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Flight into Fantasy M/F F/M

Eternal Tomboy

TMF Master
Aug 5, 2001
Chapter One: The flight

I had waited a long time for my vacation, and it was finally here. Work had become nothing more than a daily grind for me. There was an almost tangible weight on my shoulders every time I had to walk into my office building. My mind and body were screaming for relief, which in my head was at a fever pitch, but from the outside barely snuck out as a whisper. I was so sick of having to affix the plastic smile on my face every morning like it was some cheap thrift store accessory just so I could please my boss and my clients. At this point, I would have loved nothing more than to tattoo the words “fuck off” on my forehead, and tell my boss that he could stick my job and his condescending attitude right up his ass. But thankfully, my vacation time had come just before I made the appointment at the local tattoo parlor.
I had been planning my trip to the west coast for over six months, and at long last my patience and precise planning had paid off. I was going to spend my 30th birthday basking in the warm sun on the west coast. When planning what I wanted to do for my birthday, I thought that I would like to spend the big 3-0 somewhere far away from all my friends and family who would inevitably do something completely embarrassing for my celebration (like blow up life size pictures of me as a baby in the bathtub for all to sign their names to, or decorate my place with black streamers and signs which read “over the hill.”) Thanks, but no thanks. I guess they’ll just have to save their predictable humiliations for the next poor sap that has to cross this hurdle. I knew 30 was going to be a hard pill for me to swallow, and I also knew that it would go down much easier if followed by a huge margarita while I lounged on the beach.
My plane was due for take off in one hour, which gave me enough time to grab a couple last minute cocktails at the airport bar, and screw up enough courage to board the plane. Flying wasn’t my favorite mode of transportation, but in the interest of time (or lack there of) I decided that it was the only way to get to the other side of the country and leave enough time to enjoy the week that I had planned.
“Flight 5496 to California now boarding at gate 18.” came over the loud speaker, pulling me from my musings.
“Well, here goes nothing.” I said in a muffled tone, and then drank down the last drop of my cosmopolitan.
Once we got off the ground (and I stopped gripping the armrest for dear life and praying to God to spare my pathetic little life), the cocktails and Dramamine that I had before I boarded the flight kicked in and I dozed off. I slept most of the flight, and probably would have slept for all of it had the way-too-perky stewardess not woke me up to give me my complimentary bag of sodium saturated nuts, and a flat soda. It was just as well though because I needed some time to hit the cramped box they call a bathroom and allow the crease marks from the airplane pillow to fade from my face. I had no intention of stepping off the plane in sunny California looking like I had crawled all the way from New York. A little primping was definitely in order. I barely had time to sit back down in my seat before the seat belt light went on, and it was time for our plane to land. After another plea with God, I locked my belt and resumed my firm grip on the armrest.
“I didn’t get this far just to have my plane crash and burn now, so how’s about a nice smooth landing, huh?” I prayed out loud. The gentleman next to me looked over and grinned. I caught sight of his glance out of the corner of my eye, and turned to face him.
“Don’t worry...I’ve done this a thousand times and survived every one of them.” he said with a boyish grin.
“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll live......just can’t wait to get my feet back on the ground.” I said with a forced smile.
He looked down at my white-knuckle grip on the armrest and chuckled. “I don’t think your death grip on the chair is going to prevent us from crashing. If you loosen up you’ll feel much better. Promise.” he said still maintaining a smile that made me want to kiss his lips.
“I don’t think I can. I may be bringing this chair with me on my vacation.” I said.
He laughed out loud this time, and said “Here, let me help.” He then lightly tickled the back of my hand with his fingertips. My hold on the armrest loosened immediately and I jumped at the sudden, unexpected ticklish feeling.
“Hey! No fair. I can’t be tense if you’re gonna tickle me.” I said in feigning an attitude.
“Exactly. Now, if you go back to holding that armrest I may have to try more drastic measures next time.” he said with a laugh.
“Oh really. Well, just keep in mind that I tickle back.” I said, still attempting to play it cool. Although with the grin that was starting to spread across my face (the first real one in a long time) it became very difficult to hold onto any semblance of a New York attitude.
“Good to know. Although, unless you plan on ripping off my shoes, you won’t have any luck since my feet are the only place I’m ticklish.” he said with a satisfied grin.
This entire conversation had made the nervous jitters that I was having disappear and the giddy butterflies in my stomach spring to life . I felt my face blush, and I was finding it increasingly harder and harder to make eye contact with him. However, his stare seemed unwavering, and the smile on his face had taken on a devious quality that wasn’t there before.
“Well, a girls got to do what a girls got to do. A little thing like shoes isn’t going to stop me from defending myself.” I said back with a smile.
“Well, judging by the reaction you had from just the brief tickle I gave you on the back of your hand, I’m betting that you are way more ticklish than I am. So, if you go for my shoes, I may have to defend myself too.” he said, now playing along very nicely with the game that I had started.
“We’ll just see about that.” I said.
As I stared at this handsome yuppie beside me, I couldn’t believe the bond that had formed between us so quickly. I normally didn’t let down my guard to complete strangers, but it was somehow different with him. I felt our connection form the minute we started talking to each other. This kind of kismet had happened only once before in my life, and the girl it happened with became my best friend for life (since the fifth grade). This man beside me felt as comfortable and familiar to me as my favorite pair of blue jeans. But along with our instant bond of friendship, I also had the unmistakable urge to rip his clothes off (which definitely didn’t happen with the girl from my fifth grade class). I knew that if this plane didn’t land soon, I was going to quickly become the latest member of the mile high club.
Just then a pocket of turbulence pulled me from my fantasies of airborne adventure, and began to jostle us around a bit more than I felt comfortable with. A small gasp escaped my lips and I instinctively went back to gripping the armrest without even a thought as to the potential consequences.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he said and then gently pried my hand away from it’s safe hold on the armrest. My arm was now tucked in between his arm and his suit jacket. I looked over his arm and saw that he was turning my hand palm side up, and using one of his hands to roll my fingers back so that my hand was open. He then took his other hand and traced slow circles around my palm with his fingertips. My immediate reaction was to try and pull it away, and when I realized that he had a firm grip on it, I began to giggle.
“Hey! ” I said, amidst the giggling that continued to bubble out of my mouth. I was now squirming in my seat and trying very hard not to make a scene.
“I told you what would happen if you gripped that armrest again, didn’t I?” he teased and continued to tickle my palm.
He then dragged his fingertips passed my wrist and up the inside of my forearm. My giggles turned into laughter and I was trying desperately to free my arm (without much success.) He began to laugh too, and that made it even harder for me to control my laughter. His fingers continued to dance their way up and down my forearm and I now had my face buried in his shoulder in an effort to try and muffle my laughter.
“Okay...Okay...you win! Stahahahap!” I managed to get out.
He stopped and gingerly released his hold on my arm. My laughter quieted down to soft giggles, as I tried to compose myself again.
I playfully punched him in the arm. “That was so mean! How could you do that to me?” I said, still giggling.
“What else could I do? I’m a man of my word.” he said with a crooked smile.
“I bet you are. That was totally unfair though. Your shoes might as well have been a hundred miles away! I never had the chance to fight back!” I said, returning his smile.
“I told you you were unfairly matched. Maybe next time you’ll believe me.” he said.
I just stuck out my tongue like a defeated five year old and crossed my arms in front of me. “See if I ever give you the chance for a next time!” I said back, but couldn’t quite erase the traces of the smile that he created.
“Awww....don’t be such a sore loser!” he said and poked me in the ribs.
I jumped and broke my defiant pose. “Hey! Now don’t start that again or I’ll have to dive under the seat and go for the shoes....and this time you’d better believe I’ll get ‘em.”
“Just remember to unlock your seat belt first.” he said as if to dare me.

Just then, I realized that the giddy feeling in my stomach was no longer due to the playful banter between my new found friend and I, but rather because the plane was beginning to make it’s descent, and a bit unsteadily at that. I couldn’t believe that this guy managed to distract me from my fears so well that I totally forgot all about the fact that I was even on a plane at all. Unfortunately, the enjoyable distraction was short lived. He must have seen my smile beginning to fade and the panic start to slowly rise in behind my eyes again because he just gently joined his hand with mine on the armrest.
“Don’t worry....we’re almost there.” he said in a comforting tone.
“Yep. No worries.” I said trying to appear nonchalant, and then I shut my eyes. I tried to keep my grip loose on the armrest, this time remembering what white knuckles would result in.
“Ya know, I didn’t even get your name.” he said.
I opened up my eyes, and looked over at him. “You’re right. I totally forgot about introductions. We kind of went straight for tickles. It’s Maggie. And yours?” I asked.
“Sam, and I don’t usually tickle women before I get their name....but in your case it seemed more important to prevent your anxiety attack than to make your acquaintance.” he said with a smile.
“True. I guess I don’t make for such a great flying partner. I swear I’m much more relaxed with my feet on the ground.” I said with a small smile.
“I’m sure you are.” he said and gave my hand a squeeze.
“Do you live in California? Or are you going there on vacation?” I asked, trying to create another distraction which would take me away from our impending touch down.
“I live there.” he said.
“What do you do?” I asked.
“You mean besides tickle nervous women on airplanes?” he said jokingly.
“Yeah, I already know that part.” I said with a giggle.
“I’m an agent for the a few of the stars out there.” he said matter-of-factly.
“Really? Wow, that sounds kind of exciting.” I said.
“It can be, but generally it’s a pain in the ass. They can be pretty demanding at times.” he said.
“I’m sure. Who do you work with?” I asked.
“Umm....let’s see. There’s Pierce Bronsan....Michael Keaton...Sandra Bullock....Kevin Spacey....”
“KEVIN SPACEY?!!?” I interrupted frantically.
“Yeah, why? You a fan?” he asked amused.
“Oh my God, he’s my absolute favorite!!” I said excitedly.
“Well, maybe this is your lucky day.” he teased.
“What do you mean?! Sam, don’t tease me like that...it’s not funny.” I said seriously.
He laughed, and said “I’m not teasing. I have plans to meet up with him this week to check over some things. What do you have planned for the next week?” he asked.
“Well, I’m on vacation this week. I booked a room at a hotel on the beach and had nothing but some R&R on my agenda.” I said.
“Wanna change your plans?” he asked.
“Are you kidding?! What do you mean? I can’t just run off with a complete stranger....can I?” I asked, more to myself than to Sam.
“Well, you could. Look, I’m not asking you to share a bed with me or anything. I’ll book you a room in the hotel near my condo complex. We can hang out, maybe catch a bite to eat, I can show you around.....and perhaps introduce you to a few people.” he said with a nudge of his elbow.
I couldn’t help it, I was totally star struck and drunk with the possibilities that the week might hold. I felt like a giddy school girl, and decided to accept Sam’s offer before my sensibility took hold of me and talked me out of it. I reasoned that the worst that could happen is that Sam turned out to be a total liar and a psycho, in which case I’d show him what five years of Tae kwon do lessons had taught me, and then book a flight home.
“Sam, you’ve got yourself a deal. Whatever you come up with has got to be better than room service and pay-per-view.” I said with a mile wide smile.
“I can pretty much guarantee that.” he said with a grin.

As we touched down I could feel my muscles relax, and I took a deep sigh of relief. I unbuckled my seat belt, and stretched so I could allow my muscles the first real chance at relaxing since I boarded the plane. I could feel all the muscles in my back, arms and neck elongate....what a relief! I glanced over at Sam as I had my arms stretched above my head and caught him looking me over as my t-shirt slid up to reveal my flat stomach.
“Feel better?” Sam asked.
“Much! I don’t feel like I’m wadded up into a tiny ball of knots anymore.”
“Well, you certainly look more relaxed.” Sam said with a smile.

It was our turn to exit, and we both grabbed our carry-on luggage and headed off the torture device numbered flight 5496. We made our way to the baggage claim, and once we both got our luggage we went to find the limo that Sam had already booked to come pick him up upon his arrival. I walked out into the sunny state of California, and took in the landscape outside. I couldn’t see much beyond the airport grounds, but the sky never looked bluer to me. As Sam hailed his limo over to where we stood, I silently marveled at my amazing stroke of luck. Not only did I meet a handsome guy on the flight over who acted like my guardian angel sent down to earth, but I’m also getting the chance to see California the way it was meant to be seen....in style!

