TMF Novice
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- Jan 26, 2012
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Hey all, I know I haven't posted much on here since most of my works are on TMF and dA, but I am placing this story on here. This is sort of tragic love story sooo be prepared to glance at some adult rated stuff. You've been warned.
This world has become too evil and corrupt for anyone. Ever since the incidents with the “Harsh Sick Game” and the Gods and Devils, this world separated into many divided and new things. For one, Earth is no longer peaceful, or the state that most people know Earth as. In the year 2013, many nations developed many WMDs, nuclear weapons, and new technology that rivaled against one another. Taking arms, all the countries started to fight against one another until the year 2022. In the year 2022, the world has been invaded by many alien races that wished to conquer Earth. Even though humans could have united to fend off these enemies, the countries did the opposite. They continue to fight one another and the aliens, but in the end, humans started to go deep into space to conquer the unknown regions, planets, and galaxies for their own ‘country’. For example, America was able to exterminate an alien race and several planets under their name. With the strongest galactic military, most aliens and humans still fear the American, although I doubt anyone can continue calling them that since they left Earth.
Those who could not afford space travel or leave on Earth were stranded on Earth. Earth, human’s home planet, was subdued in war. Not only did war appear on Earth, corruption, slavery, and anything that is unimaginable started to take over this planet. Those who play this “Harsh Sick Game” are being treated better than what life is. Compared to the negative side of things, the “Harsh Sick Game” has given most people “immortality” and “time stop”. Those on Earth cannot have those two, unless you are some God or Goddess. I will not bore you with the history, but those are Earth have to fight to be free and survive. There are no such things as freedom, rights, or even law. Earth has become a very corrupt planet.
I, a twenty-seven years old young lady, have been helping my group live in such a chaos. With the aliens abducting and doing who knows what on people, we have to scavenge for food at our own discretion. We fear the moment where we will die or be caught and sold to something extremely horrible. Just wearing rags, I helped my fellow survivors. With eleven people in the group, kids, an old couple, some teenagers, and four adults, we scavenge the abandoned markets to get what we can eat. I can barely live up to such scenario as we venture from city to city. Decay, destruction, abandonment, anarchy, hierarchy, slavery pins, and other things filled the environment. What have we done to our Earth?
One night, I was with my group. We only had two strong male adults guarding us each night. This night, however, will be the worse of them all. As we sleep in our rusty tents, I found an eerie atmosphere sweeping around me. Going to get some fresh air, I got out of my tent to stare at a uniformed military personal grabbing one of the kids. Before I could say anything, I was knocked out by a hard feeling to the back of my head. I landed onto the ground where those two individuals touched me and bound me, taking me away to who knows where.
This is where my story starts...
I slowly regain consciousness. I grasp my head with my right hand, my fingers sliding through my hair. Blinking several times, I gaze at the room I was in. There was some sunlight illuminating out of a nearby window. I quickly realize that I was on some sort of fancy bed, covered in velvet rich sheets. Not only did the bed look expensive, the rest of the room displayed such worth. The table, the vases, flowers, the rugs, almost everything in the room reveals some sort of richness and wealth. I gasp at the clothes I was wearing, wearing fine silk instead of my rags. I pulled at the top of the gown to smell the rich flowery scent that amazed my nose. A butler opened the door to my left, bowing in a very humble manner with his right arm across his chest. Bowing, he start to say, “Madame, please follow me.” Slightly confused, I did what he said. Getting up and sliding my socked feet into some nice slippers beside the bed, I followed the old butler. In his fifties, the white hair man did not gaze at me, leading the way. Before I could even ask any questions, he said, “The master took quite an interest in you. He was able to rescue your group from harm. Do not worry; your friends are in a safe place madam.”
“Ah… I did not think there would be anymore kind nobles on Earth.” As we walked down the giant hallways, there were many royal pictures of many nobles on the walls. The windows on my right were bigger than most windows I seen. These windows can be described as the windows of a palace… Maybe they were in a palace? Assuming that this person was really wealthy, they had to be in a palace. With this many servants and guards as well, this individual was filthy rich. Glancing outside the window, I notice the buildings that still survive. I was utterly dumbfounded at the fact that there were cities that still stand, or even this amount of buildings perfectly undamaged.
“Yes, this is a very small community, but our master has taken the liberty to get everyone together to protect their well-being.”
“Is your master a president of this community?”
“A leader, in a sense,” the butler responded as they entered through two huge doors. Entering the new area, I was amazed at the laminating wide throne room. There is a red rug that goes up to the seat of where the butler’s master is sitting at with another chair where the queen should be. The guards are located close to the walls of this giant room. If something was to happen, the guards could not even save the king cause they are not in close proximity to him, which was odd. Ignoring the rest of the details of the room, I was curious to what this king looked like.
Staring at a red hair man, he seems to be in his twenties. He was idly chatting with some significant individuals that could be selling something to him, wearing the common suits that one could see a politician wear. The red hair man was wearing a white ruffled Victorian shirt and some basic pants and boots. He was smiling to the men until he notices me.
“Gentlemen,” he started, his voice showing a great deal of confidence, “I do wish to continue our negotiations, but let me attend to some other matters.” The men speaking to the king glance over their shoulder towards me. They gave a smile. Not a normal smile… Before I pondered about the meaning of their smile, they walked away and the king approached me. Without any hesitation, he grasped my right hand, lifting it up to plant a subtle kiss on the top of that hand. I quickly blush, shocked at the bold move. No man has ever done that to me before.
“Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alexander,” he bows in a very graceful manner, his eyes locking right onto me after his gesture, “And you are?”
I wanted to respond to him quickly, hesitating. I never speak to such a man of his caliber before in my life. A guard rush towards Alexander, whispering something. I glance at a strange expression that appeared on his face. He quickly whispers something back to him, dismissing the armored guard. I was going to ask, what was that about, but the butler said to me, “You must answer my master’s question, milady.”
“Ah yes,” I said, somewhat shocked that I was being fairly rude, “The name is Josephine.”
“I like that,” Alexander said, grabbing me. He embraces me close to his chest, hearing the beat of his heartbeat, “I really want you to be my queen.” I quickly blush, pushing him away quickly. He laughs, saying, “I was kidding.”
“Do not tease me like that!” I said, utterly surprised at the remark, “You do not wish for a mere stranger to be your queen.”
“You are right,” he replied, “However, if I was to know you a bit more, you would not be a stranger by then, huh?” I did not answer. Why would this man want me to be his queen so soon? “Ah, I fell in love with you the first time you appeared into my sight. I wanted to save you from the savage world as it is. As you can see, I have built a community that is under my protection. All is welcomed into my little kingdom, free from such aliens and terrifying dangers… Seeing you, a fair lady tossed into such a cruel place torn me to pieces. So, I took the liberty to rescue your group and provide them a very safe escape from that reality…”
“Can I see them?” I asked, glad that this man was truly kind. Alexander said to me, “Sadly, I do not want you to see them just yet. I do wish to spend some quality time with you though, before I let you see them.”
“Why can I not see them now?” I asked. This was a bit suspicious.
“It is rather embarrassing to admit such a tiny fear to someone I really wish to wed. You might run off with them if you see them, right?” Those words sort of stabbed me.
“If I wish to repay your kindness, I will not run away from you. I am not that rude and cruel Alexander!”
“Ah, such words make me happy!” the king quickly grasps both my hands, lightened by the fact that he had the chance to spend some time with me. I could not shake off a weird feeling that creeps onto me. I rubbed it off though. This man cannot be utterly bad, if he was, I could easily tell through the townsfolk of his kingdom.
“Can we look around your kingdom then?” I asked him. If there was any hesitation, he would be trying to hide some sort of mischief in the town. He, however, quickly gave a rapid response, “Get my guards ready, I shall head out with this lovely maiden at my side! She will see how wonderful our community is!” I just sighed. Do I know anything about love?
