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Continuation of THAT 70'S SHOW story...can you believe it?

dig dug dog

3rd Level Red Feather
Jul 2, 2001
Ok guys, I won't even begin to apologize for how long it has taken me to continue with this story. Here's the plan: (1) I bumped up Part One to refresh your memories; (2) I am posting this new thread with Part Two which advances the story considerably and has some good tickling in it, BUT, be forewarned, it does not...ah, reach the climax, let's say; (3) The final Part of this story will come very soon. As always, let me know what you think and feel free to give suggestions...

dig dug dog

Part 2:
Starring Laura Prepon and Mila Kunis

Scene 1: School

Donna sat in her last period class watching the clock approach 2:50 and the end of a school day. She drummed her pencil on the desk to no particular rhythm. As the teacher droned on about the Civil War, Donna was making her own little battle plans. What happened with Jackie four days before was still eating at her. That girl is toast, Donna thought. I should never have let her touch me in the first place.

Donna was still dreaming about her revenge when the bell sounded. In seconds, she was heading out the classroom door. Walking quickly toward the busses, books in hand, Donna suddenly saw Jackie two feet in front of her. The small brunette was all smiles and looked—for a change—like she had something to say.

“Donna, you won’t believe what happened to me today?”

“Ah…you were named Miss Gym Class by the freshman boys?”

Jackie blinked. “No, silly. I found a $100 dollar bill in the parking lot. I’m going to treat myself to a facial and a massage.”

“Well, you totally deserve it, Jackie! I mean who needs pampering more than you do?” Annoyed, Donna started to move past her toward the bus.

“Donna,” Jackie called out, “What’s wrong? Hey…does this have something to do with the other day when I, ah…you know. You’re not still mad about that?”

Donna stopped, her back to Jackie, and took a deep breath. “Mad, why would I be mad, Jackie? Just because you made me look like a helpless, babbling fool in front the…heeeeey! Hehehehe, Jackiiiiiiieeeee!”

Jackie had snuck up behind Donna and was digging all ten of her digits into the larger girl’s waist. “Come on, Donna! Don’t be angry—be happy! Cootchie coo!!”

Donna felt the ticking shoot through her torso like electricity whipping down a wet flagpole. Knowing that Jackie was aware just how ticklish she was—or could be—made it impossible for Donna to put up any resistance. The tall redhead immediately crumpled to the ground, dropped her books, and rolled over onto her side. Jackie followed her down, straddled her hip and vigorously poked lots of fingers into Donna’s waist, sides and ribcage.

“Jaaaaaakiiiieeee! Hehehehehehehehe, hahahahahahahahaha stooooooooop!! OoooohGod!! Stoooooooooop! HOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Donna’s giggling was starting to attract the attention of students nearby. Some looked on with amusement. Donna kept trying to cover up her ticklish regions, but every time she managed to block Jackie’s touch, her tormentor speedily flitted to another equally-sensitive spot.

A blond boy, about 6’1”—Jackie recognized him as ‘Randy’, a senior on the basketball team—approached the girls. “Need any help, Burkhart? I’m really good at tickling my younger sister.”

“Noooooooo! HAHAHAHAHA! Dooon’t tooooouuuuuch meeeeehehehehehehehehehe!”

Ignoring her prohibition, with his long arm Randy reached over and squeezed Donna just above her knee and pumped several times. Donna went wild. Laughing loudly, she turned onto her back and tried to push herself along the ground like a crab to escape the tag-team-tickling.

Jackie took pity on her scrambling friend. “Ok, Randy, that’s enough now. Leave Donna alone. The boy stopped, straightened up and with a distinct look of disappointment walked back toward his chuckling buddies. One of them gave him a ‘high-five’.

“Ha! I’m sorry, Donna, but I bet you feel a lot better now after having a laugh?” Hands-on-hips, Jackie stood above her friend who was sitting up now, legs straight out in front of her. The redhead looked up slowly at Jackie, eyes-narrowed and fuming. If she had thought about getting revenge on Jackie before….

“See, I saved you from the blond beanstalk over there. Donna—he would have kept right on tickling you, ya know, if I hadn’t stopped him.”

Donna quickly pulled herself up, brushing off her pants. “You know, Jackie, two can play the tickle game.” She began to move menacingly upon Jackie, hands outstretched.

