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Damned if you...


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
I should have known something was up, I really should. Unfortunately the combination of a lot of late nights and far too much time spent in the office had dulled whatever common sense I normally possessed so that when they asked me if I’d join them for dinner, I automatically said yes. They, in this case, were two women that worked on one of our client accounts, and I’ll freely admit to lusting after both of them at one time or another. Sarah I’d known for, oh, almost five years now, she’d started work at the company only a few months after me and she’d had such an effect on my young libido I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head for more than a day or two ever since. Short and slim, straight blonde hair usually pulled away from a pretty face in a ponytail, and with an infectious energy / insanity she was the sort of girl you couldn’t help liking and was an absolute delight to be around.

Tracy had the same sort of personality, but that’s where the similarities ended. She was almost six foot tall, a build that was maybe a fraction too large to be considered magazine cover material perhaps, but to my eyes she was perfection. Seriously, if I were asked to describe my ideal ‘real world’ woman she’d have looked just like her. Dark brown hair that usually flowed freely down to her shoulders, a sharp face that came alive every time she smiled and held just a hint of something a little dangerous under the surface. Curves that I never grew tired of watching, albeit discretely and from a distance, and a wicked sense of humour that I always found myself having to work hard to match.

Normally they both tended to dress ‘casual’ for the office, but as the client had actually been in the office today they were both dressed to kill. Both women wore black, with Sarah dressed in skirt and jacket with a white blouse, an image of classical elegance, while Tracy wore a business suit that had to have been tailor made for her, lending her a real sense of power, of control. So when these two visions arrived at my desk and asked me if I wanted to go out with them after work I really had no choice in the matter, and I suspect they knew it.

To my surprise they asked if I’d drive them back to the flat they shared about three miles from work, and from there we went to a local restaurant. We ordered and, as we waited for the food to arrive, started to talk. It was, possibly the oddest conversation I’d ever had in my life. I’d actually been pretty nervous about this, hey it’s not every day I go out with a single stunning lady, much less two, and it took a few minutes for that feeling to start to fade. As it did so however, it was replaced with a different anxiety as both women started to become, well, rather more friendly than I’d anticipated. We were sitting in a corner both, with Tracy on my right and Sarah on the left, and as time passed they started to move in closer until they were practically sitting in my lap. Sarah ran a hand over my neck in what seemed like a casual move but caused me to jump as her fingernails tickled the rather sensitive skin. I glance down in embarrassment and as I looked back caught the tail end of a glance that, I suspect, had I seen it fully would have had me far more worried than I was at the time.

The same sort of incident happened time after time, though never in anything more than a casual manner and it was driving me insane. Imagine you’re in that situation, two very attractive women crowding well within your personal space, both of whom you have to work with on a regular basis, doing something that isn’t overly forward but at the same time is unbelievably erotic. I had never been so relieved to see an order arrive in my life, and we all turned to eat, my mind whirling as I tried to work out what the hell was going on.

More small talk followed and then Sarah lent over and rested her chin on my shoulder, an arm around me as she started to nuzzle against my neck and ear. I squirmed, trying to retain some semblance of decorum as she whispered an invitation that would have tempted the pope himself. “Want to come back to our place?”

From my right I felt Tracy move in close and mirror Sarah’s position, adding her own husky “You wouldn’t disappoint us, would you?” to the mix. At the same time Sarah swung her head round, her mouth finding mine as she kissed me. I felt a heat race through me, then dissolved into laughter as Tracy grabbed my ribs and squeezed in just the right place to send my into hysterics. My cries were muffled by Sarah’s mouth though, and she held me in place for what felt like an eternity as Tracy worked my side like an instrument. When we finally broke apart Sarah slid out of the booth and went to pay the bill as Tracy guided me to my feet, slipping her arm into mine and standing so close I was practically carrying her. Sarah returned and matched her friend on my left side and, while I had no idea what they were planning, at that particular moment I didn’t care, the jealous gazes of every man in the place being more than enough encouragement to play along.

They lived in a nice two bedroom flat set a little way back from the main street, and while I know it’s not particularly politically correct to say so, you could tell two girls lived there. The place was spotless, tastefully decorated and, much to my relief, not a hint of Ikea furniture in the place. As we entered the hall they asked if I’d mind taking my shoes off, as they didn’t want to take a chance on messing up the carpet. They’d already shed their boots and I put mine next to them. They led me over to a large white three-seat sofa and guided me down, Sarah sliding on top of me as Tracy disappeared to the bedroom. The next few minutes were a blur of lips, flesh and fleeting touches, as Sarah did everything in her power to tease and frustrate me while at the same time make me yearn for more. By the time Tracy returned I was a mess, fighting hard not to groan with disappointment every time Sarah pulled back, not even bothering to hide the moans that accompanied every touch no matter how slight. So enraptured was I that I never even noticed Tracy’s return until I felt something stiff and cool wrap around my throat. There was a snick noise and Sarah stood up, Tracy coming to join her as they inspected their handiwork.

My initial reaction was to try and tear whatever it was away from me as quickly as possible, but I overrode that reflex as quickly as it started. Instead I reached up and slowly traced the item with my fingers, feeling the texture of the leather, the colder metal work of the clasp. A collar of some sort, secured with what felt like a small, yet rather heavy and undoubtedly very strong, padlock, a lock that I assumed took the key that Tracy was currently swinging gently by its thin silver chain. She gestured to me to follow and the two women walked off into the corridor and through to the master bedroom. Figuring I had nothing to loose, I slowly followed them and almost drowned in my own drool as I walked through the door.

Sarah was standing in the middle of the room, facing the door and clearly waiting for me. Against the far wall, Tracy stood fully clothed but with her hands high above her head, wrists locked onto either end of a long metal bar. Somehow the fact she was still dressed added an extra spark to the scene and I swallowed as another rush of adrenaline shot through me. The room was almost bare; the bed pushed into one corner and a small chest of drawers alongside it the only furniture. Sarah waited a moment until she was sure I was capable of actually hearing and understanding what she had to say and started to explain what was required.

“We thought you might want to play a little game with us so we took the liberty of setting up the board.” She grinned as she gestured to her friend before continuing. “The aim is simple enough, all you have to do is to get that key…” here she pointed to the key Tracy had been holding, now attached to a winch and damn near seven feet above the ground. “… then you can make the choice to unlock that collar or, well, why spoil the surprise? Of course, that’s not much of a game, so there’s a couple of little things you’ve got to do along the way. You see, in order to get that key down you need to unlock that weight. The key to do that is secured to the bar that seems to have Tracy a little, umm, tied up at the moment. To release that you need this key.” She flashed a gold key at me, again with a silver chain attached that she slipped around her neck, the key resting in between her breasts. “So all you’ve got to do is come and get it!”

As she said the last she launched forward, catching me by surprise and knocking me to the floor. I got my arms down easily enough, but she moved with incredible speed and ended up sitting on my chest, legs wrapped around my body as she stretched her hands down my legs until her fingers found the buckle of my belt. Still in shock I didn’t react in time as she ripped the belt open and undid my trousers and I only really started to fight to throw her off as her hands wandered around my hips, the tips of her fingers starting to dig into my flesh just above my hip bone.

“Hey…no, come on, that tickles.” I complained, trying to hold back the laughter I knew was bubbling under the surface. “No, really, that…no, wait a minute, come on, at least…at least fight fair!”

”Fight fair? When did we ever say we were going to do that?” She giggled, bringing both hands down, the tips of her fingers spread from my waist to my naval and wiggling for all they were worth. “Time to laugh little boy!”

And that’s exactly what I did. The sudden attack was more than enough to push me over the edge, self-control failing utterly as she pulled the first peal of laughter from my body, the first of many I was sure. Her legs had caught my arms and pinned them to my sides, and try as I might I couldn’t pull either free from her grasp. I tried to roll over, force her to let go but I couldn’t get the leverage I needed. Maybe if I could concentrate for a second or two I’d have had a chance, but she was relentless, never giving me even an instant to catch my breath as she worked my stomach, waist and ribs, hands diving under my shirt at will to torment me.

Out of options I started to writhe under her, trying to yank my arms free one by one, each yank moving them that fraction of an inch closer to freedom. The problem though was that each yank was also moving me across the floor, and without a belt or button to hold them on, my trousers weren’t coming along for the ride. Not that I really cared anymore, it was all I could do to move at all as Sarah pulled sounds from my body I never knew I was capable of.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, I felt my fingers touch her thigh, first on the right, then on the left. By now I was naked from the waist down other than my briefs and I was suddenly very glad I hadn’t worn boxers today. Figuring turnabout’s always fair play I twisted my hands, brought my fingers up against her legs and scratched as best I could. It wasn’t exactly a great tickle, it’s not going to be immortalised in song or have poems written about it, but it was enough. I think she was so caught up the effect she was having on both my body in general and on certain parts of my body in particular she hadn’t even considered I might try this and it caught her completely by surprise. With a shriek she twisted away, freeing my for a moment and I didn’t waste the opportunity.

Diving after her I wrapped my arms around her legs and pulled her stocking clad feet into my lap, locking my right leg over both of hers and crossing my right foot under my left to make sure I had a good grip. Face down and trapped she suddenly realised what I had in mind but didn’t even have time to protest before I brought all ten fingers down on her upturned soles and started to rake up and down her feet as quickly as I could manage. My word, talk about ticklish, I thought for a moment she was going to break free despite my efforts to hold her still, I’d never have guessed such a small frame could contain so much strength. I shifted my grip slightly and moved my legs up slightly to cut down on the amount of leverage she could use before resuming my attack.

For almost five minutes I poked, prodded, twirled, scraped and generally tormented those nylon covered feet as if my life depended on it (believe me, right then I thought it might). My plan was simple enough, to get her so exhausted she couldn’t fight me as I went for the key that was still fastened around her neck. Unfortunately, like all hastily conceived plans, there was a slight flaw I’d overlooked. For the last couple of minutes I’d failed to notice that, while her laughter was still threatening to wake the hordes of hell, her frantic thrashing had changed to a deliberate thrusting on the floor. What I’d failed to realise was this gorgeous woman was getting rather turned on by this enforced tickling, and just as her single minded focus on tickling had gotten her into the situation in the first place, so was mine going to lead me to trouble now.

Out of nowhere she let out a groan of pure pleasure and I felt a tremor ripple through her body that was unmistakable. Shocked and surprised I paused for a moment in my assault and relaxed my grip. Big mistake. She yanked her legs clear of my fingers, seemed to turn on a dime and jumped back on top of me, landing full length and damn near knocking the wind out of me. Her hands stole in under my arms and her fingers started to wiggle and writhe in my underarms, a motion I immediately started to match as I fought to escape.

Trying to hold me in place under her, and presumably distract me enough I wouldn’t return the favour, Sarah shifted upwards and dropped her breasts over my face. It was actually a pretty good plan, giving her a lot of leverage and giving me a very good reason not to throw her off me for a while. Unfortunately for her, I had other things on my mind. Leaning forward slightly I reached out my tongue and snagged the chain the key hung from. Bringing it up to my mouth I caught it between my teeth and gave a quick tug of my head, breaking the link that held the chain in place. My hands went flat to the ground, as did my feet and with one heave I lifted my body off the ground, leaving Sarah a couple of feet in the air and without any sort of grip whatsoever as she plummeted to the floor. Turning I lunged forward and rammed the key home in the first lock. There was a click from high above as the restraints on the spreader bar opened, followed by a muffled thud as the now free key hit the carpet barely eight feet away.

This time I saw Sarah coming and rolled right just in time to avoid her pounce. I got my feet under me and had made it to all fours, ready to dive for the next key, when something hit me hard from above and I fell back to the carpet, no air in my lungs whatsoever. I rolled over as best I could, wanting to get an idea of what had just happened as I fought for breath, and felt a weight settle on my stomach, long legs wrapping around my ribs as Tracy’s smiling face came into view. I could have kicked myself, when I’d opened the restraints on the spreader bar, she’d been freed as well as the key, and suddenly this was a two on one event. Her hands grabbed my shirt and pulled, buttons flying in all directions as she ripped the cloth from my body, lifting herself up slightly to pull the last remnants from under her thighs. I was still struggling to draw air into my lungs, and was in no position to protest, let alone fight, as I felt Sarah’s fingers grab the waistband of my briefs and pull them down, leaving me naked before, and under, two fully clothed, and very attractive women with evil intentions on their mind.

I didn’t have much time to be embarrassed about it though, as Tracy reached down, pulled my hands above my head and held them there. Sarah crawled over the floor, coming around from behind her friend with her mouth open and her tongue wiggling like a snake, a grin twitching at the corners of her mouth. It didn’t take a genius to work out what they had in mind and I damn near dislocated a shoulder trying to get away. But I simply didn’t have the strength or the time as Sarah locked her mouth onto my left side, just below my underarms and started to blow, lick and nibble at the skin as if she’d just discovered a new gourmet treat.

God, I’d thought fingers were bad, but his was damn torture. I screamed, honest to god screamed, as she started to work, mind flying at a hundred miles an hour trying to figure a way out, but no matter what I kept coming back to the same answer. They only way out with two of them on the attack was to hope they got sloppy when they got bored and changed tactics. Which meant I had no choice but to try and endure this.

I’ve never known such exquisite torment, in fact I’d always thought that an odd phrase until now, never quite knowing how pain could be exquisite. Now I knew, oh my god did I know. Every touch of Sarah’s mouth was fire and ice mixed together, the ticklish sensations ripping through my body as she stimulated nerve endings I didn’t even know I had, my body desperate to escape even as the feel of her smooth lips sent far different feelings through my body. She worked her way slowly up my left flank, up the arm and around the elbow, all the way to the fingers where she abandoned all tickling aspirations for a minute to suck and lick on each finger in turn, sending my eyes rolling back into my head in longing. Then she came back down, spending what had to be a thousand years in and around my armpit before moving across my chest, nipping and teasing, delighting in the muscles tensing under her touch, actively squealing with delight as I actually bucked up to meet her mouth as she ran her tongue over my chest. All this time, Tracy was above me, her eyes dancing as she watched my suffering, her thighs clenching around me in a stead rhythm, her fingers dancing over my wrists at seemingly random intervals to throw yet another ticklish sensation into the mix.

Finally, finally, Sarah finished her journey, leaving me a shaking mass on the floor, head hanging loose to one side, mouth wide open as the occasional laugh escaped my body despite the lack of stimulation. The very image of an exhausted tickle victim, the sense of satisfaction coming off both ladies almost visible in the room. Sarah moved away, climbing to her feet and stretching as she looked down at my helpless form, a grin lighting up her face in a way that was at once sexy beyond belief and menacing as hell. Tracy slid off my stomach and moved to join her friend in admiring their handy work.

In that instant, with both of them clear of my body and clearly unprepared for any attempt to move, I put every bit of strength and speed I had left to good use. Flicking my legs up to my chest I sprung to my feet, turned and dived for the key lying so temptingly close on the floor. It caught them completely by surprise and I gained a precious second or two. Rolling I moved backwards to avoid Tracy’s outstretched hands, then caught Sarah as she jumped towards me with both hands firmly wrapped around her ribs. A quick goose of those ribs later and she convulsed with laughter, leaving me a clear run to the final lock. The key went home and I heard the click as the key dropped to the floor. I turned to grab it, and was stopped dead in my tracks as Tracy came to her knees in front of me, reached forward and wrapped a hand around my by now rock hard member.

Now leaving aside the fact that the most desirable woman I’d ever was giving me the beginnings of the best hand job I’d ever had, there was another, far more pressing problem preventing me from grabbing that key. To do so would require me to move forward about five feet from my current position, and any man you ask will tell you that there ain’t that much play in the little guy. As long as she had a tight grip on me, I was effectively trapped.

From behind I felt a pair of hands wrap around my stomach and start gently goosing my ribs, wandering around the skin seemingly at random, only ever applying enough pressure to get me giggling. It was actually rather enjoyable compared to what had gone before and I did my best to stand still and enjoy it before the inevitable escalation occurred. When it did, it didn’t come in the form I expected it.

Instead of a whirlwind of tickling I felt a single warm breath play over me and the next thing I knew Tracy was proving she wasn’t only the best at using her hands. Almost immediately I was on the edge, the stimulations of the last, god, I don’t know how long, piling up, demanding release. I felt my whole body tense… and stay tense as Tracy pulled back, a grin on her face as she left me hanging (so to speak). Now the tickle attack came, driving me to my knees as Tracey slid to the floor, slipping her legs out flat underneath me and pushing my knees out, spreading my thighs and giving her access to my most sensitive area. Not that I could really appreciate what was going on, Sarah had one finger buried in my naval and had me jerking like a fish on a hook, I’d never have guessed that such a simple thing could render me so helpless as I writhed to the rhythm of her touch.

