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(Deputy's Universe) School Days Part 4 (F/F)


Nov 28, 2001
Hello fans! It is time for another chapter in Cheyenne's story. I hope you have enjoyed it thus far and right now, we are getting into the meat of the story. Where things will begin to climax. We will see what happens to these new characters and how they develop over these last 3 chapters. Also, let me know if you would love to see more of Cheyenne at school in future series. I adore this character and she will have another storyline in the next phase. So, enjoy this next chapter and as always, any comments are most welcomed and provide me with great motivation.



Cheyenne was sitting in her math class, paying close attention to the teacher going over concepts. It has been a full month being at school and she was really enjoying being at the place. As the weeks went on, the more she learned and the more she got excited. She made sure she turned in all of her homework and even had a few quizzes already. Her math class had weekly quizzes and their first major test was upcoming soon. She had gotten As on each quiz so far, and even though she was pleased, she felt she could do better. She wanted to get 100% on each one. Out of the 3 quizzes so far, she got a 92%, 97% and a 95%. There was always a little mistake she would make, and she focused harder. Cheyenne also would raise her hand often in class whenever the teacher would ask the class a question and sometimes, she even went to the chalkboard to help solve the question. She did this in all of her classes, and she loved every moment of it. Her English class was challenging as learning sentence structure and grammar was difficult. She just loved to learn and now she was getting deeper in each of her subjects.

The class ended and the students got up and started to leave the class. Cheyenne closed her notebook and began to pack her things. It was a Thursday, and it was late in the afternoon. Her math class, which was mainly for freshman had a late start. It would begin at 4pm and end at 5pm. It started to get dark sooner and she knew she had to walk all the way back to her room, then maybe get some dinner with Molly and Ann. She got up from her seat and when she was about to leave, she heard a voice.

“Cheyenne, can I speak with you for a moment?” the voice asked.

Cheyenne turned around and saw her teacher smiling at her. She then started to head towards her. She really liked her teacher, Sister Abigail. She was very nice and had a great way of explaining mathematic concepts. She approached her and gave her a smile. “Yes Sister Abigail? You wanted to speak with me?” she asked with a smile. She then held her notebook and math book to her chest.

“Yes, I did. I wanted to tell you that I think you are doing an outstanding job in my class. As you know, the first major test is next week, and you have expressed to me that you want to be perfect. Hehe I am just letting you know, that if you don’t, then don’t be so hard on yourself. You are one of the brightest students I have ever encountered. Is it true that you never had math classes before?” Sister Abigail asked.

“Yes, it is true. I never had a math class before in my life. I learned a lot from a Mission that I would visit often. There were a few clergy men that showed me a few things. I understand the basic math just from living life in my tribe, but they also taught me a few things. I always found math to be really fun. I like how the numbers seem to work together.” Cheyenne responded. It was a fact that she did love learning about numbers and was really interested in the more advanced concepts.

“Very impressive. Well, I am very happy that you are in my class. Not everyone in the class likes math and you show such enthusiasm for it. I think you will do very well for yourself. Just remember, it is not the end of the world if you do not get 100%. Hehehe” Sister Abigail joked. She truly enjoyed having this young lady in her class. She knew that most students did not like the subject and would try to avoid it. Cheyenne and a handful of other girls loved being in the class and that always made her feel good.

“hehe ok. I just want to do very well, and I know I can always do better.” Cheyenne giggled back.

“I know dear. Ok, well have a good night and I will see you again. Have a wonderful evening, Cheyenne.” Sister Abigail said.

Cheyenne smiled back and then left the class. She was feeling really good, and she hoped she would continue to do well. She was absolutely determined to get a perfect score on that major test next week, and she figured she would spend extra time studying for it. The initial concepts of algebra were very interesting, and she wanted to get them down perfectly. She started to walk across campus, heading for her dorm room so she could relax a little, then meet Molly and Ann for dinner. As she walked, she thought about the letters she should start writing. She got responses back from the initial run of letters and it excited her. She heard back from all the kids at the Mission, as well as Father Robert. She also got one back from Bessie and Phoebe, and her favorite ones were from Aleshanee and La Diabla. Those two meant the most to her and she loved their responses. She did write them back already, she just had to focus on the kids.

It was a really good two weeks that went by as she, Molly and Ann would hang out often. Ann would hang out with her other friends, but she did spend a lot of time with them too. What Cheyenne really liked was how much Molly was becoming so much more open. She knew she was such a sweet woman and figured that she just needed someone to connect with and she would open up. They had a lot of fun together as they would laugh and joke around with each other at meals. There were times they would stay up late at night, just gossiping and having fun conversations. There was times Molly would ask a few questions about her time in Santa Selena and she didn’t mind too much. She would tell her stories of her experience and how she overcame such a difficult situation. She did mention that she was part of the group that captured both Priscilla and Gloria, although she did leave out La Diabla. Even though she and Molly were getting close with one another, she remembered her promise to La Diabla and would not mention her. She just couldn’t take the chance of being caught. Cheyenne wanted to tell Molly because it was La Diabla that broke Priscilla’s will and that was the greatest moment she ever had in the last year. To see that woman break down and become submissive did her heart a lot of good. She still had a lot of hate and anger towards Priscilla and was not happy she managed to escape. She deserved to rot in jail.

Cheyenne could feel the cool air on her skin as she continued to walk across the campus. She was now passing by some bungalows and was getting closer to her dorm. The campus was quiet, as it usually was this time of the evening. Most of the girls were probably in the cafeteria having dinner. Her own stomach growled and looked forward to having some food. The cafeteria food was ok, but it was nothing like her food back home at the Elu tribe. As she walked, she then heard a noise. She paused for a second as the noise was loud enough. It sounded like….someone crying. That got her curious as there could be someone that was sad and maybe needed help. She started to talk towards the noise and found herself in an empty courtyard of this section of bungalows, which was usually reserved for the Social Science classes. She continued to follow the sound and could tell whoever this was, they were crying really hard. “Hello? Is someone there? Are you ok?” she called out.

The voice stopped crying and went silent. Cheyenne could hear a few sniffles and then a little more crying again. She then turned a corner and then she saw someone sitting on the steps leading up to the row of bungalows. The person was sitting there with her face in her hands and was sobbing. She could see the light brown hair and fair skin. Cheyenne then carefully walked up to the woman and put her hand on her right shoulder. “Are you ok?” she asked with concern.

The person felt the hand on her shoulder and then she slowly lifted her face from her hands. She blinked her eyes a few times and started to wipe away some of the tears. Then, she felt her heart nearly stop when she recognized who was standing in front of her during a very vulnerable moment. “Oh…it’s you...” she said with surprise in her voice.

Cheyenne nearly had a heart attack as she saw the face of the woman in front of her. Her body froze and she didn’t know whether to run or scream. She could see the tear stained cheeks, and the red eyes from crying, and it blew her mind. It was Penelope! She knew she had to get out of there fast! “Oh, I’m sorry, I will be on my way…” she said.

“It’s ok…” Penelope whispered. She was completely surprised that Cheyenne approached her. She then lowered her head again and started to cry again.

Cheyenne heard the crying, and one part of her brain told her to leave immediately, the other part of her brain started to feel bad. She never saw this woman cry before, and she sounded very sad. Her nature was to always help people and she was curious as to why Penelope of all people was crying. “Um, are you ok? Do you need some help?” she asked.

Penelope looked up again and saw concern on Cheyenne’s face. She was surprised that she asked her if she was ok and actually expressed concern towards her. She could not understand why Cheyenne would ask her, considering their recent history. “I..I….I don’t think you can help me…” she murmured.

Cheyenne’s curiosity really started to get to her. There must have been something that was bothering Penelope so much, it reduced her to tears. She kept her distance just in case, but she wanted to find out what was happening. “W-why are you crying? Did something happen to you? Maybe I can help you.” she asked.

Penelope was dumbfounded by Cheyenne’s concern. She couldn’t believe she was taking the time to speak to her. “It’s nothing really…I am just scared. I had a talk with my teacher today and she said I was doing really bad. If I fail my test next week, then I am in danger of failing the entire class! I can’t fail the class because my parents will be very upset.” she explained.

Cheyenne started to feel bad for Penelope because she understood the pressure of doing well. One part of her head was still telling her, “Who cares? She deserves to fail. She is a bully and bullies deserve to fail!” She wanted to do something to at least help Penelope. “Which class?” she asked.

“It is my math class….I just…I just don’t like math. I am too stupid for it. I skip the assignments and now I am going to fail….” Penelope responded and then she put her face back in her hands, feeling the urge to cry again. She felt embarrassed a little explaining her situation to this woman standing before her, but since she asked…

Cheyenne’s heart felt sad hearing about Penelope’s struggles in math class. She never really liked seeing someone sad and she would do her best to try and help. She felt the urge to just leave right now, but she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to help. “What if I help you with it?” she asked. Her mind just went crazy at her for suggesting helping this woman. “Don’t you remember how she helped torment you? Are you crazy?” her inner voice was telling her.

Penelope looked up at Cheyenne and her jaw dropped. Did this woman actually offer to help her? Even after helping tickle torture her, she still wanted to help her. She started to feel a little bit of guilt and was in shock. “Y-You want to actually help me?? Really?” she asked.

Cheyenne took a deep breath and knew she just put herself in potential danger. “Yes. I can help you. I like math a lot and maybe I can help you study. What level of math are you on?” she asked.

“First year…I dropped the class my freshman year because I knew I was going to fail. My parents told me to complete it this year. You really want to help me? Even after, well, you know…” Penelope asked.

Cheyenne felt herself getting nervous and wondered why she was even doing this. But she told herself it is good to help others. “I mean…I am probably crazy for helping you, but you seem so sad. I want to help you because I like math and I don’t want to see you fail.” she told her.

Penelope let a tear fall from her eye as she heard Cheyenne’s response. No one ever tried to help her before and the fact this same woman she helped tickle torture several weeks ago was offering, she was stunned. “Um, ok. Thank you. I do need help…” she whispered.

Cheyenne’s heart was beating even faster as she realized she would be helping this woman. “We can study tonight if you like. After I have dinner. Would that be ok?” she asked.

“Yeah…that would be. Thank you, Cheyenne. I can’t believe you want to help me.” Penelope said.

“You will be ok. Want to meet at 8pm at your room? Can you promise me something?” Cheyenne asked.

“Sure, anything.” Penelope responded as she wiped her eyes.

“Please don’t try to tickle me or have Pam come over.” Cheyenne told her.

Penelope let out a small giggle at the request. She understood why she told her that and she chuckled. “hehe sure. I promise. Pam wasn’t going to help me with math anyway. I promise I won’t tickle you too. Thank you. I….I appreciate it.” she responded. She then told Cheyenne where her dorm room was and then reached out her hand.

Cheyenne saw the hand extended and she slowly reached her hand forward and shook it. She was still surprised at her own self for doing this and she really hoped Penelope would keep her promise. “I will see you at 8. Penelope, you will do fine. Just think positive, ok?” she told her.

“Ok…I will…see you at 8.” Penelope responded. She then saw Cheyenne turn to leave and she was feeling a little better. She still couldn’t believe she wanted to help her, but she felt grateful. She knew she had to keep her promise and she definitely was not going to tell Pam about this. She truly needed the help and didn’t want to frighten Cheyenne away. She stood up and then prepared herself to go to her room and await her new tutor.


Cheyenne started walking towards Penelope’s residence hall and felt nervous. She finished having dinner with Molly and Ann but did not tell them where she was going tonight. She didn’t want to frighten them and to have them worry about her. She was worried for herself as she did not know if she might have been walking into a trap. She did feel empathy for Penelope, and she seemed really sincere. She started to hope that just maybe Penelope would start to be nicer to her. She did seem the better of the two, as Pam seemed like she was headed towards a Priscilla personality. She wanted to help Penelope and perhaps she could get her to stop bullying her and her friends. Cheyenne arrived at the residence hall and entered the building. She then headed into the direction of the room, and it was upstairs. With every step she took, she felt more and more nervous. Her heart was beating faster, and she had to swallow a few times to calm herself. As she walked through the hallway, she saw other girls passing her by and they seemed jovial. She then arrived at Penelope’s door, and she took a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing…” she told herself as she began to knock.

Penelope heard the knock on her door, and she got nervous. She knew who that was, and she was worried about how this evening would go. She did find Cheyenne very attractive, and she wondered if she could keep herself from jumping on her and tickling her. She remembered how much fun it was to hear her laugh. Her own roommate went to another girl’s room to study, and she told Pam that she couldn’t hang out tonight. She had to do her homework, something Pam never liked to do anyway. She opened the door and there stood Cheyenne. “You’re here. You actually came. I was worried that you might have changed your mind.” she said with a smile.

Cheyenne smiled back and saw Penelope looking at her. This was a huge leap of faith for her to trust this woman would not turn on her and torment her. “Yes, I am here. Ready to study?” she said in a soft voice.

“Come in, come in…” Penelope said as she motioned her hand to allow Cheyenne to enter the room. She closed the door and looked at her tutor. She looked her up from head to toe and saw the similar white shirt, with black pants and those black leather shoes. She remembered when the shirt was taken off and one shoe. She wondered if Cheyenne was wearing any socks this time.

Cheyenne looked around the room and it looked pretty. She could see the decorations and it looked like a real comfortable room. She saw Penelope staring at her and she felt her nerves on edge again. “Are you ready?” she asked.

“Yes, I am ready. Here are my assignments and my math book. I was so emotional before; I didn’t even ask you if you are good in math or not. Hehehe” Penelope joked.

“Yeah, I really like the subject. Ok, let me see what you have to learn.” Cheyenne requested. She then watched Penelope sit at her desk and pull the other room chair next to her. She saw Penelope pat the chair.

“Come on. You can sit next to me. I promise I won’t bite you. Hehehe” Penelope joked.

Cheyenne gave her a slight smile and then proceeded to sit down next to her. She was still very cautious and made sure she had a way to escape just in case. Her eyes then diverted to the book, and she saw the material. She was happy that she knew the topic, as she was learning the same thing in her class. “Oh, I see! Yes, I know this subject. I can definitely help you. Let’s begin!” she said.

An hour passed by and both young women were studying the material. Cheyenne made sure she explained the concepts and even went step by step to explain the process to Penelope. She got wrapped up in the entire situation, that she didn’t pay attention if she was in a trap or not. Her “student” was eagerly trying to understand what was happening and there were a few light moments between them. This had both women feel more relaxed as they continued to go over the material. Cheyenne felt she was benefitting from this as it helped her study for her own exam as well. She started to feel comfortable around Penelope and found her engaging. It was strange because it was weeks ago this same woman was holding her down as her friend tormented her, and then she was also tickling poor Ann’s feet and helped strip her naked. She seemed really eager to learn and that was all at mattered at this moment. “So, as you can see, when you dive both sides by the number 7, you will be able to determine what X stands for. In this case, X will equal 9 to complete the equation…” she explained.

“Oooooh!!! So by moving the added piece to the other side of the equation by subtracting it, then for me to isolate X, I then divide both sides by the number 7?” Penelope asked.

“Yes, that isolates X, and we solved the equation. Think of the letter X as this mysterious person. We need to figure out who this Mr. X is. So, we have to make him alone by taking away everyone around him. This exposes who he is. Hehehe” Cheyenne joked. She wanted to make the math seem really easy to understand.

“So we made Mr. X naked? Hahahahahaha” Penelope joked.

“Hehehehe yes. We made Mr. X naked. Now we see who he really is. See? You got it! Now, try this next equation.” Cheyenne giggled. She was happy that Penelope seemed to be understanding what she was teaching. It reminded her when she helped the small children at the Mission. She loved explaining things to them and their reactions to finally understanding it was always a great feeling to her. Now, Penelope was having that same feeling. Cheyenne then looked at the work Penelope did for the next equation, and she was pleased. “Yes, that’s it! You got it right. The answer is 5! You are getting this!” she said with a smile.

“I did?? Yay! Hehehe I got Miss Y to be naked and she is a 5! Hehehe” Penelope joked. She was starting to feel better about herself and felt her confidence growing. There were so many topics she had to learn and she was happy she was understanding the equations topic. She looked over at Cheyenne and she felt gratitude. This young lady was really helping her and for the first time this school year, she felt confident that she could actually pass her math class. She then started to feel a little guilty about her role in the tickle attack on Cheyenne. This Native American woman was so helpful and kind. “Thank you, Cheyenne. I mean it. Thank you so much. You are really good at this. I don’t know what I would have done without you helping me.” she said, feeling grateful.

“You are welcome, Penelope. Math is not too bad. You can do it. I see you doing so well. I think you will do great on your test.” Cheyenne responded, beaming with pride that she helped Penelope understand a few things. “If you want, we can study again this weekend, so we can go over the other concepts too.” she offered.

“Are you serious? You…you want to study with me again?” Penelope said with surprise.

“Sure, why not? Plus, it is helping me prepare for my test next week too.” Cheyenne smiled.

Penelope sat there stunned. This young woman in her room was being really nice to her. She felt a little guilty as she did have desires for her to do many sexual things to her that one night. She was discovering just how kind Cheyenne was and how good of a person she seemed to be. “You know….I’m sorry for what happened a few weeks ago.” she said in a low voice.

Cheyenne felt a lump in her throat as she heard what Penelope said. She was surprised by the gesture and didn’t know how to react. “Um, it’s ok. I guess….” she replied.

“You are such a nice person. I should have never been involved. It’s just that Pam is well, strong willed. I hope you can forgive me. I’m sorry.” Penelope told her. She was feeling regret tormenting Cheyenne, especially after realizing what kind of person she was. She also wondered if Molly was the same. She felt it necessary to make fun of someone like Molly, but perhaps she was just as nice as Cheyenne.

“It’s ok. You haven’t tried it again. Don’t worry about it…” Cheyenne told her. She was still surprised by the apology. No one ever apologized to her for tormenting her without being forced to, like Priscilla was.

“You are really kind. Thank you again Cheyenne. Now, I want to sleep soon. This has been a long day. I was so sad that I might fail my math class, and I was walking all day long. My legs are sore, and my feet really hurt. What a day…” Penelope said as she then bent her knee upwards and placed her right foot in her lap. She then rubbed her socked foot for a moment, trying to find relief.

“It was my pleasure to help you. We will do this again. We will make sure you are ready to pass your test.” Cheyenne smiled. She was starting to feel better about the situation now. Penelope didn’t try to attack her or even threaten her. Her eyes then looked down and saw Penelope rubbing her foot. She started to wonder if she should help with that. To make it a peace offering between the two. “You know, I can help you with that.” she informed.

“With what?” Penelope asked. She looked over at Cheyenne’s face and saw a look of eagerness.

“With your feet. You said your feet hurt. Back in my village, we have this technique that helps relax you and makes every part of your body relieve the tension and relax. If you like… I um, can do it for you.” Cheyenne offered.

“A technique? From your village? What would you do?” Penelope asked as her curiosity was piqued.

“Well, I would have you lie down, and I would apply the technique to your body. It really does relieve the tension in your body.” Cheyenne told her. She remembered the lessons she learned from Elder Hozho and Aleshanee back at the Elu tribe. She even remembered how she worked on La Diabla’s feet.

“You want to touch my body?” Penelope asked. She was curious about what Cheyenne was speaking of. She heard legends of Indian tribes that had different healing techniques and she became curious. “Will it hurt?”

“No, it won’t hurt at all. Trust me on this. It will help relax you and relieve some of the pain and tension in your body.” Cheyenne smiled. She figured this was a great way to bond with Penelope and hopefully ensure that she or her friends were never victims again.

“Um, well ok. You have been very helpful to me tonight, so let’s give it a try. What do you want me to do?” Penelope asked. She was very curious at this moment.

“Um, ok. Lay down on your bed. You can lay on your stomach or your back. Either way is fine.” Cheyenne instructed. She then saw Penelope stand up from her chair and walk over to her bed. She then saw her lay down on her stomach, her soles upturned. She started to get a little nervous as she wondered how Penelope was going to react. She got up from her chair and headed towards the foot of the bed.

Penelope laid her head down on the bed and took a deep breath. She wondered if Cheyenne was going to give her body a massage or something. She figured she might as well indulge her since she was the one who was going to feel good. She then felt something by her sock covered feet and she flinched. She then lifted her head and looked down by the foot of the bed where she saw Cheyenne. “Why are you by my feet?” she asked.

“I am about to do my technique. I have to work on the bottoms of your feet.” Cheyenne told her. She moved her body closer to the feet and stared at the socked feet. She could see the outlines of the footprints as Penelope must have walked around a lot in her socks.

“Y-You’re going to touch my feet???” Penelope asked, suddenly feeling nervous. She knew how sensitive her feet were and now this woman was going to touch them. Memories of what she wanted to do to Cheyenne’s feet filled her mind and she wondered if this was revenge.

