During our camping trip, we spent nights around the fire just talking. She got to know my parents as I’d gotten to know hers during our less rustic trip to California. What Krista didn’t know was that I’d managed to gather a few key details about the girl I’d fallen so completely in love with.
One of those details was her birthday which was coming soon. I’d planned on making this the greatest birthday of her life, but sneaking this surprise past someone who regularly outsmarts me wasn’t going to be easy.
Over the last couple days I’d managed to work out details with my parents and left the sneaky stuff up to the people who had me convinced that there was not only a Santa Claus, but also an Easter Bunny And Tooth Fairy until I was 10.
Being that we only had a couple days to line everything up, Dad decided it was best to cut the trip short.
“I hope I didn’t get too pushy.” Krista said as we sat in the back seat of the truck on the way home. She was the least pushy person I knew.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well...” she paused, “all the stuff I asked about them about you. Then your Dad cut the trip short, I just feel like I did something.”
I took her chin in my hand, and lifted her face to look at me. “My folks love you. They’re thrilled to have you, and Mom loves telling embarrassing stories about me. Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Positive. Now cheer up or I’m going to tickle you silly.” I answered.
“You say that like it’s a threat.” She giggled.
Once we got home, I helped set a new world record in speed unpacking. Krista, thinking she needed that she needed to score points with my parents volunteered to tackle the laundry. I let her shower and change, then did the same for myself.
I came back and Krista was sitting on the couch, looking upset. I sat down and put my arms around her. She forced a smile, then sighed.
“When I came out of the laundry room, I heard your Mom and Dad taking off in the truck. They didn’t even say goodbye. Billy, is there something you’re not telling me?” I heard her throat tighten as if she was going to cry.
It broke my heart seeing her like this, but I couldn’t tell her anything without giving it away. “Krista, angel... have I ever lied to you?”
“No... but I...” I heard that tightness in her voice again, the choking sound that came before tears. I stopped her by putting my finger on her lip.
“I’m not going to start now. I’m sure they were in a hurry about something and didn’t have time to explain. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
She seemed to accept that answer, and nodded. But I caught her wiping a tear away. Without warning, I laid back on the couch, pulling her on top of me, her back against my chest.
“Hey,” she chucked nervously, “what are you doing?”
“I told you what was going to happen if you didn’t cheer up.” I answered, and began gently tickling her tummy.
“Nnnnaaahhhhahahahaha Billeeehehehe
noohohohohohoho!” She tried to protest in between giggles, then squirmed free of my grip. She stood up, then raced to the other side of the couch, biting her lip, smiling.
I knew what that look meant. And I leapt over the couch, catching her by surprise. She squealed, and ran down the hall. I chased after her, not sure if she knew that she was heading for my old bedroom.
She pushed the door open, and when her socked feet hit the wooden floor, she skidded and landed on my bed. She rolled onto her back, pushed herself up on her hands, and pushed back with her feet. She was giggling the entire time.
Before she could get up, I pounced on her, beginning my attack anew. A quick tickle to her underarms caused her to fall back. Her head landed softly on my pillows.
Thinking quickly, I pressed my thumbs into her underarms and wiggled my hands. “Oh my goooshahahaha!” She laughed, her slightly damp hair was whipping back and forth, her feet were kicking, heels drumming on the bed.
Aaaahhahahaha staaahahapp that tiiickles sooohoho baaaad!” I took that as my cue, and rolled onto the bed beside her.
“Feel better?” I asked.
“Mmmhmm...” and a kiss was her reply.
It wasn’t easy putting together the surprise I had in store for her birthday. It took a lot of sneaking around by my parents and myself saying yes and no to this and that, but when the day arrived, everything was ready.
I set my alarm to go off early, and got up to make her breakfast. I had a little help from
Mom. Pancakes were her favorite but I never got them quite right. About a half hour later, I had a stack of fluffy golden pancakes, hot maple syrup, and fresh squeezed orange juice with no pulp. Along with a birthday card signed by all of us. Topping it all off was a pink carnation, her favorite flower.
