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Bofh #1


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
Somewhere in the depths of London a mobile phone is playing its ‘you’ve got a message’ ring tone at the top of it’s little electronic lungs. There are two things wrong with this. 1) It appears to be my phone and 2) judging by the unfeasibly small numbers on my digital clock it appears to be somewhere around three in the morning. With considerable reluctance I crawl from under the duvet and scramble amongst the debris of everyday living to find the thing making all the noise. A fumbling of buttons shuts it up, and then I read the message and am suddenly horribly awake.

“FileServ1, crash of indescribable doom, raid fail.” So reads the message that permanently ruins my day, or would do if the well-greased wheels of overtime pay hadn’t just kicked in. Roughly translated our main file and database server has just decided to go into a sulk of epic proportions until someone (i.e. me) gets their arse in and fixes it’s hard disk, or to be accurate, hard disks. The machine’s built with several hard disks working as one, so it would need two disks to fail for the machine to shut down.

This little mystery keeps me entertained on the twenty-minute bike ride in to work through the dark and deserted streets. Slinging the bike into the generator room (to which only I have a key, therefore hiding the evidence of my mode of travel and lending credibility to my petty cash claim for a taxi fare at ‘emergency call out rate’ that will be coming later in the day) I wander upstairs, flicking the security systems off with a well practiced motion until I reach the server room. And stop dead as I see the hole in the front of the server where a hard disk should be.

Hmmm, something is amiss at the Circle-BOFH, not the missing kit of course, more the fact that anyone in the building would be stupid enough to try something this blatant. I thought I had them better trained than that. I go through the scene in my mind, and am left in no doubt it’s an inside job. No sign of forced entry, which means someone knows the door code. No tripping of security systems, so whoever grabbed it didn’t have to worry about them because they were turned off. And the security camera that watches our server racks has been tilted away. Now you can do that from the doorway, but only if you know beforehand it’s there. Otherwise it’s game over.

A quick check of the camera’s video feed from the last few hours shows nothing more than a long stick clacking against the lens as someone missed the camera body the first time while shoving it back to the wall. Under normal circumstances, this would be a problem, but our light-fingered interloper should have known better than to wander into a server room run by a fully paid up Bastard Operator From Hell. After all, its not every machine room that has a web cam hidden in the cooling vents of the phone system cabinet mounted just to the right of the server farm now is it?

Ah, I recognise the face (and a very attractive one it is too) but can’t place the name, which means whoever this soon-to-be-extremely-sorry woman is, she’s new here. A quick clicking of fingers on keyboard attach a name, Kate, to my criminal and I sit back to think. Yes, I could just report her to the bosses, get her fired and probably prosecuted, but there’s something morally reprehensible about not getting a cut of whatever she got for the drive. So, a plan b is needed. Seeking inspiration, and being a subscriber to the policy of know thy enemy, I fire up the security camera footage of the order processing department and run random one-minute snapshots while doing a quick search for anything incriminating in her e-mail and phone logs. To my surprise, there’s nothing there, which tends to suggest that she’s not entirely stupid. As I ponder the problem something on the video catches my eye and I do a quick check through a few other files to confirm it. Seems my new best friend has a thing for those big, chunky metal bracelets, the sort that look like they’d withstand a direct hit from a nuke. How interesting….

Grabbing an ‘emergency response kit’ from the shelf I head down to her desk and spend a productive five minutes working on her machine. A spare network card goes inside the box, and a length of network cable goes into the card. The other end of the cable goes, not into a network socket, but onto a plug which gets shoved into a cheap electric timer and hence into a wall socket. Come ten o’clock plan b should swing nicely into action.

Returning to the sanctuary of the IT department I slap a spare disk in the server and rebuild the missing data, then throw out a couple of ‘service interrupted, investigating failure, now leave us alone’ e-mails to the great unwashed. Job done I finish the paperwork to claim enough out-of-hours overtime to bankrupt a third world country and drop the finished timesheet on the boss’s desk, where, if I’m any judge of character, it will be signed off without hesitation. At least, it will considering what happened the last time he complained.