Leaving the palace, we walked to into the town that was right outside the palace’s plaza. There were a bunch of families, civilians, walking around the place. This sort of gave me a picture of what Medieval Europe was like back then. The king greeted each individual on the street, patting the heads of children, or talking to the elderly and asking if they needed anything. I was amazed at the kindness he shows to the people. Alexander tried everything he could to amuse me. He bought food, jewelry, dresses, and many other things I really did not need. Despite the fact that I was wearing a common gown, it was enough. Most of the people were shocked at how a common outfit looked dazzling on me. I did my best to ignore such comments of praise, but Alexander spoke of such silly pick-up lines that I laughed at. We continue walking around the place, bumping into a ton of happy folks. When we were going to head down one path, I found myself staring at this one abandon path to our right. Leaving Alexander for the moment, I went into that direction, curious to what was down here. Walking a bit further down the path, I quickly gaze at something that shocked me. Something dragged me back, covering my mouth. Glancing over my shoulder, Alexander dragged me away from that place. When they were back at the crossroad where I separated from them, he said, “Do not go on your own like that again…”
“What was that?” I asked, a bit confused to the scene I saw.
“It is punishment for anyone who tried to commit crime in this community. Without shedding blood, I decided to resort to that method. Now, let’s head back to the palace before it gets dark, shall we?” The king acted a bit strange. I was going to ask him why that method- then again, it was nonlethal and it did not look that bad… But the state that female was in… It seems like it was days that she was left there. Seeing that, I know that it will never leave my head ever again. There was something that this king was hiding.
After dinner and some more time spent with Alexander, I went back to my room. I sat on the top of the bed, trying to recap on a lot of things. A random king comes and saves a stranger just because he wants to marry her? Something was off, really off. She is grateful for such a rescue, but she wants to leave this place before anything else starts up. “I might as well go talk to him about where I can find my friends.” Getting up from her bed, I went down the hallway and venture to find the king’s chambers. It is one huge maze. The guards did not even seem to watch me, standing in place like obedient zombies. I dare not ask them. Instead, finding a maid, I went up to her and asked her. “Excuse me,” I tap her on the shoulder and she gives a laugh that scares me. The maid turns around. The expression on her face scared me. She looks tired. There are no signs of sleep depression or forced work, but something about her seems tired. Just tapping her on the shoulders should not have made this maid laugh. Ignoring her thoughts for now, “Do you know where Alexander’s chambers are?” The maid points down the hallway to a dark door. Fleeing after my question, the maid left me in the lonely hallway. I was utterly confused, trying to wrap this all in my head. Why did that maid have a look of fear in her face? What was Alexander doing? Who is he really?
Slowly walking towards the door, I heard voices in the room. There was no crack in the door, but I decided to place my ear against the door. The voice I picked up was from the two individuals who talked to Alexander in the throne room. My eyes burst open as sweat starts to form on my head after hearing the words coming from them.
“Thank you for selling us that group. The men, women, and children will make quite an addition to our market. You will be handsomely rewarded later.” Don’t tell me… Alexander did…
“It was no problem. All I wanted was Josephine after all,” Alexander said, chuckling after that remark, “I do fear that she will ask about her friends much. She will surely hate me if I just sold her family members away…”
“Why not do the same things you did with all the other females you ‘rescued?’” ask one of them, “You can be quite demanding. She will break like any other woman.”
“Tsk, that is bad habit you old leeches,” Alexander said, “If I wanted to, she would not have been clothed, fed, and taken care of. She would have been in the dungeons already.”
“Well,” said the other slaver, “You know, you will end up doing the same thing to her.”
“Shut up you prick,” Alexander shouted, “I will not let this one be tainted. I can feel something special from her. If you bastard dare to ruin this for me, I will kill you.”
“You are so young, naive, and stupid,” the slaver said, “You have no clue how to win a woman’s heart without using those cruel methods. Because of your evil, she will NEVER love you.’
“LEAVE!” commanded Alexander.
“Whatever, we will come back if you wish to conduct business with us again.” I was stunned with sheer stupidity. No, my obligation to repay such kindness blinded the evil behind this man. I should have noticed and persisted in the need to see my friends… Damn it. I was going to head back to my room, but I notice a familiar person being held down by two guards. It was one young boy, age of ten (I think), that was being held down by the two heavily armed knights. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, waking everyone up. I quickly rush to him, remembering who he was. Tackling the two guards with all my might, I dragged him to his feet and we both ran away from them. I know, for sure, Alexander notice me running away from the door… He will catch on to the fact that I eavesdropped on them…
My top goal, at the moment, was to help the last survivor of my group. I wanted to cry, curse at my stupidity for trusting this king. Running around the place, avoiding most of the guards, we ended up going down to the basement. I looked behind me to see if anyone was following. Glancing at the boy, he was bleeding in his left arm and was crying. I could not help but hug him close to my chest, kneeling with him and saying, “I am sorry…”
“Do not be,” he said, “We just wanted to make sure you were safe. We all agreed to not put up a fight to endanger each other… Although we ended up being slaves, we were glad you were unharmed.”
“Why?!” I asked, choking on my own words and guilt that hammered me. I was to blame for this incident.
“Please, do not worry about us. We will escape… Well, I do not know about me… But we do not want you to be harmed because we owe a lot to you. You were the first people to gather us together and make us into a family. If we were to give you our lives, or find a way to give you a peaceful life, we would gladly sacrifice ourselves for you…”
“Do not be ridiculous!” I exclaim, “I cannot bear the fact that you kids have to deal with such trivial dirty adult matters! I do not want you to die or get hurt…”
“Josephine... Let’s leave! I bet Alexander will do THAT to you too now! Since you know the truth, he will surely break you!” He starts to lead the way to a small hole that he can enter through. I glance at it, thinking about if I could fit in there… I doubt it. Undoing the entrance of that hole, he got onto the ground and said, “Come on, hurry Josephine!” Hearing the guards coming down to where we were, I just glance at him with a subtle smile.
“You go on. I cannot possibly fit through that hole.”
“If you want to save me,” I said, kicking one of the guards that came before me, “Come back and rescue me with someone who has the power to go against Alexander! Now go, before they capture you!” I knee the knight that I kicked, watching him stumble onto the floor. The kid said, “I promise.” Those words echo in my head for a bit as two more guards came down. They tried to jump me. Quickly dodging both of them, I strike both of them at the back of their neck, knocking them out. Even though they had metal armor, it did not cover most of their flesh. I decided to dawn one of their armor and hide the bodies in a nearby closet. Running up the stairs and disguising my voice, I told the guards who are running around aimlessly, “She is not down there.” Nodding, they continue their search. Maybe I could escape by using this armor. Walking towards the exit to the palace, Alexander was right there, glancing at the moonlight. The doors were open. I looked around to find myself staring at the ‘humble’ man. Wait… No, something was not right. Before I got the chance to turn around and retreat, his voice made me stop.
“Do you really think that tactic would work on me Josephine?” I turn to stare at Alexander now, underneath the armor I took. His red hair gently flows across his face as his eyes were much more notorious than before. His eyes dawn the gaze of lust, his blue eyes staring at me as if I was naked. His young face looks more of a greedy vampire wanting to suck my blood ever since I bumped into him. He wears a stupid grin that looks like he won. He had no weapons on him, wearing a very old Victorian outfit. I sighed and took off the armor asking him, “What do you want from me!?”
“I meant every word that I said,” Alexander said, placing his hand into his pockets, “I want you to be my queen.”
“Do not be stupid, you know that I cannot marry you-!”
“And why not? Because I lied? Because I sold your friends? Because I am a bad person? EVERYONE in this fucking world is bad Missy! There is no such thing as kindness anymore- have you seen the fucked up world lately, you have, I know you did! ONLY the strong gets to rule the weak! I know, for sure, you are not weak. I thought that you would understand me and just fall for me! If I just acted like this, I thought you would have love to fuck me over and just corrupt me. I wanted you to be evil for me-.”
“Do not sicken me with your shitload of fantasy!” I announced, “I do not give a damn about such evil intention! I *WAS NEVER EVIL! I loved my friends, I love honesty, I love to be told the truth! I do not want to be caged by some stupid lunatic liar like you!” Alexander just glares at me, getting ready to fight me, “You really do want me to dominate you Josephine. I will make sure you will be my ideal queen… I will break your layers slowly if need be. I will use whatever methods I must to get your attention. Even if it means burning the relationship I made with these damn people.” I was trembling. I cannot lose. If I lose… I… No, I will win! I can do it. I quickly rush at him, sending a kick right at his face.
