If that’s not a provocative title, bordering on pandering, I don’t know what is.
No real nudity, or sex, but someone does get pantsed.
Upper body first, feet later.
This is fiction with names pulled out of the air.
Mostly mildly non-consensual but with some extreme ticking and appropriate consequences.
Any comments appreciated. I actually like my previous story better, but maybe that's just me. This is a simpler story.
College Coed Tickle Slave Turnabout F/F
“Could I borrow your green sweater, Julie?” asked Brittany, Julie’s college roommate, as she walked into the living room of their small apartment.
“If you’ll notice, I’m wearing it,” said Julie wearily. “You have lots of sweaters.”
Brittany was becoming a pest, shirking household chores, borrowing things, and, on rare occasions, smoking in the living room. Julie hated cigarette smoke.
“None of my sweaters are as nice as that green one and it would be perfect with these slacks. Please?” whined Brittany.
“OK fine,” pouted Brittany, flopping down on the couch beside Julie. “I - didn’t - want - it - anyway,” she said, punctuating each word by poking Julie’s shoulder.
Julie stifled a giggle and pulled away. Brittany looked at her.
“I - don’t - even - know - what - I - was - thinking,” Brittany said. With each word, she poked Julie, in her shoulder, sides and stomach.
Julie kept completely still.
“Are - you - trying - to - control - it?” poked Brittany, concentrating on her shoulders.
“I’m not ticklish.” Julie said, her voice quavering just a bit. She was so tense, it almost looked like she was vibrating.
“How - long - can - you - control - it?”
“Oh no!”, Julie thought. “She’s not going to stop.” Julie cringed and tried to block her, but Brittany kept finding openings.
“How - ticklish - are - you?”
“I’m not!” But Julie knew once she lost control, she could’t get it back.
Brittany poked much faster now, easily getting through Julie’s weakening defenses.
“Then - why - try - to - stop - me? Tickle - tickle - tickle,” cooed Brittany, poking, poking.
Julie sputtered and looked like she was going to explode.
Brittany kept talking and poking. “If - you - were - a - real - friend - you - would - have - loaned - the - sweater.”
“Oh no, no, hehe no, heheehehe,” Julie was succumbing to her biggest weakness. She struggled for control, but that giddy, silly feeling of helpless vulnerability was beginning to overwhelm her.
Going on the offensive, Julie tickled Brittany right back, or tried to.
“Go ahead,” smiled Brittany. “It won’t do any good.”
Brittany was not ticklish in the least. She squeezed Julie’s sides, just below her ribs.
“HEEHAHAHAH Oh no!” Julie’s body and mind were surrendering to that irresistible feeling.
“Oh, yes! You’re as ticklish as my younger sister was,” Brittany smirked. “I used to love to experiment with different moves to torment her. This move used to really get her.” She made fists, slipped her hands under Julie’s sweater, and rubbed her knuckles across Julie’s ribs.
“AH HAHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!” shrieked Julie, trying to push her back, but tickling always made her so weak.
“You’re getting all rubbery! You’re a rag doll! I bet you can’t even keep your sweater on now.” Brittany said mockingly, with a sense of triumph.
Brittany tickled up her sides and under her arms, standing up and levering her arms up, peeling the green sweater up over her head. “I peeled you like a green banana, didn’t I?” She unzipped Julie’s jeans. “Oh no, you’re going to lose your pants too!” She pulled down her jeans down a bit. It was just far enough to reach in and tickle her right where her inner thighs met her groin, “This was my sister's weakest spot. Cootchie cootchie coo?”
“Kitty, kitty, kitty kitty”
“Ah, tickle words get to you, huh? Kitty kitty kitty cootche cootchie cootchie tickle tickle tickle.” That reminded Brittany of something from psychology class. Brittany used one hand to tickle the air in front of Julie’s face. That teasing seemed to make Julie even more ticklish.
“STOP STOP STOP STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Julie sank into the couch, completely giving in to that feeling of helplessness. Any control or dignity Julie had left was gone. Brittany stopped tickling her and put on the green sweater.
“Josh will love me in this sweater. I’m only going to borrow it for tonight,” Brittany assured her, leaving her still giggling on the couch. “Or I could tickle you some more,” Brittany warned.
“NO! heeheehee. Fine, take the sweater, but that’s not fair doing that! Hahaha,” Julie scolded between giggles. Brittany was no longer tickling her, but just thinking about being tickled felt so funny.
In the next few weeks Julie was taking on more house chores and loaning more clothes that came back reeking of cigarette smoke. Any objection she voiced was met with Brittany’s wiggling, tickling fingers and teasing banter. Julie was quickly becoming a tickle slave. “I have to come up with something.” Julie thought to herself, as she fell asleep that night.
The next day, Julie was behind the couch, doubled over it. “HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Brittany was kneeling behind her, tickling, after pulling her jeans down just enough. The doorbell was ringing, but they both ignored it for a while. Then they heard a key in the lock and the door started to open.
There, in the doorway, was Julie’s mom. “Are you OK? I thought I heard screaming. You look all flushed.”
“Mom! I’m fine, everything’s fine. I, uh, finished some exercising and it had like power shouts, like in marital arts.” Julie improvised quickly, if not convincingly.
Julie’s mom scanned the tiny apartment. “Well, I’m still not sure living here is better than living at home. Why don’t you come home? It would be cheaper.”
“No, Mom, we’ve been through this before, I’m doing fine on my own.”
“Where’s that roommate of yours? I she here?”
Our of the corner of her eye, Julie could see Brittany shaking her head. “No, she went out.”
“She’s not a very good influence on you. She’s such a silly girl. You both need to take college more seriously.”
“I do take it very seriously. Oh, no!” Julie said, feeling something very wrong.
The high back of the couch hid the fact that Brittany was pulling Julie’s jeans all the way to the floor.
Julie stammered, “Oh no,…college is not a time to be silly. It’s very important.”
“Yes it is and if I think for one minute you aren’t taking it seriously, I don’t have to pay for it.”
Brittany placed her fingers between Julie’s thigh and groin. Julie swallowed hard.