“Yes, I am going to work on them. It won’t hurt at all. I promise your body will feel very good afterwards.” Cheyenne explained. She could sense the nervousness in Penelope and tried her best to calm her down. She had a feeling that Penelope might have ticklish feet, which is why she was nervous. Plus, with Penelope recently tickling her, she figured she might be thinking this is revenge. “You can trust me. I am not trying to get you. Hehe” she giggled, trying to calm her down.

Penelope looked at Cheyenne and could see the sincerity in her face. She was feeling nervous, but maybe she was right. Maybe she did have innocent intentions, but the thought of her feet being touched made her nervous. She then figured that if Cheyenne was willing to help her in math, then this is probably something innocent. She had no idea why, but she decided to take a risk. “Um, ok. Please be careful. My feet are, well, responsive….” she murmured.

“I understand. I have worked on sensitive feet before. Just breathe and relax. I will do my best to not make you uncomfortable. I promise…” Cheyenne told her. She then watched Penelope lay her head back down and she felt good inside. This woman was going to trust her. Even though she was tempted to get ticklish revenge, she knew she had to do the technique right, or she would lose any trust Penelope placed in her. That could lead her to trying to get revenge on her, and she did not want that to happen.

“Ok, I am going to trust you. Then, maybe you can show me the technique so next time, I work on your feet to practice. Deal?” Penelope asked. She figured that was the best way to make sure Cheyenne wasn’t trying to torment her. If she put her own feet on the line, then she wouldn’t torture hers. Plus, she would love to get her hands on Cheyenne’s ticklish feet!

“Ok, you got a deal….” Cheyenne responded. She felt she had no choice as this was a way for Penelope to trust her. She felt a chill in her body thinking about her feet being in Penelope’s hands, but she has come this far, and she wanted to build that trust. She then got on her knees and sat on her ankles. She looked at the feet before her and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She then reached forward and grabbed the top of the left sock and started to pull it down. “Ok, I am taking off your socks right now. I have to work on the skin to make sure I do a good job.” she informed.

Penelope felt her sock coming down her leg and she felt her body tensing up. Even though she believed Cheyenne wasn’t planning on something torturous, she was still nervous that this would tickle a lot. She held her breath as her sock came off her heel and she knew it would be soon her feet were going to be exposed. She was still curious what this technique was, and if it could help her relieve tension in her body and soothe her tired feet, then it was worth it. She felt the sock now coming off her arch, the ball of her foot and then her toes, and her left foot was now bare. She wiggled her toes nervously as she knew they were going to be touched. “Please be gentle…” she whispered.

Cheyenne finished pulling off that left sock and gently placed it on the floor. Her eyes then looked at the foot and she liked what she saw. The foot was narrow, and long. The toes were also long, and the arch was high. The heel, the outside edge of the foot and the pads of the toes were a nice shade of pink, with the arch being pale. She thought the foot was cute and then she reached over to the right sock. Her fingers grabbed the top of the sock and started to peel that sock down. She saw the sock come off the heel and noticed the pink skin on that heel. Cheyenne continued to pull the sock down and saw the pale arch of the right foot, and then that pink ball of the foot. With one more gentle pull, the sock came off the toes and those long, pinkish toes were exposed. Now, both feet were bare, and she felt herself getting excited. She still couldn’t believe she was about to touch the feet of the same woman who wanted to torture her. “Ok, are you ready?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes…I think I am ready.” Penelope responded. She started to feel nervous and then she felt something touching her left foot. Her body tensed up at that first touch and it felt like fingers. She felt small ticklish tremors in her foot, and she wanted to see if she could take it. She then felt the fingers starting to press into her sole and it felt nice at the moment.

Cheyenne smiled when she felt Penelope’s body jerk when her fingers made contact. She then looked at the foot and her thumbs were starting to press gently into the arch area, and she had to try and do a good job. She started to remember what she learned, and her fingers made a circling motion into the flesh. She could feel the foot vibrating in her hands, and it made her giggle a little. It appeared Penelope’s feet were quite ticklish! She then moved her thumbs to the bottom of the arch, that was connected to the heel. She made strong, deep strokes with her thumbs, moving them upwards towards the heel area, trying her best to soothe the foot. “Are you ticklish?” she asked.

Penelope felt those thumbs making those circling motions on her foot and she could feel the ticklish tremors in her body. It didn’t tickle as bad as it could be since Cheyenne was applying some pressure to her skin. She could still feel her body trembling as she could feel those sensations, but she was able to hold the giggles in. “Yes…I’m ticklish…” she whispered as she continued to try and hold in the sensations.

“I will be careful. I am not trying to tickle you on purpose. Hehehe” Cheyenne giggled. She liked the fact that Penelope was ticklish, as it showed a vulnerability. She was grateful that she was allowed to even try this technique considering that she knew Penelope loved trying to tickle her. She placed her thumbs on the heel and now started to knead into that skin. She watched in great delight as the long toes began to curl, and she realized that this foot was ticklish all over. Even the heel!

Penelope continued to brace herself over the ticklish feelings she felt. They weren’t strong at all, but they were still present. Even though it did tickle, the massage was feeling good. Her feet were aching from all the walking she did today. She did a lot of errands, whether it was going to class, or just walking across campus to see different people and do different things. It was a very long day at school, and it got worse when her math teacher told her that she was going to probably fail the class if she didn’t pass the exam next week. She wanted to alleviate her stress and even though she felt a bit ticklish at the moment, the pressure applied on her foot did feel nice.

Cheyenne continued to press her thumbs into the heel, and it was now time to move down the foot. She slowly moved her thumbs down the sole and now she was in the arch. She saw the toes curling again and she smiled because she knew that her patient was experiencing those ticklish feelings again. She remembered how she felt when Aleshanee worked on her feet before. How much it drove her wild when her hands were touching her foot. But she knew how much Aleshanee loved tickling her. She knew her best friend was very mischievous and loved to play with her. The technique on the sole of the foot did feel amazing afterwards, although it tickled like hell during the process. Cheyenne started to remember when Pam was tickling her foot and Penelope was holding her arms. A voice inside her head started to tell her to get revenge and to dance her fingers up and down that foot. She dismissed it because right now, she and one of her attackers were having a good moment. She did not want to ruin it. She wanted Penelope to be nice and they could interact without her being tormented. “Ok, I am moving into your arch. It might tickle you, so I am warning you now that I won’t be too long.” she warned.

Penelope felt some relief as the thumbs stopped pressing into her heel. A feeling of relief was coming over her body and she started to realize that maybe this technique actually worked. A shiver then went up her spine as she heard Cheyenne tell her that her arch was next. She knew how sensitive she was there, and this next move would tickle her a lot. “Ok….hehehe….please…be very, very careful.” she said in a hushed tone and let out a cute giggle.

“You are doing great! How does this feel so far?” Cheyenne asked.

“It…it feels good. Just be careful…..” Penelope responded. She then placed her face into her pillow and used her hands to fold the ends of the pillow over the sides of her head. If she felt stronger ticklish feelings, she at least wanted to laugh into the pillow and not make a lot of noise.

Cheyenne grinned as she heard the positive response. She was happy that she learned this technique and any chance she got, she would attempt it. She did chuckle to herself when she offered to do this to Aleshanee, but her friend always declined her. It made sense because Aleshanee feared Cheyenne would get ticklish revenge on her for always tickling her. She thought one day, she was going to get her hands on Aleshanee’s feet when they were alone, and she would indeed tickle them. As she thought about tickling her best friend back, the tips of her fingers accidentally touched the sensitive arch before her. The foot jerked around wildly, and she felt bad. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your foot like that. I will be very careful!” she apologized.

Penelope felt the light touch on her arch and her foot jerked wildly. That tickled a great deal, and she felt her pulse racing. She heard Cheyenne’s apology and she thought that it was sincere. She also realized that even though her body was starting to feel some relief in tension, her sensitivity seemed to have gone up. “hehehehehehe that tickled!! Yes, please be more careful…” she giggled.

Cheyenne smiled as she watched the foot come back to a standstill. She then gingerly placed her fingers under the foot, which was the top of the foot and now she used her thumbs to apply a firmer touch in the arch. She knew by experience that a firmer touch may work, especially for extra sensitive feet. Her thumbs began their circling motions again and she moved over the arch. Her motions were slow and deliberate. She could see the pale skin turned a light pink as her thumbs made their circles. She smiled when she saw those toes curling and splaying open as she knew the ticklishness returned. “You are doing really good Penelope! You have a lot of tension in your foot, and I am working it out. You are doing good!” she said with encouragement.

Penelope felt those thumbs on her arch and it did tickle her, but not as bad as it would if fingers were stroking over the skin. She was still surprised she allowed this young woman to touch her feet. She normally never let anyone touch her feet, and she covered them up a lot. She did like to walk around in her socks, but because her feet were sensitive, she would be careful to not go barefoot. She started to think about what she was feeling on her feet at the moment. The tickling feeling was there, but she could start to feel her shoulders starting to relax and felt very good sensations in her body. She only had her feet rubbed once in her life, when a former boyfriend did it for her. It tickled like hell, but she appreciated the gesture from him. Now, she was allowing this cute girl to have access to her feet. So far, it was a good experience. “It…hehehe….feels….good. hehehe” she giggled slightly as she tried to endure the ticklish feelings.

“You are doing sooooo good. Just relax your body and feel the stress leave your feet. This works a lot in the people of my village.” Cheyenne told her as her thumbs now reached the center of the arch. She looked at the high arch, where it peaked into the instep and figured that spot might be very ticklish and she thought she would have to be really careful.

Penelope was still loosening her body and trying to enjoy the pleasurable feelings even though the threat of the ticklish sensations were still there. When she heard that the people of Cheyenne’s tribe would use this technique often, it sent of a thrill in her body. She started to imagine all those ticklish feet being touched and how there were probably lots of giggles and laughter. Then she started to think about the feet of the woman who was touching hers right now. She imagined having Cheyenne’s feet in her hands and having her way with them. She only got a glimpse of them when Pam was tickling the foot and she wished it was her. She wondered how much fun she would have if she had Cheyenne’s feet in her hands. Then she remembered the deal that was made. By allowing Cheyenne to work on her feet, she in turn would get a hold of Cheyenne’s. She figured she had to focus on what Cheyenne was doing to her feet, so she could repeat it on hers. After all, she was supposed to practice what she is experiencing.

Cheyenne continued to knead her thumbs in that arch and now moved towards the instep area. She felt a strong jolt flowing through the left leg and foot and knew that was a very sensitive spot. She heard a muffled laugh and looked up. Penelope’s face was still covered by the pillow, and she found it funny. “hehehe I guess this part really tickles! I won’t be there too long. Just do your best to relax…” she giggled.