Not wanting to go home again for the extra half hour of sleep, I hit Ms Kate’s web logs. Nothing too strange, the normal breaches of company policy but nothing on the serious list. I’m about to switch off when a thought occurs and I start to check the phone logs, the image of a black shape about the right size for a laptop popping into my mind from the security videos. Sure enough, there’s a rogue machine connecting on the spare network port next to her desk from time to time, and it’s even logging in with one of our beancounter’s usernames. The girl just went up a notch or two in my opinion, not that it’ll save her of course. Ah, now this is much better, a few fetish sites, a load of dodgy software searches and, what the heck is the tickling media forum?

An hour or so of research later and I’m wiser in the ways of the world, have a much better plan b than I had before and am seriously lusting after more than one author. I kill the time till ten with a little light coding, modifying our print spooler to randomly insert a distinctly non-work-friendly image into print jobs of a hundred pages or more. Finally the clock ticks over to ten in the am, there’s a momentary blip from my voltage monitor as the timer three floors below clicks on and, rather than supplying nice safe data packets starts delivering rich chunky volts to the network card instead. Unsurprisingly this doesn’t last long as, even through three stories of concrete I hear the *bang* that filters up from down below as most of the internals of the machine revert to their liquid state, well, with a little help anyway.

A few minutes later, most likely after her heart’s stopped beating the Macarena, I get a visit from the undeniably attractive young woman asking if I could provide a temporary replacement machine. Doing my best to impersonate a helpful support tech I grab an old machine from the shelf, peel off the luggage labels from the Ark, and carry it downstairs for her. There are disbelieving glances from the masses as they see me actually helping someone, but that’s easily dealt with by a couple of stares that would have done a shark proud. I retrieve the ‘broken’ machine and replace it with the ‘new’ one, pocketing what’s left of my toy at the same time. I also yank the slightly charred remains of the network and power cables from their sockets and, expressing shock that anything could have done this in our professionally wired building, ask her to come back to the IT department to grab spare cables.

On the way up the stairs I ask her if she’d mind installing the cables herself to save me a trip, and am gratified to find my initial guess was right as she quickly agrees. Yep, a definite case of a wannabe techie, well have I got a newsflash for you….

Following me into the server room she wanders down between the racks as I head for the equipment store at the far end of the room. Digging through a box of network cable I wouldn’t use to run Christmas tree lights, let alone carry data traffic, I grab a spare power cable from a neatly stacked box with my other hand and turn to face her, finding her standing exactly where I wanted her, between the last two cabinets, their metal shelves empty as we wait for the last of our servers to arrive from the manufacturer.

I toss both cables to her at the same time, and ‘accidentally’ throw them too high. Reacting instinctively she raises her hands to try and catch them, and suddenly finds her bracelets caught on the edges of the cabinets. Making reassuring, but meaningless, noises, I move forwards to ‘help’, grabbing a roll of duct tape from the top shelf of one of the cabinets as I reach up. A quick hand movement or two later and her hands are taped firmly to the bracelets, which are in turn taped to the cabinets.

“Now” I say, stepping back as she realises she’s well and truly trapped. “I’d like to have a word with you about where exactly one of my hard drives went walking off to last night.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, let me go right fucking now!” Oh dear, and I’d so hoped this was going to be reasonable. Too bad, for her anyway. I move forward and slap another piece of tape over her mouth, cutting off her protestations of innocence. That’s one thing I’m not interested in, I’ve got the video proof of her guilt, what I want now is something I rather suspect she’s going to be unwilling to give me. Grabbing the room’s only chair I slide it into place behind her, reach down and pick her legs up, folding her at the knees until I can slip the seat of the chair into place so her feet stick out through the metal slats and her weight is supported on her shins and knees. Quickly I pull her shoes and socks from her feet and apply a layer of tape to hold her in place.

