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ever wanted to tickle someone till they pee

while I agree that whatever you feel like doing is your own business, I don't think I should have to feel obligated to accept it. I'm pretty open-minded, but there are some things you'll never get me to think are not disgusting. watersports is one of those things. just as you're free to pee all over anyone who wants you to, I'm free to think it's sick. I won't force you to stop, and I would expect you not to force me to try and "understand".

to be truly tolerant of every "sick" little activity people may want to do (as bella's missive indicates you should be), would require you to be open to things like pedophilia or necrophilia, and I'm sure even we think the line needs to be drawn *somewhere*. it's just that nobody can agree on where the line should be.
Y'know, I think there's a lot of dissent going around the TMF recently. Clashes of egos, people with a bit of foot-in-mouth, etc. That ain't good, but they'll get modded eventually.

As for tickling till peeing, I'm not that for it, as the mess is a right inconvenience!
i love the idea of ticklinga victim to they pee and lose control. the whole point of being the onei n control is to take control of the sub or ticklee and makethem lose control. the idea is that you have control. forceing someone to pee may have some mental problems down the line but if you are trying to tickle torture or are into bdsm then i am for it. my only thing i ponder is the psychologicals ramifications of forceing someone to pee and shit against there will?
Phineas said:

to be truly tolerant of every "sick" little activity people may want to do (as bella's missive indicates you should be), would require you to be open to things like pedophilia or necrophilia, and I'm sure even we think the line needs to be drawn *somewhere*. it's just that nobody can agree on where the line should be.

I won't speak directly for Bella, but I think she may be on board with this statement since she mentioned "consensual activities" in her post...

I think that when some of us talk about tolerance of other people's kinks (or whatever you want to call it), most are talking about an activity between two CONSENTING ADULTS. Thus omitting pedophilia and necrophilia from that list (I suppose you should also add beastiality too). So, if there is a line to be drawn, I think that having the consent of BOTH parties involved is a good place to start.

That having been said, I will also say that I would never take away anyone's right to voice their own opinion as long as it is done tactfully, I think both pro and con arguements should be heard. However, I don't see any place for name calling in an adult debate.

So grow up you intolerant bunch of judgemental poop-heads!!

I only used necrophilia and pedophilia as examples because I couldn't think of any other activities off the top of my nog that inspire that sort of revulsion in most "right-thinking" people, yet whose practitioners insist is just as "okay" and normal as anything else. I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable members of the forum can think of some.

my point stands, though; stuff I think is okay may make *you* sick to your stomach, and vice-versa. who's allowed to draw the line? me or you?

the original poster asked for our opinions on piddle play. just as people who dig it are allowed to say they do, those of us who think it's nas-T (with a capital T) are allowed to express ourselves as equally, as long as we're not insulting about it. (dunno if anyone has been, not really paying attention).

again. do whatever you like behind closed doors. don't expect me to accept it if it crosses my boundaries, or get cheesed when I say so. I'm allowed to, as long as I do it respectfully.
Treat others as you'd want to be treated

That having been said, I will also say that I would never take away anyone's right to voice their own opinion as long as it is done tactfully, I think both pro and con arguements should be heard. However, I don't see any place for name calling in an adult debate.

Thank you, Daisy and others, for understanding. Trust me, I have NO issue with anyone disliking other people's interests. Lord knows my
friends in the various BDSM communities enjoy activities that make me want to hide under my bed :rolleyes: :p . I certainly do *not* expect everyone to enjoy everything, we're all very different. And of course we're all free to voice our opinions (ask me how I feel about needleplay and genitorture if you wanna hear a strong opinion:idontwann :scared: )

But we can respect each other. My dander is only raised when name calling and insults occur. There's a big difference between "I don't think I'd like that" amd "That's sick and stupid and nasty!". One voices an opinion, the other is judgemental and potentially hurtful. If you read my posts at all, you know I'm far from a touchy-feely, 'cumbayah' kinda chick. Way too cynical for that. But I *do* expect people to treat each other with respect and dignity. Calling people's consensual interests 'sick' and other names just because you don't wish to try it is disrespectful in my opinion. I don't tolerate it when the spankers call ticklers sick or disturbed, and I'll speak up when ticklers forget to be fair and call other kinks similar names.


Phineas said:
[B...do whatever you like behind closed doors. don't expect me to accept it if it crosses my boundaries, or get cheesed when I say so. I'm allowed to, as long as I do it respectfully. [/B]

There simply isn't any respectful way of saying "that's sick" - seems to me it'd be best to say nothing at all.

bella did say something interesting

she said that the "vanilla" world thinks we ticklers are sick, so we should be tolerant of eachother (or words to that affect).

but my opinion is that people who desire to tickle someone till they loose volunteery, and autonomic nervous system control, are truely mentaly deranged, and are the ones who cause the "vanilla world" to put down ticklers as a whole.

this is an area that needs to kept in the fantasy world, and not acted on. there are physical ramifications, and mental ones too!

