Victoria figured that this is what it felt like to be completely dumbfounded. Having some catching up to do after coming back from a 2 week vacation was to be expected, but she felt she could be reasonably forgiven to not expect to have the very first thing she sees after coming back to the office was a set of stocks smack dab in the middle of the cube farm. They were positioned in front of a sturdy wooden chair that had been bolted to the floor and behind that was a tall wooden pole with padded manacles hanging from the top. Victoria knocked on the wall of the nearest cube to get the attention of the man inside. Greg, one of the team leads, stuck his head out in response.
"What the hell is that?" she asked while pointing at the stocks. Greg wasn't someone she was particularly close to, but he at least paid enough attention to the general going-ons of the company to explain things like this.
"Ah, the punishment stocks. They got installed a couple weeks ago. I think it was a day or two after you clocked out. Didn't you get the e-mail about them?" he asked. Victoria racked her brain. Try as she might to remember, she came up empty. It wasn't like she bothered reading any of the e-mails from corporate. The overwhelming majority of them were a mixture of random local news she didn't care about, job openings for positions they wouldn't give to a 23-year-old fresh out of college, and praise for jobs well done so vague that the prevailing rumor was that some idiot HR manager was copying them wholesale from a website, so she'd just kinda gotten into the habit of deleting them all en masse without even bothering to read the subject line. She very well could have gotten the notice explaining what was going on and thrown it out along with all the rest.
"No, I didn't see anything about that," she replied.
"Huh." Greg shrugged with indifference while leaning back in his chair. "Well, management's trying out this new thing to raise morale. Low performers spend their shifts locked in the stocks and everyone else gets to tickle torture them as much as they want. Punishment for the bad apples, a warning to everyone toeing the line, and a morale booster for people who enjoy that sort of thing all in one go."
"Tickle... torture?" Victoria felt the urge to go back home, lie down, and hope that the world went back to normal by the time she woke up. The entire scheme struck her as so outrageous that she couldn't even process what she'd just been told.
"Yep, tickling. Mike... y'know Mike? Guy about your age who signed up around the same time as Charlie? He hasn't been doing so hot lately so they locked him in the stocks for 3 days straight. The ladies had a field day pulling off his shorts, taking turns giving him blowjobs and handjobs, and gang tickling him all over every time they made him blow his load. That luc- poor bastard."
"I see..." A mixture of shock and envy ran through Victoria. On one hand, that was so blatantly workplace inappropriate that she couldn't comprehend how that could've possibly gotten the okay. On the other hand, Mike was a total hunk who hit the gym every day and she resented the news that her friends had gotten the chance to put their hands on him before her. She was broken out of her attempts to imagine what that must've looked like by Greg continuing to natter on.
"Y'know, I wouldn't mind seeing you in those stocks at some point. You're smoking hot, if you don't mind me saying, and I don't think I've ever seen you smile or laugh before. Maybe a good, hard tickling and a few orgasms would solve that. Normally the only expression anyone can ever get out of you is a glare that curdles all the milk in the fridge. Yeah! Like that!" Victoria shook her head with disgust at the smirk that accompanied Greg's comment. Normally she'd report him for sexual harassment over a comment like that, but she was starting to doubt if that was still a thing when the official punishment for poor performance allegedly involved being stripped naked and sexually tortured in public.
The fact that she was used to such comments didn't mean that they weren't annoying. She did her best to keep up a routine of exercise and have a balanced diet that rewarded her with nearly flawless, healthy skin and a trim waist. Combined with spending more than she probably should on hair products to take care of her shoulder blade length dirty blonde hair, being blessed with the genetics for perfectly shaped C-cup breasts, and slim hips, she was frequently considered to be the prettiest girl in the company. If only that didn't meant that she didn't have to put up with sleazy requests from older men for her to smile for them, and christening her an "Ice Queen" when she got annoyed at them for it, or her female coworkers acting shocked that she was still a virgin. It was to the point where even the other girls were making raunchy jokes about how they'd jump on the soonest chance to take advantage of her.