Reaching up to the same shelf that held the duct tape, I pull a wooden box down and carefully remove a set of smaller boxes. One at a time I open these boxes, removing a small circular magnet from each one that I slip under the chair, one per leg. They instantly bond to the floor, and Kate seems shocked to discover she can’t lift the chair off the ground. Before I put the fourth magnet in place I straighten and speak to her.

“Now, let me explain what’s going to happen. This is my game, my rules, and there is nothing you can do or say to change them. First, and understand this because it’s very important, I have video footage of you taking a hard disk from that server behind you last night at about eight thirty. The only reason I haven’t handed it and you to the cops is I don’t feel like it. I’ll let it go, but I want a piece of the action, in this case, 60% of whatever you’re getting for it, and a 50/50 partnership in any future transactions.”

“The way this works is simple. I am going to give you a chance, and only one chance to tell me what I want to hear. If you do not tell me immediately I will gag you again and torture you for five minutes. You will then get another chance to talk. Fail to co-operate and you’ll be tortured for ten minutes. Then twenty, forty and so on until you give in. Rest assured, I will get what I want, so you might as well talk.” With that I pulled the tape from her lips and waited.

“Fuck you! This is insa-mmpphhhhh” That was all she got out as I placed the tape back over her mouth and knelt behind her. I ran my fingertips ever so gently over her soles, travelling down, or rather up, from a point just above her toes to the very edge of her heel and was rewarded with a giggle and jerk from my captive. I paused for a moment letting the importance of what had just happened sink in. It didn’t take long, her eyes went wide and she started to pull at her bonds with desperate strength. Not that it mattered, I’d hung servers like this before and there was no way she was getting loose on her own.

I repeated the motion, harder this time and much slower, dragging my fingers over her feet slowly enough to trace every single curve and wrinkle as she gurgled and turned beetroot red from suppressing her laughter, both feet flexing away from me. I had an eye on the clock, wanting to give her only a taste of what was in store for her if she didn’t co-operate this time round as I repeated the harder touch. Now her eyes were shut tight, almost comically so, as she shock her head, dark brown hair whipping around above me. I started to gently tap her soles, running my fingers over her like a light drizzle on those admittedly very cute feet and her breathing turned to a series of rapid gasps, her self-control hanging by a thread.

As the clock hit the minute mark I turned the drizzle into a full on thunderstorm and sent my fingers racing over her feet, avoiding her toes completely as I scrapped my nails over her soles, constantly varying speed and direction, never giving her a chance to adapt. It was too much for her and Kate burst into muffled laughter above me, body shaking as she tried desperately to jerk away, every attempt thwarted by her bondage. Her toes flexed and wriggled as her feet writhed, but it didn’t even begin to throw my aim off. Mercilessly I dove in to the attack time and again, forcing that wonderful laughter from her and, to my surprise, enjoying it immensely.

Finally the first five minutes was up and I moved away from her tormented feet, moving round and standing in front of her, knees bent slightly to bring me down to eye level. Without saying a word I reached out and eased the tape away from her mouth. She panted for air for a moment, and then looked at me with such anger I almost laughed out loud. “What the fummm!” was all I needed to hear as I slid the tape back across her mouth and set the clock for ten minutes. It was one of those big countdown kitchen timers, one of the bits of kit that always seemed to come in so useful in this job, and on a whim I put it on a shelf to the left of her head so that she could twist around and see it if she wanted.

Reaching out I triggered the countdown and dived into the attack. This time there was no build up, no warning. She’d had her one, and only, chance to make this easy on herself and now I wanted results. Standing in front of her nicely stretched body I thrust my hands into her armpits, the white silk blouse seeming to welcome my questing fingers as I scratched and scrabbled away with reckless abandon. She screamed, or tried to through the tape, and tried to snap at my arms and hands with her teeth. I just laughed, there was no way, if I was careful at least and a true BOFH is always careful, for her to get at me, and her desperation to try such a move so early was a good sign.