“Wake up angel.” I said, as I walked into the spare bedroom breakfast tray in hand.
She stirred and opened her beautiful blue eyes, it’s a good thing she’s such a light sleeper.
“Hmmm... hey tiger. Breakfast in bed? What’s the occasion?” She sat up, and pushed a pillow behind her.
“It’s not every day my favorite girl turns 20.” I answered, setting the tray on her lap.
“Who told you?” She asked, “those pancakes look so good... Oh my gosh! A carnation! Okay... how did you know?”
“You’re not the only one who knows how to get information.”
I brought in some breakfast for myself and sat beside her and ate. “So it’s your birthday, what do you want to go do?” I asked, then took a sip of orange juice.
“Is there a theater around here? I want to go see a movie. Then a romantic dinner in a nice restaurant.” She smiled.
“Yeah, there’s actually one about 20 minutes from here. And there’s a nice Italian place we can go after that.
While she showered and got dressed, I reached atop the fridge and pulled down the antique honey bear cookie jar and went through pictures of possible gifts for Krista. I found the perfect one, and write “This One” on the back and put it on top of the others back in the jar.
My parents had pulled another vanishing act they left their gift for Krista, along with a note with an excuse for their absence.
Hey kids,
We thought that we would leave you lovebirds alone on Krista’s big day. So we’re out grocery shopping for an end of summer party. We’ll see you when we get home later. Happy birthday Krista xoxo
Love, Mom & Dad
It was mostly true, but the important detail they left out was they were going to pick up her gift while we were out and leave it for me here. I just had to think of how I was going to get it without her noticing. At least their gift would get her mind off thinking they didn’t like her.
I heard the water stop running and the sound of humming “Happy birthday” coming from the bathroom, which signaled Krista was finishing up.
A few minutes later, she had exited fully dressed. A black sleeveless top with white trim around the neck and shoulders, modest heels, and tan hose. She wore her hair down, and the blue eye shadow really drew attention to her blue eyes.
Her trademark twirl was different this time as well. She wasn’t going for cute, although she was still very cute. But her outfit, hair, and makeup made her seem more like a woman than the girl I’d fallen in love with. Krista only pulled out this look on occasion, preferring to go with being naturally adorable.
“You look great angel, stunning...” I said excitedly. She took my breath away with the kiss she gave me, repaying my compliment.
Once I collected myself, I handed her the gift my parents got her.
“Didn’t you get me anything?” She asked teasingly.
“You’ll get it later angel, trust me, it’s worth the wait.”
I wasn’t surprised as she was when she pulled out a brand new pair of Keds. Her favorite shoes were destroyed during our camping trip.
“No way!” She exclaimed. “I love them, they’re like my old ones.”
“Except for all the bear tooth marks.” I joked, and we both laughed about the morning we awoke to a bear cub chewing on them.
“I’ll admit, it was cute.” She giggled. “Especially when I scolded him, he dropped my shoes, and seemed to bow before he ran back to the woods. Like a little prince.”
“I can’t blame him for having a crush.” I laughed.
Our clock chimed, signaling the top of the hour, I needed to get ready.
“Hit the showers tiger, it’s your turn.” I managed to tear myself away from her, but it wasn’t easy.
As I let the hot water steam up the room, I’d realized that we’d both officially ended our teenage years and were now young adults. I was thinking of her as less of a girl and more of a woman. More importantly, the woman that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.
I also formed a plot to get back here and grab her present. I’d laugh too hard at a funny line and *accidentally* spill soda on my shirt. I’d be able to grab her gift while she waited in the car.
After I’d finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror, and the first thing to come to mind was that I looked like Robert Palmer. I strode out of the bathroom humming “Addicted To Love” , and struck a cool pose I entered the living room where she was sitting on the couch waiting for me.
“Rrrowwwrr...” she purred. “Ready to go tiger?”
“You know it angel.” I said, and escorted her to the car.
It was raining again , but she waved off my offer of an umbrella, preferring to run to my car laughing the whole time. She let out a cute squeal when she realized how cold the rain was. I ran over to her side and let her in first, she plopped down in the seat, I did the same when I got to my side, and immediately turned on the heat so we could dry off.