Jackie held her ground and gestured as she spoke. “Yeah, normally that might be true, Donna. But for some strange reason I’ve never been ticklish, like, not at all. It’s one of those unique, mysterious things about Jackie Burkhart.”

“I think you’re ly-ing,” Donna said loudly, kind of singing the last word. She now stood very close to the shorter, darker girl who waited patiently with crossed arms. “Here I come, Jackie!…get ready to—laugh!” And with that Donna’s hands went immediately to Jackie’s slim waistline, first teasing it lightly, then prodding it more forcefully when she got no immediate reaction from her friend.

Donna’s fingers pressed on upward and over Jackie’s ribs, frantically rubbing and tweaking as she moved. “I know you’re ticklish—somewhere! How can a little brat like you not be?”

At this point Jackie threw her opens open wide. “Knock yourself out, Donna. But I’m telling you, like, it’s not gonna make a difference…I guess I just don’t have the ‘tickle gene’ or something. Michael used to try a lot, but eventually he gave up.”

Donna put forth one more burst of tickling energy as she snuck her hands into the two small areas that were Jackie’s underarms. Making direct contact, Donna quickly wriggled her fingertips around the soft centers of Jackie’s pits, hunting for any signs of weakness. Her last hope melting away, the big girl stopped her assault, lowered her arms and shook her red bangs out of her face.

“I told you, Donna,” Jackie said, matter-of-factly.

“Well…I WILL get my revenge, just wait, Burkhart. Besides, I haven’t even tried…”

Donna got suddenly quiet when she saw a mischievous gleam erupt in Jackie’s eyes and the brunette’s index fingers shot out in her direction like tiny daggers.

“No way—don’t!” Donna started to backpedal, holding her large hands out in front of her like shields and waving them erratically in every direction. “Jackie…cut it out!….”

Jackie crouched slightly and moved on her friend like a hungry cougar. She giggled. “I know your little secret, Donna…Now, what were you saying about ‘revenge’?!”

As luck would have it, a few backward steps later Donna smacked into Randy and pals. One of the guys grabbed her arms from behind. Donna moaned loudly as she saw Jackie smile and two thin, short fingers moved closer and closer toward her unprotected belly. She took a long, deep breath, knowing it would probably be her last one for at least several minutes….

Scene 2: Eric Foreman’s Basement

Donna burst into Eric’s basement almost at a run. Her former boyfriend was sprawled on the couch, chuckling as he watched a Gilligan’s Island rerun. Kelso was sitting in a chair also glued to the set. Seeing that Eric didn’t acknowledge her presence, Donna stopped to look at the TV screen. She saw the Skipper smacking his ‘little buddy’ once again over some minor, but annoying infraction. The boys laughed out loud.

“Hey guys,” Donna said, a bit out of breath.

“Oh, hi Donna,” Eric replied slowly, not moving his eyes from the TV. The scene changed and all seven castaways were now meeting to discuss some urgent problem. “What’s up?”

“Well, maybe I’d tell you if you could stop drooling over Ginger and Mary Ann for a minute.”

“Yeah, isn’t Ginger hot?!” Kelso chimed in.

“But I think Mary Ann has a certain…inner beauty,” Eric countered. “And some very nice bazongas!”

Donna watched the two of them yuck it up, half-amused herself, but half-dismayed.

Seeing Donna’s face, Eric sobered. “OK.” He shook himself out of TV mode and turned fully toward Donna. “So, how WAS your day, dear?”

Donna sat down near Eric on the couch. “It was awful. On my way to the bus, after school, I ran into Jackie, and she, like, she…”

“What, Donna? You can tell us,” Eric said sincerely.

Donna glanced at their faces. They both appeared to be serious and really listening. Part of her didn’t want to say a word about what happened today, but on the other hand, she needed their help. “Jackie…tickled me…I mean, it was really bad. She had me rolling around on the ground and then some guys were holding me while she did whatever she wanted to my ribs.” Donna paused and waited for the boys to crack up—but for some reason, they didn’t. She told them a few more details.

“She, like, made you lose it in public, in front of everybody?” Kelso asked.

“There were a lot of people around. I saw some of them pointing and snickering.”

“Wow, Donna, that’s really nasty.” Eric sympathized.

“And a little hot,” Kelso threw in with a slight smile.

“Well, that goes without saying,” Eric added scientifically, “…but it’s also totally rude.”

