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F/M (adult) – Alvin Goes Down


TMF Master
May 4, 2005
Dedicated to one of the first individuals I encountered at the TMF (as always, any feedback is appreciated)

Alvin was one of those well-built cute, sweet guys you wanted to take home with you for the evening. His sparkling eyes and cute smile made you want to trust him even though a kinkier, sadistic side lie deep inside. His bulging biceps and strong muscles certainly made him appear like he could take care of himself and anyone else who came around, but Sandee knew she could position Alvin in a predicament that he couldn’t take control of. Sandee knew how ticklish Alvin was and every single weak spot on his body from his ears all the way down to his toes. Certainly all those taunting phone calls and risqué pictures Alvin had teased her with were just adding fuel to the fire. Sandee was planning and scheming to make sure Alvin wouldn’t forget their little rendezvous. She appeared very sweet and innocent although she had a very kinky, sadistic side as well and unfortunately for Alvin, absolutely NO mercy whatsoever.

Their friendship had developed over about a year and a half or so. Pictures and emails had been exchanged and phone calls with tickling taunts and torments had become a regular occurrence. Alvin worked his butt off. He never had time for any fun. Sandee complained that he worked too damn hard and needed to take some time off and come visit. Time had passed and Sandee was not about to take no for an answer again. “Who did he think he was putting me off like that?” she thought. She contacted some of her female friends to help her with her plan. He indeed was a big strong guy and she didn’t think she could get him restrained by herself. With those strong muscles she was sure he’d take her down and she’d be the one restrained if she wasn’t too careful. That sparkle in his eye was saying “trust me, I’m your friend” but that devious grin was saying “you have no idea what I could do to you.”

Sandee had whined and complained about Alvin’s lack of vacations and he finally declared he’d take a weekend off and fly to see her. Now Alvin knew they had the same interest in tickling and had heard over and over about her new bondage friendly bed. Sandee had even been so kind as to send pictures of its steel sturdiness and four posts which would accommodate bondage quite nicely. In fact, the picture of the bed remained in his mind as he headed to the airport for his flight to Minnesota.

Alvin promised he’d call before he boarded the plane. He went over and found a quaint little corner where he could make a discrete phone call. Sandee answered her cell phone with a smile on her face, “hey babe, are you on your way to see me?” Alvin whispered into the phone, “I certainly am and I’m ready to use that new bed of yours when I get there, muaahahahahahaha.” Sandee couldn’t help but giggle but not for the reason Alvin would believe but because she knew exactly what was in store for him. He’d be toast by the time she was through with him. “Well I’ll be waiting at the baggage claim when you get here, can’t wait to see you and get a big hug.” Sandee ended the call and immediately picked up the phone to make sure her posse was ready to implement Plan Take Down Alvin. She almost felt sorry for him, ALMOST. He had no idea what was coming. Ah, he deserved every bit of it, all that taunting and teasing over the phone for so many months. She’d have him begging and pleading for mercy before the night was through. Her four best girlfriends were ready for action. Alvin was set to arrive in the Twin Cities shortly after 6 p.m. It will be absolutely perfect. She could barely keep her fingers still just thinking of the torture that lay ahead for the weekend. She had made sure to get a manicure and grow her nails so she could tickle torture the crap out of every inch of him.

She had one more call to make to the dungeon. Certainly she didn’t want to take Alvin back to her house due to all the screaming and begging and pleading that will be going on, muahahahaha. She didn’t want her nosey neighbors calling the police and putting a stop to all the torture she had in store for him. No, she couldn’t have that. She dialed up the Drive ‘em Crazy Dungeon in Minneapolis and confirmed that they had the whole dungeon reserved for the weekend. The snotty receptionist confirmed things were a go and said that no one would be around as requested. The Drive ‘em Crazy Dungeon was in the warehouse district of Minneapolis; all that was there were old buildings and homeless people. It would be the perfect setting. The building was soundproof and the owners had arranged it so that no employees would be working there this weekend. They’d have the whole dungeon to themselves. Oh the possibilities!

