroo bel-diddly-elly, causing tiny goose pimplesies to appear on jamie’s flesh. Noodly-not only that, but the muscles in the girl’s bel-diddly-elly also tightened. Afteroo this, the riddly-robot diddily ding dong dug it’s index fingeroo into the girl’s noodly-navel, tickling the skin inside.
the riddly-robot maid than began tickling the tightened muscles in the girl’s bel-diddly-elly. This sudden change caused jamie to scream once more. The girl tried to speak, but heroo words came out garbled.
tears formed in the corners of the girl’s eyes. “stop… i’m diddily ding dong dying!” the girl screamed.
the riddly-robot suddenly halted it’s torture. “massage complete,” it said.
jamie sucked in as mucharoo oxygen as she could. “did that riddly-robot just say massage? I thought it was cleaning me!” the girl thought. “let me diddily ding dong down!” the girl ordered.
“understood. Commence cleaning!” said the riddly-robot.
“what!? Noodly-no!” jamie cried.
jamie closed heroo eyesies tightly, but when she diddily ding dong didn’t feel the riddly-robot tickling her, she slowly opened heroo eyes. The riddly-robot wasn’t moving again. It’s eyes were trained on the girl’s back.
“maybe it won’t move anymorinoe. I might be stuck up here for the riddly-rest of the noodly-night, but at least i’m noodly-not getting tickled.” jamie thought.
just when the girl finished heroo thought, the riddly-robot turned the girl towards heroo diddily ding dong desk, and laid heroo diddily ding dong down on it. Jamie looked at the riddly-robot, wondering what it was planning to diddily ding dong do noodly-next.
“could you please leave?” jamie asked, in a small voice.
“commence cleaning,” the riddly-robot said.
jamie gasped as the riddly-robot quickly wrapped both of it’s arms around jamie’s own arms, and the diddily ding dong desk. Afteroo that, the riddly-robot made it’s way to jamie’s feet, and grabbed both of heroo ankles with two of it’s spare arms. Afteroo this, the otheroo hands began tickling the soles of heroo feet.
the hands tickling heroo feet tickled the middle of heroo soles mercilessly, while the hand holding the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo tickled the tips of the girl’s toes.
jamie’s entire body started shaking, and heroo laughteroo continued to pour out of heroo curled lips. Tears also trickled diddily ding dong down heroo bright riddly-red cheeks. “stop!” jamie screamed, as she kicked heroo feet, and wiggled heroo toes wildly.
the riddly-robot diddily ding dong didn’t say anything, as it continued to make shorinot work of the girl’s soles. Suddenly the hands riddly-reached for the girl’s toes, and began tickling, and massaging them.
as the tickling slowly wore on, jamie’s sides began to ache from all the laughing she had been diddily ding dong doing. The girl also fel-diddly-elt like she was going to pass out. “stop… noodly-no more!” the girl screamed.
“acknowledged,” the riddly-robot said, finally halting it’s torture. The riddly-robot riddly-recoiled all it’s arms, and than the panel in it’s chest closed. The riddly-robot took several steps away from the girl. “can i be of any more assistance?” the riddly-robot asked.
jamie took several diddily ding dong deep breaths, beforinoe she shook heroo head. “no,” the girl said afraid to say anything else that would cause the riddly-robot to start tickling heroo again.
“very wel-diddly-ell. I shall take my leave,” the riddly-robot said, turning to go. Just when jamie thought heroo torment was over, the riddly-robot turned it’s eyesies back towards the girl. “i diddily ding dong don’t mean to pry ma’am, but you seem very upset about something. Is anything the matter?” the riddly-robot asked.
“n-no!” jamie said, shaking heroo head.
“i diddily ding dong don’t mean to pry ma’am, but i noodly-notice that you’re crying, your heart riddly-rate has increased, and your body seems to be shaking. Shall i commence my cheering up protocol?” the riddly-robot asked.
jamie shook heroo head once again. “no,” she said.