But just as my thoughts of good fortune seeped their way into my brain, another dark cloud was there to haunt me. The gravity of what I was about to embark on hit me all at once. How the hell could I compete with all these people?! My idea of a big night out was a trip to the movies and a beer at the local bar afterward. What did I know about Hollywood? I also realized that the only clothes I packed were ones that I planned to lounge on the beach in, and I seriously doubted that a bikini and cut-off denim shorts were going to be appropriate for what Sam had hinted at on the flight over. As my panic took hold, Sam looked over at me, ready to usher me into the limo, and picked up on my mood change.
“Maggie? What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Ummm...I didn’t exactly plan for all of this Sam. I’m not really ready for it.”
“You said that you wanted to....” he asked confused.
“Oh no, I do.....it’s just that....” I trailed off.
Sam left his position by the door of the limo, and came over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, and looked deep into my eyes. “It’s just what?” he asked softly.
“I’m totally unprepared for it. You probably run in very elegant circles, and I’m just a plain Jane from New York City. I don’t know if I’ll fit in with all of this, Sam.” I said.
“Hey, you are anything but plain, Maggie. Don’t let all the glitz and glam of Hollywood intimidate you. You’re going to do just fine. Promise. And if you recall, I always keep my promises...I mean, you landed safe and sound, didn’t you?” he said with a wink.
“Yeah, but....I don’t have anything to wear.” I said in a tone just above a whisper.
Much to my surprise, Sam burst out laughing at my last statement. It took him a few seconds to compose himself, but then he managed to stop laughing long enough to say “Is that what’s bothering you?! Oh Maggie, you are too cute.” he giggled. When he saw that I wasn’t laughing along with him, he took on a more serious tone.
“Hey, I may be a guy, but I happen to know all the hottest places to shop. I guess it comes kind of part and parcel with the biz.” he said and then placed one of his fingers under my chin to lift my face up from it’s slumped position. “We are going to make you sparkle, kiddo. Promise.” he said and then gave me a soft peck on the lips.
I nearly melted into the sidewalk. The tingle from his kiss traveled it’s way down from my mouth to my toes, being sure to pass all the hot spots along the way.
I couldn’t help but grin like a giddy school girl, and I let out a small giggle. “Okay, Sam. If you say so.” I said.
“That’s better. Nothing but smiles for you for the next week. You just leave everything to me.” he said, and then ushered me into the limo.
“Driver, take us to Rodeo drive please.” he instructed.

Chapter two: Getting Cinderella ready for the ball

When we reached Rodeo drive, I thought that it was a shopper’s paradise....if you like that sort of thing....which I usually don’t. When it comes to dress shopping I’m fashionably impaired, well retarded really, and never find anything that I like. I usually only torture myself with dresses when I have a wedding or funeral to go to. I basically live my non-professional hours in my jeans and t-shirts, and hate anything dressier than the suits I wear to work. Tomboy you say? Yeah, that would be a fairly accurate description of me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hard as nails or anything. I definitely have my softer side. Instead of spending time and money on getting fancy clothes, I usually pay more attention to my hair and nails. I love to go to the beauty parlor and get a manicure. Nothing makes me feel sexier than freshening up the highlights in my hair, and making my nails look pretty.
But something told me that this shopping trip was going to be different. I had seen similar shops like these in the affluent areas of NYC, but had never dared to go into them before. My budget didn’t include spending $250 on a pair of pants, and another $200 on the cute shoes to match. I generally lived at the Gap, and only window shopped the stores that I knew would probably ask me for my first born as a down payment upon entrance.
The limo pulled up to a cute little boutique, and Sam stepped out, extending his hand for me to follow him. “To the nines” was the name of the store, and Sam opened up the door for me to walk inside...and who says chivalry is dead? Sam walked right up to the counter, and tapped the little bell on the counter. It looked like he had just rang for the bell hop at a hotel. At the sound of the bell, the curtain which divided the store from the backroom rustled. A woman appeared just seconds later, and was there behind the counter to greet us with a smile.
“Sam!” she said, and leaned over the counter to peck him on the cheek.
“Hey, Julia. Long time no see, huh?” he said and returned her kiss. “This is my friend Maggie, and she’s looking to get a little spoiled today. Think you can help her out?” he said and then gave me a wink.
“Hi.” I said a bit sheepishly. I had to admit that I was more than a little jealous that Sam knew this elegant beauty by name, and had such a friendly rapport with her. It made me wonder about their history together.
“Oh, I think I can manage that. Why don’t you come this way sweetie, and I’ll see what we’ve got for you.” she said and led me into the heart of the store.
Julia looked me over from head to toe, with one finger posed on her chin. I blushed under her gaze, and suddenly felt very exposed. She looked like she was mapping out all my measurements, and locking them away in that fashion wizard brain of hers.
“Hmm...size 8?” she asked.
“Wow...that’s pretty good. Now what’s my sign?” I asked in an attempt to lighten things up a bit.
She chuckled, and said “Honey, I’m not psychic. I just know my business. Now, what kind of attire are you looking for?” she said, getting back to business.
“I have no idea what Sam has planned for me this week, so maybe you should ask him that question.” I said and looked over at him.
“Well, we’re going to need something appropriate for a black tie event, and perhaps one or two things that she can wear for a fun night out on the town.”
I was sure that “a night out on the town” meant something completely different here than it did back home. I couldn’t see one single pair of jeans amidst the sea of elegant evening wear, and as far as I was concerned, jeans was what you worn for “a night out on the town.” I watched as Julia quickly sifted through the garments on the rack. Her nimble fingers picked out several outfits before she returned to where I was standing.
“Right this way sweetie.” she said and then led me to the dressing room. “Go ahead in there and try these on. We’ll wait out here, and you can give us a little fashion show .”
“Um, okay.” I replied and took the garments from her.
I took the first dress off the hanger. The black material slid easily through my fingers as I ran them over the length of the dress. I looked at the tag...old habits die hard. I gulped hard when I saw the price. I my entire summer wardrobe cost less than this dress. How the hell was I going to afford all of this?! Oh well, I guess that’s what credit cards are for. I peeled off my clothes and slipped it on. Even a dress hater like myself had to admit that this dress felt great against my skin. It had spaghetti straps, fit me tight to the waist, and then slightly flared out until it rested just below my knees. The sheer top fabric had tiny black beads that shimmered beneath the dressing room lights. I zipped up the back, and then stepped out so Sam and Julia could see.
Sam stood up from the seat he had taken by the dressing rooms, and stared at me. I met his gaze, and they shied away, feeling very self conscious.
“Wow, Maggie...you look amazing!” he said.
He walked over to me and took both my hands. As his eyes lingered over every inch of my body, I had an unbelievable urge to make love to him right then and there. He spun me around, and watched as my dress flared out. He dipped me as if we were dancing, and as he brought me back up to a standing position he gave me a quick kiss. He took one of his fingers and gently ran it up the length of my back, sending shivers up my spine, and we both smiled.
“I think that will do quite nicely for your formal night out. I’m sure I can also find some shoes and a bag to match. “ Julia offered, bringing me back to reality.
I had to admit that having my own personal shopper to do the legwork for me made dress shopping a lot more fun. I tried on a few more outfits, most of which looked as though they were made just for me (Julia wasn’t kidding when she said she knew her business), and then went up to the register to settle the (insane) bill. I just reasoned that this trip was once in a lifetime, and I could spoil myself rotten now and worry about the bill when I got home. As I reached for my purse to pull out my credit card, Sam put his hand on mine to stop me.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked with a sly grin.
“What do you mean? I’m pretty sure that Julia isn’t giving this stuff away.” I laughed.
“No, but I am.” he said.
“Sam...I couldn’t....” I said, shocked that he would even offer.
“You can, and you should. This week is on me, Maggie. Please....let me.” he said sweetly.
“I just don’t know, Sam. It’s...it’s too much. I mean, we just met, and....” I said.
“How can I sweep you off your feet, if you insist on planting yourself so firmly on the ground?” he interrupted.
I laughed. “Okay. I guess I can’t fight a determined prince charming.” I relented and then replaced my wallet back into my purse.
“Now you’re learning.” he said and gently brushed my cheek with index finger . He placed his credit card on the counter and added another chapter to my fairy tale.

Chapter Three: Coming out of the closet

Sam got me settled in a spectacular hotel room, and made sure that I had everything I needed. From my seventh floor balcony, I had a gorgeous view of the beach. I stood out there and watched as the sun shown high in the noonday sky. I stood there basking in the sunshine and my unbelievable good fortune. A knock on my hotel room door roused me from my daydreams, and I went to go answer it.
“Hi there.” I said to Sam and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
He had his hands behind his back, and I tried to peer behind him to see what he was hiding.
“What’cha got?” I asked like a nosy little girl.
“Little something for you....no peekin’ though.” he said and hid what he was holding.
“Oh, c’mon...tell me!” I said impatiently.
“Hmmm....I think I should make you wait for it.” he teased.
I decided to see if Sam was telling the truth when he said that his only ticklish spot was his feet, so I scribbled my nails all over his belly to try and make him bring his hands out where I could see them. He laughed a little, but I couldn’t tell if it was because my fingers tickled, or because he liked the game we were playing. My nails danced a little higher towards his underarms, and that’s when he jumped.
“Hey! Now you’re gonna get it!” he said and quickly stashed his present inside his suit jacket before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.
I was giggling uncontrollably and he hadn’t even tickled me yet, but I knew from his playful manner on the plane that it was definitely coming. He tossed me gently on the bed and straddled my waist.
“Now you’re going to see what happens to girls that can’t be patient.” he said and wiggled his fingers above me.
I screamed and began to laugh even harder. I tried desperately to wiggle out from underneath him before he had the chance to start tickling me, but he outweighed me by too much.
“Sam don’t! I’ll be patient....PLEASE!!” I began to plead.
“Please what?” he asked, feigning innocence.
“You know what!” I said, still giggling.
“No I don’t...I just know that you look awfully nervous about something.” he said still wiggling his fingers above me.
“Don’t tickle me!” I blurted out.
“Tickle you? Why...I hadn’t even thought of that! Thanks for the suggestion.” he said and then dug into my ribcage.
Laughter exploded out of my mouth, and I began to thrash on the bed. In my efforts to wiggle free, I managed to turn myself over onto my belly, but couldn’t actually move out from underneath him. I began to try and grip the headboard and pull myself out, but Sam picked up on that plan before I was able to get a good enough grip.
“Oh no you don’t....come back here.” he said and tickled my underarms.
My arms shot back down to my sides, failing at both my effort to grip the headboard, and to stop his tickling. I had only managed to wedge his hands in between my sides and my own arms, where they continued to tickle me senseless. Now, at even more of a disadvantage on my belly, I could do nothing more than beg him to stop, and kick my feet.
“Sam!! Stahahahp!!” I squealed.
He paused his tickling fingertips and asked “are you going to be a good girl?”
I just nodded my head in agreement, too out of breath for actual words. He flipped me over onto my back again, and smiled down at me.
“Okay, I’ll let you go this time, but I’d better not see you trying to hunt around for any of my ticklish spots or I’ll be forced to defend myself again. And believe me, when it comes to tickle fights....I never lose.” he said and kissed me on my forehead.
I just giggled and smiled up at him. I was able to breath a bit more steady, and my heart was beginning to slow it’s pace. He brushed the hair from my face, and leaned down to kiss me. This was our first real, slow kiss that amounted to more than a peck on the lips. He cupped my chin with one of his hands and met my lips with his. As our tongues mingled, my fingernails ran gently through his hair and then trailed softly down his back. He then broke our kiss and moved slowly down my neck, leaving traces of tiny kisses all the way down until he reached the spot where my neck and shoulders meet. I felt a giggle beginning to surface because he had just unknowingly found a very ticklish spot. I didn’t want to ruin what was a very passionate moment with a lot of girlish giggles, but I couldn’t hold back for long. He nibbled and kissed me until I couldn’t take it anymore and the first giggle escaped.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” I said trying to hold back a smile.
“You giggled. Something funny?” he asked, beginning to guess the reason why I laughed. He then connected his lips on the same spot as before and continued talking to me so that the vibration of his words and breath began to stir up the ticklish sensations again. “Now let’s see....why would you start to laugh at such a tender moment?” he asked.
“I...I’m sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean to. Really.” I apologized lamely, still giggling.
“You didn’t answer my question.” he said and began to swirl his tongue around my collarbone area. The giggles got more intense, and this time I also tried to push him away from me so that I wouldn’t lose total control. He slid his arms behind my back, and gripped both of my shoulders from behind with his hands, making it nearly impossible to push him off.
“Sam!” I squeaked, and began to laugh out loud.
“What? I’m just kissing your neck. I can’t imagine why that would be so funny.” he said muffled against my neck.
“It tickles!” I finally admitted, and broke out into giggles again.
“Oh! It tickles...I had no idea!” he teased and continued his kisses and nibbles. “So tell me, is there any part of you that isn’t ticklish?” he laughed.
I couldn’t answer because I was laughing too hard, and trying desperately to push him off. He paused his ticklish assault on my neck, and looked at me with a huge smile.
“You’re a lot of fun, you know that?” he asked and kissed my mouth.
“I am? Why’s that?” I asked, returning his smile.
“I just haven’t smiled like this in a long time. I’ve gotten so caught up in my professional life that I’ve forgotten how to cut back. Ya know? You just reminded me that there’s more...that’s all.” he said.
“It’s funny....I was just thinking the same thing about you. Before today I can’t remember the last time I really laughed.” I said.
“You mean like this?” he asked and then went back to tickling my neck with his mouth.
I screamed and then dissolved into giggles again until he relented. “Yeah, like that.” I said when I regained my breath.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” he said.
“Sure.” I said.
“I know we’ve just met each other, so if I’m getting too close, too fast just let me know. But I’ve been wondering something since the plane, so I’ve got to at least ask. Do you like being tickled?” he asked, being sure to make full eye contact with me.
“I...umm...” I trailed off, and shied away from his stare. I could feel my face blushing.
“Umm...what? Is that a yes?” he asked, using his hand to turn my face back so I was looking at him.
Still not able to answer him, I turned the questions back on him. “What would make you ask something like that?”
“I’m only asking because I’ve never been with a girl that seemed to enjoy tickling as much as you do. You never seem serious when you tell me to stop tickling you...in fact, you almost seem to instigate me into tickling you. Am I way off base on this one?” he asked.
There was no way that I could verbalize to Sam, a total stranger before a few hours ago, that I had a tickling fetish. I was almost 30 and still in the closet about my kink. I just looked over at him, face probably as red as a tomato, and shook my head no.
“So, I’m right?” he asked.
I just covered my face with my hands and nodded my head yes. He laughed. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you, but I feel like I’m playing charades.” he said, and we both laughed.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that....I’ve never told anybody this before.” I said shyly.
“Well, I’m glad you did because it’s going to make our week together a whole lot more fun.” he said and gave me another kiss.

