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Darren's Torment (MMMM/M)


Registered User
Jun 14, 2019
"W-where am?" came the youthly voice of Darren. the young vigilante was nursing a killer headache and didn't know where he was. The last thing he remembered was fighting some thugs and then blackness. Someone must have knocked them out. The raven haired man tried to move but he found that he was unable to move. To Darren's horror, he saw that he was tied up. His arms were stretched on a wooden plank, secured on place by many pieces of rope, while the plank itself was kept in place by three metal chains. His feet were also secured by a rope that had warped itself on his ankles. The young man also noticed that his hodie and shoes were gone along with his mask, now only his pants were left covering his impressive frame.

Realising the predicament he was in Darren immediately began to struggle. He tried to stand up, to loosen the ropes on his arms, sadly he was bound very tightly and he was only working up a sweat, so the young man gave up, deciding to find another way to get out of the situation. "Finally gave up, them? am impressed" said an unfamiliar voice "Who said that? Show yourself!" demanded Darren and from the shadows, a man emerged. He was young. Probably a few years older than Darren, slender, with a mop of brown hair covering his head and the coldest blue eyes the young blackhead had ever seen. "Who are you? Let me go this instant!" Darren demanded once again "Who am I?" the blue eyed man said with a chuckle "Well am the leader of the gang you tried to stop and don't worry I'll let you go when you agree to my demands" "Am not negotiating with criminals," Darren said, "I just want a few things, like you stoping your stupid quest and we'll be okay don't you think?" the brown haired man continued as he was not hearing want the young vigilante said "NEVER!" said Darren and spat on his captors face. "

You should not have done that" the gang leader said "I was thinking we could resolve things like civilized people but I see I have to torture you" he said with a cold voice. "Do your worst, you're not going to make me break" the young boxer said with a confident tone on his voice. the man ignored the boast and kneeled down, extending his hands towards Darren's helpless upper body. the blackhead closed his eyes expecting to be beaten, however, instead of a punch in his gut the black haired vigilant fells two sets of fingers dancing slowly on his sides. Darren holds his breath trying to hold his laughter in. "What's going on boy, ticklish?" the man said, noticing Darren's reddening face, the blackhead kept his mouth shut.

Darren hated getting his sides tickled! not only they were extremely sensitive, but they were also very close to his hyper ticklish abs so he was always aware how easy it was for the fingers to slip on his most ticklish area. "Stubborn aren't you?" the gang leader said, his fingers were now drawing circles on the uppermost part of Darren's sides while his thumbs were stroking the lower part, closer to his hips "Don't worry I had stubborn before, all of you muscle guys are all the same, acting so proud and tough, but with a few poke you turn into little kids, begging for mercy. Do my fingers do that to you? making you want to scream? making your body shake? come on then little boy laugh, laugh!" the blue eyed man commanded and he began to tickle much more roughly, scratching the taut skin with his dull nails. it was too much for poor Darren. the tickling, the teasing it was too much "BAWHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH STOP AHAH ITHAHAH ASSHOLEEEHHEH EHEHEHEHHE" burst out of Darren's mouth, the blackhead tried to rain his laughter in, but it was too late the dam had already been broken, the young boxer let out streams of laughter as the criminal continued to abuse his tender sides.

"Well, that had fast" the man teased." I was expecting much more for you, you must be pathetically ticklish, aren't you? yes, you are no hero, you are just a ticklish little boy, a ticklish little boy that landed himself into big trouble!" the brown haired man declared. "HANHNAHHAAHSTOPAHAHAH HAHTEASINGMEHA HAHAHANOWHA HWAHWHAH WAHHAHAHAHAH" Darren demanded, the teasing was really starting on getting him, making him feel small and even more ticklish than he already was, his laughter shot an octave when with a sudden move he felt two fingers drilling on his ribs, he was less ticklish on his ribs than his sides but the criminal had found a weak spot "sweet spot hum?" he said, his other hand squeezing Darren's hips "HAHNANA NHHAHANOHAHAH LEAVEHEHAH HEHEMEHEHEHEALONEHE HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAH"

The man chuckled at Darren's demands. "Only when you agree to my demands, if not am gonna tickle you and tickle you and tickle you till your crazy" he proclaimed as he began to poke around the blackhead's, smooth underarms, getting another wild reaction out of them "Scratchy scratch these tickly armpits," said the blue eyed man as he began to really dig into the hairless underarms, covering every inch of the warm, moist flesh of the squirming vigilant, clearly enjoying the reaction he got out of them.

