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Bolts: Kelli's Story


Jun 14, 2007
Kelli sent her knife through the feeder's eye socket, and watched him drop to the ground. Blood gushed out of the fresh wound along with a yellowish syrupy fluid that could only be from the popped eyeball.

The twelve woman search party had gone out to look for one of the children who had wandered out during the morning and hadn't come back. A little girl named Mary with short golden locks of hair framing her chubby cheeks. The child was always curous, and always wandering off. But she never stayed out after dark; and with the feeders roaming the streets at night, the search party was forced to go out during the daylight only.

Having searched through the area with the thoroughness of a lice comb, the search party made its way back to the Safe House. The large house on the corner of Wicker Street and Farquad Place was barred up and looked abandoned, but inside it held resources like first aid, food, water, ammunition and weapons like pistols shot guns and blades.

The group was around the corner from the Safe House; it could be seen over the nearest row of homes like a dark angel waiting for some event. Each woman confirmed their presence in the group, and got ready to go forth.

And then a Goochie flew through a window and landed on one of the women, a tall, blonde bolt with the face of a very slender Marilyn Monroe. The woman in the black pants, shirt and sneakers grabbed the monster's hands and held them back, not realizing that his inner hands were there to do their work. Wrapping its legs around her waist, the Goochie began to dance his fingers over the blonde's ribs, and as she stumbled and wavered throug hthe parting crowd, the laughter she produced sounded like a clown toy that short circuited.

The woman fell to the ground and the Goochie continued its attack. The woman thrust and shook but to no avail. She threw her head back and let her laughter flow like water from a burst dam.

“SHOOT THE FUCKER!” Kelli screamed! “I DON'T HAVE A GUN!” She was a blond haired girl who wore a cap, tight blue jeans, a red t-shirt, and sneakers. She looked at everyone else and realized why they did nothing. They were looking upward at the roofs of the houses. Feeders stooped watching them. At least a hundred of them.eyes hungry and fingers twitching. Kelli's blood ran cold as she knew exactly what would happen next. She'd seen it happen to a passerby when she was in the safe house.

Backing away, she unsheathed her katana and bolted down the street. Seeing her run, a feeder stood up and roared with a deafening power. The roar sent all of the feeders leaping from their roofs and flying toward the women who instinctively began laughing hysterically before the fingers even touched them. Guns went off, followed by howls of laughter and pleas.

Ten feeders ran ater Kelli, who was now on the street in front of the safe house. She took a glance back and saw how close they were, leapt further back and turned to face the charge. She took a swing at one with her katana as it leapt at her belly, slicing its head off with ease. She took a swing at the legs of another, then beheaded it as well. She was broadsided by one and her sword tumbled out of reach.

“NOOOOO!!!” She wailed as she reached vainly for the clattering sword. The feeder reached right in her armpit and had a field day. Other feeders gathered around. Some held an arm, others a leg, and then her etnies were pulled off.

“Oh fuck me! WAHAHAHAAA!!” The feeders pulled Kelli further away from her katana and began to feed on the young blonde, almost twenty hands poked and prodded and scribbled all over her vulnerable body. Kelli tugged and pulled but could't defend herself from the assault of the feeders. She could only howl and buck while the feeders pulled off her socks and her shirt and dug further mining more laughter from the young woman's belly.

A feeder buried its mouth in Kelli's belly, and its slimy tongue sent her into a craze. Her eyes were wide and her mouth looked dangerously close to unhinging as she screamed and cried. A bullet would have been preferable to this.

Camilla sat on the roof of the safe house and aimed at the feeders. She zoned in on a chinese man with hair that had fallen out in clumps. His fingers had gripped Kelli's left foot in a horrifically strong and hellishly ticklish grip. His head exploded and the bullet that obliterated his head took out the shoulder of an Indian woman who was kneading Kelli's thigh. Another shot blew off the side of a german man's head, while an african american woman's jaw was ripped out by the force of the same bullet.

“Hmm, four for two. Kelli can fight them off now.” She swiveled to face the north, where a horde had gathered among the others. Camilla was not a fast shot, but she made up for it in accuracy. She methodically picked off fifty feeders. Leaving their headless bodies stumbling around aimlessly, and some falling unconcious on the spot, while their victims tried to pull themselves together, shake off the residual laughter, and make their way back to the safe house. As a group they had all decided that the child was not worth saving.

Camilla spoke into her walkie-talkie. “She's on the roof of a house. I can see her.”

“How far off?” Kelli asked as she put on her sneakers.