Re: Respectfully?

Roseblossom said:
There simply isn't any respectful way of saying "that's sick" - seems to me it'd be best to say nothing at all.


sure there is. "I don't find that appealing." it's my opinion, are you going to tell me I'm not allowed to have or express it?

in the case of more extreme forms of play, people are going to have to accept the fact that what they like will be considered "sick" by more mainstream society. go ahead, eat your own poo. more power (or is that poo-'er?) to ya. just don't forget to floss before you go out so the rest of us don't throw up.
Let's not resort to judging each other...

We are all family here in our passion for tickling, regardless of the level of tickling each of us enjoys.
It is our passion for tickling and beign tickled along with other traits we share, that makes us family.

On a few occaisions, I have tickled women to the point which they peed themselves.
On each of those occaisions, the INTENT of doing so was not there.
However, afterwards, each has described the experience as very intense and incredible! Almost indescribable. They compared it to being an orgasmic feeling. To be tickled to that point of loss of control was totally amazing.
They actually requested to be taken to that point again.
While I would NOT want to do this on a regular basis, anyone who wants it to happen should not be condemed or ridiculed for it.
I have not been tickled to that point and while I would not want to go there on a regular basis, I have a curiosity for what that must feel like.
It does not make any of us or I a bad person or "sick"! There are FAR worse things out there that people are into that could be labeled as "sick".
Also, I would not classify as being tickled into peeing or doing so to another as being "watersports". You are not being peed ON by another. Fine line maybe but a line all the same. There is a difference.
Before you throw stones at someone, look at yourself first and look around cause a rock may one day come your way. Learn to duck or learn to accept those around you without slapping a label opon them.

I have no problem with what two consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their own bedroom.
psychological, legal and practical aspects

Boring title...sorry!
A few points..firstly while one could say that this activity is maybe not mainstream, it is not in the same league as paedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia (which are all ILLEGAL...in the UK anyway!)

One of the definititons of a fetish as you probably know is an activity which provokes sexual pleasure, usually derived from an inanimate object. Often we would loosely include non mainsteam activities as well. In my opinion, if a person who "suffers"(!) from a fetish is unable to achieve sexual pleasure apart from by performing that particular ritual or fetish then that is not necessarily "sick" but it is indeed pathological and very sad. I'm sure that there are people who use this website that fit into that category, and although they have pleasure in their way, I think it is sad, difficult and unusual if they are unable to get any pleasure from "normal lovemaking."

Re: peeing (or weeing as it is known in the UK!)I personally have fantasised about being tickled until......
However, fantasy and reality are 2 different things. Try this...Next time you really are dying for a wee, maybe after a long bus journey, when your tummy is hurting a little bit...imagine someone holding you down and tickling you then...not sexy!
I think one of the reasons it appeals in fantasy however, is partly because of the control thing which is sexy and also because when you wee, it can feel very relieving of tension in that area, similar to orgasm so you could incorporate it into a fantasy and be imagining that at the moment of orgasm. Most people usually fantasise about things that are sometimes way more hardcore than they would actually enjoy in reality, especially when the fantasy involves control. In fact this is the ultimate irony because in fantasies..you are actually in contol of whats happening!
I have noticed in my short time here so far that some of you are very cutthroat people in terms of your opinion. While you have a right to disagree, respect should still be there in its highest level. however if all you're going to do is be negative and harmful while doing it, then you are part of the problem and not the solution. While i like to debate as much as anyone, let's keep it clean, shall we? i see this forum like a baseball game, when we spend some time to get away, and enjoying the fantasy. let's not stray from this concept, hmm? anyway to the subject at hand, if tickling till they peed is your cup of tea, then by all means drink it. if not, then choose some coffee instead. thanx for the cooperation. class dismissed.
Re: Re: Respectfully?

Phineas said:
sure there is. "I don't find that appealing." it's my opinion, are you going to tell me I'm not allowed to have or express it?
...go ahead, eat your own poo. ...just don't forget to floss before you go out so the rest of us don't throw up.

So far I haven't heard anyone say "I don't find that appealing".

I've heard "that's sick" "mentally disturbed" and "nas-T with a capital T". Also that "right-thinking" people are filled with revulsion.

Pretty contemptuous.


nah i cant really say that i find it appealing. Honestly. if im tickling someone and they say they have to pee. im just going to let go do their business. I dont wanna get pissed on. Thats pretty sick!:sowrong:
Wow, I'm suprised.

I won't lie, I thought that this was a basic tickling fantasy of every beyond light tickling aficianado. I guess either I was wrong, or P.C.'ness still has a choke hold around the neck of good old blatant openess.

I will confess that it may be one of those be careful what you ask for, you just may get it fantasies. There are few faster ends to a good time for me than urine. Hell I'm with Matthew Perry in "Fools Rush" in where he refuses to even be in the bathroom with Salma Hayek when she's peeing. OMG, my GF FREAKS ME OUT with that (shiver). As far as I'm concerned women don't pee UNLESS they are tickled; they just powder their noses and spread gossip in bathrooms.