Mom continued, “I know you think I’m always lecturing you, but life is more serious than you know.”
Brittany wiggled her fingers just a bit.
Julie choked and said in a slightly wavering voice, “Yes of course.”
“If you knew how your father and I sacrificed so you could be here…”
Brittany dug harder. Julie’s face twisted in an effort not to laugh, but Brittany’s fingers just kept wiggling. Julie laughed and then clamped her mouth shut.
“Are you laughing at me young lady?” Mom demanded.
“No, I just had something caught in my throat,” Julie said, coughing and clearing her throat to cover more giggles.
“I don’t mean that life isn’t for fun too.” her mom said, trying to strike a conciliatory tone. “In fact at the hair stylist, I heard this joke. Oh, I know you say I never tell jokes well, but it seems there was this minister who had pored cement to build a sidewalk, but some of the neighborhood children had run through it. He was angry about it, but his wife said that he only loved children in the abstract and not in the concrete!”
It was a poor joke, badly told. But Brittany unleashed full tickle fury.
“BAWHAHAHAHH! ah-ah HAHAHHAHAHAAA!” Julie laughed, leaning hard on the couch.
“Haha. Yes, well, it was rather good.” smiled mom. “in the abstract not the concrete!”
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAH! hee-hee-hee HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Julie laughed even harder with help from Brittany.
“Oh, my goodness, I think I finally told a joke that has given you the giggles!” mom said, raising her eyebrows, “Not in the concrete?”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Julie felt those wiggling fingers stealing away any hope of control.
“Well, I’m going to use your restroom, then you can help me bring in some groceries I got for you.” mom said, chuckling to herself.
After the bathroom door shut, Julie whispered,“You idiot! If you don’t want half of the rent money to disappear, you’ll help me out.”
But Brittany wasn’t quite done tickling and grabbed above Julie’s knees. “Don’t laugh. She’ll hear you.” Brittany whispered.
“No hahaahahahahha…”, Julie tried to laugh as quietly as she could while trying to push Brittany away and struggling to pull up her jeans. It was an impossible task. Any progress she made just prompted Brittany to tickle harder. Julie was crumbling, sinking to the floor. “Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee oh no hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee” The toilet flushed noisily and the bathroom faucet could be heard. Brittany gave Julie one last debilitating tickle and tiptoed out to her bedroom to hide.
“Julie?” Mom called, after leaving the bathroom.
Julie pulled up her jeans, stopped her silent giggling with some difficulty and popped up from behind the couch.
“What were you doing down there?” Mom asked.
“I found my lucky penny?” smiled Julie weakly.
“Since when do you have a lucky penny? Let’s get those groceries.” Mom said, puzzled at her daughter’s behavior.
Julie and her mom put away the groceries.
“I just want what’s best for you.”
“I know Mom.”
Mom gave her a hug. She squeezed Julie’s sides.
“No, Mom, I’m not ticklish anymore. You know that.” But Julie was struggling internally.
“Oh, humor your mother a little, kitty-kitty-kitty?” She decided to find out how strong Julie’s control really was.
“Mom, I’m an adult now and I don’t, AH…I don’t…” Julie used to be able to control her ticklishness long enough for her mom to give up, but Brittany’s constant tickling had removed that control.
“Hee hee hee” Julie couldn’t help it. It felt so funny.
“Oh, so you are still ticklish after all!” Mom said accusingly, searching for, and finding, sensitive spots.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHHAHA!” This was not good. Mom could be such a tickle fiend!
“That’ll teach you not to lie to your mother. This is proper punishment! Kitty-kitty-kitty!”
“OH NO! AAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAH! ah-ah-ah AHAHAHAHAHAH!” Julie cringed. She had worked so hard to gain enough control over her ticklishness to fool her mom. All her hard won control was slipping away.
“Wow, I think you’re more ticklish than ever! Did you do all your homework today?”
“YESSSS AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!” She hadn’t started it.
“Don’t lie, or it gets worse,” Mom warned, enjoying any excuse to finally tickle her and make her laugh.
“Are you going to obey your mother?”
“Well I think I’ve found a new incentive plan to keep your grades up,” Mom laughed. “And I know how to help you enjoy all my jokes! Kitty-kitty-kitty!”
“AAAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAH! OK HAHAHAAH!” Mom meant well, but she loved tickling people way too much.
“I just knew you were still ticklish! You seem to have some new spots too. Is this spot funny?” Mom wiggled a finger in Julie’s navel.
“Yes or no?”
“Are you ticklish?”
“Are you going to study hard?”
“OK, I’ll stop for now. Just remember, I know how to tickle you again,” Mom warned.
“Hee hee ah ha ha oh, oh.” Julie calmed down a bit, but felt very childish. She was so easily tickled now.
Julie’s mom hugged her with no ulterior motives, said her goodbyes and left.
“Brittany what were you thinking?” Julie shouted.
Brittany came out of the bedroom with her fingers wiggling.
“Oh Mom, I’m not ticklish!”, Brittany said mockingly and started chasing Julie around the couch.
“Stay back, I’ve been tickled enough today!” Julie warned, circling around and around the couch. At least Julie was faster than Brittany.
Brittany was huffing from trying to chase her down. However, she had been preparing a new tactic. She had been conditioning Julie for just such an occasion. Every time she tickled Julie she made sure to use tickle words and wiggle her fingers in her face. It was simple classical conditioning.
“Tickle tickle tickle, kitty kitty kitty! You know how ticklish you are. You can feel it already, can’t you Julie? The irresistible giggles welling up inside you, Giggle giggle giggle! Look at my tickle fingers,” Brittany said mockingly, wiggling her fingers menacingly.
“Shut up!” said Julie, her eyes locking on Brittany’s wiggly fingers. “Stop that!” The wiggling fingers looked so funny, so ready to make her so helpless. She couldn’t look away.
“Tickle fingers are gonna getcha Julie,” Brittany threatened. “I’m tickling you by remote control. Can you feel it?”
“No!” But Julie’s eyes betrayed her. Those long fingers and nails moved like spider’s legs, so menacingly, so dangerously funny. It was so easy to imagine them skittering on her skin.