I followed the curve of her sides down to her ribs, hooking my fingers into claws as I explore this new area. The effect on her is incredible; as she squirms so viciously I hear the chair creak under her. Not that I thought it would break, but I’d never heard that particular chair so much as squeak no matter what the load, so a full-on creak was impressive. I travel inwards, caressing and kneading her belly, bringing my fingernails down onto her body and making the silk of her blouse work against her, a cold touch accenting each ticklish poke and prod. Her hair was by now plastered to her head with sweat, despite the constant cooling from the air conditioning and her face was flushed from her exertions. I glance at the clock and saw there was a little over two minutes to go, time to wrap this up.

Kneeling down in front of her I untucked her blouse and undid the bottom two buttons to reveal her belly button. Leaning forwards I slid my hands under the thin silk and slid them round her body to hold her steady. With my nose touching her skin I dipped my tongue down into that inviting hollow. It was a good job I was holding her in place, as I felt her jerk so hard I was sure the orbit of the planet shifted. Down I probed, wet tongue licking and probing skin that had never been touched before, at least not like this. My lips touched her skin and, pursing them slightly I started to blow raspberries against her helpless flesh. The vibration coursed through her, driving her laughter ever upwards, I could feel every muscle in her body tensing and relaxing seemingly at random as she sought for a way out, anything to escape my attentions. Her breathing became ragged, shallow gasps that simply weren’t getting any air to her lungs, her eyes started to drift upwards as she hovered on the verge of unconsciousness. She managed to grab one final breath, and it proved to be enough as I moved away, the ten minutes up and a devastated woman hanging from the equipment racks in the soundproofed room.

I was planning on offering her a real chance to surrender, but this was far too much fun to stop so soon. But there were rules, and I did have to follow them. The instant I moved away from her belly I stood up and peeled back the tape. “Well?” I asked, knowing full well there was no way she could answer, she simply didn’t have the breath in her lungs to form the words. After five seconds of gasping I pushed the tape back into position. “You are a stubborn one, but have it your way.” Oh she screamed at that, through the gag I caught a muffled ‘yes’, but rules were rules after all. Giving her a moment to catch her breath, and let her mind play on her fears I pulled the last magnet from my pocket and showed it to her.

”You might be wondering what’s got hold of your arms so securely. Well, you can thank these little beauties. Rare earth magnets, only small and they don’t have a huge range but, as you’re finding out, get something attached to them and it’s the devil’s own job to make it let go. Normally they’re used to hang tools on when a sys admin needs both hands free, but as you can see they’re very versatile.” Her breathing was almost back to normal by now and I reached for the clock, setting twenty minutes in front of her wide eyes, her pleas for mercy clear behind the gag, even if the words weren’t. Not that it mattered of course, I’d given her a chance and she’d refused to save herself, I had a moral obligation to demonstrate the laws of cause and effect, purely in the name of education of course.

I finished unbuttoning her blouse and let it hang open, her body exposed to whatever I could dream up. I pulled the material up behind her, sliding it up her arms and tying the ends together over her head, leaving her naked from the waist up except of course for the lacy white bra that barely held her breasts in check. Making a mental note to see how ticklish she was there later on, I tripped the timer and moved to my next target.

Standing next to her I ducked my head down and buried my face into her right armpit, working at the skin there with lips, tongue and teeth. Alternating rapidly between licking and stroking with long laps of my tongue, pursing and blowing around my lips while *almost* clamped on to her skin, and scraping and nibbling her with my teeth the reaction I received was almost beyond belief. She writhed as if electrocuted, her skin seeming to move of it’s own volition. Her soft, warm and now quite wet armpit seemed to call me back every time I thought I’d had enough and the momentary pauses as I pulled away for a quick gulp of air was nowhere near enough time for her to recover.

