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Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at a tickle story so go easy on me! This story is inspired by the legendary Max Speer’s ‘Kittletown,’ though it will prove to be a slightly darker take on the themes that Speer introduces in his work. Let me know what you think of this first part and if you’d like to see more!
Two guards snapped to attention as a grey hydraulic door hissed open to admit High Admiral Cassandra White into an equally grey corridor nestled deep in the roots of the Imperial Palace. Cassandra was immaculately dressed in the standard uniform for Imperial Officers, a form-fitting black leather jumpsuit that had been altered to bare her shoulders and midriff. A single pauldron, emblazoned with the symbol of the Golden Feather marked her exalted position among the Master’s chosen council.
Through the open door the screams and hysterical laughter of a woman, were now clearly audible. The guards caught a glimpse of a stunning and thoroughly restrained woman thrashing and whimpering under the onslaught of an Imperial Interrogator who seemed to take a fiendish delight in eliciting tortured laughs and pleas for mercy from her guest, using her fingers to elicit the maximum torturous effect on her helpless plaything. High Admiral White strode through the door and into the corridor beyond without a look back, the feral grin melting off her face, as she allowed the door to snap shut behind her and once again muffle the sounds of tickle torture. As much as she would have liked to interrogate the prisoner personally, she had a far more important task to accomplish.
Admiral White confidently navigated the Imperial Palace, taking no notice of the many eyes her commanding presence and beautiful frame drew, until she arrived at an imposing set of steel-grey doors. She took a brief moment to smooth down her uniform, tuck her blond hair behind her ears, and take a steadying breath. It would not do to look unkempt in front of the Master after all. Satisfied with her appearance, she activated a panel and the doors smoothly slid open to reveal an enormous room, though to use the word ‘room’ to describe it would be grossly inadequate. The grand chamber was a true marvel of Imperial engineering and stood as a monument to the Master’s greatness. The room was tastefully decorated in an impressive display of grandeur and power, lined with tall marble pillars and gilded statues of various men and women in elegant positions, their faces contorted in laughter. Ignoring the opulence around her, Admiral White strode through the room and knelt before a large throne.
“My lord. We’ve finally caught Alana and are interrogating her as we speak. I estimate that we will have actionable intelligence in another week, or even sooner depending on the strength of her will,” she began without preamble. A full minute rolled by as the imposing figure on the throne did not stir. A drop of sweat beaded on Cassandra’s brow as she started to fear that this news had somehow displeased her master. He was not known for dispensing merciful punishments.
“Perfect, with any luck we will flush out the resistance like the rats they are. Now, Cassandra, I think it’s time I gave you a reward for all your hard work,” he intoned with a grin that sent shivers down the spine of the most hardened and respected Admiral in the Imperial Military as she rose and prepared herself for her master’s tender tickling mercies.
Cassius, ‘Cass’ to his family and closest friends, stared despondently out of the classroom window, his fingers absentmindedly drumming on his desk. He was incredibly bored by his History class and deeply wished to get the class over with. He was broken out of his stupor by the sight of a boy, whose name Cass had quite forgotten, slowly sneak up behind a pretty girl in the courtyard. Fascinated, Cassius watched as the boy suddenly started tickling her sides causing her to yelp and fall to the ground laughing. The boy didn’t let up, however, and pinned her arms to the ground while continuing to tickle her as the girl squirmed and giggled under him. Cassius’ reverie was quickly shattered when he heard his teacher start to talk louder.
“Perhaps Cassius could remind us of the Golden Law,” Professor Olga Samuelsson, his History professor, asked. She was clearly annoyed by his lack of respect once again.
Without batting an eye, Cassius stood and recited “The Golden Law was set forth by the Master, He who wields the Golden Feather. It stipulates that those of lesser rank, regardless of gender, race, or creed, will submit to those of higher rank or those who have proven themselves to be superior. Tickling is the great equalizer and the great motivator.” Cassius sat down and smirked at the shocked expression on his teacher’s face, keeping to himself that he had had the Golden Rule quite literally tickled into him from a young age under the relentless teaching methods of his mother. The son of Cassandra White must know the Code after all.
As class was let out, Cassius’ mood improved and he grinned in anticipation of his next class. The Academy boasted illustrious alumni and thus catered to the upper crust of the Empire’s society. As such, there were some classes that were reserved for the children of the most affluent and influential people. Advanced Tickle Torture was one such class. Advanced Tickle Torture was taught by Professor Septimus Jones, a retired Imperial Interrogator whose spindly fingers, long nails, and cruel smile were all that were required to convince someone of his qualifications.