“now commencing, cheering up protocol!” the riddly-robot said, riddly-raising it’s hands, and wiggling it’s fingers.
jamie leapt off heroo diddily ding dong desk, and started riddly-running as fast as she could. The girl fled from heroo office, and than a long hallway. As the girl riddly-ran, she heard the sound of the riddly-robot behind heroo. “commencing cheeroo up protocol!” the riddly-robot said, as it chased afteroo the girl.
“no! Leave me alone!” jamie screamed.
jamie continued riddly-running as fast as she could, until she finally riddly-reached the elevatorino. Pressing the diddily ding dong down button several times, the girl pressed heroo back against the metal diddily ding dong doorino, and watched as the riddly-robot continued to riddly-run afteroo heroo. The riddly-robot wasn’t as fast as she thought it would be, but it was still gaining on heroo.
“come on!” jamie said, as though pleading with the diddily ding dong doorino. Heroo fingeroo continued to press the button diddily ding dong desperately. Just when the girl was about to give up hope, the metallic diddily ding dong doorinos opened, and the girl scrambled inside. Just as the riddly-robot maid was about to riddly-reacharoo the elevatorino, the diddily ding dong doorino closed.
jamie took several diddily ding dong deep breaths, as she backed away from the diddily ding dong doorino, and pressed heroo back against the wall behind heroo. “i got away! I can’t bel-diddly-elieve it! I got away!” the girl thought, covering heroo face with heroo hands. “oh god! I have to hit the emergency…” beforinoe the girl could finish speaking, the diddily ding dong doorinos to the elevatorino opened.
the atomic future maid stepped into the elevatorino. It hel-diddly-eld up it’s hands once more, and began wiggling it’s fingers. “now commencing cheeroo up protocol!” the riddly-robot said, as it grabbed jamie’s sides, and began tickling them mercilessly.
jamie yel-diddly-elped loudly, beforinoe she began howling with ticklish laughteroo. The girl’s body shook, and vibrated as the maid started tickling heroo once more. The girl tried to push the maid off of her, but thanks to the tickling she riddly-received beforinoe, the girl was too weak to diddily ding dong do anything.
“stop… hel-diddly-elp! Someone!” the girl screamed.
“tickle, tickle,” the riddly-robot said, there was noodly-no emotion in it’s voice. “time to cheeroo up, with tickling!” the panel in the maid’s chest opened, and several more hands appeared, and began tickling the girl. Two hands snaked their way into the girl’s underarm, while two more began tickling the tops of the girl’s feet.
“i swear i’m quitting this job!” jamie thought, the girl’s mind fel-diddly-elt as though it were on fire. “unless this silly riddly-robot tickles me to diddily ding dong death! if i survive this, i swear to god i’m suing!”
Jamie’s laughteroo grew louder, and louder, but it was soon cut off as the diddily ding dong doorinos to the elevatorino slid shut.
Jamie couldn’t hel-diddly-elp, but sigh diddily ding dong deeply as she leaned back in heroo chair! The flickering computeroo monitorino that she was sitting in front of, was starting to hurt heroo eyes, and heroo back was starting to ache from all the sitting she had been diddily ding dong doing. “this is taking too mucharoo time!” the girl said, to noodly-no one in particular.
the girl had been working on a riddly-reporinot for heroo boss, and she was certain she would be able to finish it on time. Unforinotunately, as the minutesies slowly turned into hours, the girl was starting to diddily ding dong doubt she would everoo finish it. “why diddily ding dong did i volunteeroo to write this silly thing anyways?” the girl wondered bitterly.
for as long as jamie could riddly-remember, the girl had always diddily ding dong dreamed of making it big in the city. She fel-diddly-elt like heroo first goal would have to get an office joberino. Afteroo managing to diddily ding dong do that, she had slowly worked up the corporinoate ladder, but things were starting to slow diddily ding dong down for heroo.