Instead she simply walked a way with a simple "thank you" for the explanation. The group weekly stand up was scheduled to start in a few minutes. Victoria made her way to the meeting room and sat down while she waited for everyone else to file in.
The meeting was as boring as usual. Nothing but a simple overview of what had happened over the past week, which she paid more attention to than normal in the name of getting caught up, and work assignments for the next couple days. Thankfully her supervisor always kept it short. Victoria was just about to stand back up when she was caught off guard by a new addition to the announcements.
"And the person who's going to spend this week in the stocks is..." her elderly supervisor made a show of clicking the mouse on the PowerPoint. For the second time today, Victoria was struck speechless. A picture of her was plastered across the screen. "Victoria Helvetz! Ms. Helvetz, please report to the stocks so we can begin your punishment."
"What!?" Victoria shouted. "What the hell? I just got back from vacation. What could I be being punished for!?" The elderly woman made a show of adjusting her glasses and reading from a sheet of paper.
"We have multiple complaints from your coworkers that you're proving to be a distracting influence on the company. Going off of that, it's been decided that you were the one who most needed to undergo disciplinary action," she said. Kona, her grey-haired supervisor, always had the bearing of a kindly grandmother. Hence why it was all the more shocking to hear her sentence her to be tortured like she was handing out Christmas presents. Victoria looked around to her coworkers for help and froze. They were all leering at her. It couldn't be more obvious that they were all enjoying her predicament.
'Those assholes. They set me up!' she mentally screamed. It dawned on her that this was all a setup. She heavily suspected that they were ganging up on her not because she was a problem, but because they could take advantage of the new system to have some fun at her expense.
"Now Ms. Helvetz, I recommend that you comply quietly. Resisting may force us to extend your sentence." Even Kona was giving her a wicked smile. Victoria shakily got to her feet and let one of her coworkers lead her to the stocks. She couldn't see a way out of this. Running wasn't an option, she was surrounded, and she had no doubt in her mind that attempting to do so would only result in her getting tickled more. Protesting obviously hadn't helped and could potentially get her punished if she complained too much. The only option she could see was doing her best to endure it.
"Strip. To your underwear please, Ms. Helvetz," Kona ordered when they arrived. Victoria went scarlet with humiliation, but complied all the same. Her button up t-shirt and work slacks were discarded over a nearby chair with her dress shoes deposited nearby. The wolf whistles and giggles she heard when she revealed the lacy black underwear she had on underneath only served to compound her humiliation.
She allowed herself to be guided to sit in the chair. A feeling of complete helplessness washed over her when her ankles were locked in the sturdy, padded stocks, her waist was tied to chair, and manacles were placed around her wrists to keep her arms locked above her head. She was trapped. Victoria sincerely wished that she'd taken the risk and tried to run for it, but now it was too late to do anything about it.
"Oh my, you really do take good care of your feet, Ms. Helvetz. They're so delightfully soft!" Kona observed. Her supervisor has pulled up a low stool to take a seat at her feet. Victoria flinched feeling a full set of nails start to slowly wiggle their way down her bare soles. They started at her toes and gently scratched their way down to her heels before jumping back up for repeated trips.
'Why did she have to start at my feet?' Victoria despaired. Her feet were her worst spot. Kona was barely using the tips of her long nails, and she was already stiff as a board from the light teasing. Her face was rigid trying to keep from giggling. The elderly woman exploring around was already too much to bear, especially whenever her nails made contact with that disastrous sweet spot near the bottom of her arches. It was conjuring up unpleasant memories of when she was a child and her sisters would play around by pinning her down and tickling her feet until she cried.
"I can't imagine what this must be like for someone as ticklish as you. "I was being gentle and you're already in a cold sweat," Kona taunted. After roughly 5 minutes of light foot teasing her supervisor got up and made her way to Victoria's side. To the bound office woman's horror, one of her coworkers stepped forward to take his place at her feet at the same time. "How are you going to sing for us when we start for real, Ms Helvetz?"