Chapter four: A day at the beach

“Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about we hit the beach before our little night out on the town?” I asked.
“Um yeah, that would be fun. I think I’ve got a gym bag in my car with some shorts in there that I can put on. Let me just make a couple of phone calls and cancel my afternoon appointments. ” he said.
“Okay. I’ll just go into the bathroom and put on my bathing suit. Be back in a sec.” I said.
I slipped on my bikini with the daisy pattern on it, and my denim cut-offs. I had a feeling that this was going to be one of the only chances I got to actually wear some of the clothes that I brought from home. After Sam made his phone calls, he went back down to his car and returned with his shorts. He slipped into the bathroom and got changed out of his three piece suit and tie. When he got out of the bathroom, we stood facing each other and both of us were giving each other the “once over.” I couldn’t decide if he looked better with his suit on or off (I’ve always been a sucker for a man in a suit). He stood probably about 6 foot, and had a nice build. He wasn’t overly muscular, but he did have a nice strong frame. My fingers were itching to touch him, but I held back until he made the first move.
“Well, don’t you look cute.” he said as he approached me.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” I smiled.
He walked over to me and ran his fingertips from my shoulders to my wrists and back again. He got me to squirm, which obviously delighted him because he stood there smiling down at me. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck, which was a bit of a stretch for me because I’m only about 5 foot 6. I had to stand on my tip toes to do it, but we seemed to fit together quite nicely. I loved the feeling of having his arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel the heat that was being generated from our skin to skin contact. He arms wrapped all the way around my waist, and he was able to give my sides a little tickle with he fingers. I giggled, but couldn’t bring my arms back down to protect myself. He had me in a ticklish bear hug, and he took full advantage of his position. He lifted me off the floor, and buried his face in the hollow of my neck while his fingers continued their ticklish torment. I was laughing out loud, and kicking my feet but couldn’t get away.
“Gotcha now. Don’t I?” he said as his face was still against my neck.
“Sam!!” was all I could get out because I was laughing too hard.
He started to growl and make loud munching sounds against my neck as he nibbled. “I think I need to get a bite to eat before we go to the beach.” he said and then continued his munching sounds again. My laughter was unstoppable now, and I could do nothing but squirm in his arms. When he had had enough, he set me back down on my feet. “Mmmm....I think that should satisfy me for awhile.” He said and then wiped the remains of his mock meal off of his mouth with his forearm. Still giggling I gave him a playful punch on the arm.
“I’m gonna get you back for all these tickles one of these days, so consider yourself warned.” I said.
“Oh yeah? Well, getting your revenge might be kind of hard since I’m not really ticklish.” he said defiantly.
“We’ll see about that.” I said with a grin.

Once we got down to the beach and laid down our blanket on the sand we decided to head for the water. It always takes me 15 minutes or so to get used to the water temperature, so I slowly walked down there and just dipped my toes in the shallow water. Despite the heat of the day, I felt a chill travel up my spine.
“Oh c’mon...you’re not going to take all day to get into the water are ya?” he teased.
“Why, are you in a hurry or something? Got a hot date you gotta get to? ” I kidded back.
“Yeah, actually I do have a hot date.” he said and came over to where I stood.
“Oh yeah? Well, maybe you shouldn’t keep her waiting.” I said and poked him in the ribs. A slight jump from him gave me another indication that he has been lying about his ticklishness. I decided not to investigate further....yet.
“Yeah, I really shouldn’t keep her waiting....she’s a New York girl with an attitude. You know how mean they can get.” he grinned, and then leaned down to kiss me softly on the lips.
“Damn straight you shouldn’t keep me waiting.” I said and kissed him back.
“I wouldn’t dream of it...and you shouldn’t keep me waiting anymore either. Time to take a swim.” he said and then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
I screamed, and squirmed desperately in a lame effort to get him to put me down, but I knew the only place I was headed was in the water. He put both his hands on my waist, gave a quick tickle to get me giggling again, and then abruptly threw me into the water. My giggles quickly gave way to a quick scream before I hit the ocean. When I came back to the surface I looked up at him and found him grinning like a school boy that just got away with a practical joke. I didn’t know whether to kill him or kiss him . I decided that in the spirit of my new found sense of fun, I would try for the latter. He dove in the water, probably out of fear of retribution, and resurfaced right in front of me.
“You just keep giving me more and more reasons for retribution, ya know that?” I said, but couldn’t help smiling at him.
“Take your best shot.” he said confidently. He then closed his eyes and put he hands behind his back as if to give me some sort of advantage if I decided to take him up on his offer.
At this point he was completely unaware of my training in martial arts, a piece of information that I was more than willing to impart on him now. I didn’t want to do anything to actually hurt him, so I decided to go for a quick leg sweep knowing that the water would break his fall nicely. I pushed against his chest and at the same time swept my leg behind his so I could throw him off balance. I think he must have been expecting some innocent girly response (maybe some playful tickles or punches) because the look of surprise on his face was priceless before he went under the water. I was a bit nervous about his response, although I was fairly sure that he would take it all in good fun, as it was intended. Although, I had a few boyfriends in the past that felt very intimidated by my ability to defend myself, and always made me feel like a brut, or less of a woman when I would give them back as good as they gave during playful wrestling matches. I wanted to play the helpless girl in these situations sometimes, but I loved the competition aspect of wrestling too much to play dead. I feared that with Sam I was going to be labeled a brut again.
I watched his eyes carefully when he resurfaced. I was waiting for a sparkle to light up his eyes, or a smile to curl his lips. I got neither. Instead the look that he gave me was almost predatory. I felt a nervous jump in my stomach, and I took a couple steps back. He kept advancing, and when he reached me he just looked down at me...met my nervous gaze with one of animalistic intensity.....reached down, picked me up by the waist again and threw me for what felt like the length of a football field (but was probably only a few feet.) When I came back to the surface he was laughing out loud.
“You should have seen the look on your face!” he giggled.
“You son of a bitch...you really had me worried there for a minute!” I laughed back, relieved.
He swam over to me, scooped me up in his arms, and kissed me. “I had you worried? What about that kung fu move you pulled on me?!” he kidded.
“Not kung fu...tae kwon do.” I said and kissed him on the neck.
“Oh, I stand corrected. Where’d ya learn that stuff? Pretty cool move.” he said.
“Well, a girl’s gotta learn to defend herself from dangerous bruts. I picked up a few moves here and there.” I said, trying to downplay my training. I guess I was still nervous of him being intimidated by me.
“Well, where ever you learned it, I was pretty impressed.” he said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah. Why....you didn’t think I’d be pissed, did you?” he asked.
“Well....it wouldn’t be the first time.” I said and looked down.
“Well, a guy that would get pissed over something like that probably also has the antiquated notion that girls should play the submissive role all the time. The ol’ barefoot and pregnant mentality.” he laughed.
I was speechless. I just smiled at him, then kissed him firm on the mouth, and hugged my arms around his neck. I could have kissed him forever, but a big wave came down on us and knocked me out of his arms. We both resurfaced and laughed, joking that mother nature must not be a big fan of public displays of affection.
After that, there was more kissing and playful tosses in the salty ocean until we both grew tired of fighting the current and waves and decided to go back up on the beach. The king size sheet that we smuggled out of the hotel room felt warm beneath us as we dried ourselves in the sun. He lay there on his back, eyes shut, slight grin on his face, looking totally peaceful and content. It made me grin too just knowing that I was the one to put such a wonderful expression on his face. After staring at him for as long as my eyes would let me, I finally succumbed to the exhaustion that came from all our play in the water, and fell asleep on my stomach next to him.
I don’t know how long I was asleep for, but what I awoke to was delicious. At first my brain registered the sensation I was feeling as water trickling down my back. As my brain worked it’s way toward full consciousness, I wondered how I could still be so wet after being asleep for so long. Then I felt the “water droplet” travel back up my spine, and I even though things were kind of different here on the west coast, I was still pretty sure that the water here in the pacific ocean couldn’t defy gravity. Funny how the brain tries to make sense of things as we rouse from sleep, isn’t it? When the “water droplet” made it’s way up my side, stopping just short of my underarm, and then made it’s way deliberately to the ticklish spot on my neck, I knew it was Sam trying to tell me it was time to play. His fingers lightly tickled my neck until a smile came to my face and my eyes fluttered open.
“Mornin’ sunshine.” he said as he lay there on his side.
I stretched, yawned, and said “Mornin’. How long was I asleep for?”
“A little over an hour.”
“The beach always knocks me out for some reason. Did you rest?” I asked.
“Yeah, a bit. But mostly I just watched you sleep. Sorry I woke you up, but I just couldn’t help myself.” he said and fluttered his fingers around my neck again.
I scrunched up my shoulders and giggled. After he relented, I sat up and kissed him.
“Feel like playing in the sand?” I asked.
He laughed. “What, like building sand castles and stuff? I don’t think I’ve dug in the sand since I was a kid.”
I laughed too, feeling a bit like a kid myself. “No, not sand castles exactly. More like human sand sculptures....much more adult.” I joked.
“Sounds interesting. What do I have to do?” he asked.
“Well, first you help me dig a long canoe shaped hole, maybe a foot or two deep. Then you can leave the rest to me.” I said.
With the two of us working together the hole didn’t take too much time to complete. I got a bit of sinister satisfaction knowing that Sam was unknowingly digging his own trap.
“Okay, now what?” he asked.
“Now you lay down with your head at one end and your feet at the other.” I said as nonchalant as I could so I didn’t rouse any suspicion.
“Ooookay.” he said a bit sarcastically. I could tell that he had no idea about what my devious plan really entailed. I guess he just saw this as a weird game that we liked to play on the east coast. At this point the butterflies in my stomach sprung to life. I was surprised at how excited I was getting at the thought of getting this strong, handsome man into a completely helpless position.
In an attempt to put him even more at ease, I thought I might get some conversation going...the least amount of time he spent thinking, the better.
“Me and my siblings used to do this to each other all the time when I was growing up. We got really good at it. Once the person playing the sculpture is in place, then it’s the other person’s job to make a cool looking sculpture around them . When it’s done it’s kind of funny looking because just your head is sticking up out of the sand and it’s being used as part of the sculpture. I can make you look like anything...an octopus or even a pretty little mermaid.” I said with a laugh.
“A mermaid, huh? Can’t you do something a bit more masculine? Man-eating shark maybe?” he said with a smile.
I laughed. “Hmm...never done a shark before. I could probably do that. Hop in and I’ll get started.” I said.
He stepped into the hole and laid down. At first he was in a upright position, but then I adjusted him so that he was laying down like he would in a recliner. I crossed his arms over his chest so that he looked like he was laying in a coffin (although, I didn’t share that analogy to him because I was afraid that he would get too nervous.) I made a nice indentation in the sand at one end so he could rest his head, and once he was in place I began to cover him over with sand. It only took a couple of minutes to replace the mounds of sand that we had dug out. I made sure to pack it down nice and tight, and then I took the water bottle that I had taken with me to the beach and emptied it onto the mound on top of Sam.
“Why’d you do that?” he asked.
“I need the sand to be wet so that I can work with it.” I said.
“Well, don’t get it too wet because you’ll wind up packing me in here so tight that it’ll take forever to dig me out.” he said with a laugh.
“Can you move?” I asked.
He struggled a bit (which I could tell by the way he moved his head from side to side), and then said “No, actually I can’t.” He continued to wiggle around a bit, as if he couldn’t believe that sand could render him so helpless.
“I wouldn’t try too hard. This stuff is better than most bondage toys on the market.” I said with a laugh.
“Bondage toys?? And how would you know about bondage toys?” he teased.
“Oh, I’ve had my fair share of play time with toys like that. But I’ll save that story for another time....at least until I’ve known you a full day.” I joked.
He laughed. “Fair enough. So, what are you going to make?” he asked.
“Hmm....(I said as if I hadn’t had the whole thing planned from the beginning) I was thinking of turning you into a giggling mess.” I said with a devious grin.
“I’m sorry? What was that?” he asked, more than a little surprised at my choice.
“I said that I was going to turn you into a giggling mess. It’s easy really. All I have to do is dig you out from the ankles down and find out just how ticklish your feet really are.” I said smugly.
“What?! Maggie, you wouldn’t dare! You can’t!” he said with a mixed expression of fear and giddiness that I found adorable. He then tried wiggling out of his sandy bonds again.
I laughed out loud and said “Well, I’d say you deserve a little retribution, wouldn’t you?” I wiggled my fingers at him for emphasis.
“For what?” he asked innocently.
“Your kidding, right? You’ve tickled me at least a dozen times since I met you!” I said.
“Yeah, but I was only playing with you.” he tried to justify.
“Well, now it’s my turn to play.” I said and began to slowly dig out his feet.

