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Bofh #3


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
I’m sitting peacefully in the operations centre with my feet resting on a spare server and am about halfway through an exhaustive eight hour study of the inside of my eyelids when the door bursts open and my newly employed assistant bursts through muttering something about ‘those huggy-feely bastards’ and waving an e-mail printout around. On her way past I snag said print out and scan the important bits before returning to my study.

Noticing the distinct lack of concern she starts to simmer down some, grabbing the chair opposite and waiting patiently for an explanation. Not wanting to get into a debate about the relative merits, or lack thereof, of team building weekends, I pass over an e-mail of my own, and wait for her to read through it.

“Okay, so you’ve got the same e-mail, well, with a few minor details and a change of writing style difference at least. Why is that meant to reassure me?” She snaps, none the wiser.

“Look at the date.” I reply.

“Wait, this was sent a week ago to the boss?”

“Yep, I was beginning to worry the boss hadn’t taken the hint.”

“And there’s a reason you want to meet the rest of the IT department on the, how did you put it, ah, the ‘Paintball field of honour’? Aside from anything else, you are aware that the rest of our so-called team is made up of all those who mysteriously catch life-threatening illnesses the day before any team activity and recover just in time to avoid needing a doctors note, while the other side has mysteriously ended up with all the weekend warriors who do this sort of thing for fun?” She demands, and I decide it’s time to reign in on her temper before something nasty happens. Well, nasty for her anyway.

“And, by a strange coincidence, those are all the members of this department who seem to be under the mistaken opinion that we are here to clean up all the little messes and unpleasant jobs they don’t want to do.” I reply “Besides, don’t worry about it, there’s three reasons why we’ve already won this.”

“And those would be?”

”First, we have a lifetime of experience in being cunning and devious to meet the whining demands of our users, whereas the most devious thing they ever have to deal with is the photocopier. Second, with only two of us and seven of them it’s what I believe is called a target rich environment. And third, we’ll cheat.”

Liz still looks worried so heads off to nuke the recruitment server in the hopes it’ll ease her mind. I take a moment to fire off an e-mail to a specialist firearm retailer I happen to be on good credit terms with and settle back to finish my study.

Nine in the morning finds the rather smug looking team of developers and helldesk staff rolling up in a mini-bus at the paintball range, all looking disgustingly keen to get on with what I’m sure they think will be a massacre to go down in simulated warfare history. The smug factor dips a little on spotting us sitting in the flatbed of a nicely beaten up, army green, Land Rover Defender with the full military accessory kit (big metal work around the front, 4 large spotlights mounted above the cabin, that sort of thing). The fact we’re wearing our own combats, face paint and appear to be carrying weapons that definitely aren’t standard issue from this particular centre only adds to the worry and in the few seconds it takes for them to walk from bus to dressing rooms they seem to have suffered a slight moral drop. Not that it’ll be the last such drop they have today, but why spoil the surprise?

Once the other side are suited and booted we head off to our respective base camps, pausing only long enough for a few last minute adjustments to the kit in the back of the 4x4. The game is simple enough, both sides get a base camp in a reasonably defendable location, first team to get ‘killed’, looses. I shuck the rather large kit bag to the ground and a minute or two’s preparation has us ready to go. Liz stays behind as I slip into the woods, looking for a good sniper spot. A few minutes later I find just what I’m looking for and hunker down in a nice wooden hole to wait with a small greyscale screen propped up next to me with ‘asset tracking system prototype’ inscribed on a hand-written label. This might seem strange to the casual observer, but it’s surprising just how many different assets a company needs to keep track of in the field, laptops, cars, combat coveralls….