Gradually, she stopped, returning to her previous, gentler, erotic tickling and I slowly managed to focus on Tracy. The instant she saw my eyes lock on hers she lent forward and once again swallowed me, tongue caressing and teasing, teeth gently scraping me into ecstasy. Once more I built up to a peak, and yet again she pulled back. I groaned as I felt her move away, my mind desperate now for release, that need overriding everything else. Again Sarah started to tickle me harder, moving up now to torment my chest and arms, tracing the path her lips had travelled to such devastating effect. After a moment Tracy added a new touch, pulling her hair together into a makeshift brush before flicking the ends against my now aching balls.

For a moment I thought I’d loose my mind, spots exploding behind my eyes as some distant part of my mind wondered how such a simple touch could be so devastating. It tickled in a way I’d never imagined, could exist, my own need, my desperation, fuelling the erotic side as Tracy guided the ‘brush’ over my helpless nuts with devastating effect, varying the speed and focus of her touch to leave me howling for mercy, begging for this to stop, for some sort of relief, anything! Tracy’s only reply was a quick glance over her shoulder at the small key clearly visible as it caught the light only a few feet away.

Over the next half an hour, they repeated the pattern over and over. They’d tease me to the very edge of my climax, then tickle me back down. I lost count of how many times they did it, my mind descending into madness, my laughter passing beyond the range of human hearing as I gasped for a single breath, black and red spots dancing before my eyes. It was heaven, it was hell, and I had no idea which one was worse at that moment.

Finally, my mind seemed to snap, conscious thought vanishing as sheer need took control. As Tracy reached a hand up, fingernails out and ready to tickle my balls for what felt like the millionth time my body seemed to move on its own, certainly I watched it do so from somewhere else, looking down at the scene from above somehow. The legs came up, the feet finding grip as it shoved forward, a single leap that went straight over Tracy’s head, leaving Sarah off balance as she lurched forward to land on top of her best friend. The hand closed around the key and I snapped back into the confines of my own head to find myself shaking, close to the physical limits of exhaustion, but with the key to freedom clutched in my hand.

The ladies stood and moved forward, gliding, no, slinking towards me in a manner designed to hit the male libido like a lead pipe. Tracy leant forward and kissed me, leaving the faint taste of, well, me, on my lips. As she pulled away Sarah replaced her and repeated the kiss, leaving me gasping as my hypersensitive body reacted to the two beauties. Tracy held her hand out and I passed her the key. She paused looking at it for a moment, then shared a glance with Sarah, a glance that ended in a long, slow nod from the shorter girl.

“Remember we said there was a surprise waiting for you?” Tracy asked, her voice deliberately pitched low, husky. “Well, it’s a very simple one really. You see, you have a choice. If you want, we’ll unlock this collar and you can spend the night here, with us. We’ll do whatever you want, but you’ll never have the pleasure of our company again, at least, not like this. Or, if you’d rather, you can leave that collar on tonight, and you will do whatever we want.”

“Not that the two are going to be very different I suspect.” Sarah giggled as she came up and wrapped herself around me. “See, the thing is, if you do that, you’re going to be our tickle toy from now on. Every time you wear that collar we’re going to do this to you, drive you right up to the brink of insanity, simply because we want to. You’ll come back here every night and we’ll decide what we’re going to do with you that night. It might be nothing, or it may make tonight seem like a picnic in comparison.”

“Whatever we decide,” Tracy continued, wrapping her arms around my neck and looking me square in the eye “we are going to tease and frustrate you until you think you’re going to explode.”

“Oh yes.” Sarah laughed “you’ll have to go through the whole week without even a chance at relief for your, umm, needs.”

“But, as with all things, there’s a trade off, a reward if you will.” Tracy purred, coming around to whisper in my right ear, her lips almost touching my skin. “If you’re ours in the week, we’ll be yours on the weekends. You can do whatever you like to us, anything goes. Anything.”

“You can even get revenge if you want” Sarah said, her own voice now matching Tracy’s, both women grinding against me. “What do you say?”

Tracy pressed the key into my hand and for a long moment I looked at it, mind racing with what lay before me. Slowly I reached up to the collar, questing fingers finding the padlock and tracing the outline of the key hole. I placed the tip of the key to the lock and took one last look at the two women pressed against me, their eyes locked on me as they seemed to hold their breath.

There was a muffled thud as the key hit the carpet, collar still wrapped firmly around my throat…

The last three days had been the strangest, most frustrating, most humiliating and most exciting of my life. What happened when I honestly can’t remember, the details of each day and night melding and flowing with the others, leaving only snapshots of memory for me to cling on to. I’d never felt anything like it as my, my what I wonder? Captors? No, definitely not for I’d chosen this willingly, and even now if I wanted to walk away I could do, they had no physical hold over me to prevent me leaving. Tormentors? Yes, but not in the normal sense of the word, as while ever hour that passed increased my desire and brought renewed frustration and even pain, the pleasure I saw in their eyes when they realised what I was willing to endure for them made the experience a pleasurable one for me as well. Mistresses? Yes, that’s closer, certainly they’d taken to using the phrase themselves, usually to let me know when I was to endure more than the routine teasing they delighted in applying anywhere, anytime we were together. It’s certainly a phrase that summed up the relationship the three of us shared, a bond that, while not a romance in the traditional sense of the word and while still in its infancy, was already a deeper link in terms of trust and understanding than any other I had ever formed.

When I woke on the Friday morning I found myself sandwiched between the two of them, these two women that had become the focus of my existence in such a short space of time. For me, it had become a challenge, a game the likes of which I’d only ever dreamed of before, as I tried to match my own will and self-control against their imagination and inventiveness, a battle I always lost of course but one that was oh so much fun to fight. My hands and feet were loose, as they always had been, they knew that I wouldn’t simply run from them now and had never needed to resort to restraints. Alongside me Sarah stirred, her eyes opening and locking on mine as a smile played on her face. A dull warm golden glow filtered through the curtains and it lent her an almost angelic quality as she reached her hand out to my face, brushing gently down my jaw and neck, even this simple touch sending a shiver through my body.

Her smile grew as she saw my reaction, her hands wandering further down, tracing over my chest and arms, her fingers leaving trails of fire behind them as they travelled onwards. After three days of constant teasing and frustration it felt as if every gentle caress, every whisper of motion against my skin was the most erotic touch imaginable, her lips touching my neck producing the same reaction as they would have touching my manhood a few days earlier. Within moments I was at the edge, wanting, needing that last touch to send me over the edge. Her hands flowed down to my hips, moving inwards and hovering over my straining member, so close I could feel the warmth of her skin, almost feel the pulse of her blood against me. Involuntarily I bucked upwards trying to make some sort of contact and immediately she pulled her hand back and away, her smile changing to something more menacing as her eyes captured mine once more.

From behind me a pair of legs slid around my waist and wrapped around my thighs, feet tucking under my knees. I felt a warmth against my back as Tracy pulled herself close, arms sliding under mine and wrapping around my biceps, her hands locking behind my neck in a grip that, while not painful, held me securely in place. Sarah in the meantime slid down the bed slightly, head disappearing under the duvet as she pulled it up almost to my neck, hiding her actions from view. I tried to keep my eyes locked straight ahead, tried not to react but deep down I knew it to be an impossible task.

Without warning Sarah’s hands raked my ribs, flying up and down my exposed flanks faster than I’d have believed possible. For a moment I held on, but it was a fight I couldn’t win and within seconds I dissolved into laughter, twisting and thrashing but unable to find any purchase or leverage in the position Tracy held me in. I heard a muffled giggle from under the duvet and felt an arm slid around my right side, holding me completely still. There was a pause for a moment and then soft lips caressed my skin, teeth gently raking my stomach as my hidden assailant started to kiss and nibble in a spiral, moving from my right hip up my stomach and round, round, round, all the while gradually tightening the loop towards its inevitable destination.

It was an incredible feeling, both women were artists when it came to tormenting with lips, tongue and teeth and Sarah was putting everything she had into this particular creation. Her touch was at once erotic and electrifying, a warmth and tenderness that seduced effortlessly, making me yearn for me even as my body overruled my desires and fought to escape, the merest caress on my stomach now enough to send me into hysteria. Worse I had a pretty good idea where she was heading, and what she could do when she got there I knew all to well. The spiral narrowed inexorably, and I felt Sarah’s lips twitch against my skin as she grinned to herself. Then her tongue snaked it’s way into my navel, and I was lost.

I screamed, bucked writhed, I swear my skin crawled all by itself trying to escape but it was hopeless. With Tracy holding me in place there was nothing I could do, nowhere to go, no option but to accept that they could do whatever they wished to me and I simply had to endure it. As her hot, wet tongue poked and prodded in an area that only a few days ago I’d never even have thought could be ticklish I lapsed into silent laughter, fighting to get any air at all into my lungs, feeling the now familiar burning in my lungs. Over and over again she dove down, her hands travelling upwards to attack my underarms, taking her tickling assault to another level. Not that she needed to, I was already on the verge of passing out, and as her fingertips touched my skin I felt one last gasp of air be pulled from my body, emerging as a choked burst of laughter as my head fell back and blackness claimed me.

I wasn’t out for long, a few minutes at most, but as I struggled back towards consciousness I was slow in realising what was happening, only that something, somewhere felt incredibly good. Raising my head slowly, still feeling a little dizzy, I saw a sight that I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams. Sarah was curled up against my left hip, Tracy on my right, each girl with one hand resting on my thigh, the other cupping and stroking my balls. As I looked towards them they locked their gaze on me and with a look that sent my pulse into orbit lowered their soft lips to my manhood.

What followed was a kind of combined make out session and blow job, both girls clearly enjoying what was happening as they both started to bump and grind against my legs, their tongues dancing into the others mouth and, in the process, around my straining erection. While it wasn’t as directly stimulating as being the sole recipient of their attentions, it was on a scale I’d never even heard of when it came to eroticism. As they neared their peaks their movements became faster, more insistent and I tensed my thigh muscles in time with their movements. I could feel my own release, so cruelly denied for so long rising as well and realised they were going to bring me over the edge as they found their own pleasure, our needs rising and melding into one. I felt Sarah tense, followed an instant later by Tracy and knew I was only a touch or two away from my own pleasure. They gave me the first, and I hovered on the edge, physically panting with desire and need. I felt them slip over that edge as they both tried to crush my thigh between theirs, their mouths came forward to finish me…

…and missed as they each lifted their heads to share a kiss, muffling their cries of passion as their own orgasms washed through their bodies, leaving me at a point I’d never imagined possible. Everything, from the obvious stimulation of two naked bodies wrapped around mine to the simple touch of the cotton bed sheets sent rivers of fire through me, their scent intoxicated me and to my surprise and shame I sobbed, the frustration finally becoming too much as I begged for release, for mercy. The girls unwound their bodies from mine and Tracy slid up pulling my head over to her and resting it on her perfect breasts. I was so far gone I didn’t even notice for at least a minute, and when my body finally started to come back under control I couldn’t work out how I’d ended up in such a position.

“Shhhhh” Sarah whispered, brushing the damp tracks of tears from my face with her delicate fingertips. “It’s okay, it’s okay my love.”

“Please…oh god…please let me…” I groaned, all pretence at self-control gone as I caught her fingers one by one with my lips, kissing and sucking as if they were the key to life itself.

“I’m sorry, but you know the rules you agreed to, that we agreed to. You won’t be allowed your own climax in the week, if you can’t manage that we’ll understand but we need to know now. Can you handle this for one more day?”

I paused, my body insisting it couldn’t, yet my mind, my pride saying otherwise. Not trusting myself to speak I simply nodded, keeping my eyes locked on hers as she stared down at me.

“Alright, but can you control yourself? I know you want to, but we’ll understand if…” She trailed off, a glance down at my aching balls speaking volumes. Again I couldn’t bring myself to speak, and shock my head, admitting the breaking of my self-control to them with that one single gesture.

“In that case, for the rest of the day, we’ll help you out in that regard.” Sarah said, reaching over to a bedside cupboard and pulling a small box from a drawer. She opened it and pulled out a leather strap from which hung five steel rings that caught the light in such a way as to look almost medieval. She reached down and wrapped her hand around my nuts, squeezing gently but firmly, sending a dull pain through me and gradually, oh so gradually, my erection became softer, her grip relaxing as I got about halfway. She slipped the steel rings over my shaft, the largest ring sliding over my balls as well to sit snug against my skin, the other four positioned along the length of my shaft. The leather strap was passed around my waist and buckled shut on the right side, a small silver lock clicked into a retaining loop.

After they’d both cast a critical eye over the device, and made a couple of small adjustments, they curled up to me again and started to caress and nuzzle my chest, neck and ears, sending my pulse soaring once more. As they performed their magic I felt myself rise again and realised too late what would inevitably happen. As my now-trapped manhood grew the rings constricted around my shaft, the more I was stimulated, the more erect I became and the more the rings hurt until eventually the pain overrode the pleasure I was feeling from their attentions and I went down once more.

“Good, very good.” Tracy purred, after having kept a very close eye on my face throughout their little demonstration. “Now we know you’ll not be tempted to break our agreement today. This key is yours when that clock strikes midnight, and so are we.” The last emerged as a growl, and I realised for the first time they were actually looking forward to swapping roles, at least for a while.

“Which means,” Sarah continued, her lips practically touching my ear “that we’ve got you here, to ourselves, for another sixteen hours and we intend to make every single one count.”

“What? Wait… sixteen hours, I thought this was Friday?” I asked, a terrible suspicion creeping over me.

“Yes, that’s right.”

”Well, don’t we have to be in work today?”

”Oh, didn’t we tell you? We’re both off on holiday today, and Tracy called in sick for you yesterday evening, your boss should have got the message by now. So until midnight…” Sarah paused, staring straight at me as she tapped my restrained dick for emphasis with each word.





The next few hours passed much as they would for any other group of house sharers. There was the usual queue for the shower, breakfast to make, outfits to pick; the usual, normal everyday thing people did when getting ready for the new day. The only real differences for me was having my outfit selected for me, in this case a simple black t-shirt and jeans combo, and the constant, seemingly innocent touches as the two women went past me. To the casual observer they would probably have passed almost unnoticed, but to me each touch threatened to tip me over the edge into madness, a simple brush of fingers against the bare flesh of my forearm sending bolts of lightning through my body, always ending in the same place and making my member twitch in response. While the rings weren’t tight enough to hurt on such a simple touch, they were a constant reminder of what would happen if I allowed myself to react too greatly to the barrage of sensual teases that kept raining down on me.

Just before midday I was called into the living room and entered with some trepidation, knowing that whatever plans lay in store for me they were about to start. My eyes widened as I took in the room and it’s inhabitants. The furniture had all been moved back against the wall, leaving a single two-seat sofa in the middle of the floor. The curtains had been replaced with heavy blackout drapes that left the room in darkness except for the single pool of light cast from the only working spotlight, a pool that surrounded the sofa like a cage. But it was the two visions on that sofa that left me speechless. I’d known of course that both women were beautiful, and that they could look absolutely stunning when they wanted to, but I’d never in my wildest dreams pictured this.

Sarah was dressed in a dark red, in fact it was more blood red, gown that seemed to flow and ebb around her body as if made of liquid silk, hinting at the body underneath but never revealing enough to satisfy even a casual glance, something I was far beyond at this point. The gown rose high on her throat and was complimented perfectly by the black gloves running from fingertip to shoulder made of what seemed to be velvet. A black chocker ran around her throat, blond hair pulled up into a style that had to have taken at least an hour and detailed construction plans to prepare, an intricate web of curls and loops that went perfectly with the formal nature of her outfit to lend her an almost regal air.

If Sarah was the monarch, Tracy was definitely her chief torturer. Sitting together the two friends complimented each other perfectly, to the point you could have simply added the caption “Heaven and Hell” under them and sold the picture a million times over. Tracy was, in that moment, every fantasy of a dominatrix I’d ever had rolled into one. Black leather boots seemed to be moulded to her feet and legs, ending just below her knees, sheer black stockings continuing up her fabulous legs to a point midway up her thighs where they were clipped to a garter belt. The rest of her body was covered by a sheer black satin corset that gave her a figure I hadn’t thought was possible outside of a graphic novel. Her long, dark hair hung free around her shoulders, some sort of wet-look gel or conditioner the perfect finishing touch to a vision of pure, raw, unrestrained sexuality.

Needles to say the sight of these two in those outfits left me unable to think, let alone talk and for a long moment I just stood and stared, realising once more, as if I needed the reminder, why exactly I had agreed to this bargain in the first place. I saw the briefest of smiles flit across their faces as both women revelled in my stunned appreciation, enough to let me know it was appreciated without breaking the mood they were trying to create. Sarah beckoned me over to them and I hastened to comply, any concerns I may have had vanishing in a heartbeat. They stood as I reached them and guided me down onto the sofa, my head resting on one arm, my knees on the other.

“Reach down” Tracy commanded, standing level with my head and towering over me, her eyes bright with excitement as she directed me. I did as she instructed, my fingers touching a hard metal bar about a foot off the floor. “Hold on to it.” She said, a slight tremor of anticipation in her voice now. I wrapped my hands around the bar, finding as I did so I needed to stretch slightly to get a secure grip. As I wriggled my shoulders into a comfortable position against the arm of the sofa I felt Sarah take my bare feet and guide them under what felt like an identical bar. I found myself having to stretch slightly to keep my back flat on the cushions, but the thought of letting go without permission never entered my mind as I waited to hear what they had in store for me.

“We’re going to play a little game with you my love.” Sarah said, crouching down alongside me, the rustle of her gown adding a strangely threatening undertone to her words. “And I’m afraid it’s not on you’re going to win.”

“Of course,” Tracy continued as Sarah started to run one velvet-covered hand over the thin cotton of my t-shirt “there’s a lot of different ways of loosing. Play well and you might earn a little…reward as a consolation prize.” As she said this Sarah’s hand brushed over my crotch and I winced as I felt the rings bite into me once more. “Play badly and, well, if I were you I’d try to play well.” Tracy grinned at the last before moving behind my head, and I heard her sink to the floor, her fingers trailing down my arms and wrapping gently around my wrists as Sarah picked up the tale.

“Consider this a test of your willpower, after all you’re going to be able to stop us at any time you choose.” She said, hands rubbing over the tops of my thighs and making even concentrating on her words difficult. “We’re going to take it in turns to test you and when you let go of that bar we stop the clock. Whoever clocks the fastest time, wins, understand?”

“Yes, but I do have one question.” I replied, trying to keep my voice even and failing miserably, a potent combination of fear and excitement flowing through my veins. “What, exactly, is the prize that you’re competing for?”

“I told you he’d ask.” Tracy said from behind me, a note of smug satisfaction evident in her tone.

“Well, there is one tiny detail I forgot to mention.” Sarah said, resting her lips against my ear and continuing in a whisper that sent chills up and down the length of my body. “After the first round you loose your shirt, the second your jeans and whoever wins gets to play the third round for everything else.”

I swallowed, realising now what they had in mind and just how bad this could get. While I didn’t honestly believe they’d make good on their promise to ‘reward’ me if I did well, I believed every word of their thinly veiled threat to punish me if I didn’t. At least up to this point everything they’d done to me they’d done together, working as a team to break me. The thought of them competing against one another with my body as the battlefield both thrilled and terrified me in equal measure. I felt Tracy release my wrists and heard her step away into the darkness surrounding me, felt Sarah’s hands trace the contours of my chest and stomach through the t-shirt, her blond hair shimmering above her like a halo. Her hands came to rest on my hips, palms flat against the top of my jeans, fingers spread over the very tops of my thighs and sliding under the hem of the shirt and I took one last, deep breath.

I almost failed in the first few seconds as she raked my already over-stimulated body with her nails, her hands shooting from their position on my hips up, under the shirt and zeroing straight in on my stretched underarms. I hadn’t thought anything could tickle more than her soft, wet tongue against my flesh, but I was proved wrong as those devastating velvet gloves went to work, their touch like a thousand feathers against me, sending me into delirious laughter immediately. It took everything I had, every last ounce of stubborn pride, every shred of dignity I had left not to wrench my hands from that bar and push her away, but somehow I maintained my hold.

It quickly became obvious she wasn’t planning on giving me even a moment as her hands flew over my sides, swirling in my armpits one moment then raking my ribs the next, never ceasing their attack, never relenting, her torturous, talented fingers revisiting every ticklish spot that she’d discovered in the last few days. Her hands moved to my stomach as she started to drag her fingers down my skin, travelling from chest to waist and leaving trails of ticklish fire behind them. She dragged her fingertips around my navel and I arched up off the sofa, fingers desperately clinging to the bar as I did so, trying to override the demands my body was making to get it away from this torment.

I saw Sarah raise an eyebrow in surprise as she checked my hands were still in place and she switched her tactics, sweeping away from my stomach and down to my waist, digging in along the line of my hipbone just above the jeans. I shut my eyes, howls of laughter echoing in my ears as she shifted her attentions from side to side, making me swing as if I was in a hammock trying to escape her. I could feel the hot sting of tears behind my eyelids as she wrapped her hand around my right hip and started playing me like a harp, fingers flicking out seemingly at random to pull sounds from my throat I never thought I was capable of.

By now my entire body was stretched taught, my head back, neck taught as my mouth stretched open in a silent scream of ticklish agony, the sensation compounded by the renewed pain from my genitals as the rings bit hard into me, the undeniably erotic stimulation overcoming my control. I felt a rush of movement and suddenly Sarah had her teeth at my throat, hands pulling up my shirt to allow access to my ribs as her lips worked over my neck, her sharp teeth nipping at my skin every time I tried to bring my head down. One hand stole downwards and found my navel once more, a single velvet cased digit slipping inside me and beginning it’s slow dance to drive me to insanity. At that same instant I felt a single loose strand of Sarah’s hair brush against my chin and neck, such a simple touch and compared to everything else, barely noticeable, but it was enough to push my over the edge. My hands flew up, coming around her body in a bear hug that pinned her arms to her sides as I faced her, gasping for air, my vision a blurred mess of images as I tried to blink the tears away. We stayed like that for a few seconds, then she gave me the faintest of smiles and a nod that was so slight it would have been missed by anyone not watching for it. I released her and fell back, breath coming in shallow pants as I fought to still my heart, wondering distantly how long I’d lasted and if it would be good enough to satisfy her.

I felt hands grabbing at my t-shirt, pulling it up my body as I lay there, unable to muster the strength to even begin to resist. The thin cotton slid over my face and I waited for it to be pulled off, only for the hands tugging at the fabric to vanish leaving it where it was, effectively blinding me to the outside world, muffling all noise and turning my own imagination into a weapon as I started to dream of what they could be planning.

A pair of hands trailed over my now bare flesh, running over my stomach and hips to the waist of my jeans, hovering for a moment over my crotch as the lightest of light touches teased me through the heavy jeans, yet even this was enough to make me strain involuntarily against the rings that bound me. Faintly I heard a gentle giggle, then the hands moved on trailing down my thighs, over my knees and down towards my ankles and, inevitably, my feet. I took comfort in the fact that, with the jeans in place, Tracy would only have access to my feet. A small comfort given her skill at inflicting ticklish torment, but a comfort nonetheless and I braced for what I knew was to come.

I was waiting for the touch of warm fingers against my soles, and was caught unawares as something cold and hard touched my leg just above the ankle. An instant later there was a metallic snick and the sound of fabric tearing as Tracy ran a pair of scissors up the outside of my right leg, cutting the jeans open all the way to the waistband. Another cut on the left leg left me technically clothed from the waist down but exposed every last inch of my body to her devilish attentions.

As I was contemplating that not-entirely unpleasant prospect I found myself caught by surprise once more as Tracy moved quickly and silently back to my feet and raked her nails against both soles at once. With my feet wedged under the bar at one end of the sofa and my hands desperately clutching at the bar at the other end I had no room to move, my ankles were effectively locked into position unless I wanted to quit so early in the contest. Gritting my teeth under the t-shirt I tried to hold back the waves of laughter she was causing to build, knowing that if I let even the slightest sound slip I was lost, yet fully aware there was no way I could hold out indefinitely.

The only saving grace was that both ladies had targeted my feet extensively over the last few days and I’d started to build some sort of resistance to their approaches in that one area. Apparently Tracy hadn’t picked up on that yet, and I thought for a moment about informing her before common sense overcame my natural instinct. If she asked I would of course be bound to tell her, but why give her that information for free? Instead I concentrated on ignoring the nails pounding up and down my soles, Tracy’s sense of surprised frustration filtering up even though I couldn’t see her. It was a frustration that seemed to fuel her determination though, and a few seconds later when it became obvious that, while she’d break me eventually, I could hold out long enough under her current approach to make sure she lost this particular contest to her friend she switched tactics.

A warm, wet mouth suddenly wrapped itself around my right foot and a tongue snaked out, dancing around and between my toes. In an instant I was lost, howling in ticklish misery and delight as she lapped at my sensitive skin, every motion of her tongue and teeth sending me into hysterics as I flopped like a fish out of water, fingers almost slipping from their grip more than once as I twisted and writhed. To my amazement, Tracy stepped up the punishment, bringing her teeth into play to rake the underneath of my toes while her lips vibrated over the top and bottom of my foot.

Just as I was nearing the very edge of my endurance she pulled back, dropping my now soaked foot from her lips and driving forwards, her hands flying over the counters of my calves, up to my knees. For a long moment she lingered there, fingers dipping and diving into the hollow behind the knee and drawing sounds from my throat I don’t think were human, but she had another destination in mind. With a flurry of movement she raced upwards and dug her hands in to the inside of my thighs, fingers flying faster than I believed possible, coming with a hairsbreadth of my dick, which by now was in a permanent cycle of arousal, pain and denial thanks to its cage.

Tracy’s hands dug down and round my thighs and the tips of her fingers raked around, down and back until she could tickle the very tops of my thighs and my ass. The instant she wriggled those long nails there, I was done and, with one final howl, sat upright, hands reaching for her to pull her away from my body, the t-shirt still over my head and making me look like a low budget mummy. I ripped the cotton from my face, and found both Tracy and Sarah looking at me with concern. I stopped dead, confusion etched on my face as I wondered what was wrong. Sarah simply walked around the sofa and returned with the bar I’d been clinging to.

It was solid wood, about the width of a bike handlebar and it was ripped clean in two. I looked at my hands and saw the blood trickling from a couple of places on my palms were I’d gripped hard enough for my own nails to cut into me and, after a brief check to make sure it wasn’t anything serious, assured them I was alright. They insisted on checking for themselves and I winced slightly as Sarah probed at the cuts gently to check there wasn’t anything to worry about. After they’d reassured themselves there wasn’t any permanent damage they stepped back into the darkness and I could hear the muted murmurings as they conferred. Finally, Sarah stepped back into the light and sat next to me, sliding an arm around my shoulders and resting her head on my shoulder.

“Well, I’ve got good news for you love. Both of us think you lasted longer than we’d have thought you could, so you’re going to get your reward after all. Oh, and as I broke you the quickest, I get to give it to you.”

I nodded slowly, not wanting to say anything to break the moment, not daring to hope that they’d actually grant me some sort of release from the constant denial that had haunted me for the last few days.

“Of course,” Sarah purred, shifting her body from the comfortable, almost casual pose to something far more suggestive, her free hand trailing over my bare skin and wandering with intent around my hip bone. “that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself first…”

I was struggling to control myself now, her touch lighting me up like a Christmas tree as her voice poured over me, through me, firing my own passions. My voice trembled as I asked the question I both feared and dreamed of. “What did you have in mind?”

The grin on her face was almost reward enough, the sheer delight of knowing I was still willing to play this game, that I had commited myself to this strange relationship firing her passions. “It’s just gone two in the afternoon, and as we promised you get to do whatever you want as of midnight. The deal is this: At the stroke of twelve I’ll give you the best damn orgasm you’ve ever had in your life, but until then we’re going to take it in turns to tease you so far beyond your natural limits you’ll think the last week was a walk in the park. What do you say?”

“Yes.” I whispered, knowing what I was agreeing to, feeling the fear at what they could and no doubt would do to me, yet unable to deny these two beauties whatever they wished.

The next ten hours were the longest of my life, with the girls doing everything in their power to turn me on, bring me to the very edge then drop me back down again. A rubber ring was placed on the base of my shaft and behind my balls to make sure they didn’t send me over that precipice before the appointed hour and then they went to town. For two hours straight they delighted in making me grow hard with my cock still surrounded by the gates of hell, my groans and occasional scream seeming to drive them to ever more imaginative ways of tormenting my senses.

Feathers, silk, leather, rubber, pvc, lace, any material you could think of seemed to be used to overload my mind and reduce me to a quivering mass of sensations and hormones as they drove me relentlessly onwards. When they finally removed the terrible rings from my now throbbing member they upped their game to a whole new level, using their feet and legs to milk me to a point that would normally have made me explode, only for the ring to prevent such a release and leave me begging for mercy, for a glimmer of the tenderness I knew they were capable of. Their only response though was to take a moment to reassure me that it would be worthwhile, and step up their torment.

In the final race to the finish line they unveiled their most devious technique yet. With almost an hour and a half until the clock struck midnight and granted me my freedom they each produced a brand new, incredibly soft yet somehow still sharp bristled, shaving brush which they proceeded to run over my aching, throbbing balls and all over my straining dick. It was the most incredible experience, a sensationally erotic touch combined with a maddening tickle, and I felt my eyes roll back into my head as they both swept the bristles over my most sensitive area.

Finally Sarah dipped her head, sucking and licking me as if it were a Popsicle. She brought me to the edge almost immediately and I strained, wincing as she kept pushing me onwards, only for the ring that was still snug around my balls to prevent release. From somewhere in the darkness of the room came a faint chiming as a small carriage clock chimed midnight. On the very last chime Sarah snaked a finger out and hooked the ring, pulling it tighter around me and I groaned in an exquisite mix of pain and pleasure. As the chime faded she moved forward, swallowing my entire length down her throat and at the same time yanking on the ring. There was a moment of agony as it pulled tight, then it snapped away, freeing my long-denied pleasure. At the same moment Sarah started to hum, the vibrations passing from her throat to my shaft and sending me hurtling over the edge. I exploded with the pent-up passion and frustration of the last week, and the orgasm was indeed everything she’d promised and more. It seemed to go on forever and when I finally subsided I dropped back onto the sofa, exhausted and spent. Slowly I got to my feet and beckoned the girls to me. They slipped an arm around me, one either side, and together we headed for the bedroom, wanting nothing more now than the chance to relax and revel in each others company, for tomorrow it was time for a little revenge…

The day dawned bright, crisp and clear, held at a point just before the coming autumn, the warmth of the summer tempered by a cool breeze that could not have been more perfectly suited to my plans for my past and future mistresses. I glanced down at the two sleeping, sated forms curled up against me and felt a smile prick at my lips. Yes, revenge would be sweet indeed.

A quick glance at the clock showed it was still early, not yet seven in the morning and with the whole weekend stretching before us, I felt it best to allow them to rest for now. Smoothly, silently, I slipped out from their combined embrace and padded into the bathroom, luxuriating in the almost scalding stream of the shower as I eased the tensions and sore muscles left from my ordeal the night before. My right arm in particular was bothering me and a few simple tests and movements told me I'd probably pulled a muscle in either my neck or shoulder. It wasn't anything serious though, just so long as I was careful it shouldn't bother me.

I gasped as the hot water mixed with the shampoo and ran down my back, tracing rivers of fire over my skin. Reluctantly, worried about what I might find, I ran my fingers gently over the skin and felt two sets of gashes, one either side of my shoulder blades. A brief memory swam to the surface for a moment, an image of Sarah digging in as I finally, after a week of constant teasing and denial, found release and Tracy's tongue drove her wild as it danced over her breasts. I had no doubt what I'd see if I looked in the mirror, two perfect sets of claw marks, probably at least a couple of inches long.

Finally, reluctantly, I turned the shower off and stood for a moment letting the water drip from my body before stepping out onto the cool tile floor. Wiping the condensation from the mirror I rifled through my travel bag, looking for the tools I'd packed specially for the occasion and got to work. It took nearly half an hour to get everything done, but when I emerged from the bathroom the change was dramatic.

My normally light brown hair was now jet-black and gelled to lend it a bit more bulk than normal. The beard and moustache were trimmed right back to what could only be called designer stubble. My eyes were covered with a set of patterned contact lenses, designed to look like a cross between a human eye and those of a cat. Grabbing my kit bag from the hall I walked into the living room, not wanting to wake my victims until I was ready for them. Surrounded by the remains of the previous days activities I slid into a simple outfit of black trousers and t-shirt, both items snug on my frame rather than the usual loose fitting clothes I preferred. A pair of chunky black boots were the finishing touch, and acted as the key to the character and personality I needed to adopt for this day to work as planned.

