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Frayed Ends Of Sanity


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
Bonnie sighed and tried to concentrate on the story staring at her from the computer screen. She’d promised Gabe she’d try and get through both draft tales he’d been working on before he got back, and thanks to the rather strange dream surrounding her latest high-power coffee experiment she hadn’t managed to work through either. Now she was franticly paging through them, making mental notes of anything she thought could be improved while trying her best not to imagine herself in the situations her significant other had described in such vivid detail. Frustrated she glanced at the clock and realised there was simply no way she was going to get done in time and, with a sigh, stood and headed for the kitchen. Of course that meant she’d have to pay a forfeit but that wasn’t exactly something she feared, in fact the thought of Gabe trying out some of his latest story ideas on her was anything but scary.

As she stepped into the corridor she noticed an odd glow coming from the living room, a dull green light creeping around the edges of the door that stirred something at the back of her mind, but for the life of her she couldn’t work out what it was. Curious she pushed the door open and stepped inside, walking into the middle of the room and looking around. She couldn’t see any obvious source for the glow, it just seemed to be everywhere, and she turned to flick the light switch on to get a better look for anything out of the ordinary. As she turned she registered a shape diving at her and suddenly she found herself on her back, her arms being pushed up as something settled around her stomach and hips, holding her in place. There was a brief burst of light and suddenly she found herself quite unable to move her arms. No matter how much she struggled she simply couldn’t budge them, it was as if the floor had become a giant piece of fly paper.

Bonnie felt something pushing at her legs and she fought desperately to resist. But whoever, or whatever, it was on top of her was just too strong and slowly, inexorably Bonnie felt her legs move outwards until the same sticky feeling washed over her and she found herself trapped, spread-eagled on the floor and helpless. The light rose and Bonnie felt her heart stop beating as she saw the face above her. The face that had haunted her dreams the last few nights, a face that always left her scared, exhausted and yet incredibly turned on every time it appeared to her. The face of Amy Lee.

“Oh…oh my god, no. This can’t be real, it can’t!” Bonnie stammered, renewing her efforts to escape to no avail.

“I’m afraid it’s quite real.” The voice spoke from somewhere above her, deep and booming, a voice she had heard in her dreams right alongside the vision that was currently straddling her stomach. “Time to finish what we started.” Bonnie craned her neck and could just make out the outline of a walking, talking, stuffed toy version of the Great Old One Cthulhu standing on top of the television set.

“What…whahahaht do you meeeeeeean?” Bonnie asked, with some difficulty as Amy had already started running her fingers over the thin t-shirt Bonnie was wearing, that devilishly light touch finding the same ticklish spots that had been so effective before.

“Fear. You said yourself you no longer fear me, or my kind, it is time to prove you wrong. Tonight is your last night of sanity mortal, use it well.”

As Cthulhu finished speaking Amy dove into the attack, hands sliding under the t-shirt that covered her victims flesh, seeking out ribs and stomach, sliding a finger down into her oh-so-sensitive belly button and teasing the undersides of her breasts with delicate fluttering touches, all in the space of a few seconds. Bonnie was still feeling the effects of Gabes’ literature and the sudden change in her situation was far too much for her to cope with, especially with this woman administering her torture. She broke down into hysterics, her body bucking and writhing weekly, denied any real freedom by the glowing green bonds that held her.

As she howled her laughter seemed to stretch out, penetrating the room and then the flat, sending sparks along shelves and walls, sparks that seemed to ground in certain, specific places. Gradually she became aware of an odd shuffling sound, as if a really big sock was being dragged along the world’s fluffiest carpet. From the darkness they came, a small army of stuffed creatures, teddy bears and glove puppets, plush toys and novelty slippers. As they passed by each would brush against her bare soles, sending renewed ticklish sensations flashing through her, each touch different depending on the exact material the creature was made from. She felt something soft brush against her toes that seemed almost familiar. She snapped her head down and, forcing her eyes open through her laughter, saw Ricky the Racoon walk by, pausing to nod in acknowledgment at her before joining the rest of his kind in front of the TV set, all bowing before their plush overlord.