The first of our ‘assets’ slips into view after ten minutes or so, making a pretty ham-fisted job of moving quietly through the dense woodland. As she gets closer I pull my sidearm out and take aim. A muffled ‘thwip’ later and she’s down on the ground, knocked cold by the powerful, but harmless, tranquilliser dart. True, most people would consider using such a weapon as a tad unsporting but I look at it more as an exercise in proper planning. Scooping her up in my arms I hot foot it back to base camp, the tracking monitor secured to a map pocket on my right arm to make sure we don’t get jumped on-route. Once back I drop my victim off and grab a quick drink while Liz gets busy with our first guest. Within seconds she’s got her gagged, hogtied and stripped off her boots and socks. Even as I leave camp I can hear the first rustlings of struggle as the now helpless woman wakes up, shortly followed by the soft whisper of fingers on skin as Liz starts to work on her bare soles.

It takes damn near an hour to get the other six in a similar fashion, and I’m a bit careless on the last one, missing completely with the first shot and needing a very fast reload to take him down. At six foot he’s got a few inches on me and I have to resort to a fireman’s carry to get him back to base camp before the tranquilliser wears off. Still, at the end we’ve got seven bound and helpless victims laid out in a row, all of whom, except for the last, have been the recipients of Liz’s skilled fingers. I’m feeling a little fatigued so take a five minute break as Liz goes to work on the large gentleman I just brought in, watching as she skips any kind of warm up and dives right in on the attack. The looks on his team’s faces are priceless, it’s like looking at a car wreck, they seem horrified but somehow they just can’t drag their eyes away.

Within seconds it seems she’s broken him and the next few minutes must be an agony as he fights to break loose, not that he’s going to of course, those knots are way too tight for any of them to escape without help. As I stretch and walk back over to the group she stops, pulling her nails away from his feet in one motion, not giving him chance to try and adjust to a slower, gentler tickle. Show time.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we appear to have a little problem.” Hmm, maybe a little too movie-like, but what the heck, good enough for this unappreciative audience. “You see over the last few months you have all seemingly come to the conclusion that you are, in some way, better than other members of the team. Specifically, you seem to have forgotten just how the pecking order works in this organisation.” Yeah, definitely verging into evil genius territory, time to change my approach a little.

“Now normally, we wouldn’t be overly bothered about this, and of course we’d never dream of any sort of retribution.” A snort from Liz threatens to set my own grin off at that one, she may only have been here a few weeks but she’s personally smacked down at least one stupid ‘request’ from every one of our vict….umm, guests.

“But then you go and try something like this. Honestly, if you’re going to try and plan something devious, at least make sure it’s good enough to fool an average six year old. This…” I flash the e-mail regarding the event at them for a second before carrying on “is just pathetic. You could have at least come up with a convincing reason to switch teams around on the day rather than announce it a week in advance.” A pause, wanting to make sure they get the next message loud and clear.

“Now if I may offer a little advice, next time, don’t do anything yourself, instead get someone to act by proxy for you. Example, if you want to set up something like this fun filled day of action, excitement and of course team building, don’t suggest it yourself, instead send an e-mail highlighting superb discount deals on such a day from what looks like a legitimate source to the boss…” I wait, it doesn’t take long for realisation to dawn and for all seven of them to start thrashing about and cursing through their gags.

“Personally, I’m willing to look on this as a learning experience. Of course, no learning experience is worth a damn without some sort of reinforcement, and we at team BOFH want to make sure you all receive the full benefits of this particular lesson. So, we’ve come up with a little team building exercise of our own to work on your interpersonal relationship skills and trust management.” I can see Liz grinning with anticipation, and for a second am almost tempted to pass this bit over to her. But no, she’s still new after all and I think I’d rather our esteemed colleagues looked on her as a silent assassin type for the moment.

“Now, as with all good team building exercises this one features an element of competition, and as with all competitions there will be a winner and, in this case, six losers The winner gets to walk out of here and return to the bus, the losers will be given a lift back to town and dropped naked in front of the train station as a reminder why it’s always best to be a winner.” I nod to Liz and she quickly starts moving amongst the captives, loosening the ropes holding arms to feet, stretching them out alongside each other in pairs then tying one persons wrists to the others ankles, being careful to match the ‘contestants’ up with someone of roughly the same height for simplicities sake.

