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Don't make me angry. You would'nt like me when I'm angry.............

f/f said:
ANYWAY ... WHERED U GET EM? lol o geeze lol

I decided to go to the annual Christmas piss-up of my Tae Kwon Do club as The Incredible Hulk one year. Lou Ferrigno is an inch taller and about 25 pounds heavier than me, but I still managed to do it reasonably well. The single photo of me from the neck upwards is of that night. The big collage was a seperate occasion where I dressed as the Hulk purely to take photos for The Incredible Hulk web-site. (All the pics are still there now. :-D) That occasion was better, because I had a bushy green wig and facial prosthetics to make me look more Hulk-like.(My nose and forehead were fake.) On the night of the party, I only had my own hair sprayed green and the contact lenses to enhance my already cro-magnon features. (Which sadly, frightened all the attendant females to the other side of the room.)

If we have any Hulk fans nearby, the URL is www.incrediblehulktvseries.com . Have a look if you like. My photos are in the fan lounge.

Perhaps I should dress up as the Hulk at SBG? :devil: Could make for some interesting situations.........
Hey Question!

Is that picture of you green as a goblin supposed to be what you'll look like as a "Green Feather"????
ForgottenTcklr said:
Hey Question!

Is that picture of you green as a goblin supposed to be what you'll look like as a "Green Feather"????

The Green Goblin?!?!?!?!?!?! 😡 I only dress as heroes mush, not villains. As I'm pretty cro-magnon in appearance anyway, the Hulk seemed a good place to start. :blaugh: :veryhappy
JPie1 said:
humm, thinking about my fantasy of the incredible hulk....I haven't written a tickling story in a very long time. Might be time to get the old writing fingers back in gear. But I am thinking I might make this a f/m story as little Ms. JPie overtakes the incredible hulk and makes him into her very own tickle toy. I just love the idea of overpowering big strong men with my little tickle fingers...be afraid, be very afraid.


Tell you what JPie, if you (and any other lady who thinks she's got an ounce of tickling talent) can break me at SBG in under 60 minutes...........I WILL DO ANY FORFEIT YOU CARE TO NAME!!!!!

I don't guarantee that I won't shriek like a 12 year old girl, but I do guarantee that there's nothing as strong as the British stiff upper lip. 😀😀😀

Of course, it's really the British stiff upper finger joint you'll have to worry about...........:firedevil :devil: :firedevil :devil: :firedevil :devil: :firedevil
BigJim said:
Perhaps I should dress up as the Hulk at SBG? :devil: Could make for some interesting situations.........

Fine. You dress as the Hulk. I'll wear my indian outfit...feathers and all. We'll see how long you last when we start going at you!

Ann ***thinking of things Jim should have to do after we break his limey arse*** 😛
TicklingDuo said:

Ann ***thinking of things Jim should have to do after we break his limey arse*** 😛

Think away Ann, it is only hypothetical after all. 😛 I'll tell you what. I'll even do three different positions as a lee and see if it makes you any more like to crack this Rock. 😉 Because when it comes down to it, I'll be raising the Tickler's Eyebrow and daring you to do your worst in as many positions as you can put me in.

IS COOKING!!!!!! 😀
Three different postions, eh? WHAT? Do I sense you trying to plan breaks already? WHAT? I think SOMEONE may be a bit surprised when we get our hands on him!

If ya SMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLAAHHH what the gals are cookin'!!!

TicklingDuo said:
Three different postions, eh? WHAT? Do I sense you trying to plan breaks already? WHAT? I think SOMEONE may be a bit surprised when we get our hands on him!

If ya SMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLAAHHH what the gals are cookin'!!!


Who said anything about breaks? 😀 You can make it 2 hours if the idea of me getting a bare 30 seconds between changing positions is so irksome. 😉
Irksome?! Nah! Just taking you at your word...that you'll be hard to break. Don't want to give you any advantages. hehehe 😛

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