posted this at the ATF by the name Darkreaver999666 also it's written in Script format cause i like the style and it could be used in a script for a anime
Capcom Vs SNK: Sakura & Yuri
By Darkreaver/Darksoul
??: Yaaa!
Sakura hits the air again with another fist. Her and Yuri decided to team up in the big turnament the biggest rivals and upcoming oppents are Mai and Chung Li which if they win they win the tornament.
Sakura: Hey Yuri!!
Yuri runs out of the little dojo given to them while they compete in the turnament.
Yuri: What?
Sakura: Lets have some fun lets go out
Yuri: yeah lets go look for some boys!
Both the girls begin to giggle thinking of who to go flirt with, Kyo and Ryu were in the tornament and a bus ride away from the girls but before they can run to the bus stop they were stoped by 2 women.
Mai: Hiya!
Mai and Chung Li suprise attack the teenage girls knocking them out cold.
Mai: time to have some fun
an hour later
Sakura opens her eyes to see Chung Li looking at her lovingly
Sakura: Wha- what?
Sakura tries to get up but is unable to, her hands are tied behind her back and her legs and ankles as well.
Sakura: What are you doing to me?
Chung Li: I'm going to tease and play with you cutie
Chung Li begins and to cuddle and rock Sakura like a baby.
Sakura: Stop it let me go!
Sakura looks around she's in her room and sitting on Chung Li's lap who is sitting on her bed.
Chung Li: Awww cheer up
Chung Li smirks and lifts up Sakura's shirt revealing a soft smooth white tummy.
Chung Li: How adorable
Chung Li using her long blue nails rakes the up and down Sakura's soft ticklish tummy.
Sakura: heheheheheh stop it tickles hahahha
Sakura wiggles and kicks her feet up and down on Chung Li's lap but is unable to squirm away.
Chung Li: Were going to play with you and yuri before are victory in the turnament
Chung Li giggles and continues to rake her long blue nails across Sakura's pale tummy
Sakura: hehehehehehehehehehheheehehe
Meanwhile in yuri's room
Mai: wake up sleepy head
Yuri groggly opens her eyes and see's Mai looking at her seductivly.
Yuri: Cheaters!
Yuri struggles after relezing her hands, knees, and ankles are tied togather.
Mai just cuddles her
Mai: when are match happends
Mai: You'll be to tired to do anything after i'm down with you
Yuri gulps
Yuri: what are you going to do to me?
Mai: isn't it obvious shhhh listen
Mai covers Yuri's mouth with her hand.
Sakura: Hahahahahahahehehehahahah stop it! hahahahha
Yuri's eyes widen and struggles but Mai just holds her closer.
Mai: Your going to enjoy are time togather
Mai smiles and slowly begins to untie Yuri's belt as Yuri whimpers and watches helplessly
Yuri: Please don't...
Mai says nothing and unties the red belt. Yuri's shirt splits apart reavealing a sport bra and a smooth tan tummy.
Yura: AHHH!
Yuri turns beat red and tries to hid her tummy.
Mai: Aww it's ok sweetheart
Mai begins to gently rub her tummy giving little tickles.
Yuri: Please stop hehehe I can't bear to watch! hahahahahha
Mai: Let me make you more comfortable then
Using Yuri's red belt Mai begins to wrap it around yuri's head covering Yuri's eyes blindfolding her.
Yuri: *gasps*
Yuri moves her head nervously now she can't see anything and she knows that Mai's touches are going to drive her crazy.
Yuri: Please take the belt off I want to see
Mai: Jeez your fussy, first you don't want too see then you do, make up your mind
Mai begins to tickle Yuri's belly catcher her by surpries causing her to jump and laugh.
Yuri: hahahahahahahahaahahahaha
In Sakura's room
Sakura: Please stop! hahahahahahahahahahaha
Chung Li unties Sakura's headband then wraps it around her eyes.
Sakura: Hey! take it off!
Chung Li: It will make it more fun
Chung li has a small bag sitting next to her she reaches in and pulls out a stiff long white feather.
Chung Li: Lets see how ticklish those sexy legs are
a sweat drop appears at the side of sakura's head as she begins to get nervous
Sakura: Please not my knees there bare!
Chung Li hums to her self and begins to rub up and down sakura's legs.
Chung Li: This turnament is ours
Using the stiff long white feather begins to drag it across sakura's legs.
Sakura *screams* heheheheheh
Chung Li: Shhhhh just enjoy it *she says happily*
Chung Li drags the feather up and down her legs, tickling her calfs. behind her knees, and her thighs.
Chung Li stops and puts the feather down she grabs both of Sakura's knees and gives a gentle squeeze
Sakura: hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha
Chung Li: *Sings* Sakura is boy crazy
Sakura begins to blush and relizes she's being picks up
Chung Li: Time to join your friend
Chung Li hostes Sakura over her shoulder and carries her to the next room.