“I can see you’re feeling it now Julie,” Brittany “You’re about to break.”
Julie had too good an imagination. She suddenly felt those distant wiggling fingers on her. She doubled over. “Heeheeheehee.”
That was all Brittany needed. She ran around the couch an put those spidery fingers on Julie.
“HAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAH!” Julie crumpled to the floor.
“You know what’s next, huh Julie,” Brittany said as she unzipped Julie’s jeans and pulled them down, digging in with her fingers. “Right there Julie.”
“Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty!”
“No you’re not. I saw you come out of the bathroom earlier.”
“NAHAHAHAHAH ah ah ah HAHAHHAHAAH! AH heeheeheeheeheehee…” Julie began laughing silently.
She was tickled for a long time. She looked frantic, desperate, even tortured.
Even Brittany decided she may have gone too far and stopped.
Julie lay laughing, in bursts of giggling aftershocks. She hated being tickled. This was bordering on abuse now. She had to do something.
Brittany stopped tickling her for the rest of the week. She knew she had crossed a line. Still, it was just a matter of time before she began again, but for now she was becoming more and more distracted by her new boyfriend Josh.
Brittany really liked him, but Josh hated her smoking even more than Julie did. He finally convinced her to quit. Brittany’s little sister Helen had often offered to help with that.
Brittany reluctantly went to her sister’s office. The sign looked very professional and read “Helen Doyle, Hypnotherapist.”
Helen had dropped out of college her first year, to pursue her present career.
“I’m finally here, sis.” smiled Brittany, giving her little sister a hug. She couldn’t resist tickling her sides.
“Sto ha ha ha hop. EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Helen laughed and backed away.
“Still as ticklish as ever. Just like old times.” Brittany smiled.
“Don’t do that! I’m trying to help you for free and I don’t appreciate being bullied like that.” Helen said, trying to regain some of her dignity.
“Well, OK, maybe I overreacted. Anyway, it’s about time you did something about that nasty smoking habit,” chided Helen. “Here’s some paperwork to fill out. Then we can get started.”
Brittany finished the paperwork and stretched out on the soft couch, as instructed.
“This feels weird,” Brittany said hesitantly, “I’m not sure I want people to know I’m dong this. It’s like I need a crutch because I have no willpower.”
“It’s not weird at all. I help lots of people stop smoking this way. Anyway, this is important for your health. Now, just close your eyes and imagine a candle flame in a completely darkened room. See it flicker, see the colors shifting, so soothingly.”
Helen quickly had Brittany deeply hypnotized. “Now Brittany, you have a bad habit of smoking. Eliminating it directly could be difficult. Sometimes it’s easier to trade one weakness for another. We are going to make a trade, as your smoking habit diminishes, another weakness will increase, keeping a balance. A harmless weakness will take the place of a dangerous one. You won’t remember this consciously, but you will feel better on each visit.” Helen continued instilling post hypnotic suggestions into Brittany’s open mind for about twenty minutes. “Now awaken on three. One, two, three.”
Brittany opened her eyes. “Are we done already?”
“It will take a few more sessions, but you’re already making progress. You’re a great hypnotic subject.”
A few weeks passed and slowly, session after session, Brittany’s desire for cigarettes diminished and then stopped altogether.
Julie saw Brittany throw away the last ashtray. “That’s great Brittany. I won’t mind loaning you clothes anymore.”
“I do feel better and everything tastes better too.” Brittany smiled, proud of herself. “It just took a little will power.”
“Yes and those hypnosis sessions really helped too,” said Julie innocently.
“I never told you about that,” Brittany huffed. “Who told you? Hardly anyone knew.”
“I don’t have to tell you that,” Julie teased.
“We’ll see about that,” Brittany smirked, grabbing Julie’s sides.
Julie remained completely calm.
“Kitty kitty kitty,” sang Brittany, tickling up and down Julie’s sides. She got no reaction.
Julie sighed. “You left your cell phone here one day and I answered it. Your sister and I had a long discussion about your childhood and our living circumstances. I’ve been having sessions with her too, but not for smoking.”
Brittany poked with all her fingers, everywhere. Julie yawned.
“Nope, not anymore.” Julie smiled. “But for you to stop smoking, it was easier to trade one weakness for another.”
Julie poked one finger into Brittany’s side. Brittany took a sharp breath in.
“You shouldn’t have tickle tortured your little sister so much as a child, Brittany.”
Julie poked once, twice, three times. Brittany gasped each time and took a step back. Julie kept poking.
“B-B-But no,” Brittany stuttered, “It-it c-c-can’t be.” Julie’s pokes were like electric jolts. Brittany started to feel strange.
“How does that feel, exactly? “ inquired Julie. She made spider-leg fingers near Brittany’s face, which was one of the post hypnotic triggers Helen installed.
Brittany started shivering, then shaking, her eyes opening wide, staring at the funny, long, wiggly fingers. She looked like a pot about to boil over.
Julie slipped her hands under Brittany’s shirt and squeezed her sides.
Brittany had never been very ticklish, but now she had to actively resist this overwhelming feeling.
“Kitty kitty kitty,” Julie said, using another post hypnotic trigger Helen had programmed. Brittany’s ticklishness would increase every time she said it.
“MMMF MMMF MMMF.” Brittany was quaking like a volcano about to blow.
“Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty,” sang Julie, grasping Brittany just above her hips.
“MMMFA MMMFA,” Pressure was building.
Brittany still wasn’t quite laughing. Julie wondered if this was the first time Brittany had ever really felt tickled. Maybe she wasn’t used to laughing when tickled, or maybe she had a lot of will power after all. She needed some catalyst to break her concentration. Maybe she needed an example. Laughter is contagious after all.
“Oh Brittany, you look so funny! ahahahaha HEEHEEHEEHE! HAWHAWHAWHAW!”, Julie laughed.
“Heeheehee,” giggled Brittany. She was a cracked dam starting to leak.
“Kitty? Kitty? kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty,” Julie chanted rapidly in a high pitched voice, rapidly rubbing her knuckles up and down Brittany’s ribs. Then Julie laughed as hysterically as she could, “AHAAHAHAH! HEEHEEHEEH!”