At an unseen signal they turned to face Bonnie, and she felt Amys’ fingers slow and lie still against her ribs, as if waiting for something. Bonnie felt her heart beat faster as the silence drew out to an almost unbearable degree, then from nowhere a fast paced, up-tempo beat pulsed into the room and as one the fluffy forces of doom began a beautifully choreographed musical number:

We're slimey, we're squishy, we're all a little fishy,
and in this adventure we'll be feasting on your brains.

We're abysmal creatures, with gross horrific features.
In Cthuloid adventures, lose alot of sanity.

So here's Miskatonic U. where all the creatures dwell,
take a look at a mythos book and find yourself in hell.

Your guns aren't defective, they just aren't real effective.
Our feast of human flesh and souls is about to start.

Your magic, and voodo will not stop Great Cthulhu.
Don't eat with the Tchoo Tchoo, and the Migo steal your brain!

Here's Narly, Tsathoggua, over there's Cthugha,
don't forget Ithaqua, and Hastur hates his name.

So here's sunken R'lyeh where the angles are all wrong.
You'll lose your soul, and go insane if you stay there too long.

We're slimey, we're squishy, we're all a little fishy,
Our feast of human flesh and souls is about to start.

And now we'll eat your heart…

As the surprisingly catchy tune ended Amy pounced, her fingers digging in and driving Bonnie well beyond anything she’d consider her natural limit. She howled and screamed, helpless to stop the outpouring of laughter that threatened to drive her over the edge and into madness, feeling the abyss opening before her. Then Bonnie heard a new sound over her own laughter, a sound that her besieged mind interpreted after a lengthy pause as the front door slamming shut.

"Honey, I'm home!" Gabe called from the hallway. "God, you would not believe the trip I've had, picked up the wrong jar at the supermarket, got the decaf instead of the proper stuff..."

Gabe opened the door to the living room and stopped dead, his backpack slipping from his shoulder as he tried to come to terms with what he was seeing. There, standing on top of the television was what appeared to be a talking, walking stuffed toy which, on closer inspection, seemed to have a striking resemblance to the plush Cthulhu he normally kept by his computer. Arranged around the fluffy green elder god was a bizarre mix of creatures, all of which seemed to be rather familiar and suffering the same attack of terminal cuteness that had befallen Cthulhu. Worse, they appeared to be engaged in some sort of ritual as they bowed in perfect unison to their safe-for-the-under-three's god. Despite this downright weird sight, Gabe found his attention drawn to the apparent focus of the ritual as Bonnie panted for breath beneath a woman he had never actually seen before but recognised instantly. Even the sight of his sweetheart naked and in a situation she obviously wasn't in control of was momentarily defeated as he struggled to not to start drooling at the sight of the Goth goddess as she gazed up at him, her hands still moving absent-mindedly over her victims body.

"Ooooooookay. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that tuna sandwich on the train." Gabe muttered as Amy stood in one graceful move to place herself between Gabe and Bonnie.

"Oh... oh god, Gabe, get me out of here, please!" Bonnie yelled, her body still held tight to the floor. Gabe took a step forward and to his right, intending to walk past the dark vision in front of him, only for her to move with him, a smile on her face that leant her a menacing air. Gabe moved left and she followed him, matching every attempt to step round her, the smile never leaving her face. After a few attempts Gabe stopped and tried to work out a new plan. As he did so Amy slowly raised her right hand, index finger raised as she waggled a 'naughty naughty' gesture at him.

"Come on Gabe, what's the hold up?" Bonnie yelled, getting nervous now at the delay.

"Slight problem, Amy here doesn't seem to want to let me past."

"She's not real you ninny, just thump her out the way!"

"Umm, I get the feeling that real or not, trying to hit her would be A Bad Thing lass."


"Alright, alright, but I've got a bad feeling about this." Gabe muttered, backing up a few paces to give himself a little more room to move. He lunged forward, fist sailing in from the right in a picture perfect blow. Which came to a screeching halt as Amy seemed to blur, her arm coming up and around to both block his punch and lock his arm out in front of him. She winked at him as he stared in shock, then turned, twisted, and sent Gabe flying over her shoulder and into the far wall with a resounding crash.

"Gabe! Are you alright?" Bonnie yelled.