In Yuri's room.
Yuri: Hahahahahahahhahahahaahhhahahahahha
Mai's long red nails are raking up and down Yuri's exposed tan belly. Yuri tries to suck her tummy in hoping to dodge the tickling but Mai follows and keeps the torture going.
Yuri: hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha stop it hahahahaha leave my tummy alone hahahahahahahaha
Mai stops and with her index finger wiggles it in Yuri's belly button send Yuir into sheriks of laughter and jumping up and down on Mai's lap.
Yuri: hahahahahahahaahahahahaha not there! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhaha
Yuri feels Mai's finger leave her navel and begins to feel her body being picks up.
Mai: Lets go join your partner
Mai lifts Yuri over her shoulder and carries her in the next she places her next to sakura who is sitting on the floor pondering her fate
Chung Li: What should we do now?
Mai: Lets make them a little more comfy
Chung Li and Mai grab a 2 chairs and a 2 stools and drag them to the middle of the room.
Chung Li: Who first?
Sakura and yuri get nervous and struggle in there binds.
Mai: I know! the first to break get it's first
Chung Li starts tickling Sakura's exposed belly and Mai tickling yuri's and both girls try to hold it in
Sakura: no! grrr....
Yuri: stop it!!....
Both girls struggle and grit there teeth trying not to laugh.
Mai: this should work
Mai wiggles her index finger in Yuri's belly button and yuri breaks.
Yuri: No fair! hahahahahahhahahaahahahahhahahah
Chung Li: We have a winner!
Mai grabs yuri and unties her hands the girls throw yuri in the chair and ties each of her hands to the arms of the chair. the begin to untie her knees and ankles and put Yuri feet standing on the stoll then tying each ankle to the legs of the chair.
Mai: Now for the fun part
Both Mai and Chung Li slowly untie Yuri's red tennis shoes and since yuri's feet are standing she can only flex her feet in protest.
Yuri: leave my shoes on!! please!!
The women say nothing and remove her shoes now revealing little white socks.
Mai: Aren't they cute?
Chung Li: There Adorable
with a quick tug the socks come off and yuri's toes hang off the stool.
Mai: Look at these cute little toes
Yuri blushes and wiggles her toes she's thankful that her soles are protected by the stool but her toes are exposed.
Chung Li: what shall we do with this 10 toes?
Mai reached in Chung Li's bag and handed her a paint brush.
Chung Li: Paint brush eh
Mai winked and the two with a paint brush in each hand started to slowly move towards yuri's trapt toes. When yuri heard this she let out a yelp and tried to scrunge up her toes but the stool kept her from doing so.
Yuri: Please don't tickle my toes!
Chung Li: But there so cute
Mai: We just have too
Yuri blushed and wiggled her toes not sure when they would hit, her blindfold kept her from seeing the paint brushes slowly move towards her feet.
Mai: It's getting closer
Sweat droped from Yuri's face the antisapation was maddning but the brush hit Yuri's toes the shock and unexpecting it made a burst of loud shrieks and giggles which was music to Mai and Chung Li's ears.
Yuri: hahahahahahahahaha not there! hahahahahahahahhaahahhaahahahhahahaha Ryo always tickles me there! hahahahahhahahaahahahhaahhahahahhahhahahahaha not my toes! hahahahaa
each selecting a foot Chung Li and Mai dab and stroke each toe with the soft paint brush as they watch Yuri tug at her bonds and try to move her toes away.
Yuri: hahahahahahahhahahahaahhaah no more! hahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahha
Mai dabs the paint brush inbetween Yuri's toes.
Mai: feeling like dropping out of the turnament?
Yuri: hahahhahahaha never! hahahahhahahahhhahahahahahahahha we'll beat you! ghagaggahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahahhaha
Chung Li: lets get Sakura now.
Sakura was sitting against the wall trying to untie herself she heard yuri laughing and knew was next, once she heard her name she tried to worm away. as yuri slumped against the chair and gasp for air the two women surrounded Sakura was moving like a worm in the room.
Chung Li: *giggles* your going in circles
Mai: Can't you see darling?
Sakura moaned in frustration the blindfold kept her from seeing the door and she blushed as she relized that she just was moving in circles. with out a fight they pulled her up and carried her to the chair next to Yuri, they untied her hands and tied them to each of the arms of the chair and putting her heels on the stool making sure her soles were revealed tied the ankles tightly to the stool.
Sakura: Please don't take off my shoes..
With a giggle Chung Li begain to unlace Sakuras red and white sneakers.
Sakura: No don't!
Chung Li untied both sneakers and planed her next move.
Chung Li: Sakura-chan left or right?
Sakura: Neither!
Mai: I guess we get them both!
Chung Li: I have a much more fun way to tickle her
Chung Li removed Sakura's left sneaker and peeled off her white sock reavealing a small wiggling foot.
Sakura: Tickle Yuri!!
Yuri: Tickle Sakura!
