Got a reply for Miss Page today, very vague answer though!
Rebecca Dalziel
beccad2502 Rebecca Dalziel
@EllenPage How ticklish r your feet ON A SCALE of 1(least)-10(most)?its for my uni dissertation&your help would b sooo useful,Becca X
@EllenPage Ellen Page
@beccad2502 it depends on the moment. sometimes not at all. other times a lot.
Make of it what you will! 🙂
Rebecca Dalziel
beccad2502 Rebecca Dalziel
@EllenPage How ticklish r your feet ON A SCALE of 1(least)-10(most)?its for my uni dissertation&your help would b sooo useful,Becca X
@EllenPage Ellen Page
@beccad2502 it depends on the moment. sometimes not at all. other times a lot.
Make of it what you will! 🙂