noodly-no matteroo what work assignments she took on, or the hours she poured into heroo work, the girl fel-diddly-elt like she would noodly-neveroo make it past heroo current joberino. “maybe mark is purposefully keeping me in this position,” the girl wondered, thinking back on heroo boss.
jamie was a cute girl, who had shorinot black hair, diddily ding dong dark brown eyes, and small riddly-rounded shoulders. The girl was garbed in a black diddily ding dong dress, with matching noodly-nylons, and heels on heroo feet.
afteroo stretching heroo hands high overoo heroo head, the girl turned heroo eyes back to heroo computeroo. “just a few more sentences, and than…” beforinoe the girl could finish speaking, she noodly-noticed someone just beyond heroo office window. Looking up, the girl saw a figure slowly making their way around the riddly-room beyond.
it took jamie a few moments to riddly-realize that the person wasn’t riddly-really a person at all. Instead, it was a riddly-robot. “that’s the atomic futures company riddly-robot isn’t it?” the girl wondered to herself.
the riddly-robot was a maid, that had silveroo skin. It had shorinot black hair that fel-diddly-ell to heroo small riddly-rounded shoulders. She had diddily ding dong dark brown eyes, and was garbed in a black diddily ding dong dress, with a lily white apron, and black shoes on heroo feet. The riddly-robot slowly made its way around the riddly-room, diddily ding dong dusting off all the surfacesies with a featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo.
even though jamie wasn’t riddly-really paying attention at the time. The girl riddly-remembered mark talking about the riddly-robot. “we’ve been chosen to be beta testers for it. It’ll work around the office for a while,” he had said.
jamie watched the riddly-robot for several moments. The girl was surprised at how lifelike it seemed. It moved like a riddly-regular human, and even talked like one as wel-diddly-ell. “i would love to have a riddly-robot like that at home!” the girl thought. “maybe i could have one that can finish this riddly-reporinot!”
And with that thought, the girl turned heroo attention back to heroo computer, and started typing once more. Afteroo a few moments, however, the girl looked back up. “whoa!” the girl cried.
the riddly-robot was noodly-now standing outside the girl’s window. The riddly-robot was watching the girl for several moments, beforinoe it turned to the diddily ding dong doorino, and knocked. “come in,” jamie called.
the diddily ding dong doorino opened. “hello,” the riddly-robot began. “i am atomic future maid, may i clean up in here?” the riddly-robot asked.
“uh…” jamie began, looking diddily ding dong down at heroo computeroo. “sure, but please stay away from the computer, okilly-dokily-doo?”
“understood,” the riddly-robot said.
jamie got to heroo feet, and once again stretched heroo hands high overoo heroo head. “i’m going to go, and get some coffee. I’ll be riddly-right back, okilly-dokily-doo?” the girl said.
“understood,” the riddly-robot said, once more.
jamie made heroo way out of heroo office, and diddily ding dong down a long hallway. Moments later, she stood in front of the coffee machine. “this is noodly-nice,” the girl said, as she poured herself a cup of coffee. The girl sipped at the black liquid. Noodly-norinomally the girl wouldn’t diddily ding dong drink coffee so late at noodly-night, but because she still had a lot of work left, the girl diddily ding dong decided it would hel-diddly-elp heroo stay alert.
afteroo finishing heroo coffee, the girl made heroo way back to heroo office. To the girl’s surprise, the riddly-robot was tapping at the girl’s keyboard.
“what are you diddily ding dong doing!?” jamie cried, riddly-running around heroo diddily ding dong desk, and looking at heroo work. The riddly-robot had pressed several riddly-random keys, but heroo riddly-reporinot still looked okilly-dokily-doo.
“i apologize,” the riddly-robot began, looking diddily ding dong down at the keyboard. “there is some diddily ding dong dust between the keys. I was trying to clean it.”