He grabs my leg and flings me across the room. I quickly spun in midair, landing on the ground. I dash right at him to deliver several strong punches and jabs at his face. He evades all of them, sweeping me off the floor. He was barely using his hands! I quickly grasp the ground with me hand, spinning my legs around. This move kicked Alexander in the face several times. He took the hit, spitting out some blood. Despite the strength of my kicks, he was still standing and his face did not even seem to be a mess. There were only some slight scars and bruises.
“Is that all?” I quickly dash at him again, but this time, he stopped my movement in his block. His hand holds onto the fist that was supposed to punch his dick. “I cannot have you breaking my gems now.” With that, he has his hand chop against the back of my neck. My body quickly kneels down, almost falling unconscious. Alexander then sweeps me onto the ground and looks down on me. I can barely keep my eyes open, surprised at the impact of his attack. “Good night.” He said, slowly placing his lips against mine. I wished I could have spit in his face…
I woke up, slowly, to stare at a room filled with woman. I quickly realize what was going on, screaming, but a gag silenced my yelp. I notice all of these females in the dungeon are naked. I quickly realize what was going to happen to me. It was obvious. Ever since I stumbled onto the imprisoned lady in town and that maid, Alexander was a lustful person who uses tickling as a method of extreme punishment and pleasure. I cannot believe that he would do this to so many women though! Glancing around the room, Alexander was torturing a poor girl in the stocks. She was literally restrained from head to toe. Her eyes, her mouth, and her ears were covered. Her upper body was restrained in a straight jacket that was glued to the seat. Her legs were also trapped in the seat as her feet were sticking out of the metal stocks. Metal toe cuffs were wrapped each toe, but these cuffs were so thin that it did not cover most of her ticklish toes. There was a small wire that was wrapped around the center of both soles and a metal railing that barely wraps around the edge of her heels. Glancing at the scene, I was terrified. This was something I never saw before in my life. Extreme bondage…
The sweat on the girl’s face was tremendous. The liquids can be seen dripping down her face as she tries her best to plea, but it is obvious that she was being ignored. Alexander had activated many small hands to tickle the area below the center of each foot. Alexander was having fun with the arches and toes as he had place several electric flossers with modified longer and bigger drills between each toes so it can tickle the space and those piggies. The king was using electric brushes on her big arches. Staring at the once dignified king, I feared him. His expression is malicious. His kindness, or what was left of it, died. He was laughing, taunting his victim and saying such things that would make anyone want to squirm. I avert my gaze for a while. “You better not look away Josephine! I will do the same to you very soon if you do not watch!” Fearing such a torment, slightly, I look over to the poor victim. Obviously, the girl has already reached several octaves and liquid was oozing from the seat. How long has she been tortured!?
“This is beautiful,” Alexander started, “So many women I saved, but none, NONE, can compare to your beauty Josephine!” Alexander has activated another button next to the stocks that revealed four electric toothbrushes brushing all over her arches. “Imagine you in her place, being touched by your prince charming, me.” I tried to ignore him, but he starts to approach me, tickling my armpits. My eyes burst open, closing themselves shut to ignore the feeling. He splashes something onto them, rubbing that liquid into my pits. I wanted to prevent such giggles to escape my mouth, but the gag hindered such resistance. I started to giggle, eyeing at Alexander. “I will surely take my time with you. I will make you watch these women get tickled until you start to fantasize about it all the fucking time… Then, I will do the same to you and watch you wet yourself…” I said to myself, knowing for sure, that I will never do such a thing. “You love this Josephine…” I could not ignore his skilled fingers on my helpless armpits. It seems like I was clothed still, but my arms were raised above me. He was just scraping his fingers in a very slow subtle motion into my pits. His nails definitely scratch my nerves that urge me to react nonstop. I twist and turn, trying to subdue the feeling, pushes it away, but Alexander just does something that would make my nerves react even more. He licks my earlobe a bit, making me jump and laugh for a moment. He laughs right in my ear, the laughter echoing right into my head as his words followed him.
“You will love this. I know that your body will become more ticklish and urge for this sort of foreplay! You will fall in love with me and this treatment. I know it… I can see it, the potential in you to become such a lustful bitch. My own queen that loves such things…” His fingers start to speed up, making me giggle even more. He licks the tips of his nails to amply some effect to the tickling. It worked, giving me some chills as it loosen my guard and surprised the fuck out of me. I jumped at the feeling, trying hard to get out.
“Escape is no option for you anymore. What hope did you have? That kid is dead.” Those words echoed into my head, quickly getting mad at Alexander. I head butt the side of his head. Taking the hit, he backs off, clapping. “My my! You did care! I am so sorry- was he a family member of yours!?” He was going to take off the gag, but he quickly ran all ten fingers into both my armpits. The move definitely pissed me off. He was making me laugh! This was frustrating! My anger was being silenced by such childish tactics! Tickling! He was making me have a headache, no, he was just taking this opportunity to fuck with me!
I could not avert my gaze. I could not keep my eyes shut for so long. I either have to stare at the king’s over cocky smirk or watch the poor girl across the room get tortured. I wanted this to end- why couldn't I die instead?! Alexander would not shut up, making more damn remarks. He was complimenting me throughout the damn torture. “Such beautiful skin. I cannot wait for you to tell me how much you want me to touch you… I am utterly jealous that I have not captured you so long ago. I am literally cumming by touching you Josephine. I want you to beg on your knees to marry me… Watch her cum, watch the liquid ooze from her seat. You will love this too, like all these other bitches, but you will be best of all of these slaves.” My mind was losing it. How long can this asshole talk!? I struggled greatly. I keep on closing my eyes, deleting the image of the poor girl getting tickled and wetting herself. I keep on ignoring such stupid desires. I cannot allow this asshole to win! I will not die! I owe them that much, the friends that allowed me to live!
”MGMGGMGHHAHAHMHMHMAHMHMAMMAMMAPPAHM!” I exclaim as my eyes burst open and my body sent a terrifying pulse that forced my body to violently tug at the restrains. Alexander laughed, “Close your eyes, I will just get your body to jump for me! Leave your eyes open, you will have to watch me or her. Either way, you will turn! I cannot wait for the results! I love myself! Hahahahahahahahaha!” The damn bastard used an electric brush to brush my right armpit. He has it pressed deeply against my skin, making me laugh now. I was starting to bead sweat, enduring this annoying process. Five minutes later, he would use the other brush on me once I close my eyes for a moment on my left armpit. Worst, the king starts to lick my clothed nipples, flicking his tongue up and down, taunting me. “If you think you can resist just because I will not use these methods, guess again!”
I blush at this. He loved the fact that I blushed at his motion, his mouth sucking on them now. I wanted to knee this asshole sooooo badly. I just screamed in agony, sheer frustration at this bastard’s doings. How many minutes went by now? My armpits seem to become more ticklish than ever before due to this lengthy treatment. I notice something strange, my face a bit confused to the silent person in the stocks…
“Oh, she died.” Those words struck me by surprise. Stopping his torment on me, he went to the body and poked it, undoing the blindfold. My body trembled at how cruel this king is. I was at dismay, utter shock that this king was nice. He was just a devilish succubus lusting for his own desire. His face displayed something that I can never forgive. A disappointed face, a face that reveals that he just gave up on his toy… No, the fact that he thinks woman are toys pissed me off. He sighs and undid most of the girl’s restrains, the body quickly falling into her own mess on the ground. “What a shame, she did not even fulfill her purpose yet. Well, break for you.” He undid the strap to my gag. I took the chance to spit at him. He took the shot, wiping the saliva from his face and tossing it to the ground.
“That is quite unladylike-.”
