This is an old one. One night in college Tracy was on the top bunk wearing jeans and tan hose. She wanted to go to the other bunk bed in the other side. Her friends decided to pass her over. So 4 off them stood in between the beds and she laid back and they passed her over. The problem was the on the second pass someone's hand hit her rib and she started to laugh. One of the guys said we must have found a tickle spot. Half her body was off the bed held by two people and her legs were on the bed. Her arms were stretched out so someone tickled a armpit and she went nuts. So now two people who were passing by in the dorm(the door was open) came in. The others asked them to tickle her arm pits. She went nuts. Just was screaming. Her legs were kicking on the bed and someone went up there too hold them down. As they got up there they said "I wonder how ticklish these feet are". Tracy said please dont. He held down her ankles and tickled her pantyhose feet. She was screaming begging him to stop. Its lasted about a minute she could not take anymore. She made one big push with her legs and force caught the others by surprise and they all fell to the ground.