I feel like people expect their perfect lee or ler to just land in their lap one day out of nowhere.
Truth is, in my near 13 years in the community, I've never heard of anyone having any luck with the personals section. Chatroom has been pretty shitty too in the last 5-7 years. Living in Chicago, literally one of the biggest cities in the US, there was no one locally aside from a few couples, who only played with themselves, bunch of older creepy dudes, and a lot of people not willing to meet at all.
I hear a lot of complaints about setting shit up for one on one meetups, even in public places. It seems there are just a ton of flakes. Lots of people wanting to talk and fantasize about meeting up, but few who actually follow through.
Obviously, the men outnumber the women on sites like this. Just a fact of life. Most women aren't going to realize they have a fetish, let alone explore it or register and become active on a fetish site. When they do, there's a lot of shit they have to deal with in terms of harassment and so on. Many get chased off. I have a feeling that is starting to change. I'm hopeful.
I've had the best luck going to gatherings, meeting a ton of people at once, having no expectations aside from getting to know like-minded individuals. I had to get out of my comfort zone and my neighborhood and actually travel. Lead to a ton of friendships with lots of great folk and even some romantic relationships as well. And the more people you become friends with, can help when meeting others as well because they can vet for you. Let you know if a person is legit and not shady.
Also, I had great luck just being open and unashamed about it with vanilla folk. It's 2015 and there are multiple songs on the radio about eating ass. Tickling is really not as big a deal as some of us tend to make it out to be.
Of course, travel, meeting people, being open about it to vanillas, none of it is necessarily easy, but it gets easier the more you try and to be honest, nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.
Good luck to you.