"HEEEEHEHEHAHAHAHA! STOOHOHOHOP! MEHEHERCY! PLEHAHAHAHAHASE hahaHAHAVE MEHERCY! Sohomeheheone pleahahase saHAHAHAVE MEHEHEHEHEHE!" Victoria screamed. Her male coworker wasn't anywhere near as merciful as Kona had been. He'd clearly been paying close attention earlier, because his calloused fingers immediately dove in to dig into the ultra sensitive spot in her arches on both feet. At the same time Kona's wicked nails struck to start raking inside of her armpits. While her male coworker relentlessly abused her worst spot, Kona's trips danced their way down her ribs and fluttered across her sides.
Victoria went absolutely berserk. She had always been unpleasantly aware of how ticklish her feet were, but she'd never suspected that there were a spots nearly as bad in the middle of her sides and in the depths of her armpits. Having fingers wiggling against her arches while Kona alternated between her two upper body spots was the singularly worst thing she'd ever experience. The office was soon filled with her bloodcurdling screams and maddened howls of laughter. She desperately grabbed at the manacles and tugged in an attempt to break them free, but the pole holding them was too sturdy. Even attempting to wiggle her upper body or feet away was taken away from her by the rope around her hips, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever before. There was simply no way for her to escape even a second of the abuse. After roughly another 5 minutes the tickling finally stopped
"Please... please let me go. I'll be good. I won't cause any more problems. I'll do anything. Just please stop!" Victoria begged. Kona got out of the way so the man tickling her feet could move up to her upper body. The horror of seeing yet another sit down at her feet made her break down crying.
"I'm sorry Ms. Helvetz, but it isn't going to stop. It wouldn't be a proper punishment if you could get it to stop just by saying you're sorry. This will continue until the very end no matter how much you beg." Victoria felt slim, effeminate fingers slide down her back. There was a quick tug followed by the bound woman suddenly feeling a breeze across her chest. She looked down and screamed in mortification. Kona had undone her bra to leave her topless. Victoria could feel the eyes of everyone in the room be glued to her shapely globes.
Her screams transformed into high pitched laughter when the tickling soon resumed. Now not only did she have to contend with two men tickling her upper body and feet respectively, Kona's fingers were skittering all over her bare breasts. The nails poked all over her quivering, shaking breasts, flicked her rock hard nipples, and finger pads came in to briskly rub all over. Through the complete agony of having her worst spots tickled Victoria could feel an unfamiliar heat building within her. Every surge of ticklish electricity that went through her mixed with the sensations of having her breasts stimulated to make it grow. Over the next minute the heat grew until Victoria through her head back to scream from the mind shattering orgasm ripping through her.
"Did... did she just cum from being tickled? Damn, that's hot!" she vaguely heard one woman comment. Victoria was left quivering, her head thrown back as she gasped for breath. She'd never experienced anything like that before. Her panties were soaked with her love juices that dribbled off the chair onto the floor. Thankfully, her coworkers had stopped tickling in shock.
The mercy didn't last long. She felt some sort of warm, viscous liquid get slathered all over her feet, armpits, and sides. When the sensations of hard bristles suddenly came in to assault the depths of her pits and both soles she completely lost it. Victoria hadn't been able to notice through the haze of her very first orgasm that Kona had handed out hairbrushes for everyone to use. The coworker on her upper body had one in each hand to scrub in her armpits, while the girl who'd appreciated her orgasm had joined in at her feet. Her toes were tied back to the stocks with pieces of string to leave them immobile so her tormentors could scrub their brushes horizontally across her arches. At the same time, Kona had upgraded her attack from just breast tickling by pulling down her panties so her nails could freely roam between her chest and bare pussy.