“What is?” It was Hyde, just walking in.

Kelso tried to explain to Hyde in a matter-of-fact tone, but got progressively more amused as he recounted the plight of ticklish Donna suffering under Jackie’s not-so-tender mercies. “…And then, like, Donna was rolling on the ground, hahaha, and this basketball dude comes over to help Jackie tickle her….”

Donna sat watching the goofy teenager enjoy the telling, but she had had enough. “Alright, Kelso, I think Hyde gets the picture.”

“And a sweet picture it is,” Hyde said, a smirky grin slipping across his lips. The other two young men nodded dreamily.

As Donna angrily stared at the three, they quickly shifted gears. “…But wrong, so wrong,” Eric offered.

“Bad form,” Hyde said.

“Yeah, it’s bad, it’s sick!” said Kelso, who still had the trace of a smile playing around his mouth.

“The point is,” Donna emphasized, “that I HAVE to get her back, like really bad, and soon—totally get revenge, ya know?” She was speaking rapidly and with her hands.

“Definitely,” Eric affirmed.

“And I want to tickle her! She is so sure of herself, so smug… ‘I just don’t have the tickle gene’…I want to tickle her and make her hysterical until she says uncle…and then I’ll give her some more until she is begging for mercy…and then I’ll keep going until she, she….”

“Wets her pants?” Kelso said tentatively and perhaps a tiny bit hopefully.

“Oooh,” the others reacted loudly, with disgust.

“No, Kelso!” Donna said, “until she…cries! Yeah, that’s it—I want her to cry with laughter!” After a few beats Donna continued, more slowly. “Of, course, the only problem is, she really doesn’t seem to be ticklish.”

Looking down at the floor, Donna heard soft chuckling. It was subdued, but ruthless at the same time. It was Steven Hyde. All eyes turned toward the curly-haired teen. “Jackie Burkhart, not ticklish? Now that’s pretty funny.”

“I know!” Donna said, getting to her feet. “Like, she should be SO the ticklish little princess! She should be the one who can’t even stand to have someone touch her belly…because she’d melt into a big…mess of laughing…jelly.” The tall girl struggled to find the exact words for her image and then realized, with a frown, that they rhymed.

“I’m sure she’s ticklish,” Hyde declared, crossing his arms, “you just have to know the right technique.”

But Kelso reacted strongly to Hyde’s assertion. “No, Hyde—she’s not! I tried like a gazillion times. Nothing worked! I mean, I tried everything.”

Hyde looked at Kelso steadily for about five seconds. He turned back to Donna. “Like I said…you have to know the right technique.”

“Are you serious, Hyde? You think you can help me get her?” Donna asked excitedly.

Hyde sat thinking for a few seconds. “Does that mean I actually have to touch her?”

Eric laughed, but Donna pressed on. “Or you could just tell me what to do!”

Hyde leaned back on his chair. “No, Donna, I’m afraid that my tickling technique can’t be taught. It’s like a whole Zen thing.”

“Alright, fine.” Donna said, frustrated. “Then come with me. I think she’s getting a massage right now at the mall. We could get her while she’s, like, all undressed and not suspecting a thing!” Seeing the sour look on Hyde’s face, Donna continued, “Unless Kelso’s right and she can’t be tickled….”

After a few thoughtful seconds Hyde said gruffly, “Fine, I’ll go. But how are we going to get into the massage room?”

“And what about the masseuse?” Eric added.

“Oh!…I don’t know…we’ll figure it out when we get there!

Just then Kelso noticed on television that Ginger had ‘slipped in to something more comfortable’. “Now there’s a girl I’d like to tickle! You think she’s ticklish, Eric?”

Eric smiled. “Kelso, my man, let’s just say I’d take my time finding out. Lots of time finding…youch!” Donna suddenly grabbed him by the collar, yanked him up, and headed for the door. Kelso and Hyde followed, each giving Ginger one last, long look.

Scene 3: The Mall

Sandra’s Spa and Health Clinic was on the third floor of the mall, down a long walkway where customer traffic was sparse. The only other doors open for business in that wing were a used book store and a kitchen supply shop. The four friends bounded down the wide hall. Once or twice Kelso tried to goose Donna. She gasped briefly in surprise, but instantly twisted away, reeled around and punched him in the arm.