Both girls argued on who to tickle while the women just giggled at their antics.
Sakura: She's more ticklish then me!
Yuri: You laugh when u put your shirt on!
Both Mai and Chung Li wanted to continue their game so Chung Li raked her nails softly against sakura's bare left foot and Mai dabed her paint brush under and between yuri's toes.
Sakura: No stop! hahahhhahhahahahahhahhaahhahahahaahahahhahhaha
Yuri: Not there! hahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahhah
once the girls quieted down Chung Li continued the game
Mai: I wanted to tickle Yuri's feet
Mai untied Yuri's feet to the stool and retied them so her heel was now resting on the stool leaving her soles now exposed.
Chung Li: Now where were we?
Sakura: ......
Chung Li grabs right shoe lace of sakura's sneaker and and glided it up and down her sole.
Chung Li: Unless u want me to tickle both feet u keep this one from moving.
Sakura: *gasp* hehehehehe
Sakura twitches and tries to keep her foot still one foot is better then both getting tickle but Chung Li wants to tickle both and does everything possiable to get her to move, she dabs the shoe lace under and between her toes as well as along the side and heel of sakura's foot.
Sakura: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaahahha please stop! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaah
finally sakura gives up and maddly wiggle her foot.
Chung Li: I win!!
Sakura tries to catch her breath as Chung Li flicks off her other sneaker and peels off her sock.
Mai: lets make sure they don't wiggle to much
Both Mai and Chung Li reach into the bag and both have 2 small strings and begin wraping them around Yuri and Sakura's big toes.
Yuri: *giggles* what are u doing now?
Sakura: *giggles* leave my hehe toes alone!
Mai and Chung Li look at there handy work and decide to give it a test run.
Chung Li: Tickle tickle
Mai: Here it comes little girl
Mai and Chung Li rake softly up and down sakura and Yuri's exposed soles the girls start laughing and try to move thier feet but the the string wraped around there toes only lets them flex up and down making them more helpless then they already are.
Sakura: Please just untie my toes hahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhaah
Chung Li: Nope nope nope
Sakura: Oh please just untie my toes hahahahaahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahhaha
Yuri: This isn't fair hahahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahhaha your cheating hahahahahaahhaha
Mai: It's very fair
Yuri: Hhahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahhahahhaha
Both Mai and Chung Li stop leaving the girls gasping for air and decide to remove the blindfolds.
Chung Li: We want you to watch us tickle you
both girls wimper and watch helpless as Mai and Chung Li's long nails rake up and down there ticklish feet.
Yuri: hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please let me go! hahahahahahahah I'll scream hahahahhahahahaha
Mai: No one can you hear you but us sweetheart
Yuri: hhahaahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahhahaahah we'll get you ahahahhahhahahha in the turnament
Sakura: Hahhaahahahhaha what did i do? hahahahahhahahaahahhaha why are you ahahahahhha being so mean to me hahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahaha
Chung Li: no no no *giggles*
Sakura: hahahahahaha not the toes! gagagaghahahahahahahahahhaah
Chung Li wiggles her index finger between Sakura's toes while Mai rakes her index finger all along the sides of Yuri's feet.
Sakura: Hahahahahahahahahhaha please stop! hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
Yuri: hahahahahahahahah Mercy! hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahaha
Chung Li and Mai and stop with a new idea. While the girls gasp for air, they untie there feet and remove a stool they tie sakura left foot the leg of the chair and place her right foot on the stool, then they tie Yuri's right foot to the foot of her chair and place her left foot on the stool, they tie there feet togather and even tie their toes, now Sakura's right foot is tied to yuri's left and still with there combine effort they can only flex there feet.
Chung Li: 10 piggies
Mai: To Play with with
The girls wiggle there feet as they watch Chung Li postion herself next to Sakura's foot and Mai towards yuri's
Chung Li: Who gets to go first
Mai: Let them decide
Sakura and Yuri: We won't pick!
Mai: You will, Chungy you tickle Sakura and I'll tickle Yuri who ever laughs first goes first
Chung Li: Great idea
Both with devious grins and using there long nails they both begin to rake up and down there feet.
Sakura: Grrr.....ack!
Yuri: Stop stop stop stop!
both girls struggle, thrash and shake there heads side to side but in the end one of them brakes
Sakura: hahahahh noooooo! hahaa
Mai: We have a winner!
Chung Li smiles happily as Mai sticks her tounge out and waits for Chung Li to finish her rhyme
Chung Li: This little piggie entered the turnament *wiggles Sakura's big toe*
Sakura: Ahhhhhh!! hehehe
Chung Li: This little piggie has a crush on Ryu *winks and wiggles Sakura's 2nd toe*
Sakura: *blushes and giggles*
Chung Li: This little piggie got tickled by Chung li *wiggles Sakura's Middle toe*
Sakura: *sticks tounge out and giggles louder*
Chung Li: This little piggie stayed home *wiggles Sakura's 4th toe*
Sakura: Stop! hahahahhaha
Chung Li: This little piggie is so cute!! *wiggles Sakura's pinky toe rapidly*
Sakura: Hahhaahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahaha let it go! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah let my toe go hahahahahahahahaha
Mai: My turn!
