I should have known something was up, I really should. Unfortunately the combination of a lot of late nights and far too much time spent in the office had dulled whatever common sense I normally possessed so that when they asked me if I’d join them for dinner, I automatically said yes. They, in this case, were two women that worked on one of our client accounts, and I’ll freely admit to lusting after both of them at one time or another. Sarah I’d known for, oh, almost five years now, she’d started work at the company only a few months after me and she’d had such an effect on my young libido I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head for more than a day or two ever since. Short and slim, straight blonde hair usually pulled away from a pretty face in a ponytail, and with an infectious energy / insanity she was the sort of girl you couldn’t help liking and was an absolute delight to be around.
Tracy had the same sort of personality, but that’s where the similarities ended. She was almost six foot tall, a build that was maybe a fraction too large to be considered magazine cover material perhaps, but to my eyes she was perfection. Seriously, if I were asked to describe my ideal ‘real world’ woman she’d have looked just like her. Dark brown hair that usually flowed freely down to her shoulders, a sharp face that came alive every time she smiled and held just a hint of something a little dangerous under the surface. Curves that I never grew tired of watching, albeit discretely and from a distance, and a wicked sense of humour that I always found myself having to work hard to match.
Normally they both tended to dress ‘casual’ for the office, but as the client had actually been in the office today they were both dressed to kill. Both women wore black, with Sarah dressed in skirt and jacket with a white blouse, an image of classical elegance, while Tracy wore a business suit that had to have been tailor made for her, lending her a real sense of power, of control. So when these two visions arrived at my desk and asked me if I wanted to go out with them after work I really had no choice in the matter, and I suspect they knew it.
To my surprise they asked if I’d drive them back to the flat they shared about three miles from work, and from there we went to a local restaurant. We ordered and, as we waited for the food to arrive, started to talk. It was, possibly the oddest conversation I’d ever had in my life. I’d actually been pretty nervous about this, hey it’s not every day I go out with a single stunning lady, much less two, and it took a few minutes for that feeling to start to fade. As it did so however, it was replaced with a different anxiety as both women started to become, well, rather more friendly than I’d anticipated. We were sitting in a corner both, with Tracy on my right and Sarah on the left, and as time passed they started to move in closer until they were practically sitting in my lap. Sarah ran a hand over my neck in what seemed like a casual move but caused me to jump as her fingernails tickled the rather sensitive skin. I glance down in embarrassment and as I looked back caught the tail end of a glance that, I suspect, had I seen it fully would have had me far more worried than I was at the time.
The same sort of incident happened time after time, though never in anything more than a casual manner and it was driving me insane. Imagine you’re in that situation, two very attractive women crowding well within your personal space, both of whom you have to work with on a regular basis, doing something that isn’t overly forward but at the same time is unbelievably erotic. I had never been so relieved to see an order arrive in my life, and we all turned to eat, my mind whirling as I tried to work out what the hell was going on.
More small talk followed and then Sarah lent over and rested her chin on my shoulder, an arm around me as she started to nuzzle against my neck and ear. I squirmed, trying to retain some semblance of decorum as she whispered an invitation that would have tempted the pope himself. “Want to come back to our place?”
From my right I felt Tracy move in close and mirror Sarah’s position, adding her own husky “You wouldn’t disappoint us, would you?” to the mix. At the same time Sarah swung her head round, her mouth finding mine as she kissed me. I felt a heat race through me, then dissolved into laughter as Tracy grabbed my ribs and squeezed in just the right place to send my into hysterics. My cries were muffled by Sarah’s mouth though, and she held me in place for what felt like an eternity as Tracy worked my side like an instrument. When we finally broke apart Sarah slid out of the booth and went to pay the bill as Tracy guided me to my feet, slipping her arm into mine and standing so close I was practically carrying her. Sarah returned and matched her friend on my left side and, while I had no idea what they were planning, at that particular moment I didn’t care, the jealous gazes of every man in the place being more than enough encouragement to play along.