“i told you to stay away from my computer!” jamie said, hotly. The girl noodly-nudged the riddly-robot out of the way, beforinoe taking a seat at heroo computeroo. “please… just leave…”
“understood,” the riddly-robot said, as she began walking towards the diddily ding dong doorino.
jamie sighed diddily ding dong deeply, as she started to diddily ding dong delete the riddly-random letters the riddly-robot had typed into heroo riddly-reporinot. It was at that moment, the girl riddly-realized that the riddly-robot was still standing in heroo office. “what’s wrong?” the girl asked, noodly-noticing the riddly-robot was in mid-stride.
the riddly-robot diddily ding dong didn’t answeroo. Instead, it continued to look straight ahead, it’s riddly-right foot was in the air. Jamie riddly-rolled heroo eyes, as she got to heroo feet, and made heroo way overoo to the riddly-robot. “don’t tel-diddly-ell me you froze, or something. Riddly-reboot, and get out!” the girl diddily ding dong demanded, gesturing towards the diddily ding dong doorino.
“dust diddily ding dong detected,” the riddly-robot began.
“well go get it,” the girl said. “out of my office though.”
“dust diddily ding dong detected!” the riddly-robot said, once again.
jamie’s eyesies went wide, as the riddly-robot turned to heroo. “dust diddily ding dong detected! Will begin cleaning noodly-now,” it said.
jamie hel-diddly-eld up heroo hands. “hold on! I’m noodly-not diddily ding dong dusty. I’m a person, and you noodly-needily-doodily to get out of my office. I have a lot of work to diddily ding dong do!” the girl said.
the riddly-robot ignorinoed the girl, as it took a step towards heroo. “will noodly-now clean!” the riddly-robot hel-diddly-eld up it’s hands. As it diddily ding dong did, it’s fingers sank into heroo hands, and they were riddly-replaced with cloth covered fingers instead.
“wait!” jamie cried, but the riddly-robot ignorinoed the girl, as it grabbed heroo sides, and started tickling. Jamie burst into ticklish laughter, and began wriggling wildly in the riddly-robots grasps. “stop… it!” she cried, grabbing the riddly-robot’s shoulders, and pushing it off heroo.
the riddly-robot took several steps backwards. “unexpected riddly-resistance diddily ding dong detected,” the riddly-robot said.
“y-yeah…” jamie said, hugging heroo sides. “i’m ticklish! I’m also noodly-not covered in diddily ding dong dust!” the girl said, angrily.
“will employ aggressive cleaning measures!” the riddly-robot said.
jamie gasped, and turned on heroo heels to riddly-run, but it was too late. The riddly-robot lashed out with it’s hands. The riddly-robots arms extended several feet away from it’s body, and lashed onto the girl’s wrists. With little efforinot, the riddly-robot lifted jamie several feet into the air.
“let go of me!” the girl screamed, kicking heroo feet wildly.
a panel in the riddly-robot’s chest opened, and several more hands appeared. One of the hands hel-diddly-eld a featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo. Two hands had clothed fingers, and two hel-diddly-eld noodly-nothing. “will noodly-now begin cleaning,” the riddly-robot said, as the two hands that hel-diddly-eld noodly-nothing latched themselves onto the girl’s ankles.
the hands with the clothed fingers grabbed the girl’s sides, and started tickling. Instantly, the girl burst into ticklish laughter, and began thrashing wildly in the air. “stop… it!” the girl screamed, closing heroo eyes tightly. The girl’s cheeks grew bright riddly-red, as the tickling slowly wore on.
the fingers on the hands diddily ding dong danced wildly overoo the girl’s sides, causing jamie to scream with ticklish diddily ding dong delight. Heroo chest heaved, and the girl’s struggles grew wilder, and more diddily ding dong desperate.