As my mouth tormented her right side, my arms wrapped around her body and my hands found their way into her left armpit and onto her ribs. Almost without thinking I started to tickle her as best I could with my outstretched fingers, not trying anything too fancy, just scraping and kneading any flesh that fell under my questing touch. It was enough to drive her absolutely insane, her mouth stretched so wide under the tape I could make out every line of her lips even though no sound passed from her throat. Her stomach heaved and rippled as she fought for air, her eyes went from shut tight to bugging out to shut again so rapidly it was as if a strobe light were playing over her face. Her hands clenched and relaxed rapidly above me, and I could feel her arms straining against her bonds. For ten minutes I stayed in that position, only giving up as my neck started to protest from being in such at unnatural angle for so long.

Circling round her I debated for a moment whether to return to her feet or not, but those wonderful, full, heaving breasts were calling to me. Figuring she deserved a slight breather, in more ways than one, I traced my fingers gently across the underneath of her breasts, just under the edge of the bra. Even this proved too much, and she giggled uncontrollably as my hands traced their way with that same teasing touch up the sides of her tits and into her armpits, up her arms to her elbows then slowly back down. The entire trip lasted two minutes, more than enough time to get herself under control in my opinion, and it was time for the longest eight minutes of her life.

Pointing my fingers straight down I brought the tips of my nails down on the very edge of her breasts. I started to vibrate my fingers against that wonderfully soft flesh, nails itching and tickling the skin as the pads of my fingertips made the occasional contact with her skin. As I sped up, so did her laughter, like a perfectly tuned racing engine moving towards the red line. When her laughter finally seemed to peak I started to move my hands in a long, slow looping pattern, a spiral with it’s final destination obvious from the start. As my fingers got closer and closer to her now rock hard nipples her laughter increased not in volume but in pitch, building to a squeal that was barely muffled by the gag.

As my fingers finally touched those swollen buds I stopped my travels and dived in, nothing fancy or convoluted, just simple, honest, straight forward tickling on an area that was proving not only intensely ticklish but also rather erotic. I had to admit, she looked gorgeous, tied up and helpless, body glistening with sweat, nipples painfully erect and begging for attention as her body alternated between writhing for escape and bucking for attention, her voice, when she could find it at least, alternating between frantic laughter and much deeper moans. I started to trace my fingers down her body, following them with my mouth and tongue. Down I went, down between the centre of her stomach, fingers poking and prodding, mouth teasing her as my tongue lapped anything that came in range. Down over her belly button, pausing to make her squeal once more as my tongue dove inside for a moment. Down over her hips, my hands spreading out to caress her inner thighs, unbuttoning her black jeans on the way. Down to mid thigh with my hands pulling her jeans with them, her hips bucking frantically as I tickled my way up her bare thighs, fingers hooking into the waistband of her white panties, pulling them down too. Down went my mouth, lapping at the very top of her mound, my lips hovering over her core, hot breath teasing her as it passed over her clit.

The timer sounded and I stood up, an instant later Kate bucked and hollered against her bonds, arching up trying to find something to stimulate her throbbing pussy but touching only air. I waited for her to pull back, let her get her breath back before pulling off the tape for what I hoped would be the last time. “So, ready to give me what I want?”

She panted for a moment, and I wondered if she was genuinely stubborn enough to subject herself to another forty minutes of this torment. Then: “Yes, okay, you’ve got your sixty percent.” She gasped the words out, obviously struggling to contain what had been started within her. “On one condition, don’t leave me like this!”

“What, you mean tied up in my machine room? I admit it’s tempting to have my very own tickle toy in here, would certainly make those long night shifts fly by, well, for me anyway.” I said, moving close enough to whisper in her ear by the word “toy”.

“No you bastard, I mean bring me off.”

“Off the chair?”

“No! God damn it, make me cum.”

“Why on earth would you want me to do that?” I teased, enjoying the game.

“Because I’ve never, in my life, needed anything as bad as I need this, alright?! Please!”