Sandee went to shower and get beautified for her meeting with Alvin. All things were a go. The posse was going to attack at the spot. Alvin won’t know what hit him. She was dressed to kill with a tight skirt and tank and her high heel black strappy sandals. She grabbed her duffel bag full of tools and jumped in her car and headed for the airport. By the time she arrived at the airport her pulse was about to explode. She found the baggage claim where Alvin would be and caught sight of him out of the corner of her eye. Upon eye contact with each other, the devilish look on both their faces was evident to anyone with eyes. Sandee tried not to seem too anxious but she couldn’t wait for her hug especially since he had those big masculine arms. They hugged for a good couple of minutes and entered into a nice slow warm kiss. Sandee pulled her head back and admired Alvin for the first time in over a year. It was obvious to those around that both Sandee and Alvin were ready to get out of that airport and down to business. “So are you ready to get out of this place and start our weekend of fun?” Sandee asked with a devious twinkle in her eye.
Alvin’s face had lit up the minute they made eye contact and he was trying to contain the excitement he was feeling but it was just getting the better of him. “You know it!!” Sandee cared for Alvin as a friend and fellow ticklephile. Certainly that’s why she arranged to reserve the dungeon and make sure he never forgot his weekend to Minnesota, oh the torture that awaits that man, she thought. They strolled out to Sandee’s car and tried to keep their hands off each other but that was nearly impossible. What’s a smack on the ass between friends right. “So Alvin, do you think you’ll be able to survive this weekend and fly back by Monday?” Sandee inquired with a seductive, somewhat sadistic tone.

Alvin had been thinking he was going to make good on all those taunts and torments he had made over the last year and had been thinking about all the screams for mercy and begging that Sandee would be doing over the weekend. Sandee knew this and tried to play along as if those things were still going to occur. Alvin shifted in his seat and tried to cover the bulging in his pants as they drove out on the highway. “Yes I’m good and ready for whatever happens this weekend, how about you?” Alvin breathed heavy as he watched her drive.

Sandee looked down and back up and winked at him, “Good thing you wore tight jeans to the airport. We wouldn’t have wanted to show everyone at the airport what you were packing,” Sandee laughed. Every light they hit, she would glance over and eye him seductively. She knew he was aroused to the point of no return and she couldn’t wait to tickle the crap out of him while he was tied to a bondage table with no hope for release. Oh my, she started to drive faster to the spot. Alvin didn’t know where she lived so he was none the wiser that they weren’t going there right now. “Hey sweetie, I planned a little surprise for us this evening. Up for a little picnic before we head home?” Alvin was trying not to look disappointed, after all he’d just flown over 2-1/2 hours to get here and really all he wanted to do was go back to her place and strip her down and tie her to that damn bed. “Um, no hon, whatever you want to do is fine by me. We do have all weekend right?” Alvin smiled wryly and continued to twitch in his seat.

“Good, I have just the area in mind.” She drove about five more minutes before driving up to a very secluded woody area. They both hopped out of the car and Sandee grabbed a picnic basket in hopes that it would look like she really had planned a picnic. They strolled a few feet before her posse of girls ran out from the trees and jumped Alvin. The look of shock and astonishment on his face was priceless. She almost wished she had a camera to capture the moment but there wasn’t time. “Ok girls, he’s a strong one so let’s get him in the back of the car and secure so we can take him to the dungeon.” Sandee ordered. Alvin was finally able to contain himself and tried not to smile. “What the hell is going on Sandee, I thought we were having a picnic. No one said anything about an orgy.” Sandee walked over to Alvin and kissed him hard on the lips. “You know hon I thought we’d do a switch on our plans for the weekend. Since you’ve taunted and teased me for so long, I thought such a naughty boy needs to be punished so I’ve arranged for a nice little surprise for you. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of tickle torture and more orgasms than you can deal with. I assure you by the time you have to fly back on Monday you’ll barely be able to walk if at all, muahahahahahahahahaha.”

The girls finally got his wrists handcuffed behind his back and surrounded him to walk him to the car. The drive to the dungeon was short and sweet. Sandee kept checking her rearview mirror to make sure Alvin was fastened securely. Once he was in the dungeon and restrained securely, she would have no more need for her girls. Alvin wasn’t going to fight the girls, he could probably knock them all down even though he was handcuffed but he’d play along with Sandee’s game. He was a tough guy, he could take it. Although he did know he was insanely ticklish and Sandee did already know some of his weaknesses. He hoped to God she’d let him live. Before he knew it he was naked and restrained to a bondage table, three straps on each arm, two on his legs, and one around his midsection. Her girls had done a good job, she’d have to thank them later.

Sandee strolled over, her high heels clicking on the cement floor. “Awwwwww you poor baby, if you only knew how sexy you looked all tied up and restrained like that.” She walked slowly around his body from his feet up to around his head, all along dragging her long fingernails up his legs, up his side, circling his belly button, around his nipples, watching his body twitch and his teeth grit trying not to laugh just yet. “Oh come on Alvin, it doesn’t tickle does it? DOES IT??” She reached down and licked his ear slowly, “it doesn’t tiiiiiiiccccccccckkkkkkkklllllllllleeeeeeeeee does it ALVIN??” she giggled seductively. At that he started to giggle and squirm some more. “Oh Alvin, if you’re twitching already, you are in soooooooo much trouble. You remember how much mercy I have right Alvin?” Alvin was shaking his head side to side. “Oh yeah, remember I have NONE, absolutely no mercy for you, no matter how much you beg and plead, no matter how bad you’re laughing from the torture, I will continue to tickle, and tickle, and oh yeah tickle, muahahahahahahaha. Oh, and it’s a good thing you’re naked because I’ll have access to every inch of you. Do you know how ticklish your balls are Alvin? Especially after you’ve had an orgasm?? I can’t hear you!!” Sandee leaned over and looked Alvin right in the eyes, “Time to start your torture babe. Are you ready?”

Alvin was so aroused at this point he could barely speak. He was so excited yet somewhat scared at the thought that this time he was restrained. He couldn’t fight back, he couldn’t pull her off him, all he could do is scream and beg. God that was so damn hot but at the same time he was scared to death. Sandee repeated “Are you ready?” Alvin finally managed a yes and tried to look her in the eyes. He didn’t want to start laughing yet but she was wiggling her long nails in his underarms.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP SANNNNNDDDDDDEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG I’LL DIEEEEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!” Sandee continued to drag her nails in and out of his underarms while blowing in his ear. Alvin went into silent laughter almost immediately. Sandee started laughing as she continued her assault making her way down to his sides. “Tickle tickle Alvin, are you just a little ticklish Alvin? I can’t hear you Alvin!!”

“HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOTTTTTTT TIIIIICKKKKKKKKLLLLLLLIIIIIIIISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” Alvin was gasping for air already. Sandee knew how ticklish he was and just when to take a break so he wouldn’t pass out. “Poor Alvin, such a pain in the ass to be so ticklish isn’t it, muahahahahahahahahahaha.” She ran her nails around circling his belly button drawing figure eights and all kinds of nasty dirty words. “Can you guess what I’m writing Alvin?” All Alvin could do was laugh and laugh, he could barely move a muscle in these restraints, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I CAAAANNNNNN’TTTTTTTTTTTTT, YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU AARRRRRRRREEEE EVIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL!!” “Oh I’m evil am I, well you just have no idea. We are just getting started. Did I mention we have this dungeon for the remainder of the weekend and I thought I’d just keep you tied up the whole time. You’ll be my big strong tickle slave, how’s that?” Sandee walked slowly down his legs tracing circles around his inner thighs and manhood. Alvin never stopped laughing hysterically, in fact he was having a hard time breathing period. She continued to tease and tickle his inner thighs, she knew it tickled like hell but he could regain his breath for a minute.

“You know what sweetie, I forgot something in the car. I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, ha ha ha.” Sandee scurried out to the car to get her duffel bag full of tools. Good thing for Alvin that she remembered all these goodies. We wouldn’t want him to feel he wasn’t getting the full treatment. She was taking her time knowing that he was lying in there thinking about the torture to come. It was completely dark by now and they had already been at his torture for an hour. Thank goodness they had this dungeon the whole weekend. She would never tire of torturing him and that body of his. She walked back in and seen him lying there with his eyes closed. “WAKE UP CUTIE, your torture has just begun, aren’t you glad?” Sandee snickered. Alvin’s eyes flew open and he saw the sadistic look on her face. “I told you I was a big strong guy. I can take whatever you can dish out baby!!”

“Ohhhhhhh, well we’ll see about that.” At that Sandee opened up the duffel bag and pulled out the Sonicare, the hairbrush, some turkey feathers, a few makeup brushes, a feather duster, and a blindfold. Alvin watched closely as she carefully laid out each tool on the table next to him. Holy shit, he was in trouble. Sandee could see the mixed expression on his face. “Excited and scared aren’t ya babe? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t pass out and that you live past this otherwise it wouldn’t be any fun for me, muahahahahahaha.” Sandee eyed Alvin's erection and noticed it couldn't be any harder. "Alvin you aren't just a little excited are ya? I'll bet you'd love to explode with pleasure right about now. Let me see what I have in my tool kit that could help you with that. Hmmmm. Ah ha, here we go, how about this feather duster. Do you think it will tickle if I run this through your thighs and all around your balls Alvin?? Hmmmm?? Not going to answer me ha? I guess I'll have to find out for myself."

Sandee grabbed the very fluffy feather duster and with one hand ran it in and out of Alvin's thighs. At the same time she used her other hand with her long fingernails to tickle Alvin's balls, "tickle tickle Alvin. Would you like to cum my sweet tickle slave?? muahahahahahahaha!!" Alvin was screaming at the top of his lungs and laughing hysterically. Thank goodness he couldn't move out of those bonds otherwise she would be in trouble. Sandee continued her ravage attack on Alvin's balls until he could barely breathe. She refused to stop until he came real hard. Didn't take long however as she was taunting him with how ticklish he was, he screamed and groaned with his first intense orgasm. "OHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP II CAN'TTTTTTT TAKKKKEEE IIIITTTTT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Wow, I"m so glad you finally came Alvin because now the true tickle torture can begin, muaahahahahahahahahahaha." Sandee grabbed one of the turkey feathers and ran it the length of Alvin's manhood, slowly up and down, circling the tip, using her other hand to continue to tickle his balls until he was begging and pleading for it to end. "Now now Alvin, I seem to recall you mentioning being this big strong guy who could take anything I was able to dish out. Do I detect defeat here? Hmmmm?" Sandee was tickling so fast she could barely keep it up with both hands. "Tickle tickle Alvin, don't cum again. You're just going to be even more sensitive and ticklish. Awww poor baby, do I hear begging and pleading again?"

"PLEASE PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST STOP, PLEASEEEEEEEEEE SANDEE I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, ANYTHING," Alvin was panting and gasping for air, the tingling sensation from the last orgasm still running through his body from head to toe.

Sandee walked to the table of tools and grabbed the Sonicare and turned it on right by Alvin's ear. "Oh Alvin, ever seen one of these? They are oh so evil especially on naughty ticklish tickle slaves. You don't know of any of those do you?" Alvin was still gasping for air and his body was flinching. He was shaking his head vigorously side to side, "No, No, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
"Awwww, that's too bad because I know you recall my warning in the beginning of NO mercy right, muahahahahahahahah." With this Sandee ran the Sonicare in Alvin's underarm, circling the inside and the the outer edge, slowly running it up and down his sides, back and forth. Oh my if Alvin could have leaped onto the ceiling, that would have been the time he did it. He was screaming at the top of his lungs and babbling something she couldn't even understand. "Awwww, you're speaking in tongues, how cute is that. Perhaps those balls need some more attention. I think you need to explode again, what do you think?"