"Yeah, strangely enough that didn't really hurt much" Gabe replied, picking himself up off the floor and turning to face his opponent. "Let's try that again." This time he was more cautious, stepping forward slowly and throwing a couple of quick jabs out, watching carefully as she easily blocked the shots but didn't try any sort of counter blow. Gabe twisted, pivoting on his left foot as he launched a vicious spin kick towards her left ear. Once more Amy moved impossibly quickly, locking his leg in both hands and holding it locked in place as Gabe was reduced to hoping up and down to keep his balance. He glanced back towards her and saw her blow him a kiss before, with no apparent effort, throwing him up to the ceiling. Another crash echoed through the room, but much to his surprise Gabe didn't fall back to the floor. Instead he seemed to stick to the ceiling, his hair hanging straight down as he looked at Amy, Bonnie and the plush army below, yet he could walk and move as if down were up.

He didn't get much time to think about it though as Amy seemed to walk up down the wall towards him, cracking her knuckles as she came, her attitude that of someone who'd had enough playing around. The kick caught him square in the stomach and he went down hard, gasping for air as she followed him down. The next thing Gabe knew Amy had wrapped her legs around his shoulders, her thighs resting on his face as her hands reached down and slipped under his shirt. Her nails found his ribs and Gabe knew he was in trouble.

His laughter was muffled by her thighs, as was any air that might have been sucked into his lungs. Within seconds Gabe felt his vision start to fade and he realised that if he didn’t do something quickly he was going to end up either unconscious or dead by asphyxiation. He kicked franticly, trying to rock Amy off from her perch but she simply tightened her grip around his shoulders and rode him as if she did this every night. She slid forward slightly, her hands sliding under the waistband of his trousers to find his hips.

The feel of her nails against his waist gave Gabe a rush of renewed strength. Bringing both hands up and laying them flat on her perfect backside he gave one tremendous heave. She flew off his face and landed stretched out on his body, her mouth perfectly positioned for something he shouldn’t be thinking about with his significant other watching proceedings from below. Somewhat reluctantly Gabe twisted right, throwing Amy off his body and rolling away before regaining his vertical base.

Amy stood with a grace that reminded him of elves in the great fantasy novels, the look on her face one of a curious excitement as she moved towards him. In her eagerness she abandoned some of her earlier caution and, as she strode towards him Gabe saw his chance.

He dove down, his legs out in front as he wrapped them around Amy's shins. She was caught off balance and toppled down alongside him. Gabe wasted no time in shifting to bring his weight on top of her, holding her down and hopefully keeping her helpless. She twisted and bucked underneath him in an effort to escape and Gabe found himself working flat out to keep her in place. Despite the effort he was having to put in, some small part of his brain whispered seductively that he was wrestling with Amy Lee and that he'd never get this particular opportunity ever again and why wasn't he taking full advantage of it? It was an argument Gabe didn't have an answer to and so, he leant forward, lost in the moment and the battle for this one thing that, right at that instant, he wanted more than anything else. She tried to pull back, pull away and escape but there was nowhere to go and slowly, inevitably he drew closer. With one last effort their lips touched and Gabe felt a spark shoot through him, as if he'd touched a live wire. Amy shuddered, a tremble that seemed to start at the crown of her head and pass through her whole body before ending. She looked up, and suddenly there was something in her eyes that had been missing before. She stopped struggling and simply stared at Gabe until, in response to some unheard command, he slid off her and let her up.

They stared at each other for a moment, only to be interrupted from a voice below them. "Ah-hem! If it's not too much trouble is there any chance of a little help over here?" Bonnie asked.

"Huh? Oh, right, be there in just a second love, now how do we get down from hereeeeee" Gabe asked, the last word getting dragged out as reality seemed to realise that two people should not be standing on the ceiling as if gravity had taken the day off. Amy and Gabe landed in a tangled heap on the floor and the "whoof" that came from somewhere at the bottom of the heap was evidence enough that Gabe at least had had the wind knocked out of him. They managed to make it back to their feet and turned to face Bonnie, but as they moved forward to help her a river of green flame erupted between them. The flames licked upward, scorching the ceiling and leaving behind a dull, glowing sentence. The same word repeated three times in an unearthly light.

"Umm, I know I may not want to know the answer to this question." Bonnie said as she read the odd message. "But is there some deep cosmic significance to the word Hastur?"

