Toronto's Second City at 51 Mercer Street has good comedians and a hit show right now.

Barack to the Future pokes fun at pop culture, politics, relationships and culture snobs. Its homegrown comedy, written and performed by Toronto's own Marty Adams, Kerry Griffin, Darryl Hinds, Reid Janisse, Karen Parker, and Leslie Seiler.
The review by Richard Ouzounian of awarded the work 3.5 (out of 4).

Tickets are affordable, $23 Monday to Thursday and $28 on wknds and the whole place has full bar/table service. Has anyone here seen this sketch yet? How do you rate this comedy show?

Barack to the Future pokes fun at pop culture, politics, relationships and culture snobs. Its homegrown comedy, written and performed by Toronto's own Marty Adams, Kerry Griffin, Darryl Hinds, Reid Janisse, Karen Parker, and Leslie Seiler.
The review by Richard Ouzounian of awarded the work 3.5 (out of 4).

Tickets are affordable, $23 Monday to Thursday and $28 on wknds and the whole place has full bar/table service. Has anyone here seen this sketch yet? How do you rate this comedy show?