I was a little surprised to hear him begin to giggle already. It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. I had never gotten the chance to play the tickler with a guy before...not for any extended period of time anyway. Whenever I get the chance to tickle a guy, I usually only get in a few quick tickles before they fight back and end up tickling me senseless. I have to admit that all the martial arts training I’ve had doesn’t amount to anything if a guy decides to tickle me. I completely lose all ability to defend myself and the only thing I can do is laugh.
But this time was going to be very different. I had Sam totally immobile, and unable to defend himself. I began to dig a little deeper, all the while humming happily to myself. I guess I was about to hit pay dirt because Sam started to beg.
“Maggie...wait! Don’t do this...I....I wasn’t lying about my feet being ticklish. They really are!” he tried to plead.
“Oh, I’m sure they are. I never doubted that for a minute. I’m almost 30 and I think I’ve only met one person in my life that really wasn’t ticklish at all. Almost everyone has at least one ticklish spot.” I said.
“I’m going to lose my mind, I swear! Maggie, please!” he pleaded.
“I promise to stop tickling you just before the need to drag you off to a padded cell arises. No straight jackets, promise.” I teased.
I continued to dig (I couldn’t believe how deep we had made this hole) and finally hit his feet. As soon as my hands touched his feet he began giggling again. I methodically unburied his feet, but made very sure that the rest of him stayed well covered. I didn’t want to give him any leverage to wiggle his way out of this (at least until I had the chance to tickle him for awhile.)
“Be right back.” I said and then took my water bottle down to the ocean for a refill.
“Maggie, wait! You can’t just leave me here!” he called after me.
I filled up my water bottle with the salty sea water, and came back to where Sam lay, now looking a bit more panicked than I wanted. It was definitely time to lighten things up a bit. I wanted to tickle the guy, not torture him....at least not yet.
“Time to wash up these cute little feetsies of yours. That’ll make you feel much better.” I teased.
He just kept giggling and saying my name. I poured the water over his feet, rinsing all of the sand off of them. I then took the towel that I had snatched from the hotel bathroom and began to lightly dry them off. His giggles turned into laughter when the towel came into contact with the bottoms of his feet. For a split second I almost felt bad for him...but not enough to stop. His feet seemed a whole lot more ticklish than mine are, and I thought that was impossible!
“There now, isn’t that better?” I asked, and then lightly scampered my nails up his soles.
“Mahahaha....” was all he could come out with because he was laughing too hard.
“Did you say something sweetie?” I asked in an innocent tone, and briefly stopped tickling him.
He panted and giggled for a couple of seconds and then was able to speak a bit more coherently. “Oh my God, Maggie...please....”
“Please what?” I coaxed.
“I can’t....it tickles too much!” he said finally.
“Too much? Really? But I’m hardly touching you.” I said and very gently dragged my nails up the length of both his feet again.
He erupted in laughter again, and was trying desperately to wiggle both of his feet away from my fingernails, but couldn’t. I continued for another couple of seconds, and relented.
“Now, what was that you said earlier about not really being ticklish? Looks to me like I may have found a ticklish spot down here. Tell me, are there anymore ticklish spots on you?” I asked.
He caught his breath, and tried to coolly say “No.”
“Hmm...I don’t know if I believe you, Sam. I think I might have to tickle the truth out of you.” I said and began to tickle him again, this time not so gently. I worked over both of his wiggling feet with my fingernails, and didn’t stop again for another 30 seconds.
“Care to change your answer now?” I teased after stopping again. Seeing this gorgeous guy giggling was almost enough to make me want to unburry him and have sex with him right here on the beach. But for now, I would suppress my urges to give into the screaming Id in my head and instead continue my ticklish game of cat and mouse.
“Ma...Maggie. Wait, Please!” He panted.
“I’m waiting...” I said.
Sam didn’t answer me immediately. He was obviously trying to catch his breath, and maybe buy himself some down time before he answered. I didn’t feel like waiting, so my fingers began to dance again. His laughter from my surprise tickle attack was explosive, and his feet began to writhe again. Then I saw something that scared the hell out of me...the sand around his legs and ankles began to crack and crumble. I knew that if he broke out now before I exhausted him, I was going to get the revenge tickling of a lifetime. I immediately stopped tickling him, and tried not to bring any attention to his potential escape route.
“Sam...Sam...Sam. What am I going to do with you?” I asked rhetorically, and every time I said his name I gave the mound of sand on top of his legs a pat with my hands so I could pack the sand (discretely) back into place.
“Okay...okay, you win. I’ll tell you where I’m ticklish.” he said finally.
“Well, that would be the smart thing to do. I was beginning to think that I was going to have to put up a sign by your feet that said ‘tickle me please’, and then go for a long swim in the ocean.” I teased.
“Well.....I guess it’s safe, and fairly obvious, to list my feet among the more ticklish parts of my body.” he smiled.
Looking down at him in the sand, I thought I saw his face redden with his admission. Not knowing whether or not it was the noonday sun or his ticklish admission that put the extra color in his cheeks, I didn’t say anything about it. I know that for some guys, an admission of any weakness can be a very embarrassing thing to have to do, and I had no interest in emasculating him...I just wanted to play with him a little.
“I guess that would be a safe bet at this point. So....what’s spot number two on your ticklish list?” I prompted.
“Ummm.....” he trailed off.
“Oh c’mon. As ticklish as your feet are, there just has to be other spots too.” I said and then lightly tickled his feet to remind him that he didn’t have too much choice in giving me the answers that I wanted.
“Okay!!” he yelled through his laughter, and I relented again. “There is this one spot at the bottom of my ribcage that is pretty ticklish...and I guess my underarms are too.”
“Good boy...now we're getting somewhere.” I teased.