Penelope felt that thumb pressing into her instep, and it drove her wild. That was a very sensitive spot for her and now she felt her body starting to move around a little more. She was trying her best to not explode in laughter. She gritted her teeth and tried to focus on anything else to not laugh. That thumb kept moving in circles and even did some pressing into her flesh and a large wave of ticklish energy went right through her body. Her right foot then went into the air as her knee was bent and then it slammed back down on the bed, almost hitting Cheyenne.

“hehehehe” Cheyenne giggled as she saw the right foot go into the air and the slam back down. She knew the instep of the left foot caused such a strong ticklish reaction and then she let go of the spot. “Ok, I am done with that spot. Are you ok? Hehehe” she asked with a slight chuckle.

Penelope felt a lot of relief in her body as her left instep was no longer getting worked on. It tickled a lot, and she was happy it was over. The amazing part was that her body was feeling such great relief right now. It was as though the feeling of not being tickled would bring such relief. She felt her muscles relaxing and she let her body go limp for a moment. “Yes…I’m ok….whew..that tickled.” she panted.

“I can tell. Hehehe” Cheyenne giggled. She was starting to have fun and she could also see how Penelope’s body was limp. This was the effect she was waiting for. She wanted Penelope to feel the relief of tension in her body. She then gently patted the heel and smiled. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

Penelope continued to breathe peacefully as that tickle spot was no longer being touched. She heard Cheyenne’s question, and it made her think. She was in fact feeling a lot better. She didn’t know if this technique would actually work on her, but it did. She didn’t feel as tense anymore and she was feeling good. She knew that her foot was going to be touched again, but with this sense of pleasure in her body, she was willing to go through this. She needed this relaxation, especially after such a stressful day. It still amazed her that she was in this position. A young Native American woman that she wanted to tickle torture, was now giving her physical relaxation through her own feet. There was something positive and innocent about Cheyenne that she started to feel a lot more comfortable. “I’m…I’m feeling good actually. This technique you are doing…it really does work…” she said with a slight moan coming from her lips.

“I am glad to hear that. Yes, we love this technique back home. We don’t always do it, but when it does, it does make us feel a lot better.” Cheyenne told her. She was enjoying this moment and she felt she was making an actual connection with Penelope. She seemed nice when she wasn’t trying to hold her arms and have Pam tickle her. She started to wonder if perhaps she could become friends with Penelope or at least have peace with her. “Thank you for trusting me with your feet…” she said with a smile.

“You’re welcome. I have to admit, I was a little scared with you touching my feet, but you are doing a good job. It tickles, but it is making me feel a lot better. Thank you, Cheyenne. You are such a nice girl…” Penelope responded as she closed her eyes. She was starting to feel really relaxed and happy. Cheyenne was giving her confidence in her ability to pass her math test and now was relieving all that pent up stress in her body. She was starting to think that maybe Cheyenne could become a friend, even though she knew it wouldn’t be possible at the moment. Her friend Pam would never go for that!

Cheyenne felt good inside her body as she heard Penelope’s compliment. It meant something to her that someone who was trying to torture her, was now being really nice to her. It gave her hope that people were not like Priscilla and just evil all the way through. She then had a renewed sense of excitement and wanted to make sure Penelope continued to enjoy this technique. She then moved her fingers down to the ball of the foot and started to press into the flesh, then knead it by moving her thumbs in the circular motion. She still felt the tremors flowing through the leg, meaning the ticklish feelings were still there, but her patient wasn’t laughing hysterically. She knew that if she could keep the giggles to the minimum, the better. She also started to reflect on when she got to try this on La Diabla back in Mexico. It was very amusing to her as the outlaw would do her best to not burst into laughter. Cheyenne found it wonderful that someone as tough and strong as La Diabla would have such ticklish feet. She found that fact very cute and wondered if Penelope was the same. She smiled as she heard some soft giggles coming out as her thumbs got closer to the toes. “Still ok? I am getting closer to your toes…” she asked.

Penelope could feel the tension being relieved in her foot and her body, but the ticklish tension was still there. She did manage to keep herself from laughing as the tickling wasn’t too bad. But when the fingers got closer to her toes, she felt her body starting to stiffen up a bit. Her toes were always sensitive, and she hoped it wouldn’t tickle too bad. “hehehehe I’m hehehehe ok…..I hope..hehehehe” she giggled.

Cheyenne then moved her fingers to the base of the toes, and she saw Penelope’s head shoot up into the air and then slam back down to the pillow and a soft laugh was coming out. She knew she hit a weak spot and she couldn’t help but laugh herself. “Are you ok? Are your toes really bad?” she asked with amusement.

Penelope starting to pound her fist into the bed as she could feel those ticklish shockwaves flowing through her body. Her toes then started to scrunch up and the tickling seemed to be getting worse. Her arches and her toes were definitely her ticklish weakness and she started laughing a little louder. “heheheheheheh I d-don’t know if I can hehehehehehe take you hehehehe touching my toes…” she giggled.

Cheyenne laughed to herself and removed her fingers from the toes and covered her mouth with her hands. She thought it was absolutely hilarious that Penelope was about to burst into hysterics. She decided that maybe she should not go after the toes as this was a simple introduction to this technique and if she showed mercy, then perhaps Penelope would appreciate it even more. “Ok, how about I don’t do your toes this time? I don’t want you to laugh like crazy. Hehehe” she offered.

Penelope felt a wave of relief wash over her body as the fingers left her delicate toes. Even though this was tickling her, she was feeling a lot better. She turned her head to face towards the foot of the bed and saw Cheyenne’s face with a smile. She did appreciate the fact that the beautiful woman at her feet was not trying to torture her. “Ok, sure. We can skip my toes this time. I’m sorry…” she smiled.

“No need to apologize. I want to not go overboard with you. Are you feeling better? Is this helping you?” Cheyenne asked.

“Yes…it is crazy for me to say this, but I am feeling better. I didn’t think it would work with you touching my feet, but you know what you’re doing. It tickles, but it is not too bad.” Penelope told her, then laid her head back on the pillow, enjoying this feeling of bliss washing over her.

“I will work on your other foot now. I promise, I won’t touch your toes. Hehehe” Cheyenne told her and smiled. She was starting to enjoy herself as she could tell Penelope was enjoying herself. That’s what she wanted. She wanted Penelope to like what she was doing. It was still surreal to her that this moment was happening. A few weeks ago, she had her arms held by Penelope while Pam was tickle torturing her. Then, she witnessed Penelope torturing poor Ann and even removing her pants to make her nude. Now, she was helping this same woman feel better about her math class and now relieving her stress. Cheyenne was enjoying this experience and that made her feel warm inside. Then her eyes looked at the right foot and she saw the toes wiggling nervously.

Penelope heard Cheyenne saying she will start on the other foot, and she braced herself. She knew how ticklish she was on both feet; they were about the same in terms of ticklishness. She was still surprised how much she was trusting Cheyenne at this point. She wanted to tickle torture the beautiful Native American, but that same woman was not trying to torture her back. It truly surprised her how Cheyenne was. She knew she was not going to deliberately tickle her, and she could just try and enjoy the relief in her body. Penelope started to feel a little guilty about how she wanted to torment Cheyenne and how this woman was trying to help her. Then she gritted her teeth as she felt those hands on her right foot. The thumbs were on her heel, and she was bracing for another round of light ticklish feelings.

Cheyenne started to press her thumbs into the center of the heel and started her process again. She could feel the tenderness of the skin as her thumbs started to slowly rotate in a circular fashion. She felt a bit of relaxation herself as her patient was enjoying her touch. She could still see the toes curling and wiggling in a slight ticklish reaction and it amused her. Even though her own feet were so sensitive to this technique, she did find it very entertaining to watch other women have their ticklish feet endure this healing method. She then moved her finger down a little and now started to work on the area where the heel connected with the arch. The foot jerked a little and she heard a slight giggle. “Sensitive spot?” she asked.

“hehehehe yes….but I am fine. You can keep hehehe going.” Penelope responded. She laid her head down on the pillow on her left side and looked out into the room. She could feel those fingers working on that spot and felt small jolts of ticklish energy flowing through her body. She also could feel more tension leaving her body as her shoulder started to relax more as well as down her back. She then felt a small surge of ticklish energy as the fingers were now starting to descend further into her delicate arch. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Penelope figured if she could endure this part of her foot, then she was going to be ok. “hehehehe tickles…..tickles…” she muttered as she tried to prevent herself from cracking up.

“hehehe so cute.” Cheyenne whispered to herself as she could tell Penelope was desperately trying not to laugh. Her eyes went to the arch, and she saw her thumbs pressing into the skin and was now making small up and down motions. She then thought about how Penelope would react if she really did try to tickle her. She pictured her fingers slowly stroking up and down the foot, sending her into hysterical laughter. As ticklish as she was, Cheyenne did find it a lot of fun when she tickled others. It never worked out too long as she was always quickly overpowered by the person she was tickling. She started to remember a few of the tickle fights she had in the month before coming to the school. Aleshanee would sneak tickles in and then one day, she went after her. As they were collecting berries, she poked her in the sides, and then a major tickle fight happened. She ended up losing that battle, but she did get some small measure of revenge against Aleshanee with the help of La Diabla. As she recalled these fun moments, her thumbs were now working their way across the arch and she got close to the instep of the right foot with her left thumb and she saw Penelope pounding her bed with her fists. “hehehehe sorry. You’re so ticklish here…” she giggled.

Penelope felt her eyes watering as she tried to hold in the laughter she wanted to do. The way the thumbs pressed into her instep was driving her crazy and she started to feel a little helpless. Her mind was racing and wondered how much more she could take of this. She appreciated Cheyenne working on her feet, trying to make her feel better, but this was getting to be too intense at the moment. Then, the fingers moved away and started to head towards the ball of her foot. Even though that area was still ticklish, she felt a sense of relief her arch was no longer being worked on. “hehehehe I made it...” she whispered to herself.

Cheyenne then worked on the ball of the foot, and she smiled. When she worked on the arch, she could see how Penelope’s body was reacting and going crazy with ticklish feelings and now she saw her body relaxing and that made her feel good. She could still feel a few ticklish jerks on the foot, but she was happy that Penelope was feeling good. She then rotated her thumbs again into the fleshy part of the foot and she knew this was going to end soon. She couldn’t go to the toes as she did promise not to go there. This was an introduction to this technique, and she hoped she could do this again. She also thought maybe she should do this as well to her friends Molly and Ann. Have them enjoy this pleasure as well as they got ready for midterm exams. Cheyenne then slowed down her thumbs and now she was wrapping up her technique. She thought about scrabbling her nails across the feet as a joke but decided not to because she wanted Penelope to trust her. “Ok…I am done. How do you feel?” she asked.