Eric saw the Spa, stopped and put his finger to his mouth, signaling for quiet. The others complied and they all huddled near the wall about 5 feet before the entrance.

“Ok, guys, be cool,” Eric instructed. “Follow me.”

The team walked in calmly with the exception of—surprise—Kelso, who seemed to be having trouble stifling a chortle. Donna elbowed him in the ribs and he sobered up a bit.

Eric looked like he was about to approach the receptionist when he suddenly turned on his heels and motioned with his thumb to Hyde to take his place. The ever-cool teen simply smiled and slowly nodded ‘no’. Fed up, Donna pushed past both of them and stood in front of the 20ish, cute, gum-chewing employee of the Spa.

“May I help you?” The woman chomped and tapped a pencil against the desk.

“Ah, yes…you can…” Donna tried to sound mature and business-like. “We…need to see Miss… Jacquelyn Burkhart. I believe she is getting a…treatment right now.” Donna glanced back for a second to see Eric nodding and encouraging her to continue.

The receptionist looked down at her appointment book. “Jackie Burkhart...yeah, her session started about 40 minutes ago. But I can’t interrupt unless this is an emergency.”

“It is!” Kelso blurted out. “We’ve got to see her…it’s a matter of life and death!” The other three high schoolers stared at him, slightly appalled, wondering where he would go with this lie. “Yes…her…CAT, is dying, or might be dying—we’re not sure…and Jackie is the only one who knows where the cat’s medicine is, ya see, and if we don’t do something soon…well…” Kelso made a gesture of slowly waving goodbye as he watched an imaginary kitty-soul depart toward heaven. Hyde could barely contain himself; Donna looked like she was about to flee the room, since their scheme had most certainly gone bust.

“Oooh, I LOVE cats,” the receptionist said sympathetically. Eric’s eyes shot up in amazement. Donna made the sad face of someone whose dear friend had a terribly sick cat, although one corner of her mouth twitched slightly in repressed amusement. “I’m not supposed to disturb a client, but it sounds like that cat needs help fast.” The friends nodded vigorously. “I’ll just go back there and explain the situation to Sandra and Miss Burkhart….”

“No!” all four of them called out simultaneously.

“No?” the woman said, confused.

“No…no, because,” Eric struggled to come up with a reasonable explanation. “Because, Jackie really, REALLY loves that cat, ya know…and if the news about…dear…sweet…Trixie was just sprung on her from a stranger…she might …faint, or something!” Eric paused and watched her face for signs of incredulity.

“Oh, I can see that,” the dark-eyed woman said cooperatively. “I’ll just go back there and ask Sandra to come out so you can explain the situation.”

“Yes,” Eric said,” it’s best we tell Jackie the news ourselves.” He soberly looked around to the others who nodded slowly in affirmation.

When the receptionist had disappeared into the back, the four of them stared at each other in quiet, gleeful amazement. Kelso made a gesture of “yes!” with his right forearm. Seconds later they all gave themselves the sign to calm down as they heard footsteps rapidly approaching.

“Hello, I’m Sandra. Can I help you?” said a tall, blonde woman, about 35 years old. She spoke quickly and forcefully. “Something about a sick cat?” She looked put out and definitely suspicious. When no one immediately spoke up, she continued. “Listen guys, Jacquelyn will be finished in about 15 minutes. I’m sure whatever little fun you have planned can wait until then, right?” Sandra turned to head back to the massage area.

“Oh my God!” someone said from below. Eric, Donna and Hyde instantly looked down to see Kelso balled up on the floor and hugging his left leg. The lanky boy’s face was screwed into a mask of pure pain. Donna opened her mouth in surprise and appreciation. A moment later Sandra and the receptionist were standing alongside the teens watching Kelso as he rocked gently and moaned softly.

“What’s wrong?” Sandra asked, arms crossed.

“My leg…old…football injury…aaarrrggh.” Kelso took several quick, sharp breaths. “Can…you…help me?” He opened his eyes and stared up at the masseuse with the best wounded animal impersonation he could summon.

Sandra seemed to roll her eyes a bit as she bent down to assist Kelso to his feet. The receptionist joined the effort. The gangly teen winced and yelped as the women tried to help him walk. “Can you…do some…physical therapy on me…just a little?” Kelso begged.

They started virtually dragging him down the hall to an open room about 30 feet from the one Jackie was in. (A manila file with her name written on it in large print hung in a plastic receptacle on the door.) The friends followed closely, verbally encouraging and thanking the Spa personnel for their dedication to all those in need.