Just as I was about to probe for more information, I heard Sam’s cellphone ring. He had stuffed it into one of his sneakers before I buried him in the sand.
“Oh shit, Maggie. Quick..get me out of here so I can answer that. It could be important.” he pleaded.
“No problem...I’ll get it.” I said and went to get the phone.
“No, Maggie. Please!” he said and then started to giggle. “Oh, this should be cute.”
I picked up the phone and answered it in my most professional tone of voice. “Hello? This is Sam’s cellphone, how can I help you?”
“Sam’s cellphone??” the guy on the other end of the conversation laughs.
“That’s right. Is there something I can do for you?” I answer, trying to keep myself from giggling.
“Well, you can tell me where Sam is for starters.” he says obviously amused.
“Well....he’s a bit swamped at the moment...or at least he will be when the tide comes in.” I say, and this time start to laugh.
“What?!” the guy asks, with a little more concern in his voice this time.
“Well, we’re on the beach behind the Sunset Plaza hotel. I’ve got him buried up to his neck in the sand, and it looks as though high tide is approaching rapidly.” I say bluntly, and watch Sam’s eyes bug out of his head. He obviously hadn’t thought of that little detail. I just wink at him, and stifle my own giggling.
The guy on the other end of the phone laughs for a good thirty seconds and then says “How the hell did you get him to consent to that?!”
“I guess I can be fairly persuasive when I want to be.” I say simply.
“I bet. What did you say your name was?” he asks.
“I didn’t. It’s Maggie. And you are?” I ask.
“Kevin. Is there any chance that you’re going to be digging him out any time soon?”
Not wanting to divulge too much information about the little game that Sam and I were playing I just said “Of course...after he answers a few more of my questions I’ll be more than happy to dig him out.”
Kevin laughs again, and says “Fair enough. Just let Sam know that I’ll be seeing him real soon.”
“Sure thing. Good talking with you Kevin.” I say.
“You too Maggie.” he says, and then hangs up.
I hang up and look over at Sam. “That was Kevin. He says that he’ll be seeing you real soon.”
“Oh geez...I’m never gonna live this one down.” he laughed.
“I doubt he took me seriously. He probably thought I was kidding.” I said.
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Now, can you dig me out?” he asked.
“Hmmm.....I don’t know......I think I may be having too much fun.” I tease and then kneel down by his feet again.
“Maggie, I don’t know how much more of this I can take!” he pleads.
“You’d be surprised.” I said with a grin, and gave him a few more quick tickles.
I could see Sam really trying to struggle his way out now. His head was thrashing back and fourth, and the sand around his legs and ankles was beginning to crumble even more than before. I was very surprised by the rush of adrenaline that I was getting from this game. Being on the giving end of the tickling was nearly as powerful an aphrodisiac as being on the receiving end. I hated to have it all stop now just when things were starting to heat up....at least for me. I wasn’t sure how Sam was taking all of this torture. He hadn’t really gotten mad yet, nor had he made any serious plea for me to stop. He looked as though he was playing the submissive role, and rather well at that. I was trying hard to find a balance between satisfying my own semi-sadistic tendencies, and not pushing Sam too far. After all, we had only know each other for a few hours, and I didn’t want push my luck (especially because it had been so good up until now.)
“I’ll tell you what. When you say the words ‘I give up’, I’ll dig you out. But realize, that your surrender gives me the right to gloat for the rest of the day.” I said with a wink and a smile.
“You want me to give up to you?! Never! The phrase ‘I give up’ isn’t in my vocabulary.” he said, much to my delight.
“Well, I’ve always been a very good teacher...let me see if I can teach you how to say it.” I tease and begin to wiggle my fingers at him again.
All ten of my nails danced on the bottom of his feet for another couple of minutes. I covered all the skin that wasn’t protected by the sand. He had almost as strong a reaction from me tickling the tops of his feet as he did when I tickled the bottoms. I could see him starting to break. He laughter went from being loud, to falling silent every time he tried to take a gulp of air. The guilt of tickle torturing him that I had before dissipated because I knew that he held the key to making me stop. It was up to his stubborn male ego as to how long I continued.
Just when I thought I had him, the very unexpected happened. I felt two hands grab me from behind (both on my ribcage) give me a few quick tickles to make me stop my own tickling assault, and then they picked me up, and tossed me gently onto the sheet that lay a mere foot away from where Sam was buried. I landed on my belly, and my head was facing Sam’s. I could see he was laughing out loud...but this time not because of my tickling fingertips. Before I had the chance to flip over and see who Sam’s cohort was, he straddled my waist and prevented me from catching a glimpse.
“So, you really did have my buddy over here buried in the sand. I thought for a minute you might have been pulling my leg, but just in case, I had to come see for myself. I’m glad I did because this is priceless!” Kevin said with a laugh.
“Okay, you’ve had your laughs, now dig me out.” Sam said, more than a little embarrassed.
“Hmm...well Maggie, as cute as you are, and as much as I would like to see Sam giggle like a schoolgirl, I think I may have to side with my buddy on this one and help him out. I give you an A+ for creativity though.” he said and gave me a few more rib tickles.
I was reduced to laughter myself, and finally said “No, wait!”
“Wait for what?” Kevin asked.
“If you let him out of there he’s gonna get me back with what will probably be the worst tickling of my life! At least give me a running headstart before you let him out.” I said.
“My guess is that you deserve the worst tickling of your life for this stunt. How long have you had him buried like that?” Kevin asked.
“Only about a half hour or so.” I said.
“Only?! Well Sam, I’ve got to give you major kudos for holding up as well as you have. I don’t think I could’ve done it.” Kevin admitted.
“Why? Are you ticklish too?” I teased.
Kevin laughed. “Don’t get any bright ideas, Maggie. I think I’ve got the upper hand over here....and that’s something that I don’t give up as easily as my friend.” he said and tickled me some more. I yelped and began to laugh hysterically because Kevin had just hit the same spot on my ribcage that I’m pretty sure Sam was describing to me earlier when he listed his own ticklish spots.
“You’ve got yourself a little spitfire, you know that Sam?” Kevin said and stopped tickling.
“I’m beginning to.” Sam laughed. “Now get me outta here.”
“Alright, I think you’ve suffered enough.” Kevin said and began to break up the mound of sand with his foot.
“What about my headstart?” I pleaded.
“Sorry, Maggie. Us guys have got to stick together.”
Kevin continued to kick and loosen up the sand on top of Sam until Sam started to be able to wiggle free. Watching him emerge from his bonds was both exhilarating and scary. The anticipation of what he might do to me got my heart racing like a rabbit’s. He stood up, shook as much of the sand off of himself as he could, and knelt down to where Kevin had me pinned. Looking straight into my eyes, he put on a crooked grin, and said “Keep her there for a minute, will you Kevin? I’m gonna go for a little swim to wash out the ten pounds of sand that’s in my bathing suit.” And with that, he walked down to the water, and left me there with this faceless stranger who I had only had a thirty second phone conversation with. Well....this was a bit awkward.
“If I let you up will you promise to stay put?” he asked.
“Promise.” I said, thankful to get him off me. He seemed nice enough, but my New York sensibility finally woke up and began to remind me that I barely knew this guy, and that a little personal distance might not be a bad thing.
He got off of me, and sat down on the sheet next to me. I rolled over, sat up and saw his face for the first time. “HOLY SHIT!!” was what my brain screamed, but thankfully the crude phrase didn’t escape my lips. I was now staring at the same pair of eyes that had haunted me during many a wonderful trip to the movies. It was Kevin Spacey. He must have sensed my shock because he looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. I smiled, probably turned bright red, and broke our gaze. I decided that if I stared at my feet, I might be able to get through this meeting with some sense of dignity. I desperately didn’t want to turn into a star struck idiot that said things like ‘I’m your number one fan!’ and then asked for his autograph.
“You’re not going to get all shy on me now, are you?” he asked and nudged me with his shoulder.
“Umm....it’s just that I......wasn’t expecting....” I trailed off.
“I understand. I’m just teasing.” he said.
“Umm...Sam mentioned that he worked with you.” I said, searching for some conversation that might get my tongue in working order again.
“Yeah, I’ve known Sam for years.” he answered.
“If you don’t mind my saying so....you two seem more like friends than working partners.” I said.
“Well, we were friends first. Sam and I met each other in LA Valley College long before either of us knew exactly where we were headed. Later on, we both figured out that we loved working in the entertainment biz, albeit on opposite sides of things. When I finally broke into the field, I knew that I didn’t want anyone else to represent me.” he said.
“Aww....sounds like a Hallmark commercial.” I teased, relieved to have at least some portion of my personality back after having it temporarily paralyzed by the star struck idiot in my head.
He laughed and said “Yeah, I guess it does. Sam’s a really good guy.”
“I’m beginning to see that.” I said, and smiled towards Sam who was still busy swimming in the water.
“So, how did you two meet?” Kevin asked.
“Well, I’m on vacation from work this week. I live in New York. I was just gonna relax on the beach while I was here, but then I met Sam on the plane ride over here and he seemed to have other plans for me.” I said.
“That’s Sam for ya.” he said with a smile.
“Oh really? Does he normally meet up with strange women and swept them off their feet for a week of romance?” I teased, knowing that I was testing the male code of silence.
Kevin got a little nervous and tried to back track a bit. “No, of course not. He’s just always been the type of guy to go for what he wants. If he decides to do something it’s always full tilt.”
“I’ve already found that out.” I said with a laugh.
“Hey, since you’re going to be in town this week, and since Sam seems to have erased your original vacation plans, how would you like to come to a party at my place? I know Sam is coming, but I thought I’d extend you your own invitation.” he said.
“Sounds nice. What’s the occasion?” I asked. I was so excited I could barely keep myself from jumping out of my own skin.
“It’s my birthday. The big 4-4.” he confessed.
“Hey, it’s my birthday this week too! Only I’m not gonna tell you which one.” I said jokingly.
“Aww, c’mon....it can’t be that bad!” he teased.
“To me it is.” I said, mildly depressed at just the thought of beginning this new decade of my life.
“Well, if you don’t tell me, I might just have to bury you in the sand and tickle it out of you.” he teased and gave my ribs a soft poke.
I laughed, and then said “No way! It would take you and half the guys on this beach to get me in that position.”
“Okay then, forget the burying part...I can just tickle it out of you right here.” he teased and put his hand on one of my knees and gave it a few squeezes.
I jumped and tried to pry his hand off of my knee, but his hold was too firm. My laughter got the best of me, and the pleas shortly followed. “Kevin don’t!!” I giggled, still trying to break his hold.
“C’mon...how old could you possibly be? 27? 28?” he teased while he continued tickling.
Since my knees were probably even more ticklish than the spot that he had found earlier on my ribcage, I caved in quickly. “THIRTY!” I yelled through my laughter.
He stopped tickling and said “Ooooo...the big 3-0. Might as well book the retirement home now...they tend to fill up fast.” he teased.
“Don’t joke...I feel ancient. I guess I’ll get over it though...eventually.” I sulked.
“I remember turning 30. My friends threw me a huge bash with all the typical ‘over the hill’ kind of gags.” he said with a look of fond remembrance on his face.
“That is exactly why I came to the west coast to spend my birthday alone. I would rather be by myself than have to go through that.” I said.
“Well, you’re not alone now. And if you come to my birthday party I will promise you that no one will utter the phrase ‘over the hill’...unless of course they’re talking about me. ” he joked, and gave me that dimpled smile that has always been able to make me go weak at the knees. “C’mon, it’ll be like a double birthday celebration.” he urged further.
“Well, I’ll come, but maybe we should just celebrate your birthday. I haven’t even told Sam that it’s my birthday tomorrow.” I admitted.
“Why not?” he asked.
“Just never came up.” I said, lying a bit.
“Never came up? Maybe it’s just me, but I think that birthdays are something to celebrate, not mourn. As awful as you think turning 30 is going to be, you only do it once, and you might regret not celebrating it. I’ll keep my mouth shut about your birthday if you want me to, but I really think you should tell him.” he said.
“I’ll think about it.” I said, just to appease him.
I looked toward the water to check up on Sam, and I saw that he was headed back onto the beach, looking much more refreshed and a whole lot less sandy than before.
“Thanks for hanging onto her for me, Kev. I think that her fear of retribution would have sent her scurrying off otherwise.” Sam joked.
“No problem. It was my pleasure.” he said with a smile in my direction.
“So, I guess you two have made your acquaintances then?” he asked, looking at me with an amused expression. He obviously knew what a shock it was for me to have met Kevin Spacey after being such a huge fan for so long.
“We certainly did. And I was sure to tell her what a self absorbed womanizer you are.” he teased.
“Thanks a bunch, and when you leave I’ll be sure to tell her all about your adventures at last year’s Christmas party.” Sam teased back.
“Now, now boys. Don’t make me have to turn the hose on you two.” I jumped in.
“Well, Maggie. It was great to meet you. I hope to see you and Sam at my party tomorrow night.” he said and gave me a peck on the cheek before standing up to brush the sand off of himself.
“See ya, buddy.” Sam said, and gave Kevin a firm handshake.
“Have fun.” Kevin said back, and gave his friend a wink.
After Kevin walked away, Sam took his place on the sheet next to me. He said nothing, and just stared at me with a sweet expression. He then leaned in for a tender kiss, and lowered me onto the sheet so that I was flat on my back. We kissed for another couple of minutes before I felt a very deliberate hand clamp onto my waist and give a few short squeezes. I let out a little squeak, and giggle.
“I really should tickle the life out of you right now, but I won’t.” he whispered in my ear.
“You won’t?” I asked, surprised.
“No. And for one good reason....” he said, as if to prompt me to ask what the reason was. I took the bait.
“And what’s that?” I asked.
“I enjoyed it.” he said in a tone just above a whisper.

Chapter Five: Finding the Courage to Say Good night

After the beach we went back to my hotel room and washed up. I put on a pair of cut-offs and a tank top, and he put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that he had kept in his car. The plane ride over, and then the day at the beach left me feeling fairly wiped out, so we opted to stay in instead of spending a night out on the town. I figured that we had all week to explore hollywood together, and there was no reason to exhaust myself so soon. We ordered in some room service, which turned out to be better than most restaurant food that I had eaten in the past. We had a table set out on the balcony, and enjoyed the sunset as we savored our dinner together.
“Sam, I had a really great time with you today....best day in a long time.” I said with a smile.
“Me too. Very unexpected, but I guess it just goes to show you....” he trailed off.
“Show you what?” I asked, wanting to know the rest of the statement.
“That fate works in mysterious ways.” he said, and drained the rest of the champagne from his glass.
“You believe in fate?” I asked, almost laughing.
“Yeah, don’t you?” he asked, a bit crushed.
“Well, I guess I never really had a reason to before. I mean, if fate had played a part in my life thus far, I’m guessing that I should be a whole lot better off. Unless of course fate is mean and doesn’t like me for some reason.” I said in an attempt to make light of the situation.
“Think of it this way - if you’d been thrilled with your job, and had met the man of your dreams over in New York, then nothing would’ve made you get on that plane this morning, and our paths never would’ve crossed.” he said.
“Suppose that’s true. So, you’re saying that we don’t have any control over our own lives, and that it’s all mapped out for us already? I dunno...I don’t like to relinquish that much control. When it comes to my own life, I’d like to think that I’m more in the driver’s seat, than the passenger’s.” I said.
He stood up from his seat and walked over to mine. Pulling my chair away from the table, he took one of my hands in his and stood me up. He wrapped both arms around my waist and looked at me with such intensity, that I felt completely exposed. “Relinquishing control doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Could be kinda fun.” he said with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, and a smile beginning to curl his lips.
The butterflies that I had become accustomed to feeling around Sam, had sprung to life once more. If his arms weren’t wrapped so tightly around my waist I thought that my knees would have given out on me. Blushing under his gaze, all I could say was “might be.”

All of Sam’s romantic ideals were sweet, but they also went against everything I believed in. It was a comfort for me to know that I was the master of my own fate. Whatever happened to me, good or bad, I called the shots. Control freak, you say? Yeah, maybe. To me, fate was just a word found buried in the pages of a Harlequin romance novel. It was for the hopeless romantics, not for me. Even though my heart wanted nothing more than to believe what Sam was telling me, my sensibility was telling me to “get a grip.” I was not some poor damsel in distress, and Sam was not my knight in shining armor. But rather than rain on his parade I thought it better to just keep my cynical notions to myself and play along. No sense in ruining was what sure to be a fun week. I would have my fun, say good-bye to him at the week’s end, and get back on the plane bound for reality. No harm done. I know what you all are thinking, “PARTY POOPER!” But believe me, it’s better this way. I’ve found that any time I’ve fallen head over heels, I’ve also usually managed to fall squarely on my ass afterward...and I’ve got the bruises to prove it.