“Today, we will be having a pop-quiz. Your goal will be to discover a particular secret regarding the location of a cache of weapons hidden by the Resistance. You will be graded on speed of discovery, technique, and overall skill. Proceed to your designated spots and begin,” Professor Jones stated in a cold voice. Cassius walked to the spot marked with his name and looked up. A gorgeous raven-haired beauty had been securely tied to an X-frame and was looking fearfully, but determinedly at him. Hailey, her name card read. Cassius’ lip curled into a sneer as he briefly wondered where such a beauty had come from. Probably a captured resistance fighter or misbehaved slave who was promised freedom if she could keep the secret from him. Too bad he had never failed a midterm before. Cassius smirked and slowly approached her, his fingers ghosting along her alabaster thighs and grazing the taught flesh of her toned stomach as he cradled her head and forced her to look at him.
“Well, hello there!” he greeted in a mockingly saccharine voice. He simply smirked at the determined lack of response. “Well we have plenty of time to get to know each other... Now where to begin,” he cooed while lightly pinching her engorged nipples causing her to let out a gasp. “Am I going to tickle you, here??” a sudden poke to her belly made her shriek in ticklish surprise. “Or here,” a quick wiggle of his finger in her underarm elicited another shriek of laughter. All the while, similar sounds of ticklishness were heard all around the room as Cassius spied his friend Daphne slowly tickling the thighs of an olive-skinned beauty. He returned his attention to the dark-haired girl before him and whispered “you’re going to talk sooner or later,” and slowly, torturously, dragged his nails from her elbows along the inside of her arm and stopped just above the armpit.
Hailey, his unfortunate victim, determinedly kept her mouth closed, though she started to breath faster and squirm in her bondage while frantically shaking her head as she attempted to escape his fingers.
“I haven’t even started tickling yet! You look so stressed, why don’t you laugh a little?” He exclaimed and dug all ten fingers into her supple rib cage.
Caught of guard by the sudden attack, Hailey threw her head back and let out several gorgeous peals of laughter. “NOOAHAHAHOAHAHOAAH!!” she screamed as Cassius’ fingers expertly kneaded her ribs, every calculated vibration sending another jolt of ticklishness through the raven-haired girl. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEEAAHAHAHAHSE!!!!”
“Look at you begging for it to stop already. We’re barely two minutes into this you know! I’m sure you’ll love this next bit,” he said as he swooped his fingers into the smooth hollows of her underarms and wiggling his fingers rapidly.
Hailey screamed in ticklish agony and arched her back in a last-ditch attempt to escape his fingers. Seizing the opportunity, Cassius dug his fingers into her fully exposed sides and squeezed.
Cassius took no heed of her pleas and quickly alternated between her armpits, ribs, feet and sides, before suddenly swooping into the insides of Hailey’s thighs. She frantically attempted to squirm away from his hands, but in so doing, gave him a better grip on her thighs as he tickled away with relish. “OH GOAAHAHAHAHD NOOHOHOOOO!!!” she screamed as slowly her determination was chipped away.
Finally, after approximately fifteen minutes of torturous tickling, Cassius slowed down the tickling and lightly ran his fingers up and down Hailey’s sweat-soaked body. “You know…” he ponderously said. “There is one spot that I’ve been neglecting so far. Would you like to know what it is?” He said as his fingers futtered over her taut belly.
At that, Hailey’s resolve began to waiver. “Please...hahaha...NO! Please… I beg you…” she begged as her voice took on an increasingly frantic tone. “Okay!!! Okay. I’ll talk. The cache is in Ironside Canyon. Just don’t tickle my belly!!!”
“How dare you lie to me!” Cassius chided. With that, he dug into the Raven-haired beauty’s perfect belly causing her to buck her hips and howl out in ticklishness.
“NOOOOO!! NOOOOO!! PLEAHAHAHAHASE DOOHHON’T DOOHOHOOO THIISSS,” she screamed before lapsing into agonized ticklish screams. Cassius simply sped up his tickling as though in response.
10 minutes later, a smug Cassius stood beside the limp and sweaty form of Hailey as Mr. Jones gazed appreciatively at his student’s handiwork, the secret location having been written in marker across the girl’s belly and legs. Cassius simply had to look at her to cause her to jerk back in anticipation before Mr. Jones spoke. “Good work Mr. White. Definitely one of the most thorough jobs. You may continue.”
“NOOOOHOHOHOOOO,” came the screams intermixed with frenzied laughter.
[Author] This one was a little light on the tickling, but it was meant as more of an introductory chapter. I’ve got more planned out for the story and just wanted to post this and get people’s thoughts. Please let me know what you thought of this first chapter! Next chapter will probably include the captured resistance fighter Alana’s torture, Admiral White’s ‘reward,’ and perhaps a blast from the past...