“Hmm, well, since you asked so nicely.” I reached out and, flicking my Leatherman open with one hand, sliced open the tape holding her feet to the chair. Easing her legs down I wrapped her feet around the back legs of the chair before securing them, leaving her comfortably supported on her thighs with maybe a two inch gap between the base of the chair and her sopping wet pussy. Reaching over to an equipment shelf I pulled one of our feather dusters (can’t use a vacuum cleaner in a machine room unless you like recovering data) from it’s place and moved behind her, making sure she never saw what I held in my hand.

I slid the duster forward, in between her thighs so she was practically sitting on it. The feathers reached out and touched her inner thighs, ass and mound, the gentle touch causing a groan of delight from Kate. I walked in front of her and knelt down, resting my head on her left leg as my arms moved behind her to the handle of the duster. “Eighty percent.” I said, grinning up at her.

“What! No way, that’s not fair!” she yelled, the yell turning into moans as I started to move the duster back and forth, moans that rapidly became interspersed with laughter as I twisted the feathers from side to side, tickling all her most private areas at once. Her moans grew and for a moment I thought I’d misjudged and she was going to find her release, find her pleasure. Then her moans seemed to plateau and I smiled, knowing I was right and that it was only a matter of time. The sensations from the duster tickled gently but also caused a very erotic tingle that was enough to keep her on the edge indefinitely. To actually cum though, she’d need a firmer touch and there was only one way she was going to get that.

It took almost five minutes for the frustration to start to set in, her moans of pleasure giving way to something a little more desperate as she started shifting on top of the duster, pushing as best she could but still unable to find that last elusive touch. I angled the duster down slightly, forcing the end of it up between her ass cheeks and increased the back and forth motion. Now the laughter started in earnest, but it was a much harder laugh than before, almost a sob, a cry of sheer need as her body hovered on the edge of the wave, her need now a burning desire and threatening to turn to pain.

I started flicking the duster upwards on the down stroke, caressing her pussy lips but never quite going high enough to give her what she wanted so badly. Her laughter continued, as did her desperation. She begged, she pleaded, she promised endless sexual favours in return but I was interested only in one thing. Not the extra money, an additional twenty percent really wasn’t worth it. No, I wanted her pride, knowing if I could break her spirit here I’d have her right where I wanted her for as long as I wanted her. She couldn’t last much longer, her entire body was straining for release and I could physically see her muscles tensing in sequence, a wave of tension pulsing up her body as she fought her most primal instincts.

Finally it was too much for her and she screamed her acceptance. Instantly I moved forward, pulled the duster all the way back and out from between her thighs as I clamped my mouth over her pussy. The reaction was instant as she came in a rush, her scream fit to wake the dead as she howled into the room, body trembling around me, thighs squeezing at my head as she tried to force me ever closer to her womanhood. As she started to calm down I moved up slightly and wrapped my tongue around her clit, more than enough stimulation to send her over the edge again. This time her climax seemed to go on forever, the sheer need of her first orgasm replaced by a rush of release as she babbled above me, her hips thrusting forwards as she accepted everything I had to give her until finally she fell back satisfied.

As she slowly recovered I busied myself freeing her from her bondage and helping her ease back to her feet. She was so weak she couldn’t even do up her blouse and I helped her look presentable before stepping back out into the office. I had the distinct impression that not only would my bank balance be a lot healthier by the end of the day, but that, just maybe, I hadn’t seen the last of my ticklish thief…
oooo so finally i find out what the bofh stands for. very creative. this series of stories is great. erotic and descriptive and has all i could want in a story. making her finally submit via tickle torture and arousal and then teasing her til she agrees to anything he wants so that she can find release. great job!

oooo so finally i find out what the bofh stands for. very creative. this series of stories is great. erotic and descriptive and has all i could want in a story. making her finally submit via tickle torture and arousal and then teasing her til she agrees to anything he wants so that she can find release. great job!


hmm, i must've missed something, or two...lol; first, i thought this had been a f/f story; and, i still don't know what bofh stands for...lol
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