Penelope felt a large wave of relief as she felt those fingers leave her feet. She took a moment to allow herself to take in what she just experienced. She paid attention to her body, and it amazed her. She was feeling a lot more relaxed. Whatever Cheyenne was doing to her feet, the rest of her body was reaping the benefits. It tickled a few times and it drove her crazy, but the end result was she felt more relaxed, more loose. She moaned with delight as she then did a stretch of her body. “Mmmmm…I feel so much better.” she moaned.

“I am glad you feel better. This technique always does wonderful things to the body and spirit. It’s why my tribe does it.” Cheyenne said with joy. She was genuinely happy that Penelope enjoyed this moment. She saw her turn around onto her back and now was staring at her. She could see the peaceful look on her face and knew she did a good job.

“Wow…I would have never thought something like that existed. You are really good at this. Thank you, Cheyenne. I like this.” Penelope said with a smile. She saw Cheyenne smiling and blushing a little and thought it was cute. Then, a wonderful thought popped into her head. Not only was she relaxed, but she also felt a bit excited. “Now, about our deal. Let me try it on you. Let’s see what I learned Miss Tutor...hehehe” she giggled.

Cheyenne’s body froze as she heard Penelope tell her that she wanted to practice on her feet! She felt her toes curling inside her shoes as the thought of her touching her feet worried her. She knew how ticklish she was, and this was the same woman who engaged in tickling her weeks ago. “Y-You want to practice on m-me?” she stuttered.

“Yes, I do. Hehehe That was the deal, remember? You can trust me. I promise I won’t try to purposely tickle you…” Penelope said with a devious smile. She figured she would take it easy on Cheyenne and actually try the technique. It was the fair thing to do and not tickle torture the young woman. She felt a sense of excitement in her body as she really wanted to touch Cheyenne’s feet.

Cheyenne gulped as she heard Penelope mentioning their deal. She remembered saying she could practice on her but didn’t expect it tonight. She sighed and figured; a promise is a promise. “Um..ok. I will trust you. Let me take off my shoes and get ready.” she said with a little fear in her voice.

Penelope sat up on the bed and watched as Cheyenne stood up. Her eyes grew big with excitement as she watched the beautiful tribal princess lift her leg up and start to unlace her left shoe. She watched with great eagerness as she saw the shoe come off and was delighted to see that small barefoot appear. Then she saw the leg go back down and then saw the right leg lift up and saw the shoe being unlaced. That shoe then came off and now Cheyenne was standing there in her barefeet.

“I didn’t wear socks as it is night and I usually take them off.” Cheyenne told her as she wiggled her toes.

Penelope saw those wiggling toes and a wave of lust flowed through her. Cheyenne’s feet looked adorable, and she was finally going to touch them. She remembered that night when Pam tickled that foot, and she didn’t get the chance to see them up close or touch them. This was her moment. She licked her lips and then stood up. “Ok, lay down like I was, and I will practice. Thank you, Cheyenne, for letting me practice on your feet. I will take…..good….care of them.” she smiled.

Cheyenne felt really nervous at the moment and knew whenever this technique was applied on her, it drove her absolutely insane with ticklish feelings. She did make this deal with Penelope and knew she was giving her feet to a tickling predator. But she was a woman of honor and knew she had to allow this to happen. She then went to the bed and laid down. She could feel how warm the bed was as it had Penelope’s body heat from moments before. Her small feet were at the end of the bed, the soles upturned. She took a deep breath and put her face in her hands. “Ok…I’m ready…” she mumbled.

Penelope felt her pulse race as she was so excited for this moment. Her eyes looked at those upturned soles and she thought they were the most adorable feet ever. She could see the tan skin on those meaty soles with the pudgy toes. She could see the wrinkles on the soles, and she wanted to pounce on them and tickle them until Cheyenne exploded. But she had to be nice. She trusted Cheyenne to not tickle torture her, so she had to not do the same. She got down on her knees, sat on her ankles and now she was close to those feet. They looked so cute and helpless, laying there right before her. It took everything she had to not run her nails up and down those feet as she remembered the sweet sound of Cheyenne’s laughter weeks ago. Penelope took a deep breath and reached her hands forward. She moved the fingers underneath the feet, which were the tops of the feet, and then rested her thumbs on the soles. The feeling of that skin on her hands made her nipples throb as she loved how tender it was. “Ok……so I just….um, press down and move my thumbs?” she said with a lot of nervousness in her voice.

Cheyenne winced as she felt the hands on her feet and knew this was going to tickle her. Her feet were sore already from just the normal events of her day and when they were sore, they were very sensitive. She had to brace herself and hoped this didn’t tickle her too badly. “hehe y-y-yes. Y-You now press y-your thumbs into my feet in a-a-a-a circular m-motion for now….hehehe” she stuttered as she could already feel the ticklish tremors in her body.

Penelope grew very excited as she heard those sweet giggles coming from Cheyenne. She was still very happy that she finally got her hands on these small, cute feet. She started to rotate her thumbs on the balls of the feet, then decided to focus on one foot at a time. She let go of the left foot and focused on the right. She loved the way her thumbs sank into the flesh, and she could feel the foot shivering. “Something the matter? You seem jumpy…hehehe” she giggled.

Cheyenne felt the thumbs on the ball of her foot, and she really started to feel her tummy quivering and her lungs ready to expel laughter. She put her face into her hands again and braced herself. “I-I-I’m ok..hehehe it just…tickles a little…Please P-Penelope…don’t hehehehe tickle me…” she pleaded softly.

Penelope thought the sound of Cheyenne giggly voice was the cutest thing. She loved how the foot was so responsive to her touch and she really wanted to have a lot more tickling fun. But she had to work on this “technique”. Her thumbs rotated on the flesh a little harder and even though she could still feel the foot quivering, it wasn’t as bad as before. “How am I doing?” she asked.

Cheyenne still wanted to giggle, but the actual movements of the thumbs were doing something good. She could feel some relief in her body, but the ticklish feelings kept her on edge. “Y-you hehehehe are doing hehehe good..” she softly giggled.

“Good! I want to do a good job. You are such a good teacher….” Penelope smiled. She was still in shock that Cheyenne willingly let her touch her feet. Her eyes then looked at those pudgy toes and imagined they were probably really ticklish. “Do you want me to avoid your toes, like you did mine? Are you really ticklish there?” she asked.

Cheyenne shut her eyes tight as she heard the words about her toes. She knew how bad they were for sensitivity, and she really hoped Penelope wouldn’t touch them. “hehehe my toes are REALLY ticklish. Hehehe please…don’t touch them Hehehehehe this time...” she giggled. She felt another wave of ticklish tremors in her body, and she just wanted to burst.

“Ok, I won’t touch them. You definitely have some really cute feet. I will work them really good for you!” Penelope said with excitement. She continued her thumbs moving on the sole of the foot and slowly started to move it into the arch area. She couldn’t help but giggle to herself when she heard the cute ticklish whimpers coming from Cheyenne who was obviously holding her laughter in. Then, she heard a knock on her door!

“Penelope? Are you in there?” a voice outside the door asked.

Penelope groaned as she heard the interruption. It sounded like one of the girls in the dorm. She let go of Cheyenne’s foot and stood up. She walked very quickly over to the door and opened it up. “Oh hello Sally. What’s going on?” she asked, hoping this was a quick visit so she could revisit those ticklish feet.

“Ready for the Hall meeting? It is time to go down there.” Sally asked.

Penelope rolled her eyes as she remembered a dorm hall meeting that she had to attend. She nodded her head and then looked back towards Cheyenne. She saw her starting to get up from the bed and she sighed. This was going to be the end of her session and those sweet feet would be leaving. “Um, Cheyenne? I have a meeting I need to attend to. Did you want to wait?” she asked.

Cheyenne sat up on the bed, her feet now touching the floor and she looked for her shoes. She figured it was a good time to leave since Penelope had to go to a meeting. She located her shoes and started to put them back on. “I’m ok. I can leave now. You have a meeting to attend, and we were done studying for the night. I will just go back to my room.” she said with a smile as she started to lace up her shoes.

Penelope nodded towards Sally then closed the door. She wanted to say goodbye to Cheyenne before she left. She saw the second shoe go on Cheyenne’s foot and saw her lacing it up. She walked over to the beautiful young woman and when she stood up, she smiled at her. “Thank you for tonight, Cheyenne. I think you really helped me a lot and I feel better that I have a chance to pass my test. Thank you.” she told her.

“You’re welcome. I was glad to help. I think you will do great on your test. We will meet again to make sure you are ready, ok?” Cheyenne smiled back.

“That sounds great. Oh, and thank you for doing your technique on my feet. I do feel better. Oh, and thank you for trusting me with your feet. I hope I did a decent job. Hehehe” Penelope smiled.

“Haha yes, you did a decent job. I will leave now. I hope you enjoy your meeting.” Cheyenne told her then started to head for the door. She reached the door, opened it, smiled back and walked out.

Penelope saw Cheyenne leave her room and she felt good at the moment. She did have a nice evening with Cheyenne and the young woman really helped her. She also got her own feet worked on and even got to touch Cheyenne’s feet briefly. She was impressed by her. She realized just how good of a heart Cheyenne has and felt a little guilty for helping to torment her. She hoped that they wouldn’t have to worry about that again and she looked forward to more math help. Penelope also imagined more fun with those sweet feet and looked forward to it. She then found her shoes, put them on and then left her room, so she could go to the meeting. She smiled as she truly enjoyed the moment and looked forward to their next meeting.


Cheyenne sat back on her bed and laid her Biology book down for a moment. She was getting tired after studying for her upcoming exam the following week. It was a nice cool Fall afternoon, and she had lunch with Molly a few hours ago. It was a good week for her as she took her big math exam and felt very confident that she got 100% on the test. She fully answered each question and double checked each answer before turning in the exam. She was anxious on what her grade would be. Cheyenne was also deep into the rest of her classes, and it was a lot of work to try and maintain a very high grade average. Biology was a more challenging subject, so she wanted to spend some time rereading the material. As she rested her eyes for a moment, she thought about how school was going and how much she missed her tribe. It has been a little over a month since she departed from them, and she missed the people. She missed the daily activities, and she missed the smell of food that would cook. Cheyenne missed her parents a lot, as well as all of her friends. This was the toughest part for her being at the school. She knew she would not see them again until the Christmas break and that was still a couple of months away. She knew how to be away from them, as her experience living in Mexico taught her, but it still weighed heavy on her emotions to not see them on a daily basis.

