<b>Caribbean Girls: Starring Diandra & Ghetty</b>
Now, our Caribbean Barbie is tied spread eagle, wearing a bikini top and short-shorts. As we setup to shoot this clip, she talked to herself to try and calm down and not freak out. To bring balance to the Universe, I countered with reassurance that all hope for self-control was firmly lost and that I would make a mess of her. Am I a nice guy or what?
She warned me that when she's nervous she sweats a lot. So at one point in the video, you'll see Ghetty come over to the bed to apply some roll-on under am deodorant for Diandra. Even that action is too tickle for our gorgeous victim. She erupts is spasms and writhes to the rolling-on of deodorant. What a hot roll-on commercial that could be.
Get the full length version of this video clip at ShyAndWildTickling.com WomenTickled.com, http://ticklishgirls.c4slive.com/ and http://HotTicklishLadies.com.
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<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=800&height=500&enablejs=true&file=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/646f460aeca6724f1dfa7fd86bc11f71.xml?random=zm09e&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/caribbean_girls/_thumbs/Carib-Dee-SEagle-TK-HD-800.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=800 height=500 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>
Now, our Caribbean Barbie is tied spread eagle, wearing a bikini top and short-shorts. As we setup to shoot this clip, she talked to herself to try and calm down and not freak out. To bring balance to the Universe, I countered with reassurance that all hope for self-control was firmly lost and that I would make a mess of her. Am I a nice guy or what?
She warned me that when she's nervous she sweats a lot. So at one point in the video, you'll see Ghetty come over to the bed to apply some roll-on under am deodorant for Diandra. Even that action is too tickle for our gorgeous victim. She erupts is spasms and writhes to the rolling-on of deodorant. What a hot roll-on commercial that could be.
Get the full length version of this video clip at ShyAndWildTickling.com WomenTickled.com, http://ticklishgirls.c4slive.com/ and http://HotTicklishLadies.com.
3-Pack Deal!!! Get 3 of my video clips for just $12.95
6-Pack Deal!!! Get 6 of my video clips for just $22.95
12-Pack Deal!!! Get 12 of my video clips for just $34.95
- ONLY at HotTicklishLadies.com
Click this Megaporn logo to get a higher quality preview.

<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=800&height=500&enablejs=true&file=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/646f460aeca6724f1dfa7fd86bc11f71.xml?random=zm09e&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/caribbean_girls/_thumbs/Carib-Dee-SEagle-TK-HD-800.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=800 height=500 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>