“We’ve tried to come up with a fair form of competition that will give no advantage to one particular group over the other, and you’ve each had a taste of it already. Quite simply ladies and gentlemen, your goal is to make your partner submit before you do. The three that quit are losers, the three that don’t will go to the semi-final along with this lucky young lady” I pointed to the ‘left over’, the seventh person who we simply didn’t have a partner for and who’d received a free pass so to speak purely because there was no-one her height in the group. “ and from there we’ll find our two finalists. Oh, and in case you’re thinking this is a prisoners dilemma situation, you know, if neither of us tickle the other we both survive sort of thing, let me make this perfectly clear. I am quite happy to dump the whole lot of you in the losers bracket, makes no difference to me either way, so I suggest you really go for that big gold ring while you’ve still got the opportunity to try.”

I stepped back and stood alongside Liz as we waited, curious to see who’d start it all off. Not surprisingly it was the male half of our only mixed pair, probably working out what would happen to his reputation if he were to quit first. Without any warning he wrapped his hands around her slender feet and started flicking her skin with his fingernails. Immediately she was in hysterics, a condition that spread as everyone else worked out that now one person had started they’d better not hang around as there’d be at least one winner from this round, and they had no desire to be humiliated in public as I’d described.

Within seconds the ground before us was covered with writhing, laughing bodies, the squeaks and gasps that escaped the gags forming an almost intoxicating background noise to the days activities. Thankfully it was a dry day, or they’d all be doing this in a mud-bath, which would have made things rather unpleasant always round. The first ‘casualty’ came less than a minute in, and not surprisingly it was the man that had started it all falling prey to what appeared to be a demon tickler. I’d been watching that particular ‘match’ quite closely, and even with the few seconds his surprise attack had gained him, he hadn’t really stood a chance. She was lethal, relentless in her attack as she’d skipped the guys soles entirely and gone straight for his toes, fingers dipping in and out with a grace and delicacy that was almost breathtaking. Wandering over to the two I pulled his hands away from her feet, then retied them behind his back, the rope now looped around his waist to hold his hands securely just below the base of the spine. Job finished I walked away, the woman not questioning but, now she was out of immediate danger, switching to a more leisurely pace on his soles.

The other two pairings were far more evenly matched, though I noted with some surprise that it was actually the female coupling that was the more aggressive, while the guys seemed to be going for finesse. Liz was fixated on what was happening and I noticed the occasional twitch of her fingers as she obviously longed to get in on the action herself. Trying to refocus her energies, at least for the moment, I lean over to ask a question.

“So who’s going to win?”

“Hmmm? Oh, no question, it’s going to be her.” She said, gesturing towards the woman who’d already beaten her man and was now sending him loopy with a combined tease and tickle attack that switched from sole to toes and back with no real rhyme or reason for him to anticipate.

“Any particular reason, or just gut feeling?”

“Two reasons actually. One, she laughs quickly enough but I was really having to work to make her loose control. That’s going to make her tough to beat, not to mention frustrating as all hell for anyone up against her. Second, judging by what I just saw, she’s one of the best ticklers I’ve ever seen, hell, she could give you a run for your money.”

I laughed at that, recognising the implied challenge, the usual verbal poking for a chink in the armour. “Careful lass, flattery will get you everywhere, but too much of it will get you somewhere you don’t want to be. And for the record, if I ever do have cause to spend another session with you, it’ll be because you weren’t paying attention, and therefore wasting my time. As I don’t like wasting my time, well, let’s just say it’ll make last time look like a massage from Brad Pitt in comparison. ‘kay?”

She went to reply, but had to cut of as almost simultaneously we had our next two winners, their opponents quitting at virtually the same instant. Not wanting to waste words with this lot anymore, and anxious to get this finished, we moved quickly, securing the losers back in their hogties before matching up those that remained in the same positions for round two. In this case, the two women went together, while the sole remaining man got tied to our tickle terminator. As I finished tying him in place, he reached out with a hand and grabbed my ankle, hand wrapped around the leather of the boot and jerked back as hard as he could. It caught me off balance and I hit the ground, rolling with the impact to get my feet under me and launching back, grabbing his hands before he could even start work on the knots, forcing his right hand down to his waist.

