I've told this story many times, so apologies to those who already know it.
It was my very first conference, for my first job upon getting my degree. I was a bit nervous because the auditorium was full, and I was speaking after people who were way more experienced than my humble 28 years old self.
Then some 15 minutes after I had started my presentation, I had a slip of the tongue. Instead of saying "trickle down economics", I said "tickle down economics". I blurted out a quick "excuse me" and suppressed my smile, but it was too late: images started to flow in my mind, and my then-fiancée (now wife) who was in attendance told be my face became so flushed she could have seen me blushing from outside the building. Even worse, I got a massive hard-on that was very visible under my suit pants; I was fortunate enough to have a pulpit in front of me, so I stayed behind it until pretty much the end of my speech.
It was an overall success, the embarrassment notwithstanding. At the end, my boss told me that "next time you should try to be less static"; I wanted to tell him: "If only you knew"