Paul Jones1
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(Previously published elsewhere)
This is a story about a tickle-torture class conducted by the female “M” (played by Judi Dench)
in recent James Bond films.
It’s all about a (make-believe) drug that greatly enhances ticklishness. (Don’t you wish?)
I hope you enjoy it. If you do, you might want to see my story, see my story, M/F Spy Story:
Double-0 vs. M at <>.
By way, does anybody know of a SAFE and LEGAL preparation that really does enhance
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Sean was naked and stretched out on Director M’s now-familiar tickle table. She had
applied the usual restraints to his wrists and ankles.
Several young women, whom Sean recognized from previous sessions as her students,
were also present. The top of the table was tilted upward, affording them an excellent
view of the upcoming merriment.
She asked her students, “Aren’t you glad to have Sean back with us? He’s so deliciously
ticklish.” They tittered in agreement.
She continued, “Nobody as ticklish as he is should ever become an IRA operative.
Suppose he fell into enemy hands, and they tickled him!” The class smiled at the
“Today, I’m going to demonstrate a new drug that I’ve developed here at the Ministry.
I call it Kitzelcane, from the German word for tickle. It has the effect of greatly
increasing a man’s ticklishness.
She continued, “Kitzelcane is administered by injection. The subject feels a tingling as
the drug takes effect. As it does, his susceptibility to tickling increases enormously."
"He becomes hyper-ticklish!”
She elaborated, “The drug has its greatest effect on the torso, genitals, and thighs,
though it sometimes induces hyper-ticklishness from the ears to the feet.”
“Kitzelcane’s effect lasts for about an hour, during which you can have the most
delicious fun with the victim—I mean, subject.”
Then she drew her nails across his stomach, making him squirm and laugh heartily.
“Sean makes a lovely commotion, doesn’t he? Even so, he still has no idea of what
real ticklishness is. He’s about to find out. Kitzelcane affords the ultimate in tickle
Then she gave him the injection. He groaned in anticipation.
She waited a few minutes, and then again drew her nails across his now hyper-ticklish
stomach. This time, he laughed hysterically and writhed vigorously.
“Now he’s making a real commotion, much better than before,” she noted.
“See how ticklish he is now that he’s under the drug.” The class was impressed.
So was Sean. Initially, he had been skeptical concerning her comments about the
enhanced level of ticklishness under Kitzelcane. But now, he was a true believer.
Kitzelcane really worked!
She applied her skills again to his hyper-ticklish stomach. This assault drove him
to new heights of tortured shrieking and squirming. He struggled against his bonds
violently, howling with maniacal laughter.
Next, he shrieked hysterically as she tickled his armpits and breasts. “Look!
Kitzelcane has made his breasts more ticklish than ours are!” she announced.
The class chuckled in amusement.
Sean couldn’t believe how unbearably ticklish he had become. The effect of the drug
was simply incredible. Using her devilishly skillful fingers, she continued flooding his
helpless body with unendurable tickling.
Then she stepped to the foot of the bed, and wiggled her fingers just above his bare
“No! Please! Not my feet!” he cried out.
But she lowered her fingers to his feet, and began a merciless foot-tickling assault.
Sean howled with uncontrollable laughter, and writhed ferociously.
“You’ll note that Kitzelcane affects Sean all over, right down to his feet,” she observed.
“Now his whole body is one big ticklish spot!”
Sean marveled at the effectiveness of the drug. And he was humiliated by his own
shrieking laughter and violent writhing. But he couldn’t help himself. Kitzelcane had
made him uncontrollably ticklish.
Reading his mind, she stopped, and asked him, “You would never have believed that
you could be so ticklish, would you?”
“No, NO!” he bawled.
“When a man is tickled under Kitzelcane, his antics are always lovely to behold,”
she told her students.
“Very soon, he will have no dignity left at all. He’ll be
shamelessly begging for mercy.”
Then she resumed tickling him all over with wicked mirthfulness. She attacked all his shamelessly begging for mercy.”
most sensitive spots, driving him to new levels of hilarity.
“Look at the worm squirm!” she exclaimed. “And listen to him howl!” The women
laughed in delight.
Then she let him rest awhile.
Sean was nearly out of his mind from the devilishly skillful tickle torture. Utterly
demoralized, totally humiliated, and bereft of any pride, he screamed frantically,
“Please, M! No more! I can’t stand it! I CAN’T STAND IT!"
“What did I tell you, ladies? He’s devoid of any dignity.
He’s been reduced to a blubbering, quivering, lump
of ticklish jelly. Isn't it delightful?”
He’s been reduced to a blubbering, quivering, lump
of ticklish jelly. Isn't it delightful?”
The others agreed wholeheartedly.
Then she resumed her tickle torture, fiendishly showing him no mercy. At the
Kitzelcane-induced level of ticklishness, her spirited tickling was truly agonizing.
Under the influence of the cruel drug, he experienced the most excruciating—and
maddening—sensations imaginable.
Each tickling sensation seemed to penetrate his body like an electric current. Until
now, he had never realized that the human body could experience such sensations:
an astonishing blend of ecstasy and agony.
“Stop it! STOP IT!” he begged hysterically. But she persisted, much to the delight
of her students, who cheered her on.
Finally, he cried out loudly in ticklish agony, agony so intense that he lost
consciousness. Then the class was dismissed, and M went to her quarters,
leaving it to her attendants to return Sean to his cell.
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Director M hadn’t revealed the entire truth about Kitzelcane. Not only does it intensify
a man’s ticklishness. It also greatly intensifies and prolongs a woman’s climax.
In the privacy of her boudoir, she prepared another syringe.