The rest of the night went on without anymore talk of fate, and destiny. We just had some light conversation, and snuggled on my bed while watching the late shows. In accordance with my better judgment, but certainly against my raging hormones, I decided not to sleep with Sam. It was mostly because of the haunting voice in my head that kept saying “Never sleep with a guy after the first date. It gives them nothing to look forward to, and makes you look like a prize too easily won.” It was the voice of my older sister, and that statement was one piece of advice that I adhered to since I lost my virginity. It made good sense to me, but also made me unbelievably frustrated at times. At one point in my life (during those reckless hormonal years of my early twenties) I couldn’t trust myself to stick with my dating motto, so on my first date with a guy, I used to wear a pair of the ugliest grandma underwear I could find, thus ensuring that my willpower would stay strong (or face embarrassment when my pants were shed.) I had actually broken my motto once during my sexually adventurous years (although I made the guy turn out the light when we undressed so that I could kick off the panties without him seeing what they looked like), and my relationship with that guy lasted less than a week. It just reinforced the fact that most guys lost interest once the prize was won (so to speak).
Well, since I hadn’t planned on meeting anyone on the plane ride over, I certainly didn’t pack my granny panties, and without my safety net it made saying good night to Sam almost unbearable. All I wanted to do was sexually attack him, and then sleep in his arms all night long, but I also wanted to begin our week together the right way. I wanted to make sure that he knew that money, and all the glitz of hollywood didn’t necessarily ensure his place in my bed. I knew I had more substance than that, and I guess I just wanted to make sure that he knew it too, even if it meant a night of frustration for me.
“Well, I guess it’s time for me to catch some shut eye.” I hinted with a yawn.
“Yeah, I’ve got to get up pretty early tomorrow morning and make up for the work that I blew off this afternoon.” he said.
“Okay. What time will I be seeing you tomorrow?” I asked.
“Say....around 5 o’clock?” he asked.
“Sounds good to me. That will give me enough time to sleep in, and then doll myself up for you.” I said and kissed him on the lips.
“Remember to wear that little black number we picked out at the shop. It should be perfect for Kevin’s party.” he said with a wink.
“Sure thing. See you tomorrow night then?” I asked, getting up off the bed and walking towards the door.
“Wouldn’t miss it .” he said and leaned in for one last good night kiss.

As our lips mingled softly, his fingertips ran gently up and down my back causing an outbreak of goose bumps. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up on my tip-toes so I could hug him. He returned my hug and then slipped both of his hands underneath my tank top, and onto my sides. I took in a surprised gasp of air, and then let out a little squeak.
“You had to know that I couldn’t leave without a few quick tickles first.” he teased without moving his hands yet.
“Sam, don’t!” I said with a giggle.
“Now, why would you say don’t, when we both know you really want me to tickle you?” he said, beginning to gently scribble his fingers against my sides slowly.
Knowing he was right, but too stubborn to admit it, I had no answer for him. After hiding my fetish my whole life, it was hard wired into my brain that I had to deny anything that might expose it to anyone.
“C’mon, I want to hear you say ‘I like being tickled’.” he said, backing me up towards the wall.
“I can’t!” I protested, still giggling.
“Sure you can, it’s easy.” he teased, backing me up until my back was flush against the wall. He then slowly took both my hands in his, and stretched my arms up over my head, and pinned them between the wall and his left hand.
The giggles got more intense with the anticipation of what was to come. I tried to squirm my hands away, but he held them firmly in place. With both my hands pinned, and one of his free, I knew that this was a losing battle. He began to wiggle his fingers at me, and inch them closer to my, now very exposed, underarms.
“C’mon Maggie...you know you want to say it. Let that little tickle freak out of the closet, and just say ‘I like being tickled’.” he said in a seductive tone of voice, barely above a whisper.
“Sam, don’t make me say it, please!” I said, now completely unable to control my giggles.
“I’m just trying to help you out, Maggie. Keeping your feelings all bottled up isn’t healthy. You’ll feel much better once you say it.” he said, now a mere inch away from my underarm.
“No!” I said as firmly as I could with a huge smile on my face....probably wasn’t too convincing.
“Have it your way.” he said and began to scribble his fingertips in my underarms.

All composure lost now, my giggles gave way to full blown laughter. My feet were stomping on the floor, but couldn’t actually go anywhere. To make my torture worse, he decided to brush his goatee up and down the inside of my arm, from my wrist all the way down passed the crook of my arm. His teeth coming in for a nibble every so often was enough to put me over the edge. My legs gave out from underneath me, and we both toppled to the floor. It didn’t take long for Sam to resume his hold on me, and once he did, I was now in the same position as before, only laying flat on my back. Rather than using his hand to pin mine this time, he decided instead to kneel up at my head, and trap both of my hands above my head with his knees. Now, at an even greater disadvantage than before, I began to panic.

“Well, well, well...what do I have here.” he said, grinning down at me.
“Sam, let me up! C’mon, this isn’t funny!” I said, trying not to giggle.
“Not funny? Really? I bet I can make you laugh.” he teased, and began to wiggle his fingers again.
I bit my lips, and made a real effort to show how serious I was, but with his ever approaching fingers, it wasn’t easy. A smile began to creep it’s way out, and he knew he was beginning to get to me again.
“Is that a smile? Don’t be so stubborn, you know you want to giggle. Here, I’ll help.” he said, and then began to tickle my underarms again.
All my efforts at seriousness now gone, all I could do was laugh. With both of my forearms trapped underneath him, there was very little wiggle room. All I could do was kick my feet and move my torso from side to side. His fingers were relentless as they traveled into both underarms and then over to my collarbone and neck. I tried to thrash my head so I could block some of his ticklish advances, but whenever I blocked one set of tickling fingers, another one managed to pop up someplace else.
“Just say it, Maggie. I like being tickled.” he urged, never pausing his fingers for a moment.
“OKAY!!” I screamed through my laughter.
He paused, to give me enough breath for my admission, and just sat there grinning. “I....” I stopped, not actually finding enough courage to finish the statement.
“...like....” he said to get me to finish.
“Sam, this is really hard!” I pouted.
“Why should it be? Do you like being tickled?” he asked.
“Well, yeah.” I said shyly.
“Then you should be able to admit it. What are you so afraid of? God knows I’m not going to think any less of you. Just the opposite, really.” he urged.
“It’s just that I spent my whole life avoiding even the word....tickle...(I said, and blushed) that it’s hard to even say that one word, much less to have it in a sentence like that!” I pleaded.
“Well, kiddo. I think it’s high time you got over that, and I’m just the guy to help you.” he said with a wink and began to tickle me again. This time he buried his hands on either side of my neck before I had the chance to scrunch up my shoulders. Now helpless and giggling, I knew that admitting that I loved all of this was the only way to buy myself a break.
“Wait!!” I squeaked, not being able to actually say the sentence that he wanted me to because I couldn’t stop laughing.
“If I stop this time, you’d better be prepared to say it, or get the tickling of a lifetime. No more chances after this.” he warned.
“I will...I will.” I panted.
“So, let’s hear it....with feeling.” he teased.
“I like....being...tickled.” I said, kind of mumbling the last word.
“Oh man, that was terrible! You’re not gonna convince anyone with a mousy statement like that.” he laughed.
“I like being...tickled.” I said with more volume.
“Say it loud, say it proud!” he said, in a theatrical voice that mimicked a southern preacher.
I laughed at him, in spite of my embarrassment, and yelled “I like being tickled!”
“Amen! She has been healed!” he said, still playing the preacher.
“You’re such a goofball.” I giggled.
“So, now that you’ve been saved, you wouldn’t mind me doing this...” he said and then lunged for my midsection. He began to nibble wildly on my ribs and stomach. The combination of his facial hair, and his teeth sent me into instant hysterics. My hands, now free, tried to push him off. Having found that unsuccessful, I tried to tickle him back. Bingo!
“Hey!” was all he said as he tried to capture my hands again so that I couldn’t tickle his belly or ribs.
“I think I might’ve found that spot you were talking about at the beach.” I teased.
“Maybe I should quit while I’m ahead.” he laughed.

He stood up from the floor, and helped me to a standing position. We just looked at each other for a moment, both of us with a goofy smile, and a child-like spark in our eyes.
“Good night, Sam.” I said finally, because if I didn’t I would have invited him to stay the night.
“Good night, Maggie.” he said and gave me one last kiss before disappearing.

Chapter Six: Happy Birthday To Us

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It took me a few seconds to realize both where I was, and where the noise of my dream slayer was coming from. Barely picking my head up off my pillow, I clumsily grabbed for the receiver, practically knocking it to the floor.
“Hello?” I said in a tone of voice made by someone who obviously just woke up.
“Morning sleepyhead.” Sam said in a soft, sweet voice.
Hearing his voice again confirmed that the magical day before had been something more than just a figment of my imagination. I was still having a hard time believing that any of this was really happening.
“Morning. What time is it?” I asked, trying to rouse myself to full consciousness.
“9 o’clock. I didn’t wake you, did I?” Sam asked.
“Not at all. I always sound like a drugged mental patient at this hour of the morning.” I giggled.
“Well brush the sleep out of your eyes, you’ve got an appointment to keep.” he said.
“An appointment? But we’re not meeting until 5 .” I asked, puzzled.
“Yeah, but you’re meeting with Sylvia in an hour and a half.” he said matter of factly.
“Who the hell is Sylvia?!” I asked, trying to remember if Sam had mentioned this the night before.
“She’s the one that’s going to get you ready for your big night out.” he said.
“Sam, I’m sorry, but I haven’t got the foggiest idea what you’re talking about.” I apologized, just in case I should know what the hell was going on.
Sam laughed. “You shouldn’t know what I’m talking about...that’s why they call it a surprise.”
“A surprise?” I asked, even more confused than before.
“Yeah. I made an appointment for you at the spa. Sylvia is an old friend of mine that works there.” he said.
“A spa? Um...I’ve never been to one of those. What’s she gonna do?” I asked.
“Well, you’re just gonna have to show up to find out.” he said.
I giggled. “How very mysterious. Okay, I’ll play along. So, where is this place?”
“Don’t worry about it. My driver will be by in an hour to pick you up.” he said.
“Ya know, you’ve got this prince charming gig down pretty good.” I teased.
“Yeah? Thanks. I try. Will you give me a call on my cellphone when you’re finished at the spa?” he asked.
“Sure. You’ve got my cellphone number just in case you need to reach me, don’t you?” I asked.
“Yeah. So, I’ll touch base with you later?” he asked.
“Yep...assuming that Sylvia leaves me all in one piece.” I teased.
“Oh, she’s got strict instructions to take very good care of you.” he said.
“I’m sure she will. Talk to you later.” I said.
“Okay. Have fun.” he said.
“I will. Bye.” I said.
“Bye.” he said before he hung up.

A spa? Holy shit was I out of my element. I had always wanted to try a place like that, but never got the nerve to walk through the doors. I assumed places like that were meant for girls named Buffy and Fifi who had places to go and things to do...but just stopped in for a quick pedicure and a massage before getting there. I feared being met with snide sideways glances from these girls when they saw such a plane jane. I guess I would soon find out if my fears had any merit.
I quickly grabbed a shower and called room service for some tea and toast. At this hour of the morning, my stomach couldn’t handle much else. (My first meal of the day usually came around noon.) After putting on a pair of khaki shorts, a white, short sleeved, button down shirt, and my flip flops, I was ready to go. I went downstairs to meet the driver....who had very promptly arrived at the front of the hotel. He ushered me inside the limo, and away we went. The drive wasn’t too long, maybe about twenty minutes or so. I had no idea where we were, never having been in the area before. It was more than a bit unnerving to be so far out of my element (and time zone, for that matter) without so much as a clue as to what was coming next. Remember me telling you that I liked to be in the driver’s seat? Yeah, well I was so far out of control of this situation, that I may as well have handed over the keys to the car and set fire to my driver’s license. The feeling was both scary and amazingly exhilarating. I suppose that Sam was right, relinquishing control could be kinda fun.
I exited the limo, and the driver (who I still didn’t know by name) said that he would meet me out front at 2 o’clock. I raised an eyebrow, looked down at my watch that read 10:30, and repeated the time back to him just to make sure that I heard him right.
“Yes, Miss...2 o’clock.” he answered back.
“So, that’s....(doing a quick calculation in my head)...over three hours from now?” I said, still not believing that my appointment would take that long.
“That’s what I was told, Miss.” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Alrighty...I guess they would know better than I would. See ya then.” I said.