"Huh?" Gabe asked, the roar of the flame masking her words.

"Hastur!" Bonnie yelled back. "Is there any reason why that word's written three times on the ceiling? What is a Hastur anyway?"

The instant her question ended the ground started to shake, the room itself seeming to roll as if it were a ship on the tide. The flames still burnt brightly, but their noise had vanished, replace instead with a dull rumbling that seemed to be getting louder.

"By any chance did you just say the H-word three times?" Gabe yelled.

"What, Hast...?"

"NO! Do me a favour, don't say that any more, okay?"


"I'll explain later, right now I think we're about to have company."

The rumble peaked, there was a flash of green lightning and lying about three feet away from Bonnies’ helpless toes was what looked for all the world like an oil slick.

"You know," Gabe said, looking at the new arrival, "for all powerful demons of the elder days you guys really have a pathetic special effects budget. I mean this stuff wasn't scary back in the eighties, how on earth do you think you're going to terrify the cynical downtrodden masses with such a corny show?"

"Ah, your companion has shown us the way." Cthulhu replied, "Allow Hastur to demonstrate..." With that the oil slick seemed to come alive, rolling up and touching the bottom of Bonnies feet, spreading out to cover first her soles, then her toes. For a moment nothing happened, then Bonnie threw her head back and howled with laughter.

“N….NOOOO!!! Oh my god, ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Thattickles, stopstopstop, itticklestooMUCH! NAHAHAHAHAHAH” Gabe watched in horror as the oil slick seemed to move and writhe over his lovers skin, moving in a pattern that seemed in some mind-bending way, to have more than the usual three dimensions to it. Whatever it was doing it was quite clearly something Bonnie couldn’t stand as she was already reduced to a helpless, tear streaked mess, her laughter bouncing off the walls as if it were a living creature. Then he noticed that the black liquid wasn’t staying still, instead it was starting to climb, moving up her legs, seemingly melting her clothing as it went. The result was what looked like a liquid rubber second skin overlaying Bonnies’ curvaceous form, an arresting sight but the sounds being ripped from her throat were a clear indication she wasn’t enjoying the experience.

"Oh my god, come on, we've got to help her!" Gabe yelled to Amy, Bonnies' laughter making normal conversation impossible. Before they could even begin to figure out a way to reach the tormented woman Cthulhu raised his arms and sent two bolts of lightning into a bookshelf on the far side of the room, each bolt targeted precisely to hit a specific DVD. There was a pause, then the DVD boxes fell to the ground and seemed to stretch. Gabe just had time to register the titles, Moulin Rouge and One Night at McCool's, before they seemed to explode upward, a metal outline hovering in mid air for a moment before detail flowed up and out, bringing life to the strange creations. Gabe swallowed hard as Nicole Kidman and Liv Tyler, or at least their exact evil doubles, took a step forward, the same look on their faces that he'd seen so recently on Amys’.

"Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be good?" Gabe asked the heavens, never taking his eyes off the two seductive visions in front of him. He got his answer almost immediately as Liv jumped forward, tackling Amy to the ground. He barely had time to glance at that undeniably attractive scene of the two rolling on the floor before Nicole hit him around the stomach and knocked him flying. The instant Gabe and Amy hit the floor the flames that had separated them from Bonnie flickered and died, not that they were really in a position to do much about it.

From beside him Gabe heard for the first time Amy Lee burst into hysterical giggles and found himself ensnared by the sound. It was like a siren’s call, and in that moment all he wanted to do was take her for his own. He wanted it to be his fingers that coaxed such sweet music from her lips, his tongue exploring the warm hollows under her arms and the shallow dip of her navel. He wanted to tease and torment that glorious body until she was writhing in ticklish ecstasy and then…

Gabes’ fantasies were interrupted as Nicole slid her fingers along his arms, past his elbows, up his biceps and underneath the short-sleeve cotton shirt to rest her fingernails on his armpits. He looked up in shock and once again felt hard pressed to hang onto reality. This wasn’t really the movie star above him, he knew that well enough, but the recreation was perfect. As much as he hated to admit it this was an image he’d dreamed of many times before in the privacy of his own mind but now it was a reality he wondered if this was actually what he’d wanted.

