Very much. I believe "Being single is great" is just something that people tell themselves to help them get over a breakup.
I have believed what you just said to be true for the longest time now. It is merely a defense mechanism typically used by people who have either been hurt or are afraid of getting hurt by getting out there and searching.
I used to believe it myself about being single being awesome. It isn't bad for a little bit. Maybe a year or so being single isn't that bad. It helped me to make smart decisions like leaving my not so great job and returning to college, which I know I never would've decided to do if I was in a relationship and thinking about buying a home and needing money to do things at the time. However, once I got on the right track and the plans were all falling into place, lonliness began to quickly seep in because my goals that I set out to accomplish as a single person had been completed.
I never truly get the reasoning that people have about being single being
getting to do what you want whenever, having more time for friends, more time to yourself...and so on.
To me being single means.....
1. sitting home alone if your friends aren't around,
2. having limited options other than just the same ole shit every week with the same friends over and over again (like the bar scene weekend after weekend),
3. feeling depressed when I go to the take out section of a restaurant to pick of my "meal for one" every friday night to take home and eat alone while watching tv, as I stare into the restaurant and see all these couples around my age enjoyiing themselves