I headed out to my car and pulled two 'suit bags' out of the boot, taking a moment to check the labels on each matched the contents. I also unloaded a few armfuls of different items, all individually packed and labelled specifically for this weekend. Back in the flat I moved a coat stand into the hall in front of the bedroom door and hung the two bags from it, making sure the names were clearly visible. Not wanting to resort to anything as simple as shaking them awake, I headed to the kitchen and filled the grinder of the large coffee maker with the strongest beans in the house and set it in motion. The noise itself didn't wake them but the smell that filled the flat soon after did the job. I watched in silence from the living room door as Tracy emerged from the bedroom clad only in a white towel and paused to look at the new additions in the hallway. Pulling the instructions from the front of one of the suit bags she glanced over it and disappeared back into the bedroom.

This then was the moment of truth, whether or not they'd actually go through with the deal we'd made what felt like a lifetime ago. In all honesty I wasn't really concerned about the possibility as, after all, they only had to endure my ministrations for the weekend before they would once again take charge for the rest of the week. Judged on that basis, I didn't believe for an instant they'd back out now.

My belief was well founded as, barely a minute later the door opened and both women walked naked down the hall into the bathroom. A few seconds later the rush of water, and the irregular splashing sounds as it fell from flesh to floor, showed they were following my instructions to the letter. I allowed them to shower in peace, and gave them plenty of time to fix and eat breakfast before they changed into the clothes I'd provided. Almost an hour after Tracy had first emerged from the bedroom there was a knock at the living room door and the girls walked in ready to face whatever trials awaited them.

I sat waiting for them on the couch that had so recently been my prison. The lighting in the room was set low, casting odd shadows off the normal, day to day items that crowded every corner. On the floor in front of me was a long object, maybe ten feet in length and covered with a large black silk sheet. Beneath that sheet strange shapes rose and fell, the silk seeming to absorb all the light that landed on it, lending an air of menace to what could be simply an old ladder for all they knew.

Both women wore tight blue jeans and t-shirt, Sarah wearing pink, Tracy white. Underneath the quite plain outfits they were both naked, a fact I intended to take full advantage of. I stood and walked behind them, taking a long moment to admire the view before getting to work. Turning Sarah to face me I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down slightly, just enough for me to slide my hands in between her thighs without interference. I gently caressed her for a minute or two until a moan escaped her lips. Reaching into a pocket I palmed the first surprise of the day and reached back to her now wet pussy. Gently I slip my 'surprise' inside her, two small plastic balls, stim-balls according to the packaging, designed to use the movement of her own body to tease and tantalise her. Making sure they wouldn’t slip out too easily I moved my hands away and waited for her to do up her jeans again, testing just how thoroughly they've read their instructions. Satisfied at the immediate compliance with my unspoken signal, I repeat the process with Tracy and cast a critical eye over both ladies.

From a quick glance there was nothing out of the ordinary going on, certainly there's no obvious signs of the toys they've just been given. However the effort they're having to make in order to resist temptation and grind against those toys is, at least to me, quite clear and I smile as I pass them each a long, grey wool coat that drops to a point just below their knees and wave them to the front door, following them outside and locking the flat behind us. Sliding on my own leather jacket, the hem almost touching the ground, I glance in both directions to get my bearings and turn to the left.

I set off at a good pace alongside the road, not looking back to make sure they're following me as instructed, or altering my pace. I'm a fast walker normally, and I set a pretty quick rhythm as I hear the occasional gasp or moan from one or other of my two beautiful victims as those evil little balls add to their stimulation. Although they don't know it, at least not yet, their particular gifts have been carefully chosen to ensure just enough sensation to pull them, willing or not, right to the edge and keep them there indefinitely. But without some additional touch, a touch which both girls are banned from giving either themselves or each other without my express permission, they'll only be able to hover, trapped on the edge of release.

Certainly keeping up with the pace I'm setting is becoming more difficult for both women as we reach the entrance to the woodland area I'd stumbled across a few months earlier, and I pause to let them recover slightly from the exertions of the walk. Not that it's any relief for them of course, as I kiss first Tracy then Sarah with the pent-up passions of the last week coming to the fore. I feel Sarah shift in my arms in an attempt to rub 'accidentally' against my thigh and shift my weight back, bringing one hand down hard on her denim-covered ass in a short, sharp smack as a reminder of her limitations. She hisses between her teeth at the sting of the blow, a hiss that ends in a groan as I let my hand linger on her shapely posterior for a long moment. Then I turn and start making my way up the steep path through the shade of the trees.

It takes another ten minutes to reach the clearing I'd decided to use for the first of today's games and the steep path forces my companions into movements that leave them gasping with pleasure at the start of the climb and moaning with frustration by the end. As we emerge into the clearing I pause to take a quick look around and make sure we're alone. I've picked this place carefully, the tree line's thick enough to hide the clearing and its contents from view to a casual passer by, but thin enough at the edge to make any covert surveillance extremely difficult. The ground is soft earth, covered in rich green grass and in the centre of the clearing is the remains of an old tree, maybe six foot long and four foot of the ground, smoothed beautifully by the elements. A couple of smaller stumps rest against the tree to provide an easy step-up for anyone wanting to sit on top, but the last thing today's about is being easy. I give the girls a moment to catch their breath after the climb before getting to the reason for our little excursion.

"Take your coats off and put them on that stump. Sit astride the tree, one here, one here, facing towards each other." I direct, no question or query in my voice, a command that they have no choice but to obey. They complied perfectly, ending up maybe five feet away from each other, legs wrapped around the sides of the felled tree for balance, even as their own body weight pushed their most sensitive areas into the wood. I pulled myself up and sat between them, facing away so they ended up at right angles to me, sliding both hands out flat against the lumber, palm up as I slipped between their legs and caressed their now soaked jeans.

"Now, after what you dared to put me through last week you will both suffer greatly this weekend. You will both be driven, time and again, to the very edge of indescribable pleasure, but for the next forty eight hours you will know no release, no relief from the demands of your own body. Your own desires and needs will be turned against you and by the end of this weekend you will be begging me for what you need with total sincerity and submission. This I promise you."

I paused, letting that statement sink in and the look of horror on both faces was enough to convince me my plan was going to work. "However, unlike the two of you, I can be merciful as well as cruel." A smile, all teeth, as I start to really get into the role. "As you seem to take such pleasure in inflicting laughter on your victims, I though it fitting that you get one more chance to do so. Make the other pass out and you spend this weekend in ecstasy rather than endless frustration. It's your choice ladies, do nothing and suffer together, or compete, but this is a one time offer. Once we leave here your fate is fixed."

I waited, keeping up my gentle touch between their legs and watching their reactions carefully, building them up from their already highly aroused state to a point just below their threshold. It didn't take long, maybe two minutes, before both women were whimpering in unison, their minds assaulted by the demands of their bodies as I kept them hovering on the edge, all the while the stone cold fact that there was almost two more days of this waiting for them growing ever louder in their minds. While I didn't mind in the least getting to torment both women in this manner, I was confident that one or the other would break in short order, their own competitive natures working against them now.

What I wasn't expecting was for both of them to break at the same instant and they dove forward towards each other, hands reaching for the most ticklish spots they could find while their legs and hips stayed rooted to the wood, not daring to let go in case they dropped to the ground where they'd surely be easy prey for the other. Tracy's longer reach allowed her to fit her hands neatly around Sarah’s ribs, while Sarah could only just reach Tracy's armpits. This almost escaped my notice for a moment though as their desperate lunges had ended up with their heads propped on my thighs, their instant laughter loud and strong enough to send vibrations shooting through my lower body. When I managed to regain some semblance of control from this unexpected, but welcome, distraction I realised why, despite having her hands wrapped firmly around her friends most ticklish area Tracy seemed to be loosing this particular battle. Sarah had somehow managed to shift her aim at the last second and had slipped her slender fingers inside the sleeves of Tracy's t-shirt, so while Tracy had only cotton under her nails, Sarah had warm, supple flesh to play with and was doing her level best to drive her friend insane.

It was working too, as Tracy started heaving with laughter, unable to co-ordinate her actions to do more than lightly graze Sarah’s ribs. That in turn left Sarah free to concentrate on her own attack and increase both the ferocity and subtlety of her ticklish touch, driving Tracy further into distraction. As the sensations overwhelmed her Tracy struggled to bring her hands back to her sides, bucking and twisting to escape the death grip Sarah had on those inviting warm hollows. Every couple of seconds Tracy’s head would swing from side to side as she struggled for freedom and her cheek would brush against my, by now rather aroused, manhood. It was a gentle enough touch but after the week of denial I’d been put through I had to force myself to concentrate on the two women rather than simply sit back and enjoy the sensation.

There was a rustle of denim on wood and a squeak from Tracy as she lost her grip, falling in slow motion as she slid down and off the old tree to the ground. She landed awkwardly, not with enough force to do any damage but with her right arm trapped under her and it took her a second or two to get her bearings and start crawling away. She needed a second or two to get to her feet, and Sarah didn’t let her have them. Instead she dove down to the ground, landing on top of Tracy’s stretched legs, tucking her thighs around her knees and shins to prevent her moving as Sarah’s hands dove under Tracy’s t-shirt.

For all practical purposes the fight ended at that moment. Despite Tracy’s superior size and strength there simply wasn’t any way for her to use those advantages while she was trapped face down on the ground, with no way to reach the smaller woman as she tormented the hell out of her rib cage. It became obvious fairly quickly that this wasn’t the first time the two had fought this way, as Sarah managed to hit every last one of Tracy’s ticklish spots without difficulty, leaving her friend a gasping, moaning, writhing mess beneath her. In contrast Sarah herself was also gasping and moaning, though for rather different reasons as Tracy’s bucking body rubbed up against Sarah’s aching pussy, sending wave after wave of erotic torment through the blonde’s body. I briefly considered instructing Sarah to move to one side of her victim’s body to remove even the possibility that she’d be pushed over the edge by the additional contact, but held my peace. If she did cum, without permission, then I’d make sure she regretted it later that weekend, it was that simple.

Tracy somehow managed to get her hands under her and push upwards, twisting and turning until she flopped back onto the grass on her back, presumably hoping to trap Sarah in the process. Unfortunately Sarah had felt the move coming and had slid off and away from her tickle toy at the last moment, and as Tracy looked around frantically for her tormenter Sarah’s thighs slid around her head and locked in a devastating scissor hold. With virtually all her air cut off Tracy gave one last desperate heave to escape, but Sarah’s grip held and, to make matters even worse for her victim, she reached down and, with one swift motion, yanked Tracy’s t-shirt up, exposing her fabulous breasts in the process and diving to the attack with a rapid back and forth action with her finger nails that I remembered all too well.

From between her legs came a muffled squeal and Tracy’s body shook from head to toe. Her hands moved to Sarah’s thighs in a last ditch effort to break loose, but a renewed attack on her vulnerable breasts caused an instinctive reaction to push those tormenting hands away and by the time she’d started moving them back up towards her face it was too late. Her arms dropped to the grass and just as she did so Sarah gave a long moan and ground her hips forward, using her friends head to provide the final push into her own pleasure. The orgasm didn’t last long, and in all honesty probably did little to slake her need, but nevertheless it left her limp, her thighs resting around Tracy’s head but not actively denying her air any more.

Leaning down I pulled Sarah off her defeated opponent and popped a small capsule under Tracy's nose. The smelling salts did their work almost immediately and she snapped back to consciousness, staring up as she tried to account for the last few minutes. Recollection struck and she looked in horror at Sarah who returned it with a mix of apology and triumph at the knowledge she'd escaped the torment I had promised. I reached out and helped Tracy back to her feet. She staggered slightly, holding her head as she tried to regain her balance and I slipped out of character for a moment and scooped her up in my arms. Gratefully she slid her arms around my neck to help support her weight and we set off down through the woodland path, Sarah carrying both coats now as we made our way back home.

By the time we reached the flat Tracy had recovered well enough to walk on her own and I guided both her and Sarah into the living room. With the curtains drawn and only a single dim up-lighter providing illumination, the blanket covered mass in the centre of the room seemed almost threatening as they looked at it, Sarah still unsure that I was going to keep my word and concentrate my attentions on Tracy. Reaching down I pulled the blanket away and heard the gasp from both women as they saw what looked like a modern take on some ancient tool of torture.

In essence it was really two devices bolted together. On the left was an x-frame, the wooden boards padded and covered with leather to provide a somewhat more comfortable position for the victim, implying they were going to be on the thing for a while. It didn't lay flat on the floor, but was supported on a dozen legs about a foot off the floor, making it extremely stable and placing the victim at the perfect height for a kneeling tormentor to play with her body. The straps that decorated the frame were blood red, and like the frame itself were heavily padded for comfort, though they would restrain just as well, if not better, than thinner straps would. With restraints at wrist, bicep, throat, chest, stomach, hips, thighs, knees and ankles it would be possible to render any victim totally immobile if desired, and Tracy's eyes were locked on the frame in a mix of fascination and dread.

Sarah on the other hand was focused entirely on the other part of the device, as it seemed obvious that this was were she'd be spending her time. I hadn't made an effort to disguise this part, thinking it a waste of time, and her eyes lit up as she recognised the Sybian. This was, without doubt, the best self-stimulation device on the market and I knew that, at that moment, Sarah wanted nothing more than to try it out. This too though had been modified to suit my needs, with a wood frame underneath padded in the same manner as the x-frame, and with restraints attached to both the body of the Sybian and the boards to hold the 'rider' secure in a kneeling position over the half-circle body of the device.

Giving both women time to imagine what was to come I ditched my jacket and retrieved a small cloth bag from behind the sofa. Moving up to Tracy I un-tucked her t-shirt and slid the cotton up her body, running my hands over her as I did so until I reached her breasts. Through the cotton I rubbed her already hard nipples while keeping my eyes locked on hers, watching the war between her own desires and her pride as she tried to hide the feelings pulsing through her. After about a minute she groaned and I moved on, pulling her t-shirt off and unbuttoning her jeans. Moving behind her I wrapped my hands around her and ran my fingers in a staccato motion over her hipbone, pulling a wonderfully carefree giggle out of her as her body shock from side to side, causing the jeans to slide down her legs and pool on the floor.

I guided her over to the x-frame and had her lie down, arms above her head, feet spread out to follow the outline of the frame. After checking she was positioned correctly I pulled the straps tight over her ankles, wrists and thighs, leaving the rest hanging for now. I threw a leg over her waist and reached down, running my hands quickly over her ribs, up to her armpits, across to her breast and down to her stomach. Now full-throated laughter was released and she squirmed in an attempt to get away from me. After a couple of circuits around her upper body I pulled back and checked her bonds, satisfied that they hadn’t allowed her to move more than an inch or two side to side, and nothing at all up and down.

I turned and quickly checked that the stim-balls were still in place inside her pussy, sliding a single finger into her wet centre and causing her to buck frantically as she tried to rub her clit against my wrist. Laughing I pulled back, happy that the balls were properly positioned and doing their job. Turning to Sarah I beckoned her forward and, without a word, stripped her in the same manner I’d done with Tracy. This time though, rather than tickling her to remove her jeans I knelt in front of her and pulled them slowly down, my lips and tongue dancing over every inch of skin as it was revealed. By the time I reached her feet she was delirious, her legs physically trembling at my touch as her body pleaded for satisfaction. I stood quickly, finger dipping into her, hooking the band that connected the balls and in one swift, sure motion, pulling them free from her body. She staggered as they left her, the extra sensation almost enough to push her over the edge….but not quite. As she stood there, waiting for my touch, I simply crossed my arms over my chest, the balls dangling from my fingers and grinned. Her eyes went wide as she realised I wasn’t going to provide her release just yet and she opened her mouth to protest, a protest I silenced with a single finger against her lips.

Guiding her down I sat her on the Sybian just behind the protruding dildo. Tapping her legs caused her to rise up slightly and I secured her thighs, shins and feet to the framework surrounding the machine, leaving her in a position that prevented her escape but allowed her to slip on and off the machine as she wished. She was facing the foot of the x-frame, barely a foot away from the helpless soles of her best friend, and I saw the questioning look in her eyes as she realised that there was something she didn’t yet know about what was to come. A second tap, this time on her ass, had her moving forward and, with surprising speed, slipping the Sybian inside her. She started to bounce on that plastic cock and I placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking my head as, even as she pleaded with her eyes, she stopped moving and held still.

“I hope you’re both comfortable, as it’s going to be a while before you have the chance to stretch your legs.” I started with a smile on my face that sent a shiver down the spine of both women at the retribution it promised. “Now, I said that whoever won would be rewarded, and I intended to stick to that. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re not going to have to work for your reward.” A pause as I let the tension build a little.

“You see my dear,” I said to Sarah, her eyes locked on me as I knelt down beside her, “that machine you’re riding has had a slight modification.” I held up the control box and pushed both speed settings up to max. I saw her tense, then relax in disappointment as precisely nothing happened. “It will only react to sound, and the louder the noise the faster and more intense your ride becomes.” I grinned as I showed her the microphone I’d patched into the side of the control box, raised a finger and flicked my nail against the surface of the microphone. Immediately the Sybian buzzed into life and Sarah’s eyes went wide at the brief, but powerful sensation inside her, every muscle tensing for a moment, then relaxing as the machine stopped, leaving her panting for breath after only a few seconds of activity.

“So what you’re going to need,” I said, putting the control box down and reaching into my bag of tricks as I knelt behind her, “is a lot of noise. Unfortunately, for you at least, you’re not going to able to supply it yourself.” As I said this I placed a ball gag over her head, and before she realised what was happening had the bright red plastic ball popped securely into her mouth, the buckle pulled tight behind her head. I brought the control box to her lips where her frantic mews of protest didn’t so much as cause a twitch from the machine. “See what I mean?”

“Now of course it would be cruel to leave you like that, so close and yet so far to what you want, what you need, so I’ve provided you with an alternative.” As I said this I unclipped the microphone and, leaving the control box safely on the ground next to the Sybian, unrolled the wire until the head of the microphone could clip into a small hole in the x frame in line with Tracy’s ear. Walking back I reached over and, with the point of one nail, scratched lightly on Tracy’s soles. The laughter was instant, as was the reaction of the Sybian, Sarah acting as if she’d just received an electric shock as the machine tended to her. I stopped my scratching, Tracy stopped laughing and of course the machine stopped as well. I didn’t say a word, I didn’t need to. Sarah looked at me, looked at her friend who was, by this point shaking her head in desperation, not daring to actually beg for fear of starting the machine and simply encouraging Sarah to up the volume levels. I saw her close her eyes for a moment as she battled her own desires for a moment, then she looked up and across at her friend, threw her the most apologetic look I’ve ever seen and reached for her trapped feet.

Now I know from experience that Sarah is a devastatingly effective tickler, and what she can do to a pair of helpless soles when she has a mind to is almost unbelievable. But what I’d experienced seemed to pale into insignificance as her desperation drove her to unparalleled heights of creativity. Her fingernails danced over Tracy’s captive soles with a grace and purpose that was breathtaking to watch. It was more than enough to send Tracy into hysterics, her laughter pouring out as she wrenched up on her bonds, but despite her best efforts there was no give in the straps and all she could do was lie there and take it.

Of course the one area she could move freely was her body from chest to hips, and as her body demanded freedom she involuntarily started to shake and buck under the assault. This in turn added to the stimulation in her pussy as the devilish little stim-balls did their work and drove her rapidly into insanity. Sarah’s mews where becoming more and more frantic as the Sybian continued it stimulation of her dripping pussy, and she was moving quickly towards her own release. Inspired by the reaction she’d pulled from her friend Sarah increased her tickling, sending her nails deep between the toes, having to concentrate on one foot at a time now to hold them still and allow her to work her magic.

Watching all this unfold I smiled, knowing what was going to happen and wondering how my two beautiful slaves would react to it. The instant Tracy felt fingers between her sensitive toes she went ballistic, redoubling her efforts to escape and, more importantly as far as Sarah was concerned, moving into that particular type of laughter that only true desperation can bring. The type of laughter that racks the body, that makes your lungs burn, your eyes tear, your mind go blank and, most importantly that comes out silent. Of course, as soon as that happened the machine shut down, leaving Sarah hanging on the peak of the most powerful orgasm of her young life. Her mind couldn’t understand it, her body so focused on release she simply couldn’t concentrate long enough to realise what had happened, so did the only thing she could do. She tickled harder.

It was an instinctive reaction, her mind making the connection between tickling and pleasure based on past experience, but in this case it only made things worse for her. Tracy was now beyond the point of reason, of sanity and was lying still, exhausted, her body twitching occasionally as her energy focused on bringing enough air into her body to survive. Her eyes were gradually rolling back into her head, her hands clamped around the end of the wooden frame as she wheezed out her tormented laughter in a series of gasps that would just make the machine twitch occasionally, encouraging Sarah to ever greater lengths of tickle torture.

For over five minutes the cycle repeated, Sarah pulling tricks out of her arsenal that I’d never even imagined existed. When she placed all five fingernails against the middle toe of Tracy’s right foot, two at the base, the other three on the sides and pad, and somehow managed to scritch and scratch with all five fingers seemingly independently I winced, well able to imagine what that had felt like, especially in the exhausted state Tracy was now in. All the time Sarah’s muffled mews and groans increased in urgency, every time she tried to buck her own hips to provide additional stimulation my hands were on her shoulders, holding her in place, forcing her to focus on her victim for her pleasure.

Finally, after what must have seemed an eternity in the very depths of tickle hell for Tracy, Sarah’s mind caught up with the situation and she eased off her assault, switching to a slow, long, lazy stroking of the captive soles in front of her. As Tracy gradually started to recover Sarah somehow managed to stop her attack altogether, forcing herself to sit still despite the desperate need of her body, a need that was causing her to twitch occasionally as nerves fired seemingly at random. She gave her friend a full ten minutes to recover, though for the last few minutes her hands were clenching and unclenching subconsciously, reaching out and pulling back as she forced herself to wait just a little longer. Then she could wait no longer and made contact once again, returning to the long stroking motions to pull a rich, full laugh from Tracy and set the Sybian back into motion at close to its maximum setting.

As the machine moved and twisted inside of her Sarah’s eyes fluttered, closing for a moment before snapping open as a new sensation coursed through her. Her body tensed and I could see her now actively hanging on, trying to hold back the massive orgasm that was about to overwhelm her as if scared at what it would do. But after so much stimulation it was an impossible task and the results were inevitable. As Sarah hit a spot maybe half an inch below Tracy’s big toe Tracy squirmed involuntarily, the motion causing the stim-balls to move inside her and a loud moan escaped her lips just as Sarah’s fingers touched the middle of her arch and added a high pitched squeal of laughter to the mix. The machine pulsed at the sound and that was enough.

Sarah crashed over the edge and howled as her whole body seemed to pulse, her muscles visibly tensing and relaxing in a wave that moved from her toes to the very top of her neck. Her scream was loud enough that the ball gag didn’t seem to cut it down in the least and she threw her head back, every muscle and sinew on her neck standing out in sharp relief. Her eyes had rolled back, only the whites of her eyes showing as her mind overloaded from the pleasure that had been building inside her for so long. She held that position for almost a minute, her body locked in position as she howled in ecstasy. Finally, drained, she slumped forward, her head coming to rest on the upturned feet of her friend, body twitching in the aftermath. I reached forward and unbuckled the gag, easing it from her mouth and checking she was alright before releasing her legs from their bonds and lifting her limp body in my arms to carry her to the sofa, covering her naked form with a satin sheet. I smoothed her hair away from her face, leaned down and kissed her. She returned the kiss gently, tenderly and I realised with some surprise it was the first such kiss we’d shared, free of the desperate passion that had characterised the past week and finding, again to my surprise, that I actually preferred the tender option.

Leaving her lying there, awake and aware but so drained she couldn’t even muster the strength to turn her head to face her friend, I knelt down alongside Tracy’s ribs, one hand sliding over her stomach, drawing a simple swirl on her sweat-soaked flesh before my fingers reached their target and started to tease the outer edges of her mound. I shifted slightly, sliding my legs out alongside her, half leaning on the raised platform as I whispered to her.

“Just imagine…” my hand wandered around her core, moving in a slow, lazy spiral towards her desperate centre.

“What it will feel like….” My fingers touched her lips and she bucked up to meet me, babbling incoherently as she pleaded with me not to stop.

“What it would do to you….” I slipped the very tip of one finger into her and felt her pussy pulse, trying to suck me in deeper but not quite managing it.

“If you were allowed release like that….” A shape moved into my view as Sarah staggered over to kneel on the other side of her friend, her fingers joining mine in dancing over her most sensitive spot.

“Which of course….” Our fingers met and slid together along her lips, her wetness coating our fingertips as we moved. I sat up slightly and pulled Sarah down to me, sharing another long, tender kiss with her as I hovered a fingertip over Tracy’s clit, knowing full well that a single tap would be all that was needed now to push her over the precipice. I locked eyes with Sarah and, without a word being said, she seemed to understand my intentions and removed her hand, leaving me the honour of that final touch.

“You’re not.”

Her cries, threats, and pleading followed us out of the room as we headed for the bedroom…

About an hour later the bedroom door opened and I stepped quietly through into the corridor, glancing back to take another look at Sarah’s body, covered now by the duvet as she slept, a vision in the dim light filtering through the curtains. A smile came easily as I saw her turn and adjust at my presence, or lack of it. Always nice to know you’re missed after all. We’d certainly made enough noise working out the tensions of the day for Tracy to have heard enough to keep her on the edge of the precipice we’d left her hanging on earlier. Of course she wasn’t to know that only one of us had actually been granted release, as I always found my mind sharper and more aware when I was still anticipating that release than after it. Moving as silently as I could I slipped to the open door of the living room, glanced in and stopped dead.

Tracy was indeed still where we left her, naked and strapped down to the x-frame in the middle of the room but I’d never seen anyone so desperate for contact as she was at that moment. Despite the straps that held her securely in place she was writhing against the wood, hands clenching and relaxing as she reached up to find something, anything to free herself with. Her muscles rippled as she sought any weakness in her bonds, eyes and mouth wide open as she hovered in her very own erotic purgatory, trapped between heaven and hell, totally dependant on some outside influence to move on. For a moment I considered granting her the release her body so obviously craved, but something told me that deep down, she wouldn’t thank me for that act, not yet anyway. Tracy was the sort to always push her limits, always question her boundaries and I knew somehow she wasn’t yet at her breaking point.

Moving into the room I sat down beside her and placed my hands in hers. Instantly her hands grasped me tightly as she turned towards me with a sound that was part groan, part gasp, part growl. I slowly slid a leg over her thighs, letting the woollen dressing gown fall open as my bare skin touched hers. She was panting by the time I’d settled my weight across her, eyes locked onto my already-hard member with an intensity that both worried and thrilled me. Again I considered granting her relief, though for very different reasons now as I wondered what it would be like to slip inside her when she was this focused. I wavered for a moment, and then slid up her body to sit astride her hips, leaning down with her hands still grasping mine to kiss her. She met my lips with a hunger like none I’d ever known, and for a long time we stayed like that until finally air became an overriding priority and I pulled reluctantly away, both of us gasping to fill our lungs.

I tried to move away from this dazzlingly tempting vision of desperation, only to find her still gripping my hands tightly. Her eyes locked with mine and the pleading there was enough to take my breath away as effectively as her lips had done. I composed myself and slipped into the safety of my mask, bringing the personality I’d adopted around me like a cloak, raising an eyebrow with a small, knowing smile. Her only response was to grip harder and I lowered my head once more, this time aiming for her neck and shoulder. As soon as my lips made contact with that sweet skin I started lapping and nibbling, sending shockwaves through her system as her body reacted to the ticklish touch. She thrashed her head from side to side but with my cheek absorbing the impact she wasn’t going to shake me off that easily. Undaunted I moved down to the edge of her collarbone and worked my way along, assaulting her with my mouth as best I could. I made it about halfway before a shudder passed through her and her hands sprang open to release me.

Standing I walked down to her waist and reached down, probing her wetness for the cord connecting the stim-balls that still lurked within her. With one quick tug I pulled them out of her, the sensation causing her to arch her back with such force that the entire frame jumped off the ground and it was only my legs that braced it from falling over. She howled with need as she saw me straighten and I grinned down at her, placing the balls in her right hand, a deliberate attempt to use her own mind against her, as she contemplated what may have been if she hadn’t held me.

“Please…” she whispered, her jaw now clenched so tight I wondered if I’d hear her teeth grinding. It was the first word she’d spoken since I entered the room and I curled my legs under me as I sat by her shoulder, leaning over to whisper into her ear as I dialled my voice down as low as it would go.

“Please what?” I teased, feeling the complaint in my throat from being so far outside my natural range but ignoring it.

”Please…I…I need…”

“I know my love, I know. But I did explain what would happen to the both of you and I can’t go back on my word, you know that.”

”But…” She was close to tears now and I realised she did indeed need something, though I thought she might not realise what exactly it was she needed.

“Shh, shhh, it’s okay.” I murmured, bringing my voice up again, dropping the mask as I tried to reassure her she was still safe, still amongst friends not strangers, my hand brushing sweat-soaked hair away from her face.

“Simon…” It came as a gasp, and I wondered for a moment just how far the woman I knew had been buried under what we’d created.

“I’m here, look, look at me. Come on, come back to me…” I held her for a long moment, letting her break the contact first, waiting until she blinked and turned away, the nod so small a casual observer would have missed it completely. I waited a few more seconds before dropping back into character.

“I will however give you a way out. Tonight, at some point, I will give you a single chance for redemption, a task to complete. Or maybe I should say survive. Manage that and we’ll see what can be done.”

She didn’t say anything, just looked up at me and nodded once, slowly, deliberately, some of her old confidence back in her face and I reached over to kiss her once more, a gentle touch now, her passion once more under control as she rallied her strength, focused on what I’d just promised her. A way out and more importantly a chance to earn that freedom rather than simply being handed it.

I undid the straps holding her in place and lifted her body gently in my arms, moving her to the sofa and covering her body with the sheet that had previously hidden the frame and Sybian from view. Almost instantly she was asleep, and I settled into a padded chair to let both women get a brief rest before the evening. Reaching over I pulled a notepad out of my kit bag and started to jot down the day for future retelling, looking forward to the reaction from both women when they read it.

What seemed like minutes later, though a quick glance at the clock showed almost two hours had past, I heard a rumbling in the driveway that was clearly audible even through the double-glazing. Getting to my feet and slipping on a t-shirt and jeans I stepped to the front door and walked out to organise payment for my next surprise. Wandering back in I woke Sarah and told her what to wear for the evening and to help Tracy shower and dress, reminding her not, under any circumstances, to allow her friend the release she craved. Not that I though that would be a problem now, Tracy’s own pride would probably prevent her from even trying but it wouldn’t hurt to be vigilant.

Even with Sarah’s help it took Tracy over an hour to get ready, but the results were well worth it. A tight white shirt and short black skirt highlighted her gorgeous figure perfectly, her hair falling loose around her shoulders and a simple red lipstick the only decoration on her face. She really was a vision, an angel fallen to earth, yet was almost outdone by the devil standing next to her. Sarah was dressed head to foot in black, leather trousers so tight I’d have sworn she needed to sew herself into them. A see-through black lace top with a spider web design, long gloves that rose past her elbows to mid bicep and a black collar snug around her throat. Her blond hair was thrown backwards in a tight ponytail that lent just the right amount of severity to her image. The only splash of colour was a blood red corset pulled tight over the lace top, giving a tantalising glimpse of what lay beneath while never revealing any specifics. I was dressed far more simply, black jeans, shirt and shoes, a waistcoat mirroring Sarah’s corset in colour, not drawing the eye but somehow capturing it if it landed there. A quick glance and we headed out of the flat, the girls a step in front of me as I wanted to gauge their reaction.

There, in the middle of the driveway, was a black Honda NSX, gleaming in the streetlamps and far more suited to the occasion than my normal transport. I opened the door and indicated Tracy should get in first. She soon found out why as Sarah slid in on top of her, shuffling round until she was comfortably settled on her friends lap, the lack of rear seats not proving to be any real disadvantage. I slipped into the driver seat and turned the key, luxuriating in the bark from the V6 behind us. Pulling out onto the main road I pointed the car north and started to concentrate on the traffic, not wanting to dent a £60,000 supercar, even if it was only on loan for the evening.

We hadn’t gone more than a mile when I heard giggling next to me. Glancing over I saw Sarah’s fingers tucked firmly under Tracy’s armpits, letting the vibrations of the car move her fingertips over her friend’s now ultra-sensitive skin. With such an incentive I couldn’t resist and floored the accelerator, taking the car up to the top of the rev range and sending Tracy into a fit of the giggles that mingled with the glorious wail of the engine and for one long moment it seemed as if the car itself was doing the tickling, and from the sound of it, it was loving it.

The trip took maybe half an hour, the rise and fall of the car’s revs matched by the stream of giggles from the passenger seat. Finally we pulled up outside the nightclub, the bouncers checking my ticket before letting us slip into the reserved parking bay, and the reaction from those waiting to enter the club was incredible. There were a few stares at the car but they were nothing compared to the open-mouthed astonishment that greeted Sarah as she stepped out and swung gracefully onto my arm. That reaction was doubled a moment later as Tracy followed her and wrapped herself around my other side. Trying to maintain an air of detached interest I walked forward, as if having two devastating beauties accompanying me on an evening out was an everyday occurrence and we stepped inside the club.

The interior was, surprisingly, rather up market, with black leather sofas and chairs spread through the spacious single room, a well stocked bar taking up the entirety of the right wall, a large dance floor taking up the middle of the room with a stage against the back wall. Something veiled in shadow lurked at the far left, tucked against the wall and whatever it was had a fairly constant stream of patrons passing by and crowding around. Everyone was decked out in various combinations of rock music fashion and gothic dress, with a smattering of BDSM related costumes here and there in the masses. The place was maybe three quarters full and there had to be a few hundred people inside at the least. Whoever had set the music up had gone for a very heavy play list and the sounds of St Anger welcomed us as we placed our order at the bar before moving to a reserved corner booth.

Wood panels rose up around the half-circle sofa blocking the view into the booth from anywhere other than the straight-ahead position, providing privacy without isolating the occupants from the rest of the club. A low table, polished to an almost mirror finish, lay in front of the sofa and we carefully placed our drinks down as we watched the activity out on the dance floor. I’d ended up in between the two women and wondered what the scene looked like to someone glancing into the booth. I had a mental image of a real-life version of the cartoon ‘devil and angel’ discussion, with the devil whispering sweet nothings in my ear on one side, the angel trying to convince me to take the path of good in the other and couldn’t help smiling at the thought, especially as I already knew where my loyalties lay that night.

The music changed and the opening bars to Closer drifted over the club, the dance floor immediately filling in response. Sarah turned and grinned, sliding halfway into my lap as her hands sought out Tracy’s body, Sarah’s lips meeting mine as I lowered my head to hers. She paused for a long moment and I felt her groan into my mouth as my hands found her hips and flicked gently over her waist. Her mouth tweaked up against mine as she grinned, then she moved on, ending up sitting in Tracy’s lap, her legs wrapped around her friend’s as her hands wandered over every inch of that crisp white shirt, leaving Tracy moaning once more. In a single smooth move Sarah stood gracefully, pulling Tracy up with her and the two moved onto the dance floor. I watched fascinated as Sarah played with her friend both physically and mentally, her skilled fingers shifting effortlessly from erotic tease to tickling dervish and back, never falling into a pattern, never giving Tracy a chance to anticipate what was coming and certainly never bringing her too close to her release. That was, after all, the single instruction I’d given her, “play as you will but make her cum and you’ll be screaming for forgiveness by nights end”.

The song surged on into another Nine Inch Nails track, then another and still another, all slow, pounding, sensuous songs that seemed to energise and inspire Sarah as she came up with ever more inventive ways to torment her victim. As a member of the bar staff passed with a tray full of drinks I saw Sarah’s hand shoot out and snag something from one of the glasses and despite myself I was shocked at just how quickly and smoothly she managed it. A few seconds later I realised what exactly it was she’d taken as Tracy’s head went back and she squirmed, hands moving up to her neck before Sarah grabbed them and pulled her hands down onto her hips. Grinning Sarah guided her friend around until Tracy’s back was towards me and I saw the streak of darker white that seemed to trace her spine through the shirt, the small lump trapped just above her backside expanding as the ice slowly melted away.

When they returned to the booth Sarah was practically glowing, her mind and body fired beyond belief at the very public display she’d put on. Tracy on the other hand was trembling, her body once more finding itself touching its limits, though her eyes were still clear as they sought mine, reassuring me she hadn’t yet reached her mental limit as she had done earlier. I gave both women a few minutes to cool down and, when I was pretty sure they were looking elsewhere, signalled one of the club owners to start the next part of the evening’s entertainment.

The music faded away, the lights dimming several bouncers moved to the back of the club and started pushing the object that had received so much attention into the middle of the now empty dance floor. Once it was in position a spotlight shone down, and a collective gasp rose from the assembled masses. There, practically gleaming in the light, was a medieval rack set at a slight angle from the floor, the only modern touch a set of padded cuffs attached to the ropes top and bottom. A second spotlight was turned on, illuminating an empty space in front of the rack, and a hushed air of expectation settled over the room. There was a muffled whimper from my right and I turned to look at Tracy who was staring transfixed at the device, eyes wide as she realised what was about to happen. Her head was shaking ever so slightly from side to side, and in her eyes I saw something I never thought I would: fear. I leant over to whisper to her, dropping out of character again as I did so.

“I promised you a chance, well here it is my love. Survive ten minutes, that’s all, just ten minutes and you can escape your fate. You don’t have to do this, say the word and we’ll leave right now. Of course you know what’ll happen for the rest of the weekend if you do.”

She looked up at me then, visibly trembling as she replied: “What…what do I have to do?”

“As I said survive ten minutes of tickle torture without breaking, without crying uncle, and you win.”

“That’s all?”

“That’s all.”

“And…and who’s going to tickle me?”

“Everyone.” I replied, trying to suppress my grin, confident now that she was going to do this as a little of her normal confidence started to edge back into her voice. She paused for a long moment, trying to grasp what she’d just been told, then took a single long breath and stood up, stepping forward into the spotlight and sliding her shoes off as she did so. I’d expected her to be slightly tentative, but again I was surprised as she strode into view with a confidence I knew she didn’t, couldn’t feel. Standing there, the focus of everyone’s attention, she radiated defiance, turning slowly in a complete circle, both showing off her incredible figure and casting her challenge to every single person that was watching. I glanced around and saw the vast majority of the patrons staring mesmerised at this vision, both men and women subconsciously twitching their fingers as they thought about tormenting this cocky slave. It was a masterful performance, the perfect victim for a room full of tickle fans, a woman who was actively challenging them to break her, an attitude that practically begged to be torn down and I found myself wondering if she wasn’t pushing her luck a little.

Tracy stepped forward, practically caressing the rack before sliding into position, her feet resting on a raised, angled board at the bottom of the rack, her arms down by her sides as she took another look at the crowd. Then, ever so slowly, she raised her arms over her head and slipped her wrists into the restraints, holding her arms in place while waiting for the bouncers to secure her. That took a little longer than it should have done as they were as spell bound as the rest of us, and it took them a moment to realise this was their cue. Once they’d secured both her hands and feet in position Tracy upped the stakes again by doing the most sensual restraint checking I’d ever seen, a slow writhe side to side that hit the libido like a steel bar and left more than one man in the crowd gasping for air as if she’d just laid her lips on their ‘best friend’.

Sarah glanced over at me and I nodded, giving her permission to start her own part in the proceedings. Again, her orders were simple, but direct: “Don’t let anything happen to her, and if she breaks let her go immediately.” Walking over to the side of the rack, lit only be the edge of the spotlight which lent her a dangerous air that was perfectly matched to her outfit, she started to turn the crank wheel at the top of the rack. Whoever had built the machine had really paid attention to the little details, and a sharp crack rang out with every turn of the wheel, making some of those that had become a little too enthralled by the performance jump in their seats. As the wheel turned and the ropes started to pull Tracy’s body out tight, she kept up her crowd teasing act, wriggling and writhing in ever smaller movements as her freedom was reduced turn by turn until finally she was stretched taut, every curve, bump and ticklish spot open and accessible to anyone that wished to exploit them. Sarah slipped a blindfold over Tracy’s eyes and, before pulling back, laid a gentle kiss on her lips and a brief tickle on her ribs. Somewhere in the darkness the music kicked back into life and the dance floor once again filled. This time though there was a purpose to everyone’s movements that had been missing previously.

As the first bars of Evanescence’s Whisper rang out I made a mental note to thank the owner of the club for agreeing to lay on this particular fetish night for me, and for his musical taste. Amy Lee’s soaring voice was the perfect compliment to the motion on the dance floor as the first group of ticklers approached what had now effectively become an altar with a willing sacrifice available to all. Two men, three women, all five of them clearly captivated by the sight that lay before them, and as they reached out for her helpless body I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Tracy’s mind.

Catch me as i fall
say you're here and it's all over now

The first touch against her skin clearly surprised her, the music effectively masking any hint of where people might be, and she jerked away as best she could in her bondage.

Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and i fall into myself

Clearly emboldened by this reaction all five of them dove in, the women taking position either side of the rack, hands dancing in Tracy’s armpits, two of the men underneath them with hands fluttering around her thighs and knees, the other man in front of her as he targeted her ribs and stomach.

This truth drives me
Into madness

For a moment I thought she might actually be able to hold out, her head shaking so fast her hair blurred as it swung, lips clenched together, hands clenched tightly enough to make me concerned she may break the skin.

I know i can stop the pain
If i will it all away

But there was no way she could stand this sort of punishment for long and within seconds a shudder passed through her, her back arched as best it could and a tidal wave of laughter erupted from her, loud enough to be heard above the pounding of the music.

Don't turn away
(don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(though they're screaming your name)

As soon as she tried to move I saw realisation dawn of just how vulnerable she was in this position. The ropes allowed virtually no play at all, and she was virtually immobile. Again I saw her eyes open wide in fear as she saw more people move to join the group already tormenting her helpless body

Don't close your eyes
(god knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(never sleep never die)

Two more women joined the group, crouching down and sliding their fingers around and under her soles, supporting some of her weight themselves as they sought out the best possible locations to rest their long nails.

I'm frightened by what I see
but somehow I know

As the women dug in Tracy went ballistic, mouth hanging open as her body heaved for air, all movement stilled as all her energy focused on getting air into her lungs as she tried desperately to ignore the lightning tracing paths through her body with every fresh touch.

That there's much more to come
Immobilized by my fear

Another group moved over, and the original ticklers moved away, seemingly content to allow someone else to take over. This group were all women, and all but one of the six went to Tracy’s sides, shuffling round as they tried to find room to both stand and tickle.

And soon to be
Blinded by tears

The sixth stepped in front of Tracy and, when she was sure that whatever part of the poor woman was still living in reality was focused on her, raised her hands and waved her long, tapered, blood red fingernails just in front of Tracy’s face before resting them on the collar of her shirt and starting to slowly run them down Tracy’s body.

I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Tracy’s eyes were fixed on those nails, and even from my vantage point I could hear her pleading with this woman not to do what she obviously had in mind. The nails passed gently over her breasts, down to the centre of her stomach. They fanned out and with a grin as evil as I’ve ever seen, this woman dug in to Tracy’s sides with a speed and ferocity I’d never imagined existed.

Don't turn away
(don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(though they're screaming your name)

The howl that was ripped from her body was almost enough for me to intervene, and I was halfway out of my seat when I saw Tracy look straight at me and, with her eyes locked on mine, managed to regain enough control to shake her head at me and mouth a single ‘no’ before dropping back into whatever hell she was currently inhabiting.

Don't close your eyes
(god knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(never sleep never die)

I hung back, amazed at the strength she’d displayed, though concerned about the intelligence of her decision. Suddenly her laughter shifted up at least an octave and I saw the woman in front of her slip a finger through the gap between shirt buttons and dip that long nail into Tracy’s belly button.

fallen angels at my feet
whispered voices at my ear

At the same time the other women doubled their own efforts, fingers flying over flesh, stocking, skirt and shirt, all of them determined it seemed to drive her completely out of her mind. There was an ominous creak from the rope at the top of the rack and to the astonishment of those watching the crank actually moved a notch down, something that should have been impossible.

death before my eyes
lying next to me i fear

Yet more people crowded around, and Tracy seemed to disappear beneath a sea of humanity, only her head still visible as everyone seemed to want to inflict their own ticklish punishment to this seemingly oh so arrogant victim who’d delivered herself to them so neatly.

she beckons me
shall i give in

It became an almost animalistic scene, the clubs patrons practically falling over themselves to find an extra inch of flesh that didn’t have a finger pressed against it. Yet despite their desperation it remained almost civil, people on the inside of the scrum being moved steadily outwards as those on the outside forced their way in.

upon my end shall i begin
forsaking all i've fallen for
i rise to meet my end

Watching this scene I felt the music fade away, my attention narrowing until only the rack, it’s gorgeous occupant and the mass of people in front of her filled my vision. Tracy was staring blankly off into space, but her previous cry was still echoing in my mind and I resolved to follow her wish as best I could. Her mouth hung open, only the smallest twitch of her head giving any indication she was still on the same planet as her tormentors, her hands gripping the top of the rack hard enough to turn the knuckles white. I saw Sarah worm her way into the middle of the crowd, dropping to her knees as she did so to, the better, I presumed, to attack her friend’s waist and hips. Suddenly Tracy convulsed and let out a scream that echoed through the room, every muscle straining as the stimulation overwhelmed her, the enormous amount of sexual frustration that had built in her body coming to a devastating peak as her orgasm almost broke her in two.

The crowd instantly moved back, they all knew the rules about where and how they could touch this beauty and one look at my face convinced all of them they didn’t want to be the one accused of breaking those rules. They swept aside like the parting of the red sea as I strode forward, and the sight they revealed to me left me fighting not to laugh as the perfect opportunity to fulfil my promise to Tracy without going back on my earlier deal with both women presented itself.

There, framed by the curious crowd, was the rack and its occupant who even now was still trapped in the throes of her climax. In between her thighs was Sarah, her head angled upwards, her mouth latched over her friend’s satin-covered clit as she fought to pull back and away from the death grip Tracy’s thighs had on her skull. After satisfying myself that this was really only an uncomfortable position for her rather than a dangerous one, I waited patiently for Tracy to relax her body and free her friend. It took almost a minute, and when she finally did Sarah pulled away quickly, turning still on her knees to find me towering over her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” she started, almost babbling the words. I cut her off with an anger that I really didn’t feel but needed for appearances sake.

”Quiet! I told you what would happen if you made such a mistake.” I grabbed her roughly under the arms and jerked her to her feet.

“I treated you like an equal and this is your response?” A gesture to the rack and Sarah started fumbling with the ropes to free her friend, a task made harder with the shaking in her fingers.

“Well, if politeness doesn’t work, and if respect means nothing to you, we’ll just have to try some other way.” The last rope fell away and Tracy stood slowly, legs shaking as she tried to catch a breath. I slipped an arm around her and took her weight, helping her towards the door, Sarah walking behind us with her head bowed, eyes locked on the floor. We swept out of the door and headed towards the car, while from behind us a wave of applause filtered out from the depths of the club into the night sky.

The drive back was done in silence, the tension thick enough to be almost visible. The instant the front door to the flat shut behind us I wrapped a hand around Sarah’s waist and lifted her bodily into the air, throwing her over my shoulder as I marched towards the bedroom. Throwing her none too gently onto the bed on her back I got both hands under her and flipped her over, one knee planted between her shoulder blades to hold her down, my hands pulling at the cord that held the corset closed, unthreading it from top to bottom until it simply slid out from under her squirming body.

I glanced up and nodded at Tracy, directing her to Sarah’s waist as I pulled her top up to a point just below her breasts. Tracy rapidly undid the belt that hugged Sarah’s hips and a few seconds later she was naked from the waist down. A quick tug and a rapid lift and fall of my knee had her top up and over her head, the lace wrapped around her wrists. A few extra twists and a quick knot had her hands secure behind her back, a moments more work had her ankles lashed together with the cord from the corset and the belt threaded between the two to complete a tight hogtie that brought her hands and feet almost to the point of touching as she lay face down on the bed.

Moving off her now trapped body I let Tracy take my place, her thighs draped over her friends back and ass to help hold her steady, fingers poised over those exposed soles. Tracy looked up at me with a fire and passion in her eyes that made me tremble, and I nodded permission for her to go ahead. She didn’t waste time or words on a slow build up either, fingers flying over Sarah’s soles as if her life depended on it, no doubt remembering the torments she herself had been put through so recently by the person now trapped beneath her fingertips.

To her credit Sarah tried to hold on, burying her face into the pillow as she trembled with the effort of holding her laughter in. But even under normal circumstances I suspect she couldn’t have managed that trick, and with a very motivated Tracy scratching and scraping at her soles she had no chance. Her laughter when it came was almost musical, dancing around the room as her head came up, her back arching as she tried to wriggle her way up the bed and away from those devilish fingers. Satisfied that Sarah wasn’t going anywhere, and that it would take a little while to really start to break down her defences I headed for the bathroom, leaving both doors open as I stepped under the almost-scalding water, needing to take the edge of my own anger, to get to a point where I could use it rather than the other way round. My mind whirled as I came up with a suitable punishment for her, seemingly endless possibilities marching past my eyes. Suddenly, in one crystal-clear moment of revelation I knew exactly what to do, exactly what penalty would fit this particular crime and I relaxed back under the shower, the water streaming over tired muscles as the sweet laughter of my waiting victim rose over me, relaxing my spirit as the water did my body.

