OK, I'll just add some rememberances, hopefully not too long winded or disjointed. The Desenex commercials were favorites, always looked forward to seeing those wiggling feet, wanted the mother-daughter tickled, oh well.
The Footguard spots were excellent, especially the first one with the daughter getting sprayed. Follow up spots were mostly male, the second series did have the mother spraying her own nylon feet.
I remember the Hefty bag spot with the bride over the wine vat, tickling off screen, you heard her giggle, ran only a few times.
No tickling, but the Spic N Span barefooting campaign in the 80's was fun for foot lovers. Female feet,some sole shots to show clean floors and clean feet.
Everyone talks of the McDonald's spot, but Burger King had one with teens and adults restoring and painting a building. In the end group shot you clearly see a girl rib tickling another girl. Another short run.
The Payless spot with foot tickling was cute, in the rerun the next year they cut out the tickling, hmmm. Also a Hispanic version ran out west with a different mother daughter team.
I remember the two on the inner tube, don't recall the product. Also a shaving spot where the wife or girlfriend come in and runs her finger down his back, good reaction.
Finally the laundry detergent spot, beside the one with the teacher and students, there was on with a young wife, blindfolded, trying to pick her husband's socked feet from two others. After taking off the blindfold, she recognizes her hubby's feet, gets an evil grin, and tickles hi feet. Then at the end she's looking at his feet and says, "You have really nice feet". He flexes his feet and she laughs. Cute and short run of that one. Hope this sparked some good memories, going back almost 40 years!! Peace, B.....