The sensations were worse than ever before. It was like little explosions of agony were being set off by every individual round-tipped prong, and the nails dancing across her privates had somehow transitioned from being pleasurable to tickling like crazy. Victoria felt something snap inside of her. In an instant, she found herself enjoying the torture. It was still torture, she was still suffering worse than she'd ever had before in her life, but she now craved for it to continue more with each passing second.
Kona glanced at the office woman slumped in the chair across from her desk. They'd continued to tickle Victoria in 5 minute shifts until the end of her workday. Fingers had been their primary tools, but whenever Victoria came from the tickling they'd stepped it up to bring the quills of feathers, hairbrushes, make up brushes, and ice cubes to bear as punishment. The poor girl was left so exhausted from her ordeal that she was too tired to get dressed. She sat slumped in her chair with nothing more than a towel draped around her shoulders covering her.
It'd all been just as fun as Kona had hoped it'd be. Victoria was popular with both the men and women and giving them a chance to chance to have their way with her had been better received than the supervisor had been expected. She'd never seen her subordinates so happy before. Many of them were actually looking forward to coming in to work for once, if for no other reason than so they could continue tickle torturing the girl. But despite the good results, and how much she'd personally enjoyed it, Kona felt bad. She had no issues with sentencing layabouts to be tickled, but throwing Victoria in as a sacrificial lamb purely because her coworkers lusted after her felt like it was crossing a line.
"I think that's enough punishment. We'll cancel having you tickled tomorrow. I hope you've learned your lesson," Kona stated. She blinked in surprise when Victoria's tired face seemed to fall at the news. The girl had never been emotive enough for Kona to ever get a read on her, but it was clear that she was disappointed that she wasn't going to be tickled again. The supervisor quickly changed tracks to sieze the chance. " what I'd like to say. But stripping naked in public, having your coworkers bring you to orgasm, and disrupting workflow by loudly laughing all day long aren't something we can tolerate in a professional work environment. I'm sorry, but your sentence will be indefinitely extended until you can prove to me that you've been properly chastised."
It was the first time anyone in the office had seen Victoria genuinely smile. The girl shuffled out the door, past Greg who seemed to be busy dumping out badly spoiled milk from the fridge, and Kona made a note to buy an extra set of stocks. The ones sitting in the middle of the office looked like they were going to be occupied for the foreseeable future.
"What the hell is that?" she asked while pointing at the stocks. Greg wasn't someone she was particularly close to, but he at least paid enough attention to the general going-ons of the company to explain things like this.
"Ah, the punishment stocks. They got installed a couple weeks ago. I think it was a day or two after you clocked out. Didn't you get the e-mail about them?" he asked. Victoria racked her brain. Try as she might to remember, she came up empty. It wasn't like she bothered reading any of the e-mails from corporate. The overwhelming majority of them were a mixture of random local news she didn't care about, job openings for positions they wouldn't give to a 23-year-old fresh out of college, and praise for jobs well done so vague that the prevailing rumor was that some idiot HR manager was copying them wholesale from a website, so she'd just kinda gotten into the habit of deleting them all en masse without even bothering to read the subject line. She very well could have gotten the notice explaining what was going on and thrown it out along with all the rest.
"No, I didn't see anything about that," she replied.
"Huh." Greg shrugged with indifference while leaning back in his chair. "Well, management's trying out this new thing to raise morale. Low performers spend their shifts locked in the stocks and everyone else gets to tickle torture them as much as they want. Punishment for the bad apples, a warning to everyone toeing the line, and a morale booster for people who enjoy that sort of thing all in one go."
"Tickle... torture?" Victoria felt the urge to go back home, lie down, and hope that the world went back to normal by the time she woke up. The entire scheme struck her as so outrageous that she couldn't even process what she'd just been told.
"Yep, tickling. Mike... y'know Mike? Guy about your age who signed up around the same time as Charlie? He hasn't been doing so hot lately so they locked him in the stocks for 3 days straight. The ladies had a field day pulling off his shorts, taking turns giving him blowjobs and handjobs, and gang tickling him all over every time they made him blow his load. That luc- poor bastard."