We were fine by the time we got to the theater, I dropped her at the door to keep her out of the rain as much as possible. I met her inside a moment later, and gave her the cash for the tickets. “I picked on my birthday, your choice this time angel. I’m going to grab us a soda and popcorn.”
“Okay,” She said, kissing me on the cheek. “Just one though, we’ll share.” I kissed her back, and went to get our snacks. I’d decided to put my plan into action near the end of the movie. The extra few minutes I’d spend changing my shirt and grabbing her present would give Mom and Dad time to get everything into place.
By the time I got everything, Krista had our tickets and was waiting for me atop the ramp leading to the theaters themselves. I was glad she’d picked a romantic comedy, it would give me the opening I needed.
We headed into the theater, and found two seats in the relative privacy of the last row. The lights dimmed as we sat down. I put our soda in the drink holder and the popcorn on an empty seat beside me.
Whoever designed this theater obviously had couples in mind, because the last few rows were spaced out further, with loveseat style padded seats. With all the times I’ve been to this place, I’d never had a reason to sit in one. I put my arm around the small of her back, and she snuggled close as the movie started.
Another plan began to form in my mind. The perfect opportunity to tickle her in public without anyone but us knowing what was happening. It would be like our own private joke. I’d wait for the audience to laugh, then give her a quick tickle.
Luckily this movie was an excellent blend of romance and comedy. During the first big laugh, I let my fingers flutter against her side. Her laughter ramped up, like I’d stepped on a gas pedal.
She leaned over and whispered, “Stealth tickle attack huh?”
“I thought it’d be fun.” I whispered back.
She answered by moving her arm in a position akin to mine, where she could access my side, next to my hip.
This was working out better than I imagined, I’d just wait, pick up the soda cup, and take a sip while giving her a quick tickle. She’d fight back, and whoops!
We spent the next hour or so tickling each other back and forth squirming and laughing in our seat.
I’d waited for the right moment and pretended to be taking a sip of Coke. I gave her a gentle squeeze which brought not only a laugh from her, but she managed to nail me in just the right spot. I didn’t have to “accidentally” spill my drink, it happened.
“Aww man!” I feigned a disgusted whisper.
“Oh my gosh tiger, I’m so sorry!” She whispered.
“It’s okay angel, I had it coming. I guess you won this round huh?”
The lights came up, and she could see the dark cola stain on the front of my white shirt. Since my parents’ place wasn’t far, it only took minutes to get there. Krista opted to stay in the car out of the rain, as I raced in to change my shirt.
I found a note from Mom and a neatly wrapped little box with a pink bow beside a clean white shirt.
“Here’s your shirt, and your surprise, everything is set, good luck.
Love, Mom & Dad”
I quickly donned the shirt, straightened my tie, pocketed her gift and ran back to the car. She didn’t suspect a thing as we drove to dinner. This was going to be the night of her life.
We arrived at the restaurant, I hope everyone could stay out of sight until it was time. I held the door open for her as usual, and we walked to the host podium. “Hi there, we have a reservation for two, under Cooper.”
I saw his eyes light up, he must have heard what I was planning, but a look from me and a slight nod from him made sure my plan wouldn’t be ruined. “Yes sir, and miss...right this way.”
He sat us at a table at the rear of the restaurant. The smell of oregano, tomato sauce, and basil hung pleasantly in the air. I saw several heads in the crowd duck or turn away. Everyone was here.
“Our finest table for the young lovers.” He said, as I pulled the chair out for her.
“Aww thank you,” she said to the host, “and thank you.” She said to me as she sat down.
The waitress came over a moment later and took our order. And we waited for our salad. As I looked across the table at my girlfriend, I felt my heart swell with love. We’d been together less than a year, but she was the one. I felt it, not just in my heart, but in my soul. I knew it as sure as I knew there was a God in heaven. I was sitting here falling in love further with the most beautiful woman I’d ever met.
It was time. I yawned and stretched, giving my signal.