They lived in a nice two bedroom flat set a little way back from the main street, and while I know it’s not particularly politically correct to say so, you could tell two girls lived there. The place was spotless, tastefully decorated and, much to my relief, not a hint of Ikea furniture in the place. As we entered the hall they asked if I’d mind taking my shoes off, as they didn’t want to take a chance on messing up the carpet. They’d already shed their boots and I put mine next to them. They led me over to a large white three-seat sofa and guided me down, Sarah sliding on top of me as Tracy disappeared to the bedroom. The next few minutes were a blur of lips, flesh and fleeting touches, as Sarah did everything in her power to tease and frustrate me while at the same time make me yearn for more. By the time Tracy returned I was a mess, fighting hard not to groan with disappointment every time Sarah pulled back, not even bothering to hide the moans that accompanied every touch no matter how slight. So enraptured was I that I never even noticed Tracy’s return until I felt something stiff and cool wrap around my throat. There was a snick noise and Sarah stood up, Tracy coming to join her as they inspected their handiwork.
My initial reaction was to try and tear whatever it was away from me as quickly as possible, but I overrode that reflex as quickly as it started. Instead I reached up and slowly traced the item with my fingers, feeling the texture of the leather, the colder metal work of the clasp. A collar of some sort, secured with what felt like a small, yet rather heavy and undoubtedly very strong, padlock, a lock that I assumed took the key that Tracy was currently swinging gently by its thin silver chain. She gestured to me to follow and the two women walked off into the corridor and through to the master bedroom. Figuring I had nothing to loose, I slowly followed them and almost drowned in my own drool as I walked through the door.
Sarah was standing in the middle of the room, facing the door and clearly waiting for me. Against the far wall, Tracy stood fully clothed but with her hands high above her head, wrists locked onto either end of a long metal bar. Somehow the fact she was still dressed added an extra spark to the scene and I swallowed as another rush of adrenaline shot through me. The room was almost bare; the bed pushed into one corner and a small chest of drawers alongside it the only furniture. Sarah waited a moment until she was sure I was capable of actually hearing and understanding what she had to say and started to explain what was required.
“We thought you might want to play a little game with us so we took the liberty of setting up the board.” She grinned as she gestured to her friend before continuing. “The aim is simple enough, all you have to do is to get that key…” here she pointed to the key Tracy had been holding, now attached to a winch and damn near seven feet above the ground. “… then you can make the choice to unlock that collar or, well, why spoil the surprise? Of course, that’s not much of a game, so there’s a couple of little things you’ve got to do along the way. You see, in order to get that key down you need to unlock that weight. The key to do that is secured to the bar that seems to have Tracy a little, umm, tied up at the moment. To release that you need this key.” She flashed a gold key at me, again with a silver chain attached that she slipped around her neck, the key resting in between her breasts. “So all you’ve got to do is come and get it!”
As she said the last she launched forward, catching me by surprise and knocking me to the floor. I got my arms down easily enough, but she moved with incredible speed and ended up sitting on my chest, legs wrapped around my body as she stretched her hands down my legs until her fingers found the buckle of my belt. Still in shock I didn’t react in time as she ripped the belt open and undid my trousers and I only really started to fight to throw her off as her hands wandered around my hips, the tips of her fingers starting to dig into my flesh just above my hip bone.
“Hey…no, come on, that tickles.” I complained, trying to hold back the laughter I knew was bubbling under the surface. “No, really, that…no, wait a minute, come on, at least…at least fight fair!”
”Fight fair? When did we ever say we were going to do that?” She giggled, bringing both hands down, the tips of her fingers spread from my waist to my naval and wiggling for all they were worth. “Time to laugh little boy!”
And that’s exactly what I did. The sudden attack was more than enough to push me over the edge, self-control failing utterly as she pulled the first peal of laughter from my body, the first of many I was sure. Her legs had caught my arms and pinned them to my sides, and try as I might I couldn’t pull either free from her grasp. I tried to roll over, force her to let go but I couldn’t get the leverage I needed. Maybe if I could concentrate for a second or two I’d have had a chance, but she was relentless, never giving me even an instant to catch my breath as she worked my stomach, waist and ribs, hands diving under my shirt at will to torment me.
Out of options I started to writhe under her, trying to yank my arms free one by one, each yank moving them that fraction of an inch closer to freedom. The problem though was that each yank was also moving me across the floor, and without a belt or button to hold them on, my trousers weren’t coming along for the ride. Not that I really cared anymore, it was all I could do to move at all as Sarah pulled sounds from my body I never knew I was capable of.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, I felt my fingers touch her thigh, first on the right, then on the left. By now I was naked from the waist down other than my briefs and I was suddenly very glad I hadn’t worn boxers today. Figuring turnabout’s always fair play I twisted my hands, brought my fingers up against her legs and scratched as best I could. It wasn’t exactly a great tickle, it’s not going to be immortalised in song or have poems written about it, but it was enough. I think she was so caught up the effect she was having on both my body in general and on certain parts of my body in particular she hadn’t even considered I might try this and it caught her completely by surprise. With a shriek she twisted away, freeing my for a moment and I didn’t waste the opportunity.