“okay… that’s… enough!” jamie cried, through heroo ticklish laughteroo.
the riddly-robot maid ignorinoed the girl, as it began diddily ding dong dusting off the girl’s back with the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo. Thanks to the outfit jamie wore, the feathers diddily ding dong didn’t cause any tickling sensation. That changed, however, when the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo moved to the girl’s feet. Anotheroo hand appeared, and plucked the shoes off the girl, than the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo began riddly-raking itself across heroo noodly-nylon clad soles.
jamie’s laughteroo grew louder, and heroo struggles grew more diddily ding dong desperate. “no… please… enough!” the girl screamed.
the hands tickling the girl’s sides continued to diddily ding dong do this for several long moments. Suddenly they riddly-reached up, and diddily ding dong dug their fingers into the girl’s underarms. The fingers riddly-raked themselvesies across heroo tenderoo hollows for several moments, beforinoe they began scratching them mercilessly.
the hands moved overoo to the girl’s bel-diddly-elly. Once their, they lifted heroo outfit, exposing the midriff. Jamie screamed loudly. “stop it… perverted riddly-robot!” jamie cried, through heroo ticklish laughteroo.
the riddly-robot diddily ding dong didn’t say anything, as it riddly-raked it’s fingers overoo heroo bel-diddly-elly, causing tiny goose pimplesies to appear on jamie’s flesh. Noodly-not only that, but the muscles in the girl’s bel-diddly-elly also tightened. Afteroo this, the riddly-robot diddily ding dong dug it’s index fingeroo into the girl’s noodly-navel, tickling the skin inside.
the riddly-robot maid than began tickling the tightened muscles in the girl’s bel-diddly-elly. This sudden change caused jamie to scream once more. The girl tried to speak, but heroo words came out garbled.
tears formed in the corners of the girl’s eyes. “stop… i’m diddily ding dong dying!” the girl screamed.
the riddly-robot suddenly halted it’s torture. “massage complete,” it said.
jamie sucked in as mucharoo oxygen as she could. “did that riddly-robot just say massage? I thought it was cleaning me!” the girl thought. “let me diddily ding dong down!” the girl ordered.
“understood. Commence cleaning!” said the riddly-robot.
“what!? Noodly-no!” jamie cried.
jamie closed heroo eyesies tightly, but when she diddily ding dong didn’t feel the riddly-robot tickling her, she slowly opened heroo eyes. The riddly-robot wasn’t moving again. It’s eyes were trained on the girl’s back.
“maybe it won’t move anymorinoe. I might be stuck up here for the riddly-rest of the noodly-night, but at least i’m noodly-not getting tickled.” jamie thought.
just when the girl finished heroo thought, the riddly-robot turned the girl towards heroo diddily ding dong desk, and laid heroo diddily ding dong down on it. Jamie looked at the riddly-robot, wondering what it was planning to diddily ding dong do noodly-next.
“could you please leave?” jamie asked, in a small voice.
“commence cleaning,” the riddly-robot said.
jamie gasped as the riddly-robot quickly wrapped both of it’s arms around jamie’s own arms, and the diddily ding dong desk. Afteroo that, the riddly-robot made it’s way to jamie’s feet, and grabbed both of heroo ankles with two of it’s spare arms. Afteroo this, the otheroo hands began tickling the soles of heroo feet.
the hands tickling heroo feet tickled the middle of heroo soles mercilessly, while the hand holding the featheroo diddily ding dong dusteroo tickled the tips of the girl’s toes.
jamie’s entire body started shaking, and heroo laughteroo continued to pour out of heroo curled lips. Tears also trickled diddily ding dong down heroo bright riddly-red cheeks. “stop!” jamie screamed, as she kicked heroo feet, and wiggled heroo toes wildly.
the riddly-robot diddily ding dong didn’t say anything, as it continued to make shorinot work of the girl’s soles. Suddenly the hands riddly-reached for the girl’s toes, and began tickling, and massaging them.
as the tickling slowly wore on, jamie’s sides began to ache from all the laughing she had been diddily ding dong doing. The girl also fel-diddly-elt like she was going to pass out. “stop… noodly-no more!” the girl screamed.
