Krissy looked up at Galvin as she applied the lotion. The son of a bitch was dying already. She was wondering if this was going to be easy. Galvin again started threatening "When I get out of her, there won't be a place on this earth you can hide, you bitch". Krissy would soon erase that bravado. ''Look Thomas, admit you did a bad thing, return the files and my company will not have you thrown in jail and disgraced. We will work something out with your companies legal department for damages." Her captives reply was predictable. " You bitch, when I am through with you you will be the one who is damaged" Krissy stared down at him. "Tom, I can beat it out if you but thats not fun. Apparently, your a ticklish guy. I am going to gag you now. Don't be scared. I am going to do what I do best for 15 minutes. After that I will remove the gag and we will see what you have to say"..
Krissy quickly pulled a gag out of the pocketbook. It would keep him quiet and he would not swallow it. She waited thirty seconds and showed Galvin her long red mails. He screamed something through the gag and Krissy went to work. The lotion had been worked in and she shillfully dragged her lovely nails from her captors toes down to the ball of his feet. Galvin was going crazy. Being a professional, Krissy tied him so he could barely move. Galvin was already in tears. The tough guys usually go fast, thought Krissy.
Krissy produced a washcloth with a special ingredient. It basically cleaned the body part completely and made it more sensitive to touch. She dragged her nails again down Galvins right foot. His cries were there but muffled by the gag. Krissy then drew circles around the thiefs left foot. She nibbled on his two big toes and Galvin kicked as hard as he could against the bonds. It was only a few minutes but Krissy removed the gag. Galvin was still into the tough guy routine "lListen, you bitch I will cut".. Krissy put the gag back and began again. She spidered tickled both his feet and the thief tried to kick . She said, 'poor Tommie is really ticklish". Lets see where else"' Krissy straddled the captive and put her breast down near Galvin's face. The man continued to fight. Krissy completely devastated him with her fingers, digging them into Galvin's underarms. "Tickle, tickle poor Tommy she cooed. The thief
was not struggling as hard anymore and Krissy knew the end may be near. She worked him over the same way for another 10 minutes and changed her tactics.
She then blew rasberries on Galvin's hard stomach. This had a surprising effect. Krissy looked down and saw for the first time Galvin was erect. She went into what she hoped would be the final phase. She showed Galvin a long white feather from her bag. Galvin shook his head no, but Krissy drew the feather close, and then gradually brushed it against his cock. She certainly knew her business. Galvin heaved upwards to meet the touch. Krissy increased the pressure and slowly swirled the feather around the man's cock. Galvin was moving his hips up to meet the feather. Krissy further teased him by using her fingers to gently tickle his balls. She then removed the gag. Galvin was exhausted and begged 'Please, let me cum."' He had changed his tune drastically. "Tom, we all would like to cum but first I need some information on the files." Galvin shook his head no. Krissy asked if he wanted to be tickled again. Galvin tried to curse but Krissy gagged him again. "Listen Tom, we have enought to send you away for a few years." Give us the information and we will be good. We will not prosecute"
Krissy put her hands on her hips. She smiled at galvin. She again runned her hands in the lotion and began an assault on galvin's ribcage. He was too exhausted to scream or curse. 'Tom. your so tired I could untie you and tickle you without the restraints" said the sexy blonde. Krissy went back to the man's cock and just slowly tickled the tip. Galvin looked at her begging. 'I'll talk, he said. But finish me now" Krissy knew it was over. She said 'If you talk, I might show mercy and finish you by hand. if you don't talk now, I will gag you again and repeat the whole sequence. Galvin knew he had no choice. He nodded . Krissy got Galvins computer from the desk. Galvin spilled everything. He told her pass codes to get in, and pass codes to the files. In 5 minutes it was done. The files were back in Atlas possession. "Tom, We are not going to prosecute you.. We have more scruples than your lousy company. You company will pay damages and if they are smart,they will make sure you never work in our industry again. Galvin's cock was still erect. Krissy smiled down at him. She did not like the bastard at all but a promise is a promise. She wrapped her hand in a washcloth and slowly jerked him off. The poor guy spurted and moaned. Krissy got everything ready and was about to leave the room. Galvin started yapping again and said she was a bitch and deserved the same treatment". "Tommie, your not man enough to do that to me. . As I said, you are real lucky you don't go to state prison for 5-10 years. Krissy tied him again . Galvin was too weak to fight. "I want the maids to find you this way", she said . Galvin cursed as Krissy left. "And Tommie, you don't have to pay the 500 bucks" said Krissy as she shut the door.