“I wonder what my parents are up to. I hope everything is going well. I miss them. I miss them all so much. I wonder what Aleshanee is doing right now. I bet she is probably trying to find a way to tickle Qalataqa. Hahaha she is so silly. I guess she likes to be tickled back because she keeps getting into trouble with her, then faces the consequences. Hehe I miss everyone….” Cheyenne thought to herself. Her eyes then went over towards her desk in the room and saw the stack of letters on it. Those were all the letters her friends had written back. She read a few of them already, and now she figured it would be a good time to read some more since she was feeling homesick. She slowly got up off her bed and walked over to the desk. She saw the opened letters that she already read from Phoebe Wellington, Bessie, Darby and a few kids. She then saw the unopened letter from La Diabla and picked it up. This letter made her smile as she thought about her close friend. She then walked back over to her bed and sat down. She slowly opened up the envelope and then took out the letter. Cheyenne then started to read the letter and smiled. As she got further into the letter, she started to feel a little emotional. The words that were written to her from the outlaw got her very happy and she could feel the love in the words. Her eyes started to water up as she finished reading the letter as she felt so much love. “I hope she will be safe on her adventure. She is such a beautiful person. This was so sweet what she wrote. I love her so much…” she said to herself as she put the letter back into the envelope.

Cheyenne then read another letter from one of the kids and it made her smile as their innocence in the letter was so cute. As she finished reading them, she noticed the clock. It was time to meet up with Molly so that they could study in the library tonight. She got off the bed and slipped her barefeet in her moccasins and got ready to leave. She grabbed her textbooks, headed to the door and walked out. She was in such a great mood after reading the letters and now it was time to go see her friend. She adored Molly and her other friend Ann. They both kept her grounded and distracted from missing all of her people back home. Anytime she spent with them was such a great experience. Ann was going to stop by her room when both she and Molly came back from studying, so they can just hang out and have a good time. She walked off with a smile as she headed to meet Molly.

Penelope was walking towards her friend Pam’s room, and she had a skip in her step. She got the news today about the result of her major math exam. She had gotten a B on the test which was a large improvement from her quizzes which she received Ds and even one Fail. She thought about Cheyenne who took the time to help her study for this exam. There were two study sessions, and it really did help her feel confident she could pass this class. The first study session stood out because of the fun they had after studying. She could not get Cheyenne’s ticklish feet out of her mind and during the second session, she didn’t have a chance to play with them as they had met up in the library. She did hope that if they studied again, they would be in her room, that way she could go after them again. Penelope did appreciate how sweet and kind Cheyenne was, and still felt a little guilty when she was with Pam and her friend would make fun of her. She didn’t mind making fun of Molly as she thought she was the weirdest girl ever, but when it came time to discussing Cheyenne, she wasn’t really into it. Penelope would play along, but she knew how nice the tribal princess was. She even wondered if she could be friends with her. Not close friends, but enough to be considered friends. She finally arrived at Pam’s room and knocked.

Pam walked to her door and opened it up. She was feeling really excited about seeing her friend Penelope and couldn’t wait to tell her of a plan she thought of. It had been several weeks since she got to pick on Molly, Cheyenne or Ann as the trio tended to avoid her and they hung out in the strangest places to Pam, like the library. However, she really started to think of a plan for her own class and it was time to enact it. She did manage to tease some other girl recently where she surrounded her and just tickled her sides until the young lady fell to the ground, laughing in hysterics. It was a girl living in her residence hall and Pam was bored. She wanted to play around and was even feeling horny. She was truly discovering more about her sexuality over these weeks and wanted to touch women’s bodies more and more. That day she stripped Ann in the park constantly played in her mind and she masturbated a lot to those thoughts. Pam loved the way Ann’s body looked and she wished could touch that private area. The girl she recently tickled, when she was on the ground laughing, Pam would tickle over her body and snuck in a few grabs of the breasts, which sent larges waves of arousal through her. She craved more sexual touching and now a new plan was developed. It was time to get her friend involved, so they could have some sexual fun with another girl. She opened the door and smiled. “Hey Penelope! Come on in!” she said with excitement.

Penelope entered the room and then hugged her friend. She could sense Pam was in a great mood which meant great fun for both of them. She did enjoy being around Pam, as she was very influential around campus, and she got to attend a few socialite dinners and gatherings. There was a benefit being a friend of Pam, and she enjoyed every moment. She also really liked the tickling craze that Pam enjoyed doing. It also gave her a sense of power. Penelope looked at Pam and smiled. “Hello Pam! How are you doing?” she smiled.

“I am doing GREAT! This has been a good week and even when I get bothersome news, I find a way to make it better. Hehehe” Pam said with a small chuckle.

“Oh yeah? What bothersome news did you get?” Penelope asked.

“My stupid teacher in my Social Sciences class had the nerve to assign a 10 page research paper that was due in 3 weeks. That really made me upset. I have things to do! I don’t have time to do some silly research paper…” Pam responded. She then folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

“No kidding! These teachers don’t seem to realize that we have things to do. I don’t have time to learn these difficult things like Math. They really need to take it easy. I did get a B on my math test though. Hehehe” Penelope smiled and giggled. She was feeling very proud of her grade. “But why are you still happy? How did you make that horrible news better?” she asked.

“That’s good for you! As for my paper, I remembered something. Let’s face it, I am going to be wealthy as I get older thanks to Daddy’s money. I will have people working for me and I might as well continue to get used to that power. Remember how we had that little troll do my research paper last year?” Pam asked.

“hehehehe yes, I do. That was such a fun moment actually.” Penelope giggled back as she remembered how much fun it was to tickle torture Molly. She started to wonder if that was going to happen again! A thrill went through her body just thinking about that possibility.

“Well, since she did an outstanding job last time, why not have her do it again? That little smarty pants is really good at this stuff. So, I figure it is time for her to do it again!” Pam announced.

“Oh really? You’re going to have that troll do it again? What if she says no? You know how these trolls operate.” Penelope said.

“Oh, we simply do what we did last year. In fact, I think we need to take it to another level. I think it won’t be long for us to convince her. This time, I want to completely destroy her mind and make her subservient to me. There is a side effect. We will see her naked body. Hehehe” Pam chuckled as she thought about Molly losing her clothes.

“Ooooh!! A naked troll? That will be interesting. Hehehe” Penelope laughed. She then thought of something else. In a way, she hoped Pam didn’t have a plan for this, but she had to check. “But what if her friend Cheyenne is around her?” she asked.

“Then we will strip her naked too….she is really cute, so I wouldn’t mind playing with her. Mmmm….. I hope she is around.” Pam mused as she thought about Cheyenne.

Penelope felt a little guilty when she heard about Cheyenne’s potential fate. She had mixed emotions because the tribal princess did help her get a better grade and tormenting her would seem wrong. “You know, she is not bad. Maybe we can spare her if she is there. Maybe we can find another way.” she mentioned.

Pam looked at Penelope with a funny look. Did her friend just request to not torment that very cute Native American woman? She chuckled to herself and shook her head. “Another way? What’s the matter Penelope? I thought you would be EXCITED about this! We get to torment that troll again and if her friend shows up, we could have some wonderful….orgasmic….fun!” she asked.

Penelope knew Pam would not understand why she felt this way as she did not tell her that Cheyenne helped her study for her math exam. She also started to think that maybe tormenting Molly wasn’t a good idea because if Cheyenne was there too, then she might get tortured and she would feel bad attacking the same woman that helped her. “I mean, the troll is fun to play with, but if her friend is there, then we could get in trouble. How about we just wait a bit? How do we even know where the troll is?” she asked.

“You are so funny! You sound scared of these two smarty pants! I have been watching the troll lately and I know she usually goes to the library around this time. She goes through the Science bungalow area which is usually deserted. I also found out that Sister Denise sometimes leaves her classroom door unlocked. My plan is to drag the troll into that room and have our ticklish way with her! It will be fun! Besides, I am sure we can get them to do your homework too!” Pam told her with excitement.

“I-I don’t know. Do we really want to do this?” Penelope asked her. She was feeling a little hesitant to do this because she just wanted to leave Cheyenne alone for a little while.

“Penelope! Why are you getting cold feet? You told me all the time how much you wanted to tickle dominate them! Here is our chance!” Pam asked, still surprised her friend was so hesitant. She then started to approach Penelope and knew it was time to get her “motivated” again. “It will be fun…hehehe” she giggled as she then reached her hands forward and started to poke Penelope’s sides.

Penelope felt those pokes and she started to giggle. “hehehe come on! Don’t do that!” she giggled as she started to playfully slap away Pam’s hands from her sides.

“Ooooh!!! Penelope is ticklish too! This is interesting….” Pam grinned as she continued to try and tickle her friend. Thoughts of perhaps dominating Penelope filled her mind and she wondered just how ticklish she was. She also knew it was time she made sure that Penelope knew who the boss was in their own relationship. If she wanted to torment Molly and Cheyenne, then Penelope better want to torment them too. “I wonder where else you are ticklish hmmm? Your cute tummy maybe? Maybe even under your arms? How about those big feet of yours? Size 9 right?” she asked teasingly with her fingers poking and prodding the sides and even parts of the stomach.

“Pam! Quit it! Hehehehe I’m ticklish too!” Penelope giggled. She was slowly backed up against the wall and she saw that gleam in Pam’s eyes. She knew she wanted to tickle someone tonight and at that moment, she decided that she should join her, or it would be her that got tickled! “Ok! Ok! hehehehe I will help you! Let’s go tickle that troll…” she squealed.

“That’s a good girl! See, you are ready for some tickling fun! Let’s go!” Pam said with glee. She then opened the door and allowed Penelope to exit first. She did enjoy that very brief tickling moment and started to think that perhaps she should tickle Penelope in the future. She was a really attractive woman and dominating her would be a lot of fun. Maybe even a lot of sexual fun as well. She closed her door and now it was time to set her trap to capture Molly and force her to do her research paper once again!

Molly was casually walking towards her meeting spot to see Cheyenne. She was in a good mood this early evening as she was about to go study for her very difficult Chemistry exam the following week. As she walked towards the Science bungalows area, she reflected on her school life these past few weeks. This was such a great improvement than her freshman year. During that year, she was a total loner. She would have some study sessions with classmates, but she mainly kept to herself. She did enjoy being in her own little world, but it also felt lonely. She had difficulties socializing, so she kept to herself. She did have that incident with Pam and Penelope and that was stressful, but the remaining part of the school year was very mundane. During this school year, she felt much happier. She had a wonderful new friend in Cheyenne, and it lifted her spirits. She could be herself in front of someone else and that person still wanted to interact with her. She knew she was an adult and was going to have to deal with the real world, but she still had those “teenage feelings” of feeling like an outcast. Molly thought about the funny conversations she had with Cheyenne, and she also started to really like being around Ann. They formed a nice trio, and it gave Molly something she lacked for most of her life. Peace in her soul. She smiled as she was going to meet her friend soon, and then later on they would both hangout with Ann and just enjoy the night.

