This is just a 'share your thoughts' type of post slanted toward the foot ticklers. We have all seen countless foot tickling videos that are exciting to one degree or another. However, every so often you will see one that leaves you hits your erotic trigger dead center. It fits your foot tickling archtype or ideal in a way that drives you up a wall and drives you to multiple episodes of masturbation. Personally, my erotic trigger centers around POV sole tickling in which the toes of the ticklee writhe, curl, spread, and wiggle in response to the tickling, but not so much that it is distracting. The ticklee is able to take the tickling and expresses the tickle anxiety through sexy toe movements. Tommy's 'tickle tease series' most often does this for me. Would anyone else care to divulge what elements in foot tickling clips triggers an intense erotic response and cite examples of the videos that do this for you? Sometimes these can be subtle nuances that ring your bell.