Diving after her I wrapped my arms around her legs and pulled her stocking clad feet into my lap, locking my right leg over both of hers and crossing my right foot under my left to make sure I had a good grip. Face down and trapped she suddenly realised what I had in mind but didn’t even have time to protest before I brought all ten fingers down on her upturned soles and started to rake up and down her feet as quickly as I could manage. My word, talk about ticklish, I thought for a moment she was going to break free despite my efforts to hold her still, I’d never have guessed such a small frame could contain so much strength. I shifted my grip slightly and moved my legs up slightly to cut down on the amount of leverage she could use before resuming my attack.
For almost five minutes I poked, prodded, twirled, scraped and generally tormented those nylon covered feet as if my life depended on it (believe me, right then I thought it might). My plan was simple enough, to get her so exhausted she couldn’t fight me as I went for the key that was still fastened around her neck. Unfortunately, like all hastily conceived plans, there was a slight flaw I’d overlooked. For the last couple of minutes I’d failed to notice that, while her laughter was still threatening to wake the hordes of hell, her frantic thrashing had changed to a deliberate thrusting on the floor. What I’d failed to realise was this gorgeous woman was getting rather turned on by this enforced tickling, and just as her single minded focus on tickling had gotten her into the situation in the first place, so was mine going to lead me to trouble now.
Out of nowhere she let out a groan of pure pleasure and I felt a tremor ripple through her body that was unmistakable. Shocked and surprised I paused for a moment in my assault and relaxed my grip. Big mistake. She yanked her legs clear of my fingers, seemed to turn on a dime and jumped back on top of me, landing full length and damn near knocking the wind out of me. Her hands stole in under my arms and her fingers started to wiggle and writhe in my underarms, a motion I immediately started to match as I fought to escape.
Trying to hold me in place under her, and presumably distract me enough I wouldn’t return the favour, Sarah shifted upwards and dropped her breasts over my face. It was actually a pretty good plan, giving her a lot of leverage and giving me a very good reason not to throw her off me for a while. Unfortunately for her, I had other things on my mind. Leaning forward slightly I reached out my tongue and snagged the chain the key hung from. Bringing it up to my mouth I caught it between my teeth and gave a quick tug of my head, breaking the link that held the chain in place. My hands went flat to the ground, as did my feet and with one heave I lifted my body off the ground, leaving Sarah a couple of feet in the air and without any sort of grip whatsoever as she plummeted to the floor. Turning I lunged forward and rammed the key home in the first lock. There was a click from high above as the restraints on the spreader bar opened, followed by a muffled thud as the now free key hit the carpet barely eight feet away.
This time I saw Sarah coming and rolled right just in time to avoid her pounce. I got my feet under me and had made it to all fours, ready to dive for the next key, when something hit me hard from above and I fell back to the carpet, no air in my lungs whatsoever. I rolled over as best I could, wanting to get an idea of what had just happened as I fought for breath, and felt a weight settle on my stomach, long legs wrapping around my ribs as Tracy’s smiling face came into view. I could have kicked myself, when I’d opened the restraints on the spreader bar, she’d been freed as well as the key, and suddenly this was a two on one event. Her hands grabbed my shirt and pulled, buttons flying in all directions as she ripped the cloth from my body, lifting herself up slightly to pull the last remnants from under her thighs. I was still struggling to draw air into my lungs, and was in no position to protest, let alone fight, as I felt Sarah’s fingers grab the waistband of my briefs and pull them down, leaving me naked before, and under, two fully clothed, and very attractive women with evil intentions on their mind.
I didn’t have much time to be embarrassed about it though, as Tracy reached down, pulled my hands above my head and held them there. Sarah crawled over the floor, coming around from behind her friend with her mouth open and her tongue wiggling like a snake, a grin twitching at the corners of her mouth. It didn’t take a genius to work out what they had in mind and I damn near dislocated a shoulder trying to get away. But I simply didn’t have the strength or the time as Sarah locked her mouth onto my left side, just below my underarms and started to blow, lick and nibble at the skin as if she’d just discovered a new gourmet treat.