Darren on the other hand was hating every part of this torture. His armpits were on fire! everything in him was commanding him to lower his arms, to escape the wiggling fingers, but the ropes proceeded it. No matter how much force he was putting, his arms wouldn't budge even the slightest bit, leaving his underarms motionless and Free for the brown haired man to play with. And play he did. After covering them in Angry red marks he began to trace their outlines with his fingers, a gentler approach perhaps, but no less torturous. Right after finishing tracing the pits the man did something unexpected. Putting his face close to the wide open pit, the gang leader stuck his tongue out and began to lick on the sensitive area like someone would eat ice cream, much to Darren's dismay "HANAHNHANHANH AHAHTHISHAHAHH GROOOSSHHSHAHHAHAHAHAHAHSTOPA HAHAHAHITHAHAHAHSOHAHAHGROOOHO HOHOSSSHHAHAHAHHAHAABHHANAH HAHAHAHAYOHAHUHAHAAREHAHAH GROSHSHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the blackheads insults did nothing to stop the surprisingly effective tongue, on the other hand, the man seemed to take them as a challenge, licking faster than he did before, savouring every bit of the sweaty armpit, moreover, his hand was drilling the other pit with, focusing on the dead centre of it, while the newly freed limp had once again found the sides adding one more layer on Darren's already unbearable torture.

By the time the criminal decided to remove his tongue from the underarm Darren had long since got into Silent laughter. The blue eyed man decided to give his Trembley ticklish captive a chance to catch his breath back and also to give himself a chance to admire his handy work. Darren was panting heavily and a mix of saliva and sweat was dripping out of his underarm, the rest of his body was shining with sweat also, highlighting his already toned abs even more. Using a finger to lift Darren's head up the man looked him in the eyes and said "Are you gonna give up now? or am gonna really start to tickle" once again Darren refused "Never to the likes of you" he said with a panting, but, stubborn voice. The blue eyes man tsked "You're really going to make me break you. Aren't you? the blackhead said nothing and just glared upon his captor "Very well then, I didn't want to do this but you forced my hand" with that the gang leader went behind Darren's back and retrieved a bag.

Darren watched curiously as the man retrieved a pair of Grooming gloves out the bag, putting into his hands. "Last chance" he began "Give up this silly crusade now or your gonna suffer" Darren shook his head, as much as he hated getting tickled he could not let thugs and robbers run free, especially when he could do something about it. The man sighed and began to rub his hands on Darren's sweaty abs. "HAHNANA HNHAHSTOPAHAHAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHHAHASTOPAHAHAHAHAHHITHAHAHTICKLESHAHEHAHE SOAHAH ANABDBA DHBADHAHAHA HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Darren screamed, he had never felt something tickle so bad before, all the thick bristles on the gloves were spinning on his hard stomach abusing his hypersensitive abs with no mercy, while he was lost in a sea of endless laughter and shrikes.

The gangster was laughing also, but for different reasons. "I have never seen a guy this ticklish before!" he declared "especially on his stomach! how can these abs bee so hard and so sensitive at the same time?" he wondered out loud, continuing the cruel tickling of his victim's abdomen, bringing ticklish tears into Darren's already sweaty, red face. "Are you crying?" the man asked in wonder seeing the fat tears falling from Darren's eyes, never stopping caressing the toned tummy "Oh this is great, brought to tears by tickling. Pathetic and you thought to be a vigilante? With that outfit? it is a miracle you haven't been tickled to death by now" he teased "HANAHNHAHAHN SHUUUHUHTHAHAUPPPPPHA HASSHSHOLEEHEHEHHEHAAHHAHHAH STOPPHOOHOHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH ANOTGHAHHHAHAMYHAHAHAB ABASABSABHAAHAH HAHAHAHAHA" Darren's laughter shot through the roof, having his abs tickled was bad enough, but the gloves were something else and the teasing. oh, the teasing was the worst of it. It made Darren feel so small, so helpless, like a little kid on the mercy of a big brother who tickled him without mercy.

When it was over Darren was a mess. his abs were hurting for both the tickling and the amount of laughter he had made, his whole body was drenched in sweat, his face was red and tears continued to trickle down on his cheeks. "N-no m-mmore" he panted out "Well are you finally ready to give up?" the man asked him with a raised eyebrow. Darren shook his head, he could never give up on his crusader on stoping all the criminals he could find, why it was so hard for the asshole that was tickling him to see that? "I have to say am impressed," the man said after a moment of silence "Most would have given up by now. But somehow you continue to resit I don't know if I can call you extremely brave or extremely stupid" he took a deep breath "No matter, you'll see the light one way or another. they all do"

With that, the man dags his gloved hand into the bag for more toys to torture Darren with. Out of the bag, a slender paintbrush emerges. the man used his free hand and begins to graze sides, at the same time the brush made contact with the walls of Darren's belly button, scrubbing at the sensitive innie. the black haired boy was once again thrown into a feast of laughter "HANANHHNAHAHAHA HTHISHAHBADHAHAHAHHASOHAHA HBADHAHAHAHHAAHHASTOPAHAH HAAHHASTOPHAHAHAHAHHAH AHAHANOTHHAHAHATHEBRUS HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH" to no one's surprise the man didn't stop, on the contrary, he pushed the brushed deeper and began to tickle faster, on both fronts, sending poor Darren into a ticklish panic.