But hearing of a girl tickled literally out of control, past all physical limits, straight into the throws of involuntary spasms. O...M...G, FASCINATING and TITILATING!

Now that's a mess worth cleaning up! (Though I do like that Jumbo Huggies Idea.)

Well, there's my 5 cents, my 2 cents is free.


And ladies have no fear, I'd never take it that far, unless you wanted me to :devil: ;and if you come over to my house asking me to put on a pair of huggies, you better damn well be wearing a pair yourself and nothing else.
I tickled her till she peed all the time

I am a male tickler. When I was 16 I used to like my neighbor who was a girl of 14 years old. Very tall and developed for her age. Her family was poor and had 7 kids so she very rarely wore shoes and her clothes were skimpy. As soon as she would see me she would run because I used to chase her, until she couldn't run anymore, jump on her back and tickle her sides, pits and feet until she peed. That is what got me into tickling. It was a socially accepted way to touch her at that time. Of course she would kick and laugh and beg me to stop. I knew when she peed because she would stiffen up. Then I would stop and let her go. I know she liked it though because there were times when I ignored her that she would entice me into playing with her. She would walk by and kick me or put her bare foot on my face if I was on the floor watcing television with her big brother. One day, I came over and asked where she was. I was told she was sleeping in her room upstairs. What luck. My friend had to go to the store and asked me to keep an eye on the house. Being a good friend I couldn's say no. He He. I conveniently made my way upstairs. I opened her door and saw her laying on the bed in her t-shirt and panties. I grabbed her bother's toy handcuffs that were metal not plastic and could hold decently.
She awoke to my final click and opened her eys to me next to her.
She started screaming for help. I just trailed my finger down her arm to her pit and realized how nice it was to tickle someone who couldn't actually move or run away. She started kicking her legs so I straddled her and ran my fingers up and down her armpits. She tried spitting on me but couldn't do it because I would itensify the tickling and she would just end up drooling on herself. I told her no one was home and screaming couldn't help. I then reversed my position and layed down and grabbed her feet in my hands while I smelled her toes. I gave them a tickling work out with both hands while my chest kept them down. She peed all over her bed. I never forgot this experience nor have I ever duplicated it again. She moved away after that and I didn't see her again for 8 years. When i ran into her I had no idea how she would greet me. She ran over to me and through her arms around me and gave me a big hug. I had to control myself not to run my hands down her sides. I haven't seen her since and that was 10 years ago.
I collect B-movies and all sorts of underground stuff, not just tickling vids, y'know? Anyway, I recieved a catalog update last week from a fella who deals in alotta really hardcore stuff(in general, the Japanese and the Germans seem to be in a sort of undeclared competition for the most twisted acts on film). Having seen afew of the German S&M offerings, I tend to avoid them(scary-ass stuff!), but he's got a new vid that features tickling along with the usual depravity. I have never seen it mentioned in the German stuff. It almost has me curious enough to purchase it, just to see how these hardcore freaks who seem to have no compunction about stuff like fisting, scat and serious beatings would handle our almost quaint tickling fetish.

Further ruminations on the pee-thing: I've seen it featured fairly prominantly these days in otherwise "mainstream" porn, like PENTHOUSE magazine and HUSTLER-mag produced videos. Okay, so HUSTLER has always been pretty crazy, still, there must be some demographic reason these national mags are featuring peeing so often these days.
I just have one question people: what is the fascination of seeing yellow liquid fall? so you can feel like you've dominated the victim, or to prove they have a weak bladder, etc. please explain. I would like to know
natural tickler said:
I just have one question people: what is the fascination of seeing yellow liquid fall? so you can feel like you've dominated the victim, or to prove they have a weak bladder, etc. please explain. I would like to know

It has nothing to do with seeing "yellow fluid fall". It has to do with taking someone(tickling someone)beyond the point of self control and tickling someone to such a state and ticklish level that, that person looses said control. It is a facination or for one to imagine how intense the tickling must be to make that happen.

That's how I see it.
I could be wrong.

Areenactor writes:
>> bella thank you once again for boring us to tears
>> with your usual "tolerance" drivel.

Greetings, Areenactor, you may remember me from a few weeks ago. Hope you've been well.

I wonder if I might make a suggestion. In the line quoted above, you might want to consider replacing "boring us" with "boring me" (meaning yourself as the party being bored), and replacing "'tolerance' drivel" with "conception of tolerance that differs from mine" (or even "conception of tolerance that I think is drivel"). That way, you'd show some acknowledgement that other people might not have been bored to tears or considered Bella's opinions drivel.

Good to see you again, man.
TTd does make a valid point. There are those that want to be taken beyond there level.
point taken, however...

I agree, but you can do that without making her pee. Ever thought about taken to the brink, then cool out a minute, then continue?? See, you've taken her to the levels u want without urination and the need for clean-up. Isn't the world a safer place now?
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