As if reading his mind Nicole dug her nails into his skin and started to flick each finger in turn, moving so quickly he could hear the air rip and tear at the intrusion. Her speed was far beyond human and it felt as if a hundred fingers were tormenting him rather than ten. Instantly Gabe was reduced to hysterics, his deeper laughter mingling with Amys’ to form a perfect symphony of delight as they both writhed under their tormentors.

Mustering every once of self-control he had left, Gabe managed to twist around until he was lying on his stomach. He pushed upwards with his arms and legs, getting up onto all fours with Nicole sitting on his back, her hands diving up under his shirt and zeroing in on his stomach and ribs. Teeth clenched to hold back the laughter welling up inside he shuffled his way across the carpet, his target fixed in his mind. Gradually he inched closer, Nicole's efforts becoming ever more insidious as she pushed him rapidly towards his breaking point. She sunk a single fingertip into the depths of his navel and Gabe felt his self-control vanish like morning mist in sunlight. He collapsed to the ground, throwing one arm out in front of him as he did so and through the rising wave of laughter dimly realised his fingertips were touching cardboard not carpet.

A blue glow spread out from Gabe, racing up the life-sized display figure before him. It crested and flared up like a candle for a moment, then sunk back down as the card rippled, seeming in some eye-watering way to expand through itself. All Gabe heard was a single intake of breath above him, then the weight on his back vanished as Nicole was yanked upwards, her fingernails shredding his shirt as she went. There was an thump from somewhere behind him and he twisted around to see Nicole lying close to Bonnie, her right leg thrown across Bonnies’ feet as Nicole lay panting for breath. From his right there was a short, quick gasp as Liv suddenly found herself facing the same thing that had unseated Nicole and Gabe turned in time to see his favourite blonde vampire slayer throwing a second victim after the first.

For a moment there was only Bonnies’ laughter rising in the room, then two new voices joined her. Gabe and Amy scrambled to their feet and joined Sarah as they watched in disbelief at the scene before them. Hastur had stopped his ascent up Bonnies’ body, his oily form now up to the very top of her thighs. Instead he was flowing out, covering both Nicole and Liv as the two women fought to escape. As he had with Bonnie, the first moments saw him cover the women’s feet, and then the flow slowed and rose more steadily. Instantly both of them were in hysterics, their laughter joining Bonnies' as they shared her torment. As the oily goo rose their clothes seemed to vanish ahead of it, as if they were being stripped an inch at a time.

"What the hell is that?" Sarah asked, jolting Gabe, as he hadn't heard any of the women make a noise other than laughter before now.

"Long story." He replied. "But the short version is this: The oil slick is one of the great old ones, the short green dude on top of the television is Cthulhu, the two women you just threw across the room are not with us and the other one's my better half and in need of rescue."

"Ah-ha. And the small army of stuffed toys?"

"Are poorly thought out plot devices and should be ignored forthwith."

"Right, so why are we standing here instead of rescuing your girl?"

"Ah, slight problem there, that oil slick stuff doesn't want to let go and I guess touching it would be a real bad idea."

"Okay, so the plan would be....?"

"Umm, unless anyone's got any better ideas, how about we beat Cthulhu into the dirt?"

"Sounds good to me, lets do...who the hell are they?"

"Hmmm, if I didn't know better I'd swear they were the skeletons of the dead reanimated through some foul magic, probably contained within the pages of the Necronomicon ". Gabe replied, somewhat casually considering the massed ranks of bones standing in front of them.

"Any particular reason you say that or is it just a wild guess?" Sarah snapped back, eyes watching for any sudden moves on the part of the life-deficient horde.

"Well I'm just having a stab at this, but that green flame wrapped around the Army of Darkness DVD might have something to do with it. Do me a favour, keep these guys busy for a second would you?"

"WHAT? How exactly do we do that?"

"They've been dead for a thousand years, the two of you are drop dead gorgeous, do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Okay, fine, why not..." Sarah muttered, turning slightly to take advantage of the flickering light, silhouetting her body as she started to stretch and perform, the eye sockets of the skeleton army suddenly glued to the mesmerising scene before them as Amy slinked over to the shorter woman. Together they twisted and turned, wrapping their limbs around each other, teasing something that would most definitely earn an R rating, not to mention a healthy box office. Gabe took a step to the right, and then shuffled back until his back was against the wall. A quick glance and he reached out to tap another DVD case before making his way back to the two women who had by this point thrown caution to the wind and were busy in a lip lock that had Gabe wishing for a cold shower.