Yuri wiggles her toes widly as Mai positions herself for her ryme
Mai: This little piggie went to Yuri's house *wiggles yuri's big toe*
Yuri: Grrrr.....hahahaha stop!
Mai: This little piggie has a crush on Kyo *wiggles yuri's 2nd toe*
Yuri: Do not! hahahahahhaahaha *blushes*
Mai: This little Piggie is in denile *wiggles Yuri's middle toe*
Yuri: hahahahahahahhaahhaahahahahah not that one! hahahaha
Mai: This little piggie visited mai *wiggles yuri's 4th toe*
Yuri: hahahahahahahahahhahaha no more! hahahahahahah
Mai: And This little piggie looks to good to resist *wiggles then nibbles yuri's pinky toe*
Yuri: Hahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahha thats hahahahahaahha no hahahahahahahahah fair hahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahhhahaahhahahhahahahahha
Chung Li gets up and stretches
Chung Li: That was fun
Mai: When you lose prepare for another round of tickling
Chung Li: Before we leave we want you to meet someone
Both girls get nervous when they see who walks in
Mai: Blue Mary lent him to us
Both girls wiggle like crazy
Yuri: You can't leave us tied up with him!
Sakura: Your so mean!!
Mai lossens Sakura left wrist and Yuri's right wrist
Mai: There tight enough to keep u there there but if u try really hard enough u should get loose, have a good time with the dog
Chung Li: When u get loose remember to return him to Blue Mary
Mai: Attack!
the dog walks towards there bound feet and gives a sniff
Yuri: *giggles*
Sakura: hehehe this is torture!
the dog begins to lick Yuri's bound foot licking up and down her sole.
Yuri: hahahahahahahah *shakes head side to side* some one make hahahahhahaha him hahaha him stop!
the dog laps up her sole up and down from hell to toe driving Yuri
Yuri: hahahahahha oh please stop hahahahahhahaah
As if listening the dog stops and turns his head to sakura's foot
Sakura: Oh no! please don't lick my foot i'll give ya a bone?
the dog turns his head sideways for a second then starts licking her sole in the same manner as Yuri
Sakura: hahahahahhahahahaahhhaahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhhhahahaha make it stop hahahhaahaha make him stop hahahhahaahah
Chung Li and Mai were watching by the door.
Chung Li: Will leave u 3 alone
Mai: Don't have too much fun
Chung Li and Mai: Bai Bai
Sakura: Please hahahahahahahahha don't hahahahahahhaha leave
While the dog licked up and down Sakura's helpless foot yuri was tugging at her lossen wrist
Yuri: how could this be loose it feels so tight...uh oh
the dog turn his head to Yuri's foot and started licking up and down her foot
Yuri: hahahahahahahaha not again! hahahahahahahaahhaha someone help!!! hahhahahahahaha anyone?? hahahahahahah help me!! hahahahahhahaahahhahaha
Sakura tried tugging as well it was loose and getting looser and wiggled and tuged then felt something lick across her sole
Sakura: Not you again hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahah go dig a ahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hole or hahahahhhahaha something
Yuri tried once again to loosen up her wrist and it was started to give way then like sakura she felt a lick
Yuri: hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha oh no!
Both girls were now getting licked by the dog, the dog was licking the middle of both there soles.
Sakura: hahahahahhaha just a little more hahahhahaahha
Yuri: I'm dying hahahahahahahhahahahahah
Finally sakura sliped out of the bound and started untying her other hand.
Sakura: hang on hahahahaah Yuri hahahahahahhahahah
Yuri: hahahahha I can't take anymore hahahahhahaahahahahahahhahha
Sakura Finally unties both her hands and losses Yuri's wrist while both girls are laughs there trying despertly to free themselves Yuri is trying to untie her other hand while sakura is untiying her foot bound to the chair.
Yuri: hahahahhaha please hahaahahhahahahah hahahahahahaahaha it's killing me! gagagagagagahahahahahahah
Sakura: Almost hahahhaahahahahahahah got it hahahahhahahhahahhaaha
Sakura unties and while laughing shoo's the dog away and both girls sit one the chairs gasping for air.
Yuir: hehehehehehe
Sakura: hehehhehehe
they quickly untie themselves and rub there feet trying to get the ticklish feeling to go away they quickly put there shoes back on and grab the dog with a leash
Sakura: Lets take him home
The two girls walk the dog to Blue Mary's and tells her what happend
Blue Mary: Ouch i'm sorry girls and i wondered where he went they didn't even ask to borrow him! but I know how to get them back *winks*
The girls and Blue Mary start to giggle
The End
let me know what ya think
Capcom Vs SNK: Sakura & Yuri
By Darkreaver/Darksoul
??: Yaaa!