“This is a great place, I can’t wait to try that lasagna.” She smiled.
“I’m glad you like it. Having a happy birthday so far?” I asked.
“The best. My favorite breakfast in bed, spending time alone with my boyfriend, a good movie, and dinner in a romantic restaurant.” She sighed contentedly. “I don’t know how this evening could be better.”
She was about to find out. As the usual background music of the restaurant faded out, “One Year Of Love” by Queen faded in.
Her blue eyes began to sparkle. “Hey, that’s our song!” Then I saw a look of realization come across her face. “Tiger, what are you up to?”
It was now or never. I looked into those blue eyes, and felt myself getting lost in them. “Krista Lynn Danvers, you are the most beautiful, loving, intelligent, and amazingly adorable woman I’d ever met. In the few months I’ve known you I feel that we’ve loved a lifetime. But I can’t do this anymore.”
I stood up, and let out a ragged, breath, I was scared, but I had to do this. I bowed to one knee and used that hand to reach into my pocket and retrieve her present. I looked back up at her. “I can’t spend one more day of my life just as your boyfriend, I love you Krista. Will you marry me?”
Instead of saying yes, she half up out of her seat, then pounced on me with the biggest hug I’d gotten in my life.
“Oof!” I’d caught her in my arms, but fell onto my back, her arms were around me so tightly, the entire restaurant couldn’t have pulled her away.
“Yes!” She said, so excited that she could barely talk.
“Kris, angel... can we get up now?” Suddenly she remembered we were in public. “Oh my gosh!” She yipped, and backed up, and sat on her seat. I got up and put the ring on her finger.
“She said yes.” I announced, as I saw every eye on us.
One by one, everyone stood up and applauded. She began looking around and gasped at the sight, then began noticing faces. The ones I didn’t recognize she introduced me to later.
My parents, her parents, Bobby and Anne, Alison and Roberta, my sister Marie and her boyfriend Steve, my brother Duncan and my sister in law Trudy, along with my nephews, her brother Ricky and her sister Susan.
“How did you pull this off?” She asked, laying her head on my chest, hugging me again.
“It’s a kind of magic.” I replied, kissing her on the top of her head.
One of those details was her birthday which was coming soon. I’d planned on making this the greatest birthday of her life, but sneaking this surprise past someone who regularly outsmarts me wasn’t going to be easy.
Over the last couple days I’d managed to work out details with my parents and left the sneaky stuff up to the people who had me convinced that there was not only a Santa Claus, but also an Easter Bunny And Tooth Fairy until I was 10.
Being that we only had a couple days to line everything up, Dad decided it was best to cut the trip short.
“I hope I didn’t get too pushy.” Krista said as we sat in the back seat of the truck on the way home. She was the least pushy person I knew.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well...” she paused, “all the stuff I asked about them about you. Then your Dad cut the trip short, I just feel like I did something.”
I took her chin in my hand, and lifted her face to look at me. “My folks love you. They’re thrilled to have you, and Mom loves telling embarrassing stories about me. Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Positive. Now cheer up or I’m going to tickle you silly.” I answered.
“You say that like it’s a threat.” She giggled.
Once we got home, I helped set a new world record in speed unpacking. Krista, thinking she needed that she needed to score points with my parents volunteered to tackle the laundry. I let her shower and change, then did the same for myself.
I came back and Krista was sitting on the couch, looking upset. I sat down and put my arms around her. She forced a smile, then sighed.
“When I came out of the laundry room, I heard your Mom and Dad taking off in the truck. They didn’t even say goodbye. Billy, is there something you’re not telling me?” I heard her throat tighten as if she was going to cry.
It broke my heart seeing her like this, but I couldn’t tell her anything without giving it away. “Krista, angel... have I ever lied to you?”
“No... but I...” I heard that tightness in her voice again, the choking sound that came before tears. I stopped her by putting my finger on her lip.
“I’m not going to start now. I’m sure they were in a hurry about something and didn’t have time to explain. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
She seemed to accept that answer, and nodded. But I caught her wiping a tear away. Without warning, I laid back on the couch, pulling her on top of me, her back against my chest.