God, I’d thought fingers were bad, but his was damn torture. I screamed, honest to god screamed, as she started to work, mind flying at a hundred miles an hour trying to figure a way out, but no matter what I kept coming back to the same answer. They only way out with two of them on the attack was to hope they got sloppy when they got bored and changed tactics. Which meant I had no choice but to try and endure this.
Tracy had the same sort of personality, but that’s where the similarities ended. She was almost six foot tall, a build that was maybe a fraction too large to be considered magazine cover material perhaps, but to my eyes she was perfection. Seriously, if I were asked to describe my ideal ‘real world’ woman she’d have looked just like her. Dark brown hair that usually flowed freely down to her shoulders, a sharp face that came alive every time she smiled and held just a hint of something a little dangerous under the surface. Curves that I never grew tired of watching, albeit discretely and from a distance, and a wicked sense of humour that I always found myself having to work hard to match.
Normally they both tended to dress ‘casual’ for the office, but as the client had actually been in the office today they were both dressed to kill. Both women wore black, with Sarah dressed in skirt and jacket with a white blouse, an image of classical elegance, while Tracy wore a business suit that had to have been tailor made for her, lending her a real sense of power, of control. So when these two visions arrived at my desk and asked me if I wanted to go out with them after work I really had no choice in the matter, and I suspect they knew it.
To my surprise they asked if I’d drive them back to the flat they shared about three miles from work, and from there we went to a local restaurant. We ordered and, as we waited for the food to arrive, started to talk. It was, possibly the oddest conversation I’d ever had in my life. I’d actually been pretty nervous about this, hey it’s not every day I go out with a single stunning lady, much less two, and it took a few minutes for that feeling to start to fade. As it did so however, it was replaced with a different anxiety as both women started to become, well, rather more friendly than I’d anticipated. We were sitting in a corner both, with Tracy on my right and Sarah on the left, and as time passed they started to move in closer until they were practically sitting in my lap. Sarah ran a hand over my neck in what seemed like a casual move but caused me to jump as her fingernails tickled the rather sensitive skin. I glance down in embarrassment and as I looked back caught the tail end of a glance that, I suspect, had I seen it fully would have had me far more worried than I was at the time.
The same sort of incident happened time after time, though never in anything more than a casual manner and it was driving me insane. Imagine you’re in that situation, two very attractive women crowding well within your personal space, both of whom you have to work with on a regular basis, doing something that isn’t overly forward but at the same time is unbelievably erotic. I had never been so relieved to see an order arrive in my life, and we all turned to eat, my mind whirling as I tried to work out what the hell was going on.
More small talk followed and then Sarah lent over and rested her chin on my shoulder, an arm around me as she started to nuzzle against my neck and ear. I squirmed, trying to retain some semblance of decorum as she whispered an invitation that would have tempted the pope himself. “Want to come back to our place?”
From my right I felt Tracy move in close and mirror Sarah’s position, adding her own husky “You wouldn’t disappoint us, would you?” to the mix. At the same time Sarah swung her head round, her mouth finding mine as she kissed me. I felt a heat race through me, then dissolved into laughter as Tracy grabbed my ribs and squeezed in just the right place to send my into hysterics. My cries were muffled by Sarah’s mouth though, and she held me in place for what felt like an eternity as Tracy worked my side like an instrument. When we finally broke apart Sarah slid out of the booth and went to pay the bill as Tracy guided me to my feet, slipping her arm into mine and standing so close I was practically carrying her. Sarah returned and matched her friend on my left side and, while I had no idea what they were planning, at that particular moment I didn’t care, the jealous gazes of every man in the place being more than enough encouragement to play along.
They lived in a nice two bedroom flat set a little way back from the main street, and while I know it’s not particularly politically correct to say so, you could tell two girls lived there. The place was spotless, tastefully decorated and, much to my relief, not a hint of Ikea furniture in the place. As we entered the hall they asked if I’d mind taking my shoes off, as they didn’t want to take a chance on messing up the carpet. They’d already shed their boots and I put mine next to them. They led me over to a large white three-seat sofa and guided me down, Sarah sliding on top of me as Tracy disappeared to the bedroom. The next few minutes were a blur of lips, flesh and fleeting touches, as Sarah did everything in her power to tease and frustrate me while at the same time make me yearn for more. By the time Tracy returned I was a mess, fighting hard not to groan with disappointment every time Sarah pulled back, not even bothering to hide the moans that accompanied every touch no matter how slight. So enraptured was I that I never even noticed Tracy’s return until I felt something stiff and cool wrap around my throat. There was a snick noise and Sarah stood up, Tracy coming to join her as they inspected their handiwork.