“I will NEVER love you or marry you, heartless bastard!” Alexander said nothing, dragging the body by the hair. I cried quietly to myself, mad at the fact that all of this is happening. I cannot believe that I am to be tortured by this madman… And how long will I survive? My only chance of rescue is gone, and there seems to be no escape… Am I going to- No. This man will die, one way or another, and I will never fall in love with him…
Two guards came down and escorted me back to my chambers. Hearing the sudden news from a guard, they just reported the deaths of all the people and captivity of all the women. Alexander was nearby, smirking at me. He literally will demoralize himself to get me to his level… I see no true logic behind this, but I was loathing him more and more. I stare at the flames that blaze the good town… I could not believe I entered a hellhole… I took the chance to sleep now, afraid to know what will happen tomorrow… or tonight.
Waking up, a guard supervised me as I cleaned myself and changed. When I exit my room, I see women all around the palace, naked or semi-naked. I was speechless. The guards were fucking and tickling these women. Some were tied up as others were being obedient like dogs. My emotions quickly spiked, but the guard pushed me to go onward. I walked down the halls to watch more indecent acts committed before me. I could not stomach such rape on such a level. I entered the same torture room from before, staring at more women in the dungeon being tortured by a ton more guards. Stocks, spread eagle, and other devices held women in bonds as they are being tormented and pleasured. I looked for Alexander, glaring at him as he walks up to me. He was half naked, showing off his tone muscles, but I ignored such manly traits.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“We will continue our treatment dear.” Alexander gives a smirk as I was stripped of my gown, but my undergarments stayed on. “I will not fuck you like how my guards are fucking the women, I will make you ask for my dick and you will tell me you want to suck on my dick.”
“Fucking die.” I responded as I was kneeling with my arms above me. My legs and feet were encased in some sort of contraption. My upper body was stretched out a *bit since the hand cuffs were high above me, forcing my belly to contrast. This time Alexander gagged and blindfolded me. I notice something new. I can hear all of the women’s laughter. I ignored it when I entered the room since I was wanting to glare at Alexander, but this might be a problem…
“Do you know where I will touch you?” he whispers as his fingers start to dance at the side of my stomach. He takes the gag off of me, “My damn stomach and heheheharmptitsitsMhmhmhmhmhph!” He shoves the gag into my mouth once I give him a response. “Is this fleshy wittle tummy ticklish? It is so soft like your armpits, but it is a bit jiggly. It is fun just to tease your skin like so…” He starts to make very strange motions that made my stomach wiggle around a bit. I laughed into the gag as I feel some brushes tickling my armpits again. I feel a sudden freezing metal feeling claw my sides. This forced me to laugh, unaware of the item Alexander is using. Not only that, despite the sharpness of the tool, it actually feels quite devilish. The fact that I was unprepared and unable to handle such a feeling made me laugh madly. Undoing the gag, Alexander was able to hear my laughter, “AHAHHHHAHAAHAG HAH GOHAHHAHAHAHA NAONAHAHA A HAAHAHAH AHAAAMMPGHAHAH!”
“That was so erotic! I just came!” Alexander said, tickling right underneath my breasts, surprising me. I start to jump in my restrains, Alexander paying close attention to my movement. “Now, now… whoever said that I would not be forcing you into such pleasures?” A sudden feeling was rubbing against my womanhood. I quickly yelled, cursing at that damn king. This fucker is… NO!! My mind was getting devastated by the sheer feelings of pleasures too quickly. Why? Alexander was doing unexpected things so randomly. He was licking my nipples a moment ago, but stopped. Seconds later, his knee was up against my pussy, rubbing ever so softly as his fingers danced around my trembling belly as I laughed. Minutes later, he undid my gag and quickly rub and groped my breasts. I let out a huge moan that would, certainly, pleasure Alexander to no end. He gagged me and just stopped. He was literally screaming rejoice, hearing his words, “I cannot wait for you to be such a naughty girl Josephine, I’ll show you how bad of a girl you are!” I could not tell what this liquid was. Baby oil? Perhaps. He starts to spread it all over my stomach and on top of my clothed breasts. He starts to rub it so softly. I did could not help but giggle, his nails slowly gliding my smooth taunt stomach. Wait a second…
“It’s my cum…” My eyes burst open behind the blindfold, trying to head butt him, but suddenly blows a wet raspberry right into my belly. Not only that, he also sticks his tongue into my bellybutton sending me into a sudden explosion. Trying hard not get turned on since his two hands quickly grasp and squeeze my breast and his knee rubbing my vagina a bit more, I had to fight the urge now to even wet myself. He quickly switch methods, pushing me to counter quickly or else he will get me… The laughter in the background, the taunts from the guards and Alexander, and the moans did not help me. Pictures of myself getting tickled and fucked by Alexander was entering my head. I could not believe…
Now, baby oil was being spread throughout my stomach, sides, and bellybutton. I thought it was his cum, allowing myself to get fooled because of what he did previously. Not thinking rationally, when he uses his nails on my mid-draft, I was unprepared. He nails rake viciously at my skin as I went up octaves. At that same moment, he undid the gag and savored my mad laughter, gagging my halfway. He starts to squeeze my sides, run his fingers all over my stomach, poke my belly, lick my bellybutton silly; he was making me laugh and cry now. I can feel the sogginess of the blindfold due to my sweat and tears. *
“Now, taking things to the next level,” Alexander said, taking my bra off, “Now the real fun.” This will actually be the first time I will get tickled on my breasts. I had no clue what he was talking about, but I figured it was going to be on my stomach still. I was dead wrong. Already tired, I could not even pay attention to the disappearance of my bra along with the cool air that was able to run on my naked breasts. When Alexander pulled out the feather dusters, I immediately went into another case of laughter. He starts to dust my nipples really badly. He would not even move those dusters away from my pink nipples. He was moving those dusters up and down quickly, watching for something to happen. I never experienced this before. In sheer seconds, I found myself blushing madly, tears leaking down my cheeks as saliva slowly starts to run down my mouth. Despite the brushes in my armpits, the tickling on my breast is worse.
“Yes, you are slowly enjoying this Josephine!” said Alexander, “Those nipples are rather stiff, aren’t they?” I tried to beg Alexander to stop, knowing full well that I will wet myself soon. I know my pussy has not even let a single bit of liquid out yet, but I know it is coming. I cannot hold out for another fifteen minutes. Baby oil was applied to my breasts. Fearing the worse, I could assume that the brushes were to take them next. Closing my eyes and bracing myself, I found myself falling onto the ground.
“Damn it.” Two guards helped me up, undoing the gag and blindfold. Alexander said, “We will continue this tomorrow. For now, I need to deal with this mess!” Leaving in such haste, Alexander left me. I was thanking God for the intervention, but I was starting to crack down. I was trembling as I walked to my room. I could not help but hug myself. I covered myself in the sheets, crying softly to myself. I could not believe this was being forced onto me and becoming my everyday life. I did not want to be corrupted by such an evil person… And to make matters worse, he is forcing me to love him. Do I really have a choice in this? I tried to sleep after dinner as I struggled. I am yearning the need to get tickled. I could not even touch my stomach properly or my breasts. Touching them in the slightest way stimulated a sudden urge to get tickled. I even place my hand down at my vagina to rub it. Oh god… I banged my head against the pillow, twisting and turning in my bed. I wanted to ignore this feeling… I glance at a quill pen on the desk. I walked to it and picked it up. Before I used it, I hated myself for falling in love with this sensation. I cannot believe such force, such teasing, such methods are actually working on me. I…
I felt bad. I took one of my socks off and start to brush it against my arch, loving the sudden feeling. Even though Alexander tickled my stomach, breasts, and armpits, my feet will always be a spot that will turn me on quickly. I denied it before, suppressed it, but now, it is slowly coming back to me. I wanted someone to use this damn feather on my feet… Get in between my toes and just tickle me senselessly. No, not only there… I start to finger myself as the feather dust around my womanhood, trying hard not to make a loud laughter, moaning silently to myself. Ever since I resisted the moment Alexander tickled my breasts, I want to cum so badly… I need… I need to do something about this. I really need to cum before he does it to me tomorrow! I looked around to figure a way to tickle myself, sweating to myself since the guards were outside… No! WHAT AM I DOING!?