“Hey,” she chucked nervously, “what are you doing?”
“I told you what was going to happen if you didn’t cheer up.” I answered, and began gently tickling her tummy.
“Nnnnaaahhhhahahahaha Billeeehehehe
noohohohohohoho!” She tried to protest in between giggles, then squirmed free of my grip. She stood up, then raced to the other side of the couch, biting her lip, smiling.
I knew what that look meant. And I leapt over the couch, catching her by surprise. She squealed, and ran down the hall. I chased after her, not sure if she knew that she was heading for my old bedroom.
She pushed the door open, and when her socked feet hit the wooden floor, she skidded and landed on my bed. She rolled onto her back, pushed herself up on her hands, and pushed back with her feet. She was giggling the entire time.
Before she could get up, I pounced on her, beginning my attack anew. A quick tickle to her underarms caused her to fall back. Her head landed softly on my pillows.
Thinking quickly, I pressed my thumbs into her underarms and wiggled my hands. “Oh my goooshahahaha!” She laughed, her slightly damp hair was whipping back and forth, her feet were kicking, heels drumming on the bed.
Aaaahhahahaha staaahahapp that tiiickles sooohoho baaaad!” I took that as my cue, and rolled onto the bed beside her.
“Feel better?” I asked.
“Mmmhmm...” and a kiss was her reply.
It wasn’t easy putting together the surprise I had in store for her birthday. It took a lot of sneaking around by my parents and myself saying yes and no to this and that, but when the day arrived, everything was ready.
I set my alarm to go off early, and got up to make her breakfast. I had a little help from
Mom. Pancakes were her favorite but I never got them quite right. About a half hour later, I had a stack of fluffy golden pancakes, hot maple syrup, and fresh squeezed orange juice with no pulp. Along with a birthday card signed by all of us. Topping it all off was a pink carnation, her favorite flower.
“Wake up angel.” I said, as I walked into the spare bedroom breakfast tray in hand.
She stirred and opened her beautiful blue eyes, it’s a good thing she’s such a light sleeper.
“Hmmm... hey tiger. Breakfast in bed? What’s the occasion?” She sat up, and pushed a pillow behind her.
“It’s not every day my favorite girl turns 20.” I answered, setting the tray on her lap.
“Who told you?” She asked, “those pancakes look so good... Oh my gosh! A carnation! Okay... how did you know?”
“You’re not the only one who knows how to get information.”
I brought in some breakfast for myself and sat beside her and ate. “So it’s your birthday, what do you want to go do?” I asked, then took a sip of orange juice.
“Is there a theater around here? I want to go see a movie. Then a romantic dinner in a nice restaurant.” She smiled.
“Yeah, there’s actually one about 20 minutes from here. And there’s a nice Italian place we can go after that.
While she showered and got dressed, I reached atop the fridge and pulled down the antique honey bear cookie jar and went through pictures of possible gifts for Krista. I found the perfect one, and write “This One” on the back and put it on top of the others back in the jar.
My parents had pulled another vanishing act they left their gift for Krista, along with a note with an excuse for their absence.
Hey kids,
We thought that we would leave you lovebirds alone on Krista’s big day. So we’re out grocery shopping for an end of summer party. We’ll see you when we get home later. Happy birthday Krista xoxo
Love, Mom & Dad
It was mostly true, but the important detail they left out was they were going to pick up her gift while we were out and leave it for me here. I just had to think of how I was going to get it without her noticing. At least their gift would get her mind off thinking they didn’t like her.
I heard the water stop running and the sound of humming “Happy birthday” coming from the bathroom, which signaled Krista was finishing up.
A few minutes later, she had exited fully dressed. A black sleeveless top with white trim around the neck and shoulders, modest heels, and tan hose. She wore her hair down, and the blue eye shadow really drew attention to her blue eyes.
Her trademark twirl was different this time as well. She wasn’t going for cute, although she was still very cute. But her outfit, hair, and makeup made her seem more like a woman than the girl I’d fallen in love with. Krista only pulled out this look on occasion, preferring to go with being naturally adorable.