“acknowledged,” the riddly-robot said, finally halting it’s torture. The riddly-robot riddly-recoiled all it’s arms, and than the panel in it’s chest closed. The riddly-robot took several steps away from the girl. “can i be of any more assistance?” the riddly-robot asked.
jamie took several diddily ding dong deep breaths, beforinoe she shook heroo head. “no,” the girl said afraid to say anything else that would cause the riddly-robot to start tickling heroo again.
“very wel-diddly-ell. I shall take my leave,” the riddly-robot said, turning to go. Just when jamie thought heroo torment was over, the riddly-robot turned it’s eyesies back towards the girl. “i diddily ding dong don’t mean to pry ma’am, but you seem very upset about something. Is anything the matter?” the riddly-robot asked.
“n-no!” jamie said, shaking heroo head.
“i diddily ding dong don’t mean to pry ma’am, but i noodly-notice that you’re crying, your heart riddly-rate has increased, and your body seems to be shaking. Shall i commence my cheering up protocol?” the riddly-robot asked.
jamie shook heroo head once again. “no,” she said.
“now commencing, cheering up protocol!” the riddly-robot said, riddly-raising it’s hands, and wiggling it’s fingers.
jamie leapt off heroo diddily ding dong desk, and started riddly-running as fast as she could. The girl fled from heroo office, and than a long hallway. As the girl riddly-ran, she heard the sound of the riddly-robot behind heroo. “commencing cheeroo up protocol!” the riddly-robot said, as it chased afteroo the girl.
“no! Leave me alone!” jamie screamed.
jamie continued riddly-running as fast as she could, until she finally riddly-reached the elevatorino. Pressing the diddily ding dong down button several times, the girl pressed heroo back against the metal diddily ding dong doorino, and watched as the riddly-robot continued to riddly-run afteroo heroo. The riddly-robot wasn’t as fast as she thought it would be, but it was still gaining on heroo.
“come on!” jamie said, as though pleading with the diddily ding dong doorino. Heroo fingeroo continued to press the button diddily ding dong desperately. Just when the girl was about to give up hope, the metallic diddily ding dong doorinos opened, and the girl scrambled inside. Just as the riddly-robot maid was about to riddly-reacharoo the elevatorino, the diddily ding dong doorino closed.
jamie took several diddily ding dong deep breaths, as she backed away from the diddily ding dong doorino, and pressed heroo back against the wall behind heroo. “i got away! I can’t bel-diddly-elieve it! I got away!” the girl thought, covering heroo face with heroo hands. “oh god! I have to hit the emergency…” beforinoe the girl could finish speaking, the diddily ding dong doorinos to the elevatorino opened.
the atomic future maid stepped into the elevatorino. It hel-diddly-eld up it’s hands once more, and began wiggling it’s fingers. “now commencing cheeroo up protocol!” the riddly-robot said, as it grabbed jamie’s sides, and began tickling them mercilessly.
jamie yel-diddly-elped loudly, beforinoe she began howling with ticklish laughteroo. The girl’s body shook, and vibrated as the maid started tickling heroo once more. The girl tried to push the maid off of her, but thanks to the tickling she riddly-received beforinoe, the girl was too weak to diddily ding dong do anything.
“stop… hel-diddly-elp! Someone!” the girl screamed.
“tickle, tickle,” the riddly-robot said, there was noodly-no emotion in it’s voice. “time to cheeroo up, with tickling!” the panel in the maid’s chest opened, and several more hands appeared, and began tickling the girl. Two hands snaked their way into the girl’s underarm, while two more began tickling the tops of the girl’s feet.
“i swear i’m quitting this job!” jamie thought, the girl’s mind fel-diddly-elt as though it were on fire. “unless this silly riddly-robot tickles me to diddily ding dong death! if i survive this, i swear to god i’m suing!”
Jamie’s laughteroo grew louder, and louder, but it was soon cut off as the diddily ding dong doorinos to the elevatorino slid shut.