That was all Brittany could take. Hearing all that infectious laughter, and feeling all that hypnotically amplified ticklishness, it just exploded in her brain, reducing her resistance to rubble. Brittany burst.
“NAAAAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA heehee AHAAAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHA!” Brittany laughed uncontrollably, shocked at the intensity of her own reaction. Disbelief was visible in her eyes.
“There you go! Laugh with me WHEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!” Julie said, tickling furiously.
“You’ve never been this ticklish have you? This is all new to you! Don’t worry, I can give you all the practice you need,” Julie said reassuringly.
Julie paused and just admired Brittany’s reaction. She was standing so stiffly, as if all her muscles had tensed up trying to resist the tickling. Her eyes were half squeezed shut and starting to tear up. Her face was red and her knuckles white on her clenched fists. It didn’t take much to maintain her laughter now. Just a poke her, a squeeze there.
“Now I can help you become more responsible around the apartment. There’s lots of household chores to do, kitty, kitty.” Julie said forcefully, with knuckles on Brittany’s ribs, playing her like a washboard. Yes, Brittany was her new musical instrument, and she would make beautiful music. Music to her ears.
“NAH NAHAHAAH!” Brittany hardly knew what to think. She had never been this ticklish.
“You look so confused and helpless. I bet you can’t stop me pulling down your pants, just a little.”
Brittany made a fumbling attempt to stop Julie from taking down her pants, but Julie just tickled the strength out of her.
Julie poked and dug right along her panty line. “How does that feel Brittany? Do you and your sister have something in common?”
“BAWHAHAHAHAAHAH! heeeeahhhh AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!” Brittany laughed so hard, it made her wobbly on her feet.
“STA HAAAP AHAHAHAHAA! ANY HEHEHE THING AHAHAH!” Brittany pleaded incredulously. It still seemed impossible.
“You’ll do anything? Well, the bathroom does need cleaning. When was the last time you were in the bathroom, Brittany?” puzzled Julie.
“Probably not, but let’s see if we can relax those muscles,” Julie increased the speed of her tickling, randomly switching her technique and hitting many sensitive spots, “Kitty-kitty-kitty,” she chirped, slowly reducing Brittany to a hysterical, weak, quivering heap, face down on the floor.
Julie sat on her, straddling the back of Brittany’s thighs and locking her ankles into the crook of one arm.
Brittany had almost stopped laughing and was struggling to get free. She was starting to get away.
“No, no, now, relax. Maybe this will help,” Julie reached around and tickled her side.
“Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee,” Brittany struggled, but giggled, weakening despite herself.
“Tickle tickle, Brittany, tickle tickle!” Julie said gleefully. It wasn’t an actual hypnotic trigger, but almost every ticklish person reacts to the teasing sound of it.
“AH hee hee ha ah hahahahahaha,” Brittany shook limply with laughter, all hope of escape fading along with her strength.
”Just a little more tickling, a little more weakening… There, now isn’t that better?” She slipped off both Brittany’s shoes and one sock. “Hmmm, your socks are so thin, I think I’ll keep one on, just to check something.”
Julie poised her fingers over Brittany’s feet, and turned, leaned, and waited for Brittany to look her in the eyes. “You never tickled my feet, you know. That was actually my most ticklish spot.” she explained, “And thanks to your sister… Now it’s yours.”
Julie grazed her nails up and down Brittany’s stockinged foot.
“STAHAHAHAAHAHHP ITAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Brittany pleaded, jerking her foot around, trying to evade Julie’s devastatingly sharp nails.
“Isn’t this relaxing?” Julie said, noticing Brittany’s increasing passiveness, except for the feet jerking about. Julie was so enjoying her new role, and was playing it for all it’s worth. She doubted Brittany was was enjoying her new role, but she was forced to laugh about it anyway.
“NOHOHO NOTAHAHAHAH!” Brittany’s tickled “accent” was often hard to understand.
“You have to speak more clearly, Brittany!” warned Julie, tickling at just the right times to reduce Brittany to gibberish.
“If you clearly ask me to stop, I will,” promised Julie.
“Well, OK, we can keep going. We’ll play optometrist. Is this better or is this better? Number one or number two?” asked Julie switching from stocking foot to bare foot and back again.
“NONE! NOAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Brittany chortled. This silly, helpless feeling was beginning to feel like a drug, taking over her brain and body, changing her.
“I think number two is best.” Julie said in a solemn voice, scribbling her nails on and between each bare toe.
“NAH NAH NAAAT THE-HE-HE-THERE-HER-HER AHAHAHAH!” Brittany laughed, through the tears streaming down her face. “I’M GONNA PEE HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE AHAHAHAH!”
“Oh, don’t pee!” exclaimed Julie. “Kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty.” and then up an octave, ”KITTY-KITTY-KITTY-KITTY-KITTY!”
“NO AW hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee,” giggled Brittany breathlessly, “NO ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” It almost felt like her bladder muscles were being tickled, as they got weaker and weaker each time she tried to hold it back. “na-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.”
Julie rose up on her knees and turned to see if there was a wet spot starting. She tickled faster, scribbling up and down Brittany’s feet. Brittany was laughing silently now, shaking limply. She looked frantic, desperate, even tortured.
Suddenly Julie gasped and jerked her hands into the air. Turnabout is fair play.
She knew how Brittany felt right now.
“OK, we’re even,” said Julie, standing up, with a twinge of guilt in her voice. There was an obsessive, almost narcotic thrill from tickling Brittany like that, and she had enjoyed it way too much. She had planned to tell Brittany’s boyfriend about her new ticklishness. Now it seemed like a bad idea.
Brittany lay giggling a bit, catching her breath. She thought to herself, “I didn’t realize. I had no idea what I had been doing to Julie. Now I know how it felt. That was just one bathroom-break away… from being the best time ever!!! I wonder how bratty I have to be to get her to tickle me again. That was so exhilarating, so, so… dangerously exciting to have more fun than you can stand. Oh, wait…Josh! I can’t wait to tell Josh!” Her metamorphosis was complete. She loved being tickled.