His legs were already slightly spread thanks to the slight height difference between him and his ‘partner’, and I grabbed his hand from behind and pulled, not particularly gently either. A quick flurry of rope and his hand was secured to his waist, wrist and forearm pulled tight against his crotch. A quick look at his face showed it was obviously tight enough to hurt, though I wasn’t quite through yet. Another rope went from the rope around his waist to the ankles of the woman he was tied to, and this one was stretched as tight as I could possible make it. A final knot secured his remaining hand back in place, effectively giving him a handicap as she could use both hands on his feet, he could only use his left on hers. Just to drive home what a dumb move it had been I reached over and dragged my fingers rapidly over her soles, making sure my fingernails rather than fingertips did most of the contact. She immediately laughed, and, obeying her natural instincts, pulled away. Doing so pulled on the rope around his waist, forcing his hand to move up with it, and increasing the force of his arm on his most sensitive area. I gave hum a grin that was full of teeth and malice, then stepped back.

The two women went at each other like wildcats, at times it looked like they were tearing at each other rather than tickling, and I tried to keep as close an eye as I could on them to make sure there wasn’t any permanent harm being done. Liz on the other hand was glued to what was happening in the other semi-final, and I doubt anything could have made her look away. The guy started off on the offensive, a tactic that lasted about six seconds or so before the woman writhed away from his touch, putting far more effort into the motion than the tickling should have caused. The rope stretched, the guy turned white and that was, effectively it. He didn’t quit, but every time his fingers touched skin she’d pull back slightly, a gentle reminder of what would happen, and he’d back off. Over and over again he tried to muster the courage, I guess you could say the testicular fortitude, to counter attack, but every time the threat was too much and he’d collapse back. Eventually his muffled laughs turned to sobs and much to my surprise, I saw tears roll down his cheeks before he tapped out against her ankle.

Liz moved over and, reluctantly, separated the two, knowing we were running short on time and not wanting to get hung up moving people around after both semi finals had finished she quickly moved the guy back into a hogtie, though in a neat twist she pulled his other arm between his legs before attaching the restraints between wrists and ankles. The net result was his own body weight punishing his by now rather battered groin, the only real relief he could find was by stretching his legs up and away from his body for as long as possible, putting the weight on his hands as he balanced on his palms.

So engrossed was I in the evil inventiveness of my trainee I almost missed the tap out from our other contest. To my surprise it was the taller of the two blonds that quit, leaving the petite one to go to the final. Again, a quick reshuffle of bodies left us with our final match up ready to go. Hands and feet were still bound together but the girls were left free in the middle of the clearing, everyone else positioned around the very edge. I’d have preferred to let both girls go at it without the restraints, but we didn’t want to take the risk one of them would try to run off.

As it turned out, it was a very quick fight. Within seconds it was obvious that the taller redhead had been holding back in the previous rounds and she was on her smaller opponent almost immediately. Coming in from the side she drove her fingers into the blonde’s ribs, the thin material of the combat uniform offering little protection. Instinctively the ticklee rolled away onto her side, and in a flash the redhead threaded the blonde’s bound feet through her legs, bringing her thighs up and flipping the woman onto her front. With her legs wrapped around her prey preventing any air entering her lungs, and the smaller woman’s hands thrust out in front of her as she lay face down on the ground, it was always going to be over in a hurry. Barely thirty seconds later with her attackers fingers racing over her ribs, sides and armpits, the blonde tried for air, couldn’t find any and taped out.

Lifting a small walkie-talkie to my lips I said one word: “Now” and six rather large guys in full camouflage gear wandered into view from the trees, one of them passing me the video tape they’d been shooting from their hiding place as he went by. BOFH Rule #32, always have insurance, in this case, anyone talking about this particular little adventure would find their exploits published for all to see on the web. Not the most devastating of threats, but coupled with the footage from their planned excursion through town sans clothes, more than enough to guarantee their silence. Another man threw long, black leather coats to both Liz and myself, the hem almost brushing the ground as we slid them on. Each man hoisted a captive and carried them off into the woods, leaving us alone with the winner.