I was just about to enter the bedroom when I heard Sarah shriek before dissolving into hysterics. Swinging round the door I saw Tracy bent over her friend’s captive feet, her mouth eagerly sucking away as she worked her into a ticklish frenzy. Tracy looked up from her meal and grinned, opening her mouth and running that skilled tongue over full lips while gazing significantly at my waist. I followed her gaze and realised I hadn’t finished tying the robe closed before Sarah had shrieked and my member was standing proud, and getting prouder by the instant as Tracy gazed at me. Grinning I lent over and brushed her hair back, felt her lift her head slightly in anticipation. I rested the very tip against her lips and waited. Only a few seconds later Tracy bobbed her head forward and down, taking me down to the hilt. It was an incredible sensation, but one that I felt needed something extra to be complete.

“Wait.” I said, stepping back slightly to pull clear of that hungry mouth. “There’s something that needs to be done first.” Tracy looked at me, clearly not realising where I was going with this. Reaching down I scooped Sarah into my arms, no easy task with her body still locked in the hogtie, and carried her into the living room. Placing her gently on the floor I untied her bonds and turned her over, picked her up and slid her body onto the x-frame. She knew better than to try and fight and stretched her arms out above her head, feet finding the ends of the boards without being told. Her wrists I strapped down immediately, though I left the other straps loose for now. I whispered an instruction to Tracy and she disappeared into the bedroom for a moment. I waited until she returned and then pulled the stim-balls that had been so effective on both women earlier that day from my kit bag. Sarah was so wet already I didn’t need to worry about lubricating the small plastic globes and they slid in easily. Reaching out I waited for Tracy to press the item I’d sent her for into my hand. A quick movement later and Sarah was no longer naked, a pair of white silk panties covering her womanhood, much to her disappointment. A moment later and the straps were in place around her ankles, rendering escape impossible though she had more freedom than Tracy had experienced.

Grinning I dipped into the bag again, pulling out a couple of items I’d retrieved from the girls own toy chest a few minutes earlier. Sliding the black latex glove over my right hand I gazed down upon my victim, waited for the shock of recognition to hit. As soon as it did, as soon as her eyes went wide and she opened her mouth to protest I leant down and slipped a small ball gag into her mouth, following it with a blindfold that effectively left her only with her sense of touch and her hearing, both of which I intended to use.

“Can you hear me?” I whispered, lips close enough to tickle her with my breath. “Nod if you can hear me.” The nod was so quick as to be almost comical.

“You know why you’re here, in this position, in this time and in this place?” Another nod, though slower, more reluctant than the first.

“Then you accept that you need to be punished for what you have done?” This time there was a long pause before the nod.

“Good, then that may make this easier for you. You recognise this glove of course, after all it’s one of yours.” I paused, remembering the last time I’d seen the glove, and what it had been used for. “Well, I think it only fair that you experience what you inflict on others.” I placed a large red capsule in the gloved hand and ran it gently over her body.

“You know what that is, don’t you?” She shuddered as the soft plastic touched her right nipple, yes she did indeed know what this was, and what it would do to her. I stood and beckoned Tracy to kneel in front of me, her hand reaching out and cupping my balls as she did so. “You will get some warning though my love to prepare for it, more than you gave me I believe. Unlike the two of you, I’ve yet to find my own release today, and I intend to rectify that right now. When I do find that release, I suspect my reaction will be quite a powerful one. Certainly it will be enough to break this capsule and, well, you can guess where its contents will end up.”

As Sarah moaned and shook her head, searching for anyway to gain a last minute reprieve from the hell I’d just condemned her to, Tracy decided she waited long enough and sent her tongue dancing along my length. She brought everything she knew, every trick she’d ever mastered to the task and within a handful of minutes I could feel my body tense, her fingers working my swollen balls as her mouth clamped around my shaft. Any thought I may have had about holding back was quickly proved hopelessly optimistic as she started to hum, her tongue sliding along me as she looked straight into my eyes. It was more, far more, than I could stand and I exploded, muscles convulsing as I did, my throat feeling as if it had been stripped raw as I groaned, grunted and screamed my desire, my pleasure. There was the faintest of cracks from my hand and with my last remaining self-control I scattered the contents of the capsule as best I could over Sarah, covering her from neck to knees.

It took maybe a minute for me to come down, and I almost forgot myself and caressed Tracy’s bare skin with my gloved hand. Just in time I remembered and pulled away, carefully pulling the glove inside out before setting it down well away from anywhere we were likely to be. After all, itching powder is such an irritant if it gets in the eyes… Even in such a short time, it was already taking effect on the unfortunate Sarah, and she was starting to shift in her bonds, trying to relieve the maddening tingle that seemed to cover her skin. The girls had used the same powder on me only a few days ago and had nearly driven me out of my mind in the process. I don’t know where they got the stuff, but it built from a gentle irritation to an itch bad enough to make you wish you could scrape your skin off, before settling down again into a constant tingle that felt like a small, rough feather being dragged over your body. I’d spared Sarah the worst of that sensation by covering her most sensitive area before applying the powder, a favour they hadn’t shown me. In fact they’d positively delighted in brushing the stuff around my stomach and down onto and around my crotch, making me beg for mercy, for release, for something to stop the sensations that ripped through my body.

Yes, I’d spared her that sensation, but in the process had actually given her something far worse. With her bondage allowing her a fair degree of freedom, she was going to move around as she struggled to control her reaction. With the stim balls firmly in place that was going to drive her insane with the same never-ending stimulation as she’d experienced briefly in the morning and that her friend had been tormented with for far longer.

Reaching behind the sofa I found the same silk sheet I’d used earlier and draped it over the cushions, made one final check of Sarah’s bonds and stretched out. Tracy didn’t need any encouragement to join me and we snuggled together, enjoying the feel of flesh on flesh as Sarah’s cries, turned into little more than muffled squeaks by the gag, rose around us.

The dawn light filtered through the curtains, pulling me reluctantly from my sleep. I twitched slightly to the side as I tried to shift away from the growing brightness and felt the soft, warm form snuggle closer alongside me. Sliding an arm almost instinctively around her shoulders I let me eyes drift open, enjoying as always the sight of Tracy’s naked body next to mine, wondering for a long moment what I’d done in a previous life to have deserved the past week. That thought prompted me to raise my head, looking down at the x-frame in the centre of the room and its unfortunate victim.

Sarah was, not to put too fine a point on it, a mess. She lay still against the wood, her bonds still in place despite her frantic tugging during the night. Her body gleamed with her exertions, hear matted to her head, eyes staring into space as she accepted the ticklish stimulation being visited upon her by the powder. The additional stimulation from the balls tucked inside her pussy had her in an obviously aroused state, her body practically screaming to be touched as she suffered through her lonely torment.

Sliding my way gently out of Tracy’s embrace I moved soundlessly to sit by Sarah’s shoulders, looking straight down into her eyes. The look I got back shocked me to my core, I’d never seen such an intense, pleading, lusting stare from anyone before, hadn’t even realised it was possible. The effect on my body and heart was instant and I reached down to remove her bonds, able to think only of taking her right here and now. As my fingertips touched the restraints though memories of what she’d put me through the previous week flooded my mind once more and I paused, letting my hands linger over the straps before pulling back, an evil grin plucking at the corners of my mouth as I returned her gaze. No, this wouldn’t end here and now, the game wasn’t over yet and I would be damned if I’d let her ‘win’ so easily.

Moving back to the sofa I leant down and nuzzled Tracy awake, the gentle kisses on her neck leaving her squirming from a combination of pleasure and the gentle tickling of lips on skin. Blinking she looked around, getting her bearings after waking somewhere she wasn’t expecting. Her eyes fell on the bound form of her friend and I saw the familiar spark of mischief flare. Throwing the silk sheet aside she moved to the foot of the frame, hands reaching hungrily for Sarah’s soles, any remaining tiredness quickly forgotten with such a tempting prize to hand.

Reluctantly I laid my own hand on top of hers, holding her fingers barely an inch from Sarah’s toes, the changes in the air caused by Tracy’s wiggling fingertips enough to make Sarah wriggle and flex her captive feet in their bonds in an attempt to…what, I wonder. Escape or feel the human contact she had to be craving by now. Not that it mattered, while she’d receive that contact it would be at a time, place and manner of my choosing, not hers. Moving quickly I undid the restraints and eased Sarah upright, leaving her sitting on the edge of the frame, legs stretched out in front of her as she worked the stiffness from her limbs. Between us we guided her into the bathroom and I turned the shower on, a gentle stream of warmth to quicken her relaxation.

“Stand still.” I ordered once Sarah was standing under the spray of water and I passed Tracy a sponge and flannel as we got to work. It took almost half an hour of effort to clean Sarah properly, making sure that any traces of the powder that had driven her insane the night before was washed away from her skin. The problem wasn’t the task itself, but the fact we had to keep stopping every few minutes to let her calm down, our combined touch pushing her ever closer to her release even when that touch wasn’t in an area that would normally be considered erotic.

Finally we leant back, both kneeling at her feet, Tracy behind and myself in front and looked up at Sarah’s face. Once more I felt my breath stolen as I gazed at this vision, this perfect beauty that even now was trembling with the effort of holding back her climax, knowing that one more touch was all she truly needed and that such a touch would be denied to her until I deemed she’d earned it. Her hands hung at her sides, clenching and unclenching rapidly as she tried to contain her reaction and I glanced around the room, a quick look for something suitable for my, and her, immediate needs.

I found what I needed just within grasping range. Hanging on the back of the door was a long white cotton robe with a matching belt that I promptly pulled out. With a single quick motion I got to my feet and pulled Sarah’s hands upwards, wrapping the cotton strip around her right wrist, tying it off, passing the rest of the belt over the shower rail and securing it to her left wrist. It wouldn’t support her weight of course, but all I really wanted right now was to make sure she didn’t give in to temptation and provide that last vital motion herself.

A few quick tugs was all she needed to realise that despite the movement the cotton allowed her the knots were going to hold her securely where I’d tied her. Surprisingly there wasn’t so much as a creak from the rail itself and I figured it’d hold unless she was really determined to break free, and even then I suspected Sarah’s own stubbornness would resist such a move. She watched me with a look that was equal parts passion and fear as I leant in, kissing her once, slowly, softly, holding myself back slightly to keep my body away from hers yet close enough she could feel the heat of my skin against her. A gentle splash from Sarah’s feet made me glance down and I saw Tracy placing her own lips to her friend’s right foot, her hair gathered over one shoulder to ensure only her lips made contact.

We moved almost as one, Tracy working upwards as I moved down, kissing every inch of Sarah’s trembling body, leaving her gasping in frustration as we teased her, the water still cascading over our bodies and leaving a gentle cloud of steam rolling in the air. As I reached her feet I slid my head back slightly, moving my chin up to rest the day’s worth of stubble against her skin. Tracy felt her friend twitch and looked down, the grin that spread over her face enough to tell me she had the idea. I saw her flip her hair over her shoulder, the end of that gorgeous mane reaching down to just below her breasts. She gathered one end in her hand, fluffing the strands out until she had what amounted to a brush clutched in her hand.

Thus armed we retraced our previous path, Tracy running her hair over Sarah’s now thrashing form as she struggled to reconcile the conflicting emotions that warred within her. Her movement made my own journey quite risky as all it would take was one knee in the wrong place at the wrong time and I’d be in trouble. Somehow though I managed to keep my chin and cheeks against her silky smooth skin as I travelled upwards, rubbing and nuzzling her flesh in all the places that I knew would bring her laughter to the surface.

By the time we finished our end-to-end tickle journey of the poor girl she was almost delirious with the sensory overload and I knew that at that moment breaking her would be almost trivial. But the day was still young and the torments of the previous week still burned fiercely in my mind. I gestured with one hand for Tracy to lie down between her friend’s legs, nudging them wider to allow her to slip between them. Grinning I knelt between Tracy’s feet, my own legs curled up under me to fit into the room I had available. I nudged her back slightly then pivoted on my knees and heard Sarah breathe in sharply as I did so. From her perspective it looked for one delicious moment as if I was rocking forward to kiss her throbbing core, to grant her release at last. Unfortunately for her I passed just underneath her body, dropping down to nuzzle Tracy’s womanhood instead, then bobbing back up. Time and again I repeated the process, occasionally letting the very top of my head brush against her as I bobbed down and on two occasions bestowing the ministrations I’d intended for Tracy on Sarah instead.

The result was impressive, with both women gasping for release, Tracy on the edge through my attentions, Sarah there because of the anticipation of them. Finally I ducked down one last time and latched my lips around Tracy’s nub, using everything I knew to pleasure her. Her thighs clamped around my head and I revelled in her grunts and screams as she shot over the edge, leaving her spent for now in a limp heap underneath me, her legs releasing me after what felt like an eternity.

Standing and, with a little difficulty, ignoring my own needs for the time being, I reached up and released Sarah from her bondage, only to pull her hands down to a point just above her ass and tie her wrists together once more, leaving her hands facing up backwards and unable to bend in the direction she needed to satisfy her craving. Gently I helped her step out of the shower, directing her to a spot at the far end of the room where I could watch her as I dried off. As I worked quickly to remove the remains of the water I realised with a mix of delight and worry that her gaze never left my body, the same look a starving man would give to a ten course banquet after three weeks in the desert. It was flattering of course, yet I couldn’t help wonder what was behind that gaze…

Not wanting to run the risk of an errant corner of towel touching her somewhere I didn’t want it to I led Sarah naked, still dripping wet, into the bedroom and threw a thick towel down on the floor. Taking the instruction without need of direction she stood on top of it and I picked up the hair dryer. Starting at the top of her head I directed the warm air all over her body, a wonderful caress, light and insubstantial yet at the same time highly soothing and more than slightly erotic. Yet again Sarah found herself moaning with pleasure and I found myself becoming a little addicted to the sound. Annoyed with myself I made sure she was dry then flicked the dryer over to blow cold air and directed the stream at her waiting body. She wriggled, giggling as her warmed skin reacted to the ghostly touch and she danced on the spot, her movements almost mesmerising as she fought to stay on the small cotton square of towel under her feet.

Turning the hair dryer off I took her in my arms and pulled her close for a moment, remembering the lessons I’d learnt the previous night with Tracy, making sure to give her this link back to reality, knowing the necessity of it now more than ever considering what I had in mind for her. She nuzzled into my neck and her hands twisted to brush her slender fingers along my arms as best she could given the circumstances. Reluctantly I pulled back, finding suddenly that I was having to fight the urge to simply throw her down on the bed and ravish her right there and then. Leaving her standing on the towel I dressed quickly in jeans, t-shirt and boots, pulling my long leather coat on over the top before sitting down behind her on the edge of the bed, staring at her as she fixed her gaze on the wall in front of her and waited for whatever was to come.

She stayed almost perfectly still, her posture and pose enough to show the defiance still left in her, and I wondered idly what knowing her next challenge would do to that defiance. Not that I had any intention of telling her, in this case the extra pressure applied by the lack of foreknowledge was far worse than allowing her mind to focus on a specific task. Her hands flexed unconsciously, not trying to free herself or satisfy a need that was now receding slightly to a dull ache rather than the unbearable longing so recently experienced, merely moving to relieve the tension of the moment. The door opened and Tracy walked in, her form now covered by a long white wool coat, blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Draped over her arm was a matching coat, though this one had a large fur ruff that started at the collar and wound it’s way down the front and out along the hem line. I stood from my perch and released Sarah’s hands from their restraints, stepping back to allow Tracy to move behind her and slip the coat first over one arm, then the other, letting Sarah’s body sink into the fur that lined the inside. Tracy knelt down in front of her friend and slipped a pair of black shoes over her feet, the three-inch heel enough to challenge her balance slightly but not enough to make walking difficult. The coat was slightly too large for her and fell almost to her ankles, concealing the fact she was still naked underneath perfectly. We moved to the door and stepped outside, Tracy in the lead, then Sarah as I brought up the rear.