No real nudity, or sex, but someone does get pantsed.
Upper body first, feet later.
This is fiction with names pulled out of the air.
Mostly mildly non-consensual but with some extreme ticking and appropriate consequences.
Any comments appreciated. I actually like my previous story better, but maybe that's just me. This is a simpler story.
College Coed Tickle Slave Turnabout F/F
“Could I borrow your green sweater, Julie?” asked Brittany, Julie’s college roommate, as she walked into the living room of their small apartment.
“If you’ll notice, I’m wearing it,” said Julie wearily. “You have lots of sweaters.”
Brittany was becoming a pest, shirking household chores, borrowing things, and, on rare occasions, smoking in the living room. Julie hated cigarette smoke.
“None of my sweaters are as nice as that green one and it would be perfect with these slacks. Please?” whined Brittany.
“OK fine,” pouted Brittany, flopping down on the couch beside Julie. “I - didn’t - want - it - anyway,” she said, punctuating each word by poking Julie’s shoulder.
Julie stifled a giggle and pulled away. Brittany looked at her.
“I - don’t - even - know - what - I - was - thinking,” Brittany said. With each word, she poked Julie, in her shoulder, sides and stomach.
Julie kept completely still.
“Are - you - trying - to - control - it?” poked Brittany, concentrating on her shoulders.
“I’m not ticklish.” Julie said, her voice quavering just a bit. She was so tense, it almost looked like she was vibrating.
“How - long - can - you - control - it?”
“Oh no!”, Julie thought. “She’s not going to stop.” Julie cringed and tried to block her, but Brittany kept finding openings.
“How - ticklish - are - you?”
“I’m not!” But Julie knew once she lost control, she could’t get it back.
Brittany poked much faster now, easily getting through Julie’s weakening defenses.
“Then - why - try - to - stop - me? Tickle - tickle - tickle,” cooed Brittany, poking, poking.
Julie sputtered and looked like she was going to explode.
Brittany kept talking and poking. “If - you - were - a - real - friend - you - would - have - loaned - the - sweater.”
“Oh no, no, hehe no, heheehehe,” Julie was succumbing to her biggest weakness. She struggled for control, but that giddy, silly feeling of helpless vulnerability was beginning to overwhelm her.
Going on the offensive, Julie tickled Brittany right back, or tried to.
“Go ahead,” smiled Brittany. “It won’t do any good.”
Brittany was not ticklish in the least. She squeezed Julie’s sides, just below her ribs.
“HEEHAHAHAH Oh no!” Julie’s body and mind were surrendering to that irresistible feeling.
“Oh, yes! You’re as ticklish as my younger sister was,” Brittany smirked. “I used to love to experiment with different moves to torment her. This move used to really get her.” She made fists, slipped her hands under Julie’s sweater, and rubbed her knuckles across Julie’s ribs.
“AH HAHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!” shrieked Julie, trying to push her back, but tickling always made her so weak.
“You’re getting all rubbery! You’re a rag doll! I bet you can’t even keep your sweater on now.” Brittany said mockingly, with a sense of triumph.
Brittany tickled up her sides and under her arms, standing up and levering her arms up, peeling the green sweater up over her head. “I peeled you like a green banana, didn’t I?” She unzipped Julie’s jeans. “Oh no, you’re going to lose your pants too!” She pulled down her jeans down a bit. It was just far enough to reach in and tickle her right where her inner thighs met her groin, “This was my sister's weakest spot. Cootchie cootchie coo?”
“Kitty, kitty, kitty kitty”
“Ah, tickle words get to you, huh? Kitty kitty kitty cootche cootchie cootchie tickle tickle tickle.” That reminded Brittany of something from psychology class. Brittany used one hand to tickle the air in front of Julie’s face. That teasing seemed to make Julie even more ticklish.
“STOP STOP STOP STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Julie sank into the couch, completely giving in to that feeling of helplessness. Any control or dignity Julie had left was gone. Brittany stopped tickling her and put on the green sweater.
“Josh will love me in this sweater. I’m only going to borrow it for tonight,” Brittany assured her, leaving her still giggling on the couch. “Or I could tickle you some more,” Brittany warned.
“NO! heeheehee. Fine, take the sweater, but that’s not fair doing that! Hahaha,” Julie scolded between giggles. Brittany was no longer tickling her, but just thinking about being tickled felt so funny.
In the next few weeks Julie was taking on more house chores and loaning more clothes that came back reeking of cigarette smoke. Any objection she voiced was met with Brittany’s wiggling, tickling fingers and teasing banter. Julie was quickly becoming a tickle slave. “I have to come up with something.” Julie thought to herself, as she fell asleep that night.
The next day, Julie was behind the couch, doubled over it. “HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Brittany was kneeling behind her, tickling, after pulling her jeans down just enough. The doorbell was ringing, but they both ignored it for a while. Then they heard a key in the lock and the door started to open.
There, in the doorway, was Julie’s mom. “Are you OK? I thought I heard screaming. You look all flushed.”
“Mom! I’m fine, everything’s fine. I, uh, finished some exercising and it had like power shouts, like in marital arts.” Julie improvised quickly, if not convincingly.
Julie’s mom scanned the tiny apartment. “Well, I’m still not sure living here is better than living at home. Why don’t you come home? It would be cheaper.”
“No, Mom, we’ve been through this before, I’m doing fine on my own.”
“Where’s that roommate of yours? I she here?”
Our of the corner of her eye, Julie could see Brittany shaking her head. “No, she went out.”
“She’s not a very good influence on you. She’s such a silly girl. You both need to take college more seriously.”
“I do take it very seriously. Oh, no!” Julie said, feeling something very wrong.
The high back of the couch hid the fact that Brittany was pulling Julie’s jeans all the way to the floor.
Julie stammered, “Oh no,…college is not a time to be silly. It’s very important.”
“Yes it is and if I think for one minute you aren’t taking it seriously, I don’t have to pay for it.”
Brittany placed her fingers between Julie’s thigh and groin. Julie swallowed hard.
Mom continued, “I know you think I’m always lecturing you, but life is more serious than you know.”