I quickly toss the items away from me, quickly lying on my bed, sobbing violently. Why did it come to this? Am I going to be taken by the devil!? Can’t someone save me? Please… Save me, someone..
This world has become too evil and corrupt for anyone. Ever since the incidents with the “Harsh Sick Game” and the Gods and Devils, this world separated into many divided and new things. For one, Earth is no longer peaceful, or the state that most people know Earth as. In the year 2013, many nations developed many WMDs, nuclear weapons, and new technology that rivaled against one another. Taking arms, all the countries started to fight against one another until the year 2022. In the year 2022, the world has been invaded by many alien races that wished to conquer Earth. Even though humans could have united to fend off these enemies, the countries did the opposite. They continue to fight one another and the aliens, but in the end, humans started to go deep into space to conquer the unknown regions, planets, and galaxies for their own ‘country’. For example, America was able to exterminate an alien race and several planets under their name. With the strongest galactic military, most aliens and humans still fear the American, although I doubt anyone can continue calling them that since they left Earth.
Those who could not afford space travel or leave on Earth were stranded on Earth. Earth, human’s home planet, was subdued in war. Not only did war appear on Earth, corruption, slavery, and anything that is unimaginable started to take over this planet. Those who play this “Harsh Sick Game” are being treated better than what life is. Compared to the negative side of things, the “Harsh Sick Game” has given most people “immortality” and “time stop”. Those on Earth cannot have those two, unless you are some God or Goddess. I will not bore you with the history, but those are Earth have to fight to be free and survive. There are no such things as freedom, rights, or even law. Earth has become a very corrupt planet.
I, a twenty-seven years old young lady, have been helping my group live in such a chaos. With the aliens abducting and doing who knows what on people, we have to scavenge for food at our own discretion. We fear the moment where we will die or be caught and sold to something extremely horrible. Just wearing rags, I helped my fellow survivors. With eleven people in the group, kids, an old couple, some teenagers, and four adults, we scavenge the abandoned markets to get what we can eat. I can barely live up to such scenario as we venture from city to city. Decay, destruction, abandonment, anarchy, hierarchy, slavery pins, and other things filled the environment. What have we done to our Earth?
One night, I was with my group. We only had two strong male adults guarding us each night. This night, however, will be the worse of them all. As we sleep in our rusty tents, I found an eerie atmosphere sweeping around me. Going to get some fresh air, I got out of my tent to stare at a uniformed military personal grabbing one of the kids. Before I could say anything, I was knocked out by a hard feeling to the back of my head. I landed onto the ground where those two individuals touched me and bound me, taking me away to who knows where.
This is where my story starts...
I slowly regain consciousness. I grasp my head with my right hand, my fingers sliding through my hair. Blinking several times, I gaze at the room I was in. There was some sunlight illuminating out of a nearby window. I quickly realize that I was on some sort of fancy bed, covered in velvet rich sheets. Not only did the bed look expensive, the rest of the room displayed such worth. The table, the vases, flowers, the rugs, almost everything in the room reveals some sort of richness and wealth. I gasp at the clothes I was wearing, wearing fine silk instead of my rags. I pulled at the top of the gown to smell the rich flowery scent that amazed my nose. A butler opened the door to my left, bowing in a very humble manner with his right arm across his chest. Bowing, he start to say, “Madame, please follow me.” Slightly confused, I did what he said. Getting up and sliding my socked feet into some nice slippers beside the bed, I followed the old butler. In his fifties, the white hair man did not gaze at me, leading the way. Before I could even ask any questions, he said, “The master took quite an interest in you. He was able to rescue your group from harm. Do not worry; your friends are in a safe place madam.”
“Ah… I did not think there would be anymore kind nobles on Earth.” As we walked down the giant hallways, there were many royal pictures of many nobles on the walls. The windows on my right were bigger than most windows I seen. These windows can be described as the windows of a palace… Maybe they were in a palace? Assuming that this person was really wealthy, they had to be in a palace. With this many servants and guards as well, this individual was filthy rich. Glancing outside the window, I notice the buildings that still survive. I was utterly dumbfounded at the fact that there were cities that still stand, or even this amount of buildings perfectly undamaged.
“Yes, this is a very small community, but our master has taken the liberty to get everyone together to protect their well-being.”
“Is your master a president of this community?”
“A leader, in a sense,” the butler responded as they entered through two huge doors. Entering the new area, I was amazed at the laminating wide throne room. There is a red rug that goes up to the seat of where the butler’s master is sitting at with another chair where the queen should be. The guards are located close to the walls of this giant room. If something was to happen, the guards could not even save the king cause they are not in close proximity to him, which was odd. Ignoring the rest of the details of the room, I was curious to what this king looked like.
Staring at a red hair man, he seems to be in his twenties. He was idly chatting with some significant individuals that could be selling something to him, wearing the common suits that one could see a politician wear. The red hair man was wearing a white ruffled Victorian shirt and some basic pants and boots. He was smiling to the men until he notices me.
“Gentlemen,” he started, his voice showing a great deal of confidence, “I do wish to continue our negotiations, but let me attend to some other matters.” The men speaking to the king glance over their shoulder towards me. They gave a smile. Not a normal smile… Before I pondered about the meaning of their smile, they walked away and the king approached me. Without any hesitation, he grasped my right hand, lifting it up to plant a subtle kiss on the top of that hand. I quickly blush, shocked at the bold move. No man has ever done that to me before.
“Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alexander,” he bows in a very graceful manner, his eyes locking right onto me after his gesture, “And you are?”
I wanted to respond to him quickly, hesitating. I never speak to such a man of his caliber before in my life. A guard rush towards Alexander, whispering something. I glance at a strange expression that appeared on his face. He quickly whispers something back to him, dismissing the armored guard. I was going to ask, what was that about, but the butler said to me, “You must answer my master’s question, milady.”
“Ah yes,” I said, somewhat shocked that I was being fairly rude, “The name is Josephine.”
“I like that,” Alexander said, grabbing me. He embraces me close to his chest, hearing the beat of his heartbeat, “I really want you to be my queen.” I quickly blush, pushing him away quickly. He laughs, saying, “I was kidding.”
“Do not tease me like that!” I said, utterly surprised at the remark, “You do not wish for a mere stranger to be your queen.”
“You are right,” he replied, “However, if I was to know you a bit more, you would not be a stranger by then, huh?” I did not answer. Why would this man want me to be his queen so soon? “Ah, I fell in love with you the first time you appeared into my sight. I wanted to save you from the savage world as it is. As you can see, I have built a community that is under my protection. All is welcomed into my little kingdom, free from such aliens and terrifying dangers… Seeing you, a fair lady tossed into such a cruel place torn me to pieces. So, I took the liberty to rescue your group and provide them a very safe escape from that reality…”
“Can I see them?” I asked, glad that this man was truly kind. Alexander said to me, “Sadly, I do not want you to see them just yet. I do wish to spend some quality time with you though, before I let you see them.”
“Why can I not see them now?” I asked. This was a bit suspicious.
“It is rather embarrassing to admit such a tiny fear to someone I really wish to wed. You might run off with them if you see them, right?” Those words sort of stabbed me.
“If I wish to repay your kindness, I will not run away from you. I am not that rude and cruel Alexander!”
“Ah, such words make me happy!” the king quickly grasps both my hands, lightened by the fact that he had the chance to spend some time with me. I could not shake off a weird feeling that creeps onto me. I rubbed it off though. This man cannot be utterly bad, if he was, I could easily tell through the townsfolk of his kingdom.
“Can we look around your kingdom then?” I asked him. If there was any hesitation, he would be trying to hide some sort of mischief in the town. He, however, quickly gave a rapid response, “Get my guards ready, I shall head out with this lovely maiden at my side! She will see how wonderful our community is!” I just sighed. Do I know anything about love?