Two guards snapped to attention as a grey hydraulic door hissed open to admit High Admiral Cassandra White into an equally grey corridor nestled deep in the roots of the Imperial Palace. Cassandra was immaculately dressed in the standard uniform for Imperial Officers, a form-fitting black leather jumpsuit that had been altered to bare her shoulders and midriff. A single pauldron, emblazoned with the symbol of the Golden Feather marked her exalted position among the Master’s chosen council.
Through the open door the screams and hysterical laughter of a woman, were now clearly audible. The guards caught a glimpse of a stunning and thoroughly restrained woman thrashing and whimpering under the onslaught of an Imperial Interrogator who seemed to take a fiendish delight in eliciting tortured laughs and pleas for mercy from her guest, using her fingers to elicit the maximum torturous effect on her helpless plaything. High Admiral White strode through the door and into the corridor beyond without a look back, the feral grin melting off her face, as she allowed the door to snap shut behind her and once again muffle the sounds of tickle torture. As much as she would have liked to interrogate the prisoner personally, she had a far more important task to accomplish.
Admiral White confidently navigated the Imperial Palace, taking no notice of the many eyes her commanding presence and beautiful frame drew, until she arrived at an imposing set of steel-grey doors. She took a brief moment to smooth down her uniform, tuck her blond hair behind her ears, and take a steadying breath. It would not do to look unkempt in front of the Master after all. Satisfied with her appearance, she activated a panel and the doors smoothly slid open to reveal an enormous room, though to use the word ‘room’ to describe it would be grossly inadequate. The grand chamber was a true marvel of Imperial engineering and stood as a monument to the Master’s greatness. The room was tastefully decorated in an impressive display of grandeur and power, lined with tall marble pillars and gilded statues of various men and women in elegant positions, their faces contorted in laughter. Ignoring the opulence around her, Admiral White strode through the room and knelt before a large throne.
“My lord. We’ve finally caught Alana and are interrogating her as we speak. I estimate that we will have actionable intelligence in another week, or even sooner depending on the strength of her will,” she began without preamble. A full minute rolled by as the imposing figure on the throne did not stir. A drop of sweat beaded on Cassandra’s brow as she started to fear that this news had somehow displeased her master. He was not known for dispensing merciful punishments.
“Perfect, with any luck we will flush out the resistance like the rats they are. Now, Cassandra, I think it’s time I gave you a reward for all your hard work,” he intoned with a grin that sent shivers down the spine of the most hardened and respected Admiral in the Imperial Military as she rose and prepared herself for her master’s tender tickling mercies.
Cassius, ‘Cass’ to his family and closest friends, stared despondently out of the classroom window, his fingers absentmindedly drumming on his desk. He was incredibly bored by his History class and deeply wished to get the class over with. He was broken out of his stupor by the sight of a boy, whose name Cass had quite forgotten, slowly sneak up behind a pretty girl in the courtyard. Fascinated, Cassius watched as the boy suddenly started tickling her sides causing her to yelp and fall to the ground laughing. The boy didn’t let up, however, and pinned her arms to the ground while continuing to tickle her as the girl squirmed and giggled under him. Cassius’ reverie was quickly shattered when he heard his teacher start to talk louder.
“Perhaps Cassius could remind us of the Golden Law,” Professor Olga Samuelsson, his History professor, asked. She was clearly annoyed by his lack of respect once again.
Without batting an eye, Cassius stood and recited “The Golden Law was set forth by the Master, He who wields the Golden Feather. It stipulates that those of lesser rank, regardless of gender, race, or creed, will submit to those of higher rank or those who have proven themselves to be superior. Tickling is the great equalizer and the great motivator.” Cassius sat down and smirked at the shocked expression on his teacher’s face, keeping to himself that he had had the Golden Rule quite literally tickled into him from a young age under the relentless teaching methods of his mother. The son of Cassandra White must know the Code after all.
As class was let out, Cassius’ mood improved and he grinned in anticipation of his next class. The Academy boasted illustrious alumni and thus catered to the upper crust of the Empire’s society. As such, there were some classes that were reserved for the children of the most affluent and influential people. Advanced Tickle Torture was one such class. Advanced Tickle Torture was taught by Professor Septimus Jones, a retired Imperial Interrogator whose spindly fingers, long nails, and cruel smile were all that were required to convince someone of his qualifications.