Brittany wiggled her fingers just a bit.
Julie choked and said in a slightly wavering voice, “Yes of course.”
“If you knew how your father and I sacrificed so you could be here…”
Brittany dug harder. Julie’s face twisted in an effort not to laugh, but Brittany’s fingers just kept wiggling. Julie laughed and then clamped her mouth shut.
“Are you laughing at me young lady?” Mom demanded.
“No, I just had something caught in my throat,” Julie said, coughing and clearing her throat to cover more giggles.
“I don’t mean that life isn’t for fun too.” her mom said, trying to strike a conciliatory tone. “In fact at the hair stylist, I heard this joke. Oh, I know you say I never tell jokes well, but it seems there was this minister who had pored cement to build a sidewalk, but some of the neighborhood children had run through it. He was angry about it, but his wife said that he only loved children in the abstract and not in the concrete!”
It was a poor joke, badly told. But Brittany unleashed full tickle fury.
“BAWHAHAHAHH! ah-ah HAHAHHAHAHAAA!” Julie laughed, leaning hard on the couch.
“Haha. Yes, well, it was rather good.” smiled mom. “in the abstract not the concrete!”
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAH! hee-hee-hee HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Julie laughed even harder with help from Brittany.
“Oh, my goodness, I think I finally told a joke that has given you the giggles!” mom said, raising her eyebrows, “Not in the concrete?”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Julie felt those wiggling fingers stealing away any hope of control.
“Well, I’m going to use your restroom, then you can help me bring in some groceries I got for you.” mom said, chuckling to herself.
After the bathroom door shut, Julie whispered,“You idiot! If you don’t want half of the rent money to disappear, you’ll help me out.”
But Brittany wasn’t quite done tickling and grabbed above Julie’s knees. “Don’t laugh. She’ll hear you.” Brittany whispered.
“No hahaahahahahha…”, Julie tried to laugh as quietly as she could while trying to push Brittany away and struggling to pull up her jeans. It was an impossible task. Any progress she made just prompted Brittany to tickle harder. Julie was crumbling, sinking to the floor. “Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee oh no hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee” The toilet flushed noisily and the bathroom faucet could be heard. Brittany gave Julie one last debilitating tickle and tiptoed out to her bedroom to hide.
“Julie?” Mom called, after leaving the bathroom.
Julie pulled up her jeans, stopped her silent giggling with some difficulty and popped up from behind the couch.
“What were you doing down there?” Mom asked.
“I found my lucky penny?” smiled Julie weakly.
“Since when do you have a lucky penny? Let’s get those groceries.” Mom said, puzzled at her daughter’s behavior.
Julie and her mom put away the groceries.
“I just want what’s best for you.”
“I know Mom.”
Mom gave her a hug. She squeezed Julie’s sides.
“No, Mom, I’m not ticklish anymore. You know that.” But Julie was struggling internally.
“Oh, humor your mother a little, kitty-kitty-kitty?” She decided to find out how strong Julie’s control really was.
“Mom, I’m an adult now and I don’t, AH…I don’t…” Julie used to be able to control her ticklishness long enough for her mom to give up, but Brittany’s constant tickling had removed that control.
“Hee hee hee” Julie couldn’t help it. It felt so funny.
“Oh, so you are still ticklish after all!” Mom said accusingly, searching for, and finding, sensitive spots.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHHAHA!” This was not good. Mom could be such a tickle fiend!
“That’ll teach you not to lie to your mother. This is proper punishment! Kitty-kitty-kitty!”
“OH NO! AAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAH! ah-ah-ah AHAHAHAHAHAH!” Julie cringed. She had worked so hard to gain enough control over her ticklishness to fool her mom. All her hard won control was slipping away.
“Wow, I think you’re more ticklish than ever! Did you do all your homework today?”
“YESSSS AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!” She hadn’t started it.
“Don’t lie, or it gets worse,” Mom warned, enjoying any excuse to finally tickle her and make her laugh.
“Are you going to obey your mother?”
“Well I think I’ve found a new incentive plan to keep your grades up,” Mom laughed. “And I know how to help you enjoy all my jokes! Kitty-kitty-kitty!”
“AAAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAH! OK HAHAHAAH!” Mom meant well, but she loved tickling people way too much.
“I just knew you were still ticklish! You seem to have some new spots too. Is this spot funny?” Mom wiggled a finger in Julie’s navel.
“Yes or no?”
“Are you ticklish?”
“Are you going to study hard?”
“OK, I’ll stop for now. Just remember, I know how to tickle you again,” Mom warned.
“Hee hee ah ha ha oh, oh.” Julie calmed down a bit, but felt very childish. She was so easily tickled now.
Julie’s mom hugged her with no ulterior motives, said her goodbyes and left.
“Brittany what were you thinking?” Julie shouted.
Brittany came out of the bedroom with her fingers wiggling.
“Oh Mom, I’m not ticklish!”, Brittany said mockingly and started chasing Julie around the couch.
“Stay back, I’ve been tickled enough today!” Julie warned, circling around and around the couch. At least Julie was faster than Brittany.
Brittany was huffing from trying to chase her down. However, she had been preparing a new tactic. She had been conditioning Julie for just such an occasion. Every time she tickled Julie she made sure to use tickle words and wiggle her fingers in her face. It was simple classical conditioning.
“Tickle tickle tickle, kitty kitty kitty! You know how ticklish you are. You can feel it already, can’t you Julie? The irresistible giggles welling up inside you, Giggle giggle giggle! Look at my tickle fingers,” Brittany said mockingly, wiggling her fingers menacingly.
“Shut up!” said Julie, her eyes locking on Brittany’s wiggly fingers. “Stop that!” The wiggling fingers looked so funny, so ready to make her so helpless. She couldn’t look away.
“Tickle fingers are gonna getcha Julie,” Brittany threatened. “I’m tickling you by remote control. Can you feel it?”
“No!” But Julie’s eyes betrayed her. Those long fingers and nails moved like spider’s legs, so menacingly, so dangerously funny. It was so easy to imagine them skittering on her skin.