"HANANHNA PLEAHSEHAHHAHAHASTOP AHHEHAHEHAEHEPLEAEHASHHAH AHAHAHHAHAHICAN'TNHAHAHAH TAKEHAHEHAEHAEHEHAEHAEHH EHETIAHHEHAEHAEHAEHAEE HHEHEAAHEHEHEHEHEAHEA" the blackhead finally pleaded it was too much, too much tickling "Just agree to my conditions and I'll let you go, come on is not that hard," the man said, not for one second stoping the abuse of Darren's sensitive flesh. Darren was laughing like hell. he hated it. But even with all that torture, the blackhead refused to give up his crusade, probing the man to tickle his most ticklish spots even more ruthlessly, with no avail. The blackhead was pleading and crying for the torture to end sure, but he could not agree to stop his vigilante career. It was then the man realised he could not do it alone.

Darren was given another break and, to his great surprise, the man left the room. for a while, only he only panting breaths could be heard, but the man returned and not unaccompanied. With him, there were four more people. Darren could not see their faces, for they were covered by masks, but he could see they had a mad look on their eyes. "well guys this the guys I was telling you about" the man began "Now let's make him scream" he said with a dead end voice. With that, the man took their places on Darren's body, one on each armpit and side, and the other two on the bound feet, that had been ignored, and without any warning, they began to tickle Darren with an inch of his life. Fingers were drilling on his underarms, arms glided all over his sweaty sides and ribs and his feet were scrubbed raw "HANEHNAEHAEHNEAH ENHEHSTOPAHEHAEHEHEPLEAS HEHAEHHEHAEHEAEHSTOPAEHAHEHAEPLRASHHRHRAHEAEHEH PLSAEAHHAHAHANOMOREHAHEHAETICKLIG NAHAHEHAH EHPLRASHEHAHEHAEHAEHAE HHAHAEHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Darren lost it. he had never got tickled by more than one people at the same time and it was a torture far worse than the gang leader had given him before.

Speaking of the gang leader, he was not sitting idle. No, he had joined the fun as well. Using those cursed gloves he was dead focused on Darren's most ticklish spot making the blackhead scream. "whose a ticklish wills baby? come boy laugh for us, right laugh your our laughing boy" one man teased "his feet are so soft, I could tickle them forever, oh wait I can" another said and it didn't end there. All of them mocked teased Darren for his ticklishness, causing the already hot faced Darren to blush even harder. "AHANEHNHNEBAWHWH NAHWHNHAWHNWNH STOPAEHEHEHPLHEAHEHEAHEHEHE AHEIAHEHEAHBEGHAHEHAEHEHYOUAHHEHE MERCYHAEHEHEMEEHEHERRRCYHAHEHEHHA EHEHHEAHEHHAHEHA EHAEHAEHAEHEH EHAHHAE AEHAEH EHHEAHE" his pleas were falling on dead ears, for all of them had decided to completely break Darren, they would not stop until he is babbling, crying laughing mess.

at Some point, the other grew jealousy of the leader and began to use tools too. one of them took a hairbrush and had started to use it on Dareen's pit, the other had taken a small fork and had procced to rake at the ribs, a strange but highly effective technique, meanwhile the guys on his feet had released them for the rope and to Darren's shook had put his toes into their mouth licking them like lollypops, this send the tortured blackhead into new heights of torture he could not even plead anymore or make any coherent thought all there was on his mind was laughter "HAHNEHHHHHHHHANHE HAENEANHNHAENHA ENHANHEHEHEHEHANENHNANHEAH NEAHNAHHNEAHNAEHNANHENHAENH ANHEANHAEHNA NHANHAENHAEN HAENHAENHAENH AEHNANHENHAEENH"

For hours they continued to torture him. All sorts of tools were used on his sensitive body and Darren was sure he was going to die. However there was still hope, throughout this whole ordeal Darren had never stopped struggle and even though there some nasty burn marks on his arms, his endless struggles had eaten away some of the rope all that was needed was push. that push came when the gang leader blew the biggest raspberries on Darren's stomach the blackheads reactions were so intense that the ropes broke. his captors were so startled that their toys had escaped that Darren was able to wang his feet of them and began to make a run for it. He managed to go to the door, fortunately, left open, they were voices chasing him, his captors had understood what happened and run after him, but Darren was faster and managed to lose them.

Still half naked and with seme fresh tears on his cheeks, Darren arrived on his home. there the blackhead let a sigh of relief, he could not imagine what would happen if he had stayed longer. He could need more equipment he thought for even that the tickle torture he received was to make him give up, now that he had escaped his resolve to take these criminals down had only grown stronger and who knows maybe he could have his own "fun" with them before turning to the police. Darren smiled at the thought and went to sleep.

The End

Darren does not belong to me I just had permission to tickle him from his owner
Absolutely amazing story.

Omg as soon as they started licking my armpits I would have submitted immediately! *shivers*

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Absolutely amazing story.

Omg as soon as they started licking my armpits I would have submitted immediately! *shivers*

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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