"I see..." A mixture of shock and envy ran through Victoria. On one hand, that was so blatantly workplace inappropriate that she couldn't comprehend how that could've possibly gotten the okay. On the other hand, Mike was a total hunk who hit the gym every day and she resented the news that her friends had gotten the chance to put their hands on him before her. She was broken out of her attempts to imagine what that must've looked like by Greg continuing to natter on.
"Y'know, I wouldn't mind seeing you in those stocks at some point. You're smoking hot, if you don't mind me saying, and I don't think I've ever seen you smile or laugh before. Maybe a good, hard tickling and a few orgasms would solve that. Normally the only expression anyone can ever get out of you is a glare that curdles all the milk in the fridge. Yeah! Like that!" Victoria shook her head with disgust at the smirk that accompanied Greg's comment. Normally she'd report him for sexual harassment over a comment like that, but she was starting to doubt if that was still a thing when the official punishment for poor performance allegedly involved being stripped naked and sexually tortured in public.
The fact that she was used to such comments didn't mean that they weren't annoying. She did her best to keep up a routine of exercise and have a balanced diet that rewarded her with nearly flawless, healthy skin and a trim waist. Combined with spending more than she probably should on hair products to take care of her shoulder blade length dirty blonde hair, being blessed with the genetics for perfectly shaped C-cup breasts, and slim hips, she was frequently considered to be the prettiest girl in the company. If only that didn't meant that she didn't have to put up with sleazy requests from older men for her to smile for them, and christening her an "Ice Queen" when she got annoyed at them for it, or her female coworkers acting shocked that she was still a virgin. It was to the point where even the other girls were making raunchy jokes about how they'd jump on the soonest chance to take advantage of her.
Instead she simply walked a way with a simple "thank you" for the explanation. The group weekly stand up was scheduled to start in a few minutes. Victoria made her way to the meeting room and sat down while she waited for everyone else to file in.
The meeting was as boring as usual. Nothing but a simple overview of what had happened over the past week, which she paid more attention to than normal in the name of getting caught up, and work assignments for the next couple days. Thankfully her supervisor always kept it short. Victoria was just about to stand back up when she was caught off guard by a new addition to the announcements.
"And the person who's going to spend this week in the stocks is..." her elderly supervisor made a show of clicking the mouse on the PowerPoint. For the second time today, Victoria was struck speechless. A picture of her was plastered across the screen. "Victoria Helvetz! Ms. Helvetz, please report to the stocks so we can begin your punishment."
"What!?" Victoria shouted. "What the hell? I just got back from vacation. What could I be being punished for!?" The elderly woman made a show of adjusting her glasses and reading from a sheet of paper.
"We have multiple complaints from your coworkers that you're proving to be a distracting influence on the company. Going off of that, it's been decided that you were the one who most needed to undergo disciplinary action," she said. Kona, her grey-haired supervisor, always had the bearing of a kindly grandmother. Hence why it was all the more shocking to hear her sentence her to be tortured like she was handing out Christmas presents. Victoria looked around to her coworkers for help and froze. They were all leering at her. It couldn't be more obvious that they were all enjoying her predicament.
'Those assholes. They set me up!' she mentally screamed. It dawned on her that this was all a setup. She heavily suspected that they were ganging up on her not because she was a problem, but because they could take advantage of the new system to have some fun at her expense.
"Now Ms. Helvetz, I recommend that you comply quietly. Resisting may force us to extend your sentence." Even Kona was giving her a wicked smile. Victoria shakily got to her feet and let one of her coworkers lead her to the stocks. She couldn't see a way out of this. Running wasn't an option, she was surrounded, and she had no doubt in her mind that attempting to do so would only result in her getting tickled more. Protesting obviously hadn't helped and could potentially get her punished if she complained too much. The only option she could see was doing her best to endure it.