“I can see you’re feeling it now Julie,” Brittany “You’re about to break.”
Julie had too good an imagination. She suddenly felt those distant wiggling fingers on her. She doubled over. “Heeheeheehee.”
That was all Brittany needed. She ran around the couch an put those spidery fingers on Julie.
“HAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAH!” Julie crumpled to the floor.
“You know what’s next, huh Julie,” Brittany said as she unzipped Julie’s jeans and pulled them down, digging in with her fingers. “Right there Julie.”
“Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty!”
“No you’re not. I saw you come out of the bathroom earlier.”
“NAHAHAHAHAH ah ah ah HAHAHHAHAAH! AH heeheeheeheeheehee…” Julie began laughing silently.
She was tickled for a long time. She looked frantic, desperate, even tortured.
Even Brittany decided she may have gone too far and stopped.
Julie lay laughing, in bursts of giggling aftershocks. She hated being tickled. This was bordering on abuse now. She had to do something.
Brittany stopped tickling her for the rest of the week. She knew she had crossed a line. Still, it was just a matter of time before she began again, but for now she was becoming more and more distracted by her new boyfriend Josh.
Brittany really liked him, but Josh hated her smoking even more than Julie did. He finally convinced her to quit. Brittany’s little sister Helen had often offered to help with that.
Brittany reluctantly went to her sister’s office. The sign looked very professional and read “Helen Doyle, Hypnotherapist.”
Helen had dropped out of college her first year, to pursue her present career.
“I’m finally here, sis.” smiled Brittany, giving her little sister a hug. She couldn’t resist tickling her sides.
“Sto ha ha ha hop. EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Helen laughed and backed away.
“Still as ticklish as ever. Just like old times.” Brittany smiled.
“Don’t do that! I’m trying to help you for free and I don’t appreciate being bullied like that.” Helen said, trying to regain some of her dignity.
“Well, OK, maybe I overreacted. Anyway, it’s about time you did something about that nasty smoking habit,” chided Helen. “Here’s some paperwork to fill out. Then we can get started.”
Brittany finished the paperwork and stretched out on the soft couch, as instructed.
“This feels weird,” Brittany said hesitantly, “I’m not sure I want people to know I’m dong this. It’s like I need a crutch because I have no willpower.”
“It’s not weird at all. I help lots of people stop smoking this way. Anyway, this is important for your health. Now, just close your eyes and imagine a candle flame in a completely darkened room. See it flicker, see the colors shifting, so soothingly.”
Helen quickly had Brittany deeply hypnotized. “Now Brittany, you have a bad habit of smoking. Eliminating it directly could be difficult. Sometimes it’s easier to trade one weakness for another. We are going to make a trade, as your smoking habit diminishes, another weakness will increase, keeping a balance. A harmless weakness will take the place of a dangerous one. You won’t remember this consciously, but you will feel better on each visit.” Helen continued instilling post hypnotic suggestions into Brittany’s open mind for about twenty minutes. “Now awaken on three. One, two, three.”
Brittany opened her eyes. “Are we done already?”
“It will take a few more sessions, but you’re already making progress. You’re a great hypnotic subject.”
A few weeks passed and slowly, session after session, Brittany’s desire for cigarettes diminished and then stopped altogether.
Julie saw Brittany throw away the last ashtray. “That’s great Brittany. I won’t mind loaning you clothes anymore.”
“I do feel better and everything tastes better too.” Brittany smiled, proud of herself. “It just took a little will power.”
“Yes and those hypnosis sessions really helped too,” said Julie innocently.
“I never told you about that,” Brittany huffed. “Who told you? Hardly anyone knew.”
“I don’t have to tell you that,” Julie teased.
“We’ll see about that,” Brittany smirked, grabbing Julie’s sides.
Julie remained completely calm.
“Kitty kitty kitty,” sang Brittany, tickling up and down Julie’s sides. She got no reaction.
Julie sighed. “You left your cell phone here one day and I answered it. Your sister and I had a long discussion about your childhood and our living circumstances. I’ve been having sessions with her too, but not for smoking.”
Brittany poked with all her fingers, everywhere. Julie yawned.
“Nope, not anymore.” Julie smiled. “But for you to stop smoking, it was easier to trade one weakness for another.”
Julie poked one finger into Brittany’s side. Brittany took a sharp breath in.
“You shouldn’t have tickle tortured your little sister so much as a child, Brittany.”
Julie poked once, twice, three times. Brittany gasped each time and took a step back. Julie kept poking.
“B-B-But no,” Brittany stuttered, “It-it c-c-can’t be.” Julie’s pokes were like electric jolts. Brittany started to feel strange.
“How does that feel, exactly? “ inquired Julie. She made spider-leg fingers near Brittany’s face, which was one of the post hypnotic triggers Helen installed.
Brittany started shivering, then shaking, her eyes opening wide, staring at the funny, long, wiggly fingers. She looked like a pot about to boil over.
Julie slipped her hands under Brittany’s shirt and squeezed her sides.
Brittany had never been very ticklish, but now she had to actively resist this overwhelming feeling.
“Kitty kitty kitty,” Julie said, using another post hypnotic trigger Helen had programmed. Brittany’s ticklishness would increase every time she said it.
“MMMF MMMF MMMF.” Brittany was quaking like a volcano about to blow.
“Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty,” sang Julie, grasping Brittany just above her hips.
“MMMFA MMMFA,” Pressure was building.
Brittany still wasn’t quite laughing. Julie wondered if this was the first time Brittany had ever really felt tickled. Maybe she wasn’t used to laughing when tickled, or maybe she had a lot of will power after all. She needed some catalyst to break her concentration. Maybe she needed an example. Laughter is contagious after all.
“Oh Brittany, you look so funny! ahahahaha HEEHEEHEEHE! HAWHAWHAWHAW!”, Julie laughed.
“Heeheehee,” giggled Brittany. She was a cracked dam starting to leak.
“Kitty? Kitty? kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty,” Julie chanted rapidly in a high pitched voice, rapidly rubbing her knuckles up and down Brittany’s ribs. Then Julie laughed as hysterically as she could, “AHAAHAHAH! HEEHEEHEEH!”