“Today, we will be having a pop-quiz. Your goal will be to discover a particular secret regarding the location of a cache of weapons hidden by the Resistance. You will be graded on speed of discovery, technique, and overall skill. Proceed to your designated spots and begin,” Professor Jones stated in a cold voice. Cassius walked to the spot marked with his name and looked up. A gorgeous raven-haired beauty had been securely tied to an X-frame and was looking fearfully, but determinedly at him. Hailey, her name card read. Cassius’ lip curled into a sneer as he briefly wondered where such a beauty had come from. Probably a captured resistance fighter or misbehaved slave who was promised freedom if she could keep the secret from him. Too bad he had never failed a midterm before. Cassius smirked and slowly approached her, his fingers ghosting along her alabaster thighs and grazing the taught flesh of her toned stomach as he cradled her head and forced her to look at him.
“Well, hello there!” he greeted in a mockingly saccharine voice. He simply smirked at the determined lack of response. “Well we have plenty of time to get to know each other... Now where to begin,” he cooed while lightly pinching her engorged nipples causing her to let out a gasp. “Am I going to tickle you, here??” a sudden poke to her belly made her shriek in ticklish surprise. “Or here,” a quick wiggle of his finger in her underarm elicited another shriek of laughter. All the while, similar sounds of ticklishness were heard all around the room as Cassius spied his friend Daphne slowly tickling the thighs of an olive-skinned beauty. He returned his attention to the dark-haired girl before him and whispered “you’re going to talk sooner or later,” and slowly, torturously, dragged his nails from her elbows along the inside of her arm and stopped just above the armpit.
Hailey, his unfortunate victim, determinedly kept her mouth closed, though she started to breath faster and squirm in her bondage while frantically shaking her head as she attempted to escape his fingers.
“I haven’t even started tickling yet! You look so stressed, why don’t you laugh a little?” He exclaimed and dug all ten fingers into her supple rib cage.
Caught of guard by the sudden attack, Hailey threw her head back and let out several gorgeous peals of laughter. “NOOAHAHAHOAHAHOAAH!!” she screamed as Cassius’ fingers expertly kneaded her ribs, every calculated vibration sending another jolt of ticklishness through the raven-haired girl. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEEAAHAHAHAHSE!!!!”
“Look at you begging for it to stop already. We’re barely two minutes into this you know! I’m sure you’ll love this next bit,” he said as he swooped his fingers into the smooth hollows of her underarms and wiggling his fingers rapidly.
Hailey screamed in ticklish agony and arched her back in a last-ditch attempt to escape his fingers. Seizing the opportunity, Cassius dug his fingers into her fully exposed sides and squeezed.
Cassius took no heed of her pleas and quickly alternated between her armpits, ribs, feet and sides, before suddenly swooping into the insides of Hailey’s thighs. She frantically attempted to squirm away from his hands, but in so doing, gave him a better grip on her thighs as he tickled away with relish. “OH GOAAHAHAHAHD NOOHOHOOOO!!!” she screamed as slowly her determination was chipped away.
Finally, after approximately fifteen minutes of torturous tickling, Cassius slowed down the tickling and lightly ran his fingers up and down Hailey’s sweat-soaked body. “You know…” he ponderously said. “There is one spot that I’ve been neglecting so far. Would you like to know what it is?” He said as his fingers futtered over her taut belly.
At that, Hailey’s resolve began to waiver. “Please...hahaha...NO! Please… I beg you…” she begged as her voice took on an increasingly frantic tone. “Okay!!! Okay. I’ll talk. The cache is in Ironside Canyon. Just don’t tickle my belly!!!”
“How dare you lie to me!” Cassius chided. With that, he dug into the Raven-haired beauty’s perfect belly causing her to buck her hips and howl out in ticklishness.
“NOOOOO!! NOOOOO!! PLEAHAHAHAHASE DOOHHON’T DOOHOHOOO THIISSS,” she screamed before lapsing into agonized ticklish screams. Cassius simply sped up his tickling as though in response.
10 minutes later, a smug Cassius stood beside the limp and sweaty form of Hailey as Mr. Jones gazed appreciatively at his student’s handiwork, the secret location having been written in marker across the girl’s belly and legs. Cassius simply had to look at her to cause her to jerk back in anticipation before Mr. Jones spoke. “Good work Mr. White. Definitely one of the most thorough jobs. You may continue.”
“NOOOOHOHOHOOOO,” came the screams intermixed with frenzied laughter.
[Author] This one was a little light on the tickling, but it was meant as more of an introductory chapter. I’ve got more planned out for the story and just wanted to post this and get people’s thoughts. Please let me know what you thought of this first chapter! Next chapter will probably include the captured resistance fighter Alana’s torture, Admiral White’s ‘reward,’ and perhaps a blast from the past...