Eric seized the moment. “Can we have a word with Jackie while you help him?” he said innocently.

“Fine, fine…go ahead, do whatever you want…just knock first and let her get dressed. Tell her I had an ‘emergency’.”

“Of course,” Eric said, “we’ll knock and let her know we need to tell her something really important and then, together, we’ll figure out the best way….” His voice trailed off as Kelso and his two attractive assistants went into the massage room and Sandra shut the door.

Eric, Hyde and Donna turned toward each other and broke into broad grins. They moved toward the door of where Jackie presumably lay waiting. “Should we knock?” Donna said a bit guiltily. “I mean, she might actually be naked or something, guys.”

Hyde looked at Eric. The two stood in silent thought for a moment and then, in a flurry of motion, both of them dove for the doorknob. After some quick jostling, Eric pulled back and Hyde pushed open the door and led the others inside. What met their eyes was the quiet figure of a short, dark haired girl lying on a blue, metallic table. Her head was pointed away from the entrance to the room so they could not see her face. Most of her small body was covered with a light purple sheet, but her bare feet and calves were visible along with her shoulders and arms. The latter were straight down at her sides. She looked like she could be asleep.

“Sandy, is everything OK?"

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Hold on i haven't read it yet.

Before I read it i just want to say...

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! (in advance)
what a cliffhanger! Please post the next section real soon ^_^ :D

Thanks again d3!
Just read both parts, ddd. I suggest you post the finale ASAP! Speaking of reaching climax, this story makes that easy :devil:

That's a GOOD thing, right?

Friends, I will endeavor to make the end be quick, relatively painless and quite tickly.

dig dug
I think Slickareno was saying "Cool!" :p

Friend, I will endeavor to wait patiently :)
AWESOME STORY MAN!!!!!!!!!!:p I must say its one of my FAVORITES so far. Keep the continuation up, and possibly make it a series if possible. I love that 70's show. I think they definately need to have tickling on it. hehe
d3, do you think you could bump up your anna kournikova story? I really wanna read it again!:D
Lexi, thanks for letting me know how you feel--it is ever so helpful!

Biscuit, you are very kind. I hope Part 3 will meet your standards.

Scoob, it will be my pleasure! I'm on my way to bump!

dig dug dog
You're killing me.... :)

Dig Dug Dog, how is part 3 coming? ....inquiring minds want to know. Any estimates as to when it will be finished? Thanks :D
Wait, Houdini, what do you mean? "Killing you"? Just because Jackie Burkhart is lying with her tiny, bare feet totally exposed to three friends who want nothing more than to make her roar with ticklish laughter.

Are you telling me that you'd like to find out what would occur if, say, Stephen Hyde began to seriously stroke Jackie's soles while he taunted her (in that way he has) and promised to NEVER STOP?

*Swallows hard*...oh, I see...God, I wonder what WOULD happen....

dig dug dog
Damn you're cruel

Geez DDD you really know how to hurt a guy ;). I'm dying ova here already (said in a Brooklyn accent)
d3 i've fainted like 3 times in anxious anticipation

what happens next what happens next? :p

I await the next part!! EXCELLENT stuff ddd!!

"You've got to be cruel to be kind--in the right measure...."


Just a bit longer, buddy, hold on.


Thank you. Oh--and I like your signature quote.

dig dug
don't care anymore....

Well DDD I really don't care if you finish the story or not(ssshhhh reverse psychology :rolleyes: ) yeah that's it.....I have moved on now. Doesn't phase me in the least if I never see the end of the story....I couldn't care less.....I really....I don't...I...I...I....OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAN FINISH THE STORY.

Now excuse me, I have to get a cold drink and some Tylenol
There goes Scooby with his talent for understatement again...she's the cover girl on this month's Maxim!

Patience, everyone! Perfection can't be rushed. If a god DID make everything in six days, ddd, then that would explain why we live in an imperfect world! :D
Dear amk,

Interesting premise...of course, "A thousand years are like a day in your sight, O' Lord"....

And I understand where Scooby and friends are coming from, 'cause a day without the conclusion to a favorite tickle tale is like a thousand years!

I'll do my best.

And amk--for you I'll pay special attention to Jackie's tootsies. Any requests?

dig dug dog
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