I walked up to the “Take Me Away” spa and went inside the double doors. I was greeted inside by a very cheerful receptionist with a name tag that read “Amanda”. She ushered me into the waiting area, and asked if she could get me anything to drink.
“Water would be great.” I said, not knowing if I should have asked for a Perrier or something like that.
“Sure thing, be back in a sec.” she said and left.
Well, so far, there were no ladies named Fifi in sight, and this place seemed very inviting. The ‘new age’ music played softly over the speaker system (which sounded like someone playing a piano by a waterfall), and the candles that they had burning filled the place with sweet lavender smell. Running on very little sleep from the night before, I felt as though I could doze off right here in the waiting room, but my nervousness about what was to come kept me awake. The receptionist returned shortly with my bottle of water, and said that Sylvia would see me momentarily.
I hadn’t gotten the chance to drink more than a couple of sips of my water before Sylvia appeared. She was a very attractive, middle aged woman who had a head of dark red hair and eyes the same shade as my mother’s - light green.
“You must be Maggie.” she said with a bright smile.
“Yes. Sylvia?” I asked a bit shyly.
“That’s right. Why don’t you follow me, sweetie.” she said.
We walked through another set of double doors which lead to the inner area of the spa.
“Well, why don’t we start you off with a massage and a facial.” she said.
“Um...okay.” I said.
I had actually had a facial before at the place where I get my nails done on occasion, but the massage was going to be something totally new. It was always something that I wanted to have done, but never had the guts to do. The thought of stripping naked, and allowing some total stranger to become very well acquainted with my body seemed a bit strange to me. But, I reasoned that this trip was all about breaking free from my normal pattern of thinking and trying new things. Lord knows, if I could work up the courage to tell Sam about my fetish, I could do this! Speaking of my fetish...don’t think that my thoughts of tickling had strayed too far from my mind when the idea of a massage came into play. I wondered, as ticklish as I am, how I was going to react to this. I guess there was only one way to find out....
Sylvia’s nimble fingers worked their magic on my face for a little under an hour. I didn’t think that something as easy as washing my face (which normally only took me about five minutes in the morning) would be such a project, but apparently, they weren’t going to leave any pore untreated. They used everything from cucumber compresses for my eyes, to herbal exfloliators for my face and neck. Then after all that, they finished it off with a ‘steam treatment’ which they claimed would clear out my pores. Okay, if you say so. I had to admit that it all felt pretty great though. I felt kind of silly going through it all, but I figured that this was my one chance to see how the other half lived, so I was going to take full advantage.
“How are you feeling?” Sylvia asked.
“Great. My face has never been cleaner.” was all I could think to say.
Sylvia chuckled. “Okay, well my work here is done. It’s time that I passed you off to Adrian.” she said and ushered me into the massage parlor.
“Just strip down, and put the towels over yourself. Adrian will be in in a minute to work on you.” she said before leaving.
I quickly shed my clothes, afraid that I would be caught half naked before I could cover myself with the towels. I hopped up on the table, and tried to regain a small measure of modesty with the fluffy white towels that were provided for me. I laid down on my stomach and tried to get as comfortable as I could...not an easy task considering how self conscious I felt. Now, call me naive, but I was expecting another middle aged woman (probably with a stocky German build and strong hands) to appear from behind the parlor door. Well, if Adrian was a woman, then she was the most masculine woman I had ever met. The nervous jitters that I was feeling before he entered the room gave way to a mild panic attack.
“Hi. My name’s Adrian. And you are....Maggie, right?” he asked checking his charts.
“You’re not a woman.” popped out lamely before I could stop myself. I then bit my lips to stifle any other retarded phrases that might follow.
He laughed. “Thanks for noticing.”
“Um...it’s just that I... didn’t expect....ya know...a man.” I rambled.
“Sorry I caught you off guard. My name sometimes throws people off. Is it a problem?” he asked with a sweet smile.
“Uh...no, of course not. Just a surprise...that’s all.” I said, returning his smile as best I could.
“Good. Then let’s get things started, shall we?” he asked.
Adrian arranged the towels loosely over my lower torso and upper thighs. I could see him lather up his hands with some kind of oil before approaching me.
“Now just relax. I don’t want you thinking about anything but the feel of my hands.” he said in a soothing voice.
“No problem there!” was what I thought, but didn’t voice to him.
“No more thoughts about work, family, or anything else that might make you feel tense. For the hour that you’re with me, I want you to be completely in the moment.” he said in a voice that could lull a baby to sleep.
Okay, this guy was good. I could feel my shoulders begin to uncurl and my arms fall listlessly at my sides. He hands started up around my shoulders and neck. With the lubrication of the oil, his hands glided effortlessly across my skin. After only about five minutes I was wondering if this guy was up for adoption...that German Sheppard puppy would have to wait. He worked his way down both my arms, and then moved lower on my back. Every nerve ending in my body seemed to first respond to his touch with small tingly ripples, and then relax. He worked his thumbs down the length of my spine, and I could feel myself slipping into a state of half sleep as my eyelids closed. Just as I was about to doze off, I could feel his hands curl (albeit firmly) around my waist so that he could give his thumbs better leverage to deeply massage my lower back. My eyes popped back open, and I could feel that all too familiar ticklish sensation beginning to rise. I thought that I could hold out without laughing, if he would just move beyond the spot that he was working on. Apparently, he thought that my lower back needed some special attention, so there he stayed, fingers still curled around my waist. My efforts failed, and out came the first giggle.
“Oops. Did I hit a ticklish spot?” he laughed and pulled his hands away.
“Kind of.” I blushed.
“Sorry. Tell me where it is, so I won’t hit it again.” he said.
“It was just the way you had your hands around my waist. Don’t worry, I can handle it.” I said with a smile.
“Really? You don’t mind being tickled?” he asked.
“Not really.” I said (amazed that I had just said that. I must be getting bold in my advancing years!)
“That’s surprising. Most of the women I work on get so mad when I accidentally tickle them. I don’t mean to do it, but sometimes it can’t be helped on someone who’s ticklish.” he said matter-of-factly.
“Well, considering the amount of ground you cover, you’re bound to find a few ticklish spots along the way.” I giggled.
“True. Well, I’ll do my best to avoid them, but at least now I know you won’t have me fired if I hit one or two.” he laughed.
“Your job is safe with me.” I said with a smile.
“Good to know.” he said and began to massage again.
He spent a few more minutes on my back, being a bit more careful to avoid my waist, and then started to head towards my legs. I knew that this was going to be a big problem for me since my legs are especially ticklish. He began to knead his fingers around my upper thighs and I buried my mouth in the towel that was under my head to stifle any giggles that might come out.
“Maggie? You wouldn’t be trying not to laugh now, would you?” he asked as he continued to massage.
Now that I was found out, a muffled laugh escaped and I just nodded my head. He stopped massaging again, and walked over to where my head was resting.
“I’m so sorry, it’s just that my legs are really ticklish.” I admitted, barely being able to make eye contact with him.
“Don’t be sorry. Do you want me to skip it?” he asked.
“I don’t mind, if you don’t.” I said.
“Well, normally I wouldn’t purposefully massage an area that I knew was ticklish. It’s kind of counter-productive to what I’m trying to do for you.” he said.
“Well, most girls probably don’t find tickling to be relaxing....” I said, not quite able to admit that I did.
“And you do?” he asked amazed.
I just smiled (blushed like a school girl, I’m sure), and broke our gaze.
“You’re the boss.” he said with a grin on his face, and went back to work.
The remainder of my time with Adrian was a wonderful mixture of deep soothing massage and the occasional teasing tickle (that I think he was doing on purpose since my admission.) I wished that it could go on forever, but like all good things, it came to an end.
“You’re all set Maggie. How’re you feeling?” he asked, wiping the remainder of the oil from his hands with a towel.
“Like I want to take you back to New York with me.” I smiled and lazily opened up my eyes.
He laughed, “That’s the best offer I’ve had all day, but it would be a hell of a commute for me. ” We both laughed. “But if you’re ever in town again, I hope you drop in for another massage.”
“You can count on it.” I smiled.
“Great! Well, enjoy the rest of your day, Maggie.” he said.
“If it’s anything like the last hour, I’m sure I will.” I said.

And with a wink and a smile, he was gone. I got my clothes back on, and headed back to the lobby area, where Sylvia was there to meet me.
“I hope you’re enjoying yourself.” she smiled.
“Like you can’t imagine.” I said.
“Great. Well, all you have left to do is get a manicure and a pedicure.” she said as she checked her clipboard.
“Oh, okay. Just lead the way.” I said. Truthfully, I was a bit bummed that I couldn’t just go back to my suite and fall into bed for a long, and (hopefully) dream filled sleep. Adrian’s massage had made me kind of sleepy, but I decided I should finish up things here first since Sam had gone through all the trouble of making sure I got the royal treatment.
Sylvia led me into a small room with a manicure table and a large cushy chair (which resembled my Dad’s old black leather recliner, but without the foot attachment.) At the base of the chair was a large whirlpool bath for your feet. I could hear the hum of the whirlpool, and knew that it would probably feel wonderful. I began to think that maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. The wall to my right had about twelve small shelves. On them were dozens of bottles of nail polish in every color of the rainbow. They were all arranged by color (for easy access, I’m sure) and I didn’t see how the hell I was going to be able to decide on just one of them.
“Have a seat over there my dear (pointing to the pedicure chair), and Michael will be with you in a minute.” she said and then walked out.
Now, unlike Adrian’s ambiguous name, I was pretty sure that Michael was a guy’s name. A guy was going to paint my toenails?! I began to wonder if Sylvia employed any women here at her spa (aside from Amanda the perky receptionist, that is). “This should be cute”, I thought and chuckled to myself. If Michael was anything like the guys I knew back home, I would be covered in red nail polish from my toenails to my knees. In my experience, most guys didn’t posses the delicate touch required to paint something as small as a toe nail.....the broad side of a barn, maybe...but not toe nails. But then I realized that Sylvia probably didn’t hire anyone but the best. Adrian was a prime example.

I sat down in the comfy chair, leaned back, and put my feet in the bath. The warm whirlpool coupled with my lingering feeling of relaxation from Adrian’s massage made me doze off. My eyes popped open when I heard two guys talking in the hall just outside the room. It was Adrian, and an attractive, black man who I assumed was Michael. I looked up in time to see Adrian whisper something in Michael’s ear, and then look over at me and smile (a smile that had more than a hint of mischief behind it.) Hmmm.... Michael grinned at whatever Adrian just whispered to him, and then gave his co-worker a pat on the back. When Adrian left, Michael entered the room.

“Hi Maggie, I’m Michael.” he said warmly while checking his clipboard (which I assume had my ever growing file on there.) “My, my, my. Getting the royal treatment today, are we?” he asked. “Good for you.”
“Yeah, well it’s probably one of those once in a lifetime things for me.” I said shyly.
“Why?!” he said, with a shocked expression on his face (as if an alien had just popped out of my stomach or something). “Girl, you should definitely be getting a pedicure at least once a month! You wait much longer than that and these little piggies of yours will get a bit too rustic looking, if you know what I mean.” he said with a smile.
“Well, if a month makes them look rustic, then mine are going to look down right beastly because I’ve never gotten a pedicure in my life.” I said and felt a blush rise to my cheeks. I knew such an admission would be seen as some sort of spa sacrilege, but it was the truth.
“You’re kidding, right? You’ve never gotten a pedicure before?!” he said with an exaggerated shocked expression on his face. “Well, you’re in for a real treat sweetie! And since I’m your first, I promise to be gentle.” he teased.
I laughed despite my embarassment, and began to feel at ease around Michael, in much the same way I did with Adrian.
“Well, let’s see these wild child feet of yours.” he kidded and gently grabbed one of my feet from out of the hot, soapy water of the whirlpool bath.
My feet had been soaking for about 20 minutes by now, and had turned a healthy pink from the hot water. I was terrified that my feet were going to repulse him in some way. I didn’t think they were too bad off, but who knew? My feet weren’t something that I paid an enormous amount of attention to normally. When summer came around, I made sure that they looked fairly well kept, but otherwise, they were stuffed in shoes most of the day, and who really cared? Michael apparently.
“Alright Pinnochio, are you really going to sit back and tell me that these feet have never had a pedicure?” he said with a smile as he held up my right foot for me to see.
“I swear to God. Really, I haven’t.” I said a bit puzzled.
“Well then, either you’re walking around on cotton balls all day, or you are one lucky girl. These are way softer than they have any right to be considering you’ve totally ignored them up until today!” he laughed and ran a finger up the length of my foot.
My foot jumped, and I giggled. “What was that for?” I asked.
“Just looking for callouses.” he said with a sly grin.
Yeah, right. Looking for callouses, or taking the tip from Adrian that I enjoyed being tickled. I didn’t dare challenge his motives. If he wanted to play games, I was more than willing to oblige.
“I’m just going to smooth things out a bit.” he said and pulled out his pumice stone and began to work on my heel. The ticklish sensations began to rise, but I managed to keep my reactions under control. I thought that I could hold out for quite awhile, but then he moved the pumice stone up to the ball of my foot. Before I could even attempt to control my ticklish reaction, I jerked my foot out of his grasp .
“Oops, did that tickle?” he asked innocently.
“Just a bit.” I lied.
“I do my best not to, but accidents happen.” he lied back.
“No problem.” I said. “But then again, Adrian probably told you I’d say that, huh?” I added with a smile.
“I have NO idea what you’re talking about.” he said and took my foot back. He started to scrub my foot again with the pumice stone, all the while grinning to himself.