Leaving the palace, we walked to into the town that was right outside the palace’s plaza. There were a bunch of families, civilians, walking around the place. This sort of gave me a picture of what Medieval Europe was like back then. The king greeted each individual on the street, patting the heads of children, or talking to the elderly and asking if they needed anything. I was amazed at the kindness he shows to the people. Alexander tried everything he could to amuse me. He bought food, jewelry, dresses, and many other things I really did not need. Despite the fact that I was wearing a common gown, it was enough. Most of the people were shocked at how a common outfit looked dazzling on me. I did my best to ignore such comments of praise, but Alexander spoke of such silly pick-up lines that I laughed at. We continue walking around the place, bumping into a ton of happy folks. When we were going to head down one path, I found myself staring at this one abandon path to our right. Leaving Alexander for the moment, I went into that direction, curious to what was down here. Walking a bit further down the path, I quickly gaze at something that shocked me. Something dragged me back, covering my mouth. Glancing over my shoulder, Alexander dragged me away from that place. When they were back at the crossroad where I separated from them, he said, “Do not go on your own like that again…”
“What was that?” I asked, a bit confused to the scene I saw.
“It is punishment for anyone who tried to commit crime in this community. Without shedding blood, I decided to resort to that method. Now, let’s head back to the palace before it gets dark, shall we?” The king acted a bit strange. I was going to ask him why that method- then again, it was nonlethal and it did not look that bad… But the state that female was in… It seems like it was days that she was left there. Seeing that, I know that it will never leave my head ever again. There was something that this king was hiding.
After dinner and some more time spent with Alexander, I went back to my room. I sat on the top of the bed, trying to recap on a lot of things. A random king comes and saves a stranger just because he wants to marry her? Something was off, really off. She is grateful for such a rescue, but she wants to leave this place before anything else starts up. “I might as well go talk to him about where I can find my friends.” Getting up from her bed, I went down the hallway and venture to find the king’s chambers. It is one huge maze. The guards did not even seem to watch me, standing in place like obedient zombies. I dare not ask them. Instead, finding a maid, I went up to her and asked her. “Excuse me,” I tap her on the shoulder and she gives a laugh that scares me. The maid turns around. The expression on her face scared me. She looks tired. There are no signs of sleep depression or forced work, but something about her seems tired. Just tapping her on the shoulders should not have made this maid laugh. Ignoring her thoughts for now, “Do you know where Alexander’s chambers are?” The maid points down the hallway to a dark door. Fleeing after my question, the maid left me in the lonely hallway. I was utterly confused, trying to wrap this all in my head. Why did that maid have a look of fear in her face? What was Alexander doing? Who is he really?
Slowly walking towards the door, I heard voices in the room. There was no crack in the door, but I decided to place my ear against the door. The voice I picked up was from the two individuals who talked to Alexander in the throne room. My eyes burst open as sweat starts to form on my head after hearing the words coming from them.
“Thank you for selling us that group. The men, women, and children will make quite an addition to our market. You will be handsomely rewarded later.” Don’t tell me… Alexander did…
“It was no problem. All I wanted was Josephine after all,” Alexander said, chuckling after that remark, “I do fear that she will ask about her friends much. She will surely hate me if I just sold her family members away…”
“Why not do the same things you did with all the other females you ‘rescued?’” ask one of them, “You can be quite demanding. She will break like any other woman.”
“Tsk, that is bad habit you old leeches,” Alexander said, “If I wanted to, she would not have been clothed, fed, and taken care of. She would have been in the dungeons already.”
“Well,” said the other slaver, “You know, you will end up doing the same thing to her.”
“Shut up you prick,” Alexander shouted, “I will not let this one be tainted. I can feel something special from her. If you bastard dare to ruin this for me, I will kill you.”
“You are so young, naive, and stupid,” the slaver said, “You have no clue how to win a woman’s heart without using those cruel methods. Because of your evil, she will NEVER love you.’
“LEAVE!” commanded Alexander.
“Whatever, we will come back if you wish to conduct business with us again.” I was stunned with sheer stupidity. No, my obligation to repay such kindness blinded the evil behind this man. I should have noticed and persisted in the need to see my friends… Damn it. I was going to head back to my room, but I notice a familiar person being held down by two guards. It was one young boy, age of ten (I think), that was being held down by the two heavily armed knights. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, waking everyone up. I quickly rush to him, remembering who he was. Tackling the two guards with all my might, I dragged him to his feet and we both ran away from them. I know, for sure, Alexander notice me running away from the door… He will catch on to the fact that I eavesdropped on them…
My top goal, at the moment, was to help the last survivor of my group. I wanted to cry, curse at my stupidity for trusting this king. Running around the place, avoiding most of the guards, we ended up going down to the basement. I looked behind me to see if anyone was following. Glancing at the boy, he was bleeding in his left arm and was crying. I could not help but hug him close to my chest, kneeling with him and saying, “I am sorry…”
“Do not be,” he said, “We just wanted to make sure you were safe. We all agreed to not put up a fight to endanger each other… Although we ended up being slaves, we were glad you were unharmed.”
“Why?!” I asked, choking on my own words and guilt that hammered me. I was to blame for this incident.
“Please, do not worry about us. We will escape… Well, I do not know about me… But we do not want you to be harmed because we owe a lot to you. You were the first people to gather us together and make us into a family. If we were to give you our lives, or find a way to give you a peaceful life, we would gladly sacrifice ourselves for you…”
“Do not be ridiculous!” I exclaim, “I cannot bear the fact that you kids have to deal with such trivial dirty adult matters! I do not want you to die or get hurt…”
“Josephine... Let’s leave! I bet Alexander will do THAT to you too now! Since you know the truth, he will surely break you!” He starts to lead the way to a small hole that he can enter through. I glance at it, thinking about if I could fit in there… I doubt it. Undoing the entrance of that hole, he got onto the ground and said, “Come on, hurry Josephine!” Hearing the guards coming down to where we were, I just glance at him with a subtle smile.
“You go on. I cannot possibly fit through that hole.”
“If you want to save me,” I said, kicking one of the guards that came before me, “Come back and rescue me with someone who has the power to go against Alexander! Now go, before they capture you!” I knee the knight that I kicked, watching him stumble onto the floor. The kid said, “I promise.” Those words echo in my head for a bit as two more guards came down. They tried to jump me. Quickly dodging both of them, I strike both of them at the back of their neck, knocking them out. Even though they had metal armor, it did not cover most of their flesh. I decided to dawn one of their armor and hide the bodies in a nearby closet. Running up the stairs and disguising my voice, I told the guards who are running around aimlessly, “She is not down there.” Nodding, they continue their search. Maybe I could escape by using this armor. Walking towards the exit to the palace, Alexander was right there, glancing at the moonlight. The doors were open. I looked around to find myself staring at the ‘humble’ man. Wait… No, something was not right. Before I got the chance to turn around and retreat, his voice made me stop.
“Do you really think that tactic would work on me Josephine?” I turn to stare at Alexander now, underneath the armor I took. His red hair gently flows across his face as his eyes were much more notorious than before. His eyes dawn the gaze of lust, his blue eyes staring at me as if I was naked. His young face looks more of a greedy vampire wanting to suck my blood ever since I bumped into him. He wears a stupid grin that looks like he won. He had no weapons on him, wearing a very old Victorian outfit. I sighed and took off the armor asking him, “What do you want from me!?”
“I meant every word that I said,” Alexander said, placing his hand into his pockets, “I want you to be my queen.”
“Do not be stupid, you know that I cannot marry you-!”
“And why not? Because I lied? Because I sold your friends? Because I am a bad person? EVERYONE in this fucking world is bad Missy! There is no such thing as kindness anymore- have you seen the fucked up world lately, you have, I know you did! ONLY the strong gets to rule the weak! I know, for sure, you are not weak. I thought that you would understand me and just fall for me! If I just acted like this, I thought you would have love to fuck me over and just corrupt me. I wanted you to be evil for me-.”
“Do not sicken me with your shitload of fantasy!” I announced, “I do not give a damn about such evil intention! I *WAS NEVER EVIL! I loved my friends, I love honesty, I love to be told the truth! I do not want to be caged by some stupid lunatic liar like you!” Alexander just glares at me, getting ready to fight me, “You really do want me to dominate you Josephine. I will make sure you will be my ideal queen… I will break your layers slowly if need be. I will use whatever methods I must to get your attention. Even if it means burning the relationship I made with these damn people.” I was trembling. I cannot lose. If I lose… I… No, I will win! I can do it. I quickly rush at him, sending a kick right at his face.
