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Do you enjoy getting ticklish confessions/confirmations out of people?


1st Level Red Feather
Jun 24, 2020
Do you enjoy getting people to admit they're ticklish such as co-workers, acquaintances, friends, etc. and do you have a specific method or technique for how you go about it or do you just wing it?

I'll start by saying I don't actively go through my day on the prowl constantly seeking that moment where I can get someone to admit they're ticklish, but if I do feel like an opportunity presents itself or I see an opening, then I will take a shot or try my hand. I just think it's really fun getting people to confess to being ticklish, and sometimes elaborate on it.
I never bring it up in conversation, but I love hearing a woman tell someone (myself or otherwise) that she's ticklish.
I usually only bring it up if the moment feels right and only with someone I have a rapport with and am on friendly terms with.
I like to ask them if they're ticklish after I have them tied down! The reactions can be hilarious! 😛
I’ve always enjoyed finding out if a lady is ticklish, whenever I was able to work it into the conversation.
Ive never felt comfortable asking people if they are ticklish flat out unless it was my significant other I was seeing for a few weeks or months. I have found ways around it though of indirectly finding out if someones ticklish without asking. For example, the trick I have used in the past for females is putting my finger down my shoe and itching the bottom or side of my foot and saying “I am not sure you handle getting pedicures with the scrubber they use, I can’t even handle my own finger itching my foot without it tickling”. It worked a lot on confirming their ticklishness when they acknowledged it
Ive never felt comfortable asking people if they are ticklish flat out unless it was my significant other I was seeing for a few weeks or months. I have found ways around it though of indirectly finding out if someones ticklish without asking. For example, the trick I have used in the past for females is putting my finger down my shoe and itching the bottom or side of my foot and saying “I am not sure you handle getting pedicures with the scrubber they use, I can’t even handle my own finger itching my foot without it tickling”. It worked a lot on confirming their ticklishness when they acknowledged it

That's usually how I do it. Compliment them on their nails, ask if their fingers match their toes, or something similar, then ask if they find pedicures relaxing or are a squirmed. 99% of the time it gets the conversation into the tickling topic. Either "I'm too ticklish" or "pedicures don't tickle me" or "I'm not ticklish" blah blah blah
use to love doing that especially when it was from someone who had previously denied being ticklish
I've done it several times with massage therapists... once I get a conversation going along the lines of "What's it like to be a massage therapist?" I'll do a few other questions like, "What's the most massages you've ever given in one day?" to "How often do people fall asleep?" to "How often to you have customers who are physically gross?"... and then it feels quite natural to say, "Do you have people who are super ticklish?" They always say yes and tend to give a story. At that point, it usually feels pretty natural to ask if they're ticklish too. But that's a very specific situation.

In another thread on here recently, someone suggested a "Best practices" idea for bringing up tickling to a normie female that starts with observations about her fingernails, which then pivots to toenails, which then turns to pedicures, which then becomes if she's ever felt tickled while getting pedicures. Once you're there, a "Would you be able to pass a 'Don't react to tickling' test?" question doesn't feel strange or non sequitur at all.
Only if it's someone i'm gonna have sexual relations with....otherwise, no point. But that's just me.
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