Sakura hits the air again with another fist. Her and Yuri decided to team up in the big turnament the biggest rivals and upcoming oppents are Mai and Chung Li which if they win they win the tornament.
Sakura: Hey Yuri!!
Yuri runs out of the little dojo given to them while they compete in the turnament.
Yuri: What?
Sakura: Lets have some fun lets go out
Yuri: yeah lets go look for some boys!
Both the girls begin to giggle thinking of who to go flirt with, Kyo and Ryu were in the tornament and a bus ride away from the girls but before they can run to the bus stop they were stoped by 2 women.
Mai: Hiya!
Mai and Chung Li suprise attack the teenage girls knocking them out cold.
Mai: time to have some fun
an hour later
Sakura opens her eyes to see Chung Li looking at her lovingly
Sakura: Wha- what?
Sakura tries to get up but is unable to, her hands are tied behind her back and her legs and ankles as well.
Sakura: What are you doing to me?
Chung Li: I'm going to tease and play with you cutie
Chung Li begins and to cuddle and rock Sakura like a baby.
Sakura: Stop it let me go!
Sakura looks around she's in her room and sitting on Chung Li's lap who is sitting on her bed.
Chung Li: Awww cheer up
Chung Li smirks and lifts up Sakura's shirt revealing a soft smooth white tummy.
Chung Li: How adorable
Chung Li using her long blue nails rakes the up and down Sakura's soft ticklish tummy.
Sakura: heheheheheh stop it tickles hahahha
Sakura wiggles and kicks her feet up and down on Chung Li's lap but is unable to squirm away.
Chung Li: Were going to play with you and yuri before are victory in the turnament
Chung Li giggles and continues to rake her long blue nails across Sakura's pale tummy
Sakura: hehehehehehehehehehheheehehe
Meanwhile in yuri's room
Mai: wake up sleepy head
Yuri groggly opens her eyes and see's Mai looking at her seductivly.
Yuri: Cheaters!
Yuri struggles after relezing her hands, knees, and ankles are tied togather.
Mai just cuddles her
Mai: when are match happends
Mai: You'll be to tired to do anything after i'm down with you
Yuri gulps
Yuri: what are you going to do to me?
Mai: isn't it obvious shhhh listen
Mai covers Yuri's mouth with her hand.
Sakura: Hahahahahahahehehehahahah stop it! hahahahha
Yuri's eyes widen and struggles but Mai just holds her closer.
Mai: Your going to enjoy are time togather
Mai smiles and slowly begins to untie Yuri's belt as Yuri whimpers and watches helplessly
Yuri: Please don't...
Mai says nothing and unties the red belt. Yuri's shirt splits apart reavealing a sport bra and a smooth tan tummy.
Yura: AHHH!
Yuri turns beat red and tries to hid her tummy.
Mai: Aww it's ok sweetheart
Mai begins to gently rub her tummy giving little tickles.
Yuri: Please stop hehehe I can't bear to watch! hahahahahha
Mai: Let me make you more comfortable then
Using Yuri's red belt Mai begins to wrap it around yuri's head covering Yuri's eyes blindfolding her.
Yuri: *gasps*
Yuri moves her head nervously now she can't see anything and she knows that Mai's touches are going to drive her crazy.
Yuri: Please take the belt off I want to see
Mai: Jeez your fussy, first you don't want too see then you do, make up your mind
Mai begins to tickle Yuri's belly catcher her by surpries causing her to jump and laugh.
Yuri: hahahahahahahahaahahahaha
In Sakura's room
Sakura: Please stop! hahahahahahahahahahaha
Chung Li unties Sakura's headband then wraps it around her eyes.
Sakura: Hey! take it off!
Chung Li: It will make it more fun
Chung li has a small bag sitting next to her she reaches in and pulls out a stiff long white feather.
Chung Li: Lets see how ticklish those sexy legs are
a sweat drop appears at the side of sakura's head as she begins to get nervous
Sakura: Please not my knees there bare!
Chung Li hums to her self and begins to rub up and down sakura's legs.
Chung Li: This turnament is ours
Using the stiff long white feather begins to drag it across sakura's legs.
Sakura *screams* heheheheheh
Chung Li: Shhhhh just enjoy it *she says happily*
Chung Li drags the feather up and down her legs, tickling her calfs. behind her knees, and her thighs.
Chung Li stops and puts the feather down she grabs both of Sakura's knees and gives a gentle squeeze
Sakura: hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha
Chung Li: *Sings* Sakura is boy crazy
Sakura begins to blush and relizes she's being picks up
Chung Li: Time to join your friend
Chung Li hostes Sakura over her shoulder and carries her to the next room.
In Yuri's room.