"Strip. To your underwear please, Ms. Helvetz," Kona ordered when they arrived. Victoria went scarlet with humiliation, but complied all the same. Her button up t-shirt and work slacks were discarded over a nearby chair with her dress shoes deposited nearby. The wolf whistles and giggles she heard when she revealed the lacy black underwear she had on underneath only served to compound her humiliation.
She allowed herself to be guided to sit in the chair. A feeling of complete helplessness washed over her when her ankles were locked in the sturdy, padded stocks, her waist was tied to chair, and manacles were placed around her wrists to keep her arms locked above her head. She was trapped. Victoria sincerely wished that she'd taken the risk and tried to run for it, but now it was too late to do anything about it.
"Oh my, you really do take good care of your feet, Ms. Helvetz. They're so delightfully soft!" Kona observed. Her supervisor has pulled up a low stool to take a seat at her feet. Victoria flinched feeling a full set of nails start to slowly wiggle their way down her bare soles. They started at her toes and gently scratched their way down to her heels before jumping back up for repeated trips.
'Why did she have to start at my feet?' Victoria despaired. Her feet were her worst spot. Kona was barely using the tips of her long nails, and she was already stiff as a board from the light teasing. Her face was rigid trying to keep from giggling. The elderly woman exploring around was already too much to bear, especially whenever her nails made contact with that disastrous sweet spot near the bottom of her arches. It was conjuring up unpleasant memories of when she was a child and her sisters would play around by pinning her down and tickling her feet until she cried.
"I can't imagine what this must be like for someone as ticklish as you. "I was being gentle and you're already in a cold sweat," Kona taunted. After roughly 5 minutes of light foot teasing her supervisor got up and made her way to Victoria's side. To the bound office woman's horror, one of her coworkers stepped forward to take his place at her feet at the same time. "How are you going to sing for us when we start for real, Ms Helvetz?"
"HEEEEHEHEHAHAHAHA! STOOHOHOHOP! MEHEHERCY! PLEHAHAHAHAHASE hahaHAHAVE MEHERCY! Sohomeheheone pleahahase saHAHAHAVE MEHEHEHEHEHE!" Victoria screamed. Her male coworker wasn't anywhere near as merciful as Kona had been. He'd clearly been paying close attention earlier, because his calloused fingers immediately dove in to dig into the ultra sensitive spot in her arches on both feet. At the same time Kona's wicked nails struck to start raking inside of her armpits. While her male coworker relentlessly abused her worst spot, Kona's trips danced their way down her ribs and fluttered across her sides.
Victoria went absolutely berserk. She had always been unpleasantly aware of how ticklish her feet were, but she'd never suspected that there were a spots nearly as bad in the middle of her sides and in the depths of her armpits. Having fingers wiggling against her arches while Kona alternated between her two upper body spots was the singularly worst thing she'd ever experience. The office was soon filled with her bloodcurdling screams and maddened howls of laughter. She desperately grabbed at the manacles and tugged in an attempt to break them free, but the pole holding them was too sturdy. Even attempting to wiggle her upper body or feet away was taken away from her by the rope around her hips, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever before. There was simply no way for her to escape even a second of the abuse. After roughly another 5 minutes the tickling finally stopped
"Please... please let me go. I'll be good. I won't cause any more problems. I'll do anything. Just please stop!" Victoria begged. Kona got out of the way so the man tickling her feet could move up to her upper body. The horror of seeing yet another sit down at her feet made her break down crying.
"I'm sorry Ms. Helvetz, but it isn't going to stop. It wouldn't be a proper punishment if you could get it to stop just by saying you're sorry. This will continue until the very end no matter how much you beg." Victoria felt slim, effeminate fingers slide down her back. There was a quick tug followed by the bound woman suddenly feeling a breeze across her chest. She looked down and screamed in mortification. Kona had undone her bra to leave her topless. Victoria could feel the eyes of everyone in the room be glued to her shapely globes.