My initial reaction was to try and tear whatever it was away from me as quickly as possible, but I overrode that reflex as quickly as it started. Instead I reached up and slowly traced the item with my fingers, feeling the texture of the leather, the colder metal work of the clasp. A collar of some sort, secured with what felt like a small, yet rather heavy and undoubtedly very strong, padlock, a lock that I assumed took the key that Tracy was currently swinging gently by its thin silver chain. She gestured to me to follow and the two women walked off into the corridor and through to the master bedroom. Figuring I had nothing to loose, I slowly followed them and almost drowned in my own drool as I walked through the door.
Sarah was standing in the middle of the room, facing the door and clearly waiting for me. Against the far wall, Tracy stood fully clothed but with her hands high above her head, wrists locked onto either end of a long metal bar. Somehow the fact she was still dressed added an extra spark to the scene and I swallowed as another rush of adrenaline shot through me. The room was almost bare; the bed pushed into one corner and a small chest of drawers alongside it the only furniture. Sarah waited a moment until she was sure I was capable of actually hearing and understanding what she had to say and started to explain what was required.
“We thought you might want to play a little game with us so we took the liberty of setting up the board.” She grinned as she gestured to her friend before continuing. “The aim is simple enough, all you have to do is to get that key…” here she pointed to the key Tracy had been holding, now attached to a winch and damn near seven feet above the ground. “… then you can make the choice to unlock that collar or, well, why spoil the surprise? Of course, that’s not much of a game, so there’s a couple of little things you’ve got to do along the way. You see, in order to get that key down you need to unlock that weight. The key to do that is secured to the bar that seems to have Tracy a little, umm, tied up at the moment. To release that you need this key.” She flashed a gold key at me, again with a silver chain attached that she slipped around her neck, the key resting in between her breasts. “So all you’ve got to do is come and get it!”
As she said the last she launched forward, catching me by surprise and knocking me to the floor. I got my arms down easily enough, but she moved with incredible speed and ended up sitting on my chest, legs wrapped around my body as she stretched her hands down my legs until her fingers found the buckle of my belt. Still in shock I didn’t react in time as she ripped the belt open and undid my trousers and I only really started to fight to throw her off as her hands wandered around my hips, the tips of her fingers starting to dig into my flesh just above my hip bone.
“Hey…no, come on, that tickles.” I complained, trying to hold back the laughter I knew was bubbling under the surface. “No, really, that…no, wait a minute, come on, at least…at least fight fair!”
”Fight fair? When did we ever say we were going to do that?” She giggled, bringing both hands down, the tips of her fingers spread from my waist to my naval and wiggling for all they were worth. “Time to laugh little boy!”
And that’s exactly what I did. The sudden attack was more than enough to push me over the edge, self-control failing utterly as she pulled the first peal of laughter from my body, the first of many I was sure. Her legs had caught my arms and pinned them to my sides, and try as I might I couldn’t pull either free from her grasp. I tried to roll over, force her to let go but I couldn’t get the leverage I needed. Maybe if I could concentrate for a second or two I’d have had a chance, but she was relentless, never giving me even an instant to catch my breath as she worked my stomach, waist and ribs, hands diving under my shirt at will to torment me.
Out of options I started to writhe under her, trying to yank my arms free one by one, each yank moving them that fraction of an inch closer to freedom. The problem though was that each yank was also moving me across the floor, and without a belt or button to hold them on, my trousers weren’t coming along for the ride. Not that I really cared anymore, it was all I could do to move at all as Sarah pulled sounds from my body I never knew I was capable of.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, I felt my fingers touch her thigh, first on the right, then on the left. By now I was naked from the waist down other than my briefs and I was suddenly very glad I hadn’t worn boxers today. Figuring turnabout’s always fair play I twisted my hands, brought my fingers up against her legs and scratched as best I could. It wasn’t exactly a great tickle, it’s not going to be immortalised in song or have poems written about it, but it was enough. I think she was so caught up the effect she was having on both my body in general and on certain parts of my body in particular she hadn’t even considered I might try this and it caught her completely by surprise. With a shriek she twisted away, freeing my for a moment and I didn’t waste the opportunity.