Yuri: Hahahahahahahhahahahaahhhahahahahha
Mai's long red nails are raking up and down Yuri's exposed tan belly. Yuri tries to suck her tummy in hoping to dodge the tickling but Mai follows and keeps the torture going.
Yuri: hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha stop it hahahahaha leave my tummy alone hahahahahahahaha
Mai stops and with her index finger wiggles it in Yuri's belly button send Yuir into sheriks of laughter and jumping up and down on Mai's lap.
Yuri: hahahahahahahaahahahahaha not there! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhaha
Yuri feels Mai's finger leave her navel and begins to feel her body being picks up.
Mai: Lets go join your partner
Mai lifts Yuri over her shoulder and carries her in the next she places her next to sakura who is sitting on the floor pondering her fate
Chung Li: What should we do now?
Mai: Lets make them a little more comfy
Chung Li and Mai grab a 2 chairs and a 2 stools and drag them to the middle of the room.
Chung Li: Who first?
Sakura and yuri get nervous and struggle in there binds.
Mai: I know! the first to break get it's first
Chung Li starts tickling Sakura's exposed belly and Mai tickling yuri's and both girls try to hold it in
Sakura: no! grrr....
Yuri: stop it!!....
Both girls struggle and grit there teeth trying not to laugh.
Mai: this should work
Mai wiggles her index finger in Yuri's belly button and yuri breaks.
Yuri: No fair! hahahahahahhahahaahahahahhahahah
Chung Li: We have a winner!
Mai grabs yuri and unties her hands the girls throw yuri in the chair and ties each of her hands to the arms of the chair. the begin to untie her knees and ankles and put Yuri feet standing on the stoll then tying each ankle to the legs of the chair.
Mai: Now for the fun part
Both Mai and Chung Li slowly untie Yuri's red tennis shoes and since yuri's feet are standing she can only flex her feet in protest.
Yuri: leave my shoes on!! please!!
The women say nothing and remove her shoes now revealing little white socks.
Mai: Aren't they cute?
Chung Li: There Adorable
with a quick tug the socks come off and yuri's toes hang off the stool.
Mai: Look at these cute little toes
Yuri blushes and wiggles her toes she's thankful that her soles are protected by the stool but her toes are exposed.
Chung Li: what shall we do with this 10 toes?
Mai reached in Chung Li's bag and handed her a paint brush.
Chung Li: Paint brush eh
Mai winked and the two with a paint brush in each hand started to slowly move towards yuri's trapt toes. When yuri heard this she let out a yelp and tried to scrunge up her toes but the stool kept her from doing so.
Yuri: Please don't tickle my toes!
Chung Li: But there so cute
Mai: We just have too
Yuri blushed and wiggled her toes not sure when they would hit, her blindfold kept her from seeing the paint brushes slowly move towards her feet.
Mai: It's getting closer
Sweat droped from Yuri's face the antisapation was maddning but the brush hit Yuri's toes the shock and unexpecting it made a burst of loud shrieks and giggles which was music to Mai and Chung Li's ears.
Yuri: hahahahahahahahaha not there! hahahahahahahahhaahahhaahahahhahahaha Ryo always tickles me there! hahahahahhahahaahahahhaahhahahahhahhahahahaha not my toes! hahahahaa
each selecting a foot Chung Li and Mai dab and stroke each toe with the soft paint brush as they watch Yuri tug at her bonds and try to move her toes away.
Yuri: hahahahahahahhahahahaahhaah no more! hahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahha
Mai dabs the paint brush inbetween Yuri's toes.
Mai: feeling like dropping out of the turnament?
Yuri: hahahhahahaha never! hahahahhahahahhhahahahahahahahha we'll beat you! ghagaggahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahahhaha
Chung Li: lets get Sakura now.
Sakura was sitting against the wall trying to untie herself she heard yuri laughing and knew was next, once she heard her name she tried to worm away. as yuri slumped against the chair and gasp for air the two women surrounded Sakura was moving like a worm in the room.
Chung Li: *giggles* your going in circles
Mai: Can't you see darling?
Sakura moaned in frustration the blindfold kept her from seeing the door and she blushed as she relized that she just was moving in circles. with out a fight they pulled her up and carried her to the chair next to Yuri, they untied her hands and tied them to each of the arms of the chair and putting her heels on the stool making sure her soles were revealed tied the ankles tightly to the stool.
Sakura: Please don't take off my shoes..
With a giggle Chung Li begain to unlace Sakuras red and white sneakers.
Sakura: No don't!
Chung Li untied both sneakers and planed her next move.
Chung Li: Sakura-chan left or right?
Sakura: Neither!
Mai: I guess we get them both!
Chung Li: I have a much more fun way to tickle her
Chung Li removed Sakura's left sneaker and peeled off her white sock reavealing a small wiggling foot.
Sakura: Tickle Yuri!!
Yuri: Tickle Sakura!
Both girls argued on who to tickle while the women just giggled at their antics.