“You look great angel, stunning...” I said excitedly. She took my breath away with the kiss she gave me, repaying my compliment.
Once I collected myself, I handed her the gift my parents got her.
“Didn’t you get me anything?” She asked teasingly.
“You’ll get it later angel, trust me, it’s worth the wait.”
I wasn’t surprised as she was when she pulled out a brand new pair of Keds. Her favorite shoes were destroyed during our camping trip.
“No way!” She exclaimed. “I love them, they’re like my old ones.”
“Except for all the bear tooth marks.” I joked, and we both laughed about the morning we awoke to a bear cub chewing on them.
“I’ll admit, it was cute.” She giggled. “Especially when I scolded him, he dropped my shoes, and seemed to bow before he ran back to the woods. Like a little prince.”
“I can’t blame him for having a crush.” I laughed.
Our clock chimed, signaling the top of the hour, I needed to get ready.
“Hit the showers tiger, it’s your turn.” I managed to tear myself away from her, but it wasn’t easy.
As I let the hot water steam up the room, I’d realized that we’d both officially ended our teenage years and were now young adults. I was thinking of her as less of a girl and more of a woman. More importantly, the woman that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.
I also formed a plot to get back here and grab her present. I’d laugh too hard at a funny line and *accidentally* spill soda on my shirt. I’d be able to grab her gift while she waited in the car.
After I’d finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror, and the first thing to come to mind was that I looked like Robert Palmer. I strode out of the bathroom humming “Addicted To Love” , and struck a cool pose I entered the living room where she was sitting on the couch waiting for me.
“Rrrowwwrr...” she purred. “Ready to go tiger?”
“You know it angel.” I said, and escorted her to the car.
It was raining again , but she waved off my offer of an umbrella, preferring to run to my car laughing the whole time. She let out a cute squeal when she realized how cold the rain was. I ran over to her side and let her in first, she plopped down in the seat, I did the same when I got to my side, and immediately turned on the heat so we could dry off.
We were fine by the time we got to the theater, I dropped her at the door to keep her out of the rain as much as possible. I met her inside a moment later, and gave her the cash for the tickets. “I picked on my birthday, your choice this time angel. I’m going to grab us a soda and popcorn.”
“Okay,” She said, kissing me on the cheek. “Just one though, we’ll share.” I kissed her back, and went to get our snacks. I’d decided to put my plan into action near the end of the movie. The extra few minutes I’d spend changing my shirt and grabbing her present would give Mom and Dad time to get everything into place.
By the time I got everything, Krista had our tickets and was waiting for me atop the ramp leading to the theaters themselves. I was glad she’d picked a romantic comedy, it would give me the opening I needed.
We headed into the theater, and found two seats in the relative privacy of the last row. The lights dimmed as we sat down. I put our soda in the drink holder and the popcorn on an empty seat beside me.
Whoever designed this theater obviously had couples in mind, because the last few rows were spaced out further, with loveseat style padded seats. With all the times I’ve been to this place, I’d never had a reason to sit in one. I put my arm around the small of her back, and she snuggled close as the movie started.
Another plan began to form in my mind. The perfect opportunity to tickle her in public without anyone but us knowing what was happening. It would be like our own private joke. I’d wait for the audience to laugh, then give her a quick tickle.
Luckily this movie was an excellent blend of romance and comedy. During the first big laugh, I let my fingers flutter against her side. Her laughter ramped up, like I’d stepped on a gas pedal.
She leaned over and whispered, “Stealth tickle attack huh?”
“I thought it’d be fun.” I whispered back.
She answered by moving her arm in a position akin to mine, where she could access my side, next to my hip.
This was working out better than I imagined, I’d just wait, pick up the soda cup, and take a sip while giving her a quick tickle. She’d fight back, and whoops!
We spent the next hour or so tickling each other back and forth squirming and laughing in our seat.
I’d waited for the right moment and pretended to be taking a sip of Coke. I gave her a gentle squeeze which brought not only a laugh from her, but she managed to nail me in just the right spot. I didn’t have to “accidentally” spill my drink, it happened.