Diving after her I wrapped my arms around her legs and pulled her stocking clad feet into my lap, locking my right leg over both of hers and crossing my right foot under my left to make sure I had a good grip. Face down and trapped she suddenly realised what I had in mind but didn’t even have time to protest before I brought all ten fingers down on her upturned soles and started to rake up and down her feet as quickly as I could manage. My word, talk about ticklish, I thought for a moment she was going to break free despite my efforts to hold her still, I’d never have guessed such a small frame could contain so much strength. I shifted my grip slightly and moved my legs up slightly to cut down on the amount of leverage she could use before resuming my attack.
For almost five minutes I poked, prodded, twirled, scraped and generally tormented those nylon covered feet as if my life depended on it (believe me, right then I thought it might). My plan was simple enough, to get her so exhausted she couldn’t fight me as I went for the key that was still fastened around her neck. Unfortunately, like all hastily conceived plans, there was a slight flaw I’d overlooked. For the last couple of minutes I’d failed to notice that, while her laughter was still threatening to wake the hordes of hell, her frantic thrashing had changed to a deliberate thrusting on the floor. What I’d failed to realise was this gorgeous woman was getting rather turned on by this enforced tickling, and just as her single minded focus on tickling had gotten her into the situation in the first place, so was mine going to lead me to trouble now.
Out of nowhere she let out a groan of pure pleasure and I felt a tremor ripple through her body that was unmistakable. Shocked and surprised I paused for a moment in my assault and relaxed my grip. Big mistake. She yanked her legs clear of my fingers, seemed to turn on a dime and jumped back on top of me, landing full length and damn near knocking the wind out of me. Her hands stole in under my arms and her fingers started to wiggle and writhe in my underarms, a motion I immediately started to match as I fought to escape.
Trying to hold me in place under her, and presumably distract me enough I wouldn’t return the favour, Sarah shifted upwards and dropped her breasts over my face. It was actually a pretty good plan, giving her a lot of leverage and giving me a very good reason not to throw her off me for a while. Unfortunately for her, I had other things on my mind. Leaning forward slightly I reached out my tongue and snagged the chain the key hung from. Bringing it up to my mouth I caught it between my teeth and gave a quick tug of my head, breaking the link that held the chain in place. My hands went flat to the ground, as did my feet and with one heave I lifted my body off the ground, leaving Sarah a couple of feet in the air and without any sort of grip whatsoever as she plummeted to the floor. Turning I lunged forward and rammed the key home in the first lock. There was a click from high above as the restraints on the spreader bar opened, followed by a muffled thud as the now free key hit the carpet barely eight feet away.
This time I saw Sarah coming and rolled right just in time to avoid her pounce. I got my feet under me and had made it to all fours, ready to dive for the next key, when something hit me hard from above and I fell back to the carpet, no air in my lungs whatsoever. I rolled over as best I could, wanting to get an idea of what had just happened as I fought for breath, and felt a weight settle on my stomach, long legs wrapping around my ribs as Tracy’s smiling face came into view. I could have kicked myself, when I’d opened the restraints on the spreader bar, she’d been freed as well as the key, and suddenly this was a two on one event. Her hands grabbed my shirt and pulled, buttons flying in all directions as she ripped the cloth from my body, lifting herself up slightly to pull the last remnants from under her thighs. I was still struggling to draw air into my lungs, and was in no position to protest, let alone fight, as I felt Sarah’s fingers grab the waistband of my briefs and pull them down, leaving me naked before, and under, two fully clothed, and very attractive women with evil intentions on their mind.
I didn’t have much time to be embarrassed about it though, as Tracy reached down, pulled my hands above my head and held them there. Sarah crawled over the floor, coming around from behind her friend with her mouth open and her tongue wiggling like a snake, a grin twitching at the corners of her mouth. It didn’t take a genius to work out what they had in mind and I damn near dislocated a shoulder trying to get away. But I simply didn’t have the strength or the time as Sarah locked her mouth onto my left side, just below my underarms and started to blow, lick and nibble at the skin as if she’d just discovered a new gourmet treat.
God, I’d thought fingers were bad, but his was damn torture. I screamed, honest to god screamed, as she started to work, mind flying at a hundred miles an hour trying to figure a way out, but no matter what I kept coming back to the same answer. They only way out with two of them on the attack was to hope they got sloppy when they got bored and changed tactics. Which meant I had no choice but to try and endure this.