Sakura: She's more ticklish then me!
Yuri: You laugh when u put your shirt on!
Both Mai and Chung Li wanted to continue their game so Chung Li raked her nails softly against sakura's bare left foot and Mai dabed her paint brush under and between yuri's toes.
Sakura: No stop! hahahhhahhahahahahhahhaahhahahahaahahahhahhaha
Yuri: Not there! hahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahhah
once the girls quieted down Chung Li continued the game
Mai: I wanted to tickle Yuri's feet
Mai untied Yuri's feet to the stool and retied them so her heel was now resting on the stool leaving her soles now exposed.
Chung Li: Now where were we?
Sakura: ......
Chung Li grabs right shoe lace of sakura's sneaker and and glided it up and down her sole.
Chung Li: Unless u want me to tickle both feet u keep this one from moving.
Sakura: *gasp* hehehehehe
Sakura twitches and tries to keep her foot still one foot is better then both getting tickle but Chung Li wants to tickle both and does everything possiable to get her to move, she dabs the shoe lace under and between her toes as well as along the side and heel of sakura's foot.
Sakura: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaahahha please stop! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaah
finally sakura gives up and maddly wiggle her foot.
Chung Li: I win!!
Sakura tries to catch her breath as Chung Li flicks off her other sneaker and peels off her sock.
Mai: lets make sure they don't wiggle to much
Both Mai and Chung Li reach into the bag and both have 2 small strings and begin wraping them around Yuri and Sakura's big toes.
Yuri: *giggles* what are u doing now?
Sakura: *giggles* leave my hehe toes alone!
Mai and Chung Li look at there handy work and decide to give it a test run.
Chung Li: Tickle tickle
Mai: Here it comes little girl
Mai and Chung Li rake softly up and down sakura and Yuri's exposed soles the girls start laughing and try to move thier feet but the the string wraped around there toes only lets them flex up and down making them more helpless then they already are.
Sakura: Please just untie my toes hahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhaah
Chung Li: Nope nope nope
Sakura: Oh please just untie my toes hahahahaahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahhaha
Yuri: This isn't fair hahahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahhaha your cheating hahahahahaahhaha
Mai: It's very fair
Yuri: Hhahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahhahahhaha
Both Mai and Chung Li stop leaving the girls gasping for air and decide to remove the blindfolds.
Chung Li: We want you to watch us tickle you
both girls wimper and watch helpless as Mai and Chung Li's long nails rake up and down there ticklish feet.
Yuri: hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please let me go! hahahahahahahah I'll scream hahahahhahahahaha
Mai: No one can you hear you but us sweetheart
Yuri: hhahaahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahhahaahah we'll get you ahahahhahhahahha in the turnament
Sakura: Hahhaahahahhaha what did i do? hahahahahhahahaahahhaha why are you ahahahahhha being so mean to me hahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahaha
Chung Li: no no no *giggles*
Sakura: hahahahahaha not the toes! gagagaghahahahahahahahahhaah
Chung Li wiggles her index finger between Sakura's toes while Mai rakes her index finger all along the sides of Yuri's feet.
Sakura: Hahahahahahahahahhaha please stop! hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
Yuri: hahahahahahahahah Mercy! hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahaha
Chung Li and Mai and stop with a new idea. While the girls gasp for air, they untie there feet and remove a stool they tie sakura left foot the leg of the chair and place her right foot on the stool, then they tie Yuri's right foot to the foot of her chair and place her left foot on the stool, they tie there feet togather and even tie their toes, now Sakura's right foot is tied to yuri's left and still with there combine effort they can only flex there feet.
Chung Li: 10 piggies
Mai: To Play with with
The girls wiggle there feet as they watch Chung Li postion herself next to Sakura's foot and Mai towards yuri's
Chung Li: Who gets to go first
Mai: Let them decide
Sakura and Yuri: We won't pick!
Mai: You will, Chungy you tickle Sakura and I'll tickle Yuri who ever laughs first goes first
Chung Li: Great idea
Both with devious grins and using there long nails they both begin to rake up and down there feet.
Sakura: Grrr.....ack!
Yuri: Stop stop stop stop!
both girls struggle, thrash and shake there heads side to side but in the end one of them brakes
Sakura: hahahahh noooooo! hahaa
Mai: We have a winner!
Chung Li smiles happily as Mai sticks her tounge out and waits for Chung Li to finish her rhyme
Chung Li: This little piggie entered the turnament *wiggles Sakura's big toe*
Sakura: Ahhhhhh!! hehehe
Chung Li: This little piggie has a crush on Ryu *winks and wiggles Sakura's 2nd toe*
Sakura: *blushes and giggles*
Chung Li: This little piggie got tickled by Chung li *wiggles Sakura's Middle toe*
Sakura: *sticks tounge out and giggles louder*
Chung Li: This little piggie stayed home *wiggles Sakura's 4th toe*
Sakura: Stop! hahahahhaha
Chung Li: This little piggie is so cute!! *wiggles Sakura's pinky toe rapidly*
Sakura: Hahhaahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahaha let it go! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah let my toe go hahahahahahahahaha
Mai: My turn!