“Three blocks away, it's a big mansion house with high iron fences. Three blocks from where the big horde was. Take a....a right.”

“Got it. Will you cover us?”

“You mean will I come out of the safe house and cover you?”

“Or from the safe house.”

“I guess I have no choice, now do I?” She crossed one ankle over the other and stroked her bare sole with the big toe of the other foot. “I'll be watching you.”

“Thanks.” Came over the radio in unison.

“No problem.” She lay on her belly; a viper ready to strike. She was rail thin, with black sweat pants and a white t-shirt. Her skin was almost the shade of unburned charcoal. Her hair was done up in a black head scarf, and her eyes did not blink, but moved between the scope and her own surroundings.

The ten minutes it took to get to the end of the street where the large mansion stood was uneventful, but one of the most tense lengths of time the women had undergone in their lives. Every twig snap or leaf skating on the street drew a sudden twist and turn in the sounnd's direction.
They could see the child on the roof of the mansion, and Kelli dashed forward to call her down.
“Marcia,” Kelli called loud enough to reach the little girl's ears, but not loud enough to wake up and feeders that might be sleeping nearby. “Marcia, come down!”

“I can't!” she whined. “I'm scared!”

“Shit,” she cursed, “Let's go in.”

Camilla scanned the block with her rifle scope for the third time as she watched the feeders. The street was clear as the group entered the gates of the mansion. It was a beautiful, but dead place. There was a line of topiary bushes, three large balls on top of each other filled with dead leaves, at each end of the gate. A cobble stone path led right to the three story resident's door.
The house itself would've been beautiful if it had been given the right treatment, but it had been neglected in order that the yard be beautified. The paint was chipping, the porch creaked as they each stepped upon it, and the windows had been blown out. The door opened with difficulty, and the house was filled with dust.

Kelli tried the lights, but they had died long ago, “Let's go up.” She ordered.

Marcia sat on the roof looking down. She had grown anxious, and couldn't stop looking around. She wanted to be back at the safe house, and she swore to herself that she'd never run away from her family again.

Marcia noticed movement from the corner of her eye, and turned to look down. Her blood went cold as she saw a very large, muscular feeder that everyone knew as the Slammer. They called it the Slammer because when it grabbed a bolt, it would firt slam them against something hard and then take them off to be tickled. It was rare when the bolts returned from this type of feeder because they were uualy too injured to even move, and then the continuous laughing would cause further trauma.

The Slammer looked like it was going to pass right by the house. Marcia sighed softly, and watched it as it continued along the road. As it almost left the sight of the yard, a Goochie leapt from the roof of one houe, and leapt on the Slammer's back. The goochie was grabbed up and tossed over the fence and through a window on the first floor of the mansion. The screams of the girls in the house filled the air for a moment, then suddenly went quiet.

“Fuck,” Camilla gasped as she got up from the rifle. She picked up the radio. “Ladies, you're going to have to move fast. We have a slammer, and you all have just had a Goochie thrown in your building.” The sound of guttural howl carried through the air, and from the west a horde of feeders coud be seen, at least one hundred-fifty strong. They filled a street, the yards, and they leapt over porches. “You've got a big horde coming in from the west!”

“Holy shit!” A woman with her hair tied in a bun screamed as the goochie hurled itself in her direction and slammed into the banister that separated them. The railing shook as the goochie fell to the floor. Everyone else had moved up to the second floor. Kelli scampered down the corridor and turned to go up the next flight of stairs that would lead to the roof. The house started shaking, and the air was filled with the loud, BOOM BOOM BOOM that sounded like a stampede was approaching. But this was not the sound of over one hundred fifty feeders. This was the sound of a single, gargantuan slammer. It roared in anger and pounded the ground more. There was a crash, and the sound of a woman screaming, the scream was cut short, and the roar of the slammer returned as it dpearted.
“They got Shayna!” someone shouted. “The damned monster took Shayna!”

Kelli came out on the roof in time to see the Slammer pounding off into a backyard, carrying hayna over its shoulder. She cursed. “Marcia? MARCIA, WHERE ARE YOU?”

“KELLI!” The little girl cried as she came running rom a far corner of the roof.

“Let's go.” Kelli said as she turned to go back down the stairs.

“Kelli, LOOK.” Marcia cried pointing at the massive horde that was now filling the street.

“Crap.” Kelli breathed as she watched the feeders converging from both ends of the street, and coming into the house. She turned to the roof doorway and locked it.