The instant we got onto the main road Sarah realised exactly what I had in mind, and I saw her tremble as the thought shot through her. The wind was up, though the day was still warm, and it caught the edges of her coat, shifting it gently around her naked body, caressing her skin with a touch that was a maddening combination of silk and feather, enough to excite and tease at the same time and there was nothing she could do to avoid it as long as she was outside. The walk up to the park took a little longer than the previous day as Tracy set a slow, leisurely pace that prolonged Sarah’s ticklish situation as long as possible, the wind helped by the brief bursts of air as passing cars sped by. Finally we made it to the bottom of the hill and I scooped Sarah into my arms, wanting to break her spirit not her ankle, which was fairly likely if she tried to walk this hill in those shoes. She slipped an arm around my neck, but unlike the previous day there was no attempt at gratifying her own needs, this was purely for support as she gathered her strength for what was to come.

The clearing was as deserted as it had been the day before and with a single motion I slid Sarah from my arms onto the large tree trunk.

“Stand up” I commanded, loading my voice with all the power, all the control I could muster, watching as she climbed carefully to her feet on top of the huge log.

“Now stay there until I give you permission to move.” I said, moving to sit on the grass in front of her, Tracy walking to the edge of the clearing to keep an eye out for any uninvited guests that may happen upon us. The clearing faced west and there wasn’t anything between us and the horizon, leaving a strong, gusty wind blowing through the clearing. As it swirled it caught and lifted the edge of Sarah’s coat pulling a giggle from her lips, sweet music to my ears as I simply sat and watched. The wind picked up slightly and flicked the right side of the coat up, sending a shiver through her body as the fur rubbed up her thigh and revealing a tantalising glimpse to her audience. Gradually, oh so gradually, her laughter changed, shifting from giggles to something more urgent, more demanding as the fur rubbed up against her body, the collar of the coat playing with her neck and ears at the whim of the wind. Her eyes were open wide as she felt the touches against her flesh not only continue but increase, the truly random nature of the tickling leaving her confused and unable to anticipate where the next touch may come.

My attention was riveted on the seductive form in front of me, what had begun as a test of her willpower now a battle between the two of us to see who would break first, She was a vision made real, the tantalising glances of her bare flesh as the wind whipped the coat around her combining with her strength and determination to form an irresistible whole. I knew then as I watched that this was a battle I simply couldn’t win, the realisation leaving me with only one option, change the rules of the game.

I stood and walked to her, jumping up on top of the log to stand next to her, burying the desire to hold her in my arms deep down. Tracy saw the movement and walked over towards us, a strange look on her face that I couldn’t place. In one movement I scooped Sarah up into my arms and jumped lightly down to the ground, dropping to my knees as I did so. Letting her roll forwards from my grasp I followed her forward, timing my movements so that as she came to a stop on her back I slid a leg over her hips, holding her down. My hands dove under the flap of the coat, fingers seeking her ribs with an urgency that wasn’t entirely a conscious act. The instant I made contact Sarah howled with laughter, her head rocking back as she wriggled under me, her movements encouraging me on as Tracy arrived and knelt at her friend’s feet.

Glancing back I saw her pull Sarah’s shoes off and lie flat on her stomach, taking first one foot then the other into her mouth, running her wet tongue over sole and toe, diving in to lap at the sensitive skin between Sarah’s tongues. The reaction was immediate and powerful enough to almost shake me loose from my perch as Sarah tried to crawl out of her skin. The coat had rolled up as she hit the ground and I saw muscles tense as she tried to hold her bare legs still to avoid kicking her friend. Moving quickly I slipped off her hips, threading my legs around her and locking my ankles to hold her still, my thighs wrapped around her legs just above her knees, the extra restraint letting Tracy hold her still with her hands as she kept licking and kissing those helpless feet as if they were the finest meal in the world.

Even with the extra leverage I didn’t know how long we could hold her down and decided to give Sarah some incentive not to try and escape. My hands traced their way up her thighs, gentle tickles designed to excite as I moved up. I felt the heat of her long before I could touch her core and wondered how on earth she was still holding on to her sanity, let alone her self-control in this state. I crossed two fingers and slid them inside her, giving her an almost corkscrew motion to enjoy as my other hand tickled gently around her mound, feeling her spasm around me as she hovered on the very edge.

“Sarah, sweet Sarah, would you like release?” I asked, voice as low as I could send it now. She couldn’t reply, though she obviously tried her mouth simply hung open, any attempt at sound blocked by the silent laughter being forced from her lungs as Tracy worked her feet. Instead she simply nodded, a quick, desperate motion.

“Then you may, but only when I say you can. To do otherwise would be…unwise. Do you understand?” Again the quick jerk of the head, an almost comical nod but more telling as to her mental state than the finest soliloquy

I shifted slightly, sending my hand up to find her clit now, a light delicate touch that had her panting. “Sarah..” I said, speeding up my probing fingers, feeling her clench tightly around me.

“Sweet Sarah…” Faster and faster I moved now, Sarah practically vibrating underneath me as she fought to hold back the inevitable. I shifted slightly, bending almost in two to rest my head on her upper thigh, spreading the coat back from her body, leaving the fur caressing her breasts as I placed my lips bare inches from her clit, shifting my hand out of the way.

“You…” I breathed the word directly onto that sensitive knot of nerve endings, leaning down to kiss it once, tenderly, delicately. Sarah howled and I felt her body pulse around my fingers as her orgasm finally overtook her, her limbs thrashing uncontrollably as the passion and frustration overcame her. I tried my best to follow her movements, determined to make this the most intense experience I could. On and on it went, one crest fading just as she passed up and over the next, a cycle of pleasure that seemed to have no end. Finally, finally she started to calm down, lying almost comatose on the grass, eyes focused on the sky above, seemingly oblivious to anyone or anything else other than whatever thoughts were going across her mind. I moved up to lie next to her, pausing only to adjust the coat to preserve her dignity if anyone happened by. Oddly, Tracy didn’t join me but stayed where she was at her friend’s feet, gently stroking and kissing the tender flesh, seemingly content to let me handle the next step.

I placed my fingers, still soaked in her juices, to Sarah’s lips and waited. Dreamingly she opened her mouth and sucked them clean, seemingly enjoying the moment as she gazed at me with the same intensity that had made me so nervous earlier. “Thank you” she whispered.

“Thank me later, I never gave you permission.” I replied, putting as much venom as I could into the words, knowing that I couldn’t truly hide my real feelings from her this close and not caring. Coming to my feet I bent down and, with a little help from Tracy, pulled Sarah up into my arms once more, and started to head for home, the need for one final punishment now uppermost in all our minds though for different reasons. I looked down at the exhausted form in my arms and whispered softly to her “You really should have waited you know…”

We didn’t waste any time on the return trip, though my arms were aching by the time we made it back inside. Moving into the bedroom I threw Sarah onto the king-sized bed, careful to make sure she hit straight and didn’t simply bounce straight off again. Pausing only to kick off footwear we both dived onto the bed and started the most vicious tickle attack we could muster. Fingers only to start with, needing to take any remaining fight out of our victim as we worked over her body, hands vanishing inside the depths of the coat, hiding our actions from view as we tickled the hell out of Sarah, the aim simply to remove her ability to fight back, the perfect preparation for what was to come. Tiring of the inconvenience I pulled the coat away from her body, leaving her once again naked before her ticklish tormentors.

She fought with a strength born of desperation, fully aware now of what we had planned, knowing that she didn’t have the strength remaining to endure it and that her only hope was to escape. Time and again she squirmed to the edge of the bed, desperately trying to get to her feet, looking for a way out, only for one or both of us to pull her back into the flurry of hands that poked and prodded her naked form into submission. With one last despairing lunge Sarah managed to slide her upper body off the bed, her hands resting flat on the floor, waist level with the very edge of the mattress. Diving after her I wrapped my arms around her hips, holding her in place as I slid my legs around her thighs, tucking them in just under her ass. Reaching down I gathered her feet in the crock of my elbow, trapping them with my left arm as my right went to work on her helpless soles.

The scream that escaped her as fingernails met flesh was incredible, a long soulful wail as she realised the position she’d put herself in. For the first time I let myself cut loose on her helpless body, dropping all traces of civilised behaviour and attacking without mercy. My fingertips flew over her smooth soles, tracing every curve, every line as she flexed and twisted in her efforts to escape. But trapped as she was, hanging out into space unable to find purchase or leverage to move forward or back she had no choice but to accept the ticklish strokes as best she could. Her laughter was high pitched now, her breath coming in gasps, a situation made all the worse as Tracy slid to the floor next to her. Her hands sought out Sarah’s ribs and underarms, flicking rapidly from one tickle target to the next, seemingly never repeating the same motion more than once as her friend gasped and howled at the touch.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, I felt Sarah go limp, still conscious and still laughing but unable now to muster the strength to fight back. Under normal circumstances I might have considered easing up for a minute or two to let her get her breath back, but this was after all supposed to be a punishment session. If anything our attack intensified, Tracy placing her lips against those helpless ribs and blowing raspberries against the ticklish skin, her hands wandering freely over the stomach and hips. I twisted as best I could and brought her feet to my mouth, sucking her toes and dragging the tips of my teeth over her skin, pulling the most wonderful and addictive high-pitched laughter from Sarah’s body.

Words had long since lost meaning to our poor victim, the world focusing in on the laughter alone, but as Tracy planted her lips square over Sarah’s belly button, the word “No” suddenly became her mantra. Said at machinegun pace, it mingled with hysterical screams as I brought my hand down to her thighs and moved my nails quickly over her skin, tracing intricate patterns up and down her gorgeous legs, pausing only to wriggle my fingers behind her knees for added punctuation. Her laughter slowly disappeared, replaced instead by gasps and short, stolen snatches of begging interspersed with every longer stretches of silence as she battled for air. I lost track of time as we tortured her, lost in the moment as this incredible woman turned before my eyes from a proud independent human being into a helpless tickle slave.

I heard a single sob escape Sarah’s throat and immediately pulled back from her body, the sound wrenching me back to reality with a jolt. I leant down and tapped Tracy on the shoulder, and she too pulled away. Moving slowly I eased Sarah up onto the bed and laid her out, lying on her back as we made her comfortable. Her breath came in long gasps, her skin flushed and hair matted once more. I sent Tracy out to the kitchen and she returned a minute later with several tall glasses of water. Carefully I helped Sarah sip the contents of one glass before drinking my own. Tracy leant over and whispered in my ear. “May I set her the next challenge?”

I looked up at her seeing something in her eyes that gave me pause before nodding my consent. She walked over to her friend and looked down at her, letting her hand trail softly over the tender skin of Sarah’s belly and trail up and over her breasts before speaking.

“Do you want us to keep tickling you?” Sarah’s eyes went wide and, still trying to fill her lungs, she shook her head rapidly from side to side.

“In that case, there needs to be a trade, something you can offer that we cannot simply take from you. Does that sound reasonable, does that sound fair?” A long pause before Sarah nodded reluctantly.

“Then it’s simple. One question, one chance to answer, if you don’t we’re going to tickle you for another hour then ask again. You’ll tell us sooner or later so it really is in your best interests to answer now. Understand?”

“..yes” Sarah whispered.

“What is it your heart truly desires?” Tracy asked, and Sarah’s eyes grew wide. Obviously this was something that the two of them knew and that had been told in confidence, and by the glance that they shared I had an uncomfortable feeling that I’d been set up. Still, there was nothing to do know but see this through to the end, wherever it went.

“Your choice, answer or we tickle.” Tracy said, sliding her thigh over Sarah’s waist, hands resting on ribs. Sarah’s still didn’t answer, something holding her back from whatever the answer was.

“Too late my dear, an hour more it is!” Tracy declared, digging her fingers into Sarah’s sides as I ran my hands up and down the inside of her thighs, getting just close enough to tickle the crease between thigh and body as I reached the tops of her legs.

I was expecting Sarah to scream, beg, plead, promise anything for us to stop. She’d endured so much today that I honestly didn’t know how she could handle anymore, at least not and stay sane. Instead she let out a single whimper, long and low as if something inside her soul had given way, a sound that tore at my heart as her last ounce of defiance was ripped away and her body shuddered under us. I pulled back, Tracy following my lead as we waited for Sarah to open her eyes. Slowly, achingly slowly she did, and once more she surprised me as her eyes stayed locked on mine, as if the rest of the world had collapsed and I was all that remained to her.

“I… I love you.” She said, voice shaking as she did so, “I have ever since I first saw you, but…but I was too scared to say anything before.”

I stared for a moment as I tried to understand what she was saying, I had to have heard wrong, she couldn’t have said… But one look at her face, open and honest, all her barriers dropped now, her very soul on display in front of the world was enough to convince me that I’d heard her right. I didn’t say a word, just leant down and kissed her, felt her whimper again and couldn’t understand why for a moment. Then I knew, then I realised what she was afraid of and I pulled back slightly, our lips parting slowly as I tried to work out what I needed to say.

“Sarah..” I stopped for a moment, aware that I was doing her an injustice and let my own mask slip away, letting her see into me the same way she’d revealed her own heart to me. “Why were you scared?”

“I..was afraid you’d turn me down, afraid of ruining, I don’t know, ruining everything. Loosing you both in my dreams and as a friend.” She was in tears now, and I felt my heart break as I watched her, the answer, the truth becoming clear to me then with a clarity I wouldn’t have thought possible.

“Sarah, Sarah listen to me. ” I said, reaching down and stroking the tears from her cheeks. “I love you, you… you make the lights go dim everywhere else whenever I see you, I have to fight not to spend my entire working day staring at you, and I can think of nothing that would make me happier than to see if this can work.” It wasn’t the most romantic speech, but it was honest, from the heart and Sarah responded to it, reaching up to me, pulling me down onto her body as I slid my arms around her. Our lips met and for a long time we stayed like that, and I’d never before felt so at peace with the world. Even as our lips touched I could feel Sarah’s strength flooding back, as five years of waiting coursed through her, energising her as never before and for now anyway pushing the trials of the day far away.

Finally a discrete cough brought our attention back to reality and I looked up to see Tracy staring down at the two of us with a smug smile pulling at her lips. Suddenly the last week flooded back and I realised the probable cause of that smile, a suspicion confirmed as she spoke to the beauty lying in my arms.

“About time babe.” She said, an almost sisterly look of affection on her face as she grinned down at the two of us. “God I thought you were going to put us through another week of this, and I don’t think he could have stood what I had planned for next week.”

I rolled, sliding onto my back and wrapping myself around Sarah as I did so. “I presume this was all your idea then?”

“Not all of it no. Okay, it was my idea to double team you, see if the great pretender here could loosen up enough to tell you, well, what she just told you. But the details? No, most of that came from the mind of the closet dominatrix you’re snuggling up to.”

I let that sink in for a moment, then let a grin slip onto my face. “Just when you think you’ve found the perfect woman, you realise you’re even luckier than you thought you were.” I replied, letting my fingers wander over Sarah’s ribs, making her squirm against me as she giggled into my neck. I felt her nails skim my stomach and I wriggled closer to her, luxuriating in the gentle growl she purred into my ear.

“Okay, this is getting sickeningly cute” Tracy joked, “I’m gonna go crash out and leave the two of you alone for, what, the next four or five weeks, something like that?”

I opened my mouth to reply, only for Sarah to beat me to the punch. “Make it six, I feel…inventive.” Tracy leant down and kissed her friend on the forehead, then fixed me with a warning glare that wasn’t entirely faked. “Break her heart….”

“And you’ll break me. Don’t worry, I have no intention of doing that. And thank you.” Tracy grinned, gliding out of the room and letting the door swing shut behind her.

“So what do you want to do next?” Sarah asked, wiggling her ass against me and sending sparks through my body.

“This is going to sound ridiculous considering the circumstances, but I’d like to do something we haven’t done before.”

“Ohh, sounds kinky, what did you have in mind?”

“I want to sleep in your arms and wake up next to you, just the two of us.”

Sarah looked at me in disbelief for a moment, obviously checking if this was some sort of line. A long look in my eyes convinced her otherwise and she snuggled up next to me, kissing me once, gently on the lips as she settled against my shoulder. The events of the last few days must have taken more out of her than I’d thought as she was asleep almost immediately and for a long moment I marvelled at the almost angelic beauty lying in my arms. Whether this would last or not, well, how can anyone ever tell for certain if any relationship will last the distance? The one thing I knew though was that I’d do anything in my power to make this work, and hopefully that would be enough.

As I felt my eyelids drift close, my own body succumbing to the warmth and comfort as Sarah’s had done, music filtered gently through the wall of the bedroom. I couldn’t tell who had turned it on, or even where it was coming from, but as sleep finally claimed me the words drifted in my head and filled my dreams.

Nothing really matters
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me…

Anyway the wind blows….
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