Yuri wiggles her toes widly as Mai positions herself for her ryme
Mai: This little piggie went to Yuri's house *wiggles yuri's big toe*
Yuri: Grrrr.....hahahaha stop!
Mai: This little piggie has a crush on Kyo *wiggles yuri's 2nd toe*
Yuri: Do not! hahahahahhaahaha *blushes*
Mai: This little Piggie is in denile *wiggles Yuri's middle toe*
Yuri: hahahahahahahhaahhaahahahahah not that one! hahahaha
Mai: This little piggie visited mai *wiggles yuri's 4th toe*
Yuri: hahahahahahahahahhahaha no more! hahahahahahah
Mai: And This little piggie looks to good to resist *wiggles then nibbles yuri's pinky toe*
Yuri: Hahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahha thats hahahahahaahha no hahahahahahahahah fair hahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahhhahaahhahahhahahahahha
Chung Li gets up and stretches
Chung Li: That was fun
Mai: When you lose prepare for another round of tickling
Chung Li: Before we leave we want you to meet someone
Both girls get nervous when they see who walks in
Mai: Blue Mary lent him to us
Both girls wiggle like crazy
Yuri: You can't leave us tied up with him!
Sakura: Your so mean!!
Mai lossens Sakura left wrist and Yuri's right wrist
Mai: There tight enough to keep u there there but if u try really hard enough u should get loose, have a good time with the dog
Chung Li: When u get loose remember to return him to Blue Mary
Mai: Attack!
the dog walks towards there bound feet and gives a sniff
Yuri: *giggles*
Sakura: hehehe this is torture!
the dog begins to lick Yuri's bound foot licking up and down her sole.
Yuri: hahahahahahahah *shakes head side to side* some one make hahahahhahaha him hahaha him stop!
the dog laps up her sole up and down from hell to toe driving Yuri
Yuri: hahahahahha oh please stop hahahahahhahaah
As if listening the dog stops and turns his head to sakura's foot
Sakura: Oh no! please don't lick my foot i'll give ya a bone?
the dog turns his head sideways for a second then starts licking her sole in the same manner as Yuri
Sakura: hahahahahhahahahaahhhaahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhhhahahaha make it stop hahahhaahaha make him stop hahahhahaahah
Chung Li and Mai were watching by the door.
Chung Li: Will leave u 3 alone
Mai: Don't have too much fun
Chung Li and Mai: Bai Bai
Sakura: Please hahahahahahahahha don't hahahahahahhaha leave
While the dog licked up and down Sakura's helpless foot yuri was tugging at her lossen wrist
Yuri: how could this be loose it feels so tight...uh oh
the dog turn his head to Yuri's foot and started licking up and down her foot
Yuri: hahahahahahahaha not again! hahahahahahahaahhaha someone help!!! hahhahahahahaha anyone?? hahahahahahah help me!! hahahahahhahaahahhahaha
Sakura tried tugging as well it was loose and getting looser and wiggled and tuged then felt something lick across her sole
Sakura: Not you again hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahah go dig a ahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hole or hahahahhhahaha something
Yuri tried once again to loosen up her wrist and it was started to give way then like sakura she felt a lick
Yuri: hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha oh no!
Both girls were now getting licked by the dog, the dog was licking the middle of both there soles.
Sakura: hahahahahhaha just a little more hahahhahaahha
Yuri: I'm dying hahahahahahahhahahahahah
Finally sakura sliped out of the bound and started untying her other hand.
Sakura: hang on hahahahaah Yuri hahahahahahhahahah
Yuri: hahahahha I can't take anymore hahahahhahaahahahahahahhahha
Sakura Finally unties both her hands and losses Yuri's wrist while both girls are laughs there trying despertly to free themselves Yuri is trying to untie her other hand while sakura is untiying her foot bound to the chair.
Yuri: hahahahhaha please hahaahahhahahahah hahahahahahaahaha it's killing me! gagagagagagahahahahahahah
Sakura: Almost hahahhaahahahahahahah got it hahahahhahahhahahhaaha
Sakura unties and while laughing shoo's the dog away and both girls sit one the chairs gasping for air.
Yuir: hehehehehehe
Sakura: hehehhehehe
they quickly untie themselves and rub there feet trying to get the ticklish feeling to go away they quickly put there shoes back on and grab the dog with a leash
Sakura: Lets take him home
The two girls walk the dog to Blue Mary's and tells her what happend
Blue Mary: Ouch i'm sorry girls and i wondered where he went they didn't even ask to borrow him! but I know how to get them back *winks*
The girls and Blue Mary start to giggle
The End
let me know what ya think