“What about the others?” Marcia whined. “You locked them down there!”

“They're screwed, Marcia, they're screwed.” Kelli said as she went back to the edge of the roof. She peered over the edge and almost marveled at the sight. They swarmed over the fence and plunged themselves into the doors and windows. Glass shattered and crunched under their feet and hand, the air was filled with their hungry roars.

Camilla jumped on the motor scooter armed with various weapons including a katana, her rifle, and two glocks, among other pieces. She sped down the hill and turned the corner. She could hear the roar of the horde growing the closer she came to the corner of the blook of the mansion. She stopped at the corner and got off the scooter. She saw the mansion property; it resembled an ant farm. The feeders had all entered the fence, and were making feeble but determined attempts at climbing the wall.

The first of the others to see the feeders coming was a short redhead named Audrey. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she backed up the stairs. Her ankle was caught in the grip of a feeder and she was pulled down into the flood of gripping fingers and hungry hands. Her laughter wa drowned out by the screams of the hungry feeders as they climbed further up the stairs.

“Get a weapon!” another woman screamed, “They got Audrey!”

“Mikey, take my Glock!” A short haired brunette called as she tossed the pistol to the other woman. The sound of gunshots echoed through the ceiling and an abrupt stop, then horrified screams that dissolved into terrified giggles which further dissolved into full blown helpless laughter. Kelli could only stand and plan a means of escape.

“Kelli!” Marcia shouted, Kelli turned to the girl to find her at the other end of the roof. She smiled.

Camilla walked toward the property, she pulled the pin mid-stride and tossed it over the fence. It bounced among the feeders and then into the house. The explosion send feeders through the walls, and through the windows. Another grenade exploded, followed by loud pops from Camilla's glocks. Heads exploded and bodies were dropped like flies in cloud of poisonous gas.

After the glocks ran out, Camilla dropped them in the street and pulled out two Uzi-Automatic pistols. She strafed the mob and entered the fencing. She made her way into the house as body after body dropped to the floor. As one gun finished, the second was put into action.
Kelli held Marcia in one arm, and walked to the opposite edge of the roof, turned, and bolted across, and leapt onto the branches of the tree that dangled over the fence. The feeders didn't even notice them dash overhead. They landed on the branch, and balanced a little on the wavering limb, and then clung tight to the branch.

Camilla pulled out her katana and sliced into body after body, she pushed back the horde for as long as she could, and then even she was overcome by the groping fingers. She slipped and fell on the floor, and was covered as if by water. No amount of kicks could keep her from being probed by the curious fingers of her captors.

On the floor above Camilla, all the remaining women dealt with their own ticklish demons as they whooped and hollered while they were pinned to the floor and explored with the skill of a tour guide on a trail to show all the hideaways of the American Underground Railroad.

Kelli and Marcia ran across the street and then down to the corner. They founnd Camilla's scooter.

“Let's go.” Kelli said as he got on the bike. Marcia got on right behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist.


The scooter sputtered to life and they were off in the direction of the safe house. They would leave as soon as hey gathered some supplies. Extra ammunition, weapons and food. Lots of food. They'd get the truck, and leave fast and never return.

Volad sat on the rooftop and watched the scooter as it rolled up the hill. In the yard was the laughtered body of the slammer that had carried off Audrey. It had been ripped to shreds, meat was hanging in ribbons from the bone, and the blood soaked into the ground.

Audrey hung beside Valod, hanging from the entrance of a hole in the roof. Valod's fingers ran along her bare soles and the young woman swung from side to side filling the attic she dangled in with uncontrollable laughter. She held her head as if she wanted to keep the voices out. Around her, Feeders stood in the shadows, absorbing her laughter.

“Oh GOD!” She squealed. “HAHAHAHAHA!”

Valod knew that once Audrey was let go, the Feeders would finish the job; Valod was quite alright with this end and had no feeling about it one way or the other. With each passing second, the nails that had caught onto her jeans ripped through the denim and brought Audrey further toward her doom.

“My, if a single finger does this to you, what will a thousand do?” Valod looked down at the woman. “Let's find out shall we?” With a rip, Valod sent Audrey falling into the attic. The woman lay in a jagged ring of light as her chest heaved up and down. The silence was only momentary. Hand lashed out from the darkness and began dancing all over the young woman. She could not stop them, she could only scream. Valod smiled while watching the scene.
Wow. I must say, this was the beginning of something incredible. Amazingly written, fantastic concept, and great pacing. Can't wait to see where you're going with this.
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