Great shows, they are. 🙂 They recently came down to the islands to do an investigation at the Pacific Aviation Museum, a place I've been to a few times...and the place does seem a bit creepy from a separate angle than the tours and such. Seems they find the right places to do their trade.
But anyway, I'd certainly love to witness Kris getting a healthy dose of tickle treatment in a pair of stocks, so I agree with you on that point. As for Amy, not sure if you remember this or not, but way back in '08 during the live Halloween special, she was taking viewer questions and such from their home base area on a laptop. Lots of the questions had to do with her, since it was her debut episode. Well, one of those questions just so happened to be, "Amy, are you ticklish?" She laughed and said, "Yes!" Certainly good news for your little fantasy. 😛