He grabs my leg and flings me across the room. I quickly spun in midair, landing on the ground. I dash right at him to deliver several strong punches and jabs at his face. He evades all of them, sweeping me off the floor. He was barely using his hands! I quickly grasp the ground with me hand, spinning my legs around. This move kicked Alexander in the face several times. He took the hit, spitting out some blood. Despite the strength of my kicks, he was still standing and his face did not even seem to be a mess. There were only some slight scars and bruises.
“Is that all?” I quickly dash at him again, but this time, he stopped my movement in his block. His hand holds onto the fist that was supposed to punch his dick. “I cannot have you breaking my gems now.” With that, he has his hand chop against the back of my neck. My body quickly kneels down, almost falling unconscious. Alexander then sweeps me onto the ground and looks down on me. I can barely keep my eyes open, surprised at the impact of his attack. “Good night.” He said, slowly placing his lips against mine. I wished I could have spit in his face…
I woke up, slowly, to stare at a room filled with woman. I quickly realize what was going on, screaming, but a gag silenced my yelp. I notice all of these females in the dungeon are naked. I quickly realize what was going to happen to me. It was obvious. Ever since I stumbled onto the imprisoned lady in town and that maid, Alexander was a lustful person who uses tickling as a method of extreme punishment and pleasure. I cannot believe that he would do this to so many women though! Glancing around the room, Alexander was torturing a poor girl in the stocks. She was literally restrained from head to toe. Her eyes, her mouth, and her ears were covered. Her upper body was restrained in a straight jacket that was glued to the seat. Her legs were also trapped in the seat as her feet were sticking out of the metal stocks. Metal toe cuffs were wrapped each toe, but these cuffs were so thin that it did not cover most of her ticklish toes. There was a small wire that was wrapped around the center of both soles and a metal railing that barely wraps around the edge of her heels. Glancing at the scene, I was terrified. This was something I never saw before in my life. Extreme bondage…
The sweat on the girl’s face was tremendous. The liquids can be seen dripping down her face as she tries her best to plea, but it is obvious that she was being ignored. Alexander had activated many small hands to tickle the area below the center of each foot. Alexander was having fun with the arches and toes as he had place several electric flossers with modified longer and bigger drills between each toes so it can tickle the space and those piggies. The king was using electric brushes on her big arches. Staring at the once dignified king, I feared him. His expression is malicious. His kindness, or what was left of it, died. He was laughing, taunting his victim and saying such things that would make anyone want to squirm. I avert my gaze for a while. “You better not look away Josephine! I will do the same to you very soon if you do not watch!” Fearing such a torment, slightly, I look over to the poor victim. Obviously, the girl has already reached several octaves and liquid was oozing from the seat. How long has she been tortured!?
“This is beautiful,” Alexander started, “So many women I saved, but none, NONE, can compare to your beauty Josephine!” Alexander has activated another button next to the stocks that revealed four electric toothbrushes brushing all over her arches. “Imagine you in her place, being touched by your prince charming, me.” I tried to ignore him, but he starts to approach me, tickling my armpits. My eyes burst open, closing themselves shut to ignore the feeling. He splashes something onto them, rubbing that liquid into my pits. I wanted to prevent such giggles to escape my mouth, but the gag hindered such resistance. I started to giggle, eyeing at Alexander. “I will surely take my time with you. I will make you watch these women get tickled until you start to fantasize about it all the fucking time… Then, I will do the same to you and watch you wet yourself…” I said to myself, knowing for sure, that I will never do such a thing. “You love this Josephine…” I could not ignore his skilled fingers on my helpless armpits. It seems like I was clothed still, but my arms were raised above me. He was just scraping his fingers in a very slow subtle motion into my pits. His nails definitely scratch my nerves that urge me to react nonstop. I twist and turn, trying to subdue the feeling, pushes it away, but Alexander just does something that would make my nerves react even more. He licks my earlobe a bit, making me jump and laugh for a moment. He laughs right in my ear, the laughter echoing right into my head as his words followed him.
“You will love this. I know that your body will become more ticklish and urge for this sort of foreplay! You will fall in love with me and this treatment. I know it… I can see it, the potential in you to become such a lustful bitch. My own queen that loves such things…” His fingers start to speed up, making me giggle even more. He licks the tips of his nails to amply some effect to the tickling. It worked, giving me some chills as it loosen my guard and surprised the fuck out of me. I jumped at the feeling, trying hard to get out.
“Escape is no option for you anymore. What hope did you have? That kid is dead.” Those words echoed into my head, quickly getting mad at Alexander. I head butt the side of his head. Taking the hit, he backs off, clapping. “My my! You did care! I am so sorry- was he a family member of yours!?” He was going to take off the gag, but he quickly ran all ten fingers into both my armpits. The move definitely pissed me off. He was making me laugh! This was frustrating! My anger was being silenced by such childish tactics! Tickling! He was making me have a headache, no, he was just taking this opportunity to fuck with me!
I could not avert my gaze. I could not keep my eyes shut for so long. I either have to stare at the king’s over cocky smirk or watch the poor girl across the room get tortured. I wanted this to end- why couldn't I die instead?! Alexander would not shut up, making more damn remarks. He was complimenting me throughout the damn torture. “Such beautiful skin. I cannot wait for you to tell me how much you want me to touch you… I am utterly jealous that I have not captured you so long ago. I am literally cumming by touching you Josephine. I want you to beg on your knees to marry me… Watch her cum, watch the liquid ooze from her seat. You will love this too, like all these other bitches, but you will be best of all of these slaves.” My mind was losing it. How long can this asshole talk!? I struggled greatly. I keep on closing my eyes, deleting the image of the poor girl getting tickled and wetting herself. I keep on ignoring such stupid desires. I cannot allow this asshole to win! I will not die! I owe them that much, the friends that allowed me to live!
”MGMGGMGHHAHAHMHMHMAHMHMAMMAMMAPPAHM!” I exclaim as my eyes burst open and my body sent a terrifying pulse that forced my body to violently tug at the restrains. Alexander laughed, “Close your eyes, I will just get your body to jump for me! Leave your eyes open, you will have to watch me or her. Either way, you will turn! I cannot wait for the results! I love myself! Hahahahahahahahaha!” The damn bastard used an electric brush to brush my right armpit. He has it pressed deeply against my skin, making me laugh now. I was starting to bead sweat, enduring this annoying process. Five minutes later, he would use the other brush on me once I close my eyes for a moment on my left armpit. Worst, the king starts to lick my clothed nipples, flicking his tongue up and down, taunting me. “If you think you can resist just because I will not use these methods, guess again!”
I blush at this. He loved the fact that I blushed at his motion, his mouth sucking on them now. I wanted to knee this asshole sooooo badly. I just screamed in agony, sheer frustration at this bastard’s doings. How many minutes went by now? My armpits seem to become more ticklish than ever before due to this lengthy treatment. I notice something strange, my face a bit confused to the silent person in the stocks…
“Oh, she died.” Those words struck me by surprise. Stopping his torment on me, he went to the body and poked it, undoing the blindfold. My body trembled at how cruel this king is. I was at dismay, utter shock that this king was nice. He was just a devilish succubus lusting for his own desire. His face displayed something that I can never forgive. A disappointed face, a face that reveals that he just gave up on his toy… No, the fact that he thinks woman are toys pissed me off. He sighs and undid most of the girl’s restrains, the body quickly falling into her own mess on the ground. “What a shame, she did not even fulfill her purpose yet. Well, break for you.” He undid the strap to my gag. I took the chance to spit at him. He took the shot, wiping the saliva from his face and tossing it to the ground.
“That is quite unladylike-.”