"DON'TTTTTTTT TOUCHHHHHHHHHH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I CAN'T TAKE IT," Alvin gasped for breath and was stuttering something. Sandee walked slowly down his torso as she tickled his sides. She dragged her fingernails slowly, back and forth, side to side, finally reaching his manhood. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, look what I found here Alvin, it looks so juicy and tasty." Sandee bent down and took a taste. She could see his muscles tense up and he started laughing again. "Well well Alvin, does that tickle? I haven't even done anything yet." Sandee continued to lick and suck as she used her hands to tickle underneath the balls. Alvin exploded in laughter and moans. It was a matter of about a minute before he exploded again with another orgasm although Sandee didn't stop. She continued exploring and licking and tickling so bad that Alvin was about ready to pass out. "Awww Alvin, are you okay or is this too much for you?"

"OMG, PLEASSSSSEEEEEEEEE STOOOOOOOOOOOOP, I CAN'T TAKE IT, PLEASEEEEEEEE SANDEEEEEEEEEE, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Alvin was sweating profusely and Sandee could tell he was about to pass out from exhaustion and sensory overload. "Alright sweetie, I'll let you up for the night. BUT this is only Friday. We still have Saturday and Sunday. I'm sure you'll let me tie you down again right?? Otherwise I'll have to fetch my female posse again to get you restrained." At this point Alvin couldn't argue with her. He would have done anything to get out of that bondage and not have anymore orgasms or tickle torture. Sandee released Alvin from all the straps and let him lay there gasping for air. She ran and got him some water and gave him a big hug for being such a good tickle slave. "Poor baby, just think now you're too tired to get me back, hahahahaha." With that Alvin grabbed her waist and threw her down on the bondage table . . .

The End
Great story! I've met Ticklee73 and adding this devilish story to her attractiveness it would be a worthwhile weekend! :devil2:
Very Ticklish Guy

Sandee! Dear lord! That was a wonderful story. I now have a new favorite fantasy that hopefully won't remain a fantasy for long. Wow. :bowing:

Thanks Sandee...

...i feel so special ! Hopefully we can make this story a reality soon...hope i survive!!

You are the best!
Tickleyou said:
Great story! I've met Ticklee73 and adding this devilish story to her attractiveness it would be a worthwhile weekend! :devil2:

Awww, thank you sweetie!! The devilish quality does add something doesn't it, LOL.

MrTicklee said:
Sandee! Dear lord! That was a wonderful story. I now have a new favorite fantasy that hopefully won't remain a fantasy for long. Wow. :bowing:


Hehehe, Well thank you MrTicklee, glad you liked it ;) I aim to please :devil:

ticklemonster99 said:
...i feel so special ! Hopefully we can make this story a reality soon...hope i survive!!

You are the best!

Thanks sweetie, you should feel special. Reality, smeality, damn right we will, snickers. So wheeeennnnnnn are ya coming to Minnesota??? :devil:

Sandee... I didn't know you had it in you.

What are you doing this weekend, or any weekend for that matter, I'm free. :p :firedevil
ticklishscribe said:
What are you doing this weekend, or any weekend for that matter, I'm free. :p :firedevil

Now why would you not think I had it in me?? lol, deep down under all that innocence lies a very sadistic woman :firedevil:

Beware!! ROFL

Great story Sandee!!

I wil have to remember this for NEST next year ;)
Thats an awesome story! I wish I was ALvin, but you'd never have me beg like that.

DGF1976 said:
Thats an awesome story! I wish I was ALvin, but you'd never have me beg like that.


Thank you! And we both know I know I could make you beg and then some, remember I know your weak spots already, muahahahaha

Sandee, this has got to be one of the most amazing f/m stories I've read... EVER!! :xpulcy: :bowing: Thankyou so much for this wonderful contribution, I enjoyed it very, very much :D
leafstk said:
Sandee, this has got to be one of the most amazing f/m stories I've read... EVER!! :xpulcy: :bowing: Thankyou so much for this wonderful contribution, I enjoyed it very, very much :D

Awwww, that's so sweet, thanks for the compliment leafstk, I'm glad you enjoyed the read, that means the world to me!!

Darth Vegeta said:
And when is the sequel (;

I might be persuaded to write more, lol. Once the creative juices start to flow again, I'll be sure to write more.

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