"Ooo.... ahem… Okay ladies, I think that's enough." He said, a little reluctantly as the two broke apart and took up position either side of him. The anger from the army in front of them was obvious as the show stopped before a single warrior could find whatever satisfaction a warrior with no flesh or muscle could in such a scene.

"I thought you were going to get some help?" Sarah whispered out of the corner of her mouth.

"I did." Gabe replied, somewhat smugly.

"Then where...?"

"SNOOCH TO THE MOTHERFUCKIN' NOOCH!" Came a cry from the right as two figures flew past them, piling into the skeletons like a tornado. Blows fell freely as the two newcomers pounded the unsuspecting army of the undead, rapidly turning them from intact warriors of the damned to a fine powder. As the last skull fell to the ground the taller of the two men turned and got an eyeful of Sarah and Amy.

"Whoa, you bitches are too fine!" He said, eyes widening in appreciation. There was a blur of motion beside Gabe as Sarah spun, her boot smacking straight into the longhaired mans' head. There was a dull crunch and he dropped to the ground like a rock, well and truly out.

"You got anything smart to say?" Sarah growled at the now-unconscious strangers' companion. He was shorter than the first and significantly wider; yet there was a strange air of nobility about him as he looked down at his bud, then back up at the clearly pissed off Sarah rapidly shaking his head.

Suddenly a renewed howl went up from the three trapped ladies and Gabe spun to see Hastur resuming his slide up their helpless bodies. The flow was faster now, and within moments he'd covered their hips and stomachs, pausing again below their heaving breasts.

"Right, back to the plan!" Gabe called. "Everyone get that stuffed ringleader!" All four faces turned to stare at Cthulhu, and all four were surprised as a deep, rich laughter rolled over them.

"Foolish mortals! You really think you can defeat me so easily?"

"Well, you are only a foot tall." Sarah replied "What are you going to do, cute us to death?"

"Not quite..." Cthulhu replied, pausing for a moment then seeming to burst upwards, racing towards the ceiling, which seemed to recede before him. In the space of a heartbeat he went from a one-foot tall cute and cuddly stuffed toy with an attitude problem to a fifteen-foot tall stuffed toy with a big attitude problem.

"You know..." Gabe mused "on any other day that might seem strange. Still, could be worse."

"WORSE?!? How could it be worse?" Sarah asked, incredulous.

"Well, for a start, it could be a marshmallow man." Gabe replied. "Any bright ideas on this one folacckkkkk." He broke off as a giant felt hand descended and swept him off his feet, pulling him up towards the tentacle lined mouth like some bizarre, twisted bizzaro-universe version of King Kong. The mouth opened and the things breath rolled over him, the stink of stale coffee heavy in the air. Gabe kicked and twisted but the grip that held him was like steel and he wondered briefly how this was going to look on his gravestone - Here lies Gabe, eaten by a great old one rendered in felt. Suddenly a whistle broke clear on the air and he looked down to see the leather-coated short bloke below rummage in an inside pocket and pull out what looked for all the world like a flashlight crossed with a bong. He threw the strange device up and Gabe snagged it as it flew past. He twisted the grip and with an odd bubbling sound, a bright blue beam burst into life.

Swinging the bongsaber as hard as he could Gabe slashed at the nearest tentacle. There was a blinding flash of light and suddenly the hand that held him flew open. He had a second or two before he hit the floor and managed to roll as he landed, coming back to his feet perfectly in line with the others. Glancing down he saw he was still clutching the smoking remains of the bongsaber in his hand. "Thanks, umm, you have this insured?" He asked, passing the wreck back to its owner who simply nodded before slipping it back into his jacket.

"So, umm, I hate to point this out, but does anyone have any bright ideas on how we're going to take this thing down?" Sarah asked, staring up at Cthulhu who was still rubbing his singed tentacle with a puzzled expression. At that moment a scream echoed through the now impossibly large room and all four faces snapped round to see the three hapless women covered to their necks in Hastur, their eyes shut tight as tears flowed down their cheeks, their mouths open in silent laughter as the ticklish sensations threatened to overwhelm their reason and sanity.