Molly entered the Science quad of bungalows, and it was getting dark. This time of year, the sun set earlier and felt the chill in the air. She was happy she wore her red cardigan over her green shirt to give her some warmth. She was wearing her black trousers and her worn black leather shoes with thick white cotton socks. She looked around and didn’t see Cheyenne. She then looked at her pocket watch and saw that she was 2 minutes earlier than their meeting time. “She will be here soon. I can’t wait to see her!” she said with excitement. She truly loved being around Cheyenne as she had such a radiant demeanor.

“Moooooolllllyyyyyyyyy…..” a voice sang out.

Molly jumped a little as she heard that voice. Usually, this quad was empty at this time of day. Her head turned and she also started to scan the area. She started to wonder if she was just hearing things. It was getting closer to Halloween after all, and she was starting to get jumpy.

“Mooooooolllllllllyyyyyyyy…. I see you…….” the voice sang out again.

Molly now started to feel scared as she heard that voice calling out her name. She started to look everywhere in the quad, trying to find the source of that sound. It was still a little dark and her imagination started to run wild as she thought she saw shadowy figures running through the courtyard! “I must be dreaming! Get a hold of yourself Molly!” she told herself.

“I need you Mooooooooooollllllllyyyyyyy….” the voice sang again.

“Who’s there?! Show yourself! This better not be you, Cheyenne! You know how scared I get!” Molly cried out. She remembered a recent conversation between her and Cheyenne where they talked about fears and scary things. They both admitted they were quite fearful of things, but it was a fun conversation. “Come on! This is not funny!” she cried out.

Pam then slowly stepped out of the shadows from a space between the bungalows and approached Molly from behind. She enjoyed listening to the sound of fear coming from Molly’s voice and knew she already had the psychological advantage. “It is not Cheyenne, Molly. It is your ruler!” she yelled out.

Molly nearly jumped 10 feet into the air as she heard that distinct voice coming right behind her. She dropped her books and turned around. Her eyes went wide with shock as she saw a grinning Pam standing before her. A large wave of fear washed over her as she remembered that look from the previous school year. “Pam?? W-what are you doing here?” she muttered.

“I came to see you, Miss Molly! It has been a while, hasn’t it? You have been trying to avoid me or something?” Pam said with calmness in her voice as she walked towards Molly.

Molly started to shake in fear as Pam approached her. She had no idea what was about to happen, but if Pam was here, it was not something good. “I-I have been busy…” she responded with great nervousness in her voice.

“Busy? Well, you have to clear your schedule for me again! I need you to do me a favor…” Pam grinned as she was now standing in front of a petrified Molly. She could see the look of fear in her eyes through the glasses and that sent lust through her body. “My cruel teacher gave me a research paper to do in a few weeks and well, you know I don’t want to do it. I decided I would have you do it for me, since you did such an outstanding job last year. Remember that? Hehehe” she teased.

Molly froze in place after hearing what Pam wanted. She was being asked to do her research paper again? During the last school year, that caused a great deal of stress as she had to do two research papers, one of her own and then for Pam. That caused many sleepless nights as she had to make Pam’s appear different than hers, so they wouldn’t be caught cheating. She was so exhausted over that effort; her other grades slipped a little. Molly started to feel her breath leaving her body as she did not want to do the research paper and knew what might happen right now to “persuade” her. “P-P-Pam…I-I can’t d-do your research paper again. I’m not in your class!” she pleaded.

“I don’t care. That means you have to get started on it quickly! Now Miss Molly, you ARE going to do it, right?” Pam smiled evilly.

Molly gulped as she knew what could happen to her if she declined. She tried to take a step back as she might have to try and run, but then she bumped into something! She turned her head and her eyes nearly popped through her thick glasses! It was Penelope standing behind her!

“Hello Molly! Remember me? Hehehe” Penelope grinned.

Molly couldn’t believe it. She was trapped! She then turned her head back and faced Pam who had this very wicked grin on her face. She felt her body tensing up and her adrenaline spiked. She felt helpless already and knew she was in trouble. “Please Pam….I-I can’t do the research paper. I’m sorry…I just can’t.” she whimpered.

Pam’s eyes turned to angry slits as she heard Molly decline her request. She always hated when she didn’t get her way, but she did feel a little thrilled. Now she could have a little fun at Molly’s expense. “Look you little troll! You WILL do that paper whether you want to or not. I am your boss, remember?” she told her with great emphasis.

“Pam…please. I don’t want to do it. It was really hard for me last year and I…I just don’t want to do it. I am sure you can do it yourself. You’re smart. You have SKILHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Molly shrieked as she felt fingers poking her sides from behind.

“Wrong answer troll! I guess you are still just as ticklish as before.” Penelope smiled. She loved that reaction from Molly and now her own arousal started to build.

Molly looked at Penelope than back at Pam. Her fear continued to increase as she saw the looks in their eyes and knew she was in trouble. She tried to walk away slowly but they stalked her like prey. She put up her hands, hoping to talk some sense to them. “Come on girls…please, let’s not do this. Pam, how about this? How about I help you study for it. I will help you research!” she offered.

“Hahahahaha did you hear that, Penelope? The little troll expects me to do some work on my research paper. Silly girl….” Pam chuckled.

“You are such a funny troll. That’s YOUR job. You are supposed to do everything.” Penelope said. She was starting to feel powerful as she sensed the fear in Molly. There was something about her being so vulnerable and weak that made it exciting. The feelings of perhaps showing mercy began to fade as she wanted to have some fun with Molly.

Molly felt her emotions building as flashbacks to that incident the previous school year filled her mind. It was the same situation where Pam wanted her to do her research paper and if she refused, she was going to be tickled again. Helplessness washed over her, and her body started to freeze. Then she gasped as she felt both of her wrists being grabbed! “Hey!!! What are you doing?” she cried out.

“Taking you someplace special. We don’t need your screams to be so clear…hehehe” Pam sneered. She had snagged Molly’s left wrist and Penelope the right one. They both started to pull Molly towards a bungalow and when they got to the door, she used one of her hands to turn the knob and the door opened. “See? Sister Denise forgets to lock her door! Hehehe” she giggled.

Molly’s eyes bugged out again as she saw she was being taken into an empty classroom. This would prevent her screams from being heard outside and she was fearing the worst. Her mind started to wonder if she should just do the paper and avoid this whole incident. But she couldn’t. She was busy with her own schoolwork and just didn’t have the time to do someone else’s work. As she entered the classroom, she could see the empty desks and it was a bit dark. She tried to plant her feet on the ground, but her shoes simply slid along the wooden floor. Molly could see where she was headed, and it worried her. “Pam! Penelope! Please!!! Let me go!!! Please leave me alone!” she begged.

“Shut up troll! You defied me and there is a price to pay when you refuse to do what I ask. Now, let’s make it a little brighter in here…” Pam said as they finally reached the teacher’s desk. She had prepared for this moment and knew Sister Denise had a lantern in her class. She turned the lantern on and now the classroom had more illumination. Her eyes then went to Penelope, and she smiled. “Hold her still while I get things ready…” she said.

Molly really started to panic as she heard Pam’s words. She looked on in horror as she saw Pam clearing off the teacher’s desk and knew it was meant for her to go on top of it. She tried to pull her arms free from Penelope’s grasp, but it was no use. She was a much smaller person than Penelope and physically weaker. Molly then winced in pain as Penelope forced her arms behind her and held her. “Ow! Let me go! Please….I just want to go….” she whined.

Pam grinned as she heard Molly’s desperate pleas. She rubbed her hands together because not only was she going to get Molly to do her paper, but she was also going to have a lot of fun. She was going to push Molly over the edge and a wave of lust flowed through her knowing what she had planned. “Now you little troll, your pathetic pleas are annoying me. I need you to be happy! I want to hear you laugh a little. Loosen up!” she taunted as she then reached forward and started to poke the belly area.

“EEEP!!! NO!!! Please don’t!” Molly shrieked as she felt those pokes on her belly. With her arms behind her back, she was defenseless to stop the tickle attack.

“Don’t what?” Pam teased as her index fingers kept poking the belly.

“TICKLE ME!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA” Molly screeched.

“Tickle you? Sure, let’s do that!” Pam said with great joy. She then poked her fingers a bit faster as she loved those cute squeals coming from her victim. She loved watching the legs squirm and how Molly would move her rear end backwards into Penelope, trying to avoid the tickling fingers. “I sure missed tickling you, Molly! I was thinking about how much fun we had last time…This will do us both a world of good.”

Molly continued to squirm in place as she felt those fingers poking and prodding her belly. She was grateful her cardigan and shirt absorb some of the ticklish punch, but she could still feel them. She still couldn’t believe this was going to happen to her again. Being tickled by these two was the most humiliating moment of her entire life and she only told one person about it. Cheyenne. She started to fear what was going to happen to her as these two women were much stronger than her. “hehehehe please! Don’t tickle me!!!” she begged.

“Then do my research paper! Golly, you stupid troll! You can make your life so much easier if you just do what I tell you. Penelope? Take off this ugly cardigan she is wearing. She needs to be a little more…… comfortable.” Pam instructed.

Penelope grew excited as the tickle torture was going to continue. She did agree with Pam, they had to take off this cardigan so more ticklish spots could be exposed. She let go of Molly’s arms and then reached in front of her body and pulled the edges of the garment backwards, then forcefully pulled it off the arms and the rest of Molly’s upper body. “There! Finally got rid of this cheap cardigan. Where did you ever get this? The sewer?” she mocked as she tossed the item of clothing across the classroom, over onto a student desk.

Molly felt embarrassed as she lost that item of clothing. She felt more exposed even though she still wore her shirt. She then felt her wrists grabbed again and they were forced behind her back. She winced in pain a little as she tried to struggle, but it was no use. Penelope was much stronger than her. Sadness started to fill her body because she couldn’t do anything to stop this from happening. “Please….just leave me alone. I didn’t do anything to you any of you. Please…let me go.” she whimpered.