“Aww man!” I feigned a disgusted whisper.
“Oh my gosh tiger, I’m so sorry!” She whispered.
“It’s okay angel, I had it coming. I guess you won this round huh?”
The lights came up, and she could see the dark cola stain on the front of my white shirt. Since my parents’ place wasn’t far, it only took minutes to get there. Krista opted to stay in the car out of the rain, as I raced in to change my shirt.
I found a note from Mom and a neatly wrapped little box with a pink bow beside a clean white shirt.
“Here’s your shirt, and your surprise, everything is set, good luck.
Love, Mom & Dad”
I quickly donned the shirt, straightened my tie, pocketed her gift and ran back to the car. She didn’t suspect a thing as we drove to dinner. This was going to be the night of her life.
We arrived at the restaurant, I hope everyone could stay out of sight until it was time. I held the door open for her as usual, and we walked to the host podium. “Hi there, we have a reservation for two, under Cooper.”
I saw his eyes light up, he must have heard what I was planning, but a look from me and a slight nod from him made sure my plan wouldn’t be ruined. “Yes sir, and miss...right this way.”
He sat us at a table at the rear of the restaurant. The smell of oregano, tomato sauce, and basil hung pleasantly in the air. I saw several heads in the crowd duck or turn away. Everyone was here.
“Our finest table for the young lovers.” He said, as I pulled the chair out for her.
“Aww thank you,” she said to the host, “and thank you.” She said to me as she sat down.
The waitress came over a moment later and took our order. And we waited for our salad. As I looked across the table at my girlfriend, I felt my heart swell with love. We’d been together less than a year, but she was the one. I felt it, not just in my heart, but in my soul. I knew it as sure as I knew there was a God in heaven. I was sitting here falling in love further with the most beautiful woman I’d ever met.
It was time. I yawned and stretched, giving my signal.
“This is a great place, I can’t wait to try that lasagna.” She smiled.
“I’m glad you like it. Having a happy birthday so far?” I asked.
“The best. My favorite breakfast in bed, spending time alone with my boyfriend, a good movie, and dinner in a romantic restaurant.” She sighed contentedly. “I don’t know how this evening could be better.”
She was about to find out. As the usual background music of the restaurant faded out, “One Year Of Love” by Queen faded in.
Her blue eyes began to sparkle. “Hey, that’s our song!” Then I saw a look of realization come across her face. “Tiger, what are you up to?”
It was now or never. I looked into those blue eyes, and felt myself getting lost in them. “Krista Lynn Danvers, you are the most beautiful, loving, intelligent, and amazingly adorable woman I’d ever met. In the few months I’ve known you I feel that we’ve loved a lifetime. But I can’t do this anymore.”
I stood up, and let out a ragged, breath, I was scared, but I had to do this. I bowed to one knee and used that hand to reach into my pocket and retrieve her present. I looked back up at her. “I can’t spend one more day of my life just as your boyfriend, I love you Krista. Will you marry me?”
Instead of saying yes, she half up out of her seat, then pounced on me with the biggest hug I’d gotten in my life.
“Oof!” I’d caught her in my arms, but fell onto my back, her arms were around me so tightly, the entire restaurant couldn’t have pulled her away.
“Yes!” She said, so excited that she could barely talk.
“Kris, angel... can we get up now?” Suddenly she remembered we were in public. “Oh my gosh!” She yipped, and backed up, and sat on her seat. I got up and put the ring on her finger.
“She said yes.” I announced, as I saw every eye on us.
One by one, everyone stood up and applauded. She began looking around and gasped at the sight, then began noticing faces. The ones I didn’t recognize she introduced me to later.
My parents, her parents, Bobby and Anne, Alison and Roberta, my sister Marie and her boyfriend Steve, my brother Duncan and my sister in law Trudy, along with my nephews, her brother Ricky and her sister Susan.
“How did you pull this off?” She asked, laying her head on my chest, hugging me again.
“It’s a kind of magic.” I replied, kissing her on the top of her head.