Most of the pedicure went on like that, him tickling me on purpose, and me pretending not to be effected. It was like some kind of playful battle of wills. I hate to admit it, but he won most of the time. He got me to laugh out loud on a couple of occasions, and squirm too many times to count. The worst was when he used the foot scrub lotion to massage my feet. I thought I was going to jump up out of the chair! Those little microbeads, or whatever the hell was in there tickled like crazy! He obviously got a lot of satisfaction when he got to me like that because he would just smile up at me, and feign innocence. Sadistic bastard....I was really beginning to like him!
As I gazed down at my newly painted (cherry red) toes, I smiled at my sudden good fortune. I was amazed by the fact that a mere two days ago I was sitting in my office, miserable and depressed. And now here I was, on the other side of the country and absolutely tingling with anticipation of what suprises may lay in store for me during the course of the next week. Maybe turning 30 wasn’t going to be so bad after all......

Thanks for reading it. I hope you liked it. I know it was a bit lengthy, and just think, I'm nowhere near done with it! :D

As always, comments are welcome. Negative as well as the positive.

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This.......story.. deserves the OSCAR/GRAMMY/SAG/ACADEMY AWARD/ of all stories!!! The best story I've read since finding tickling online!! I give you the longest standing ovation and an hour long scream for an encore!! TRULY BRILLIANT!! ABSOLUTLY ASTOUNDING!! This is my fantasy (minus the whole pampering thing) for my future husband and I! We should talk! ;)

btw, is any of it true?

Please write more!!!!!!!!!!!

I love these romantic stories. You are a very talented writer. The story flowed effortlessly and was a pleasure to read.

Thank you
Iluv2BTickled -

I posted this story early Thurs. morning, and all through the day I would occasionally drop in on the site and see how many people were reading it. The numbers came close to 150, and still no one thought to write any comment for it. Then just as I was about to throw my PC out the window, and stick my head in the oven (lol), you wrote the most glowing review EVER! You truly made my day! :xpulcy: I'm so glad you liked it. Knowing that my story took you on a trip to fantasyland for awhile made my efforts worth it.
And you asking if any of it was true is the highest compliment that a fiction writer can get because then I know that it came across as believable. Unfortunately though, it's ALL fiction. Don't I wish something like this could actually happen!

p.s - anytime you want to exchange thoughts, you can PM me. We can daydream together! :)

TklrNMemphis -

Thank you for the wonderful review. I'm glad you enjoyed my little romantic flight of fancy. I'm a sucker for these kinds of 'Pretty Womanesque' types of tales. As much as I'd like to call myself an independant woman, I still secretly love to get swept off my feet on occasion (guess it's not a secret anymore! lol).
Thank you for taking the time to post. I hope others follow suit.

I know I shouldn't just post my stories for the reviews, but reading what others thought about my work is what makes it all worth while for me. I like to watch the numbers of readers go up each time I see the thread, but not knowing what they thought of it, makes me wonder if it's just a huge pile of fictional crap. lol. Insecure you say? Just a tad.

And although the ego strokes are nice to read, I also welcome criticism as well. Knowing what some people thought was wrong with the story is what helps me to improve on it in the future.

So please, all you TMFers, just drop me a line, and let me know your thoughts. I really am interested.

All I can say is WOW. I'm very impressed. You are an excellent writer! What else can I say that hasn't already been said? It flowed and kept my attention the whole time. And most of all I could see the images in my mind. Never stop writing because you have talent. ;)
I've read it at least 6 times now Since that my last post. How's that for a awesome story! This should be a movie! I"ll be sending you a pm.:D ;)

Edit: Check ur pm box daisy. ;)
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Speechless...this story left me speechless....but wait..where's the rest of it....theres gotta be more right?:confused:
Maggie what did I tell you. I knew take the time to post a story like that and people will read it. I will refer my friends to this story. This was well done Maggie. You should be really happy with yourself. Great writer. Great stuff. Please give us more.
["This.......story.. deserves the OSCAR/GRAMMY/SAG/ACADEMY AWARD/ of all stories!!! The best story I've read since finding tickling online!! I give you the longest standing ovation and an hour long scream for an encore!! TRULY BRILLIANT!! ABSOLUTLY ASTOUNDING!!"]

I totally agreeand give you a standing ovation!
And quote Steven Spielberg: "It's a clean sweep!";)
Of course you feed off the "reviews" of others, I think all of us who write stories do. That's one of the things I love about this site, you can post feedback right next to the story.

Speaking of feedback, this was an excellent read. You did a great job of weaving a whole lot of elements into a wonderfully written story. As I was reading it, like ILuv2Btickled, I too was wondering if any of it was true. Then, I jumped to the comments before finishing the story and I had my answers. As a result, I can't me sure, but I did think the part of having Sam be an agent, with one of Maggie's favorites was a little clicheish. Then when Kevin called on the cell phone (do I get a point for immediately knowing it was Kevin Spacey- lol), I thought it became apparent that it was not true. Still it read well, and unless I miss my guess, you revealed a lot of your personality in this story-- not just your type of fantasy, but I'm guessing that a lot of the characteristics you describe about Maggie (the heroine in the story), are the same characteristics in Maggie (the author).

I agree that you HAVE to finish it. Not doing so would be a disservice to your loyal readers (count me amoung them), as well as yourself. I can't wait to read more.

In terms of checking back to see the number of hits and the number of comments (I have to plead guilty to doing that as well), I think the length of the story had something to do with that, at least in my case it did. I would start reading the story, read a couple of chapters, then need to leave to do something, come back to it, read some more, and kepts repeating the process until I finished it. I didn't want to type any comments until I was finished.

One possible way around this is to do something that i64ever did in the story "She tickled me with science". The entire story was written first and broken down into a series of chapters. Then, the first part was posted, a few days later the second, etc. I found this to be very helpful.

In any event, you did a wonderful job with this story, I'm sorry to be so long winded, and I look forward to reading the next part.
hyped_up -

Speechless is always a good thing! I'm glad you liked it. And yes, there is more. But unfortunately, at this point it's all in my wild imagination. I have the rest of the story plotted out, but haven't had the time to actually sit down and write it yet. I don't know when that will occur. I'm not going to make false promises about when. But hopefully, it will be soon.

ticklingfeet4fu -

Thanks for the encouragement about posting the story. You were right, it seemed to be pretty well received. Thanks for the referrals, and I'm really glad that you enjoyed reading it. :)

femalea -

Well, if there was any one sentiment that I would love to hear echoed, it was Iluv2Btickled's. lol. Thank you for the wonderful review! :D

ctft2001 -

Thank you SO much for the constructive criticism! It's the first so far. Yes, even as I was writing it, I knew that Maggie meeting up with Kevin Spacey (her favorite movie star) in the way she did would scream "SAW THAT ONE COMING A MILE AWAY!!" But I just couldn't help myself! lol. Before I started to write the story, I was just going to use Sam's character only as a means of getting to Kevin Spacey. I was going to make Maggie and Kevin fall madly in love, blah, blah, blah. But when I began to develop Sam's character, I actually found myself falling for him, and decided to go that route instead (and make meeting Kevin Spacey just a nice cherry on the already wonderful sundae, so to speak).
And please don't apologize for being 'long winded'. As far as I'm concerned (with reviews anyway), the longer the better! I really got a lot out of reading your post. I did think to post it chapter by chapter (which I actually did when I first posted this story over a year ago), but I found that chapters would get separated, and chapter one would be on page three while the last chapter would stay on page one. I know it's LOOOOONNNG (lol), but keeping it together insures that everyone who reads it, starts from the beginning.
I will finish the story (sometime before I'm dead, lol), and as I told hyped_up, I do have most of it done in my head. I have a twist or two figured for the party scene, so hopefully I still have the power to suprise you! ;)

p.s. - Yes, there is quite a bit of the 'real' Maggie in this story. We are both a couple of tough girls with squishy middles. Kind of a tomboy with a girlie girl hidden deep inside. lol.

Thanks to all who are responding. Keep the reviews coming....I could read them forever!:happyfloa
I'm still kind of suprised that only about 1% of readers are posting, but I guess I'll take what I can get.

You are welcome. I hope we see more stories in the future. You give us more I will refer more.:) You are really a good writer, Maggie. Keep up the good work.:cool:
ticklingfeet4fu said:
You are welcome. I hope we see more stories in the future. You give us more I will refer more.:) You are really a good writer, Maggie. Keep up the good work.:cool:

You're gonna give me a big fat ego, ya know that?
I hope to be posting more in the future. Don't know when, but it's nice to know that there will be people there to read it when I finally do get my butt in gear. :)

daisycrazy5496 said:
You're gonna give me a big fat ego, ya know that?
I hope to be posting more in the future. Don't know when, but it's nice to know that there will be people there to read it when I finally do get my butt in gear. :)

Ego is important in anything we do Maggie. You have to have that self-assurance that you are good. You need us to reinforce that for you provide you are good. Let me tell you, you are really good and I have sent your work to a couple of good friends of mine on the forum and when they get the chance to read it I am sure they will post positive comments.So I hope you to see some of your work again soon. :) ;)

I've never been real good with the ego thing, and find it very hard to take any compliments from people. I'm working on that though....

I hope to hear from your friends on this thread, otherwise, I will bid my story adieu as it gets lost on page two...three...four...

My moment in the spotlight was fun while it lasted. Thanks to all who responded.

No, does this mean your not gonna finish it? Please say it aint so...:(
hyped_up said:
No, does this mean your not gonna finish it? Please say it aint so...:(
I agree with hyped_up Maggie. Say it ain't so!!! Please I am on my knees typing this message with my nose begging you to please keep writing.:(
I'm chimming in to, Maggie.

You are not getting off that easily. You have too many of us waiting for the rest of this story, or at least the next part. You are too gifted a writer to stop now and consider your 15 minutes of fame, or moment in the sportlight up.

Not only do you need to continue this story, you need to be posting others. I look forward to more of your stories, and ego or not, it is quite apparent that many others also look forward to them.

Good luck with your continuing writing endeavors.

hyped_up and ticklingfeet4fu-

It ain't so. :) I'm not saying that I'm not going to finish the story (at some point). I was just saying that I was going to let this portion of it fade to the background. So, up off your knees boys...I hate to see nice guys beg ;)

ctft2001 -

Thank you for the wonderful compliments. I appreciate you taking the time to write. I have written one other tickling story (which I posted probably more than three years ago). It is also a bit lengthy. I don't know if I should resurrect that one or not.

I have to say, if it wasn't for the handful of you that posted on this thread I wouldn't even consider posting another story. The turnout has been a bit on the scarce side (only six or seven of you out of over 1000!) When I sit down to write a story, I'm initially doing it for me. I like to play out my fantasies that way. Then when I decide to post it, I'm doing it because I want to see how it effected other people. And not getting any feedback kind of defeats that purpose.

I know that the responses seem to be low across the board (save one or two stories that hit big), but still, it is very discouraging not to see too many people responding to something that I worked so hard on. Okay, I'll stop bitching and moaning now....I'm starting to sound like a whiny little girl :cry1:

I know! When I do finally finish the story, instead of posting it in the story section, I'll just PM it to the handful of you that responded to the thread. lol. How mean would that be? hee hee. Writer's revenge!

Hey sounds like a plan ..but you know you dont have to, no one can make you do anything you dont want to:D
hyped_up said:
...but you know you dont have to, no one can make you do anything you dont want to:D

True enough. The only times I might be coerced into doing something I don't want to do is when I'm being tickled...then I've been known to cave in fairly quickly to my 'lers demands! Much to the shagrin of my wicked stubborn streak. :D

Is there more to this story yet? Please please please tell me there's more! :)
Is there more to this story yet? Please please please tell me there's more! :)

Audrey -

Sorry it took a couple of months to respond to your inquiry - I don't come on the TMF as much as I used to.

It appears that you have managed to raise my rather old, dusty corpse of a story and breathe new life into it. I can't believe it's been EIGHT years since I first penned that story. It took me a long time to finish it up. I set it down for a couple of years and then (for whatever reason - maybe the pleas of my fellow TMFers, lol) I picked it back up and finished it. The thread you found was the earlier version - here's the link to the finished copy (which has a few more chapters to it)....


I hope it was worth the wait :) Thanks again for bringing my story back to life. It's always fun to find out that someone has rediscovered something that I wrote a long time ago.

Take care,
This was one of my first ever tickle-stories that I read & I still love it.
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