A light bulb went off in Gabe's head and he looked up at the monster towering over them then back to his forgotten backpack in the doorway.

"Keep him distracted!" Gabe yelled, diving for the pack.

"Are you kidding?" Sarah asked, taking a step back from a now distinctly angry Cthulhu

"Just give me sixty seconds." Gabe shouted back, digging an odd plastic jar from the depths of the pack and shaking it vigorously. "Oh, and Bob, pass me your grapple gun would you?" Bob paused, shot a curious glance at Gabe, then went digging in the inside of his jacket again to pull out a black gun with a grappling hook and line attached.

Sarah and Amy looked at each other, shrugged and ran forward, diving between the legs of the towering creature. Bob shrugged walked up in front of the thing and simply raised a middle finger, sidestepping the foot that tried to turn him into soylent green pate. The girls kicked the backs of Cthulhu’s' legs and he turned, puzzled at this new attack. There was a *poof* of compressed air and something went whizzing past the creatures head to hook on some hidden structure in the darkness.

With a whirr from the barrel of the grapple gun Gabe shot into the air, flying up towards the great maw, the strange canister held in his outstretched hand. As he whizzed past the head he threw the jar straight and true down the great old ones' mouth before letting go of the gun and dropping to the floor. The girls were at his side almost immediately and helped him up, Bob joining them as they watched the monster form in front of them seem to freeze. There was a moan that seemed to echo in the bones and then, with a mighty crash, it toppled to the ground, shattering on impact into a thousand pieces.

At the moment it hit there was a wet sucking sound and suddenly the oily form of Hastur disappeared, as did the tormented bodies of Nicole and Liv leaving Bonnie lying on the floor, her hair matted with her sweat, body naked where Hastur had dissolved her outfit. Sarah and Amy hurried over and helped Bonnie to her feet, supporting her as she tried to regain her composure. Bob turned to the still-unconscious man on the floor and went digging around in the depths of his jacket for a pack of smelling salts.

The three girls made their way over to where Gabe stood panting from a potent mix of exhaustion, adrenaline and lust. "Okay, I'll bite." Sarah said. "How did you do that?"

"Self-heating coffee, decaf to be specific. See, I figured if that thing smelt so strongly of coffee then maybe it was the caffeine that was fuelling it."

"Oh come on, that's ridiculous."

"Hey, I've had the occasional whacked-out moment thanks to caffeine overdose in my time, I know what they feel and smell like, okay?"

"Hey..." The man was leaning on Bob, clearly still a bit woozy from the force of Sarah's kick. "Look, if you don't need us, we're going to bail out, 'kay?"

"Yeah, go ahead guys and thanks for the assist. If you're ever in... hey wait a sec, that's American Pie, wrong film."

"Yeah we know, but we figure while all this weird shit is going down, may as well take advantage of it. Have you seen that Shannon chick man, she is too fine!"

"You know what, the less I know the happier I'll be. Go find some real adventure guys."

Bob helped his partner over to the DVD case and with a weird slurping sound he jumped into it. Bob went to follow, paused and turned to face the remaining four. "Adventure, excitement, a Jedi craves not these things." With a grin he jumped into the case and was gone.

"I guess we should be going too." Sarah said, her body language not quite matching her words.

"Well...." Bonnie said, a look in her eyes that set Gabes' warning bells off. "The night is young, we beat the bad guy, and I say we party."

Amy and Sarah traded glances and grinned as Bonnie continued. "It also strikes me that there's someone in this room who's looking a little too smug for his own good. In fact, I think he’s gotten off surprisingly light. What do you say we correct that little oversight?"

All three women turned to Gabe and started to advance on him, hands out, cutting off his escape as he swallowed hard. "Now ladies, surely we can talk about this..."

Bonnie looked him square in the eye and paused, turning away in thought. When she turned back it was with a grin a mile wide. "Nah." The last thing Gabe remembered clearly that night was the sight of three gorgeous women jumping straight at him...
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*** Jojo45 ***
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