AIM and I used to be best buds. We hung out a lot, went online together, ate at the same table at lunch break, hung out every night long after the sun went down. He treated me well, letting me borrow all his font colors, and posted away messages for me when others tried to cut in. I came to visit him every day, nearly all day, typing away without a care in the world. We had each others' backs, AIM and I.
Then one day, AIM took a turn for the rebellious, and everything started to go downhill from there. He would ditch me suddenly at random times, for no apparent reason. He'd purposely slow me down. None of my friends liked him anymore, and so he decided not to like me, in return. The bastard just tossed me aside like I was nothing to him, and refused to communicate with me anymore. It got to the point that he didn't even acknowledge my login attempts. The little yellow running dude finally ran away, for good.
It took me a while to recover from that. Many tears shed, many frustrated clicking, pounding of the keyboard...but he wasn't coming back. He never did.
But after a while, I made a new friend, a true friend who never ignored me when I came to say hi, and he always greeted me with the same goofy smile.
YIM is my new best friend. :hug: