Here's the beginning of mine please tell me what you think 🙂
And this is my first story so keep that in mind
Taylor Swift agreed to meet Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato at the bar that night for a girls night out. It had been so long they couldn't wait. Taylor was a admiring herself before heading out, she wore a black short dress just down to her thighs, with the back showing and most of her sides and tummy, the cloth from the top to her waist came into an hour glass shape over her cute innie bellybutton. It was a little more revealing than she usually dawned but she decided to give it a shot, it was just a few drinks and some dancing with friends. She had her blond hair back in a ponytail and smirked one last time in the mirror before grabbing her purse and heading out.
She saw Selena first, she had her black hair cut shorter and was wavy and bobbed at about shoulder length. She too was in a black dress, low cut with some blue sequence on the top, two diamond shaped cuts in the sides revealed her hips. She smiled and waved as she saw Taylor and as she approached the table she saw Demi.
Demi wore a dark purple two piece the top was a shoulder strap that had fringes dangling from the hems, it left her left shoulder bare and you could see her midriff behind the fringes, and the bottom was the same dark purple stoping thigh high with fringes around her knees. Her hair was black again, strait and swept to the right the bottom just past her shoulders curled slightly up.
They hugged and did their cheek kisses as they awaited their drinks, guys walking by all stopped to stair at the three beauties. Few even stumbled and ran into each other, and they'd laugh and giggle as they saw this. The three danced with each other had a few drinks and began gossip. "Miley's hair right now" started Taylor sitting in between the two girls.
"Ridiculous!" Said Demi, to the left of Taylor "it's so short and looks not good!"
"I know right?!" Selena chirped in.
"But Demi you've had some crazy ones too lately" said Taylor giving her friends side a quick squeeze. Demi jumped and brushed her hand away.
"Don't I'm so ticklish" she said giggling.
"Oh so's Taylor watch," said Selena squeezing the blondes exposed side. Taylor almost fell out of her chair laughing.
"Nohohoho" she said scooting away but Demi was ready on the other side to spider tickle her hip pocket.
"Tickle tickle" she said in Taylor's ear, the teasing only made it worse, she quickly grabbed both girls hands to stop the torture. They all giggled and laughed and right as they all were saying truce Taylor gave Selena's exposed hip a squeeze. She giggled laughed and jumped over a bit grabbing Taylor's hand.
"Truce truce" the young singer giggled. Then they continued to laugh.
Little did they know at the table behind them, Miley Cyrus was listening in, and not only did she hear the comments bout her hair, she also saw all three girls weakness', they gave her what she needed for her revenge.