“I will NEVER love you or marry you, heartless bastard!” Alexander said nothing, dragging the body by the hair. I cried quietly to myself, mad at the fact that all of this is happening. I cannot believe that I am to be tortured by this madman… And how long will I survive? My only chance of rescue is gone, and there seems to be no escape… Am I going to- No. This man will die, one way or another, and I will never fall in love with him…
Two guards came down and escorted me back to my chambers. Hearing the sudden news from a guard, they just reported the deaths of all the people and captivity of all the women. Alexander was nearby, smirking at me. He literally will demoralize himself to get me to his level… I see no true logic behind this, but I was loathing him more and more. I stare at the flames that blaze the good town… I could not believe I entered a hellhole… I took the chance to sleep now, afraid to know what will happen tomorrow… or tonight.
Waking up, a guard supervised me as I cleaned myself and changed. When I exit my room, I see women all around the palace, naked or semi-naked. I was speechless. The guards were fucking and tickling these women. Some were tied up as others were being obedient like dogs. My emotions quickly spiked, but the guard pushed me to go onward. I walked down the halls to watch more indecent acts committed before me. I could not stomach such rape on such a level. I entered the same torture room from before, staring at more women in the dungeon being tortured by a ton more guards. Stocks, spread eagle, and other devices held women in bonds as they are being tormented and pleasured. I looked for Alexander, glaring at him as he walks up to me. He was half naked, showing off his tone muscles, but I ignored such manly traits.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“We will continue our treatment dear.” Alexander gives a smirk as I was stripped of my gown, but my undergarments stayed on. “I will not fuck you like how my guards are fucking the women, I will make you ask for my dick and you will tell me you want to suck on my dick.”
“Fucking die.” I responded as I was kneeling with my arms above me. My legs and feet were encased in some sort of contraption. My upper body was stretched out a *bit since the hand cuffs were high above me, forcing my belly to contrast. This time Alexander gagged and blindfolded me. I notice something new. I can hear all of the women’s laughter. I ignored it when I entered the room since I was wanting to glare at Alexander, but this might be a problem…
“Do you know where I will touch you?” he whispers as his fingers start to dance at the side of my stomach. He takes the gag off of me, “My damn stomach and heheheharmptitsitsMhmhmhmhmhph!” He shoves the gag into my mouth once I give him a response. “Is this fleshy wittle tummy ticklish? It is so soft like your armpits, but it is a bit jiggly. It is fun just to tease your skin like so…” He starts to make very strange motions that made my stomach wiggle around a bit. I laughed into the gag as I feel some brushes tickling my armpits again. I feel a sudden freezing metal feeling claw my sides. This forced me to laugh, unaware of the item Alexander is using. Not only that, despite the sharpness of the tool, it actually feels quite devilish. The fact that I was unprepared and unable to handle such a feeling made me laugh madly. Undoing the gag, Alexander was able to hear my laughter, “AHAHHHHAHAAHAG HAH GOHAHHAHAHAHA NAONAHAHA A HAAHAHAH AHAAAMMPGHAHAH!”
“That was so erotic! I just came!” Alexander said, tickling right underneath my breasts, surprising me. I start to jump in my restrains, Alexander paying close attention to my movement. “Now, now… whoever said that I would not be forcing you into such pleasures?” A sudden feeling was rubbing against my womanhood. I quickly yelled, cursing at that damn king. This fucker is… NO!! My mind was getting devastated by the sheer feelings of pleasures too quickly. Why? Alexander was doing unexpected things so randomly. He was licking my nipples a moment ago, but stopped. Seconds later, his knee was up against my pussy, rubbing ever so softly as his fingers danced around my trembling belly as I laughed. Minutes later, he undid my gag and quickly rub and groped my breasts. I let out a huge moan that would, certainly, pleasure Alexander to no end. He gagged me and just stopped. He was literally screaming rejoice, hearing his words, “I cannot wait for you to be such a naughty girl Josephine, I’ll show you how bad of a girl you are!” I could not tell what this liquid was. Baby oil? Perhaps. He starts to spread it all over my stomach and on top of my clothed breasts. He starts to rub it so softly. I did could not help but giggle, his nails slowly gliding my smooth taunt stomach. Wait a second…
“It’s my cum…” My eyes burst open behind the blindfold, trying to head butt him, but suddenly blows a wet raspberry right into my belly. Not only that, he also sticks his tongue into my bellybutton sending me into a sudden explosion. Trying hard not get turned on since his two hands quickly grasp and squeeze my breast and his knee rubbing my vagina a bit more, I had to fight the urge now to even wet myself. He quickly switch methods, pushing me to counter quickly or else he will get me… The laughter in the background, the taunts from the guards and Alexander, and the moans did not help me. Pictures of myself getting tickled and fucked by Alexander was entering my head. I could not believe…
Now, baby oil was being spread throughout my stomach, sides, and bellybutton. I thought it was his cum, allowing myself to get fooled because of what he did previously. Not thinking rationally, when he uses his nails on my mid-draft, I was unprepared. He nails rake viciously at my skin as I went up octaves. At that same moment, he undid the gag and savored my mad laughter, gagging my halfway. He starts to squeeze my sides, run his fingers all over my stomach, poke my belly, lick my bellybutton silly; he was making me laugh and cry now. I can feel the sogginess of the blindfold due to my sweat and tears. *
“Now, taking things to the next level,” Alexander said, taking my bra off, “Now the real fun.” This will actually be the first time I will get tickled on my breasts. I had no clue what he was talking about, but I figured it was going to be on my stomach still. I was dead wrong. Already tired, I could not even pay attention to the disappearance of my bra along with the cool air that was able to run on my naked breasts. When Alexander pulled out the feather dusters, I immediately went into another case of laughter. He starts to dust my nipples really badly. He would not even move those dusters away from my pink nipples. He was moving those dusters up and down quickly, watching for something to happen. I never experienced this before. In sheer seconds, I found myself blushing madly, tears leaking down my cheeks as saliva slowly starts to run down my mouth. Despite the brushes in my armpits, the tickling on my breast is worse.
“Yes, you are slowly enjoying this Josephine!” said Alexander, “Those nipples are rather stiff, aren’t they?” I tried to beg Alexander to stop, knowing full well that I will wet myself soon. I know my pussy has not even let a single bit of liquid out yet, but I know it is coming. I cannot hold out for another fifteen minutes. Baby oil was applied to my breasts. Fearing the worse, I could assume that the brushes were to take them next. Closing my eyes and bracing myself, I found myself falling onto the ground.
“Damn it.” Two guards helped me up, undoing the gag and blindfold. Alexander said, “We will continue this tomorrow. For now, I need to deal with this mess!” Leaving in such haste, Alexander left me. I was thanking God for the intervention, but I was starting to crack down. I was trembling as I walked to my room. I could not help but hug myself. I covered myself in the sheets, crying softly to myself. I could not believe this was being forced onto me and becoming my everyday life. I did not want to be corrupted by such an evil person… And to make matters worse, he is forcing me to love him. Do I really have a choice in this? I tried to sleep after dinner as I struggled. I am yearning the need to get tickled. I could not even touch my stomach properly or my breasts. Touching them in the slightest way stimulated a sudden urge to get tickled. I even place my hand down at my vagina to rub it. Oh god… I banged my head against the pillow, twisting and turning in my bed. I wanted to ignore this feeling… I glance at a quill pen on the desk. I walked to it and picked it up. Before I used it, I hated myself for falling in love with this sensation. I cannot believe such force, such teasing, such methods are actually working on me. I…
I felt bad. I took one of my socks off and start to brush it against my arch, loving the sudden feeling. Even though Alexander tickled my stomach, breasts, and armpits, my feet will always be a spot that will turn me on quickly. I denied it before, suppressed it, but now, it is slowly coming back to me. I wanted someone to use this damn feather on my feet… Get in between my toes and just tickle me senselessly. No, not only there… I start to finger myself as the feather dust around my womanhood, trying hard not to make a loud laughter, moaning silently to myself. Ever since I resisted the moment Alexander tickled my breasts, I want to cum so badly… I need… I need to do something about this. I really need to cum before he does it to me tomorrow! I looked around to figure a way to tickle myself, sweating to myself since the guards were outside… No! WHAT AM I DOING!?
I quickly toss the items away from me, quickly lying on my bed, sobbing violently. Why did it come to this? Am I going to be taken by the devil!? Can’t someone save me? Please… Save me, someone..