Her screams transformed into high pitched laughter when the tickling soon resumed. Now not only did she have to contend with two men tickling her upper body and feet respectively, Kona's fingers were skittering all over her bare breasts. The nails poked all over her quivering, shaking breasts, flicked her rock hard nipples, and finger pads came in to briskly rub all over. Through the complete agony of having her worst spots tickled Victoria could feel an unfamiliar heat building within her. Every surge of ticklish electricity that went through her mixed with the sensations of having her breasts stimulated to make it grow. Over the next minute the heat grew until Victoria through her head back to scream from the mind shattering orgasm ripping through her.
"Did... did she just cum from being tickled? Damn, that's hot!" she vaguely heard one woman comment. Victoria was left quivering, her head thrown back as she gasped for breath. She'd never experienced anything like that before. Her panties were soaked with her love juices that dribbled off the chair onto the floor. Thankfully, her coworkers had stopped tickling in shock.
The mercy didn't last long. She felt some sort of warm, viscous liquid get slathered all over her feet, armpits, and sides. When the sensations of hard bristles suddenly came in to assault the depths of her pits and both soles she completely lost it. Victoria hadn't been able to notice through the haze of her very first orgasm that Kona had handed out hairbrushes for everyone to use. The coworker on her upper body had one in each hand to scrub in her armpits, while the girl who'd appreciated her orgasm had joined in at her feet. Her toes were tied back to the stocks with pieces of string to leave them immobile so her tormentors could scrub their brushes horizontally across her arches. At the same time, Kona had upgraded her attack from just breast tickling by pulling down her panties so her nails could freely roam between her chest and bare pussy.
The sensations were worse than ever before. It was like little explosions of agony were being set off by every individual round-tipped prong, and the nails dancing across her privates had somehow transitioned from being pleasurable to tickling like crazy. Victoria felt something snap inside of her. In an instant, she found herself enjoying the torture. It was still torture, she was still suffering worse than she'd ever had before in her life, but she now craved for it to continue more with each passing second.
Kona glanced at the office woman slumped in the chair across from her desk. They'd continued to tickle Victoria in 5 minute shifts until the end of her workday. Fingers had been their primary tools, but whenever Victoria came from the tickling they'd stepped it up to bring the quills of feathers, hairbrushes, make up brushes, and ice cubes to bear as punishment. The poor girl was left so exhausted from her ordeal that she was too tired to get dressed. She sat slumped in her chair with nothing more than a towel draped around her shoulders covering her.
It'd all been just as fun as Kona had hoped it'd be. Victoria was popular with both the men and women and giving them a chance to chance to have their way with her had been better received than the supervisor had been expected. She'd never seen her subordinates so happy before. Many of them were actually looking forward to coming in to work for once, if for no other reason than so they could continue tickle torturing the girl. But despite the good results, and how much she'd personally enjoyed it, Kona felt bad. She had no issues with sentencing layabouts to be tickled, but throwing Victoria in as a sacrificial lamb purely because her coworkers lusted after her felt like it was crossing a line.
"I think that's enough punishment. We'll cancel having you tickled tomorrow. I hope you've learned your lesson," Kona stated. She blinked in surprise when Victoria's tired face seemed to fall at the news. The girl had never been emotive enough for Kona to ever get a read on her, but it was clear that she was disappointed that she wasn't going to be tickled again. The supervisor quickly changed tracks to sieze the chance. " what I'd like to say. But stripping naked in public, having your coworkers bring you to orgasm, and disrupting workflow by loudly laughing all day long aren't something we can tolerate in a professional work environment. I'm sorry, but your sentence will be indefinitely extended until you can prove to me that you've been properly chastised."
It was the first time anyone in the office had seen Victoria genuinely smile. The girl shuffled out the door, past Greg who seemed to be busy dumping out badly spoiled milk from the fridge, and Kona made a note to buy an extra set of stocks. The ones sitting in the middle of the office looked like they were going to be occupied for the foreseeable future.
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