“Yes, you did do something! You declined to do my paper! So, I just have to persuade you again. You know Molly, I think we are going to be really nice to you! By the time this is over, you will feel…..really good.” Pam sneered as she thought about what she wanted to do to Molly. The incident with Ann sent her into a new way of thinking and she was kind of curious about Molly. She didn’t find her attractive, but perhaps she had secret beauty hiding under her clothes. She stepped up closer to Molly and reached her hands forward. She started to unbutton the shirt before her as she wanted to expose more skin.

Molly looked down and saw Pam starting to unbutton her shirt! A surge of fear went through her body as she was being stripped! She was extraordinarily shy when it came to her body and now Pam was going to humiliate her once again. Her head then looked up and she saw the lustful look on that face of Pam’s. “W-what are you doing? Why are you unbuttoning m-my shirt?” she asked with trepidation in her voice.

“Making you comfortable Molly. This won’t be all torture. In fact, I think you are probably going to like this…” Pam cooed as she continued to unfasten the buttons. Once the buttons came undone, she slowly opened up the shirt and saw the white bra underneath. She gently bit her lower lip as she imagined what was underneath that bra. “I forgot how tiny your breasts are…hehehe” she teased.

Molly’s face started to blush a lot as the size of her breasts were pointed out. She kept wondering why Pam was trying to humiliate her so much. It seemed like just as she was finally starting to be happy, this same woman wanted to bring her down. Her head hung down in shame and she looked at her shoes. “Please…please cover me...” she said quietly.

“I think we should get her on the table now!” Penelope said with excitement. She was starting to feel the lust in her body building as she could see where this was all headed. She wanted to really push Molly to the edge by forcing her to submit sexually. It was going to be a first for both she and Pam to dominate another woman completely.

Pam reached down and grabbed Molly’s ankles and swept them off the floor and up into her arms. She laughed as she felt Molly starting to writhe her body, desperately trying to escape their clutches. She winked at Penelope, and they started to carry Molly over to the teacher’s desk. “This troll is surprisingly pretty light. She looks chunky, but she is not too heavy. Hehehe” she mocked.

Molly felt her feet come from under her and now she was being carried across the room. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her and knew it was about to get even worse. “Let me down! Please Pam! Let me go. I don’t want to do the paper! Please!” she begged.

Pam rolled her eyes as she heard Molly once again declining to do her research paper. Once they made it to the desk, she used her free arm to knock over all the papers and items on the desk, clearing the top. She then helped dump Molly’s body onto the desk as Penelope laid Molly’s upperbody on the desk. She was standing at Molly’s feet, and she decided to let her friend have a little fun first. “Hey, spin her around this way, so I can hold her arms and you can play with her a bit. Hehehe” she offered.

Penelope’s eyes lit up as she was offered to tickle Molly herself. She then quickly took Molly’s head and started to push it around, making the little body spin on top of the desk, and headed towards Pam. Once she completed that action, Molly’s feet were by her. She felt her excitement growing as she saw Pam now grabbing Molly’s wrists and now holding them above her head. Penelope then climbed on top of the desk and straddled Molly’s body by sitting on her thighs and looking down. “Wow!! Look at her! Can I really tickle her?” she asked.

Pam smiled at her friend’s excitement. “Yes, you can. You are the beginning of her torment. Once you are done, then I will push her way beyond her wildest nightmares as I finish her off. So, go ahead. Play with her…hehehe” Pam giggled. This was part of her plan, since Penelope expressed hesitation earlier and this was a way to get her excited and into this activity.

Molly was stunned. Everything was happening so quickly. Once she got placed on the desk, she was then spun around and then her arms were pulled over her head and held. She couldn’t get her bearings set as she was once again made helpless. Her eyes then saw Penelope’s face and she tried to pull her arms down, but Pam had a firm grip. Panic started to set in as she saw the approaching wiggling fingers! “NOOOOO!!! PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO ME! PLEASE DON’T TICKLE MEEEEEEEEEEHEHAHAHAHAHA!” she then exploded into hysterical laughter as she felt fingers now stroking all over her exposed belly. Now that her shirt and cardigan were removed, her bare skin was exposed and there was nothing to protect her from the intense ticklish sensations.

Penelope started to swoon as she felt her fingers sliding and gliding all over the skin. She was surprised that it was very soft skin, but then thought that Molly never exposes her skin much. The skin was very pale and there were some traces of fat, but overall, it was a nice looking stomach. She loved how the stomach muscles quivered under her touch and she loved the sound of that laughter. There was something mesmerizing about Molly’s laughter and the way she writhed her ticklish body. She softly fluttered her fingers down the sides and then back across the belly. “Kitchy kitchy koo! You’re SO ticklish troll! This is so much fun! Aren’t you having fun? Huh? Aren’t you having fun? Hehehehe” she teased.

Molly felt those fingers fluttering up and down her very sensitive sides and her stomach and she just laughed her head off. She once again tried to pull her arms down, but Pam had a very firm grip. “NOOO!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I’M NOT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA” she screamed out as she continued to experience those agonizing ticklish feelings.

“Get her!! Hehehe Get her good Penelope! This troll has defied us! Let’s make her understand how stupid she is for declining my once in a lifetime offer. Because once you tickle her silly, I think I will play with her feet a bit before we go onto more….personal areas…” Pam said with a smile. She was having a lot of fun watching Molly get tickled out of her mind at the moment. She also started to think about getting her hands on those small, wide, tender feet again. When she tickled Molly’s feet last school year, it gave her such a thrill in her body. There was something so erotic about tickling those feet. Then she started to imagine what was going to happen once she removed all of Molly’s clothes. Pam thought even if this young woman agreed to do her paper, she was still going to be stripped completely naked.

“Did you hear that troll?? Your feet are going to be tickled too! So if I were you, I would enjoy this tummy tickling! Hehehehe” Penelope taunted. She then moved her fingers closer to the belly button. She slowed her fingers down and now started to gently zigzag the tip of her right index finger down the belly. She started right below the bra and then casually moved it down, tickling and teasing that soft, pale skin. She loved how the muscles quivered and writhed under her touch. It was fascinating how this simple ticklish touch, could cause such a great reaction in Molly. Penelope was aware of her own ticklishness but couldn’t imagine how bad it would be if she was the one getting tormented. She licked her lips as she heard a cute squeal coming from Molly’s lips as her finger stroke that very tender area, just above the belly button.

Molly continued to laugh freely as she felt that fingers moving side to side on her stomach, moving all the way down her torso. The closer the finger got to the belly button, the worse it felt. She tried kicking her legs, but since Penelope was sitting on her thighs, she couldn’t do anything. Her feet were also dangling over the edge of the desk, so she couldn’t get leverage even if she tried. Another streak of fear ripped through her body as she heard Pam threaten her feet. That incident last year was brutal on her feet, and she was scared. Another chill went through her body as she heard something about more personal areas to be tickled. She didn’t know what Pam had in mind, but that didn’t sound like it would benefit her at all.

Pam watched with great delight as she saw Penelope continuing her tickle attack on Molly. She could feel Molly desperately trying to pull her arms free, but she maintained her grip. Her eyes then started to gaze upon the exposed armpits of Molly, and she could see some hair in there. She thought about gently teasing those hairs to make this young woman go nuts, but she wanted to let Penelope have her fun. She started to think about her own mission. Once Penelope made Molly completely exhausted, then she would go down to the feet and have her way with them. She smiled when she saw Penelope’s finger now slowly moving inside the navel and she the look of pure terror on Molly’s face. She could see the eyes shut tight behind those glasses and that gave her such satisfaction. “You stupid little troll. Should have just done what we said, and now you are going to suffer. You’re a naughty troll. So naughty, I think you want us to see your tits.” she threatened.

Molly felt the finger in her navel, and it drove her wild. Her legs were wiggling as much as she could underneath Penelope’s body and her eyes were shut tight. This was a weakness of hers and all she could do was laugh. She thought she heard Pam say something about “tits” but didn’t know what she said clearly. Her mouth was wide open, and she started to fall into silent laughter.

Penelope felt a wave of lust go through her body as she saw Molly going into silent laughter. She then stuck her finger deeper into the navel and started to wiggle it all around, sending a large amount of ticklish sensations through Molly’s body. She could feel the legs underneath her vibrating and wiggling and sometimes the thigh would bump into her own mound. She started to enjoy that feeling and wanted to keep pushing Molly. She also heard Pam mention the breasts and that set off another round of lustful feelings as she was curious about seeing Molly’s breasts as well. Exposing them would definitely break this shy young woman, and that was their goal. Penelope then moved her finger away from the navel and instead of allowing Molly a break, she then started to press her fingertips of both hands into Molly’s ribcage. That sent her victim’s body convulsing even more. “That’s right Molly! You are ticklish everywhere! It is good to know trolls are ticklish! I can’t wait to see your tits as well!” she teased.

Molly was in pure ticklish agony as the fingertips were probing and squeezing into her ribs. Her mind was spinning, and she wondered if she should just do the paper, so they could stop. She didn’t want to be tickled anymore and these two women were relentless. She knew how effective Pam was as a tickler, but Penelope seemed to be just as talented. She had no idea how much longer she could hold out, but she was getting closer to breaking. Her laughter’s volume returned, and she tried to beg. “HAHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO MORE!!! I CAN’T HAHAHAHAHAHA STANNNDDDD IT!!” she screamed.

Pam smiled when she heard Molly screaming again. She decided it was now time to move on to the next phase. She held up her hand and looked at Penelope. Once her friend paused her tickling, she smiled and winked. “Let’s give the troll a break here. Hehehe Then, if she doesn’t do what I ask, you know what’s next…”

Character featured in this part:


UP NEXT: Breaking points?

Ok fans, how did you like this part? Looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. Thank you again for following this series as it is kind of a "spin off" from the main Deputy's Universe storyline. I am thinking about creating pictures for some of the key characters, such as Molly, but only if I create another series with them. Your comments are most welcomed.
I'm really looking at Pam and Penelope as the antagonists of the story here. Sorry for the constant replies, I thought I had commented on the first two earlier. Trying my best to catch up. I would love to see more artwork of the characters too
I was also away a lot the last week, but yeah, great story, cool with the different styles of each story so far, like with the drama in this one about Cheyenne! I'm excited to see what happens when Cheyenne turns up at this scene, since she had an appointment with Molly!
Thanks for the comments fellas! I am glad you are enjoying this series so far. Only two more chapters left!

Sun, No problem with the constant replies! I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Comment as often as you like. I am thinking of making more pictures of the characters. I am looking to expand Cheyenne's new world, so I may want to get pictures so fans can get a visual.

footnote, yes, this story is more of a "drama show" than an "adventure show". The next part will be something to read!
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