Ok so I have been having a hard time finding this one. Greece had it's own Big Brother Show and Season 2 aired around 2001-2002. There is a segment where some of the housemates are chilling in the hotub and one of the housemates (Pano) grabbed one of the girls ankles (Cleo) and he starts going to town on her foot licking her feet. She was begging him to stop because it tickled so bad and probably cause she was embarrassed. You hear her in greek saying no dont and and she just falls apart laughing and trying to get away. She cant though cause he has a great grip on her ankle. She cant stop laughing and the others are just watching it happen. The clip goes on for a few minutes. It later shows him sucking the toes of another housemate who I believe is called (Effie). I remember they showed the clip again around the season finale and I believe cause of this incident Pano and Cleo didnt get along to well for the rest of the time on the show. I remember it like it was yesterday. Problem is I cant find this episode or clip anywhere but I swear it exists and I promise you its damn good. So to my fellow Greeks on this forum especially do any of you remember this episode it was one of the first few it couldn't be anywhere passed episode 5. Do any of you know any sites that might have the episodes? Dont forget its season 2 of the Greek big brothers I'm going to continue looking for this but it would be great if any of you could help me out as well. If anyone finds it I would be willing to translate everything to give of those of you who dont speak greek insight of what is being said. Thanks!