That was all Brittany could take. Hearing all that infectious laughter, and feeling all that hypnotically amplified ticklishness, it just exploded in her brain, reducing her resistance to rubble. Brittany burst.
“NAAAAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA heehee AHAAAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHA!” Brittany laughed uncontrollably, shocked at the intensity of her own reaction. Disbelief was visible in her eyes.
“There you go! Laugh with me WHEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!” Julie said, tickling furiously.
“You’ve never been this ticklish have you? This is all new to you! Don’t worry, I can give you all the practice you need,” Julie said reassuringly.
Julie paused and just admired Brittany’s reaction. She was standing so stiffly, as if all her muscles had tensed up trying to resist the tickling. Her eyes were half squeezed shut and starting to tear up. Her face was red and her knuckles white on her clenched fists. It didn’t take much to maintain her laughter now. Just a poke her, a squeeze there.
“Now I can help you become more responsible around the apartment. There’s lots of household chores to do, kitty, kitty.” Julie said forcefully, with knuckles on Brittany’s ribs, playing her like a washboard. Yes, Brittany was her new musical instrument, and she would make beautiful music. Music to her ears.
“NAH NAHAHAAH!” Brittany hardly knew what to think. She had never been this ticklish.
“You look so confused and helpless. I bet you can’t stop me pulling down your pants, just a little.”
Brittany made a fumbling attempt to stop Julie from taking down her pants, but Julie just tickled the strength out of her.
Julie poked and dug right along her panty line. “How does that feel Brittany? Do you and your sister have something in common?”
“BAWHAHAHAHAAHAH! heeeeahhhh AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!” Brittany laughed so hard, it made her wobbly on her feet.
“STA HAAAP AHAHAHAHAA! ANY HEHEHE THING AHAHAH!” Brittany pleaded incredulously. It still seemed impossible.
“You’ll do anything? Well, the bathroom does need cleaning. When was the last time you were in the bathroom, Brittany?” puzzled Julie.
“Probably not, but let’s see if we can relax those muscles,” Julie increased the speed of her tickling, randomly switching her technique and hitting many sensitive spots, “Kitty-kitty-kitty,” she chirped, slowly reducing Brittany to a hysterical, weak, quivering heap, face down on the floor.
Julie sat on her, straddling the back of Brittany’s thighs and locking her ankles into the crook of one arm.
Brittany had almost stopped laughing and was struggling to get free. She was starting to get away.
“No, no, now, relax. Maybe this will help,” Julie reached around and tickled her side.
“Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee,” Brittany struggled, but giggled, weakening despite herself.
“Tickle tickle, Brittany, tickle tickle!” Julie said gleefully. It wasn’t an actual hypnotic trigger, but almost every ticklish person reacts to the teasing sound of it.
“AH hee hee ha ah hahahahahaha,” Brittany shook limply with laughter, all hope of escape fading along with her strength.
”Just a little more tickling, a little more weakening… There, now isn’t that better?” She slipped off both Brittany’s shoes and one sock. “Hmmm, your socks are so thin, I think I’ll keep one on, just to check something.”
Julie poised her fingers over Brittany’s feet, and turned, leaned, and waited for Brittany to look her in the eyes. “You never tickled my feet, you know. That was actually my most ticklish spot.” she explained, “And thanks to your sister… Now it’s yours.”
Julie grazed her nails up and down Brittany’s stockinged foot.
“STAHAHAHAAHAHHP ITAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Brittany pleaded, jerking her foot around, trying to evade Julie’s devastatingly sharp nails.
“Isn’t this relaxing?” Julie said, noticing Brittany’s increasing passiveness, except for the feet jerking about. Julie was so enjoying her new role, and was playing it for all it’s worth. She doubted Brittany was was enjoying her new role, but she was forced to laugh about it anyway.
“NOHOHO NOTAHAHAHAH!” Brittany’s tickled “accent” was often hard to understand.
“You have to speak more clearly, Brittany!” warned Julie, tickling at just the right times to reduce Brittany to gibberish.
“If you clearly ask me to stop, I will,” promised Julie.
“Well, OK, we can keep going. We’ll play optometrist. Is this better or is this better? Number one or number two?” asked Julie switching from stocking foot to bare foot and back again.
“NONE! NOAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Brittany chortled. This silly, helpless feeling was beginning to feel like a drug, taking over her brain and body, changing her.
“I think number two is best.” Julie said in a solemn voice, scribbling her nails on and between each bare toe.
“NAH NAH NAAAT THE-HE-HE-THERE-HER-HER AHAHAHAH!” Brittany laughed, through the tears streaming down her face. “I’M GONNA PEE HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE AHAHAHAH!”
“Oh, don’t pee!” exclaimed Julie. “Kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty.” and then up an octave, ”KITTY-KITTY-KITTY-KITTY-KITTY!”
“NO AW hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee,” giggled Brittany breathlessly, “NO ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” It almost felt like her bladder muscles were being tickled, as they got weaker and weaker each time she tried to hold it back. “na-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.”
Julie rose up on her knees and turned to see if there was a wet spot starting. She tickled faster, scribbling up and down Brittany’s feet. Brittany was laughing silently now, shaking limply. She looked frantic, desperate, even tortured.
Suddenly Julie gasped and jerked her hands into the air. Turnabout is fair play.
She knew how Brittany felt right now.
“OK, we’re even,” said Julie, standing up, with a twinge of guilt in her voice. There was an obsessive, almost narcotic thrill from tickling Brittany like that, and she had enjoyed it way too much. She had planned to tell Brittany’s boyfriend about her new ticklishness. Now it seemed like a bad idea.
Brittany lay giggling a bit, catching her breath. She thought to herself, “I didn’t realize. I had no idea what I had been doing to Julie. Now I know how it felt. That was just one bathroom-break away… from being the best time ever!!! I wonder how bratty I have to be to get her to tickle me again. That was so exhilarating, so, so… dangerously exciting to have more fun than you can stand. Oh, wait…Josh! I can’t wait to tell Josh!” Her metamorphosis was complete. She loved being tickled.