As fate would have it, one of the maids was on the floor cleaning an adjacent room. Krissy looked at the maid and down at her nails. They were long and red. The woman was certainly better than average looking and Krissy pulled out two hundred dollars. She gave it to the woman named Consuelo and said in spanish,"The guy tied up is a real bastard. He threatens women and is a thief. But he loves his feet tickled with hard nails. He may be also ticklish on his cock and underarms. Give him a good 20 minutes.Thats enough He will love it." The maid smiled and took the money. She opened Galvin's door with the pass key. Krissy pressed her ear agsinst the door and heard Galvin screaming. She moved on to the next assignment.
Krissy quickly pulled a gag out of the pocketbook. It would keep him quiet and he would not swallow it. She waited thirty seconds and showed Galvin her long red mails. He screamed something through the gag and Krissy went to work. The lotion had been worked in and she shillfully dragged her lovely nails from her captors toes down to the ball of his feet. Galvin was going crazy. Being a professional, Krissy tied him so he could barely move. Galvin was already in tears. The tough guys usually go fast, thought Krissy.
Krissy produced a washcloth with a special ingredient. It basically cleaned the body part completely and made it more sensitive to touch. She dragged her nails again down Galvins right foot. His cries were there but muffled by the gag. Krissy then drew circles around the thiefs left foot. She nibbled on his two big toes and Galvin kicked as hard as he could against the bonds. It was only a few minutes but Krissy removed the gag. Galvin was still into the tough guy routine "lListen, you bitch I will cut".. Krissy put the gag back and began again. She spidered tickled both his feet and the thief tried to kick . She said, 'poor Tommie is really ticklish". Lets see where else"' Krissy straddled the captive and put her breast down near Galvin's face. The man continued to fight. Krissy completely devastated him with her fingers, digging them into Galvin's underarms. "Tickle, tickle poor Tommy she cooed. The thief
was not struggling as hard anymore and Krissy knew the end may be near. She worked him over the same way for another 10 minutes and changed her tactics.
She then blew rasberries on Galvin's hard stomach. This had a surprising effect. Krissy looked down and saw for the first time Galvin was erect. She went into what she hoped would be the final phase. She showed Galvin a long white feather from her bag. Galvin shook his head no, but Krissy drew the feather close, and then gradually brushed it against his cock. She certainly knew her business. Galvin heaved upwards to meet the touch. Krissy increased the pressure and slowly swirled the feather around the man's cock. Galvin was moving his hips up to meet the feather. Krissy further teased him by using her fingers to gently tickle his balls. She then removed the gag. Galvin was exhausted and begged 'Please, let me cum."' He had changed his tune drastically. "Tom, we all would like to cum but first I need some information on the files." Galvin shook his head no. Krissy asked if he wanted to be tickled again. Galvin tried to curse but Krissy gagged him again. "Listen Tom, we have enought to send you away for a few years." Give us the information and we will be good. We will not prosecute"
Krissy put her hands on her hips. She smiled at galvin. She again runned her hands in the lotion and began an assault on galvin's ribcage. He was too exhausted to scream or curse. 'Tom. your so tired I could untie you and tickle you without the restraints" said the sexy blonde. Krissy went back to the man's cock and just slowly tickled the tip. Galvin looked at her begging. 'I'll talk, he said. But finish me now" Krissy knew it was over. She said 'If you talk, I might show mercy and finish you by hand. if you don't talk now, I will gag you again and repeat the whole sequence. Galvin knew he had no choice. He nodded . Krissy got Galvins computer from the desk. Galvin spilled everything. He told her pass codes to get in, and pass codes to the files. In 5 minutes it was done. The files were back in Atlas possession. "Tom, We are not going to prosecute you.. We have more scruples than your lousy company. You company will pay damages and if they are smart,they will make sure you never work in our industry again. Galvin's cock was still erect. Krissy smiled down at him. She did not like the bastard at all but a promise is a promise. She wrapped her hand in a washcloth and slowly jerked him off. The poor guy spurted and moaned. Krissy got everything ready and was about to leave the room. Galvin started yapping again and said she was a bitch and deserved the same treatment". "Tommie, your not man enough to do that to me. . As I said, you are real lucky you don't go to state prison for 5-10 years. Krissy tied him again . Galvin was too weak to fight. "I want the maids to find you this way", she said . Galvin cursed as Krissy left. "And Tommie, you don't have to pay the 500 bucks" said Krissy as she shut the door.
As fate would have it, one of the maids was on the floor cleaning an adjacent room. Krissy looked at the maid and down at her nails. They were long and red. The woman was certainly better than average looking and Krissy pulled out two hundred dollars. She gave it to the woman named Consuelo and said in spanish,"The guy tied up is a real bastard. He threatens women and is a thief. But he loves his feet tickled with hard nails. He may be also ticklish on his cock and underarms. Give him a good 20 minutes.Thats enough He will love it." The maid smiled and took the money. She opened Galvin's door with the pass key. Krissy pressed her ear agsinst the door and heard Galvin screaming. She moved on to the next assignment.
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