“So, now you’ll untie me, right?” She asked, and I was impressed by the defiance she managed to put in her voice considering her less than enviable position.

“Eventually.” I replied, standing shoulder to shoulder with Liz as we walked slowly forward towards our victim. “First, there’s one more lesson that needs to be taught.”

I could see the defiance crumble, replaced by fear as we stalked towards her. Hands and feet still bound she crawled backwards, not looking where she was going, eyes focused only on us. A gentle breeze caught the leather and both coats started to stream out behind us, wings of darkness against the green of the wood. It was, I admit, a slightly overused look nowadays, but to our helpless friend it was all too effective. She reached the tree line just as we crossed the last few feet to her body in almost perfect timing. Without realising it of course, she’d been shepherded back to the exact position we wanted her, and we pounced, Liz grabbing her feet while I got her hands and in one swift motion she found herself secured to the iron rings and restraints we’d placed on two trees about six feet apart. A quick tug on the straps adjusted them and pulled her body taught, leaving us with a quick unwrapping job to do before stepping back to admire our handiwork.

Liz reached into her coat and pulled two long, white feathers from a pocket. She straddled our captive, dropping her knees down to the ground alongside her hips and pulling them in tight, restricting any lateral movement she may have attempted. As I watched Liz dived straight in to the attack, the feathers dancing and twisting in the smooth underarms of our ticklish captive, her laughter ringing clear on the cool air.

I had fully intended to join in the fun, a matching pair of feathers waiting for me inside my own coat, but I found myself reluctant to do so. I’d heard Liz at work over the last couple of weeks, but I’d never had a chance to watch before. It proved to be a very informative lesson.

Liz had a style I’d never really seen before, a direct attack but with a twist, and I mean that literally. As she worked the feathers up and down on her captives skin, she’d twist the vanes in her fingers, spinning the feathers around and driving her victim absolutely insane. It must have been a hell of an experience, the direct aggressive nature of the attack itself with a devilish subtlety underneath that occurred not after the first motion, but simultaneously.

For over fifteen minutes Liz kept up the attack on the upper body, shifting rapidly from underarms, to ribs and stomach, dipping a feather inside the smooth, untouched skin of her victim’s belly button before shooting up to her neck, then back down to her breasts before returning to the armpits. The redhead under her bucked and writhed, screamed, laughed, begged and pleaded, but none of it made any difference. In other circumstances it might have taken far longer to break her, but with everything she’d already been through, the crushing realisation she was beyond rescue, everyone else gone and only the two of us with five miles of her, her resistance simply crumbled away.

As the tears started to flow down her victims face, Liz switched targets, taking first one nipple then the other between her feathers, and sawing at the sensitive flesh, adding to the redheads ticklish misery while at the same time fanning the flames of desire deep inside her. Over and over again Liz repeated the motion, pausing only to sweep the feathers gently beneath her captives breasts, flowing down almost to her waist in light gentle strokes that left her gasping for breath as her emotions warred with themselves. Sensing the time was right I moved over and knelt beside the tormented creature, offering the voice of reason, a lit path out of the nightmare she was trapped in.

“Do you know why you’re here, why you’re enduring this?” I asked, not that she could answer, her breath being put to far more pressing matters as Liz flicked the edge of one feather up and down her ribs. All she could manage was a quick, almost violent, shake of the head.

“It’s simple really, what you did today proves to us you can keep your team in line, that they’ll do what you say or else you’ll, how shall we put it, perform some corrective actions when necessary. So we want to make you a deal, interested?” This time the only response was a fresh howl of laughter as the point of a feather danced across her waist as Liz slid down her body, moving one knee in between the redheads thighs and gently but inevitably moving her legs apart.

“I’ll take that as a yes. All we want is for you to keep your house in order, so to speak. Make sure we’re not bothered by these petty little requests and that if anything happens that we should know about, say another little plot like this one, that it makes it to our ears from you before we hear it anywhere else. Oh, and we might ask an occasional favour once in a while. With me so far?”

The feathers were, by this time, tracing their way over her thighs, creating intricate patterns on that sensitive flesh and all that was escaping her lips was an odd gurgling moan as those teasing plumes got ever closer to the one place she wanted to be touched, to be tickled.

“Good. Now, if you agree you’ll find there are fringe benefits to working for us.” As I said this, Liz flicked the feathers once over the desperate woman’s soaked pussy, enough to cause her to arch up for more, her mouth open wide as she groaned in pleasure, pleading for one more touch, one more tickle.

“Of course, cross us, and this will seem like a walk in the park.” Again, Liz provided the emphasis for my words, one hand flying over the redhead’s ribs and stomach, making her buck and writhe like a woman possessed. “We’ll keep you on the edge for days, drive you insane and leave you begging us not to stop, but to continue, to give you more, to provide that one…final….touch.” I dropped my voice as low as I could for the last part. “And that’s how you’ll stay, lost in your very own, private, personal, ticklish hell, always on the brink but never quite finding release, until we tire of you, or until you need committing.” Liz stopped her attack and positioned the feathers directly over latest toy’s dripping core, waiting for her decision.

“One chance, yes or no, my dear. Yes or No.” I said, keeping any emotion out of my voice, keeping my tone flat and dead, knowing already what she would say.

“Yes! God, yes, I’ll do it, anything you ask, but please, please, I need, want to, please!” That was all Liz needed to hear and the feathers dropped down, sliding over her lips, moving to capture her clit and tickle her mound with long, luxurious strokes. To my amazement she didn’t cum right away, seemingly needing one last bit of stimulation. With an evil smile I reached into my jacket and pulled out a single black feather, holding it in front of her eyes, drinking in the look of desire in her eyes before moving down. With the gentlest of strokes, I flicked the end over her clit as Liz worked up and down her lips, and finally, finally, she rushed over the edge, her screams echoing around the clearing, hips bucking hard enough Liz almost got thrown clear as we both concentrated on prolonging her pleasure as long as possible. As she started to come down I saw Liz flick her wrist, bring one feather down and worm it up underneath the already exhausted woman, gently running it between her cheeks. That was enough to set off a second orgasm, her entire body seeming to stretch to breaking point as her screams became incoherent babbling, as if she were talking in tongues.

Eventually she returned to earth, and we untied her, helped her up and leant a hand dressing her, as she was too tired to do more than stand there, and that only with someone to lean on. We walked her slowly back to the bus where the driver was giving serious thought to just driving off, despite the overtime rate he was clocking up, put her on board and explained the others had found ‘alternate means of travel’. Once they were out of sight, we unloaded the six cases of beer from the back of our truck, passing them on to the waiting marshals as promised in payment for their sudden disappearance once the game had started. We ended up sitting in the back of the truck, both of us tired after such a long day, though the glow of a job well done seemed to permeate the air.

Liz grabbed her kit bag and dropped to the ground, heading for the changing rooms to slip into ‘something more comfortable’ before we headed back. I shut down the asset tracking system, the transmitters we’d had sewn into the other team’s uniforms now safely back in their storage box, and made a mental note to recommend all such devices came under the operation team’s domain for ‘security consolidation’ reasons. A chuckle escapes my lips as I wonder what the reaction to that one from the boss will be, especially when the rest of the IT department gives it the thumbs up. Behind me I hear a rustle of leather and turn to see Liz climbing back up into the flatbed.

Suddenly she jumps forward, the coat flying open and settling around us as she knocks me to the floor, the warmth of her naked body pulsing though my clothes as she locks her lips on mine, hands ripping at my shirt. You know, just this once, I think I’ll make an exception to the usual motto of “Don’t screw the crew”….
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